208. Psalm 22:16 Psalm 22:17 They pierced my hands and my feet or like a lion they are at my hands and my feet.
10 July 2021 (1442 AH).
Explain Psalm 22:16 in the Christian Bible.
Explain Psalm 22:17 in the Jewish Bible.
Is Psalm 22:16 in a Christian Old Testament Bible “They pierced my hands and my feet" or “like a lion they are at my hands and my feet”?
Is Psalm 22:17 in Tanakh Jewish scripture “They pierced my hands and my feet" or “like a lion they are at my hands and my feet”?
Is Psalm 22:17 in Tanakh Jewish scripture which is Psalm 22:16 in a Christian Old Testament Bible “They pierced my hands and my feet" or “like a lion they are at my hands and my feet”?
The Lion is mentioned in Psalm 22 three times in the Hebrew scripture.
Psalm 22:14 (in Tanakh or Psalm 22:13 in a Christian Old Testament Bible) They open wide their mouth against me (to threaten me like), a ravening and roaring lion.
Psalm 22:17 (in Tanakh or Psalm 22:16 in a Christian Old Testament Bible) For dogs (my enemies from Bashan) have surrounded me; a company of evil-doers have enclosed me; like a lion, they are at my hands (territory of Israel and/or Joab, the commander of the first Israel force) and my feet (land of Israel and/or Abishai, the commander of the second Israel force).
Psalm 22:22 (in Tanakh or Psalm 22:21 in a Christian Old Testament Bible) Save me from the lion's mouth (my enemy); Yes, from the horns of the wild-oxen (my enemy) You (God) have answered me.
If the lion was not in Psalm 22 meaning the Jews changed their scripture it would be proof that Jesus is a false prophet because his prophecy in Gospel of Matthew 5:17-5:20 and Gospel of Matthew 23:1-23:3 would have failed and what is in the Quran would also have failed.
However both Jesus and the Quran are confirmed by the 3 mentions of the lion in Psalm 22 meaning no one changed the Tanakh Jewish scripture which is with the Jewish people as proof of the truthfulness of both Jesus and the Quran,
The context of Psalm 22 is the lion and the animals who represent the enemies of King David.
Psalm 22:13 (in Tanakh or Psalm 22:12 in a Christian Old Testament Bible) Many bulls (enemies) have surrounded me; strong bulls (strong enemies) of Bashan (Bashan is a district east of the Jordan River from Gilead to Hermon) have surrounded me.
1. The Lion in Psalm 22.
Psalm 22:14 (in Tanakh or Psalm 22:13 in a Christian Old Testament Bible) They open wide their mouth against me (to threaten me like), a ravening and roaring lion.
Psalm 22:15 (in Tanakh or Psalm 22:14 in a Christian Old Testament Bible) I am poured out like water (I am emptied of strength), and all my bones are out of joint (from my struggle to overcome my enemy); my heart has become (as soft) as wax and is melting away (my ability to resist my enemy is disappearing).
Psalm 22:16 (in Tanakh or Psalm 22:15 in a Christian Old Testament Bible) My throat is as dry as potsherd (a fragment of a broken clay vessel); and my tongue sticks to my (dry) mouth; and You (God) lay me in the dust of death.
2. The Lion in Psalm 22.
Psalm 22:17 (in Tanakh or Psalm 22:16 in a Christian Old Testament Bible) For dogs (my enemies from Bashan) have surrounded me; a company of evil-doers have enclosed me; like a lion, they are at my hands (territory of Israel and/or Joab, the commander of the first Israel force) and my feet (land of Israel and/or Abishai, the commander of the second Israel force).
Psalm 22:18 (in Tanakh or Psalm 22:17 in a Christian Old Testament Bible) I may count all my bones (meaning, I am by myself and I see that I have little left); they look and gloat over me (meaning, my enemies rejoice that they are near to success against me).
Psalm 22:19 (in Tanakh or Psalm 22:18 in a Christian Old Testament Bible) They divide my garments (meaning, the Kingdom of Israel) among them, and for my vesture (meaning, “the city of David” Jerusalem Al-Quds) they cast lots (to decide who shall take control of “the city of David” Jerusalem Al-Quds).
Psalm 22:20 (in Tanakh or Psalm 22:19 in a Christian Old Testament Bible) But O Lord (God), do not stay far away; O You (God) (are) my strength, come quickly to help me.
Psalm 22:21 (in Tanakh or Psalm 22:20 in a Christian Old Testament Bible) Save me from the sword (meaning, save my life); My only One (God, save me) from the power of the dog (my enemy).
3. The Lion in Psalm 22.
Psalm 22:22 (in Tanakh or Psalm 22:21 in a Christian Old Testament Bible) Save me from the lion's mouth (my enemy); Yes, from the horns of the wild-oxen (my enemy) You (God) have answered me.
Psalm 22:23 (in Tanakh or Psalm 22:22 in a Christian Old Testament Bible) I shall declare Your (God’s) name to my brethren; among the congregation I shall praise You (God).
Psalm 22:24 (in Tanakh or Psalm 22:23 in a Christian Old Testament Bible) “You who fear the Lord (God), praise Him (God); all you who are the descendants of Jacob (Prophet Jacob Yaqub Israel), exalt Him (God); all you who are the descendants of Israel stand in awe of Him (God).”
Psalm 22:25 (in Tanakh or Psalm 22:24 in a Christian Old Testament Bible) For He (God) has not hated nor disliked the humbleness of the poor; neither has He (God) hid His (God’s) face from him (the poor); but when he (the poor) called to Him (God), He (God) heard (the call for help).
Video 1. Sparks fly when 'believer in Yeshua' confronts Rabbi Tovia Singer at lecture in Jerusalem! (What is the Septuagint?
Was the Jewish Bible changed?
Psalm 22:17 is Psalm 22:16 in the Christian Bible “pierced my hands and feet” or “like a lion they are at my hands and feet”
How later Christians followed the example of earlier Christians to give verses in the Jewish Bible new meanings.
How later Christians gave new meanings to verses in the Jewish Bible never mentioned by earlier Christians in the New Testament Bible.
How later Christians changed verses in the Jewish Bible like earlier Christians changed verses in the Jewish Bible.
Praying to God and asking for a sign).
Muslims and Jews can help Christians understand the Tanakh Jewish scripture.
Most Christians do not know that the Jewish people do not use the Christian produced “Old Testament Bible” because it contains wrong translations of some Hebrew words and some wrong tenses and sometimes different verse numberings.
Most Christians do not know that the Septuagint Bible translated Hebrew to Greek by the Jews only translated the five books of Moses and did not translate any other parts of the Jewish scripture and this book was destroyed by fire in the Alexandria library in Egypt before the birth of Jesus meaning the Septuagint Bible that was translated by Jews does not exist today and was destroyed before the birth of Jesus.
When Christians translated the Jewish Bible Christians called it “the Septuagint Bible” and when you read the introduction of these Septuagint Bibles they explain that the original Septuagint does not exist today and only translated the five books of Moses meaning when Christians translated the Jewish Bible they used the word Septuagint meaning all Septuagint Bibles are Christian translations and they are not used by the Jewish people because they contain wrong translation of some Hebrew words and some wrong tenses and sometimes different verse numbering compared to the Tanakh Jewish scripture.
Example 1 of Muslims and Jews helping Christians is by explaining that the Hebrew word seed in Scripture is like the English word sheep to show how Paul changed the word of God when Paul claimed in Galatians 3:16 that the Hebrew word seed in scripture (Torah Genesis 17:7 and Genesis 22:18) means one person and therefore must be about Jesus because if it was about more than one person Scripture would have used the word seeds (however in Hebrew the word seeds does not exist meaning “seeds” never appears in Hebrew scripture). The reasoning of Paul is the same wrong reasoning as someone claiming that the English word sheep means one sheep because if it was about more than one sheep then the word used would be sheeps. (The word sheeps does not exist in English like the word seeds does not exist in Hebrew). God uses Paul to test who will follow the word of God and who will follow Paul in the test described in 1 Kings 13:14 - 13:24 teaching that the word of God will not change and do not believe anyone who claims the word of God has changed.
Example 2 of Muslims and Jews helping Christians is by explaining how Paul changed the word of God when Paul claimed in 1 Corinthians 9:9 - 10 that the commandment in Torah Deuteronomy 25:4 “do not muzzle an ox” is really about humans and not animals. God uses Paul to test who will follow the word of God and who will follow Paul in the test described in 1 Kings 13:14 - 13:24 teaching that the word of God will not change and do not believe anyone who claims the word of God has changed.
Example 3 of Muslims and Jews helping Christians is by explaining how Paul confirms that Jesus was not resurrected in 1 Corinthians 15:35 and 1 Corinthians 15:44 where Paul claims that the resurrected come in a spiritual body however three days after the crucifixion Jesus showed that his body was a physical body and not a spiritual body in Gospel of John 20:17 where Jesus confirms he has not yet died “I have not yet ascended to the Father (God)” meaning the life of Jesus was saved with sleep on the cross in the same way God saved others who were sleeping in Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24, Gospel of Luke 8:52 and Gospel of Luke 8:54 – 8:55. God uses Paul to test who will follow the word of God and who will follow Paul in the test described in 1 Kings 13:14 - 13:24 teaching that the word of God will not change and do not believe anyone who claims the word of God has changed.
See Quran 4:157 comment https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/quran-chapter-4-surah-4
See Quran 29:57 comment https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/quran-chapter-29-surah-29
Example 4 of Muslims and Jews helping Christians is by explaining how Paul changed the word of God when Paul claimed the sacrifice of Jesus took away the sins of the world and therefore Jesus removed animal sacrifices.
God tells us that when the Temple that is described in Ezekiel chapters 40 to 47 is constructed it will include the animal sacrificial system as it did in the Solomon Temple (the first temple) and the Herod Temple (the second temple) and that in the Ezekiel temple (the third temple) the messiah will bring sacrifices for himself and for the people. God uses Paul to test who will follow the word of God and who will follow Paul in the test described in 1 Kings 13:14 - 13:24 teaching that the word of God will not change and do not believe anyone who claims the word of God has changed.
Example 5 of Muslims and Jews helping Christians is by explaining how Paul changed the word of God when Paul claimed the anointed messiah is both a King and a High priest in Hebrews 4:14. An anointed messiah king descends biologically from David however an anointed messiah High priest descends biologically from Aaron meaning the anointed messiah king cannot descend from both David and Aaron meaning an anointed messiah king cannot do the duties of an anointed messiah High priest. God uses Paul to test who will follow the word of God and who will follow Paul in the test described in 1 Kings 13:14 - 13:24 teaching that the word of God will not change and do not believe anyone who claims the word of God has changed.
Example 6 of Muslims and Jews helping Christians understand that Psalm 22 mentions the lion three times in the Hebrew scripture and in most Christian translations but was wrongly translated in the Christian produced Septuagint Bible in Psalm 22:16 as “they pierced my hands and my feet” instead of the Hebrew Psalm 22:17 “like a lion they (my enemies, the enemies of King David) are at my hands and my feet.” The lion and the animals mentioned in Psalm 22 represent the enemies of King David.
Example 7 of Muslims and Jews helping Christians by explaining Psalm 40:6 in a Christian Bible (which is Psalm 40:7 in the Tanakh Jewish scripture) is not about Jesus because the Hebrew words “My ears you have opened” were wrongly replaced with the Greek words “A body you have prepared for me.”
Example 8 of Muslims and Jews helping Christians understand why Psalm 110:1 in Tanakh Jewish scripture is not about Jesus is by explaining that after messiah King David said “My God my God why have you forsaken me” in Psalm 22 then God revealed through Prophet Nathan in Psalm 110:1 “My Lord (God) said to my lord (messiah King David)” words that show God has not forsaken the messiah King David.
Example 9 of Muslims and Jews helping Christians is by explaining Isaiah 7:14 in Tanakh Jewish scripture is not about Jesus because the Hebrew word young women in Isaiah 7:14 was wrongly translated as virgin.
Example 10 of Muslims and Jews helping Christians is explaining that the child Hezekiah named mighty God who “has been born” in Isaiah 9:5 in the Tanakh Jewish Bible was made into Jesus by writing “shall be born” in Isaiah 9:6 in Christian produced bibles.
Example 11 of Muslims and Jews helping Christians is explaining that Isaiah 53 in the Tanakh Jewish scripture is not about Jesus but is an explanation of the past and present and future of the children of Israel.
Isaiah 53 explained. Part 1 https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/isaiah-53-explained
Isaiah 53 explained. Part 2 https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/isaiah-53-explained-part-2
Isaiah 53 explained. Part 3 https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/isaiah-53-explained-part-3
Example 12 of Muslims and Jews helping Christians is explaining that the New Covenant in Jeremiah chapter 31 in the Tanakh Jewish scripture is not about the New Testament Bible but is the confirming and strengthening of the first everlasting covenant with a new promise that in the end of days the law Torah Taurat will be put in the human heart permanently meaning in the end of days which are the days of God no human will intentionally rebel against God.
Example 13 of Muslims and Jews helping Christians is explaining that the son in Isaiah 7:14 is not Jesus but is the son of Prophet Isaiah.
Example 14 of Muslims and Jews helping Christians by explaining that Zechariah 12:10 in the Tanakh Jewish scripture is not about the death of Jesus by crucifixion but about how a loved one who is killed with a sword in the battle between Israel and Gog will move all Israel to remember God and this will bring the defeat of Gog and will bring the messianic age.
Video 1: Does Judaism Regard Muslims as B’nai Noah (Righteous Gentiles)? Rabbi Tovia Singer.
Video 2: WHY JEWS DON’T SEE JESUS IN THE BIBLE –Reply2 One for Israel Messianic Jews for Jesus & Jewish Voice
See 4. Is Jesus God Part 8. How to help Christians understand God. How to love Christians.
See 5. Is Jesus God? Part 9. Answers to Christian questions.
See 6. The messiah in Islam and Christianity and Judaism.
Corrections and questions are welcome and can be emailed to somaliahamradio@yahoo.com
The meaning of verses in the Quran and Tanakh and Gospel are on these websites.
The meaning of verses in the Koran and Torah and Injil are on these websites.
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