Melara, Nicole

Greetings! I have been teaching Ethics & Moral problems and Death & Dying for Northampton's Online Learning since 2007. In that time, I've had the pleasure of working with some really fantastic students with some really fantastic ideas. Every one of us has such a unique perspective on the way the world ticks!

When I'm not teaching, I am studying for my PhD in Religion from Temple University. My focus is on Interfaith Dialogue, specifically as it occurs over charitable works. I can also be found in the highways and in the hedges working as the Associate Pastor for Christian Education at Zwingli UCC in Souderton, PA.

My hobbies include taking care of my smart and sassy daughter and our 8 pets (4 cats & 4 dogs). I also love movies... especially ones I can act in!

BA- Anthropology/Sociology

MA- History

MA- Divinities

MA- Theological Studies

.... PhD? Soon!