Payment and Fees

Membership is subject to the minimum qualification of 15 years service with Perkins, or of a Caterpillar employee who has been based at Peterborough for a part of his or her employment, and who has a total of 15 years of service with the Company. The service does not have to be continuous.

Annual Membership

The annual subscription is £5 and is due on the 1st April each year.

The preferred method of payment for those in employment or in receipt of a Company Pension is by monthly direct deduction though Payroll or the Company Pension scheme.

Where payroll or pension deduction is not possible, you can set up an annual Standing Order from your bank to the Club's bank. Contact the Membership Secretary, currently Anna Errico, on the Club email account below for the account details and what reference to use. Cash or cheques are non-preferred methods of paying annual subscriptions.

Lifetime membership

An alternative to paying monthly or annually you can become a Life Member which can be paid by cheque or bank transfer.

The subscription for lifetime membership is dependant on the applicant's age as follows:-

Life Membership fees from 1st May 2022

Age last Birthday Fee

30-39 £120

40-49 £100

50-54 £90

55-59 £75

60-64 £65

65-69 £50

70-74 £35

75-79 £5 pa to age 80 paid up front

Other fees

In addition to any annual or life membership fees due, an administration fee of £20 shall be payable by anyone joining the Club, for the first time, any time after their 70th birthday.

Any former member who wishes to re-join the Club shall pay all subscriptions which would have been due if their membership had been continuous, up to a maximum of £20.

Please make cheques payable to Perkins Long Service Club

and post to:-

Perkins Long Service Club,

c/o Bill Guest

Perkins Engines,



Please do not forget to put on the back of your cheque your Full Name, Postal Code and Date of Birth.

Or contact Anna Errico by email on

for directions on how to send the forms to her.