Supplemental Exercises & REadings
For the purposes of this supplement, Wheelock's Latin has been divided into two parts, each of which contains three units. Each unit is divided into smaller mini-units, comprised of single chapters or pairs of chapters. Supplementary material is grouped according to these mini-units.
Each supplement page usually contains three elements:
Additional exempla, often with sets of minimal-contrast sentences;
Composition exercises, which include prompts to rewrite exempla and to complete sentences in a Latin paragraph;
A lectio, a brief reading usually comprised of a paragraph of a longer narrative that changes with each unit.
Pars I
Supplements to Capita 1-22
Unit I: Cpt. 1-6
Unit II, Cpt. 7-13
Unit III, Cpt. 14-22
Pars II
Supplements to Capita 23-40
Unit IV: Cpt. 23-27
Unit V, Cpt. 28-33
Unit VI, Cpt. 34-40
Find a pdf of all supplemental exercises and readings here! ↓
Click below for a pdf of all supplemental exercises and readings, as originally published on August 15, 2024. Although I will do my best to keep this document updated, it may contain errors that have been corrected on this active website.