From David Goldspink

Patron’s Foreword, Perkins Long Service Club

David Goldspink, May 2019

Foreword from December 2013:

I am delighted and honoured to take over the role as Patron from Tana Utley, our departing Vice President.

As a 25 year Caterpillar employee and member of the Perkins Long Service Club I truly understand the business and personal benefits

of long service. I have many friends who are still working and who have retired within the Long Service Club and I look forward to

meeting with you all regularly as I carry out my duties as Patron.

The good work that the Club undertakes each year in the community helps sustain the Perkins brand locally and nationally.

Once again I am delighted to be chosen as your Patron and look forward to working with you all to ensure the successful future of this

wonderful organisation.

Best regards,

David Goldspink