Report on 61st Annual Dinner in 2023

The Perkins Long Service Club 61st Annual Dinner was held on Friday 19th May 2023 at the Holiday Inn Peterborough West. Stuart Morgan was again Master of Ceremonies for the evening.

Stuart Morgan

Stuart welcomed the guests, starting with the Club’s Patron, David Goldspink, who is Caterpillar UK Country Director and Industrial Power Systems Vice President and General Manager. He then welcomed the special guest speaker, former Perkins President, Mike Baunton CBE.

The other senior company guests were welcomed:

·  Neil Britten-Austin, Small Engines Product Manager

·  Ron Wu, Wuxi Facility Manager

·  Emily Fedun, Commercial Manager

·  Carina Hoskisson, 3.6 Litre Engine Product Manager

·  Chris Blin, Human Resources Manager

·  Sylvia Burwood, Strategy Manager

also representatives from the Team Gold Award Projects who would be introduced later.

At the dinner the Club was again be raising money for the Company’s Charity Partners who, again this year, are Sue Ryder Thorpe Hall Hospice and the mental health charity, Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and South Lincolnshire Mind, otherwise known as CPSL Mind. Stuart challenged the assembled company to beat the record total from the previous year of £1,111. Note: details of the Charity "competition" are recorded near the end of this report, the amount collected was £1076.00, which will be matched by the Company.

Dinner consisted of chicken liver parfait with caramelised onion chutney and bloomer toasts as a starter, followed by a main course of thyme roasted pork loin, baked apples and cider gravy. The dessert was apple and cinnamon pie with vanilla custard, with coffee or tea and mints to follow. The wines were 2020 Primotivo Salento, Boheme from Italy and 2020 Chenin Blanc, Stormy Cape from South Africa.

During dinner a slideshow (created by Bob Gregory-Smith) was shown containing images from the start of the Company and the founding of the Long Service Club, including some of the very early dinners. Many of these had been shown last year, but some people would have missed them, and they still generated considerable interest. Images from the 2022 dinner were also included plus some pictures of the Christmas Social and the AGM.

Throughout the evening two screens in the bar were also showing videos from the company archive which Simon Kelsall had digitised and in the interval two short videos from that archive were shown – one about the Fletton V8 Factory and the other of the last day at Queen Street. All the films shown can be found on our website by clicking on the link below:

At the end of dinner, for the first time in the 62-year history of the club, the loyal toast was “The King” (rather than “The Queen!”)

Stuart inviting the diners to the loyal toast to The King

After a short comfort break, during which diners were able to have their pictures taken by Toby Mears, the formal part of the evening was resumed.

President’s Speech

Garth Perry addressed the dinner. He thanked David Goldspink for his continued support for the club, then went on to talk about the successful progress that the Executive Committee has been making to strengthen the Club and ensure its long-term future, which followed from a number of years of declining membership. In the last 12 months Garth reported that a recruitment drive had been underway, specifically targeting those still in employment at Peterborough, and as a result 61 new members had been recruited, mainly from that group.

Garth giving his address

Garth talked about the 6-Sigma project, sponsored by David Goldspink, which the Club is running to consider the strategic direction of the club and what members (and potential recruits) want from the club. He emphasised that the Club needs to serve all its members, both those retired and those still working. In this context he was pleased to report that the project had already borne some results, as three of the members of the project - Michele Wyld, Al Wells and Cliff Gillis – had all joined the Committee.

Garth expressed his gratitude to the Company for its continued support, and he thanked the Committee and Club members for their support, and wished all those present an enjoyable evening.

He ended by proposing a toast to the Company.

Patron’s Speech

David Goldspink was invited to respond on behalf of the Company.

He said that it was always a pleasure to come to this dinner. He said the company had a strong first quarter and expressed confidence in the future. He talked about Caterpillar’s commitment to sustainability which covers all aspects of the business.

David giving his response

He moved on to the relaunch of the Perkins brand, which is to ensure that the brand remains a leader in sustainable power solutions with the new tagline “Together, we power ahead” incorporating all power solutions including diesel engines, hybrid powertrains and batteries. 

David talked about the opportunities to reconnect with customers for the first time in three years at Bauma in October 2022, the first major construction show since the pandemic. There was a heavy focus on sustainability, and a range of power system technology and service solutions to support OEMs manage their energy transition to reduce their carbon impact, including 48, 300 and 600 volt battery configurations - two of which were on display at the dinner that evening.

A Cat battery pack

A Perkins battery pack

The capability of the engines to use lower carbon intensity fuels including hydrogenated vegetable oils and biodiesel up to B20 was also showcased.

He then showed a short video highlighting the new products the company launched at ConExpo, Perkins ConExpo video, which outlined the three power solution launches. The video can be viewed on the following link:!AvXfwrJIS4jQg_0O-VV5nwt3DAufDg?e=bSYGpV  

David said that the releases were exciting for the future of the company, and he closed by wishing the assembled diners an enjoyable evening.

Guest Speaker

Stuart Morgan then introduced the special guest speaker, Mike Baunton CBE. Stuart said that Mike describes himself as Former President of Perkins Engines and serial non-executive director.

However, Stuart pointed out that he had enjoyed a very distinguished career, saying that Mike had spent over 40 years in manufacturing at Tenneco Inc, and as a Vice President of Caterpillar Inc. He was a Past President of the Engineering Employers Federation and Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders. He was currently Non-Executive Chairman of the SMMT Industry Forum and VTL group, and also a non-executive director of ACAL Energy, Cabauto and TT Electronics plc. In 2004 he was awarded a CBE for services to the UK automotive and engineering industries.

Mike at the start of his speech 

Mike Baunton said he was honoured to be invited to speak. He had been invited for the Club’s Diamond anniversary last year but was overseas. However, he was pleased to be at the dinner this year and to be able to celebrate another anniversary with us – 25 years since Caterpillar acquired Perkins. He was delighted to see the progress since 1998 and told an anecdote of when he and Tony Gilroy were flying (by Concorde as it happened) to the USA during the negotiations with Caterpillar, only to find that two Cummins executives were seated in the row behind. Of course, they were unable to discuss the “deal” and had to consume red wine instead!

Mike mentioned that Tony Gilroy had passed away almost a year ago and at the funeral he was able to reunite with Allan Arnott, Bruce Anderson and Martin Fisher. Victor Rice could not be there, and Mike had arranged to meet him shortly afterwards in the US, only to hear a few weeks later that Victor himself had passed away. Mike then spoke warmly of his former colleague, neighbour and friend, Hans Haefeli, another former Patron of our club, who passed away 3 years ago after losing his battle with cancer. Mike underlined the importance of regular health check-ups which had been widely unavailable during the Covid -19 pandemic, based on his own experience.

Hans Haefeli

He said he had had a lot of fun since retiring from Caterpillar in 2009, working for an energy company, then a fuel cell business before becoming chair of the SMMT Industry Forum among other executive roles.

He then told us that, as a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Coach and Harness Makers, he was awarded the Freedom of the City of London. Among other things he is entitled to drive his sheep across London Bridge, cannot be arrested for being drunk and disorderly within the square mile of the City and, should he be sentenced to death by hanging, was entitled to the comfort of a silk rope!

Mike enjoying relating his privileges of the Freedom of the City of London

He concluded by talking of the future, and said that while the world seemed to have fallen in love with electric and battery vehicles, he was convinced that there was still a future for internal combustion engines, some using zero emission hydrogen fuel, but in many territories there will still be a role for traditional diesel engines for some years to come. He said that there would be a range of technologies and solutions but was sure that Perkins would remain at the heart of the industry evolution. In the words of the new Perkins tagline – “Together, we power ahead”.

Presentation to Mike Baunton

As Mike sat down, Garth came forward and thanked Mike for coming saying that he would not want Mike to leave empty handed but, before he made his presentation, he wanted to remind Mike of a couple of events from his tenure at Perkins which David Foster had dug out of his extensive stock of back-copies of the Perkins Echo.

Garth surprising Mike.....

First, he reminded Mike of his visit to China as part of a trade delegation with the then Prime Minister Tony Blair.

Second, he said that as former Patron of the Club, he may like to be reminded of his attendance at a previous Club dinner in 2002, captured by the Perkins Echo, when Jill Afford was President.

Garth then said that in recognition of Mike’s support for our Club, and his outstanding contribution to the Company and British industry we would like him to accept Honorary Membership of the Perkins Long Service Club. David presented Mike with a framed certificate, for which Mike thanked the Club, saying that he looked forward to attending future dinners.

Mike happily receiving his Honorary Membership 

Team Gold Award Presentations

Stuart outlined the purpose of the Team Gold Award, which is to recognise the achievements made by a team to enhance the Industrial Engines business at Peterborough and associated facilities globally, through growing the people, products and reputation of the business, while demonstrating the Caterpillar values of teamwork, personal commitment, excellence and sustainability.

Stuart said that the evaluating committee, when looking at the quality of all the projects being undertaken and the commitment of the team’s members, are confident that our company remains in good hands.

This year a record 7 projects were submitted for the Team Gold Award, all were of high quality and reflected a wide variety of project activity. The quality was such that this year the top three projects were separated by only 2 points, but unfortunately there had to be a winner!

In Third place was the Project Fenix team. This team secured the long-term security of supply of the 1.5 and 2.2 Litre iDi engine cylinder blocks. 

They redesigned the production process to almost double the line capacity, established new local sources for the castings and other parts, and installed the line in Changshu. It has now been operating for 12 months and has achieved all its major goals.

The team was very diverse, with core members based in Wuxi and Peterborough as well as Changshu, and the extended team of 132 people was spread over 5 countries. Their commitment ensured that they completed the whole project in 11 months and their focus on excellence improved safety and quality to world class standards.

Cliff Gillis, leader of the third-placed team Project Fenix, came forward to receive the certificate from David Goldspink.

Cliff Gillis receiving his certificate from David

Runner Up in the 2023 Team Gold Award competition was the team which developed the capability and competencies in the company to handle Electrified Power Systems in GED-UK.

Caterpillar is at the forefront of development of battery-powered off-highway machines, and Global Engine Development UK has been involved in supporting the design and integration of the battery packs into these machines.

This team had to prepare a number of machines to demonstrate in October 2022 at Bauma, the premier tri-annual construction industry show in Europe. The work undertaken by this team has provided a learning platform to support related activities across the wider business.

Alan Davies and Stuart Smith from the Project Team that developed Electrified Power Systems Capability and Competency in GED-UK came forward to receive their runner-up certificate from David Goldspink.

L to R: Stuart Smith, David and Alan Davies

Team Gold Award Winner

The Winner of the 2023 Team Gold Award was the team which established a second manufacturing facility for the 4.4 and 7.1 Litre engines in Wuxi, China, to better serve customers in Asia who consume these engines.

The team had to liaise across continents to establish an assembly facility in Wuxi that would manufacture these engines to the same standards as Peterborough. They had to implement a new part numbering system, work with Global Purchase to set up the new supply chain, ensure that the engines were fully certified to current emission standards and liaise with customers to ensure a smooth transition.

The project was launched in 2020 and completed in July 2022. 

An emphasis on product quality, legislative compliance and safety was maintained throughout the project, which delivered significant business benefits.

The lead customer in Asia gave unsolicited feedback, praising the team for their collaborative approach, excellent communication and project execution.

Yun Qian and Daiva Scoditti from the 1200 Series Wuxi Introduction Team came forward to receive the Team Gold Award trophy and certificate from David Goldspink.

L to R: Daiva Scoditti, David, Yun Qian

Honorary Membership Certificates

Honorary Membership of the Club is awarded to members who have reached the age of 80 since the last dinner.

22 members turned 80 in the last year, of whom 4 were present at the dinner and received their certificates from David Goldspink:

·  Les Ashton

·  Terry Copeman

·  Geoff Dunmore

·  Leopold (usually known as Tony) Jones

Les Ashton

Terry Copeman

Geoff Dunmore

Tony Jones

The names of the other 18 members who turned 80 in the past 12 months were shown on the screen and will have received their certificates by post. They were:

·      Percy Brown

·      Douglas Crampton

·      Mel Heriot

·      Peter Knaggs

·      Mike Linnell

·      Barry Mackender

·      Umberto Mangieri

·      B Oxborough

·      Derek Page

·      Chris Rea

·      Dick Smith

·      Terry Smith

·      John Stern

·      David Stone

·      Peter Stones

·      Wendy Stratton

·      D Wales

·      Norman Wainwright

Quarter Centurion of the Year Rose Bowl

The final award of the evening always carries much interest for individual Club members as it is the Quarter Centurion of the Year. It is awarded to a member who has made an outstanding, special contribution over the years to the Community (locally or nationally), the Club or the Company.

The citation for this year’s winner read:

“This long-standing Member retired from Perkins 14 years ago, at the age of 61, after almost 40 years of service with the Company.  Volunteering as a Lions minibus driver, making dozens, if not hundreds of trips a year, this person took mainly elderly people from the town to various social activities in the surrounding towns and villages, which they would not otherwise have been able to attend.  This phase of volunteering, which enabled local people to attend such functions as Bingo, St. Raphael’s, Lunch Clubs, and Over 60’s Clubs was a vital social lifeline to many in the Community, and continued until our Member reached the age of 70.

“Additionally, soon after retirement, this volunteering extended to a Voluntary Car Service, administered by a local organisation, for the benefit of the residents of the Parish.  This “very willing volunteer”, completed several trips a week, driving many thousands of miles in his own car, taking people to medical appointments, both locally and further afield.  Journeys have been made to Cambridge, Leicester, Norwich, and hospitals in the Midlands – passengers say that “nothing is too much trouble for him”.

This extremely important service was continued throughout the Pandemic when many other drivers understandably withdrew their help.

He continues to transport those who would otherwise find it difficult to attend appointments unaided, but do not qualify for NHS transport.

“We have been told that he is “A true volunteering hero for the Community”.

“That Community is Crowland, and the Long Service Club is pleased to honour Roy Savage, as the Quarter Centurion of the Year 2023.”

Roy Savage receiving the Award from Stuart and Beverley Spridgeon

Roy thanked the Club for the award.

Charity Collection Competition

The Club raised money again at the dinner for the Company’s charities – Sue Ryder Thorpe Hall Hospice and the mental health charity CPSL Mind

A competition between the tables was devised whereby each table was awarded draw tickets in relation to the amount per head collected thus ensuring all tables had an opportunity to win the star prize, but that the chance of winning was related to the amount donated.

Members and guests raised a generous total of £1076.00, which again will be matched by the Company.

David Goldspink drew the ticket to identify the wining table. Those at the table came forward to draw a card to determine the winner of the star prize of dinner, bed and breakfast for two at the Holiday Inn. Paul Smith drew the highest card.

At this point there was a moment of pure comedy when Paul said he should not receive the prize, because he had actually forgotten to bring any money and so had not contributed! He donated the prize to the person with the second highest card who was Graham Palmer. The other members at the table received a bottle of wine.

Graham Palmer receiving the first prize

‘Thanks’ and Closing words:

In closing the formalities for the evening, Stuart again thanked David Goldspink for his presence and especially for his patronage of, and support for, our Club which made the evening not only possible, but the key event in the Club’s year.

Thanks were extended to all the guests, especially Mike Baunton, and also to Neil Kitson and Annette Ward for arranging the artwork and printing of the tickets, menus and certificates and for the battery packs which were displayed. Also to Toby Mears, whose photographs appear in this report.

Stuart expressed thanks to the Executive Committee for their work in organising the Dinner.

Stuart and Garth enjoying the closing words

Garth thanked Stuart for his work as MC and presented him with a bottle of wine.

Stuart thanking Garth for the gift, closing the formal part of the evening and announcing next year's dinner date

Stuart hoped that we would meet again at various club events and announced that the date for next year’s dinner is to be Friday 10th May 2024.


Report by Bob Gregory-Smith

Below are some pictures taken during the evening:

L to R: Stuart Clark, Terry Clark and Roger Warren

Chris Milton, centre, talking to Stuart Morgan, left, Martin Garfield, behind right

Alan Fuller and Sandra Martin

Simon Kelsall

L to R: Graham Palmer and Roy Chowings

Martin Judge

Julie Betts

Caroline Trimmer, Tracey Sutton in the background

Matt Eddings

L to R: Nigel Baseley, David Towell, John Broughton, John Baxter

David Boulton, left, Roger Warren, far right

L to R: Tony Fowler and Graham Palmer

Maureen Fenn

Laurence Dobney

Cliff Gillis

Yvonne Bullimore

Terry Clark

John Dorward speaking to Ron Wu

Carolyn Eley, left, Beverley Spridgeon, far right

Nigel Burroughs

Nigel Baseley and Michelle Wyld

Group shot, the top table

Emily Fedun and Chris Blin

L to R: Daiva Scoditti, Sylvia Burwood and Yun Qian

Peter and Beverley Spridgeon

L to R: Carina Hoskisson and Emily Fedun

L to R: Martin Enright, Daren Barrs, Ray Wade

L to R: Martin Garfield and Chan Wadher

L to R: John Barrs, Mychelle Wyld and Daren Barrs

Sue Murray and Neil Britten-Austin

L to R: Anna Errico and Pam Reeves

Stuart Clark and Pam Reeves

L to R: Tony Jones, Les Ashton, Albert Rogers

L to R: Ron Wu, Daiva Scoditti, Yun Qian, Sylvia Burwood

Ron Wu

L to R: Caroline Trimmer, Julie Betts, Phil Smart, Tracey Sutton, Michelle Wyld

L to R: Sylvia Burwood, Yun Qian, David Goldspink, Daiva Scoditti

Mike Baunton and Sue Murray

L to R: Sylvia Burwood, Daiva Scoditti, Yun Qian, David Goldspink, Ron Wu

L to R: Jack Fennelow, Derek Kilsby, Jill Afford, Roy Savage, George Searle

L to R: Sylvia Burwood and Emily Fedun

Ron Wu, Emily Fedun, Cliff Gillis

Ron Wu and Cliff Gillis

L to R: Garth Perry, Terry Clark, Stuart Clark

L to R: Peter Rawson, John Skeels, Roy Tate, John Jacklin

L to R: Peter Rawson, Helen Regan, John Jacklin

L to R: Jack Fennelow, Derek Kilsby, Roy Savage

L to R: Carina Hoskisson and Sylvia Burwood

The Executive Committee (present) and Patron L to R: David Foster, Cliff Gillis, Michelle Wyld, Anna Errico, Bob Gregory-Smith, David Goldspink, Garth Perry, Adrian Talbot, Beverley Spridgeon, Nigel Burroughs, Bill Guest. Committee member Al Wells was not present.