Neo-Crusader Period





•        The Neo-Crusaders were the first sect of Mandalorians with a more stringent military style ranking system resulting in armor uniformity. Comic and game references indicate three main color schemes associated with the Neo-Crusaders. Red, Blue, and Gold with white markings. There is no mixing of the main three color schemes.

•        The most consistent reference material is the KOTOR game, however the comics can be used as reference/inspiration as well.

•        Kits straying from the established examples will be scrutinized heavily.







•        The Neo-Crusaders adopted a full helmet, sleek in design, with an attached cowl made from a fabric material. The cowl should not restrict head movement. This is the only acceptable style helmet.

•        References show that some Neo's adapted tech to integrate with their helmets. Tech such as antenna's and macrobino's can be done but must not overly cloud the general look of the helmet. They must be integrated in a manner that makes sense and not just glued on.

•        Must follow the color schemes noted in General Notes bullet #1




•        The references available indicate a single piece chest plate that extends to the abdomen.

•        The chest plate must be contoured and sized to the body appropriately.

•        Chest plate can be directly attached to the undersuit.

•        Cod plates are optional in lieu of a padded armor covering. At minimum one of the two is required.

•        Must follow the color schemes noted in General Notes bullet #1




•        Shoulder plates are required, please use reference pictures for styles available to replicate.

•        Must follow the color schemes noted in General Notes bullet #1





•        References indicate a sleeker style gauntlet for the Neo's. Mounted weapons are acceptable. Care should be taken to ensure they are mounted/affixed in a manner that makes sense.

•        Minimum covering should not be below 75% the length of the forearm.

•        Gauntlets should cover 100% of forearm circumference.

•        Attachment methods for gauntlets should match in era designs. [hinges or hidden]

•        Bicep and elbow plates are common use in this era. If used, they should not overlap each other or the gauntlets. Only gauntlets are required however.

•        Must follow the color schemes noted in General Notes bullet #1




•        Back coverings should follow the comic and old republic game references that are available.

•        Back armor plates, capes, jet-pack, or a “jump pack” can be used as stand alone items or in conjunction with one another. Back plates should be made of a single piece.

•        Jet-packs must not resemble outside era styles. Follow examples set forth in the reference materials.

•        Jump packs should have very small directional nozzles and a dedicated fuel tank.

•        Must follow the color schemes noted in General Notes bullet #1




•        Comic references indicate a mix of light and heavy leg armor.

•        Wrap around armor is encouraged but not required.

•        Knee, shin and boot covering armor is required.

•        Knees and shins can be joined, aka “shknees” or separate, however for joined parts there should be enough distinction in design to tell knee armor from shin armor.

•        Leg plates are optional.

•        Must follow the color schemes noted in General Notes bullet #1




•        Balaclava head coverings are recommended to hide any part of the head that may be seen underneath the lip of the helmet/masks.

•        Neck seals are a must due to the technology of the era and the importance of an air-tight suit for atmospheric battles. They can be integrated into the undersuit or as a stand alone soft part item.

•        The flightsuit/undersuit color options is preferred to be black or dark gray, however, matching the primary armor color scheme is also acceptable.

•        Flak vests are not typically present in the comic references. Therefore are not required, and the armor parts can be directly attached to the undersuit and/or strapped on.

•        As with other era's, a flight/undersuit that gives the appearance of a one single piece is required. No skin may show, as the suits in this era were meant to be airtight and completely protective to the wearer in all environments.

•        Suit should fit the wearer appropriately with no excessive bagginess in the areas where the bulk of the suit will be exposed between armor.

•        Gloves are required to be full-fingered. Bracer/Gauntlet should hide edges of gloves. No brand/marking not related to the era should be eliminated and/or hidden. Leather-like material gloves are encouraged.

•        Belt items must follow the aesthetics of the comic references and appear leather like. The belt options are similar to other eras. Technological gadgets, ammo pouches, weapons, etc are suitable to adorn belts.

•        Belt items can be used in conjunction with one another.

•        Bandoliers are acceptable for use but not a replacement for waist items.

•        If padded armoring is used in lieu of cod armoring, it's top should be secured under the waist item.

•        Boots should be heavy in appearance, such as combat boots. No laces should be visible.

•        Feminine heels are not permitted.




•        Minimum requirement is 1 weapon item.

•        Recognizable weapons from outside the era or in aesthetics to outside the era is not permitted.

•        Melee weapons are in less use during this era, with blaster rifle technology starting to gain momentum, but vibro-style melee weapons are more popular than traditional static melee arms.

•        Slug throwers, Bow casters, blaster pistols and rifles are acceptable.





•        Kits can be 3D printed, or can be made from Sintra (PVC board), PVC piping, Kydex, fiberglass, ABS, or various metals. Eva foam, Worbla and cardboard are not permitted for use as materials.

•        Worbla may ONLY be used to add detail to armor, if desired. Vaccuformed armor will be judged on a case by case basis.

•        If kit parts are 3d printed, any and all print lines MUST BE SANDED AWAY OR OTHERWISE REMOVED. No print lines should be visible whatsoever. Printed parts will be heavily scrutinized for print lines.

•        No chainmail parts are permitted.

•        Neon colors will be heavily scrutinized to ensure the kit as a whole appears in-universe. This era however, does not show neon color schemes in the reference materials.

•        Overall quality of kit and neatness of wear will be judged separately from actual requirements. A kit may technically meet requirements for specific parts and still not be approved if it is not worn neatly or if the overall kit itself looks sloppy or messy.

•        Plating can be secured via industrial strength velcro, snaps, bolts, rivets, screws, strapping, or magnets.

•        Glue or tape of any kind is not an appropriate method of attaching plates to soft parts and is not permitted.

•        Bolts, rivets, or screws can be visible but must be incorporated into the armor and be weathered to look like they serve an actual function.

•        Lightsaber trophies make sense given the era of this timeline, but they should be made to look as inoperable pieces worn as pure trophies. They cannot be carried as weapons.




“Neo-Crusaders” CRL v1.0 – 1/16/2023 by Dra'kar