Armor Building

I want to make a mando! Now what?

Having your concept is a GREAT place to start! Plan out how you want it to look, the colors, the types armor, weapons, accessories, etc. Then get feedback on that before you start working!

How do I make a concept? The Mando Creator is an excellent place to start. They have basic mandos (both female and male) that you can color in online and add items to to see how you like it. There are also some pre-drawn ones others have made online that you can color in with colored pencils (or other medium) so start your ideas flowing. The other great thing about this site is they have tons of designs loaded into their site other than just canon designs, but other vendors that are seen a lot so you can truly make your kit custom to you based on what is available in the market. 

You can find the Mando Creator HERE

Design help:

A great crash course in the aesthetic design of canon Mandalorians can be found HERE.

This guide will help you predominantly on color theory but has other very useful information as well. (Keep in mind this was made before The Mandalorian came out, so those mandos aren't included in it...yet.)