2024 Progr. - Event No. 12  The 2024 Christmas Social

EVENT NUMBER 12      The 2024 Christmas Social

Frank’s restaurant or the Forum (Eastfield site)


Thursday 5th December 2024 – Free*


Members Only


This is an informal pre-Christmas gathering for our members at the end of the working day, to allow present as well as past employees to socialize in a less formal setting than the Annual Dinner. Some members of the Executive Team will be present.

Tea or coffee with sandwiches and mince pies will be provided.


Timing:   4.45 – 7.00pm (note this may change) 


N.B. Entry to the Perkins site will only be given to those members who have completed the appropriate booking form in advance of the event, which is for Members only. There is no opportunity to visit any other part of the site. 


* There will be no charge for this event, however we are once again charging a deposit of £10 to cover the cost of food, which will be returned when you attend. (At the event in previous years we catered for all those who had booked, and unfortunately a significant number failed to come, which involved us in unnecessary cost.)


The event is free if you come!

£10 Deposit with Event No. 12 Booking form by 5th Nov 2024.

Click on the link below to access the Form 


To complete the form, click on the link above to display the Form.