Club Rules

By joining the Mandalorian Protectors Costume Club you hereby agree to follow the below rules at all times, across all of our platforms such as the MPCC Facebook groups, Discord, etc. 

This applies to Facebook groups as well as other costume clubs.

Post with kindness, and please be professional. Bullying of any kind isn't allowed. Similarly, degrading comments about things like race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender or identity will not be tolerated. Unfortunately, this also has to be said: Do NOT come into this group from another org attempting to bully or subvert us. You'll be swiftly shown the door.

Being part of this group requires mutual trust. Authentic, expressive discussions make groups great, but may also be sensitive and private. What's shared in the group should stay in the group. Also, blocking admins or mods will earn you a ban. We may not be able to see your profile, but we CAN see everything you post. We can also see a list of who has us blocked, and check it regularly. 

We are not adversaries and there is room for all of us. Civil discussion is fine. The line between civil discourse and bashing will be at the moderators' discretion. We're all adults here. Any bashing of other orgs will result first in a warning, then in a ban. This rule extends to all MPCC official pages and forums both on and off Facebook.

This is a costume club, not a platform for Earthbound social and political issues. Keep them out of the group and on your personal pages.

Do not link shops or make sales posts without first contacting admin, even if you're an approved seller. Keep sales posts on topic. Off topic or inappropriate posts and comments will be deleted.

Do not post answering questions about club rules or costume standards if you are not an official member. In other words, if you do not have an approved costume that has passed a majority vote, you will not attempt to speak on our behalf. 

And we are on all LFL open invites to events along with all the other LFL clubs. If you have questions about this, contact a mod or admin. We are not here to teach folks how to become LFL recognized, however. If you have a club and are looking to do this, you must do the research on your own to find out how, as we do not want to be responsible for "mentoring" anyone through the process.

Our CRLs and club rules are not up for debate by non-members. Where the CRLs are and how to join are covered in the FAQ post. No posts pertaining to either subject will be approved. Questions relating to our status as a recognized club will also be declined. This includes posts relating to terminology used when discussing or describing our relationship with LFL.

Try to keep things costume and club related. Please also use common sense in posting. If something can be Googled in a few seconds, there is no need for a post about it here. Also, this is not a place to gripe about club rules, standards, or approvals.