Adrian Talbot's in January 2021

Perkins Long Service Club

c/o Anna Errico

Mail Drop 3

Perkins Engines Co Ltd




January 2021

Dear Member,

On behalf of the Perkins Long Service Club Executive Committee, I wish all our members a belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and my apologies for not getting this letter out sooner. As you can see (at the end of the letter), we have set up a PLSC email account to communicate with members. Please notify any changes to your email, or other membership details, to this email address.

You will have noticed that we have not sent out the customary Events Programme for 2021 due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, the committee is not in a position to provide a full 2021 programme currently due to COVID-19 and the everchanging rules and restrictions surrounding it. We will continue to monitor the situation and should the restrictions be lifted we will endeavour to provide further events for your enjoyment. We will try as best we can to keep you informed of any new events that may arise in the future either by post, email or through our Perkins Long Service Club website at so please visit the site regularly for further updates.

Currently we only have three events planned for 2021 – the AGM at Burton Street Bowling Centre on Thursday 15th April 2021 (provisional), the Annual Dinner at the Holiday Inn West on Friday 14th May 2021(provisional) and the Christmas Social at Perkins (date to be confirmed). Again, we will advise you, as above once we have confirmation prior to you making any firm booking.

2020 has been a very difficult year for everyone without exception and I would like to thank the committee for their continued support, managing the day-to-day activities within the club but also for managing the events programme cancellations, which to be honest has been an enormous task through lockdown and region tiers.

Our conservation team continues to support the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust at Deeping Lakes and The Langdyke Countryside Trust, managing several nature reserves near Helpston and Maxey. Led by Garth Perry, the group of conservation volunteers have met as and when possible, whilst adhering to government rules and guidelines, to provide much needed help in these areas of interest and beauty.

Given that we are able to hold the AGM in April, I would like to encourage as many of you as possible to join me, the Committee and your fellow members, where a free drink and light buffet is included. This is your opportunity to have a say and provide feedback on our club’s future.

Again, I would personally like to thank the Committee for their contribution in ensuring the Perkins Long Service Club’s success. Without the full support of the Committee, our club would not be able to function. Like many others we have continued to hold monthly committee meetings using Microsoft Teams, and while this can be challenging at times, it’s a great way of continuing to manage the club. We are always on the lookout for additional committee members and so if you feel you would like to contribute to your club, please contact us through the usual channels.

On a final note, I would also like to thank you, our members for your continued support, particularly through these challenging times. Please stay safe and healthy, and I hope to see you all soon.

Yours sincerely,

signed by

Adrian Talbot

President, Perkins Long Service Club
