PREC (Perkins Retired Employees Club) News

Co-operation with Perkins Retired Employees Club (PREC)

We (Perkins Long Service Club) are exploring ways of working more closely with PREC which are mutually advantageous to both Clubs.

To start this process off, PREC have extended an invite to our Members to join them at their monthly Social Evening, as guests, on payment of a “donation” of £2.  These meetings take place on the 1st Friday of each month, at the Peterborough & District Indoor Bowls Centre, 19 Burton Street, PE1 5HA   The evening starts at 7pm, when there will be a short Bingo session, followed by Entertainment, and a Raffle, suitably supported by a very reasonably priced bar.   

Both Clubs have some events that only their own Members can attend, such as Annual General Meetings, and the PLSC Annual Dinner.

The Long Service Club arranges 2 holidays and up to 5 day trips a year, and these will be made available to PREC Members, but if places are limited, then PLSC Members must get priority.  For more details of PLSC trips, PREC Members can contact as well as viewing the information on this website.  

PREC also arrange some trips during the year.  Examples have been visits to the Silverstone Museum, Sheringham, Cromer and Lincoln. The East Coast trips are primarily to take their Lawn Bowling Team to away matches, but that leaves plenty of time for the non-bowlers to look around and have their fish & chips on the prom!

If you are interested in any of the PREC trips then please contact Molly Stratton on or 01733 571586.