4-1. What does Ummi mean?
9 August 2021 (1442 AH).
What does Al-Ommiyyeena mean?
What does Al-Ommiyyi mean?
What does Al-Nabiyyi Al-Ummiyyi mean?
What does Al-Ummi mean?
What does Al-Ummiyyeena mean?
What does Al-Ummiyyun mean?
What does Ommiyyoona mean?
What does Ummi mean?
What does Ummiyy mean?
What does Ummy mean?
What does Ummyyeen mean?
What does Ummiyyoona mean?
What does Ummiyyun mean?
What does lettered mean?
What does unlettered mean?
What does lettered prophet mean?
What does unlettered prophet mean?
What does unlettered people mean?
What does unlettered Jew mean?
What does unlettered non-Jew mean?
1. The meaning of unlettered Ummi is uneducated in the Book of God.
Quran 2:78 Koran 2:78 And among them (the lettered Jews of Yathrib Arabia today Medina Saudi Arabia, the Jews with religious knowledge in Yathrib Arabia, the Jews who are educated in the Scriptures) are unlettered people (ummiyyoona, Ummiyyun, ommiyyoona, Jews who are uneducated in the Scripture, Jewish people who have not studied the Jewish Scriptures, Jews) who do not know the Scripture except from what they heard others say and (with that small knowledge) they do nothing but conjecture (guess and speculate about the meaning of the Scriptures because they have not studied the Torah Taurat as every Jew should have studied).
Note 1. Jews who are uneducated in the Book of God are called unlettered Ummi in Quran 2:78.
Quran 2:78 shows that unlettered Ummi does not mean cannot read and write.
Quran 2:78 shows that unlettered Ummi means uneducated in the Book of God.
Quran 3:20 Koran 3:20 So if they dispute with you (Prophet Muhammad) say: "I have submitted myself to God (Muslim means submission), and (so have) those who follow me."And say to those who were given the Scripture (the Jews and the Christians) and to those who are the unlettered (people, Al-Ommiyyeena, Al-Ummiyyeena, Ummiyyun, the people uneducated in the Scripture known as stone idol worshippers in Mecca Arabia today Makkah Saudi Arabia), "Do you (also) submit yourselves to God?" If they do (then) they are rightly guided but if they turn away (then) your duty is only to convey the message (of God to them). God is all-seeing of (what) His (God’s) servants (do).
Note 1. Anyone who is uneducated in the Book of God because they were not given a Scripture is called unlettered Ummi in Quran 3:20.
Unlettered Ummi does not mean cannot read and write.
Unlettered Ummi means uneducated in the Book of God.
Quran 3:75 Koran 3:75 Among the people of the Scripture (the Jews of Yathrib Arabia today Medina Saudi Arabia) are those who (are honest and) if you trusted them to look after a great amount of wealth shall readily return it to you, and among them (the Jews of Yathrib Arabia) are others who (are dishonest and) if trusted with a single silver coin shall not repay it unless you constantly stand demanding it, because they (who are dishonest) say, "There is no sin on us if we are not honest in our dealings with the unlettered (people, al-ummiyyeena people, Ummiyyun people, al-ommiyyeena people, the people who are uneducated in the Scripture because they are not Jewish and therefore they are not from our nation)." But they tell a lie against God and they know it (is a lie, it is evil, it is not righteous, it is not allowed by God to be dishonest with any person or community or nation, it is not allowed by God to trade dishonestly with any person or community or nation).
Note 1. Anyone who is uneducated in the Book of God because they are not Jewish are called unlettered Ummi in Quran 3:75.
Unlettered Ummi does not mean cannot read and write.
Unlettered Ummi means uneducated in the Book of God.
Quran 7:157 Koran 7:157 (When a prophet is on the earth every human who knows him must help him and so it was revealed 1400 years ago) those who follow the messenger, the unlettered Prophet (Al-Nabiyya Al-Ummiyya, Al-Ummi, Ummi, Ummiyy, Ummy, the Prophet who was previously uneducated in the Scriptures, Prophet Muhammad who had no formal education in the Scriptures until he was taught the Scripture through the revelation, inspiration and guidance of God) whom they find mentioned in the Torah Taurat (Torah Deuteronomy 18:15, 18:18 – 18:22 which describes all the prophets of God including Prophet Jesus Isa and Prophet Muhammad) and the Gospel Injil (Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26 – 15:27, 16:7 – 16:15 where Prophet Jesus Isa describes the next prophet which is Prophet Muhammad in the Scriptures) that is with them (the Jews with the Torah Taurat and the Christians with the Gospel Injil) and who (is the prophet that) enjoins on them (the believers among the people of Mecca Arabia today Makkah Saudi Arabia) what is good and forbids for them what is evil and relieves them of their burden (of sin. For example by giving understanding that Ezra and Jesus cannot save people in the hereafter because no creation is God or part of God and salvation comes only from God since “God is one God” in the Gospel of Mark 12:29 and Isaiah 45:21 and “there is no one beside God” in the Gospel of Matthew 23:9 and Torah Deuteronomy 32:39 and Isaiah 45:5 and “God is not a man” in Torah Numbers 23:19 and 1 Samuel 15:29 and Hosea 11:9 and “do not liken anyone or anything to God” in Isaiah 40:25 and Isaiah 46:5 and “God is not the son of man” in Torah Numbers 23:19 and “there is no salvation in the son of man” in Psalm 146:3 because any other belief violate the most important first and second of the Ten Commandments of God. If God guides people to the correct understanding and the doing of good deeds then people are saved from the burden of sin. When Prophet Muhammad arrived he revealed knowledge that removed the burden of sin caused by wrong understandings. Quran 2:286 ”On no soul does God place a burden greater than it can bear”… “Our Lord, don’t lay on us a burden like that which you did lay on those before us …”) and the chains that were on them (of the punishment decreed in the hereafter. For example the belief not found today in Judaism where a Jew claimed “Ezra is a real biological son of God” and was not corrected by Jews who were with him 1400 years ago and the belief today in some Christian sects and 1400 years ago when some Christians claimed “Jesus is a real biological son of God” are saved from punishment in the hereafter if they come to understand that son of God means servant of God as explained by God in Torah Exodus 4:22-4:23, Quran 19:93, Gospel of John 1:12, Gospel of Mark 13:32 and Gospel of Matthew 24:36. If God guides people to the correct understanding and the doing of good deeds then people are saved from the chains of punishment in the hereafter. The arrival of Prophet Muhammad corrected wrong understandings that removed from people the chains that were on them which had decreed their punishment in the hereafter in Quran 76:4 ”We God have prepared for those who disbelieve in God chains and shackles and a burning fire” in the hereafter). Those who believe in him (Prophet Muhammad) and honour him and help him and follow the light (in the Quran meaning in the recitation) which is sent down (by the revelation, inspiration and guidance that is sent by God) with him (Prophet Muhammad), they are the successful (in the Hereafter).
Note 1. An unlettered Ummi prophet is a person who was not educated in the Book of God before it was revealed to him in Quran 7:157.
Unlettered Ummi does not mean cannot read and write.
Unlettered Ummi means uneducated in the Book of God.
Quran 7:158 Koran 7:158 Say (Prophet Muhammad): "O people, I am the messenger of God for all of you from Him (God) whose kingdom extends over the heavens and the earth. There is no god but Him (God who is) the giver of life and death. So believe in God and the messenger, the unlettered Prophet (Al-Nabiyya Al-Ummiyya, Al-Ummi, Ummi, Ummiyy, Ummy, the Prophet who was previously uneducated in the Scriptures, Prophet Muhammad who had no formal education in the Scriptures until he was taught the Scripture through the revelation, inspiration and guidance of God and) who believes in God and His (God’s) words. Obey him (God and his messenger) so that you might be rightly guided."
Note 1. Unlettered Ummi prophet is a person who was not educated in the Book of God until it was revealed to him in Quran 7:156.
Unlettered Ummi does not mean cannot read and write.
Unlettered Ummi means uneducated in the Book of God.
Quran 42:52 Koran 42:52 And so We (God) have revealed to you (Prophet Muhammad) an inspiration (the Quran) by Our (God’s) command. You (Prophet Muhammad) did not know the book (of God, the Scripture of God, meaning you were not educated in the book of God. A person who is not educated in the Scripture book of God is an unlettered Ummi) or the faith (in God) but We (God) made it (the Scripture book of God and the faith in God) a light by which We (God) guide whom We (God) please of Our (God's) servants. You (Prophet Muhammad) certainly guide them (the people) on the correct path (lettered are those people who have been educated in the Scripture book of God) –
Note 1. Quran 42:52 is the meaning of unlettered ummi which means uneducated in the Book of God.
Ummi is not about the ability to read and write.
An unlettered ummi Jew is uneducated In the Torah Taurat.
An unlettered ummi Christian is uneducated in the Gospel Injil.
An unlettered ummi Muslim is uneducated in the Koran Quran.
An unlettered ummi community such as the Arabs in Makkah who had people who wrote and read contracts, agreements and poetry that were put on the walls of the Kabah 1400 years ago were uneducated in the Book of God.
Prophet Muhammad was the unlettered ummi prophet meaning the prophet who was uneducated in the Book of God until the Quran was revealed to him.
Quran 62:2 Koran 62:2 It is He (God) who has sent to the unlettered (people, Al-Ommiyyeena, Al-Ummiyyun, Ummi, Ummiyy, Ummy, Ummyyeen, to the people uneducated in the Scriptures, to the people with no formal education in the Scriptures), a messenger (Prophet Muhammad who is) from among them (the people of Mecca Arabia who are uneducated in the Scriptures), to recite to them His (God’s) revelations and clean them (of their sins of worshipping stone statues as idols that represent god) and teach them the Book (the Quran) and wisdom. And although before (when they prayed to stone idols) they were in clear error –
Note 1. The people in Makkah who were the unlettered Ummi meaning they were uneducated in the Book of God were sent a messenger from among them meaning their messenger was also uneducated in the Book of God until it was revealed to him in Quran 62:2.
Unlettered Ummi does not mean cannot read and write.
Unlettered Ummi means uneducated in the Book of God.
2. Conclusion.
Everywhere in the Quran unlettered Ummi means uneducated in the Book of God.
Nowhere in the Quran does unlettered Ummi mean cannot read and write.
A people or a community who are called unlettered Ummi include both the people who can read and write and also the people who cannot read and write.
For example the people of Makkah include both people who can and cannot read and write and all of them are called unlettered Ummi meaning they are all uneducated in the Book of God meaning both those who can read and write and also those who cannot read and write were all uneducated in the Book of God until it was revealed to them.
3. Reference.
See 1. Can Prophet Muhammad read and write?
See 2. Hadith Prophet Muhammad can read and write.
See 3. Mysterious letters in the Quran.
Understanding today the 1000 year old mystery of the meaning of 14 letters in 29 chapters of the Quran confirms that the Quran including what were mysterious letters have been carefully preserved from their earliest time.
Corrections and questions are welcome and can be emailed to somaliahamradio@yahoo.com
The meaning of verses in the Quran and Tanakh and Gospel are on these websites.
The meaning of verses in the Koran and Torah and Injil are on these websites.
YOU ARE HERE God https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran
God index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/index
Allah https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran
Allah index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran/index
Allaah https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran
Allaah index https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran/index
Q&A https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel
Q&A index https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel/index