About the MPCC

In 2020, Ola Raas decided to form a new Star Wars costuming club focusing on the Mandalorian culture as presented in Star Wars media and merchandise.

This club was to be run by fans for fans with no unnecessary bureaucracy, no oppressive rules, no drama.

Under the provisional name of The Cuy’val Dar (Mandalorian for “those who no longer exist”), the unofficial title for the group of Mandalorian instructors for the Clone army on Kamino, she created a group for possible members on Facebook and after a core of members were assembled, brought the club to the attention of Lucasfilm Ltd who welcomed us with open arms.

When the membership expanded, a voting pertaining to the final name of the Club was initiated. The members decided that the new name would be The Mandalorian Protectors Costume Club.

Since then The Mandalorian Protectors have attended various Star Wars-themed events across the United States as well as in Europe. 

The goal of the Club is to give fans of the Mandalorian culture a home, support each other in the celebration of their mutual interest in Star Wars, and ultimately spend time together at Conventions and other events, specifically those focusing on causes that benefit gravely or terminally ill children.

Between events, much of the communication is flowing in the Facebook Group and the Club’s Discord.

The Mandalorian Protectors Costume Club is an LFL recognized costume club and thus we are able to troop all the same fun and exciting troops as the other costume clubs.

You can read the official club rules HERE


The Mandalorian Protectors is a Star Wars costuming organization comprised of and operated by Star Wars fans. While it is not sponsored by Lucasfilm Ltd., it follows generally accepted rules for Star Wars fan groups. Star Wars, its characters, costumes, and all associated items are the intellectual property of Lucasfilm. © 2022 Lucasfilm Ltd. & ™ All rights reserved. 

Pictures used throughout this guide have been collected from all over the Internet. Of course, the Copyright belongs to the rightful owners. All pictures are being used in a positive way, because they illustrate the various aspects of Mandalorian gear and/or crafting techniques especially well. None of these pictures is being used in a negative way (e.g. to make fun of an individual).

 Everybody who creates their own set of armor deserves praise.

We have given photo credit where we know the owner, if there are photos/images that are not credited and you know the owner, please let us know so we can give them proper credit.