2024 Contact,Payment,On-line,Gen.Info, Booking Conditions,Disclaimer


For all queries contact us by email on plsc.communications@gmail.com

For membership queries please call Anna Errico on 07765 858941 or email plsc.communications@gmail.com



Payments may be made by cheque or Bank Transfer. Please submit separate payments for each event when booking or paying the final instalments.

Please pay attention to the due dates for payment. Final payment reminders with a payment slip will be sent out by email if you have provided your email address, otherwise by mail. Cheques must be sent with the relevant booking form or final payment reminder slip. Please see below if you want to pay by Bank Transfer.


On-Line Bank Transfers and paperless booking.

You can pay for events by on-line bank transfer to the club bank account and you can also download booking forms from the Club website, edit them and submit them electronically.

To keep control of the several hundred bookings that we get each year, and to match booking forms to payments, we have had to put in place some rules which we ask you to observe:

1.  Separate bank transfers for separate events. No exceptions please!

2.  A booking form must be submitted at the same time as payment is made (not before payment, as we will not accept bookings without payment.)

3.  Booking forms can be posted to the address shown or sent electronically to plsc.eventbookings@gmail.com. (Not to our general email)

4.  If you send a booking form electronically, you must pay by on-line bank transfer.

5.  Supplying a Bank Reference for each transfer is essential:

a.   You must fill in the Reference field (Bank Reference) each time on your banking app or bank’s website when setting up the on-line transfer.

b.   This Bank Reference must be in the format: EV<event number in the programme>_<Member's family name>. Thus, the Bank Reference on a transfer for Event 4 by A.N.Other would be Ev4_Other (or Ev4_A.N.Other if your name is likely to be confused with someone else’s).

c.   Quote the Bank Reference and the date of the transfer on the booking form so that we can match the transfer to the booking.

d.   Remember to change the Bank Reference field for each new transfer because the last reference you used will still be showing on your banking App.

6.  The member making the booking must pay for themselves and all their guests at the same time. (It would be difficult matching booking forms to payments if guests paid separately directly for themselves).

7.  The bank account is Perkins Long Service Club. Sort code 20-67-37 (Barclays, Peterborough). A/c No. 00695661

General Information:

For your own safety and comfort, we require you to provide the additional information (where requested) on the back of each booking form.

The Committee reserves the right to cancel any event with full refund if not enough bookings (usually 25-30) are received by the closing date.

Comfort stops are made on route where applicable. All holidays and day trip prices include gratuities for drivers and guides and meals where shown.

Itineraries are provisional and may change. The departure place and time can be different for every trip and will be notified to you after booking. Please be at the departure point 10 minutes before the coach is due to leave. Contact details of the Committee Member leading the trip will be given when you book in case of any queries or if have any difficulties on the day.

Members and guests are responsible for making their own insurance arrangements for Club trips. We strongly recommend that straight after booking any holiday, travellers ensure that they have travel insurance.

Booking Conditions:

1. It is the responsibility of the person making the booking to advise all persons on their booking of the Booking Conditions and Disclaimer.

2. The first payment for any trip (of the deposit or full amount) shall be deemed to confirm acceptance of the Booking Conditions and Disclaimer by all persons on the booking.

3. Bookings are accepted on a first come first served basis and bookings will not be accepted without payment.

4. Carriage of mobility aids is at the sole discretion of the coach operator.

5. In the event of cancellation by the traveller, refunds are at the discretion of the Executive Committee. The Club policy on cancellation refunds is on the website.


Please note that the Club or any member of the Executive Committee cannot be held responsible for any expense or loss incurred by members or guests.

This includes for example:

·   Payments for signatures on claim forms

·   Expense incurred for loss of luggage

·   Medical expenses not covered by insurance

·   Travel delays (including missed shows due to road delays)

·   Missed departure from Peterborough or any other pick-up point.  A mobile phone number will always be available in case of emergency.


If you have any queries, email us at plsc.communications@gmail.com or call Bob Gregory-Smith – Activities Group Secretary: Tel 01733 579224 / 07718 970470 or Garth Perry – Past President: Tel 01778 347932 (answerphone)