302-10. The Gospel of Luke chapters 22-23.


18 July 2021 (1442 AH).

The Gospel of Luke with comments according to the Quran.

The Gospel of Luke explained by the Quran.

The Gospel of Luke with comments according to the Quran, Torah and Gospels.

The Gospel of Luke with comments according to the Koran.

The Gospel of Luke explained by the Koran.

The Gospel of Luke with comments according to the Koran, Torah and Gospels.

The Gospel of Luke.

The Gospel according to Luke.

Understanding the Gospels.

The good news message from God for Jews and Christians delivered 1400 years ago by Prophet Muhammad.

1. Jews and Christians who follow their Book and also believe the Quran shall receive a double reward in the hereafter in Quran 28:54, Quran 34:37 and Quran 57:28.

2. Jews who follow the Tanakh Jewish scripture and believe the Quran are correctly observing the Torah Taurat.

3. Christians who follow the Gospels and believe the Quran are correctly observing the Gospel Injil.

4. Muslims who follow the Quran so that it agrees with the Tanakh Jewish scripture and the Gospel Injil are correctly observing the Quran.

See https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/the-gospel-of-mark-1-5

302-1. The 377 signs of Prophet Muhammad in the Gospel of Luke.


302-2. The Gospel of Luke chapters 1–2.


302-3. The Gospel of Luke chapters 3–6.


302-4. The Gospel of Luke chapters 7–8.


302-5. The Gospel of Luke chapter 9.


302-6. The Gospel of Luke chapters 10–11.


302-7. The Gospel of Luke chapters 12–15.


302-8. The Gospel of Luke chapters 16–18.


302-9. The Gospel of Luke chapters 19-21.


You are here 302-10. The Gospel of Luke chapters 22-23.


302-11. The Gospel of Luke chapter 24.


Map of Israel and Palestine in 2016.

The Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Al-Quds has been the home for the Three Houses of God.

The Three Houses of God on the Temple Mountain.

1. The First Jewish Temple of God. The First Temple on the Temple Mount.

2. The Second Jewish Temple of God. The Second Temple on the Temple Mount.

3. The Muslim Mosque of God. The Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount.

Thanks to wikipedia and CIA (2016).

The Gospel of Luke.

(Thanks to David Robert Palmer DRP).

Sam Voron SV comments and notes have been added to the DRP verses.

The SV comments and notes and the DRP verses are two different and independent works.

(In the SV comments and notes some verses have comments in brackets added by SV to explain their meaning).

The Gospel of Luke chapter 22 to 23.

The contract on Jesus.

Gospel of Luke 22:1 And the Festival of Unleavened Bread, called Passover, was approaching,


1. What is Passover?

What is Pesach?

Passover (Pesach) is a Jewish holiday to remember how God helped the children of Israel escape from the slavery of the Pharaohs in Egypt and remember how the children of Israel became a nation under the guidance of Prophet Moses.

2. What is unleavened Bread?

Unleavened bread is flour mixed with water. There is no fermentation so the bread does not rise.

3. What is the Festival of Unleavened Bread.

The Festival of Unleavened Bread is the festival of Passover.

When the children of Israel were told to prepare food for their departure from Egypt they made unleavened bread by mixing water and flour because they had no time to make fermented bread that rises.

The flat crisp unleavened bread is called Matza (Matsa, Matsah, Matzah, Matze, Matzo, Matzoh, Matza).

Gospel of Luke 22:2 and the chief priests and the Torah scholars were still yet looking for a way to put him to death, because they were still yet fearing the people.


Where were the chief priests and the Torah scholars?

The chief priests and the Torah scholars were in the second House of God on the Temple Mountain in Jerusalem, Al-Quds in Judea today in Israel and Palestine.

Gospel of Luke 22:3 Then Satan entered into Judas, the one called Ish Keriot, who was one of their number, of the Twelve.


1. Who is Ish Keriot?

Ish Keriot is Judas Iscariot (Judas of Kerioth, Judas the assassin, Judas the dagger man).

Judas Iscariot is one of the twelve disciples of Jesus.

2. Who commanded Satan to enter into Judas?

God commanded Satan to enter into Judas.

God created Satan as a test to show humans in the hereafter if they chose good or evil.

3. Just as God tested Judas Iscariot with the devil God also tested Jesus with the devil.

The two hundred and eighty ninth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

After Jesus why did God send another prophet?

God sent a prophet after Jesus to correct the confusion between God and Jesus.

Just as God tested Judas Iscariot with the devil God also tested Jesus with the devil.

See Gospel of Luke 22:3 and 24:26 comments.

Gospel of Luke 4:2 being tempted forty days by the devil. And he (Jesus) ate nothing during those days, and at the end of them he (Jesus) was hungry.

(Note 1. Jesus passed the test sent by God by rejecting evil.

Gospel of Luke 22:3 Then Satan entered into Judas, the one called Ish Keriot, who was one of their number, of the Twelve (disciples of Jesus).

(Note 1. Judas failed the test sent by God by accepting evil.

The fifty sixth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel.

God tests every human with the Devil.

God tested Jesus with the Devil.

Quran 19:93 Koran 19:93 There is no one in the heavens and the earth who does not come to the Most Merciful (God) except as a servant.

See Gospel of Luke 4:3, 4:4, 4:5, 4:6, 4:7, 4:8, 4:9, 4:12, 20:44, 22:3 and 24:26 comments.

Quran 7:200 Koran 7:200 And if you are tempted by the devil to evil then seek refuge in God (by remembering God). He (God) hears all and knows everything.

Quran 7:201 Koran 7:201 Those who fear God think of Him (God) when tempted (to evil) by Satan, and they remember (God) and understand (the correct path of God’s guidance).

Quran 16:98 Koran 16:98 So when you recite the Quran, (first) seek refuge in God from Satan (Shaitan) the one expelled (from the mercy of God).

Quran 16:99 Koran 16:99 He (Satan) has no power over those who believe and who put trust in their Lord (God).

Quran 16:100 Koran 16:100 His (Satan’s) power is only over those who make a friend of him (Satan), and those who pray to creations instead of praying to Him (God who is the creator of every creation and the only one with the power to hear prayer).

Quran 35:6 Koran 35:6 The devil (Satan) is an enemy to you, so treat him as an enemy. He (Satan) only calls his group to be companions of the blazing (Fire in Hell in the Hereafter).

Gospel of Luke 22:4 And he went away, and discussed with the chief priests and the commanders of the temple guard how he might hand him over to them.


Judas Iscariot was tested by God with Satan.

Judas Iscariot was tested by God with Satan and Judas chose the evil deed of informing against an innocent man (Jesus) so as to gain a reward in money.

Gospel of Luke 22:5 And they were delighted, and contracted to give him money.

Gospel of Luke 22:6 And he accepted, and was looking for the best time for handing him over to them, without the crowd.

The Passover supper.

Gospel of Luke 22:7 And the day of Unleavened Bread arrived in which it was customary to slaughter the Passover.


To slaughter the Passover animal.

Gospel of Luke 22:8 And he sent Peter and John, saying, "Go, prepare the Passover for us so we can eat it."

Gospel of Luke 22:9 And they said to him, "Where do you want us to prepare it?"

Gospel of Luke 22:10 And he told them, "Behold, at the point of your arriving into the city a man carrying a water jar will encounter you. Follow him to whatever house he goes into.


1. Jesus is a prophet of God.

The sixty second sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Jesus showed Jesus is a prophet from God.

See Gospel of Luke 4:24, 10:22, 22:10, 22:31 and 23:29 comments.

Gospel of Luke 22:10 And he (Jesus) told them, "Behold, at the point of your arriving into the city a man carrying a water jar will encounter you. Follow him to whatever house he goes into.

(Note 1. Jesus is a prophet of God because Jesus reveals the future from God through the guidance of the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel.

2. Jesus is a messenger of God.

The ninety first sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Jesus makes it clear that Jesus is not God.

In the Gospel Jesus is a messenger for God. Jesus is not the originator of the message.

All the children of Israel, who believed in Jesus, believed that Jesus was a prophet, messenger and messiah.

The children of Israel know that a prophet, messenger and messiah is the deliver of the message of God.

The children of Israel know that a prophet, messenger and messiah is not the formulator of the message of God.

See Gospel of Luke 8:21, 8:48, 10:22, 22:10 and 22:31 comments.

Jesus is a messenger of God because Jesus reveals the message of God in the Gospel under the guidance of the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel.

3. Jesus is a messiah of God.

The two hundred and forty fourth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Jesus is a prophet of God revealing the future.

Jesus is a messenger of God delivering the Gospel.

Jesus is the messiah of God on a mission to save the children of Israel and the second House of God on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Al-Quds but the leaders of the second House of God rejected the peace that Jesus had brought.

See Gospel of Luke 19:42 and 22:10 comments.

Jesus is a messiah of God because Jesus has been anointed with a mission to warn his people including the leaders in the second House of God of their sins.

Gospel of Luke 22:11 And say to the owner of the house, 'The teacher says to you, "Where is the guest room where I may eat the Passover with my disciples?" '


See Gospel of Luke 22:10 comments.

Gospel of Luke 22:12 And that person will show you a large upstairs room all furnished. You shall prepare it there."


See Gospel of Luke 22:10 comments.

Gospel of Luke 22:13 So when they went, they found things just as he had told them; and they prepared the Passover.


See Gospel of Luke 22:10 comments.

Gospel of Luke 22:14 And when the hour had come, he reclined, and the disciples along with him.

Gospel of Luke 22:15 And he said to them, "It is with great longing and anticipation I have wanted to eat this Passover with you before my suffering.


1. Just as God tests every human with suffering God tested Jesus with suffering.

The two hundred and ninetieth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

After Jesus why did God send another prophet?

God sent a prophet after Jesus to correct the confusion between God and Jesus.

Just as God tests every human with suffering God tested Jesus with suffering.

See Gospel of Luke 22:15 comments.

Gospel of Luke 22:15 And he (Jesus) said to them, "It is with great longing and anticipation I have wanted to eat this Passover with you before my suffering.

(Note 1. Jesus knows that he will suffer because Jesus is a prophet.

A prophet reveals the future from God as told to the prophet by the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel.

See Gospel of Luke 22:10 comments.

Quran 2:155 Koran 2:155 And We (God) shall test you with some fear and hunger and loss of lives, property or wealth and (angel Gabriel reveals to Prophet Muhammad that God shall) give good news (of Paradise in the hereafter) to those who are patient.

(Note 1. Every human including Jesus is tested by God.

(Note 2. Suffering is the sign of every human.

(Note 3. God decrees that every human experiences suffering to test if they chose patience or impatience and obedience or disobedience and good or evil.

(Note 4. Every human is given the result of their test on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement.

(Note 5. God has revealed that some humans such as Jesus will be successful in passing the test of life with a rank of honour among the rewarded righteous that will be at “the right hand” of God in Paradise.

(Note 5. Those that fail the test of life will be given a rank of dishonour among the punished wrong doers that will be at “the left hand” of God in Hell Fire.

1-1. God tested Jesus with death like God tested Abraham and Isaac with death.

The two hundred and eighteenth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did God reveal to Jesus that Jesus would be killed? God tested the faith of Jesus in God.

Why did God reveal to Jesus that Jesus would be resurrected? God tested Jesus even more to show if Jesus really believed in resurrection.

God tested Jesus with death like God tested Abraham and Isaac with death.

Would Jesus be willing to sacrifice himself for God like Abraham and Isaac?

The story of Jesus is clearly a test of the faith of Jesus in God.

The story of Jesus is clearly proof of the love and obedience of Jesus to the will of God.

See Gospel of Luke 9:22, 9:45, 18:33, 18:34, 20:44, 22:15, 22:40, 22:42, 24:7 and 24:26 comments.

Gospel of Luke 22:16 For I tell you: I will certainly not eat it again until such time it has been fulfilled in the kingdom of God."


1. What is the kingdom of God?

What is the kingdom of heaven?

The kingdom of God is the same as the kingdom of heaven.

See The Gospel of Mark 1:14-1:15 (kingdom of God) and the Gospel of Matthew 4:17 (kingdom of Heaven).

See The Gospel of Mark 4:30-4:31 (kingdom of God) and the Gospel of Matthew 13:31 (kingdom of Heaven).

Gospel of Luke 4:43 But he (Jesus) said to them, "I must preach the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because on that basis (that life exists in Heaven after death) I was sent (to remind the children of Israel)."

2. Explain the Gospel of Luke 22:16.

Gospel of Luke 22:16 For I (Prophet messenger and messiah Jesus reveal what the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel tells me from God to) tell you: I (Jesus) will certainly not eat it (food) again until such time it (the suffering that every human must endure because God tests every human with suffering that God has decreed) has been fulfilled (as God has decreed) in the kingdom of God (meaning in heaven)."

(Note 1. Jesus knows that he will suffer because Jesus is a prophet who is receiving guidance from the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel as God has decreed.

A prophet reveals the future from God as told to the prophet by the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel.

See Gospel of Luke 22:10 comments.

(Note 2. God is not in one place but to show that Jesus is not God the words God “in heaven” are used to show that Jesus on the Earth and God “in heaven” are two different things.

God is the creator of every creation and Jesus is a creation.

God has created Jesus like God has created every human.

Gospel of Luke 22:17 And after taking hold of the cup, he gave thanks, and said, "Take this, and share it among yourselves;


1. Who did Jesus give thanks to?

Jesus gave thanks to God.

1-1. Jesus thanked God.

The two hundred and ninety first sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did God send a prophet after the time of Jesus?

God sent a prophet after the time of Jesus to correct the confusion between Jesus and God.

Jesus is not God because Jesus gave his thanks to God.

God is the creator.

Jesus is a creation.

Every human is a creation but there is only one creator.

See Gospel of Luke 22:17 and 22:19 comments.

Gospel of Luke 22:18 for I tell you: By no means will I drink of the fruit of the vine from this point on until such time the kingdom of God has come."


1. What is the kingdom of God?

What is the kingdom of heaven?

The kingdom of God is the same as the kingdom of heaven.

See The Gospel of Mark 1:14-1:15 (kingdom of God) and the Gospel of Matthew 4:17 (kingdom of Heaven).

See The Gospel of Mark 4:30-4:31 (kingdom of God) and the Gospel of Matthew 13:31 (kingdom of Heaven).

Gospel of Luke 4:43 But he (Jesus) said to them, "I must preach the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because on that basis (that life exists in Heaven after death) I was sent (to remind the children of Israel)."

1-1. Explain the Gospel of Luke 22:16.

Gospel of Luke 22:18 for I (Prophet messenger and messiah Jesus reveal what the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel tells me from God to) tell you: By no means will I (Jesus) drink of the fruit of the vine from this point on (as God has decreed) until such time the kingdom of God (meaning in heaven) has come (to Jesus and the soul of Jesus will be cared for by God for three days while the body of Jesus will sleeping on Earth for three days)."

(Note 1. Jesus knows that he will suffer because Jesus is a prophet who is receiving guidance from the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel as God has decreed.

A prophet reveals the future from God as told to the prophet by the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel.

See Gospel of Luke 22:10 comments.

(Note 2. God is not in one place but to show that Jesus is not God the words God “in heaven” are used to show that Jesus on the Earth and God “in heaven” are two different things.

God is the creator of every creation and Jesus is a creation.

God has created Jesus like God has created every human.

1-2. The messenger after Jesus shows that the proof that Jesus was not killed is that Jesus was seen three days later when God awoke Jesus from sleep.

The two hundred and thirty first sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The prophet after Jesus shows that the proof that Jesus was not killed is that Jesus was seen three days later when God awoke Jesus from sleep.

See Gospel of Luke 9:45, 18:34 and 22:18 comments.

Quran 39:42 Koran 39:42 God takes the souls at the time of their death and (also takes the souls of) those who have not died (but are alive) during their sleep (when God saved the life of Jesus Isa with sleep so that his body did not move making everyone believe that Jesus Isa was dead on the cross in Quran 4:157 by raising the soul of Jesus Isa to heaven and to God in Quran 4:158). He (God) keeps those (souls) for which He (God) had decreed death and sends the rest (of the souls to awaken the sleeping body) for a predetermined period of time (such as when God returned the soul of Jesus Isa three days after the crucifixion to wake up the sleeping body of Jesus Isa on the earth in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 when Jesus Isa delivered the message that Jesus Isa is not God by saying God is my God and your God meaning God is my Father and your Father meaning God is my Creator and your Creator meaning God is my Master and your Master meaning God is my Lord and your Lord as proof that no one had killed him on the cross or crucified him to death on the cross, after which they return to sleep again or die as in Quran 5:75 where Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa “use to eat food” meaning they both died 2000 years ago and Quran 3:144 where the “the messengers before Prophet Muhammad have died” meaning Jesus Isa is dead because Jesus Isa is the messenger before Prophet Muhammad. In Quran 5:117 Jesus died when he lived with the children of Israel 2000 years ago when he was raised by the angel of death). In this are signs (of God) for people who think.

(Note 1. The Quran confirms no one killed Jesus.

(Note 2. God protected Jesus the messenger of God with a three day sleep.

Gospel of Luke 22:19 And after taking the bread and giving thanks, he broke it and gave it to them, saying, "This is my body, being given for you. This you should do as a commemoration of me."


1. Who did Jesus give thanks to?

Jesus gave thanks to God.

1-1. Jesus thanked God.

The two hundred and ninety first sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did God send a prophet after the time of Jesus?

God sent a prophet after the time of Jesus to correct the confusion between Jesus and God.

Jesus is not God because Jesus gave his thanks to God.

God is the creator.

Jesus is a creation.

Every human is a creation but there is only one creator.

See Gospel of Luke 22:17 and 22:19 comments.

2. Explain Gospel of Luke 22:19.

Gospel of Luke 22:19 And after taking the bread and giving thanks, he broke it and gave it to them, saying, "This is my body (the body of Jesus who is the servant of God), being given for you (meaning that everything Jesus did was as God had commanded Jesus to do for humanity). This you should do as a commemoration of me (meaning to remember that Jesus was the servant of God who delivered the Gospel of God to the world)."

(Note 1. In a similar way the Jews eat matza as a remembrance of the servant of God Prophet Moses.

(Note 2. In a similar way the Muslims eat meat as a remembrance of the servant of God Prophet Abraham.

(Note 3. Abraham, Moses and Jesus dedicated their life to serving God and humanity.

(Note 4. Jesus and Muhammad both followed the beliefs of the messengers of God who came before them.

The two hundred and ninety second sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Jesus and Muhammad both followed the beliefs of the prophets of God who came before them.

Quran 41:43 Koran 41:43 Nothing is said (by God through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel) to you (Prophet Muhammad) except what has already been said to the messengers before you. Your Lord (God) is the possessor of forgiveness and severe punishment.

See Gospel of Luke 22:19 comments.

Quran 5:68 Koran 5:68 Say (Prophet Muhammad to the Jews of Yathrib in Arabia today in Medina, Saudi Arabia and to the Christians), “O People of the Scripture, You have nothing (no guidance, no religion) until you observe the Torah and the Gospel and what was revealed to you from your Lord (God).” ….”

Quran 5:69 Koran 5:69 (In the hereafter) truly those (Muslims) who believed and those who became Jews, Christians and Sabians, whoever believed in God and the Last Day (The Day of Resurrection) and did good deeds, they shall have their reward from their Lord, and they shall not fear or grieve (and this is confirmed in Quran 6:158 for those in the hereafter who “believed” and did good deeds. Quran 5:69 repeats Quran 2:62 meaning stop and think about what God is saying in these verses confirming what is in the Hebrew Bible and the Gospel Injil of the promise of Paradise Jannah from God in the books of God on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement for those who “believed” and did good deeds. The Quran brings the same truth which God brought to the Jewish people in the Hebrew Bible and to the Christian people in the Gospel Injil of Jesus Isa by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John. The Quran is a confirmer of what came before it in the same way as the Gospel Injil is a confirmer of what came before it meaning the Books of God confirm each other as proof God is real and as proof His promise is real as explained in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQ3o3ybc-KA showing that without His permission no one can change His words in His Books which are with all humans today and until the Day of Judgement so that you can believe God is real and His promise is real).

Comment 1. Who goes to Paradise Jannah?

Note 1. The Jews who believed in God and did good deeds go to Paradise Jannah.

Note 2. The Christians who believed in God and did good deeds go to Paradise Jannah.

Note 3. The Sabians who believed in God and did good deeds go to Paradise Jannah.

Note 4. The Muslims who believed in God and did good deeds go to Paradise Jannah.

Note 5. Everyone who believed in God and did good deeds goes to Paradise Jannah.

Note 6. This revelation is so important that God has repeated it in Quran 2:62

In Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 the promise of Paradise Jannah is not for those who “believe” but only for those who “believed” meaning who died (past tense) because it is not until the time of death that your true belief or disbelief and your good and evil deeds are judged,

God repeated Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 two times because it is only with Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 that there are no contradictions within the Quran and between the Quran and the Torah Taurat and between the Quran and the Gospel Injil as proof in Quran 4:82 to the Jews in the time of Prophet Muhammad who are promised Paradise Jannah in Quran 3:113-3:115 and to the Christians in the time of Prophet Muhammad who are promised Paradise Jannah in Quran 5:82-5:85 and to the stone idol worshippers 1400 years ago who are not promised Paradise Jannah in Quran 3:85 and to all people today and in the future that the Quran is from God because the Quran contains no contradictions.

If Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 did not exist then it would be proof that the Quran was not from God because without Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 the Quran would contradict its self and contradict the Torah Taurat and contradict the Gospel Injil.

Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 is good news for Jews, Christians, Sabians, Muslims and all the people in the world confirming they will all come together again in a life after death.

Quran 28:48 Koran 28:48 But when the truth (in the Quran) came to them (the stone idol worshippers of Mecca, Arabia today in Saudi Arabia) from Us (God), they said, “Why is he (Prophet Muhammad) not given (signs) like what was given to Prophet Moses? But did they (the stone idol worshippers of Mecca) not disbelieve in what was given to Prophet Moses in the past? (Because) they (the stone idol worshippers of Mecca) say, “(The Torah and the Quran are both only) two kinds of fraud (deceptions that were made by humans) each supporting the other” and they (the stone idol worshippers of Mecca, Arabia, also) say, “In both (the Torah and the Quran) we do not believe.”

Gospel of Luke 22:20 And the cup after the meal in the same way, saying: "This cup is the new covenant in my blood, being poured out for you.


Explain Gospel of Luke 22:20.

Gospel of Luke 22:20 And the cup after the meal in the same way, saying: "This cup is the new covenant (of the Gospel of God) in my blood (the life of the servant of God whose life was not for himself but was), being poured out for you (to do the will of God who sent Jesus).

(Note 1. In the same way Prophet Moses also gave his life.

And the cup after the meal in the same way, saying: "This cup is the new covenant (of the Torah of God) in my blood (the life of the servant of God whose life was not for himself but was), being poured out for you (to do the will of God who sent Moses).

(Note 2. Moses, Jesus and Muhammad gave their life to serve God and humanity.

The two hundred and ninety third sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Moses, Jesus and Muhammad gave their life to serve God and humanity.

See Gospel of Luke 22:20 comments.

And the cup after the meal in the same way, saying: "This cup is the new covenant (of the Quran of God) in my blood (the life of the servant of God whose life was not for himself but was), being poured out for you (to do the will of God who sent Muhammad).

Quran 42:23 Koran 42:23 That is the Good news (of Paradise) that God gives to His (God’s) servants who believe and do good deeds. Say (Prophet Muhammad), “I do not ask you any payment for this (Quran) except (for you to show) kindness to those with whom you are related.” Whoever does a good deed We (God) shall increase that person’s good (reward) because of it (the good deed). God is forgiving and appreciative (towards God’s obedient servants).

Quran 76:9 Koran 76:9 (Saying), “We feed you, for God’s approval (of us). We desire no reward or thanks from you (the needy, the orphan and the captive) –

(Note 1. Gospel of Luke 6:35 But love your enemies, and do good and lend, expecting nothing, and great will be your reward (in the hereafter) …”

Quran 76:10 Koran 76:10 We fear from our Lord (God) a distressful Day (of Judgement).

Quran 76:11 Koran 76:11 So (in the hereafter) God shall save them (who are the righteous among the humans) from the evil of (the hell fire on) that Day (of Judgement) and give them (the light of) radiance (in their appearance and in their righteous knowledge) and happiness (in Paradise).

Gospel of Luke 22:21 "But lo, the hand of the one betraying me is with mine on the table.


God through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel has told Jesus what to reveal.

God by the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel tells a prophet what to reveal.

See Gospel of Luke 22:10 comments.

Gospel of Luke 22:22 Therefore indeed the Son of Man is going out exactly as is planned. Even so, woe to that man through whom he is betrayed!"


God through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel has told Jesus what to reveal.

God by the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel tells a prophet what to reveal.

See Gospel of Luke 22:10 comments.

Gospel of Luke 22:23 And they began to debate with each other which of them therefore might be the one about to do this.

Gospel of Luke 22:24 Then there also arose another dispute among them, as to which of them was considered to be greater.

Gospel of Luke 22:25 And he said to them, "The kings of the nations lord it over them, and those exercising authority over them are called 'benefactors.'

Gospel of Luke 22:26 But not so with you. Rather, the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the leader as the one who serves.


Explain Gospel of Luke 22:26.

Gospel of Luke 22:26 But not so with you. Rather, the greatest among you should be like the youngest (person who is humble), and the leader as the one who serves (people).

(Note 1. The greatest among people are the humble.

(Note 2. The leader is the person who is a servant to God and to the people.

Gospel of Luke 22:27 For who is greater: the one reclining, or the one serving? Is it not the one reclining? Among you though, I am as the one serving.


1. Explain Gospel of Luke 22:27.

Gospel of Luke 22:27 For who is greater: the one reclining (the customer who is seated), or the one serving (the servant)? Is it not the one reclining (the customer who is seated)? Among you (the disciples of Jesus) though, I (Jesus) am as the one serving (as God through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel has commanded Jesus to serve).

Gospel of Luke 22:26 But not so with you. Rather, the greatest among you should be like the youngest (person who is humble), and the leader as the one who serves (people).

(Note 1. Jesus is the leader among the disciples of Jesus because Jesus is a servant of God and of people.

(Note 2. Jesus is the leader sent by God to the children of Israel.

(Note 3. Moses is the leader sent by God to the children of Israel.

(Note 4. Muhammad is the leader sent by God to the stone idol worshippers and the Jews and the Christians.

1-1. Moses, Jesus and Muhammad were inspired by God.

The two hundred and ninety fifth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Moses, Jesus and Muhammad were inspired by God.

See Gospel of Luke 22:27 comments.

Quran 5:68 Koran 5:68 Say (Prophet Muhammad to the Jews of Yathrib in Arabia today in Medina, Saudi Arabia and to the Christians), “O People of the Scripture, You have nothing (no guidance, no religion) until you observe the Torah and the Gospel and what was revealed to you from your Lord (God).” ….”

Quran 5:69 Koran 5:69 (In the hereafter) truly those (Muslims) who believed and those who became Jews, Christians and Sabians, whoever believed in God and the Last Day (The Day of Resurrection) and did good deeds, they shall have their reward from their Lord, and they shall not fear or grieve (and this is confirmed in Quran 6:158 for those in the hereafter who “believed” and did good deeds. Quran 5:69 repeats Quran 2:62 meaning stop and think about what God is saying in these verses confirming what is in the Hebrew Bible and the Gospel Injil of the promise of Paradise Jannah from God in the books of God on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement for those who “believed” and did good deeds. The Quran brings the same truth which God brought to the Jewish people in the Hebrew Bible and to the Christian people in the Gospel Injil of Jesus Isa by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John. The Quran is a confirmer of what came before it in the same way as the Gospel Injil is a confirmer of what came before it meaning the Books of God confirm each other as proof God is real and as proof His promise is real as explained in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQ3o3ybc-KA showing that without His permission no one can change His words in His Books which are with all humans today and until the Day of Judgement so that you can believe God is real and His promise is real).

Comment 1. Who goes to Paradise Jannah?

Note 1. The Jews who believed in God and did good deeds go to Paradise Jannah.

Note 2. The Christians who believed in God and did good deeds go to Paradise Jannah.

Note 3. The Sabians who believed in God and did good deeds go to Paradise Jannah.

Note 4. The Muslims who believed in God and did good deeds go to Paradise Jannah.

Note 5. Everyone who believed in God and did good deeds goes to Paradise Jannah.

Note 6. This revelation is so important that God has repeated it in Quran 2:62

In Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 the promise of Paradise Jannah is not for those who “believe” but only for those who “believed” meaning who died (past tense) because it is not until the time of death that your true belief or disbelief and your good and evil deeds are judged,

God repeated Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 two times because it is only with Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 that there are no contradictions within the Quran and between the Quran and the Torah Taurat and between the Quran and the Gospel Injil as proof in Quran 4:82 to the Jews in the time of Prophet Muhammad who are promised Paradise Jannah in Quran 3:113-3:115 and to the Christians in the time of Prophet Muhammad who are promised Paradise Jannah in Quran 5:82-5:85 and to the stone idol worshippers 1400 years ago who are not promised Paradise Jannah in Quran 3:85 and to all people today and in the future that the Quran is from God because the Quran contains no contradictions.

If Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 did not exist then it would be proof that the Quran was not from God because without Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 the Quran would contradict its self and contradict the Torah Taurat and contradict the Gospel Injil.

Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 is good news for Jews, Christians, Sabians, Muslims and all the people in the world confirming they will all come together again in a life after death.

Quran 28:48 Koran 28:48 But when the truth came to them (the stone idol worshippers of Makkah Arabia) from Us (God), they said, “Why is he (Prophet Muhammad M Mim م M-uhammad م-uhammad) not given (signs) like what was given to Prophet Moses Musa (represented by Mount Sinai S’ Sin س Sin-ai س-ai)? But did they (the stone idol worshippers of Makkah Arabia) not disbelieve in what was given to Prophet Moses Musa in the past? (Because) they say, “(They are both only books about magic) two magic (books the Torah Taurat T Ta ط Ta-urat ط-urat given by God to Prophet Moses Musa and the Quran Q Qaf ق Qaf-uran ق-uran given by God to Prophet Muhammad) supporting each other” and they (the stone idol worshippers of Makkah Arabia) say, “In all (that is in the Torah Taurat and the Quran) we do not believe.”

Quran 41:43 Koran 41:43 Nothing is said (by God through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel) to you (Prophet Muhammad) except what has already been said to the messengers before you. Your Lord (God) is the possessor of forgiveness and severe punishment.

See Gospel of Luke 22:19 comments.

2. Jesus and the messenger after Jesus confirm that Jesus is not God because Jesus is the servant of God.

The two hundred and ninety seventh sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Jesus and the prophet after Jesus confirm that Jesus is not God because Jesus is the servant of God.

See Gospel of Luke 22:27 and 22:42 comments.

Gospel of Luke 22:27 For who is greater: the one reclining (the customer who is seated), or the one serving (the servant)? Is it not the one reclining (the customer who is seated)? Among you (the disciples of Jesus) though, I (Jesus) am as the one serving (as God through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel has commanded Jesus to serve).

(Note 1. Jesus is created and every creation is a servant to God.

Gospel of Matthew 23:9 And call no one on earth your father (God), because there is only one father (God) for you, the heavenly one …”

(Note 1. God is not in one place but to show that Jesus is not God the words God “in heaven” is used.

(Note 2. God is the creator and master.

(Note 3. Jesus is created and every creation is a servant to God.

Gospel of Luke 22:42 as follows: "Father (God), if you are willing, remove this cup (task, mission, assignment) from me (Jesus). However, (let) not my will (the will of Jesus), but (let) yours be done (the will of God)."

(Note 1. God is the creator and master.

(Note 2. Jesus is created and every creation is a servant to God.

Quran 16:52 Koran 16:52 To Him (God) belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth and to Him (God) is due constant worship. Shall you then fear anyone other than God?

Quran 19:93 Koran 19:93 There is no one in the heavens and the earth who does not come to the Most Merciful (God) except as a servant.

Gospel of Luke 22:28 "But you are the ones who have stuck with me through my trials;


1. Jesus confirms that like every human Jesus is tested by God.

Gospel of Luke 22:28 "But you (the disciples of Jesus) are the ones who have stuck with me (Jesus) through my trials;

(Note 1. Trials are the signs of a human.

(Note 2. God tests every human with trials.

1-1. Jesus is not God because God does not test Himself.

The two hundred and ninety fourth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did God send a prophet after Jesus?

God sent a prophet after Jesus to correct the confusion between Jesus and God.

Jesus is not God because God does not test Himself.

God tests humans.

See Gospel of Luke 22:28 comments.

Quran 21:23 Koran 21:23 He (God) is not questioned about what He (God) does, but they (the humans) shall be questioned (in the Hereafter).

Quran 17:36 Koran 17:36 And do not do that which you have no knowledge (by saying, "I have seen," when you have not seen, or "I have heard," when you have not heard). Certainly your hearing and sight and heart shall be questioned (in the Hereafter).

Quran 5:116 Koran 5:116 And (on the Day of Judgement) God shall say, “O Jesus, son of Mary, did you say to people (to build images of Jesus and pray to Jesus and to build images of the Virgin Mary and pray to the Virgin Mary and did you tell people to), take me (Jesus) and my mother (Mary) for two gods (who have the power to hear human pray) along side God (and pray to Jesus and pray to Mary instead of praying only to the one God who is the creator of every human including the human Jesus and the human Mary)?” He (Jesus) will say, “Glorify is only to You (the one God who is our creator), it was not for me (Jesus) to say what I (Jesus) have no right to say. If I (Jesus) said it then You (God) know it. You (God) know what is in my mind but I (Jesus) do not know what is in Your (God’s) Mind. You (God) and only You know the unseen things.”

(Note 1. Humans invented idol worship and instead of praying to God some humans began to pray to other humans.

(Note 2. Humans invented idol worship and instead of praying to God some humans began to pray to other humans such as the Virgin Mary.

(Note 3. Humans invented idol worship and instead of praying to God some humans began to pray to other humans such as Jesus.

(Note 4. Humans invented idol worship and instead of praying to God some humans began to pray to more and more humans that they called saints so that prays were going to hundreds of dead people instead of God.

(Note 5. In the Gospel one God means one God but 200 years after the Gospels some humans invented Trinity which is a rejection of one God because it made a human into an idol of worship that encouraged humans to pray to more and more dead humans instead of God but God is the creator of every human and only God has the power to hear and to answer prayer.

(Note 6. Some humans took God away and gave the power to hear prayer and answer prayer to Jesus and to the Virgin Mary and to hundreds of dead people which they called saints.

(Note 7. The prophet after Jesus confirmed that God is one God in the Torah and Gospel and Quran.

(Note 8. Jesus prayed to God and every human must follow that example by praying to God like Jesus prayed to God.

(Note 9. Praying to anything or anyone that is a creation or was a creation is called idol worship because every creation was created by God.

Gospel of Luke 22:29 and I am assigning to you a kingdom, just as my Father did to me,


Explain Gospel of Luke 22:29.

Gospel of Luke 22:29 and I (Jesus) am assigning to you a kingdom (here on the Earth to teach as I have taught you), just as my Father (God) did to me (when God through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel commanded Jesus to teach on the Earth and revealed to Jesus that Jesus would be a witness on the Day of Judgement),

Gospel of Luke 22:30 such that you (the disciples of Jesus) will eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and sit upon thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.


1. Explain Gospel of Luke 22:30.

Gospel of Luke 22:30 such that you will eat and drink at my table in my kingdom (the kingdom in Heaven), and sit upon thrones (in honour), judging the twelve tribes of Israel (the children of Israel who lived in the time of Jesus or who later claimed to follow the teachings of Jesus).

1-1. The messenger of God will be a witness on the Day of Judgement.

The one hundred and thirty sixth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Jesus and the prophet after Jesus show that the messenger of God in the time of every people shall be a witness for or against them on the Day of Judgement in the Hereafter.

See Gospel of Luke 10:22, 12:40, 13:28, 14:24, 18:8 and 22:30 comments.

Quran 39:69 Koran 39:69 And the earth (meaning, the land in the hereafter) shall shine with the light of its Lord (God, when God shall come to judge men and women on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement) and the Book (of their good and bad deeds) shall be shown. The Prophets (the messenger of God in their time or the messenger that they later claimed to follow) and the witnesses (the Holy angels including the Holy Spirit and humans) shall be brought and it (the good and bad deeds of men and women) shall be judged between them (the Prophets and the witnesses and the Book of their good and bad deeds) with truth (as God decreed) and they (those who are judged) shall not be wronged (by any incorrect judgement of what they did during their lifetime on the Earth).

(Note 1. Gospel of Luke 22:30 such that you (the disciples of Jesus) will eat and drink at my table in my kingdom (the kingdom in Heaven), and sit upon thrones (of honour), judging the twelve tribes of Israel (the children of Israel who lived in the time of Jesus or who later claimed to follow the teachings of Jesus).

(Note 2. God has decreed that Jesus is not the only witness.

The disciples of Jesus will also be witnesses to those who lived in their time or who later claimed to follow their teachings.

(Note 3. Jesus and the disciples of Jesus are human they are not God.

Jesus predicts the disciples' crisis of faith.

Gospel of Luke 22:31 "Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has obtained permission to have you all, to sift you all like wheat.


1. Who gave Satan permission to test the disciples of Jesus?

God gave Satan permission to test the disciples of Jesus.

1-1. God gave Satan permission to test the disciples of Jesus just as God had given permission for Satan to test Jesus.

The two hundred and ninety sixth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did God send a prophet after Jesus?]

God sent a prophet after Jesus to correct the confusion between God and Jesus.

God gave Satan permission to test the disciples of Jesus just as God had given permission for Satan to test Jesus.

See Gospel of Luke 22:31, 22:40 and 24:26 comments.

Quran 2:155 Koran 2:155 And We (God) shall test you with some fear and hunger and loss of lives, property or wealth and (angel Gabriel reveals to Prophet Muhammad that God shall) give good news (of Paradise in the hereafter) to those who are patient.

Quran 3:175 Koran 3:175 It is only Satan that suggests that you fear his supporters, so do not fear them but fear Me (God), if you have (true) faith (in God).

Quran 7:200 Koran 7:200 And if you are tempted by the devil to evil then seek refuge in God (by remembering God). He (God) hears all and knows everything.

Quran 7:201 Koran 7:201 Those who fear God think of Him (God) when tempted (to evil) by Satan, and they remember (God) and understand (the correct path of God’s guidance).

Quran 16:52 Koran 16:52 To Him (God) belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth and to Him (God) is due constant worship. Shall you then fear anyone other than God?

Quran 16:98 Koran 16:98 So when you recite the Quran, (first) seek refuge in God from Satan (Shaitan) the one expelled (from the mercy of God).

Quran 16:99 Koran 16:99 He (Satan) has no power over those who believe and who put trust in their Lord (God).

Quran 16:100 Koran 16:100 His (Satan’s) power is only over those who make a friend of him (Satan), and those who pray to creations instead of praying to Him (God who is the creator of every creation and the only one with the power to hear prayer).

Quran 35:6 Koran 35:6 The devil (Satan) is an enemy to you, so treat him as an enemy. He (Satan) only calls his group to be companions of the blazing (Fire in Hell in the Hereafter).

2. How did Jesus know that Satan has obtained permission to test the disciples of Jesus?

Jesus is a prophet of God because Jesus reveals the future from God through the guidance of the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel.

2-1. Jesus is a prophet of God.

The sixty second sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Jesus showed Jesus is a prophet from God.

See Gospel of Luke 4:24, 10:22, 22:10, 22:31 and 23:29 comments.

Quran 2:253 Koran 2:253 The messengers We (God through the Holy Spirit revealed to Prophet Muhammad) endowed with gifts, some (with) more (gifts) than others. To some of them (like Prophet Moses) God spoke and to others (like Prophet Enoch) He (God) raised their rank (of honour). To (messenger, prophet and messiah) Jesus the son of Mary We (God reveal to Prophet Muhammad through the Holy Spirit that Jesus) gave signs (of his truthfulness) and (God) strengthened him (Jesus) with (guidance through) the Holy Spirit (Angel Gabriel, the Holy Ghost). …”

3. Jesus is a messenger of God.

Jesus is a messenger of God because Jesus reveals the message of God in the Gospel as is revealed to Jesus by the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel.

The ninety first sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Jesus makes it clear that Jesus is not God.

In the Gospel Jesus is a messenger for God. Jesus is not the originator of the message.

All the children of Israel, who believed in Jesus, believed that Jesus was a prophet, messenger and messiah.

The children of Israel know that a prophet, messenger and messiah is the deliver of the message of God.

The children of Israel know that a prophet, messenger and messiah is not the formulator of the message of God.

See Gospel of Luke 8:21, 8:48, 10:22, 22:10 and 22:31 comments.

Gospel of Luke 22:32 But I have prayed for you, that your faith will not completely die. And you, when you have come back around, strengthen your brothers."


1. To whom did Jesus pray?

Jesus prayed to God.

1-1. Jesus is not God because Jesus prays to God.

The two hundred and ninety eighth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Jesus is not God because Jesus prays to God.

If Jesus was God then that would be proof that there is more than one God because Jesus prayed to God.

See Gospel of Luke 22:32 and 22:41 comments.

Gospel of Luke 22:32 But I (Jesus) have prayed for you (to ask God), that your faith will not completely die. And you, when you have come back around, strengthen your brothers (with faith in God)."

1-2. Jesus is not God because God does not pray only creations pray.

The two hundred and ninety ninth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did God send a prophet after Jesus?

God sent a prophet after Jesus to correct the confusion between God and Jesus.

Jesus is not God because God does not pray only creations pray.

See Gospel of Luke 22:32 and 22:41 comments.

Gospel of Luke 22:32 But I (Jesus) have prayed for you (to ask God), that your faith will not completely die. And you, when you have come back around, strengthen your brothers (with faith in God)."

1-3. Jesus is not God because God does not pray to Himself.

The three hundredth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did God send a prophet after Jesus?

God sent a prophet after Jesus to correct the confusion between God and Jesus.

Jesus is not God because God does not pray to Himself.

See Gospel of Luke 22:32 and 22:41 comments.

Gospel of Luke 22:32 But I (Jesus) have prayed for you (to ask God), that your faith will not completely die. And you, when you have come back around, strengthen your brothers (with faith in God)."

2. How do you know a real prophet of God from a false prophet of God?

A real prophet of God would declare that God is one God.

The belief that God is more than one God is called idol worship.

The belief that God is a creation is called idol worship.

Praying to a creation that is alive or dead is called idol worship.

The nineteenth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why was Prophet Muhammad sent after Prophet Jesus?

Prophet Muhammad was sent after Prophet Jesus to correct the confusion between one God and Trinity.

Muhammad was sent after Jesus to correct the confusion between one God and Trinity.

See the introduction before the Gospel of Luke and the Gospel of Luke 1:33, 1:35, 2:36, 3:22, 3:38, 10:21, 10:22, 22:32, 22:41 and 24:44 comments.

Quran 5:116 Koran 5:116 And (on the Day of Judgement) God shall say, “O Jesus, son of Mary, did you say to people (to build images of Jesus and pray to Jesus and to build images of the Virgin Mary and pray to the Virgin Mary and did you tell people to), take me (Jesus) and my mother (Mary) for two gods (who have the power to hear human pray) along side God (and pray to Jesus and pray to Mary instead of praying only to the one God who is the creator of every human including the human Jesus and the human Mary)?” He (Jesus) will say, “Glorify is only to You (the one God who is our creator), it was not for me (Jesus) to say what I (Jesus) have no right to say. If I (Jesus) said it then You (God) know it. You (God) know what is in my mind but I (Jesus) do not know what is in Your (God’s) Mind. You (God) and only You know the unseen things.”

(Note 1. Humans invented idol worship and instead of praying to God some humans began to pray to other humans.

(Note 2. Humans invented idol worship and instead of praying to God some humans began to pray to other humans such as the Virgin Mary.

(Note 3. Humans invented idol worship and instead of praying to God some humans began to pray to other humans such as Jesus.

(Note 4. Humans invented idol worship and instead of praying to God some humans began to pray to more and more humans that they called saints so that prays were going to hundreds of dead people instead of God.

(Note 5. In the Gospel one God means one God but 200 years after the Gospels some humans invented Trinity which is a rejection of one God because it made a human into an idol of worship that encouraged humans to pray to more and more dead humans instead of God but God is the creator of every human and only God has the power to hear and to answer prayer.

(Note 6. Some humans took God away and gave the power to hear prayer and answer prayer to Jesus and to the Virgin Mary and to hundreds of dead people which they called saints.

(Note 7. The prophet after Jesus confirmed that God is one God in the Torah and Gospel and Quran.

(Note 8. Jesus prayed to God and every human must follow that example by praying to God like Jesus prayed to God.

(Note 9. Praying to anything or anyone that is a creation or was a creation is called idol worship because every creation was created by God.

Gospel of Luke 22:33 But he said to him, "Lord, I am prepared to go with you both to prison and to death."


Who is the Lord?

The Lord meaning Jesus the Master or teacher.

No one in the time of Jesus thought that Jesus was God.

Gospel of Luke 24:19 And he (Jesus) said to them, "What things?" And they (the followers of Jesus) said to him, "The things concerning Jesus the Nazarene, who was a prophet powerful in deed and in word, in the eyes of both God and all the people (who believe in God and in Prophet Jesus);

(Note 1. God and the people who followed Jesus in the time of Jesus all saw that Jesus was a human prophet, messenger and messiah.

(Note 2. No one in the time of Jesus believed that Jesus was God.

(Note 3. Jesus and the disciples of Jesus are from the children of Israel.

(Note 4. Jesus and the disciples of Jesus are Jewish.

(Note 5. Every Jew knows that the belief that a human can be God is the religion of human idol worship which God forbids in the Torah.

(Note 6. Jesus never said that Jesus is God because Jesus prayed to God like every human prays to God.

Gospel of Luke 22:34 But Jesus said, "I tell you, Peter: the rooster will not crow this day, until you have denied three times that you know me."

Gospel of Luke 22:35 And he said to them, "When I sent you without purse, knapsack and sandals, did you lack anything?" And they said, "Nothing."

Gospel of Luke 22:36 Then he said, "But now, he who has a purse should bring it, or a knapsack likewise, and he who does not have a sword, should sell his cloak and buy one.

Gospel of Luke 22:37 For I tell you, this which is written has to be fulfilled in me: And he was considered one of the outlaws.' Yes indeed, that about me is reaching fulfillment."

Gospel of Luke 22:38 So they said, "Lord, look. There are two swords here." And he said to them, "That is enough."


Who is the Lord?

The Lord meaning Jesus the Master or teacher.

No one in the time of Jesus thought that Jesus was God.

Gospel of Luke 24:19 And he (Jesus) said to them, "What things?" And they (the followers of Jesus) said to him, "The things concerning Jesus the Nazarene, who was a prophet powerful in deed and in word, in the eyes of both God and all the people;

Note 1. God and the people who followed Jesus in the time of Jesus all saw that Jesus was a human prophet, messenger and messiah.

Note 2. No one in the time of Jesus believed that Jesus was God.

Note 3. Jesus and the disciples of Jesus are from the children of Israel.

Note 4. Jesus and the disciples of Jesus are Jewish.

Note 5. Every Jew knows that the belief that a human can be God is the religion of human idol worship which God forbids in the Torah.

Note 6. Jesus never said that Jesus is God because Jesus prayed to God like every human prays to God.

Note 7. Jesus was a prophet in the sight of both God and all the people is the correct belief about Jesus.

Gospel of Matthew 21:11 And the crowds would say, "This is the prophet Jesus, from Nazareth, Galilee."

Note 1. Jesus was a prophet is the correct belief about Jesus.

Gospel of Luke 7:16 And fear (awe) took hold of all, and they praised God, saying, "A great prophet (named Jesus) has been raised up among us (the children of Israel)," and, God (through His prophet) has come to help his people (the children of Israel)."

Note 1. When Jesus brought the dead back to life the Jews called Jesus a prophet and not God.

Note 2. When the dead are brought back to life the Jews thank God for sending Prophet Jesus to them.

Note 3. The Jewish people who saw the dead brought back to life understood the difference between a created human prophet named Jesus and God who is the creator of every creation.


Where is Gethsemane?

Gethsemane is an olive tree garden at the foot of the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, Al-Quds in Judea today in southern Israel and Palestine.

Gospel of Luke 22:39 And after going out, he proceeded as was his custom to the Mount of Olives; and his disciples followed him also.


Where is the Mount of Olives?

Mount of Olives is also known as Mount Olivet.

Mount of Olives is a mountain range east of Jerusalem in the Roman province of Judea today in Israel and Palestine.

Mount Olivet is a mountain range east of Jerusalem in the Roman province of Judea today in Israel and Palestine.

Gospel of Luke 22:40 And coming upon the place he said to them, "Pray not to come into temptation."


1. What is evil temptation?

Humans are tempted when they are attracted to what is evil.

1-1. The Torah, Gospel and Quran warn humans of the evil of Satan

The three hundred and thirty eighth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The Torah, Gospel and Quran warn humans against Satan.

See Gospel of Luke 22:40 comments.

Gospel of Luke 22:31 "Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has obtained permission (from God) to have you all, to sift (test) you all (the disciples of Jesus) like wheat.

Quran 4:120 Koran 4:120 He (Satan) makes promises to them (humans) and arouses false desires in them (humans) and (Satan) promises nothing but deceptions (meaning, tricks to make you think you are following orders from God but the orders you follow are really whispered into your heart from Satan).

Quran 17:53 Koran 17:53 Tell My (God’s) servants (the humans) to speak in the best manner (with each other) because Satan makes disagreement among them (humans). Satan is an open enemy against humans.

2. God has decreed that Satan will tempt every human with evil.

God tests every human with temptation through the suggestions whispered into the heart of each human by Satan the devil.

God uses Satan so that on the Day of Judgement each person can be shown if they accepted evil or rejected evil as proof to each human that the judgement of God about what each person did in their life is correct.

Gospel of Luke 22:31 "Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has obtained permission (from God) to have you all, to sift (test) you all (the disciples of Jesus) like wheat.

3. What should humans do when they are tempted to do evil?

When evil temptation comes then the human should remember God and reject the evil.

3-1. Jesus and the messenger after Jesus confirm that the defence against evil temptation is to remember God and do what is good.

The three hundred and thirty fourth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Jesus and the prophet after Jesus show that the defence against evil temptation is to remember God and reject evil by doing what is good.

See Gospel of Luke 22:40 comments.

Gospel of Luke 22:46 And he (Jesus) said to them (the disciples of Jesus), "Why are you sleeping? Get up and pray, that you not go into temptation."

Quran 7:200 Koran 7:200 And if you are tempted by the devil to evil then seek refuge in God (by remembering God). He (God) hears all and knows everything.

4. How does Satan test humans with evil temptation?

Satan mixes the truth with deception.

Satan starts with something that is true to tempt humans to believe the deception that will follow.

After the truth Satan makes a deception to trick humans to obey Satan instead of obeying God.

Gospel of Matthew 4:3 The tempter (Satan) came to him (Jesus) and said, "If you are the Son of God (revealing the truth that Jesus is the servant of God), (followed by a deception to make Jesus obey an order from Satan) command that these stones become loaves of bread."

Gospel of Matthew 4:6 and he (Satan) says to him (Jesus), "If you are the Son of God (revealing the truth that Jesus is the servant of God, then), (followed by a deception to make Jesus obey an order from Satan) throw yourself down. (Revealing the truth) For it is written: 'He will command his angels concerning you; and they will lift you up on their hands, so you will not strike your foot against a stone.'"

Gospel of Matthew 4:9 and said to Jesus, (revealing the truth) "These I will give to you, (followed by a deception to make Jesus obey an order from Satan) if you will fall down and worship me (Satan)."

5. God decrees the truth and God decrees the deception in what Satan reveals.

Gospel of Matthew 16:21 From that point on, Jesus began to reveal to his disciples that he had to leave for Jerusalem, and suffer many things at the hands of the elders and chief priests and Torah scholars, and be killed, and on the third day rise again.

Gospel of Matthew 16:22 And after pulling Jesus aside, Peter began correcting him (Jesus), saying, "God forbid, Lord (Teacher, Master, Jesus)! This will never happen to you (meaning God willing you will not be killed which is true)." (However the truth of Satan is always followed by deception because Satan is telling the heart of Jesus; “Jesus follow your will and not the will of God which you Jesus previously though was that you Jesus would be killed).

Gospel of Matthew 16:23 But he (Jesus) turned and said to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan! A hindrance you (Satan) are to me (Jesus), because you (Satan) are not considering the concerns (the will of) of God (the creator), but the concerns of mortals (the will of creations)."

(Note 1. In the Gospel of Matthew 16:22 God decreed that Satan would start with the truth “God willing you (Jesus) will not be killed.”

(Note 2. In the Gospel of Matthew 16:23 Jesus rejects what Peter has said but Jesus is not denying that God has the power to save the life of Jesus.

Gospel of Luke 1:37 Therefore with God, nothing will be impossible."

(Note 3. In the Gospel of Matthew 16:23 what Jesus rejects is the deception that is whispered into the heart of Jesus by Satan through the revelation of Peter which is since God willing Jesus will not die then Jesus is free to follow the will of Jesus instead of what Jesus previously though was the will of God that Jesus be killed.

(Note 4. Simon Peter revealed that God willing Jesus will not be killed.

The three hundred and fifty eighth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

How does the Gospel confirm the prophet after Jesus who revealed that Jesus was not killed on the cross?

Simon Peter revealed that God willing Jesus will not be killed.

Jesus believes that Jesus will be killed even thought Peter said that God willing Jesus will not be killed.

In the same way and for the same purpose that God stopped the killing of Isaac in the sacrifice, God had also not willed that Jesus be killed as shown three days after the crucifixion when Jesus was seen alive.

See Gospel of Luke 22:40 comments.

5-1. The messenger after Jesus confirms that Jesus was not killed.

The three hundred and thirty fifth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The prophet after Jesus confirms that Jesus was not killed.

See Gospel of Luke 22:40 comments.

Quran 4:157 Koran 4:157 And they (some of the Jews of Yathrib in Arabia later Medina Arabia today Madinah Saudi Arabia) said (showing their pride and their disbelief by threatening and mocking the messenger Prophet Muhammad and his followers by boasting), "We killed messiah Jesus Isa, the son of Mary Maryam, the messenger of God," but (in fact) they did not kill him (on the cross) nor crucify him (to death on the cross), but it was made to appear so to them (so they believed he was dead on the cross because his body was not moving but in fact he was still alive and sleeping on the cross as explained in Quran 4:158 and 39:42) and those (Jews of Yathrib Arabia) who differ in this (in what happened to Prophet Jesus Isa on the cross) are full of doubts with no (certain) knowledge so they (the Jews of Yathrib) follow only conjecture (assumptions, speculation, guess). It is certain that they (the Jews) did not kill him (because God protected Prophet Jesus Isa from the death of crucifixion in 607 BH 33 CE 33 AD on Friday 3 April 33 in Jerusalem Al-Quds Yerussalem Yerushalayim in Judea today in Israel and Palestine and this is confirmed in the Gospel Injil where Jesus Isa is seen alive three days after the crucifixion teaching that he is not God in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 by saying God is my God and your God meaning God is my Father and your Father meaning God is my Creator and your Creator meaning God is my Master and your Master meaning God is my Lord and your Lord as proof that no one had killed him on the cross or crucified him to death on the cross).

Note 1. God saved Jesus Isa from death on the cross in Quran 4:157 and 4:158 so that Jesus Isa could continue his life and then die 2000 years ago like every human before him and after him has died in Quran 5:75 and 3:144. The natural death of Jesus Isa 2000 years ago is proof to the people in his time that Jesus Isa is human like every other human and he is not God or an equal partner with God.

Three days after the crucifixion Jesus told Mary Magdalene to tell all the disciples that Jesus did not die on the cross in Gospel of John 20:17 “I have not yet ascended to the Father” meaning God saved the life of Jesus on the cross with a miracle which made people think Jesus was dead on the cross in the same way God made people believe a sleeping person was dead in Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24 and Gospel of Luke 8:52.

The soul of every human ascends to God during sleep and when they die (Quran 39:42).

When Jesus says I (Jesus) have not yet ascended to the Father (God) Jesus is not talking about sleep because every human ascends to God every night during sleep therefore the meaning is Jesus has not yet died meaning God saved the life of Jesus on the cross with sleep (Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24, Gospel of Luke 8:52, Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42) meaning Jesus did not die on the cross with death but was saved on the cross with sleep which looked like Jesus was dead and in this way God saved the life of Jesus meaning no one killed Jesus (Gospel of Luke 8:54 – 8:55 and Quran 39:42) meaning no one crucified Jesus to death (Quran 4:157) meaning Jesus was not sacrificed but was saved from death with sleep in Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42 for the same reason God saved the son of Abraham from death in a test of the faith in God of Abraham and Jesus.

When Jesus says "I (Jesus) am ascending to my Father (God) and your Father (God)" it means Jesus will die like every human dies meaning Jesus died a natural death at the end of his life 2000 years ago (Quran 3:144 and Quran 5:75) as proof Jesus is human and as proof Jesus is not God.

Gospel of John 20:17 Jesus says to her (Mary Magdalene), "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father (God); but go to my brothers (my disciples), and tell them: 'I am ascending to my Father and your Father; to my God and your God.'"

Note 1. After the crucifixion Jesus says do not hold on to me to see if I am really alive, I have not yet ascended to my Father meaning I am not yet dead meaning I am really alive meaning I am not a ghost.

Quran 6:60 Koran 6:60 He (God) is the one who takes your souls at night (when you sleep) and He (God) knows everything you did in the day. Then He (God) wakes you again so that your life span may be fulfilled. Afterward (in the Hereafter) to Him (God) you shall return. Then He (God) shall inform you of what you used to do.

Quran 39:42 Koran 39:42 God takes the souls at the time of their death and (also takes the souls of) those who have not died (but are alive) during their sleep (when God saved the life of Jesus Isa with sleep so that his body did not move making everyone believe that Jesus Isa was dead on the cross in Quran 4:157 by raising the soul of Jesus Isa to heaven and to God in Quran 4:158). He (God) keeps those (souls) for which He (God) had decreed death and sends the rest (of the souls to awaken the sleeping body) for a predetermined period of time (such as when God returned the soul of Jesus Isa three days after the crucifixion to wake up the sleeping body of Jesus Isa on the earth in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 when Jesus Isa delivered the message that Jesus Isa is not God by saying God is my God and your God meaning God is my Father and your Father meaning God is my Creator and your Creator meaning God is my Master and your Master meaning God is my Lord and your Lord as proof that no one had killed him on the cross or crucified him to death on the cross, after which they return to sleep again or die as in Quran 5:75 where Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa “use to eat food” meaning they both died 2000 years ago and Quran 3:144 where the “the messengers before Prophet Muhammad have died” meaning Jesus Isa is dead because Jesus Isa is the messenger before Prophet Muhammad. In Quran 5:117 Jesus died when he lived with the children of Israel 2000 years ago when he was raised by the angel of death). In this are signs (of God) for people who think.

5-2. God decreed the truth that was revealed by Satan that God willing Jesus would not be killed.

The three hundred and thirty sixth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

God decrees the truth and God decrees the deception in what Satan reveals when Satan is sent to test the heart of each human.

God decreed the truth that was revealed by Satan that God willing Jesus would not be killed and God decreed the deception that Satan whispered into the heart of Jesus to follow the will of Jesus to live because God willing Jesus will not be killed.

See Gospel of Luke 22:40 comments.

Gospel of Matthew 16:22 And after pulling Jesus aside, Peter began correcting him (Jesus), saying, "God forbid, Lord (Teacher, Master, Jesus)! This will never happen to you (meaning God willing you will not be killed which is true)." (However the truth of Satan is always followed by deception because Satan is telling the heart of Jesus; “Jesus follow your will and not the will of God which you Jesus previously though was that you Jesus would be killed).

(Note 1. Jesus rejects the deception of Satan by continuing to follow the will of God as was revealed to Jesus just as Abraham and Isaac continued to follow the will of God as was revealed to them in the order for Abraham to sacrifice Isaac.

(Note 2. Jesus is not denying that God has the power to save the life of Jesus just as Abraham and Isaac never denied that God had the power to save the life of Isaac..

Gospel of Luke 1:37 Therefore with God, nothing will be impossible."

(Note 3. God tested Jesus like God tested Abraham and Isaac.

The two hundred and eighteenth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did God reveal to Jesus that Jesus would be killed? God tested the faith of Jesus in God.

Why did God reveal to Jesus that Jesus would be resurrected? God tested Jesus even more to show if Jesus really believed in resurrection.

God tested Jesus with death like God tested Abraham and Isaac with death.

Would Jesus be willing to sacrifice himself for God like Abraham and Isaac?

The story of Jesus is clearly a test of the faith of Jesus in God.

The story of Jesus is clearly proof of the love and obedience of Jesus to the will of God.

See Gospel of Luke 9:22, 9:45, 18:33, 18:34, 20:44, 22:15, 22:40, 22:42, 24:7 and 24:26 comments.

God is always testing Jesus using Satan.

Gospel of Luke 4:13 And having carried out every sort of temptation (test), the devil left him (Jesus) until an opportune time (which is what Satan does when testing every human).

5-3. The messenger after Jesus confirmed that the words “God willing” is true and so “God willing Jesus will not be killed” is true.

The three hundred and thirty seventh sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The prophet after Jesus confirmed that the words “God willing” is true and so “God willing Jesus will not be killed” is true.

“God willing Jesus will not be killed” is true because what ever happens in the creation depends on the will of God who is the creator.

See Gospel of Luke 22:40 comments.

Gospel of Matthew 16:22 And after pulling Jesus aside, Peter began correcting him (Jesus), saying, "God forbid, Lord (Teacher, Master, Jesus)! This will never happen to you (meaning God willing you will not be killed which is true)." (However the truth of Satan is always followed by dishonesty because Satan is telling the heart of Jesus; “Jesus follow your will and not the will of God”).

Quran 18:23, Koran 18:23 Never say about anything, "I shall do it tomorrow (meaning it will happen or not happen tomorrow)."

Quran 18:24, Koran 18:24 – Except (when adding), “If God wills.” And remember your Lord (God) when you forget (to say “if God wills”) and say, “My Lord guide me on a better course if You (God) will.”

6. What happened to prophets who did not follow what was revealed to them by God through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel?

What would have happened to Abraham and Isaac if God through the evil spirit Satan had successfully convinced Abraham and Isaac that the sacrifice was not necessary before God through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel had revealed this to Abraham and Isaac?

(Note 1. God tested Jesus like God tested Abraham and Isaac.

The two hundred and eighteenth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did God reveal to Jesus that Jesus would be killed? God tested the faith of Jesus in God.

Why did God reveal to Jesus that Jesus would be resurrected? God tested Jesus even more to show if Jesus really believed in resurrection.

God tested Jesus with death like God tested Abraham and Isaac with death.

Would Jesus be willing to sacrifice himself for God like Abraham and Isaac?

The story of Jesus is clearly a test of the faith of Jesus in God.

The story of Jesus is clearly proof of the love and obedience of Jesus to the will of God.

See Gospel of Luke 9:22, 9:45, 18:33, 18:34, 20:44, 22:15, 22:40, 22:42, 24:7 and 24:26 comments.

What would have happened to Jesus if God through the evil spirit Satan had successfully convinced Jesus that the killing of Jesus was not necessary before God through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel had revealed this to Jesus?

7. The Jewish Hebrew Bible shows what happened to prophets who did not follow what was revealed to them by God through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel.

Jewish Hebrew Bible 1 Kings 13:14 And he went after the man of God, and found him sitting under a terebinth (tree); and he said to him: “Are you the man of God that came from Judah?” And he replied, “I am.”

Jewish Hebrew Bible 1 Kings 13:15 Then he said to him, “Come home with me and eat bread.”

Jewish Hebrew Bible 1 Kings 13:16 And the man replied, “I may not return with you nor go with you; neither will I eat bread nor drink water with you in this place.

Jewish Hebrew Bible 1 Kings 13:17 For it was said to me by the word of the Lord (God): You shall eat no bread nor drink water there, nor turn back to go by the way that you came.”

Jewish Hebrew Bible 1 Kings 13:18 And he said to him: “I also am a prophet as you are and an angel spoke to me by the word of the Lord (God), saying: Bring him back with you into your house so that he may eat bread and drink water.” (This was said as a test from God).

Jewish Hebrew Bible 1 Kings 13:19 So the man went back with him, and did eat bread in his house and drank water.

Jewish Hebrew Bible 1 Kings 13:20 And it came to pass, as they sat at the table that the word of the Lord (God) came to the prophet that brought him back.

Jewish Hebrew Bible 1 Kings 13:21 And he cried to the man of God that came from Judah, saying: 'Thus said the Lord (God): Because you have rebelled against the word of the Lord (God), and have not kept the commandment which the Lord your God commanded you,

Jewish Hebrew Bible 1 Kings 13:22 but came back and have eaten bread and drunk water in the place of which He (God) said to you: Eat no bread and drink no water; your carcass (dead body) shall not come to the grave of your fathers.”

Jewish Hebrew Bible 1 Kings 13:23 And it came to pass, after he had eaten bread and after he had drunk, that he saddled for him the ass, namely, for the prophet whom he had brought back (to his house to eat and drink).

Jewish Hebrew Bible 1 Kings 13:24 And when he had departed a lion met him while he was travelling and killed him; and his carcass (dead body) was cast in the way, and the ass (donkey) stood by it and the lion also stood by the carcass (the dead body).

The lesson is that the word of God does not change and do not believe anyone who claims God changed His word.

7-1. Jesus, Peter and Muhammad only knew what God decreed them to know.

The three hundred and fifty ninth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Just as Jesus and Peter only knew what God decreed they would know so to did the prophet after Jesus only know what God decreed Muhammad to know.

See Gospel of Luke 22:40 comments.

Jesus was correct to believe that he would be killed because Jesus was correctly holding tight to what had been revealed to Jesus in the same way as Isaac and Abraham held tightly to the belief that Abraham had been ordered by God to kill Isaac as a sacrifice to God.

Peter was also correct to reveal what God revealed which was that God willing Jesus will not be killed in the same way as Abraham revealed to Isaac that Isaac was to be killed as a sacrifice to God.

Three days later God showed that Jesus passed the tests of faith that God had given to Jesus.

Three days later God showed that the revelation of Peter that “God willing Jesus would not be killed” was fulfilled because Jesus rejected the temptation to reject the will of God and follow the will of Jesus.

Gospel of Matthew 16:22 And after pulling Jesus aside, Peter began correcting him (Jesus), saying, "God forbid, Lord (Teacher, Master, Jesus)! This will never happen to you (meaning God willing you will not be killed which is true)." (However the truth of Satan is always followed by dishonesty because Satan is telling the heart of Jesus; “Jesus follow your will and not the will of God”).

Jesus was not killed because it was the plan of God not to kill Jesus just as it was the plan of God not to kill Isaac in the story of the sacrifice of Isaac by Abraham.

The messenger after Jesus also only knew what God decreed Muhammad to know.

Quran 80:1 Koran 80:1 He (Prophet Muhammad) frowned and turned away (from a blind man).

Quran 80:2 Koran 80:2 Because a blind man (Abdullah bin Umm Maktum) came to him (Prophet Muhammad and interrupted Prophet Muhammad while he was taking to a chief of the Quraish tribe of stone idol worshippers in Mecca, Arabia today Saudi Arabia).

Quran 80:3 Koran 80:3 But how do you (Prophet Muhammad) know (what the blind man wanted from you)? Maybe he (the blind man) wanted to be cleaned (of his sins by asking for your guidance).

Quran 80:4 Koran 80:4 Or to listen to what you (Prophet Muhammad) said so that what he (the blind man) remembered might benefit him.

Quran 80:5 Koran 80:5 As for the person (a chief of the Quraish tribe of stone idol worshippers in Mecca) who think they have no need (of you or of God).

Quran 80:6 Koran 80:6 You (Prophet Muhammad) gave that person (a chief of the Quraish tribe of stone idol worshippers in Mecca your) attention (even though they think they have no need of you or of God instead of attending to the blind man who interrupted you because he wanted you and God).

Quran 80:7 Koran 80:7 But there is no blame on you (Prophet Muhammad) if he (the blind man) does not clean himself (of sin because you are only a warner and it is God who decides who shall be correctly guided).

Quran 80:8 Koran 80:8 But as for the person (the blind man) who comes to you (Prophet Muhammad, who is) striving (to understand the truth) –

Quran 80:9 Koran 80:9 While that person (the blind man) fears (God).

Quran 80:10 Koran 80:10 From that person (the blind man) you (Prophet Muhammad) were distracted (and you Prophet Muhammad ignored him).

Quran 80:11 Koran 80:11 This (revelation) is a reminder (from God) –

Quran 80:12 Koran 80:12 For whoever wills to remember (to share the word of God with every human that comes to them).

7-2. Was the Quran revealed by the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel or by the Evil Spirit Satan the Devil?

Quran 17:53 Koran 17:53 Tell My (God’s) servants (the humans) to speak in the best manner (with each other) because Satan makes disagreement among them (humans). Satan is an open enemy against humans.

(Note 1. The Quran warns against the Satan.

(Note 2. See 7-2a to 7-2d below.

7-2a. The one hundred and thirty second sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Jesus mentioned the fall of Satan from Heaven and the prophet after Jesus explained the reason that Satan fell from Heaven to the Earth.

See Gospel of Luke 10:18 and 22:40 comments.

7-2b. The one hundred and forty fourth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Jesus and the prophet after Jesus confirmed that Satan is a clear enemy to every human.

See Gospel of Luke 11:17 and 22:40 comments.

7-2c. The two hundred and ninety sixth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did God send a prophet after Jesus?]

God sent a prophet after Jesus to correct the confusion between God and Jesus.

God gave Satan permission to test the disciples of Jesus just as God had given permission for Satan to test Jesus.

See Gospel of Luke 22:31, 22:40 and 24:26 comments.

7-2d. The three hundred and fourth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did God send a prophet after Jesus?

God sent a prophet after Jesus to correct the confusion between God and Jesus.

Jesus is not God because every human including Jesus, the chief priests, the temple officers and the elders are tested by the authority of darkness (Satan ,evil, the devil).

See Gospel of Luke 22:53, 22:40 and 24:26 comments.

7-2. The messenger after Jesus was Prophet Muhammad who confirmed and explained the meaning of the Gospel as revealed to Prophet Muhammad by God through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel.

The three hundred and sixtieth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The prophet after Jesus was Prophet Muhammad who confirmed and explained the meaning of the Gospel as revealed to Prophet Muhammad by God through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel.

See Gospel of Luke 22:40 comments.

Quran 2:97 Koran 2:97 Say (Prophet Muhammad, to the people), who is against (Angel) Gabriel? because it is he (Angel Gabriel) who has revealed this (Scripture, the Quran) to your heart (Prophet Muhammad) by God’s permission, confirming what was revealed before it (in the Gospel and in the Torah), and as a guidance and good news for those who believe.

(Note G1. The Holy Spirit angel Gabriel revealed the Quran to the heart of Prophet Muhammad by the will of God).

Quran 5:14 Koran 5:14 And from those who say, “We are Christians”, We (God revealed through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel to Prophet Muhammad, that God) took their covenant (agreement) but they (some of the Christians) forgot part of what was revealed to them (in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15 where Prophet Jesus said that another prophet shall come after him and instead of praising God and waiting for the next messenger from God some of the people forgot that Jesus promised another messenger from God shall come after Jesus and they made Prophet Jesus into a God and prayed to the created human Prophet Jesus instead of praying to God who created every creation. When humankind built the tower of Babylon, mistakenly thinking that they could use it to look at God in the heavens, God divided the people into many groups) so We (God through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel, reveal this to Prophet Muhammad, that God, again did something similar when humans mistakenly believed they could pray to created humans such as the human prophet, messenger and messiah named Jesus and other human saints as a way to reach the invisible God, so God) caused hostility and dislike (among the Christians until they divided into many opposing Christian denominations and Christian sects) until the Day of Resurrection when God shall inform them (some of the Christians) about what they used to do (against God by praying to what God had created instead of praying to God who is the creator of every creation).

(Note G1. Divisions in Christianity that created many different Christian sects have also occurred in Judaism and Islam).

(Note G2. Divisions in religion occur when people listen to misguided humans instead of correctly understanding what God has revealed in the Torah, Gospel and Quran).

7-3. The command from God that Isaac would be killed by Abraham was a test of the faith of Abraham and Isaac to follow the will of God as revealed through the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel.

The Jewish Hebrew Bible 1 Kings 13:14 – 13:24 shows what would have happened to Abraham and Isaac if God through the evil spirit Satan had successfully convinced Abraham and Isaac that the sacrifice was not necessary before God through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel had revealed this to Abraham and Isaac.

The lesson from God is that although God through the Holy Spirit would cancel the order of God for Abraham to sacrifice Isaac no one has authority to change this order except God through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel.

Abraham correctly rejected the suggestion of the evil spirit Satan for Abraham to do the will of Abraham and not the will of God (which was a test decreed by God) and so Abraham was rewarded by God through the Holy Spirit cancelling the sacrifice and saving the life of Isaac.

Abraham believed that he would sacrifice Isaac until the very last moment when he was stopped by God through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel.

God tested Abraham and Isaac like God tested Jesus.

The two hundred and eighteenth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did God reveal to Jesus that Jesus would be killed? God tested the faith of Jesus in God.

Why did God reveal to Jesus that Jesus would be resurrected? God tested Jesus even more to show if Jesus really believed in resurrection.

God tested Jesus with death like God tested Abraham and Isaac with death.

Would Jesus be willing to sacrifice himself for God like Abraham and Isaac?

The story of Jesus is clearly a test of the faith of Jesus in God.

The story of Jesus is clearly proof of the love and obedience of Jesus to the will of God.

See Gospel of Luke 9:22, 9:45, 18:33, 18:34, 20:44, 22:15, 22:40, 22:42, 24:7 and 24:26 comments.

7-4. The command from God that Jesus would be killed was a test of the faith of Jesus in the will of God as revealed through the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel.

The Jewish Hebrew Bible 1 Kings 13:14 – 13:24 shows what would have happened to Jesus if God through the evil spirit Satan had successfully convinced Jesus that the killing of Jesus was not necessary before God through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel had revealed this to Jesus.

The lesson from God is that although God through the Holy Spirit would cancel the order of God that Jesus must be killed no one has authority to change this order except God through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel.

Gospel of Matthew 16:22 And after pulling Jesus aside, Peter began correcting him (Jesus), saying, "God forbid, Lord (Teacher, Master, Jesus)! This will never happen to you (meaning God willing you will not be killed which is true)." (However the truth of Satan is always followed by deception because Satan is telling the heart of Jesus; “Jesus follow your will and not the will of God which you Jesus previously though was that you Jesus would be killed).

Jesus correctly rejected the suggestion of the evil spirit Satan for Jesus to do the will of Jesus and not the will of God (which was a test decreed by God) and so Jesus was rewarded by God through the Holy Spirit replacing the killing of Jesus with the body of Jesus sleeping on the Earth for three days and the soul of Jesus raised to heaven for three days under the care of God and Jesus awakening on Earth three days later when the soul of Jesus was returned to the body of Jesus as proof that no one killed Jesus.

Gospel of Luke 1:37 Therefore with God, nothing will be impossible."

Jesus believed that he would be killed to the very last moment when he fainted into a sleep and everyone who saw it believed Jesus had been killed.

Gospel of Luke 22:22 Therefore indeed the Son of Man (the human Jesus) is going out exactly as is planned (by God) …”

God tested Jesus like God tested Abraham and Isaac.

The two hundred and eighteenth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did God reveal to Jesus that Jesus would be killed? God tested the faith of Jesus in God.

Why did God reveal to Jesus that Jesus would be resurrected? God tested Jesus even more to show if Jesus really believed in resurrection.

God tested Jesus with death like God tested Abraham and Isaac with death.

Would Jesus be willing to sacrifice himself for God like Abraham and Isaac?

The story of Jesus is clearly a test of the faith of Jesus in God.

The story of Jesus is clearly proof of the love and obedience of Jesus to the will of God.

See Gospel of Luke 9:22, 9:45, 18:33, 18:34, 20:44, 22:15, 22:40, 22:42, 24:7 and 24:26 comments.

8. How could Jesus be alive on the cross as revealed by the messenger after Jesus?

The ninety fourth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

How could Jesus be alive on the cross as revealed by the prophet after Jesus?

This person has not died but is sleeping.

The prophet after Jesus would reveal that Jesus was not dead on the cross.

The body of Jesus was sleeping but the soul of Jesus was with God.

How is it possible for a body to be sleeping and the soul to be with God?

Only the soul of a human is raised to heaven.

The human body is not needed in heaven.

The human body is only needed on the Earth.

See Gospel of Luke 8:52, 8:55, 9:20, 9:22, 18:33, 20:44, 22:40 and 24:7 comments.

Gospel of John 10:18 No one takes it (my life) from me (Jesus); I lay it down (my life) of myself (voluntarily as God has ordered Jesus to do). I (Jesus) have authority (from God) to lay it down (on the cross where humans shall try to kill Jesus through crucifixion) …”

(Note 1. In the Gospel Jesus said no one takes my life from me because Jesus is obeying the orders of God.

(Note 2. The Gospel confirms no one killed Jesus because Jesus was alive three days later.

Quran 4:157 Koran 4:157 And they (some of the Jews of Yathrib in Arabia later Medina Arabia today Madinah Saudi Arabia) said (showing their pride and their disbelief by threatening and mocking the messenger Prophet Muhammad and his followers by boasting), "We killed messiah Jesus Isa, the son of Mary Maryam, the messenger of God," but (in fact) they did not kill him (on the cross) nor crucify him (to death on the cross), but it was made to appear so to them (so they believed he was dead on the cross because his body was not moving but in fact he was still alive and sleeping on the cross as explained in Quran 4:158 and 39:42) and those (Jews of Yathrib Arabia) who differ in this (in what happened to Prophet Jesus Isa on the cross) are full of doubts with no (certain) knowledge so they (the Jews of Yathrib) follow only conjecture (assumptions, speculation, guess). It is certain that they (the Jews) did not kill him (because God protected Prophet Jesus Isa from the death of crucifixion in 607 BH 33 CE 33 AD on Friday 3 April 33 in Jerusalem Al-Quds Yerussalem Yerushalayim in Judea today in Israel and Palestine and this is confirmed in the Gospel Injil where Jesus Isa is seen alive three days after the crucifixion teaching that he is not God in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 by saying God is my God and your God meaning God is my Father and your Father meaning God is my Creator and your Creator meaning God is my Master and your Master meaning God is my Lord and your Lord as proof that no one had killed him on the cross or crucified him to death on the cross).

Note 1. God saved Jesus Isa from death on the cross in Quran 4:157 and 4:158 so that Jesus Isa could continue his life and then die 2000 years ago like every human before him and after him has died in Quran 5:75 and 3:144. The natural death of Jesus Isa 2000 years ago is proof to the people in his time that Jesus Isa is human like every other human and he is not God or an equal partner with God.

(Note 2. The Quran confirms that those who sinned will believe they killed Jesus and that belief will be evidence on the Day of Judgement that the sinful will be unable to deny.

(Note 3. The Quran confirms no one killed Jesus.

Three days after the crucifixion Jesus told Mary Magdalene to tell all the disciples that Jesus did not die on the cross in Gospel of John 20:17 “I have not yet ascended to the Father” meaning God saved the life of Jesus on the cross with a miracle which made people think Jesus was dead on the cross in the same way God made people believe a sleeping person was dead in Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24 and Gospel of Luke 8:52.

The soul of every human ascends to God during sleep and when they die (Quran 39:42).

When Jesus says I (Jesus) have not yet ascended to the Father (God) Jesus is not talking about sleep because every human ascends to God every night during sleep therefore the meaning is Jesus has not yet died meaning God saved the life of Jesus on the cross with sleep (Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24, Gospel of Luke 8:52, Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42) meaning Jesus did not die on the cross with death but was saved on the cross with sleep which looked like Jesus was dead and in this way God saved the life of Jesus meaning no one killed Jesus (Gospel of Luke 8:54 – 8:55 and Quran 39:42) meaning no one crucified Jesus to death (Quran 4:157) meaning Jesus was not sacrificed but was saved from death with sleep in Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42 for the same reason God saved the son of Abraham from death in a test of the faith in God of Abraham and Jesus.

When Jesus says "I (Jesus) am ascending to my Father (God) and your Father (God)" it means Jesus will die like every human dies meaning Jesus died a natural death at the end of his life 2000 years ago (Quran 3:144 and Quran 5:75) as proof Jesus is human and as proof Jesus is not God.

Gospel of John 20:17 Jesus says to her (Mary Magdalene), "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father (God); but go to my brothers (my disciples), and tell them: 'I am ascending to my Father and your Father; to my God and your God.'"

Note 1. After the crucifixion Jesus says do not hold on to me to see if I am really alive, I have not yet ascended to my Father meaning I am not yet dead meaning I am really alive meaning I am not a ghost.

Quran 6:60 Koran 6:60 He (God) is the one who takes your souls at night (when you sleep) and He (God) knows everything you did in the day. Then He (God) wakes you again so that your life span may be fulfilled. Afterward (in the Hereafter) to Him (God) you shall return. Then He (God) shall inform you of what you used to do.

Quran 39:42 Koran 39:42 God takes the souls at the time of their death and (also takes the souls of) those who have not died (but are alive) during their sleep (when God saved the life of Jesus Isa with sleep so that his body did not move making everyone believe that Jesus Isa was dead on the cross in Quran 4:157 by raising the soul of Jesus Isa to heaven and to God in Quran 4:158). He (God) keeps those (souls) for which He (God) had decreed death and sends the rest (of the souls to awaken the sleeping body) for a predetermined period of time (such as when God returned the soul of Jesus Isa three days after the crucifixion to wake up the sleeping body of Jesus Isa on the earth in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 when Jesus Isa delivered the message that Jesus Isa is not God by saying God is my God and your God meaning God is my Father and your Father meaning God is my Creator and your Creator meaning God is my Master and your Master meaning God is my Lord and your Lord as proof that no one had killed him on the cross or crucified him to death on the cross, after which they return to sleep again or die as in Quran 5:75 where Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa “use to eat food” meaning they both died 2000 years ago and Quran 3:144 where the “the messengers before Prophet Muhammad have died” meaning Jesus Isa is dead because Jesus Isa is the messenger before Prophet Muhammad. In Quran 5:117 Jesus died when he lived with the children of Israel 2000 years ago when he was raised by the angel of death). In this are signs (of God) for people who think.

9. After the time of Jesus some Christians would say “How can humans believe in God if Jesus was not killed and resurrected back to life from death?”

The two hundred and thirty second sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

After the time of Jesus some Christians would say “How can humans believe in God if Jesus was not killed and resurrected back to life from death?”

See Gospel of Luke 9:45, 18:34, 22:40, 24:7 and 24:16 comments.

9-1. Jesus awoke from a three day sleep in excellent health is this sign from God not sufficient?

9-2. Jesus showed many miracles and the greatest was his awakening after three days of sleep is this sign from God not sufficient?

9-3. The Jews have believed in God for thousands of years without demanding to see anyone killed and resurrected is this sign of faith in God not sufficient?

9-4. The Muslims believe in God without demanding to see anyone killed and resurrected is this sign of faith in God not sufficient?

9-5. What better news for those who love Jesus could the prophet after Jesus have revealed then the fact that Jesus was not killed because God protected Jesus?

Is this not a wonderful sign from the most merciful and the most loving and the most forgiving God?

10. God saved the world by saving the life of Jesus.

The three hundred and thirty ninth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The Torah, Gospel and Quran show that God saved the world by saving the life of Jesus.

God showed humans how to save the world when God saved the life of Jesus.

God saved the world by saving the life of Jesus.

See Gospel of Luke 22:40 and 24:16 comments.

Mishnah Sanhedrin 4:5, Babylonian Talmud Tractate Sanhedrin 37a Whoever destroys a soul, it is considered as if he destroyed an entire world (because he followed the orders of the evil one Satan who is sent by God to test every human). And whoever saves a life, it is considered as if he saved an entire world (because he followed the orders of the Holy Spirit from God who is sent by God to correctly guide every human who will accept correct guidance).

(Note 1. God in the Quran 5:32 confirms that God inspired this verse in the Jewish Talmud which means that this is a correct Jewish interpretation of the Torah.

Quran 5:31 Koran 5:31 Then God sent a raven that scratched the ground to show him (Cain the first born son of Adam and Eve) how to cover (bury) his brother's dead body. He (Cain the first born son of Adam and Eve) said, “What have I done (what shall I do? I know, why), can’t I do as this raven is doing and cover (bury) my brother's dead body?” And then he felt regret (about what he had done).

Quran 5:32 Koran 5:32 From that time (humans were warned not to murder and) We (God) decreed on the children of Israel (through the inspiration of the teachers of the Jewish Talmud and confirmed for the Muslim in Quran 6:151) that whoever kills a soul (kills a life, kills a person) it is as if he has killed all of humankind (so that humans understand the great value and preciousness of one human life and to warn humans against the great evil of killing one human soul) unless it is in retaliation for murder or for misbehaviour in the land. And whoever saves it (saves a life, saves a soul, saves a person) it is as if he has saved all of humankind (so that humans understand the great value and preciousness of one human life and to teach humans the great goodness in the saving of one human soul). Our (God’s) messengers came to them (the children of Israel) with clear arguments but still after that many of them continued to commit great crimes (by killing humans unlawfully) in the land (so this is a message from God to the human not to commit the great crime of killing human life but instead to work to save human life).

Note 1. In the Judgment of God the saving of one human life is a great deed because in the Judgment of God it is like saving every human life on the earth.

Note 2. On the Day of Judgment whoever saved a life will be rewarded with a reward fitting for a person who had saved all humankind if God wills.

Note 3. On the Day of Judgment whoever destroyed a life will be punished with a punishment fitting for a person who had destroyed all humankind if God wills.

Note 4. Human life is equal in the sight of God. Those who save all human life are among the righteous if God wills.

Note 5. Human deeds are not equal in the sight of God. Those who do good deeds to all people are among the righteous if God wills.

Note 6. The saving of one life in this world no matter if that person is Muslim or non Muslim or the saving of one life by guiding a person to goodness so that they are successful in the hereafter is a great deed of goodness in the sight of God.

Note 7. Whoever kills a person it is a crime equal to killing all of mankind.

Note 8. Whoever saves a life has done a deed that is equal to saving all of mankind.

Note 9. Whoever kills an innocent life has committed a terrible crime in the sight of God.

Gospel of Luke 24:47 and repentance for forgiveness of sins (by God) is to be preached in all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem.

(Note 1. Jesus and the disciples of Jesus are from the children of Israel.

(Note 2. Jesus and the disciples of Jesus are Jewish.

(Note 3. In the Gospel of Luke 24:47 a new command from God is delivered through Prophet Jesus in his mission as the messiah commanding the children of Israel to deliver the word of God to all the nations of the world starting in Jerusalem, Al-Quds by informing all humans that through sincere repentance to God there is forgiveness for human sin (wrong doing).

(Note 4. 2000 years ago the mission that was given by God to the children of Israel to deliver the word of God to the people of all the nations of the world starting in Jerusalem, Al-Quds was spread outside Jerusalem, Al-Quds to create Christianity 1950 years ago and Islam 1400 years ago.

(Note 5. Today the religion of God exists in all the nations of the world as God had commanded 2000 years ago.

2000 years ago Judaism and synagogues existed.

2000 years ago Christianity, churches, Islam and mosques did not exist.

Today Judaism, synagogues and Christianity, churches and Islam and mosques exist in all the nations of the world as God has willed.

Gospel of Luke 24:19 And he (Jesus) said to them, "What things?" And they (the followers of Jesus) said to him, "The things concerning Jesus the Nazarene, who was a prophet powerful in deed and in word, in the eyes of both God and all the people;

(Note 1. God and the people who followed Jesus in the time of Jesus all saw that Jesus was a human prophet, messenger and messiah.

(Note 2. No one in the time of Jesus believed that Jesus was God.

(Note 3. Jesus and the disciples of Jesus are from the children of Israel.

(Note 4. Jesus and the disciples of Jesus are Jewish.

(Note 5. Every Jew knows that the belief that a human can be God is the religion of human idol worship which God forbids in the Torah.

(Note 6. Jesus never said that Jesus is God because Jesus prayed to God like every human prays to God.

Quran 30:30 Koran 30:30 So direct yourself (Prophet Muhammad) towards the religion (the belief in one creator) for which He (God who is the one and only creator) has created (religion for) humans. No one can alter what God has created (in religion, in the Torah, the Gospel and the Quran). That is the right religion (belief), but most people do not know (this).

(Note 1. Prophet Muhammad confirmed that everything that was revealed before him in the Torah and the Gospel is the truth from God and that nothing was revealed to Prophet Muhammad that had not been revealed to the messengers who came before Prophet Muhammad.

Quran 41:43 Koran 41:43 Nothing is said (by God through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel) to you (Prophet Muhammad) except what has already been said to the messengers before you. Your Lord (God) is the possessor of forgiveness and severe punishment.

10-1. How does knowledge of God save the people of the world?

Knowledge of God saves the world because it guides humans to do what is good by saving life and rejecting what is bad which destroys life.

10-2. Jesus and the messenger after Jesus confirmed the command of God to preach to the world the need for human repentance (regret of wrong doing) for the forgiveness by God of sin (wrong doing).

The three hundred and thirty second sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Jesus and the prophet after Jesus confirmed the command of God to preach to the world the need for human repentance (regret of wrong doing) for the forgiveness by God of sin (wrong doing).

See Gospel of Luke 22:40 and 24:47 comments.

Quran 42:13 Koran 42:13 “… God chooses for Himself (God) whom He (God) pleases and guides to Himself (God) whoever turns (to God in remembrance and repentance).

Quran 42:25 Koran 42:25 And it is He (God) who accepts repentance from His (God’s) servants and forgives evil deeds. He (God) knows what you do.

(Note 1. Repentance (regret of wrong doing) by humans for the forgiveness by God of sin (wrong doing) is confirmed in the Quran.

Quran 110:3 Koran 110:3 Then (Prophet Muhammad) exalt and praise your Lord (God) and ask for His (God’s) forgiveness. He (God) is always ready to accept repentance.

(Note 1. Prophet Muhammad taught repentance (regret of wrong doing) for the forgiveness by God of sin (wrong doing).

10-3. Jesus and the messenger after Jesus confirm that the religion of God is for the whole world.

The three hundred and fortieth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Jesus and the prophet after Jesus confirm that the religion of God is for the whole world.

See Gospel of Luke 22:40 and 24:16 comments.

Gospel of Luke 24:47 and repentance for forgiveness of sins (by God) is to be preached in all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem.

(Note 1. A new command from God is delivered through Prophet Jesus in his mission as the messiah commanding the children of Israel to deliver the word of God to all the nations of the world starting in Jerusalem, Al-Quds by informing all humans that through sincere repentance to God there is forgiveness for human sin (wrong doing).

Quran 2:136 Koran 2:136 (Prophet Muhammad) say, "We believe in God and the revelation given to us and to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob (Israel) and the Tribes (the 12 tribes of the children of Israel), and that given to Moses and Jesus, and that given to (all) prophets from their Lord (God). We make no difference between one (prophet) and another (we say that all the prophets have the same message which is that there is one and only one God) and we submit (our will) to (the will of) God."

(Note 1. Prophet Muhammad showed that the religion of God is for the whole world because Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob (Israel), the Tribes (the 12 tribes of the children of Israel), Moses, Jesus and Muhammad all believed in the same one God who is the creator of every creation.

Quran 5:68 Koran 5:68 Say (Prophet Muhammad to the Jews of Yathrib in Arabia today in Medina, Saudi Arabia and to the Christians), “O People of the Scripture, You have nothing (no guidance, no religion) until you observe the Torah and the Gospel and what was revealed to you from your Lord (God).” ….”

Quran 5:69 Koran 5:69 Those (Muslims) who believed (in God), and those who became Jews and Sabians and Christians and whoever believed in God and the Last Day and did good deeds (in their life), they shall have no fear and they shall not grieve (in the hereafter).

Quran 30:30 Koran 30:30 So direct yourself (Prophet Muhammad) towards the religion (the belief in one creator) for which He (God who is the one and only creator) has created (religion for) humans. No one can alter what God has created (in religion, in the Torah, the Gospel and the Quran). That is the right religion (belief), but most people do not know (this).

Gospel of Luke 22:41 And he withdrew from them, about a stone's throw away. And having dropped his knees, he was praying,


1. To whom did Jesus pray?

Jesus prayed to God.

Jesus the prophet of God prayed to God.

Jesus the messenger of God prayed to God.

Jesus the messiah prayed to God.

Jesus the human prayed to God.

Jesus the servant of God prayed to God.

Jesus the son of God means that Jesus is the servant of God who prays to God.

Jesus the son of Man means that Jesus is the human who prays to God.

Jesus the prophet of God is Jesus the messenger of God is Jesus the messiah is Jesus the human is Jesus the servant of God is Jesus the son of God meaning that Jesus is the servant of God who prays to God.

1-1. Jesus is not God because Jesus prays to God.

The two hundred and ninety eighth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Jesus is not God because Jesus prays to God.

If Jesus was God then that would be proof that there is more than one God because Jesus prayed to God.

See Gospel of Luke 22:32 and 22:41 comments.

Gospel of Luke 22:41 And he (Jesus) withdrew from them (the disciples of Jesus), about a stone's throw away. And having dropped (down on) his knees, he (Jesus) was praying,

1-2. Jesus is not God because God does not pray only creations pray.

The two hundred and ninety ninth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did God send a prophet after Jesus?

God sent a prophet after Jesus to correct the confusion between God and Jesus.

Jesus is not God because God does not pray only creations pray.

See Gospel of Luke 22:32 and 22:41 comments.

Gospel of Luke 22:41 And he (Jesus) withdrew from them (the disciples of Jesus), about a stone's throw away. And having dropped (down on) his knees, he (Jesus) was praying,

1-3. Jesus is not God because God does not pray to Himself.

The three hundredth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did God send a prophet after Jesus?

God sent a prophet after Jesus to correct the confusion between God and Jesus.

Jesus is not God because God does not pray to Himself.

See Gospel of Luke 22:32 and 22:41 comments.

Gospel of Luke 22:41 And he (Jesus) withdrew from them (the disciples of Jesus), about a stone's throw away. And having dropped (down on) his knees, he (Jesus) was praying,

2. How do you know a real prophet of God from a false prophet of God?

A real prophet of God would declare that God is one God.

The belief that God is more than one God is called idol worship.

The belief that God is a creation is called idol worship.

Praying to a creation that is alive or dead is called idol worship.

The nineteenth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why was Prophet Muhammad sent after Prophet Jesus?

Prophet Muhammad was sent after Prophet Jesus to correct the confusion between one God and Trinity.

Muhammad was sent after Jesus to correct the confusion between one God and Trinity.

See the introduction before the Gospel of Luke and the Gospel of Luke 1:33, 1:35, 2:36, 3:22, 3:38, 10:21, 10:22, 22:32, 22:41 and 24:44 comments.

Quran 5:116 Koran 5:116 And (on the Day of Judgement) God shall say, “O Jesus, son of Mary, did you say to people (to build images of Jesus and pray to Jesus and to build images of the Virgin Mary and pray to the Virgin Mary and did you tell people to), take me (Jesus) and my mother (Mary) for two gods (who have the power to hear human pray) along side God (and pray to Jesus and pray to Mary instead of praying only to the one God who is the creator of every human including the human Jesus and the human Mary)?” He (Jesus) will say, “Glorify is only to You (the one God who is our creator), it was not for me (Jesus) to say what I (Jesus) have no right to say. If I (Jesus) said it then You (God) know it. You (God) know what is in my mind but I (Jesus) do not know what is in Your (God’s) Mind. You (God) and only You know the unseen things.”

(Note 1. Humans invented idol worship and instead of praying to God some humans began to pray to other humans.

(Note 2. Humans invented idol worship and instead of praying to God some humans began to pray to other humans such as the Virgin Mary.

(Note 3. Humans invented idol worship and instead of praying to God some humans began to pray to other humans such as Jesus.

(Note 4. Humans invented idol worship and instead of praying to God some humans began to pray to more and more humans that they called saints so that prays were going to hundreds of dead people instead of God.

(Note 5. In the Gospel one God means one God but 200 years after the Gospels some humans invented Trinity which is a rejection of one God because it made a human into an idol of worship that encouraged humans to pray to more and more dead humans instead of God but God is the creator of every human and only God has the power to hear and to answer prayer.

(Note 6. Some humans took God away and gave the power to hear prayer and answer prayer to Jesus and to the Virgin Mary and to hundreds of dead people which they called saints.

(Note 7. The prophet after Jesus confirmed that God is one God in the Torah and Gospel and Quran. (Note 8. Jesus prayed to God and every human must follow that example by praying to God like Jesus prayed to God.

(Note 9. Praying to anything or anyone that is a creation or was a creation is called idol worship because every creation was created by God.

Gospel of Luke 22:42 as follows: "Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. However, not my will, but yours be done."


1. Explain the Gospel of Luke 22:42.

Gospel of Luke 22:42 as follows: "Father (God), if you are willing, remove this cup (the duty to suffer by allowing himself to be killed) from me (Jesus). However, (allow) not my will (the will of Jesus), but (let) yours (the will of God) be done."

(Note 1. Jesus prays for help from God.

Jesus like all humans prays to God asking that the life of Jesus be saved but Jesus said in prayer to God “however (if that is not the plan of God then) allow not the will of Jesus but let the will of God be done.”

(Note 2. Jesus shows that Jesus is fully human.

(Note 3. Jesus shows that Jesus is not God.

2. What was the result of the prayer Jesus made to God?

Jesus was seen alive three days later in excellent health.

The messenger after Jesus confirms that the soul of Jesus was briefly raised to Heaven but the body of Jesus remained sleeping on the Earth for three days.

The three hundred and seventh sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The prophet after Jesus confirms that the soul of Jesus was briefly raised to Paradise but the body of Jesus remained sleeping on the Earth for three days.

See Gospel of Luke 22:42 and 23:43 comments.

Gospel of Matthew 16:22 And after pulling Jesus aside, Peter began correcting him (Jesus), saying, "God forbid, Lord (Teacher, Master, Jesus)! This will never happen to you (meaning God willing you will not be killed which is true)." (However the truth of Satan is always followed by deception because Satan is telling the heart of Jesus; “Jesus follow your will and not the will of God which you Jesus previously though was that you Jesus would be killed).

(Note 1. God willing Jesus will not be killed is a true statement because nothing can happen but by the will of God.

(Note 2. In response to Gospel of Matthew 16:22 Jesus rejects any temptation from Satan to act against the will of God.

Gospel of Luke 22:42 as follows: "Father (God), if you are willing, remove this cup (the duty to suffer by allowing himself to be killed) from me (Jesus). However, (allow) not my will (the will of Jesus), but (let) yours (the will of God) be done."

(Note 1. Jesus knows that God willing Jesus will not be killed is a true statement because nothing can happen but by the will of God.

(Note 2. Jesus is human because Jesus prays to God to remove the duty to suffer by allowing himself to be killed and adds allow not the will of Jesus but the will of God.

Gospel of Matthew 16:24 Then, Jesus said to his disciples, "If someone wants to follow me, he must deny himself (meaning, deny your own will), and take up his cross (meaning be patient with the burdens and sufferings that God sends to you) and follow me (Jesus, meaning follow the will of God like Jesus followed the will of God).

Gospel of John 10:18 No one takes it (my life) from me (Jesus); I lay it down (my life) of myself (voluntarily as God has ordered Jesus to do). I (Jesus) have authority (from God) to lay it down (on the cross where humans shall try to kill Jesus through crucifixion) …”

(Note 1. In the Gospel Jesus said no one takes my life from me because Jesus is obeying the orders of God.

(Note 2. The Gospel confirms no one killed Jesus because Jesus was alive three days later.

(Note 3. Jesus passed the test of faith in God by showing God that Jesus followed God’s will above the will of Jesus.

The three hundred and forty first sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

God granted the prayer of Jesus to remove the cup by replacing suffering with a three day sleep.

God rewarded Jesus with a three day sleep in the same way as God rewarded Abraham by replacing Isaac with an animal sacrifice.

See Gospel of Luke 22:42 comments.

(Note 4. Why did God reveal to Jesus that Jesus would be killed?

The two hundred and eighteenth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did God reveal to Jesus that Jesus would be killed? God tested the faith of Jesus in God.

Why did God reveal to Jesus that Jesus would be resurrected? God tested Jesus even more to show if Jesus really believed in resurrection.

God tested Jesus with death like God tested Abraham and Isaac with death.

Would Jesus be willing to sacrifice himself for God like Abraham and Isaac?

The story of Jesus is clearly a test of the faith of Jesus in God.

The story of Jesus is clearly proof of the love and obedience of Jesus to the will of God.

See Gospel of Luke 9:22, 9:45, 18:33, 18:34, 20:44, 22:15, 22:40, 22:42, 24:7 and 24:26 comments.

Quran 4:157 Koran 4:157 And they (some of the Jews of Yathrib in Arabia later Medina Arabia today Madinah Saudi Arabia) said (showing their pride and their disbelief by threatening and mocking the messenger Prophet Muhammad and his followers by boasting), "We killed messiah Jesus Isa, the son of Mary Maryam, the messenger of God," but (in fact) they did not kill him (on the cross) nor crucify him (to death on the cross), but it was made to appear so to them (so they believed he was dead on the cross because his body was not moving but in fact he was still alive and sleeping on the cross as explained in Quran 4:158 and 39:42) and those (Jews of Yathrib Arabia) who differ in this (in what happened to Prophet Jesus Isa on the cross) are full of doubts with no (certain) knowledge so they (the Jews of Yathrib) follow only conjecture (assumptions, speculation, guess). It is certain that they (the Jews) did not kill him (because God protected Prophet Jesus Isa from the death of crucifixion in 607 BH 33 CE 33 AD on Friday 3 April 33 in Jerusalem Al-Quds Yerussalem Yerushalayim in Judea today in Israel and Palestine and this is confirmed in the Gospel Injil where Jesus Isa is seen alive three days after the crucifixion teaching that he is not God in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 by saying God is my God and your God meaning God is my Father and your Father meaning God is my Creator and your Creator meaning God is my Master and your Master meaning God is my Lord and your Lord as proof that no one had killed him on the cross or crucified him to death on the cross).

Note 1. God saved Jesus Isa from death on the cross in Quran 4:157 and 4:158 so that Jesus Isa could continue his life and then die 2000 years ago like every human before him and after him has died in Quran 5:75 and 3:144. The natural death of Jesus Isa 2000 years ago is proof to the people in his time that Jesus Isa is human like every other human and he is not God or an equal partner with God.

Note 2. The Quran confirms that those who sinned will believe they killed Jesus and that belief will be evidence on the Day of Judgement that the sinful will be unable to deny.

Note 3. The Quran confirms no one killed Jesus.

Quran 39:42 Koran 39:42 God takes the souls at the time of their death and (also takes the souls of) those who have not died (but are alive) during their sleep (when God saved the life of Jesus Isa with sleep so that his body did not move making everyone believe that Jesus Isa was dead on the cross in Quran 4:157 by raising the soul of Jesus Isa to heaven and to God in Quran 4:158). He (God) keeps those (souls) for which He (God) had decreed death and sends the rest (of the souls to awaken the sleeping body) for a predetermined period of time (such as when God returned the soul of Jesus Isa three days after the crucifixion to wake up the sleeping body of Jesus Isa on the earth in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 when Jesus Isa delivered the message that Jesus Isa is not God by saying God is my God and your God meaning God is my Father and your Father meaning God is my Creator and your Creator meaning God is my Master and your Master meaning God is my Lord and your Lord as proof that no one had killed him on the cross or crucified him to death on the cross, after which they return to sleep again or die as in Quran 5:75 where Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa “use to eat food” meaning they both died 2000 years ago and Quran 3:144 where the “the messengers before Prophet Muhammad have died” meaning Jesus Isa is dead because Jesus Isa is the messenger before Prophet Muhammad. In Quran 5:117 Jesus died when he lived with the children of Israel 2000 years ago when he was raised by the angel of death). In this are signs (of God) for people who think.

Note 1. God does not take the human body to heaven (Quran 39:42).

Note 2. Only the human soul is raised to heaven (Quran 39:42).

Note 3. The human body is only needed on the Earth (Quran 39:42). .

Note 4. The human body is not needed in heaven (Quran 39:42).

Note 5. The human soul is alive in heaven without a human body (Quran 39:42).

Note 6. What happened to Prophet Jesus Isa on the cross in Quran 4:157 and Quran 4:158 is explained in Quran 39:42.

Note 7. The Quran confirms what is in the Gospel Injil of Isa by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John that is with the Christians today as proof that no one can change the words of God and as proof of the truthfulness of the Quran.

3. The messenger after Jesus revealed that God promised to help the messengers of God.

God helped Jesus with a three day sleep in the same way as God helped Abraham by replacing Isaac with an animal sacrifice.

The two hundred and twenty third sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The prophet after Jesus revealed that God promised to help the messengers of God.

See Gospel of Luke 9:22, 18:33 and 24:7 comments.

Quran 14:47 Koran 14:47 Do not think that God shall fail to keep His (God’s) promise to His (God’s) messengers (to help them). God is mighty and makes retribution (against wrongdoers).

Quran 40:51 Koran 40:51 We (God) shall help Our (God’s) messengers and those who believe (in God) during the life of the world and on the Day (of Judgement) when the witnesses shall stand (to give evidence regarding your good and bad deeds).

3-1. God is the Most Merciful.

The three hundred and forty second sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The Torah, Gospel and Quran confirm that God is the Most Merciful.

God proved God is the Most Merciful by not forsaking the prayer of Jesus to remove his cup when God replaced suffering with a three day sleep.

Jesus was seen three days later as proof that no one killed Jesus.

See Gospel of Luke 22:42 comments.

4. Jesus is not God because the will of Jesus who is a creation and the will of God who is the creator are two different wills.

The three hundred and first sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did God send a prophet after Jesus?

God sent a prophet after Jesus to correct the confusion between God and Jesus.

Jesus is not God because the will of Jesus who is a creation and the will of God who is the creator are two different wills.

See Gospel of Luke 22:42 comments.

Gospel of Luke 22:42 as follows: "Father (God), if you are willing, remove this cup (task, mission, duty) from me (Jesus). However (allow), not my will, but yours be done."

(Note 1. The will of Jesus and the will of God are not the same.

(Note 2. The will of God belongs to God.

(Note 3. The will of Jesus belongs to Jesus.

(Note 4. God is the creator of every creation.

(Note 5. Jesus is a human. Jesus is a creation.

(Note 6. Prayer to the creator is the religion of God.

(Note 7. Prayer to a creation that is living or dead is called idol worship.

(Note 8. Prayer to a creation that is on Earth or in Heaven is called idol worship because only God the creator has the power to hear prayer.

5. Jesus asked God if it is possible then remove the task that God had asked Jesus to do but if it is not possible to remove that task then Jesus promised to obey the will of God.

The one hundred and eighth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Jesus is not God because Jesus asked God to remove his task and then said however let not my will be done but the will of God.

See Gospel of Luke 9:24 and 24:49 comments.

Gospel of Luke 22:42 as follows: "Father (God), if you are willing, remove this cup (task, mission, assignment) from me (Jesus). However, (let) not my will (the will of Jesus), but (let) yours be done (the will of God)."

6. Jesus is not God because Jesus is the servant of God.

The two hundred and ninety seventh sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Jesus and the prophet after Jesus confirm that Jesus is not God because Jesus is the servant of God.

See Gospel of Luke 22:27 and 22:42 comments.

Gospel of Luke 22:42 as follows: "Father (God), if you are willing, remove this cup (task, mission, duty) from me (Jesus). However (allow), not my will, but yours be done."

Gospel of Luke 22:43 And an angel from heaven appeared to him, strengthening him.


1. Explain the Gospel of Luke 22:43.

Gospel of Luke 22:43 And an angel (the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel) from heaven appeared to him (Jesus), strengthening him (Jesus with guidance and faith).

1-1. The Holy Spirit can be seen with the human eye.

The twelfth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The prophet after Jesus confirmed that the Holy Spirit can be seen with the human eye.

See Gospel of Luke 3:22 and 22:43 comments.

Quran 2:97 Koran 2:97 Say (Prophet Muhammad, to the people), who is against (Angel) Gabriel? because it is he (Angel Gabriel) who has revealed this (Scripture, the Quran) to your heart (Prophet Muhammad) by God’s permission, confirming what was revealed before it (in the Gospel and in the Torah), and as a guidance and good news for those who believe.

(Note 1. The Holy Spirit angel Gabriel revealed the Quran to the heart of Muhammad by the will of God).

Quran 2:253 Koran 2:253 “… To (messenger, prophet and messiah) Jesus the son of Mary We (God through the Holy Spirit) gave signs (of his truthfulness) and strengthened him (Jesus) with (guidance through) the Holy Spirit (Angel Gabriel, the Holy Ghost) …”

Gospel of Luke 3:22 and the Holy Spirit descended on him (Jesus) in the bodily form of a dove (a body with wings, an angel). …”

Gospel of Matthew 3:16 “… and he saw the Holy Spirit of God coming down like a dove (a body with wings, an angel), coming onto him (Jesus).

Gospel of Mark 1:10 And going up out of the water he immediately saw the heavens opening, and the Spirit as a dove (a body with wings, an angel) coming down to him (Jesus).

Gospel of John 1:32 Then John testified, saying; “I have seen the spirit come down from heaven like a dove (a body with wings, an angel), and it remained upon him (Jesus).

(Note 1. A dove is a living body with wings that can fly.

A dove is a living body with wings that allow it to travel in the sky.

A body with wings is an angel.

(Note 2. The Holy Spirit can be seen with the human eye.

Gospel of Luke 3:22 and the Holy Spirit descended on him (Jesus) in the bodily form of a dove (a body with wings, an angel). And a (created) voice from heaven said, "You are my Son (servant, slave), whom I (God) love; with you I am well pleased."

(Note 1. The Holy Spirit which can be seen and God who cannot be seen are two different things).

(Note 2. The Holy Spirit is a creation. The Holy Spirit is not God.

(Note 3. God is the creator of every creation. God is not a creation.

Quran 19:93 Koran 19:93 There is no one in the heavens and the earth who does not come to the Most Merciful (God) except as a servant.

Gospel of Luke 4:1 Jesus, full of (the guidance of) the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the desert,

(Note 1. The Holy Spirit guided the heart (mind, brain) of Jesus.

(Note 2. The Holy Spirit guides the heart (mind, brain) which humans perceive as faith, knowledge,

Gospel of Matthew 4:1 Then Jesus was led up into the desert by the Spirit, to be tempted by the devil.

Gospel of Matthew 4:11 Then the devil left him alone, and lo, angels had come and were attending him.

(Note 1. The Holy Spirit is the honorary name given to the angel with the highest rank).

(Note 2. The Holy Spirit is the honorary name given to the angel who is closest to God).

(Note 3. Gospel of Luke 1:19 “…I am Gabriel, one who stands in the presence of God and I have been sent to speak to you …”

Gospel of Luke 1:26 And in the sixth month (of the pregnancy of Elizabeth who was very old), the angel Gabriel was sent out from God, to (a virgin named Mary in) a town in Galilee named Nazareth,

(Note 1. The Holy Ghost is the honorary name given to the angel with the highest rank).

(Note 2. The Holy Ghost is the honorary name given to the angel who is closest to God).

Quran 53:6 Koran 53:6 One who is the owner of strength (Angel Gabriel the Holy Spirit, the Holy Ghost) and who appeared in (his) true form (as an angel of God).

(Note 1. The Quran confirms the Gospel by stating that the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel can appear in different forms as God wills.

Quran 53:7 Koran 53:7 When he (Angel Gabriel) was high above the horizon.

Quran 53:8 Koran 53:8 He (Angel Gabriel) approached and came down (from the sky).

Quran 53:9 Koran 53:9 And (Angel Gabriel) was only two bow lengths (away) or closer (to Prophet Muhammad).

(Note 1. The Quran confirms the Gospel by stating that the Holy Spirit can be seen by the human eye.

Quran 53:10 Koran 53:10 And he (Angel Gabriel) revealed to His (God’s) servant (Prophet Muhammad) what he (Angel Gabriel) revealed (by God’s command).

(Note 1. The Quran confirms the Gospel by stating that the Holy Spirit delivers the revelations of God to the human heart (mind, brain).

Quran 53:11 Koran 53:11 The heart (of Prophet Muhammad) did not deceive (Prophet Muhammad) in what it perceived (from Angel Gabriel).

(Note 1. The Quran confirms the Gospel by stating that the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel guides the heart (mind, brain) which humans perceive as faith, knowledge, wisdom, destiny and guidance).

Quran 53:12 Koran 53:12 Shall you then dispute with him (Prophet Muhammad) about what he (Prophet Muhammad) saw?

Quran 53:13 Koran 53:13 And certainly he (Prophet Muhammad) saw him (Angel Gabriel) come down (from the sky) at another time (when Prophet Muhammad was taken up into Heaven during a miracle Night Journey from Mecca in Arabia to Jerusalem, Al-Quds in Palestine).

(Note 1. Quran 17:1 Koran 17:1 Exalted is He (God) who took His (God’s) servant (Prophet Muhammad in a miracle journey) by night from the sacred place of worship (the Kabah in Mecca, Arabia today Saudi Arabia) to the distant place of worship (the ruins of the second Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, Al-Quds, Palestine, today Israel and Palestine that had been destroyed by the Roman empire) whose surroundings We (God) have blessed, (Prophet Muhammad was taken here) to show him Our (God’s) signs. He (God) is the all-hearing and the all-seeing.

Quran 81:15 Koran 81:15 I (God) swear by the stars –

(Note 1. Humans swear to the truth in the name of God).

(Note 2. In the Torah God swears by His name because the children of Israel believe in Him.

(Note 3. In the Quran God swears by what God has created because the stone idol worshippers in Mecca, Arabia do not believe in God so God swears to the truth in the name of what God has created.

(Note 4. God swears to the truth in the name of what God has created because in the same way as what God has created is the truth so it is that what God reveals in the Quran is also the truth.

Quran 81:16 Koran 81:16 That move (across the sky) and disappear (at sunrise).

Quran 81:17 Koran 81:17 And (I God swear) by the night when it departs (at sunrise).

Quran 81:18 Koran 81:18 And (I God swear) by the breath of (a new) dawn (at sunrise).

Quran 81:19 Koran 81:19 That this (Quran from God) is the word (conveyed to Prophet Muhammad by) a noble messenger (Angel Gabriel).

Quran 81:20 Koran 81:20 (Angel Gabriel who) possesses power and is secure (in his position of honour) with (God who is) the owner of the Throne (of authority over all the creation).

Quran 81:21 Koran 81:21 (Angel Gabriel who) is obeyed there (by the other angels in the Heavens) and is trustworthy (because Angel Gabriel follows exactly what God has commanded him to do).

2. The thirteenth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The prophet after Jesus confirmed that the Holy Spirit is the angel who is commanded by God to reveal the word of God to the heart of humans.

See Gospel of Luke 1:15, 1:41, 3:22, 21:15 and 22:43 comments.

2-1. The sixteenth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The prophet after Jesus confirmed that Angel Gabriel is the Holy Spirit of God.

See Gospel of Luke 1:19, 1:26, 1:35, 3:22, 11:13 and 22:43 comments.

2-2. The seventeenth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why was Prophet Muhammad sent after Prophet Jesus?

Prophet Muhammad was sent after Prophet Jesus to correct the confusion between God and the Holy Spirit.

Muhammad was sent after Jesus to correct the confusion between God and the Holy Ghost.

See Gospel of Luke 1:33, 1:35, 3:22, 4:1 and 22:43 comments.

2-3. The twenty second sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Jesus and the prophet before Jesus and the prophet after Jesus were all strengthened in faith by the Holy Spirit.

See Gospel of Luke 1:15, 3:16, 3:22 and 22:43 comments.

2-1. The twenty fourth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The prophet after Jesus confirmed that the will of God in the creation is done through the angels of God including the Holy Spirit of God.

The Holy Spirit is the angel with the highest rank who stands in the presence of God.

The Holy Spirit is one of the angels who deliver the blessings of God to the Earth.

See Gospel of Luke 1:45, 10:22, 11:13, 12:10 and 22:43 comments.

[[Gospel of Luke 22:44 And being in agony, he was praying more earnestly; and his sweat became like drops of blood falling down onto the ground.]]


This verse is in double brackets in the DRP verse with a note that it does not appear in the earliest manuscripts.

This verse is not in conflict with what God has revealed.

Gospel of Luke 22:45 And after rising from prayer and returning to the disciples, he found them sleeping, out of sorrow.

Gospel of Luke 22:46 And he said to them, "Why are you sleeping? Get up and pray, that you not go into temptation."


Jesus is not God because Jesus tells his disciples to pray to God.

The three hundred and second sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did God send a prophet after Jesus?

God sent a prophet after Jesus to correct the confusion between God and Jesus.

Jesus is not God because Jesus tells his disciples to pray to God.

See Gospel of Luke 22:46 comments.

Gospel of Luke 22:46 And he (Jesus) said to them (the disciples of Jesus), "Why are you sleeping? Get up and pray (to God), that you not go into temptation."

Jesus arrested.

Gospel of Luke 22:47 While he was yet speaking, behold, a crowd, and the one called Judas, one of the Twelve, was leading them. And he came up to Jesus, and kissed him.


1. What does “Judas, one of the Twelve” mean?

Judas one of the 12 disciples of Jesus.

2. Who is Judas?

Judas is Judas Iscariot (Judas of Kerioth, Ish Keriot, Judas the assassin, Judas the dagger man).

Judas Iscariot is one of the twelve disciples of Jesus.

Gospel of Luke 22:48 But Jesus said to him, "Judas, with a kiss you betray the Son of Man?"


1. Who is the son of man?

The son of man means human.

The Gospel is the story of one son of man (human) called Jesus.

1-1. The three hundred and third sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did God send a prophet after Jesus?

Why did God send a prophet after Jesus?

God sent a prophet after Jesus to correct the confusion between God and Jesus.

Jesus is not God because Jesus is the Son of Man meaning Jesus is a human

To believe that a human is God is called idol worship.

See Gospel of Luke 22:48 comments.

Gospel of Luke 22:49 And seeing what was going to be happening, those around him said, "Lord, shall we strike with swords?"


Who is the Lord?

The Lord meaning Jesus the Master or teacher.

No one in the time of Jesus thought that Jesus was God.

Gospel of Luke 24:19 And he (Jesus) said to them, "What things?" And they (the followers of Jesus) said to him, "The things concerning Jesus the Nazarene, who was a prophet powerful in deed and in word, in the eyes of both God and all the people (who believe in God and in Prophet Jesus);

(Note 1. God and the people who followed Jesus in the time of Jesus all saw that Jesus was a human prophet, messenger and messiah.

(Note 2. No one in the time of Jesus believed that Jesus was God.

(Note 3. Jesus and the disciples of Jesus are from the children of Israel.

(Note 4. Jesus and the disciples of Jesus are Jewish.

(Note 5. Every Jew knows that the belief that a human can be God is the religion of human idol worship which God forbids in the Torah.

(Note 6. Jesus never said that Jesus is God because Jesus prayed to God like every human prays to God.

Gospel of Luke 22:50 And one of them struck the servant of the high priest, and cut off his right ear.

Gospel of Luke 22:51 But in response Jesus said, "Let that be enough of that." And he touched his ear and healed him.


How could Jesus heal an ear that had been cut off?

The sixty fourth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The miracles of the prophets of God come from God.

The miracles of the messenger of God do not come from the messenger.

See Gospel of Luke 4:35, 4:39, 4:40, 4:41, 5:6, 5:17, 6:10, 6:19, 7:10, 7:15, 8:2, 8:24, 8:33, 8:44, 8:55, 9:17, 11:14, 13:13, 14:4, 18:42 and 22:51 comments.

God allowed Jesus to make miracles as proof to the people that Jesus was a truthful messenger from God.

In the same way God allowed Moses to make miracles as proof to the people that Moses was a truthful messenger from God.

1. God through Prophet Moses turned the hand of Moses leprous (white as snow) and when Prophet Moses showed his hand again it was normal.

2. God through the rod of Prophet Moses swallowed the rods of the Egyptian magicians.

3. God through Prophet Moses turned the river of Egypt into blood.

4. God through Prophet Moses brought the plague of frogs to Egypt.

5. God through Prophet Moses brought the plague of gnats (mosquitoes) to Egypt.

6. God through Prophet Moses brought the plague of flies to Egypt.

7. God through Prophet Moses brought death to all the cattle of horses, asses and camels in Egypt.

8. God through Prophet Moses (Musa) brought boils with blisters on all the Egyptian people and the beasts in Egypt.

9. God through Prophet Moses brought a hail storm that destroys every Egyptian person, beast and crop that was in the open fields.

10. God through Prophet Moses brought the plague of locusts to Egypt to eat all the vegetation and fruits that the hail had not destroyed.

11. God through Prophet Moses brought the plague of thick darkness that Egyptians could feel and nothing could be seen for 3 days.

12. God through Prophet Moses took away the life of every first born Egyptian and every first born of cattle in Egypt which God said shall never happen again.

13. God through Prophet Moses divided the waters of the Red Sea to make a dry path across the Red Sea for the Children of Israel to escape from the Pharaoh and his Army.

14. God through Prophet Moses made the waters of the Red Sea drown the Pharaoh and his Army when they chased after the Children of Israel across the path that God had divided.

15. God through Prophet Moses made food fall out of the sky every morning.

16. God through Prophet Moses made water come out of a stone.

The power shown by Moses, Jesus and the other prophets, messengers and messiahs were given to humans by God as a sign of their truthfulness.

Quran 2:253 Koran 2:253 The messengers We (God through the Holy Spirit revealed to Prophet Muhammad) endowed with gifts, some (with) more (gifts) than others. To some of them (like Prophet Moses) God spoke and to others (like Prophet Enoch) He (God) raised their rank (of honour). To (messenger, prophet and messiah) Jesus the son of Mary We (God reveal to Prophet Muhammad through the Holy Spirit that Jesus) gave signs (of his truthfulness) and (God) strengthened him (Jesus) with (guidance through) the Holy Spirit (Angel Gabriel, the Holy Ghost). …”

Quran 13:38 Koran 13:38 And We (God) sent messengers before you (Prophet Muhammad), and We (God) gave them wives and children (and you Prophet Muhammad are a human like them), and it was not for any messenger to bring a sign except by God’s permission (because a messenger is only the servant of God). For every period of time there is a decree (a Book brought through a messenger that reveals God’s judgements and explanations as a guidance to strengthen the faith of the people who believe that God is the creator of every creation).

Quran 7:133 Koran 7:133 (Moses warned the Pharaoh with many miracles but the Pharaoh did not believe) So We (God) sent them (the Pharaoh of Egypt and his people) the flood, the locusts, the lice, the frogs and the blood as a succession of clear signs (plagues one after the other from God to them). But they were arrogant and became a guilty people (because they ignored God’s warnings).

(Note 1. The Quran is confirmed in Torah Exodus 4:5 – 4:7, 7:8 – 12:29).

Quran 17:103 Koran 17:103 And he (the Pharaoh) pursued them (the Children of Israel) out of the land (and across the Red Sea which God had divided to make a dry path that allowed the children of Israel to escape) and We (God) drowned him (the Pharaoh) and those with him (the Egyptian Army, when God returned the Red Sea to its normal position and drown the Pharaoh and his Army).

(Note 1. The Quran is confirmed in Torah Exodus 12:37 – 12:42, 13:17 – 14:31).

Gospel of Luke 22:52 Then, toward those coming against him, the chief priests, temple officers and elders, Jesus said, "As though after a bandit, you have come out with swords and clubs?


Who are the chief priests, temple officers and elders?

The chief priests, temple officers and elders from the second House of God in Jerusalem, Al-Quds in Judea today in Israel and Palestine.

Gospel of Luke 22:53 Every day with me being next to you in the temple you didn't lay your hands on me. But this is the hour for you, and the authority of darkness."


1. What is the “authority of darkness?”

The authority of darkness is Satan.

The authority of darkness is the Devil.

1-1. The three hundred and fourth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did God send a prophet after Jesus?

God sent a prophet after Jesus to correct the confusion between God and Jesus.

Jesus is not God because every human including Jesus, the chief priests, the temple officers and the elders are tested by the authority of darkness (Satan ,evil, the devil).

See Gospel of Luke 22:53, 22:40 and 24:26 comments.

All humans are tested by the authority of darkness (Satan).

Jesus is not God because Jesus is tested by the authority of darkness (Satan).

The chief priests, temple officers and elders are not God because they are tested by the authority of darkness (Satan).

The disciples of Jesus are not God because they are tested by the authority of darkness (Satan).

The authority of darkness (Satan) is given permission from God to test every human so that on the Day of Judgement it can be shown to each human if they chose good or evil.

Peter's denials.

Gospel of Luke 22:54 And after seizing him, they took him and led him into the house of the high priest; and Peter was following at a distance.


Explain Gospel of Luke 22:54.

Gospel of Luke 22:54 And after seizing him (Jesus), they took him and led him into the house of the high priest; and Peter was following at a distance.

Gospel of Luke 22:55 And since people had lit a fire in the middle of the courtyard and were all sitting together, Peter was sitting among them.

Gospel of Luke 22:56 But a certain maidservant noticed him sitting toward the fire, and after studying him, she said, "This man also was with him."


Explain Gospel of Luke 22:54.

Gospel of Luke 22:56 But a certain maidservant noticed him (Peter the disciple of Jesus) sitting toward the fire, and after studying him, she said, "This man (Peter) also was with him (Jesus)."

Gospel of Luke 22:57 But he denied it, saying, "I don't know him, woman."

Gospel of Luke 22:58 And shortly thereafter, another person who saw him was saying, "You are also one of them." And Peter was saying, "Man, I am not."

Gospel of Luke 22:59 And after about an hour had passed, someone else was affirming, saying, "Definitely, this man was also with him; he is also Galilean."


What is Galilean?

Galilean is a person from Galilee north of Judea.

Galilee today is in northern Israel.

Gospel of Luke 22:60 But Peter said, "Man, I do not know what you are talking about." And immediately as he was still speaking, a rooster crowed.

Gospel of Luke 22:61 And the Lord turned and looked at Peter, and he remembered the statement of the Lord, how he had said to him, "Before the crowing of the rooster today, you will have denied me three times."


1. Who is the Lord?

The Lord meaning Jesus the Master or teacher.

No one in the time of Jesus thought that Jesus was God.

Gospel of Luke 24:19 And he (Jesus) said to them, "What things?" And they (the followers of Jesus) said to him, "The things concerning Jesus the Nazarene, who was a prophet powerful in deed and in word, in the eyes of both God and all the people (who believe in God and in Prophet Jesus);

(Note 1. God and the people who followed Jesus in the time of Jesus all saw that Jesus was a human prophet, messenger and messiah.

(Note 2. No one in the time of Jesus believed that Jesus was God.

(Note 3. Jesus and the disciples of Jesus are from the children of Israel.

(Note 4. Jesus and the disciples of Jesus are Jewish.

(Note 5. Every Jew knows that the belief that a human can be God is the religion of human idol worship which God forbids in the Torah.

(Note 6. Jesus never said that Jesus is God because Jesus prayed to God like every human prays to God.

1-1. Explain Gospel of Luke 22:61.

Gospel of Luke 22:61 And the Lord (his master Jesus) turned and looked at Peter, and he (Peter the disciple of Jesus) remembered the statement of the Lord (his master Jesus), how he (Jesus) had said to him (Peter), "Before the crowing of the rooster today, you (Peter) will have denied me (Jesus) three times."

1-2. How did Jesus correctly predict that a rooster would crow after Peter had denied three times that Peter knew Jesus?

Everything is revealed to a prophet of God by God through the Holy Spirit.

Everything is revealed to a messenger of God by God through the Holy Spirit.

Everything is revealed to a messiah of God by God through the Holy Spirit.

1-3. The three hundred and fifth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The Torah, Gospel and Quran confirm that Jesus is a prophet, messenger and messiah of God.

Jesus is a prophet, messenger and messiah of God.

See Gospel of Luke 22:61 comments.

Torah Deuteronomy 18:18 (Therefore) I (God) shall raise up for them (the children of Israel) a prophet (Prophet Joshua Yusha followed by prophet after prophet, messenger after messenger) like you (Prophet Moses Musa who delivered the Torah Taurat 3200 years ago when you were at Mount Sinai Horeb today in Egypt) from among their brothers brethren (The children of Israel are brothers and brethren to each other. The children of Esau are brothers and brethren to the children of Israel through Jacob Yaqub Israel who is the brother of Esau. The children of Ishmael Ismail are brothers and brethren to the children of Israel through Isaac Ishaq who is the brother of Ishmael Ismail and the father of Jacob Yaqub Israel. Esau and Ishmael Ismail are not one of the children of Israel. The children of Ishmael Ismail are the brethren and brother of the children of Isaac Ishaq which include the children of Israel in the same way as God says the children of Esau who are not the children of Israel are the brethren of the children of Israel in Torah Deuteronomy 2:4 – 2:8 and Prophet Moses Musa says the children of Esau who are not the children of Israel are the brother of the children of Israel in Torah Numbers 20:14. Those who descended from Prophet Abraham Ibrahim are brothers and brethren to each other and brothers and brethren in the religion of God because this is the religion of Prophet Abraham Ibrahim) and I (God through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel Jibril) shall put my (God’s) words in the mouth of the prophet (meaning prophet after prophet, messenger after messenger), who shall speak to them (the people) everything that I (God) command him” (to speak to you. Note that all the prophets and messengers of God are mentioned in Torah Deuteronomy 18:18. In Torah Genesis 25:9 “Isaac Ishaq and Ishmael Ismail his sons buried Abraham Ibrahim” meaning the children of Isaac Ishaq and the children of Ishmael Ismail are brothers and brethren to each other meaning the Hebrews and the Arabs are brothers and brethren to each other meaning the Jews and the Muslims are brothers and brethren to each other meaning everyone who follows the religion of God are brothers and brethren to each other as confirmed in Torah Deuteronomy 18:15, 18:18 - 18:22 and Quran 5:68 and Quran 7:157);

(Note 1. Jesus the prophet in the Torah.

Quran 4:171 Koran 4:171 O people of the Scripture (the Jews and the Christians), do not be extreme in your religion (be moderate in religion, do not be fanatical in religion) and say nothing about God but the truth. The messiah Jesus son of Mary was only a messenger of God, with God’s word (decreeing that a boy be), bestowed on Mary with a spirit (for Jesus) from God (who is the creator of every soul). Believe in God and His (God’s) messengers. (O those among the Christians) do not say, (in worship, in prayers) "Three (“Trinity” as in God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit) it is best for you to stop saying that because God is One (God), glory be to Him (your creator is great and powerful and is far) above having a (real biological human) son (or having worship of God being spread among others such as Jesus and the Holy Spirit who are both only creations that were made by God and who are both only servants of God). To (one single) God belongs everything that exists in the heavens and on the earth (and all your prayers also belong only to God) and (that one single) God (alone who created you) is the judge of all that you do.

(Note 1. Jesus the messenger and messiah in the Quran.

(Note 2. In the time of Prophet Muhammad some Christians believed the Trinity to be God, Jesus and Mary and they prayed to all three.

(Note 3. Prophet Muhammad revealed that only God has the power to hear prayer because it is God who created every creation including the creations known as Jesus and Mary.

Gospel of Luke 22:62 And he went off outside, and bitterly wept.

Before the Sanhedrin.

Gospel of Luke 22:63 And the men guarding Jesus were making fun of him as they beat him up.

Gospel of Luke 22:64 After blindfolding him, they were asking him, "Prophesy, who is it that hit you?"

Gospel of Luke 22:65 And they were saying many other insulting things against him.

Gospel of Luke 22:66 And as the day broke, the elders of the people and the high priests and the Torah scholars were assembled, and they brought him over into their Sanhedrin,


1. What is the Sanhedrin?

What is the Sanhedrin council?

The Sanhedrin was the highest Jewish court of justice and the supreme council in Jerusalem, Al-Quds, Judea today in Israel and Palestine.

2. Why is Jesus brought to a Jewish court?

Jesus is brought to a Jewish court because Jesus is Jewish.

3. The world 2000 years ago.

The twelve disciples of Jesus are Jewish.

Christianity, churches, Islam and mosques did not exist 2000 years ago.

Gospel of Luke 22:67 saying, "Tell us whether you are the Christ." And he said to them, "If I told you, you would certainly not believe,


What is Christ?

Christ means messiah meaning the person who has been anointed as a king or anointed to do a certain mission (duty, task).

Gospel of Luke 22:68 and if I asked questions, you would certainly not answer.


Explain Gospel of Luke 22:68.

Gospel of Luke 22:68 and if I (Jesus) asked questions, you (the elders of the people and the high priests and the Torah scholars) would certainly not answer (just as they did not answer in the Gospel of Luke 20:7 and 20:8)

Gospel of Luke 20:7 And they (the high priests and Torah scholars and elders) professed not to know where it was from.

Gospel of Luke 20:8 And Jesus said to them, "Neither am I telling you by what authority I do these things."

(Note 1. Why did the high priests, the Torah scholars and the elders not answer the question?

The high priests, the Torah scholars and the elders at the second house of God in Jerusalem, Al-Quds in Judea today in Israel and Palestine were not truthful honest people.

(Note 2. Why did Jesus not answer the question?

Jesus did not answer the question because the high priests, the Torah scholars and the elders at the second house of God in Jerusalem, Al-Quds in Judea today in Israel and Palestine were not truthful honest people.

Gospel of Luke 22:69 Nevertheless, from now on, the Son of Man will be sitting at the right hand of the power of God."


1. Explain Gospel of Luke 22:69.

Gospel of Luke 22:69 (Even though the people questioning Jesus are not honest people the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel tells Jesus to reveal that) Nevertheless, from now on, the Son of Man (Jesus) will be sitting at the right hand (with the righteous in Paradise) of the power (as a witness) of God (on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement for and against those who lived in his time and those who later claimed to follow his teachings)."

1-1. The one hundred and fifty sixth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Jesus and the prophet after Jesus confirmed what will happen on the Day of Judgement.

See Gospel of Luke 12:8, 12:9, 18:8 and 22:69 comments.

Quran 39:69 Koran 39:69 And the earth (meaning, the land in the hereafter) shall shine with the light of its Lord (God, when God shall come to judge men and women on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement) and the Book (of their good and bad deeds) shall be shown. The Prophets (the messenger of God in their time or the messenger that they later claimed to follow) and the witnesses (the Holy angels including the Holy Spirit and humans) shall be brought and it (the good and bad deeds of men and women) shall be judged between them (the Prophets and the witnesses and the Book of their good and bad deeds) with truth (as God decreed) and they (those who are judged) shall not be wronged (by any incorrect judgement of what they did during their lifetime on the Earth).

1-2. Why did God command the Holy Spirit tell Jesus to say that “from now on” the Son of Man (Jesus) will be sitting at the right hand (with the righteous in Paradise) of the power (as a witness) of God (on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement for and against those who lived in his time and those who later claimed to follow his teachings?

“From now on” is a warning to remind those at the court that God is collecting evidence of the good and evil deeds of each human to show to each person on the Day of Judgement as confirmation that God’s judgement of the punishment of Hell or the reward of Paradise is the correct judgement.

1-3. The messenger after Jesus showed that “the right hand” of God are the righteous in Paradise.

The ninth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The prophet after Jesus confirmed what will happen on the Day of Judgement.

See Gospel of Luke 1:33, 9:26, 10:22, 12:40, 13:24, 22:70 and 22:71 comments.

Quran 56:90 Koran 56:90 And if they are of those (whose record of deeds is given) on the right hand. (They are the people with good deeds who have been blessed with God’s mercy and they shall enter Paradise).

Quran 56:91 Koran 56:91 Then (the angels shall say), "Peace is to you, (you are) among the companions of the right hand (who are among the people with good deeds who have been blessed with God’s mercy and you shall enter Paradise).”

Quran 74:38 Koran 74:38 Every soul shall be responsible for their deeds

Quran 74:39 Koran 74:39 Except the companions of the right (the righteous, who shall receive their record of their deeds in their right hand and who shall be admitted to Paradise with their bad deeds forgiven by God).

Gospel of Luke 22:70 So they all said, "You are the Son of God then?" And he was saying to them, "You are saying that I am."


1. Explain Gospel of Luke 22:70 So they all said, "You (Jesus) are the Son (servant) of God (meaning the prophet, messenger and messiah of God) then?" And he (Jesus) was saying to them, "You are saying that I am."

2. Why did God through the Holy Spirit tell Jesus to say "You are saying that I am."

God is collecting evidence of the good and evil deeds of every human for the Day of Judgement confirming that the punishment of Hell or the reward of Paradise is correct.

"You (the people of the court) are saying that I (Jesus) am" means that your deed is based on what you say and not on what Jesus said and that fact will not be able to be rejected on the Day of Judgement.

Gospel of Luke 22:71 And they said, "What more need do we have for witnesses? For we ourselves have heard from his own mouth."


1. The judgment of the Jewish court.

Jesus the Jew is accused in a Jewish court of being a false prophet, false messenger and false messiah of God.

2. Who are the human witnesses to what happened in court?

The Day of Judgement and the human prophets, messengers and messiahs.

The Day of Judgment and the human prophets, messengers and messiahs.

The ninth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The prophet after Jesus confirmed what will happen on the Day of Judgement.

See Gospel of Luke 1:33, 9:26, 10:22, 12:40, 13:24, 22:70 and 22:71 comments.

2-1. On the Day of Judgement all who are righteous shall be sitting at the right hand of Power (God).

On the Day of Judgement all who are righteous shall be sitting at the right hand of Power and they shall be admitted to Paradise.

Quran 56:90 Koran 56:90 And if they are of those (whose record of deeds is given) on the right hand. (They are the people with good deeds who have been blessed with God’s mercy and they shall enter Paradise).

Quran 56:91 Koran 56:91 Then (the angels shall say), "Peace is to you, (you are) among the companions of the right hand (who are among the people with good deeds who have been blessed with God’s mercy and you shall enter Paradise).”

Quran 74:38 Koran 74:38 Every soul shall be responsible for their deeds

Quran 74:39 Koran 74:39 Except the companions of the right (the righteous, who shall receive their record of their deeds in their right hand and who shall be admitted to Paradise with their bad deeds forgiven by God).

2-2. Jesus and the followers of Jesus on the Day of Judgement.

Those who lived in the Days of Jesus or who later followed his teaching shall see the Son of Man (the human Jesus) sitting at the right hand of Power (meaning sitting with the righteous), and coming with the clouds of heaven (the angels) on the Day of Judgement to testify for or against those who claimed to follow his teachings regarding a righteous life and the worship of the one God who is the creator of every creation.

2-3. Moses and the followers of Moses on the Day of Judgement.

Those who lived in the Days of Moses or who later followed his teaching shall see the Son of Man (the human Moses) sitting at the right hand of Power (meaning sitting with the righteous), and coming with the clouds of heaven (the angels) on the Day of Judgement to testify for or against those who claimed to follow his teachings regarding a righteous life and the worship of the one God who is the creator of every creation.

2-4. Muhammad and the followers of Muhammad on the Day of Judgement.

Those who lived in the Days of Muhammad or who later followed his teaching shall see the Son of Man (the human Muhammad) sitting at the right hand of Power (meaning sitting with the righteous), and coming with the clouds of heaven (the angels) on the Day of Judgement to testify for or against those who claimed to follow his teachings regarding a righteous life and the worship of the one God who is the creator of every creation.

2-5. The prophets and messengers and messiahs of God and their followers on the Day of Judgement.

Those who lived in the Days of a prophet or messenger or messiah or who later followed their teaching shall see the Son of Man (their prophet or messenger or messiah) sitting at the right hand of Power (meaning sitting with the righteous), and coming with the clouds of heaven (the angels) on the Day of Judgement to testify for or against those who claimed to follow their teachings regarding a righteous life and the worship of the one God who is the creator of every creation.

3. Who are the angel witnesses to what happened in court?

The Day of Judgement and the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel.

The Day of Judgment and the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel.

3-1. The Holy Spirit angel Gabriel is one witness in the court because angel Gabriel guides the heart of Jesus as God has decreed.

Quran 2:97 Koran 2:97 Say (Prophet Muhammad, to the people), who is against (Angel) Gabriel? because it is he (Angel Gabriel) who has revealed this (Scripture, the Quran) to your heart (Prophet Muhammad) by God’s permission, confirming what was revealed before it (in the Gospel and in the Torah), and as a guidance and good news for those who believe.

(Note 1. The Holy Spirit angel Gabriel revealed the Quran to the heart of Muhammad by the will of God).

Quran 2:253 Koran 2:253 “… To (messenger, prophet and messiah) Jesus the son of Mary We (God through the Holy Spirit) gave signs (of his truthfulness) and strengthened him (Jesus) with (guidance through) the Holy Spirit (Angel Gabriel, the Holy Ghost) …”

(Note 1. The Holy Spirit angel Gabriel revealed the Gospel to the heart of Jesus by the will of God).

Quran 40:15 Koran 40:15 Raised high above any ranks (or any degrees, or any measurement, or any evaluation, or of anything that exists), (He God is) the Lord of the Throne (The Master controller of everything, owner of everything that is created), By His command He (God) sends the Spirit (of inspiration, of revelation, of His command, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Ghost, Angel Gabriel) to any of His (God’s) servants as He (God) pleases so that it (whomever God sends the inspiration of God’s revelations, whomever God sends the inspiration of God’s command) may warn (people) of the Day of Mutual Meeting (the Day of the meeting with God on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement).

3-2. The guardian angels of each person are witnesses in the court.

The Day of Judgement and the guardian angels.

The Day of Judgment and the guardian angels.

Quran 86:4 Koran 86:4 There is no soul except (souls) that have guardian (angels) over them.

(Notes 1. Below:

Quran 6:61 Koran 6:61 He (God) has all-power over His (God’s) servants (and His creations) and He (God) is wise and knows all things. And He (God) sends guardian angels to you (to record your deeds) until your death. Then (at death) our messengers (of death, Angel of death) take your soul without failure (to do this as their duty at the appointed time).

Quran 17:13 Koran 17:13 And We (God) have made every person responsible for their fate and on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement We (God) shall bring out for each person a wide open record (showing everything each person did).

Quran 18:49 Koran 18:49 And the Record of their deeds shall be placed (in front of them), and you shall see the sinful in fear of what is (recorded) there. They shall say, “What kind of Book is this that leaves out nothing small or great, but takes account of all." And they shall find all that they did (in their life) placed before them (in the Hereafter) and your Lord (God) shall treat no one with injustice (on the Day of Judgement).

Quran 21:94 Koran 21:94 Whoever does good deeds and is a believer (in God) shall not have their deeds rejected. We (God through God’s angels) record (the good deeds) for every person (so that they are rewarded).

Quran 23:62 Koran 23:62 And We (God) do not give any person a task that is beyond their capacity, and with Us (God) is a true Record (of what every soul did), and they shall not be treated unjustly (on the Day of Judgement in the Hereafter).

Quran 45:29 Koran 45:29 This Our (God’s) record speaks truthfully about you. We (God) have caused all that you did to be recorded (by angels).

Quran 45:30 Koran 45:30 So those who believed and did good deeds, their Lord (God) shall bring them to His (God’s) mercy. That is clear success (in the Hereafter).

Quran 45:31 Koran 45:31 And those who disbelieved (shall be told), “Were Our (God’s) revelations not recited to you? You were arrogant and became people who are wrong doers.”

Quran 50:16 Koran 50:16 We (God) created people and know what their soul whispers to them and We (God) are nearer to them (in knowledge about them) than their jugular vein (the blood that follows between the brain in the head and the heart in the body).

Quran 50:17 Koran 50:17 There are two (angels assigned to each person) listening, one (angel) sitting on the right (recording the righteous deeds of that person) and one (angel) on the left (recording the evil deeds of that person).

Quran 50:18 Koran 50:18 People do not speak one word where there is not with them a listener (angel) ready (to record what is said).

Quran 54:52 Koran 54:52 And every thing they did is in (their) record (of deeds).

Quran 54:53 Koran 54:53 And everything small and big (of their deeds) is written down (both by angels as it happens and in the Preserved Page in the book of decrees that is preordained by God).

Quran 72:27 Koran 72:27 …… and He (God) sends in front and behind of him (God’s messenger), observers (guardian angels who protect God’s message and God’s messenger).

Quran 72:28 Koran 72:28 So that He (God) may clearly show that they have conveyed the messages of their Lord (God). He (God) knows everything they do and He (God) keeps a record of every thing (that they did which they shall be shown on the Day of Judgement).

Quran 78:38 Koran 78:38 The Day (of Judgement) when the Spirit (angel Gabriel) and the (other) angels shall stand in rows, they shall not speak except for the one whom the most merciful (God) allows (to speak), and he (the Spirit and the other angels) shall say what is correct.

Quran 82:10 Koran 82:10 But over you (humans) are observers (guardian angels) –

Quran 82:11 Koran 82:11 (Who are) noble (meaning the guardian angels obey what God has commanded them to do) and (they are) recording (both your good deeds and your bad deeds).

Quran 82:12 Koran 82:12 They (the guardian angels) know everything you do (and you shall see the record of your deeds on the Day of Judgement as proof that God’s Judgement of you is correct).

Quran 85:3 Koran 85:3 And (I, God swear by the truth of) the witness (who is an angel who shall give true evidence on the Day of Judgement) and what was witnessed (about your deeds on the earth).

Quran 85:9 Koran 85:9 “… God is the witness to all things.

Quran 86:10 Koran 86:10 And the human shall have no power and no helper.

(Notes 1. Below:

Quran 78:37 Koran 78:37 (On the Day of Judgement) no one shall have the power to argue with Him (God) the Most Merciful and the Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them.

Quran 78:38 Koran 78:38 The Day (of Judgement) when the Spirit (angel Gabriel) and the (other) angels shall stand in rows, they shall not speak except for the one whom the most merciful (God, allows to speak), and he (the Spirit and the other angels) shall say what is correct.

Quran 85:3 Koran 85:3 And (I, God swear by the truth of) the witness (who is an angel who shall give true evidence on the Day of Judgement) and what was witnessed (about your deeds on the earth).

The Gospel of Luke chapter 23.

Jesus before Pilate and Herod.

Gospel of Luke 23:1 And the whole assembly of them got up, and they took him before Pilate.


Who is Pilate?

Who is Pontius Pilate?

Pontius Pilate is the Roman Empire Governor of Judea (Judaea) today in Israel and Palestine from 614 BH – 603 BH (26 CE – 36 CE, 26 AD – 36 AD, 26 – 36).

Gospel of Luke 23:2 And they began to accuse him, as follows. "We found this man misleading our nation and forbidding to give tribute to Caesar, and claiming to be a king himself, the Christ."


1. Who is Caesar?

Caesar is a title used by Roman Emperors.

Caesar is a title used by the ruler of the Roman Empire.

2. What is Christ?

Christ means messiah meaning the person who has been anointed as a king or anointed to do a certain mission.

Gospel of Luke 23:3 So Pilate examined him, saying, "Are you the king of the Jews?" And he in answer to him was saying, "You are the one saying that."


Why did God through the Holy Spirit decree Jesus to say "You are the one saying that?"

You are the one saying that means that on the basis of what you say and what you do you will be judged on the Day of Judgement.

Gospel of Luke 23:4 And Pilate said to the chief priests and the crowds, "I find no causa capitalis in this man."


What is “no causa capitalis?”

No causa capitalis means no reason for the Capital punishment of death.

Gospel of Luke 23:5 But they were getting more insistent, saying, "He incites the people, teaching throughout the entire land of the Jews, starting from Galilee and all the way to here."


Pontius Pilate was the Roman Empire Governor of Judea (Judaea) today in south central Israel and Palestine.

Galilee was north of Judea.

Galilee today is in northern Israel.

Gospel of Luke 23:6 And when Pilate heard this, he asked, "Is the man a Galilean?"

Gospel of Luke 23:7 And when he had confirmed that he is in fact from Herod's jurisdiction, he referred him to Herod, who was in Jerusalem too for those days.


Who is Herod?

Herod Antipas known as Herod the Tetrarch or Herod was the tetrarch of Galilee today in northern Israel and Peraea today in Jordan and this is Herod the tetrarch who was in Jerusalem in those days of the festival of Passover.

Gospel of Luke 23:8 Now Herod was very glad when he saw Jesus. He had been wanting for quite some time to meet him, because of hearing about him, and he hoped to see something miraculous happening through him.

Gospel of Luke 23:9 So he was plying him with a considerable amount of questions; but Jesus never gave any response at all.

Gospel of Luke 23:10 And the chief priests and the Torah scholars were standing there throughout, vehemently accusing him.

Gospel of Luke 23:11 Then Herod, together with his soldiers, after treating him with contempt and mocking him by draping a splendid robe around him, sent him back to Pilate.

Gospel of Luke 23:12 Which caused Herod and Pilate to become friends with each other that same day (for they had previously always been hostile toward each other).

Gospel of Luke 23:13 And Pilate summoned the high priest, together with the rulers and the people,

Gospel of Luke 23:14 and he said to them, "You have brought this man up to me as someone inciting the people to treason, and here now is my finding after trying him in your presence. I have found in this man no basis for the charges you are bringing against him.

Gospel of Luke 23:15 And neither has Herod, for he has sent him back to us. So you see, nothing being done by him is worthy of death.

Gospel of Luke 23:16 Therefore, having scourged him, I will release him."

[[Gospel of Luke 23:17 Now he was obligated by custom according to the festival to release one person to them.]]


DRP notes that this verse does not appear in early Greek manuscripts.

This verse is not in conflict with what God has revealed.

Gospel of Luke 23:18 But they all together shouted back, saying, "Away with this man! Release to us Barabbas!"


Who is Barabbas?

Barabbas was a prisoner sentenced to death by crucifixion.

Gospel of Luke 23:19 (He was someone who had been thrown in prison because of a certain uprising and murder that took place in the city.)

Gospel of Luke 23:20 But Pilate, wanting to release Jesus, called out to them again.

Gospel of Luke 23:21 But they cried out, saying, "Crucify him, crucify him!"

Gospel of Luke 23:22 But a third time, he said to them, "Why? What crime has this man committed? Having scourged him therefore, I will release him."

Gospel of Luke 23:23 But with loud shouts the crowd kept urgently demanding that he be crucified. And their shouts prevailed,

Gospel of Luke 23:24 and Pilate decided to grant their request.

Gospel of Luke 23:25 And he released the man who had been thrown into prison for insurrection and murder, the one whom they had asked for, and Jesus he handed over to their will.

The Crucifixion.

Gospel of Luke 23:26 And as they led him away, they seized a certain Cyrenian who was returning from the country, and they placed the cross on him, to carry it behind Jesus.


1. Where is Cyrene?

Cyrene is in Libya.

The Cyrenian Jews had established a synagogue in Jerusalem, Al-Quds in the time of Jesus.

2. What is the cross?

A wooden cross is used to hold the arms and legs of a person so that their body and legs are in a vertical position and their arms are in a horizontal position until they are dead. This is called crucifixion.

The Roman authorities in Judea today in Israel and Palestine sentenced Jesus to be crucified meaning the Roman authorities sentenced Jesus to death by crucifixion.

Gospel of Luke 23:27 And a great multitude of the people were following him, and women who were mourning and lamenting him.

Gospel of Luke 23:28 But Jesus turned to them, and he said, "Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children.

Gospel of Luke 23:29 For behold, days are coming in which they will say, 'Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bore, and the breasts that never nursed.'


1. Prophet Jesus made a prediction.

Prophet messenger and messiah Jesus predicts the siege of Jerusalem. Al-Quds and the destruction of the second Temple of God on the Temple Mount by the Roman Army.

Gospel of Luke 23:29 (Prophet Jesus the messenger and messiah of God predicts the future as revealed to Jesus by God through the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel) For behold, days are coming in which they will say, 'Blessed are the barren (because they shall have a chance to run away from the future vengeance of the Roman Army), and the wombs that never bore (children because such children will have avoided the time of the future vengeance of the Roman Army), and the breasts that never nursed (because those women without children will have avoided seeing the suffering of their children).'

1-1. Jesus showed Jesus is a prophet from God.

The sixty second sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Why did God send a prophet after Jesus?

God sent a prophet after Jesus to correct the confusion between God and Jesus.

Jesus showed Jesus is a prophet from God.

See Gospel of Luke 4:24, 10:22, 22:10, 22:31 and 23:29 comments.

Torah Deuteronomy 18:18 (Therefore) I (God) shall raise up for them (the children of Israel) a prophet (Prophet Joshua Yusha followed by prophet after prophet, messenger after messenger) like you (Prophet Moses Musa who delivered the Torah Taurat 3200 years ago when you were at Mount Sinai Horeb today in Egypt) from among their brothers brethren (The children of Israel are brothers and brethren to each other. The children of Esau are brothers and brethren to the children of Israel through Jacob Yaqub Israel who is the brother of Esau. The children of Ishmael Ismail are brothers and brethren to the children of Israel through Isaac Ishaq who is the brother of Ishmael Ismail and the father of Jacob Yaqub Israel. Esau and Ishmael Ismail are not one of the children of Israel. The children of Ishmael Ismail are the brethren and brother of the children of Isaac Ishaq which include the children of Israel in the same way as God says the children of Esau who are not the children of Israel are the brethren of the children of Israel in Torah Deuteronomy 2:4 – 2:8 and Prophet Moses Musa says the children of Esau who are not the children of Israel are the brother of the children of Israel in Torah Numbers 20:14. Those who descended from Prophet Abraham Ibrahim are brothers and brethren to each other and brothers and brethren in the religion of God because this is the religion of Prophet Abraham Ibrahim) and I (God through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel Jibril) shall put my (God’s) words in the mouth of the prophet (meaning prophet after prophet, messenger after messenger), who shall speak to them (the people) everything that I (God) command him” (to speak to you. Note that all the prophets and messengers of God are mentioned in Torah Deuteronomy 18:18. In Torah Genesis 25:9 “Isaac Ishaq and Ishmael Ismail his sons buried Abraham Ibrahim” meaning the children of Isaac Ishaq and the children of Ishmael Ismail are brothers and brethren to each other meaning the Hebrews and the Arabs are brothers and brethren to each other meaning the Jews and the Muslims are brothers and brethren to each other meaning everyone who follows the religion of God are brothers and brethren to each other as confirmed in Torah Deuteronomy 18:15, 18:18 - 18:22 and Quran 5:68 and Quran 7:157);

Gospel of Luke 23:30 At that time they will begin to say to the mountains, 'Fall on us,' and to the hills, 'Cover us.'


1. Prophet Jesus made a prediction.

Prophet messenger and messiah Jesus made a prediction of the great suffering of the children of Israel during the siege of Jerusalem. Al-Quds and the destruction of the second House of God on the Temple Mountain by the Roman Army in Judea today in Israel and Palestine.

Gospel of Luke 23:31 For if they do these things when the wood is green, what will happen when it is dry?"


Explain the Gospel of Luke 23:31.

Gospel of Luke 23:31 For if they (the Roman Army) do these things (the siege of Jerusalem, Al-Quds) when the wood is green (in summer), what will happen when it is dry (winter)?" (The answer is the suffering would be greater in winter).

Gospel of Luke 23:32 Now two others, criminals, were also being taken with him to be executed.

Gospel of Luke 23:33 And when they came to the place called The Skull, there they crucified him, along with the criminals, one on his right and one on his left.

Gospel of Luke 23:34 [And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."] And they cast lots, for dividing out his clothing.


1. DRP notes that the verse in brackets is not in the earliest Greek manuscripts.

This verse is not in conflict with what God has revealed.

2. Why did Jesus say “Father (God), forgive them, for they (the people) do not know what they are doing (when they try to kill the prophet messenger and messiah of God)?”

2-1. The messenger after Jesus explained why Jesus forgave the wrong that was done to Jesus.

The three hundred and sixth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The prophet after Jesus explained why Jesus forgave the wrong that was done to Jesus.

See Gospel of Luke 23:34 comments

Quran 45:22 Koran 45:22 And God has truly created the heavens and the earth so that every soul may be repaid by what it earned (in this life). And they shall not be wronged (in God’s judgement of them in the hereafter).

(Note 1. When Jesus asks God to forgive those who did wrong to Jesus, Jesus is protecting his soul.

(Note 2. The promise of God is to forgive those humans who forgive other humans.

(Note 3. When Jesus forgives other humans Jesus remembers the promise that God forgives those people who also forgive other people.

Quran 2:178 Koran 2:178 All you who believe, the Law of equal punishment (legal retribution, legal justice) is prescribed for you for those murdered .…” But if the killer is forgiven (pardoned, by the inheritor of the killed man who has the right to punish or pardon) then grant any reasonable demand and compensate him (the inheritor of the killed man) well (with blood money or another way and with good conduct, with gratitude, with fairness, without delay and without fraud), this is a concession and a mercy from your Lord (God). After this whoever exceeds the limits (of the law, for example, if there is another killing after the pardon or after the compensation agreement is completed) then there shall be a painful punishment (in the hereafter).

Quran 5:45 Koran 5:45 (And in the Torah Taurat) We (God) gave all the laws, (taking) the life for the (lost) life, (taking) the eye for the (lost) eye, (taking) the nose for the (lost) nose, (taking) the ear for the (lost) ear, (taking) the tooth for the (lost) tooth, these are the laws of retaliation for giving wounds that are equal to what were unjustly inflicted. Whoever forgoes it (meaning whoever gives the mercy of not retaliating) shall be rewarded by (God) cancelling some of the sins of the person (that had the right to retaliate but did not retaliate but instead they followed in the way of God’s recommended mercy). Whoever does not judge by what God has revealed are wrong doers.

Quran 17:33 Koran 17:33 And do not kill anyone that God has forbidden, except what is legal. And whoever is killed unjustly (not by mistake), We (God) have given his heir the authority (for legal action to demand the law of equal punishment or to forgive or to take blood money as compensation). But do not allow him (the injured brother) to exceed the limits in the matter of taking life (meaning, no one can be killed except the killer). Indeed he (his heir) is helped (by the law and those who administer the court of law).

Quran 42:40 Koran 42:40 By the payment for (receiving) an evil by way of (giving) a similar evil like it (back in retaliation), but whoever forgives (the evil that was done to them) and makes reconciliation then their reward (for such a righteous deed) shall come from God. He (God) does not like the wrongdoers –

Quran 42:43 Koran 42:43 And whoever shows patience and forgives (a bad deed that was done to them) is a matter to be resolved (with a reward to them from God because instead of fulfilling their desire for revenge they followed the path of forgiveness and reconciliation that is recommended in Quran 42:40 and Quran 2:178 and Quran 17:33) by God.

Quran 64:14 Koran 64:14 All you who believe, Among your wives and your children there are enemies for you (if they try to move you away from God) so beware of them. If you pardon (what people have done) and overlook (the faults of people), and forgive (people) then God is forgiving and merciful (to you).

Gospel of Luke 23:35 And the people stood there, watching. And the rulers were sneering at him, saying, "He saved others; he should save himself, if this is the one chosen the Christ of God."

Gospel of Luke 23:36 And the soldiers, when they were approaching bringing him vinegar, also made fun of him.

Gospel of Luke 23:37 They also were saying, "If you are the king of the Jews, save yourself."

Gospel of Luke 23:38 Now there was also a notice inscribed above him: "THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS."


What does "The King of the Jews” mean?

What crime did the Romans authority have against Jesus?

The Romans made Jesus an example to suppress anyone who might have an idea of a Jewish uprising against the rule of the Roman Empire in Judea.

This was a warning to the Jews that anyone who challenges Roman authority will be killed.

Jesus was Jewish.

The disciples of Jesus were Jewish.

Jesus attracted large crows of Jews where ever he went.

Jesus confirmed Jesus is the Messiah in the Gospel of Matthew 16:16 – 16:17 and supported in the Gospel of Luke 2:11, 2:26 and 18:38.

In the Gospel of Luke 23:3 and Gospel of Matthew 27:11, the question asked by Pontius Pilate the Roman Empire Governor of Judea to Jesus is, “Are you the king of the Jews” meaning are you claiming to be the new leader of the Jews?

No one could appoint a King in Judea except the Romans who were the rulers of the Roman Empire.

Jesus was being accused of threatening the authority of the Roman Empire’s control over Judea today Israel and Palestine for which the punishment under Roman law is death.

Gospel of Luke 23:39 And one of the criminals hung there was deriding him, saying, "If you really are the Christ, save yourself and us."

Gospel of Luke 23:40 But in response the other one was rebuking him, saying, "Don't you fear God at all, considering that you yourself are in this same judgement?

Gospel of Luke 23:41 And we indeed justly; for we have gotten back what was fitting to how we have lived. But this man, he has done nothing wrong."

Gospel of Luke 23:42 And then he was saying, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom."

Gospel of Luke 23:43 And he said to him, "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in Paradise."


The messenger after Jesus confirms that the soul of Jesus was briefly raised to Heaven but the body of Jesus remained sleeping on the Earth for three days.

The three hundred and seventh sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The prophet after Jesus confirms that the soul of Jesus was briefly raised to Paradise but the body of Jesus remained sleeping on the Earth for three days.

See Gospel of Luke 22:42 and 23:43 comments.

Gospel of John 10:18 No one takes it (my life) from me (Jesus); I lay it down (my life) of myself (voluntarily as God has ordered Jesus to do). I (Jesus) have authority (from God) to lay it down (on the cross where humans shall try to kill Jesus through crucifixion) …”

(Note 1. In the Gospel Jesus said no one takes my life from me because Jesus is obeying the orders of God.

(Note 2. The Gospel confirms no one killed Jesus because Jesus was alive three days later.

Quran 4:157 Koran 4:157 And they (some of the Jews of Yathrib in Arabia later Medina Arabia today Madinah Saudi Arabia) said (showing their pride and their disbelief by threatening and mocking the messenger Prophet Muhammad and his followers by boasting), "We killed messiah Jesus Isa, the son of Mary Maryam, the messenger of God," but (in fact) they did not kill him (on the cross) nor crucify him (to death on the cross), but it was made to appear so to them (so they believed he was dead on the cross because his body was not moving but in fact he was still alive and sleeping on the cross as explained in Quran 4:158 and 39:42) and those (Jews of Yathrib Arabia) who differ in this (in what happened to Prophet Jesus Isa on the cross) are full of doubts with no (certain) knowledge so they (the Jews of Yathrib) follow only conjecture (assumptions, speculation, guess). It is certain that they (the Jews) did not kill him (because God protected Prophet Jesus Isa from the death of crucifixion in 607 BH 33 CE 33 AD on Friday 3 April 33 in Jerusalem Al-Quds Yerussalem Yerushalayim in Judea today in Israel and Palestine and this is confirmed in the Gospel Injil where Jesus Isa is seen alive three days after the crucifixion teaching that he is not God in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 by saying God is my God and your God meaning God is my Father and your Father meaning God is my Creator and your Creator meaning God is my Master and your Master meaning God is my Lord and your Lord as proof that no one had killed him on the cross or crucified him to death on the cross).

Note 1. God saved Jesus Isa from death on the cross in Quran 4:157 and 4:158 so that Jesus Isa could continue his life and then die 2000 years ago like every human before him and after him has died in Quran 5:75 and 3:144. The natural death of Jesus Isa 2000 years ago is proof to the people in his time that Jesus Isa is human like every other human and he is not God or an equal partner with God.

Note 2. The Quran confirms that those who sinned will believe they killed Jesus and that belief will be evidence on the Day of Judgement that the sinful will be unable to deny.

Note 3. The Quran confirms no one killed Jesus.

Quran 39:42 Koran 39:42 God takes the souls at the time of their death and (also takes the souls of) those who have not died (but are alive) during their sleep (when God saved the life of Jesus Isa with sleep so that his body did not move making everyone believe that Jesus Isa was dead on the cross in Quran 4:157 by raising the soul of Jesus Isa to heaven and to God in Quran 4:158). He (God) keeps those (souls) for which He (God) had decreed death and sends the rest (of the souls to awaken the sleeping body) for a predetermined period of time (such as when God returned the soul of Jesus Isa three days after the crucifixion to wake up the sleeping body of Jesus Isa on the earth in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 when Jesus Isa delivered the message that Jesus Isa is not God by saying God is my God and your God meaning God is my Father and your Father meaning God is my Creator and your Creator meaning God is my Master and your Master meaning God is my Lord and your Lord as proof that no one had killed him on the cross or crucified him to death on the cross, after which they return to sleep again or die as in Quran 5:75 where Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa “use to eat food” meaning they both died 2000 years ago and Quran 3:144 where the “the messengers before Prophet Muhammad have died” meaning Jesus Isa is dead because Jesus Isa is the messenger before Prophet Muhammad. In Quran 5:117 Jesus died when he lived with the children of Israel 2000 years ago when he was raised by the angel of death). In this are signs (of God) for people who think.

Note 1. God does not take the human body to heaven (Quran 39:42).

Note 2. Only the human soul is raised to heaven (Quran 39:42).

Note 3. The human body is only needed on the Earth (Quran 39:42). .

Note 4. The human body is not needed in heaven (Quran 39:42).

Note 5. The human soul is alive in heaven without a human body (Quran 39:42).

Note 6. What happened to Prophet Jesus Isa on the cross in Quran 4:157 and Quran 4:158 is explained in Quran 39:42.

Note 7. The Quran confirms what is in the Gospel Injil of Isa by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John that is with the Christians today as proof that no one can change the words of God and as proof of the truthfulness of the Quran.

Note 8. God took the soul of Jesus to heaven when the body of Jesus fell into a sleep on the cross.

Note 9. God protected Jesus the messenger of God with a three day sleep.

Jesus' death.


1. Was it the death of Jesus or the miracle of Jesus?

2. What is death?

God has decreed that every human must die.

Death is the sign of a human.

Death is the sign of every creation.

3. What does “the soul is alive after death” mean?

What does “the soul is alive in heaven” mean?

In the Transfiguration the spirit of Elijah and Moses appeared briefly on the earth to talk with Jesus as God willed in the Gospel of Luke 9:30.

The bodies of Elijah and Moses are buried in the earth but the souls of Elijah and Moses are alive in heaven under God’s care.

4. What is a miracle?

A miracle is a surprising and welcome event that can not be explained by nature or the laws of science and is considered to be the will of God.

Three days after the crucifixion Jesus told Mary Magdalene to tell all the disciples that Jesus did not die on the cross in Gospel of John 20:17 “I have not yet ascended to the Father” meaning God saved the life of Jesus on the cross with a miracle which made people think Jesus was dead on the cross in the same way God made people believe a sleeping person was dead in Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24 and Gospel of Luke 8:52.

The soul of every human ascends to God during sleep and when they die (Quran 39:42).

When Jesus says I (Jesus) have not yet ascended to the Father (God) Jesus is not talking about sleep because every human ascends to God every night during sleep therefore the meaning is Jesus has not yet died meaning God saved the life of Jesus on the cross with sleep (Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24, Gospel of Luke 8:52, Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42) meaning Jesus did not die on the cross with death but was saved on the cross with sleep which looked like Jesus was dead and in this way God saved the life of Jesus meaning no one killed Jesus (Gospel of Luke 8:54 – 8:55 and Quran 39:42) meaning no one crucified Jesus to death (Quran 4:157) meaning Jesus was not sacrificed but was saved from death with sleep in Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42 for the same reason God saved the son of Abraham from death in a test of the faith in God of Abraham and Jesus.

When Jesus says "I (Jesus) am ascending to my Father (God) and your Father (God)" it means Jesus will die like every human dies meaning Jesus died a natural death at the end of his life 2000 years ago (Quran 3:144 and Quran 5:75) as proof Jesus is human and as proof Jesus is not God.

Gospel of John 20:17 Jesus says to her (Mary Magdalene), "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father (God); but go to my brothers (my disciples), and tell them: 'I am ascending to my Father and your Father; to my God and your God.'"

Note 1. After the crucifixion Jesus says do not hold on to me to see if I am really alive, I have not yet ascended to my Father meaning I am not yet dead meaning I am really alive meaning I am not a ghost.

Quran 39:42 Koran 39:42 God takes the souls at the time of their death and (also takes the souls of) those who have not died (but are alive) during their sleep (when God saved the life of Jesus Isa with sleep so that his body did not move making everyone believe that Jesus Isa was dead on the cross in Quran 4:157 by raising the soul of Jesus Isa to heaven and to God in Quran 4:158). He (God) keeps those (souls) for which He (God) had decreed death and sends the rest (of the souls to awaken the sleeping body) for a predetermined period of time (such as when God returned the soul of Jesus Isa three days after the crucifixion to wake up the sleeping body of Jesus Isa on the earth in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 when Jesus Isa delivered the message that Jesus Isa is not God by saying God is my God and your God meaning God is my Father and your Father meaning God is my Creator and your Creator meaning God is my Master and your Master meaning God is my Lord and your Lord as proof that no one had killed him on the cross or crucified him to death on the cross, after which they return to sleep again or die as in Quran 5:75 where Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa “use to eat food” meaning they both died 2000 years ago and Quran 3:144 where the “the messengers before Prophet Muhammad have died” meaning Jesus Isa is dead because Jesus Isa is the messenger before Prophet Muhammad. In Quran 5:117 Jesus died when he lived with the children of Israel 2000 years ago when he was raised by the angel of death). In this are signs (of God) for people who think.

Gospel of Luke 23:44 And it was now about noon, and darkness came across the whole land until 3:00 p.m.,


1. The solar eclipse in Jerusalem, Al-Quds in the time of Jesus.

The sun was darkened by a solar eclipse when the Moon moved in front of the Sun which occurred in Jerusalem, Al-Quds in 607 BH on Friday 3 April 33, 33 CE, 33 AD.

2. How does science know there was a solar eclipse in Jerusalem, Al-Quds in the time of Jesus?

The position of the Sun and the Moon can be calculated using mathematics to find when a solar eclipse can be seen both in the past and in the future from any location on the Earth.

Gospel of Luke 23:45 for the sun was darkened. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two.


The messenger after Jesus showed the meaning of “the curtain of the temple was torn in two.”

The three hundred and eighth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

The prophet after Jesus in the Quran showed the meaning in the Gospel of “the curtain of the temple was torn in two.”

See Gospel of Luke 23:45 comments.

Quran 19:88 Koran 19:88 And they (some of the Christians) say, “The Most Merciful (God) has taken to Himself a son (who they say is not a servant of God but God himself because he shares equal power with God including the power to hear human prayer).”

Quran 19:89 Koran 19:89 Certainly you (some of the Christians) have said an awful thing.

Quran 19:90 Koran 19:90 Whereby the heavens nearly become torn, and the earth almost becomes split apart and the mountains almost fall in ruins,

(Note 1. The meaning of the heavens nearly become torn shows the rejection by what God has created (that is the rejection by the heavens) to the idea that a creation of God is God (that is rejecting the idea that Jesus is God).

Quran 19:91 Koran 19:91 That they (some of the Christians) should attribute a son (who they say is not a servant of God but God himself by claiming that a human is an equal partner) to the Most Merciful (God).

Quran 19:92 Koran 19:92 It is not appropriate for the Most Merciful (God) that He (God) should take a son (as a partner).

Quran 19:93 Koran 19:93 There is no one in the heavens and the earth who does not come to the Most Merciful (God) except as a servant.

Quran 19:94 Koran 19:94 He (God) knows every one of them (meaning, God knows every servant that God has created).

Quran 19:95 Koran 19:95 And each one of them shall come to Him (God) on the Day of Resurrection, alone.

Quran 19:96 Koran 19:96 Those who have believed and do good deeds, the Most Merciful (God) shall appoint in the Hereafter for them affection (in their hearts).

Gospel of Luke 23:45 for the sun was darkened (by a solar eclipse when the Moon moved in front of the Sun which occurred in Jerusalem, Al-Quds in 607 BH on Friday 3 April 33, 33 CE, 33 AD). And the curtain of the temple (the second House of God on the Temple Mount) was torn in two (to represent the disapproval of God to the way a prophet messenger and messiah of God was being treated).

(Note 1. The meaning of the curtain of the temple was torn in two shows the disapproval by God in the second Temple of God to the way Jesus the prophet messenger and messiah of God was being treated.

(Note 2. The meaning of the curtain of the temple was torn in two predicts the future spit in Judaism that would created a second religion of God called Christianity.

(Note 3. Five hundred years after Christianity a third religion of God called Islam would be created to correct the confusion between God and Jesus.

a. After the time of Jesus some Christians would mistakenly believe that Jesus was God.

Prophet Muhammad revealed to the Christians that Jesus is not God because Jesus is a human.

b. After the time of Jesus some Christians would mistakenly believe that the Holy Spirit was God.

Prophet Muhammad revealed to the Christians that the Holy Spirit is not God because the Holy Spirit is angel Gabriel.

c. After the time of Jesus some Christians invented Trinity to mistakenly explain that one God contains three.

Prophet Muhammad revealed to the Christians that Trinity is an error in human understanding because God is one God who is the creator of every creation. God created Jesus and the Holy Spirit and nothing that God creates can be God therefore God is the creator whereas Jesus and the Holy Spirit are creations they are not God.

d. After the time of Jesus some Jews would mistakenly deny that Jesus was a prophet of God.

Prophet Muhammad revealed to the Jews that Jesus is a prophet of God like all the prophets of God that came before Jesus.

Gospel of Luke 23:46 And crying out with a loud voice, Jesus said, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." And after he had said this, he expired.


1. Jesus and the messenger after Jesus confirm that Jesus is not God because the soul of Jesus was raised to Heaven and to God in the same way as every human soul is raised to heaven and to God.

The three hundred and ninth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Jesus and the prophet after Jesus confirm that Jesus is not God because the soul of Jesus was raised to Heaven and to God in the same way as every human soul is raised to heaven and to God.

If Jesus was God that would be proof that more than one God exists.

See Gospel of Luke 23:46 comments.

Gospel of Luke 23:46 And crying out with a loud voice, Jesus said, "Father (God), into your hands I (Jesus) commit (give) my spirit (soul)." …”

Gospel of John 10:18 No one takes it (my life) from me (Jesus); I lay it down (my life) of myself (voluntarily as God has ordered Jesus to do). I (Jesus) have authority (from God) to lay it down (on the cross where humans shall try to kill Jesus through crucifixion) …”

(Note 1. In the Gospel Jesus said no one takes my life from me because Jesus is obeying the orders of God.

(Note 2. The Gospel confirms no one killed Jesus because Jesus was alive three days later.

Quran 4:157 Koran 4:157 And they (some of the Jews of Yathrib in Arabia later Medina Arabia today Madinah Saudi Arabia) said (showing their pride and their disbelief by threatening and mocking the messenger Prophet Muhammad and his followers by boasting), "We killed messiah Jesus Isa, the son of Mary Maryam, the messenger of God," but (in fact) they did not kill him (on the cross) nor crucify him (to death on the cross), but it was made to appear so to them (so they believed he was dead on the cross because his body was not moving but in fact he was still alive and sleeping on the cross as explained in Quran 4:158 and 39:42) and those (Jews of Yathrib Arabia) who differ in this (in what happened to Prophet Jesus Isa on the cross) are full of doubts with no (certain) knowledge so they (the Jews of Yathrib) follow only conjecture (assumptions, speculation, guess). It is certain that they (the Jews) did not kill him (because God protected Prophet Jesus Isa from the death of crucifixion in 607 BH 33 CE 33 AD on Friday 3 April 33 in Jerusalem Al-Quds Yerussalem Yerushalayim in Judea today in Israel and Palestine and this is confirmed in the Gospel Injil where Jesus Isa is seen alive three days after the crucifixion teaching that he is not God in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 by saying God is my God and your God meaning God is my Father and your Father meaning God is my Creator and your Creator meaning God is my Master and your Master meaning God is my Lord and your Lord as proof that no one had killed him on the cross or crucified him to death on the cross).

Note 1. God saved Jesus Isa from death on the cross in Quran 4:157 and 4:158 so that Jesus Isa could continue his life and then die 2000 years ago like every human before him and after him has died in Quran 5:75 and 3:144. The natural death of Jesus Isa 2000 years ago is proof to the people in his time that Jesus Isa is human like every other human and he is not God or an equal partner with God.

Note 2. The Quran confirms that those who sinned will believe they killed Jesus and that belief will be evidence on the Day of Judgement that the sinful will be unable to deny.

Note 3. The Quran confirms no one killed Jesus.

Quran 6:60 Koran 6:60 He (God) is the one who takes your souls at night (when you sleep) …”

(Note 1. God took the soul of Jesus to heaven when the body of Jesus fell into a sleep on the cross.

(Note 2. God protected Jesus the messenger of God with a three day sleep.

Quran 39:42 Koran 39:42 God takes the souls at the time of their death and those that do not die (God, takes their soul and cares for their soul in heaven) during their sleep (on the earth). He (God) keeps those (souls in heaven) for which He (God) had decreed death and sends the rest (of the souls in heaven to awaken the body on the earth after sleep) for a predetermined period of time (after which the human body returns to sleep again or dies). In this are signs (of God) for people who think.

(Note 1. God took the soul of Jesus to heaven when the body of Jesus fell into a sleep on the cross.

(Note 2. God protected Jesus the messenger of God with a three day sleep.

2. Jesus and the messenger after Jesus confirm that Jesus is not God because the soul is created by God so anyone with a soul is created by God therefore Jesus can not be God because God is not a creation but God is the creator of every creation.

The three hundred and tenth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Jesus and the prophet after Jesus confirm that Jesus is not God because the soul is created by God so anyone with a soul is created by God therefore Jesus can not be God because God is not a creation but God is the creator of every creation.

If Jesus was God that would be proof that more than one God exists.

See Gospel of Luke 23:46 comments.

Gospel of Luke 23:46 And crying out with a loud voice, Jesus said, "Father (God), into your hands I (Jesus) commit (give) my spirit (soul)." …”

3. Explain Gospel of Luke 23:46.

Gospel of Luke 23:46 And crying out with a loud voice, Jesus said, "Father (God), into your hands I commit my spirit (soul)." And after he (Jesus) had said this, he (Jesus, appeared to have) expired (because the soul of Jesus was raised to heaven and to God for three days but the body of Jesus remained on the Earth in a three day sleep).

Gospel of John 10:18 No one takes it (my life) from me (Jesus); I lay it down (my life) of myself (voluntarily as God has ordered Jesus to do). I (Jesus) have authority (from God) to lay it down (on the cross where humans shall try to kill Jesus through crucifixion) …”

(Note 1. In the Gospel Jesus said no one takes my life from me because Jesus is obeying the orders of God.

(Note 2. The Gospel confirms no one killed Jesus because Jesus was alive three days later.

Quran 4:157 Koran 4:157 And they (some of the Jews of Yathrib in Arabia later Medina Arabia today Madinah Saudi Arabia) said (showing their pride and their disbelief by threatening and mocking the messenger Prophet Muhammad and his followers by boasting), "We killed messiah Jesus Isa, the son of Mary Maryam, the messenger of God," but (in fact) they did not kill him (on the cross) nor crucify him (to death on the cross), but it was made to appear so to them (so they believed he was dead on the cross because his body was not moving but in fact he was still alive and sleeping on the cross as explained in Quran 4:158 and 39:42) and those (Jews of Yathrib Arabia) who differ in this (in what happened to Prophet Jesus Isa on the cross) are full of doubts with no (certain) knowledge so they (the Jews of Yathrib) follow only conjecture (assumptions, speculation, guess). It is certain that they (the Jews) did not kill him (because God protected Prophet Jesus Isa from the death of crucifixion in 607 BH 33 CE 33 AD on Friday 3 April 33 in Jerusalem Al-Quds Yerussalem Yerushalayim in Judea today in Israel and Palestine and this is confirmed in the Gospel Injil where Jesus Isa is seen alive three days after the crucifixion teaching that he is not God in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 by saying God is my God and your God meaning God is my Father and your Father meaning God is my Creator and your Creator meaning God is my Master and your Master meaning God is my Lord and your Lord as proof that no one had killed him on the cross or crucified him to death on the cross).

Note 1. God saved Jesus Isa from death on the cross in Quran 4:157 and 4:158 so that Jesus Isa could continue his life and then die 2000 years ago like every human before him and after him has died in Quran 5:75 and 3:144. The natural death of Jesus Isa 2000 years ago is proof to the people in his time that Jesus Isa is human like every other human and he is not God or an equal partner with God.

Quran 39:42 Koran 39:42 God takes the souls at the time of their death and (also takes the souls of) those who have not died (but are alive) during their sleep (when God saved the life of Jesus Isa with sleep so that his body did not move making everyone believe that Jesus Isa was dead on the cross in Quran 4:157 by raising the soul of Jesus Isa to heaven and to God in Quran 4:158). He (God) keeps those (souls) for which He (God) had decreed death and sends the rest (of the souls to awaken the sleeping body) for a predetermined period of time (such as when God returned the soul of Jesus Isa three days after the crucifixion to wake up the sleeping body of Jesus Isa on the earth in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 when Jesus Isa delivered the message that Jesus Isa is not God by saying God is my God and your God meaning God is my Father and your Father meaning God is my Creator and your Creator meaning God is my Master and your Master meaning God is my Lord and your Lord as proof that no one had killed him on the cross or crucified him to death on the cross, after which they return to sleep again or die as in Quran 5:75 where Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa “use to eat food” meaning they both died 2000 years ago and Quran 3:144 where the “the messengers before Prophet Muhammad have died” meaning Jesus Isa is dead because Jesus Isa is the messenger before Prophet Muhammad. In Quran 5:117 Jesus died when he lived with the children of Israel 2000 years ago when he was raised by the angel of death). In this are signs (of God) for people who think.

Note 1. God does not take the human body to heaven (Quran 39:42).

Note 2. Only the human soul is raised to heaven (Quran 39:42).

Note 3. The human body is only needed on the Earth (Quran 39:42). .

Note 4. The human body is not needed in heaven (Quran 39:42).

Note 5. The human soul is alive in heaven without a human body (Quran 39:42).

Note 6. What happened to Prophet Jesus Isa on the cross in Quran 4:157 and Quran 4:158 is explained in Quran 39:42.

Note 7. The Quran confirms what is in the Gospel Injil of Isa by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John that is with the Christians today as proof that no one can change the words of God and as proof of the truthfulness of the Quran.

Note 8. God took the soul of Jesus to heaven when the body of Jesus fell into a sleep on the cross.

Note 9. God protected Jesus the messenger of God with a three day sleep.

Three days after the crucifixion Jesus told Mary Magdalene to tell all the disciples that Jesus did not die on the cross in Gospel of John 20:17 “I have not yet ascended to the Father” meaning God saved the life of Jesus on the cross with a miracle which made people think Jesus was dead on the cross in the same way God made people believe a sleeping person was dead in Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24 and Gospel of Luke 8:52.

The soul of every human ascends to God during sleep and when they die (Quran 39:42).

When Jesus says I (Jesus) have not yet ascended to the Father (God) Jesus is not talking about sleep because every human ascends to God every night during sleep therefore the meaning is Jesus has not yet died meaning God saved the life of Jesus on the cross with sleep (Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24, Gospel of Luke 8:52, Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42) meaning Jesus did not die on the cross with death but was saved on the cross with sleep which looked like Jesus was dead and in this way God saved the life of Jesus meaning no one killed Jesus (Gospel of Luke 8:54 – 8:55 and Quran 39:42) meaning no one crucified Jesus to death (Quran 4:157) meaning Jesus was not sacrificed but was saved from death with sleep in Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42 for the same reason God saved the son of Abraham from death in a test of the faith in God of Abraham and Jesus.

When Jesus says "I (Jesus) am ascending to my Father (God) and your Father (God)" it means Jesus will die like every human dies meaning Jesus died a natural death at the end of his life 2000 years ago (Quran 3:144 and Quran 5:75) as proof Jesus is human and as proof Jesus is not God.

Gospel of John 20:17 Jesus says to her (Mary Magdalene), "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father (God); but go to my brothers (my disciples), and tell them: 'I am ascending to my Father and your Father; to my God and your God.'"

Note 1. After the crucifixion Jesus says do not hold on to me to see if I am really alive, I have not yet ascended to my Father meaning I am not yet dead meaning I am really alive meaning I am not a ghost.

Gospel of Luke 23:47 Now the centurion when he saw what had happened, was giving glory to God, by saying, "This really must have been a righteous man."


What is a centurion?

A centurion was a Roman army commander.

Gospel of Luke 23:48 And all the crowds who had gathered around for this spectacle, when they observed what took place, they were turning away, beating their breasts.

Gospel of Luke 23:49 But all those who knew him, including the women who had followed with him from Galilee, stood off at a distance throughout, watching these things.

Jesus' burial.

Gospel of Luke 23:50 And behold, there was a council member named Joseph, who was a good and righteous man

Gospel of Luke 23:51 (he was not going along with their decision and actions), from Arimathea, a city in Judea, who was looking forward to the kingdom of God.


What is the kingdom of God?

What is the kingdom of heaven?

The kingdom of God is the same as the kingdom of heaven.

See The Gospel of Mark 1:14-1:15 (kingdom of God) and the Gospel of Matthew 4:17 (kingdom of Heaven).

See The Gospel of Mark 4:30-4:31 (kingdom of God) and the Gospel of Matthew 13:31 (kingdom of Heaven).

Gospel of Luke 4:43 But he (Jesus) said to them, "I must preach the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because on that basis (that life exists in Heaven after death) I was sent (to remind the children of Israel)."

Gospel of Luke 23:52 This man went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus.


1. Explain Gospel of Luke 23:52.

Gospel of Luke 23:52 This man (Joseph from Arimathea) went to Pilate (the Governor of Judea) and asked for the body of Jesus.

2. What is Arimathea?

Arimathea was a city in Judea today in Israel and Palestine.

Gospel of Luke 23:53 And when he had taken it down he wrapped it in linen, and laid it in a hewn-out tomb, which no one was lying in yet.


1. What is a hewn-out tomb?

A cave cut out of the rock.

2. If the body of Jesus was sleeping how could it survive burial?

The three hundred and eleventh sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

If the body of Jesus was sleeping how could the body of Jesus survive burial for three days?

See Gospel of Luke 23:53 comments.

The body of Jesus was not buried in the soil.

The body of Jesus was placed on a stone surface in the air not under the ground.

Gospel of Luke 23:54 And it was the day of Preparation, and the Sabbath was coming on.


What is the day of Preparation?


What is the Preparation Day?

In today’s calendar Friday is called Preparation Day when food is prepared for the Sabbath Day because no work is done on the Sabbath Day which is from sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday.

Note that 2000 years ago a different calendar system based on the visible Phases of the Moon was used to calculate the Sabbath Day.

Gospel of Luke 23:55 Now some women had followed close behind, which were the ones who had come with him from Galilee; they observed the tomb, and how his body was interred.

Gospel of Luke 23:56 Then when they returned home, they prepared spices and perfumes. And for the Sabbath though, they did rest, in keeping with the commandment;


Who are the people who have left the final burial of the body of Jesus until after the Sabbath Day?

The people involved with the burial of Jesus are Jews.

Jesus was a Jew.

The mother and adoptive father of Jesus are both Jewish.

The twelve disciples of Jesus are Jewish.

INDEX of the Gospel of Luke.

See https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/the-377-signs-of-prophet-muhammad-in-the-gospel-of-luke

302-1. The 377 signs of Prophet Muhammad in the Gospel of Luke.


302-2. The Gospel of Luke chapters 1–2.


302-3. The Gospel of Luke chapters 3–6.


302-4. The Gospel of Luke chapters 7–8.


302-5. The Gospel of Luke chapter 9.


302-6. The Gospel of Luke chapters 10–11.


302-7. The Gospel of Luke chapters 12–15.


302-8. The Gospel of Luke chapters 16–18.


302-9. The Gospel of Luke chapters 19-21.


You are here 302-10. The Gospel of Luke chapters 22-23.


302-11. The Gospel of Luke chapter 24.


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The meaning of verses in the Quran and Tanakh and Gospel are on these websites.

The meaning of verses in the Koran and Torah and Injil are on these websites.

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God index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/index

Allah https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran

Allah index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran/index

Allaah https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran

Allaah index https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran/index

Q&A https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel

Q&A index https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel/index