Motions for 2022 AGM

Motions for 2022 AGM


1.       That an addition is made to Rule 13 (Subscriptions) as follows:

      “Any former member who wishes to re-join the club shall pay all subscriptions which would have been due if their membership had been continuous, up to a maximum of £20.”

And that this rule change will supersede the provision that those re-joining the club over the age of 70 shall pay a £20 administration fee.  The provision to charge an administration fee of £20 to those joining the Club for the first time over the age of 70 will remain.

Justification – Membership of the Club should be viewed as a long term commitment to the Club and its aims, not something to be dipped in and out of at will, or depending on whether someone wants to attend the annual dinner that year!

2.       That the life membership fees are changed to be:

Life Membership fees from 1st May 2022

Age last Birthday Proposed Fee
30-39 £120
40-49 £100
50-54 £90
55-59 £75
60-64 £65
65-69 £50
70-74 £35
75-79 £5 pa to age 80 paid up front

Justification: Since the rules were changed to admit those with 15 years’ service, the Club could get new members who are still in their 30’s. The current schedule does not allow for those under 40.

In the older age brackets, the current life membership fees give progressively larger discounts with age, to the point where a person joining at age 70 pays just £15 which is 70% discount on what they would pay if they remained on an annual subscription. This proposal addresses that issue, mainly affecting those over 65.



Both motions to be proposed and Seconded by the Executive Committee