Honorary & over 80's Life members

Honorary Life Members & Over 80's Life Members

The lists include names up to the Annual Dinner 2006  and from the Annual Dinners 2009, 2010 and 2011. Unfortunately those of 2007 (known to be 9 members including Ken Tinkler, who is listed below) & 2008 (known to be 12 members) are missing. 

 Honorary Life Members

From the Annual Dinner 2023:

Mr Mike Baunton CBE                              

From the Annual Dinner 2011:

    Mr Allan Arnott OBE

    Mr Rob van Twist, Holland

From the Annual Dinner  2010:

    Mr Kodros Pilakoutas, Cyprus

From Annual Dinners before 2010:

    Mr Russell Bennett

    Mr Sydney J Edwards                                                   

    Mr Dave F Shearer                                                      


Over 80's Life Members

From the Annual Dinner 2023:

22 members turned 80 in the last year, of whom 4 were present at the dinner and received their certificates from David Goldspink:

·  Les Ashton

·  Terry Copeman

·  Geoff Dunmore

·  Leopold (usually known as Tony) Jones

The names of the other 18 members who turned 80 in the past 12 months will have received their certificates by post:- 

·      Percy Brown

·      Douglas Crampton

·      Mel Heriot

·      Peter Knaggs

·      Mike Linnell

·      Barry Mackender

·      Umberto Mangieri

·      B Oxborough

·      Derek Page

·      Chris Rea

·      Dick Smith

·      Terry Smith

·      John Stern

·      David Stone

·      Peter Stones

·      Wendy Stratton

·      D Wales

·      Norman Wainwright

From the Annual Dinner 2022:

40 people had turned 80 since the 2019 dinner, of whom 10 were present at the dinner and received certificates from David Goldspink:

·   John Barrs

·   David Boulton

·   Alan Bushnell

·   Derek Button

·   Trevor Chapman

·   Jack Fennelow

·   Peter Nicholas

·   Brian Payne

·   Ron Townsend

·   Phil Upchurch

The others who had turned 80 since the last dinner will have received their certificates in the post:-

·   Bryan Boyden

·   Vic Bradley

·   John Burgess

·   Andrew Burroughs

·   Charles Cameron

·   Frank Cassidy

·   Godfrey Gumbrell

·   David Hart

·   Rod Harvey

·   P B Herbert

·   A Hunt

·   George Kitchen

·   Chris Knight

·   Barry Knights

·   Colin Lines

·   Ted Mackman

·   Rod Maplethorpe

·   David Nicholas

·   R Overson

·   J R Parrott

·   Fred Pell

·   Brian Rowlatt

·   B A Sanders

·   Derek Scotney

·   Ian Seconde

·   David Shepherd

·   Joe Smith

·   Peter Steel

·   Mick Stevenson

·   Mick Stratton

And someone we missed previously – Walter Bunney, who actually joined the Club after he turned 80!

There was no Annual Dinner in either 2020 or 2021 due to the Covid-19 Pandemic.

From the Annual Dinner 2019:

Ray Dennis

Neville Hutchins

Jim Sanderson

Keith Smith

David Towell

and the following who weren't at the dinner:

Brian Ayres, D I Baxter, A A Browne, Herbert Broughton, C T Freeman, Bob Foster, A Hounsham, John Jeffery, Peter Juggins, Howard Lewis, Dennis Read, Dave Speechley, B J Ward, Peter West

From the Annual Dinner 2018:

John Jacklin

and the following who weren't at the dinner:

Tess Carnall, Deryck Cook, Derek Everitt, Dennis Forman, Keith Gammage, B Gilbey, R Harding, R Hill, Dennis Hook, Les Kitchener, Brian Meadows, O Medlock, Mervyn Montgomery, Shirley Russell, J Ryan, David J Smith, John Wheatley. Ken Wright

From the Annual Dinner 2017:

George Brown

Jean Lake

John Smith

Gerald Whatford

Tony Thorpe

David Shearer

and the following who weren't at the dinner:

Tom Carter, GM Carter, PJ Chapman, David Corkill, Eddie Ellery, Terry Firmedow, D Frisby, John Laws, JC Moncrief, Trevor Moulds, Ted Murray, RW Rudd, G Runacres, Harold Sharman, Clive Stafford, John Summers, P Whitworth

From the Annual Dinner 2016:

Arnold (Bill) Peachey

Raymond Morris

Anthony W Hilliam

Tony Dyer

Mick Deboo

and the following who weren't at the dinner:

John Thompson, G Fletcher, N I Thorpe, Ray Banks, D T Plowman, Henry Cave, Eric Hill, F I Hunt, Peter Hubbard, Margaret Titman, J Plummer, D Cooper, Ron Plant, P A W Fletcher, Ken Galloway 

From the Annual Dinner 2015:

Maureen Fenn

Peter Maycock

Albert Rogers

Mick Wicks

and the following who weren't at the dinner:

Ted Etherington, Dick Hales, Gil Johnstone, Peter Latter, C W Layton, Dennis Nightingale, Geoff Perkins, Tony Rumble, Cliff Sansby, F G Strowger, Arthur Thompson, T Ward

From the Annual Dinner 2014:

Barrie Allen

Alan Cope

Gerald Darby

John Gibson

and the following who weren't at the dinner:

Tony Farrow, B C Dalhousie, D Shortland, Fred Browning, Trevor Moulds, Eddie Kirk, G H Turner, Tom Ayres, D R Turner, Bruce Barnett, Derek Scotchmer and Ray Wright       

From the Annual Dinner 2013:

Peter Baker

John Broughton

Don Camp

John Chappell

Don Hunt

Bryan Johnson

Barry Vessey

Harry White

Alan Wood

and the following who weren't at the dinner:

Peter Barnard            David E Casbon         Peter Cousin            N C R Crocket            Mick Crowson            T W Cullup            Jeff Curtis            John Gooch

G T Hook                  E C Hope                  Neville Hufford          Vernon C Huskisson    R Jackson                  Eric Lewis            Geoff Measures    Dennis Mee

Jim O'Donnell            Ken D Smith              Maurice Watson      Frank T Webb



From the Annual Dinner 2012:

Roy Tate

Tony Watts

Geoff Wright

Martin Yates

Roy Elms

Sandy Sands

Ron Whitaker

and the following who weren't at the dinner:

B Miles            W M Peacock            R D Rumbelow            J D Alexander            A E Drew            D Fear            A W Foster            G D Richardson

From the Annual Dinner 2011:

Peter Mason

Peter Anthony

Jean Gilmore

and the following who weren't at the dinner:

Zbigniew Ambroziak            Robert Burdett            J Crowson            P Elmer            Keith Lazenby            Raymond Odam            F B Page            Ros Wilsoncroft

G E Church                        Maurice Cooley           P Gent                A Mills              J F Smith                   Bob Seaton        

From the Annual Dinner 2010:

J Knight

CJ Woods

and the following who weren't at the dinner:

G J E Beale            Bill Cleary            Cyril Field            F Jinks            W Morgan            Chris Rabbett

From the Annual Dinner 2009:

Keith Simpson

and the following who weren't at the dinner:

Aubrey J Southgate            Bob Frank            Peter J Quincy            R H Coe            R Taylor            J J Watts            D S Smith            J R Exton            T Early

R White                             R W Moore          K R Turner                  R Taylor             Bob Close        N Jennings          M Hennin              F W Venters               

From Annual Dinners before 2009: 

Mr C W (Bill) Baxter MBE

Mr Russell W Broughton

Mr Dougie J Bryan

Mr Arthur H Bull

Mr C S (Tex) Burton

Mr Len E J Collins

Mr Herbert (Bob) T Coltman

Mr Jim A Davey

Mr W (Bill) Dudley

Mr Claude English

Mr Fred S Goodacre

Mr Colin R Goose

Miss A Marion Green

Mr Albert G Hall

Mr Ernie B Harrold

Mr Glyn M Henderson

Mr Vic Howard

Mr Ralph Kitchen

Mr Stan R Laxton

Mr C John Maplethorpe

Mr Les Martin

Mr G Ken Montgomery

Mr G Fred Moore

Mr Frank R Morris

Mr Arthur T Palmer

Mr Norman (Drummer) G Perkins

Mr Joe Shakespeare

Mr T Fred Sharpe

Mr Keith Simpson

Mr Terry D Sismore

Mr Albert E Smith

Mr W D Smith

Mr John C Stratton

Mr Ken E Tinkler

Mrs Phyllis Thomas

Mr J Fred Wallis

Mr Stan E Watson

Mr W F (Harry) White

Mr Fred J Williams

Mr Alan Robert Wood

Mr Eric Woodward

Mr Gerry Wright

Mr George H Yarnold