Costume Requirements


The below are the general guidelines and requirements for all kits (unless otherwise noted). For more specific CRLs for each type of armor, please read the subpages for each type of armor, separated into "periods", and for canon characters.

MPCC Club Logo(s) Usage

External Logo and Symbol Usage


Canon Characters




Armor Attachment

Styling and Spacing

Non-Mando Armor- Added Nov 1, 2022

The following armor components may be "Scavenged/borrowed" from other canon sources:

The above-mentioned pieces must be no more than a ratio of 4:1 (1 piece of alternate armor to every 4 pieces of Mandalorian armor).  

Additional incidental "scavenged/collected" items such as TK belt fronts, Stormtrooper ammo packs, hand plates, etc. may be utilized without consideration of the 4:1 rule.

As always, all usage of non Mandalorian components may face additional scrutiny during the application process.

Current approved kits that do not follow this rule (as of Nov 1, 2022) will be grandfathered in and will not need to be updated to adhere to this amendment. 

Exceptions can be made for outstanding kits at the discretion of the Armorers.

Kits consisting of parts that are not found within the Star Wars universe will be heavily scrutinized and likely denied.

Supercommando armour parts from Season 3 of The Mandalorian television show are considered an "other canon source" as they are Imperial and not Mandalorian. Thus, only the above listed parts of those costumes will be permitted for wear with approved kits and they must follow this rule. 

Paint and Weathering

Flightsuits/Soft Parts


Alien Mandos

Character Backstories


Preliminary evaluation may require a prospective member to make some adjustments to their kit before the kit is put up for member vote. This does not mean your kit is not approvable, nor should it be considered a personal affront to your skills as a costume creator. It simply means that there are some changes that need to be made. We want to keep a very high level of quality in our members kits without rejecting folks for small arbitrary things. We do understand that our members come from all tiers of experience, from the beginner to the professional, and our feedback during the WIP and preliminary application phase is designed to help you create and submit a kit that you can be proud to wear alongside your fellow brothers and sisters, and also that they can be proud to troop alongside. All kits submitted should most importantly be instantly recognizable as a Mandalorian and should not include parts or items that do not fit within the Star Wars universe. Highly customized kits are approvable only on a case by case basis. When in doubt, ask leadership!

This is a living document and costume regulations may be amended if situations warrant.