2022 AGM Webmaster's Report

Webmaster’s  report for the PLSC 2022 AGM in April 2022, by David Foster (Webmaster)


The new website launched last year is working well and seems to be liked by users.

I have received comments that it is easy to navigate around and its appearance is crisp and modern.

We had a few teething problems to start with, some people couldn’t access it at all. This turned out to be an issue with the different providers out there and was resolved by putting www into the website’s address at the front.

So if anyone is having difficulties, just insert www and that should make the website available to everyone. 

I keep the website up to date, with latest details, for example of the 2022 events, being posted very shortly after they are known, Gold Award information for submitters, news of deceased members. 

I am pleased to advise Bob Gregory-Smith has kindly agreed to be signed up as co-webmaster.

He can now alter, add or delete anything on the website just the same as me.

Most importantly his website presence provides security and continuity if I ever had a dispute with a German bus! 

I have installed a monitoring system, to follow how many hits per day the website receives. On average it’s about 8 to 9 per day and not always the same people.  The most reviewed pages are the events and interestingly the Heritage snippets and Deceased members pages. 

Please let me know if you have ideas or suggestions, I am always on the lookout for continuous improvement.