2024 AGM Webmaster's Report

Webmaster’s  report for the PLSC 2024 AGM in March 2024, by David Foster (Webmaster)

The new website launched in 2021 continues to work well and seems to be liked by users. It has many modern features compared with the original version.

For example the capability to download Booking Forms which can either be printed or completed electronically, with online banking and despatch by email. More and more members are using this feature, compared with previous years.

We have two new additions to the website this year, on the communications front. Firstly, it is now possible to easily view the latest version of the Perkins Power News magazine, which contains the latest and interesting information about the Company’s products, people, customers and distributors. There is a direct link from our website to the Company’s, straight to the Power News. Secondly, we have introduced a new ABOUT US section. Here, website visitors can read a compact overview of what the Club is about, particularly useful for new members and those considering becoming members. With regard to the latter, I have added the Flyer used and still used in the recruiting activities, with a few photos and pictures of what goes on, not just words. Whilst adding this to the section, I included access to the 8 page prestige Diamond Jubilee brochure that we handed out to everyone who came to the 2022 Anniversary Annual Dinner. Both documents can be downloaded from the website too. In this section I have included too a short report with photos of a typical recruitment session held in Franks in February this year.

I am pleased to advise Bob Gregory-Smith continues to be on board as co-webmaster. He can alter, add or delete anything on the website just the same as I.

Most importantly his website presence provides security and continuity.

The new monitoring system by Google shows us how many hits per day the website receives. On average it’s about 12 to 15 per day and not always the same people.  Bob also has access to this. We can see what they’ve viewed, and where they’re viewing from, but not who they are. The most reviewed pages are the events each year and interestingly the Deceased members pages. Please let me know if you have any ideas or suggestions, I am always on the lookout for continuous improvement.