2022 AGM Conservation Report

Our normal working season is early September to early April. This timing is driven by the fact that most of the work we do is concerned with hedges and trees, and we are not allowed to it between mid-April and late August, as that could interfere with the birds’ nesting activities.

The 2021 / 2022 season got off to a slow start, as team members are busy catching up on all their holidays that were postponed from previous years!  However we started work at Swaddywell Pit at the beginning of September, and at Deeping Lakes at the beginning of October.  The work at both sites has involved a fair bit of grass management and the control of unwanted invasive species, as well as hedge and tree management. Swaddywell has rather less hedges and trees than Deeping, but has an interesting challenge in the form of clearing and cleaning up the rock faces on the geology trail.

I thank our team, who turn out on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month, in all weathers, and do a good day’s work, all for the sake of fruit cake, and the banter!  The supply of cake can easily be increased, and we would welcome more volunteers to help us – there is always plenty of work to do on these Reserves!

Once again we thank the Wardens – Dave Vandome of the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust, and Chris Hopper of the Langdyke Trust – who have made us feel so welcomed and appreciated at their reserves.

Garth Perry
