January 2024


Where it all began

On January 3, 1961, a group of long-serving employees of F. Perkins Limited had the idea of creating a membership club to recognise both long service and maintain the bonds of fellowship. Little did they know it, but the club’s founders had established a group which would continue to endure for more than 60 years.

The aims of the club as stated at its inaugural meeting were: ‘To maintain the bonds of fellowship through the activities of the club and to advance the interests of the company wherever and whenever possible.’

Over the years the club has added to its list of activities with a wide range of outings and social events, all of which boosted club membership.

Membership criteria

The present-day Long Service Club maintains the traditions originally set, although it has adapted over the years to changing requirements. For example, membership of the Club is now open to any current or former employee of Perkins, or of Caterpillar who has been based in Peterborough for a part of their employment, and who has a total of 15 years of service with the company. The service does not have to be continuous.

What the Club does now

The main event in the Club’s calendar is the annual dinner, held in May, attended by more than 100 members and senior company representatives. The dinner has proved to be very popular with members as they catch up with current and former long serving colleagues.

During the year, the Club’s Social Committee also organise a series of events, including a Christmas social, day excursions, conservation work, theatre visits and short breaks. The Club also supports the Company’s charity partners through its activities and promotes the image of the Company in the Community.

Going forward

With the support of the company, the Club Committee has held numerous membership recruitment activities to increase current employee membership and we have a further four planned for 2024.

The Club is intent on continuously improving the products and services it provides its members and to that end a 6 Sigma project has been raised to develop a short-, medium- and long-term strategy under the leadership of Bill Guest to ensure the continued success of the Club.

We are always looking for members to join the Committee, especially those still employed in the Company and if you are interested, please contact Bill Guest on email wguest2@cat.com.

More information

If you are keen to learn more about the Perkins Long Service Club or would like to join, then this website is a great way to obtain all the information you need. 

We will be providing ongoing communications and updates regarding the Club’s activities and its development so please watch this space.

For the membership recruitment drives mentioned above we prepared a Flyer for potential members to take away with them, when they called by at the Club's stand in Franks restaurant. It describes the Club's activities with a few pictures too and is shown below:

The Flyer is also available as a download, just click on the link below and save it to your computer or smartphone:


 In 2022 the Club celebrated its Diamond Jubilee and a prestige brochure (8 pages) was prepared and given to everyone who attended that year's Anniversary Annual Dinner. It contained the history about the Club and information on many of its members. An extract from the brochure is shown below. To view the whole document and if you wish, download it, simply click on the link below: 



A Membership recruitment drive was held in Franks restaurant on 28th February 2024 and several employees signed up to become new Members of the Club. The photo below shows the PLSC stand with members of the committee 'on duty'.

L to R: Garth Perry, Anna Errico, Bob Gregory-Smith

Michell Wyld was also present, but not on the photo.

The new PLSC banner used at recruitment drives