2023 AGM Treasurer's Report

Treasurer’s Report

PLSC AGM 2023 



The treasurer would like to highlight the following matters in the accounts provided before the meeting :-


The club made a loss for the year of £3,302. This was entirely due to the Annual Dinner which made a loss of £3,403. At the last AGM it was agreed that the club should spend some of its surplus cash on the members – the Annual Dinner is our largest event which most members attend so it seemed appropriate and equitable to spend it in this way and celebrate our 60th anniversary.


The club’s policy is to aim to break-even on a minimum number of guests for the social events for which we charge. Thanks to the hard work of the social events team we made a small profit on each of the activities. This has not been the case for a long while.


General and website costs increased by £698 as the Committee spent money on banners and general publicity material to be used onsite to increase membership within the current workforce.


The cash balance declined over the year from £19,629 to £16,427


Thanks to Laurence Dobney, our auditor, for his hard work and willingness to do the same again next year.