Armor Styles

Your first step will be to determine which type of Mandalorian armor you want for yourself. The Star Wars universe is showing us various types of armor in the live action series, movies, animated TV shows, comics, action figures etc. 

Among those sources there are many different styles; this site shall focus predominately on what is usually called "modern“ (which is what Jango and Boba Fett wear) and"post-Imperial“ (which is what Din Djarin wears).

Unless you want to exactly replicate a character from the Star Wars universe, you should spend a moment thinking about the colors, not only of the armor plates, but also of the flak vest, underclothes (flight suit) and cloak (if you choose one).

Regardless of which type of armor you choose and what backstory you make up for your character, you should keep in mind that as a Protector you want to be instantly recognized as a Mandalorian. Your outfit should not be far-fetched, and it should be both cohesive and self-explanatory. Mandalorian armor has a distinctive look which you should not try to deviate from too much. Stay away from crossovers like Batmando or Spideymando, and please... no Jedi or Sith Mandalorians either! 

We suggest you start with your Concept Building tools to decide this.