Quran chapter 24 surah 24.

1. Stoning to death for adultery is not in the Quran.

2. Quran chapter 24 replaces the verse on stoning to death for adultery which God ordered a goat to remove by eating it away on the day of the death of Prophet Muhammad.

3. The first time God removed stoning to death for adultery in the Quran was when the wife of the prophet was falsely accused of adultery.

4. The second time God removed stoning to death for adultery in the Quran was on the day of the death of Prophet Muhammad when God caused a goat to eat away the paper on which was written stoning to death for adultery.

5. The third time God removed stoning to death for adultery in the Quran was when the Quran was compiled after the death of the prophet when two people could not be found to testify that stoning to death for adultery was in the Quran.


27 June 2021 (1442 AH).


Quran chapter 24.

Quran surah 24.

Quran sura 24.

Koran chapter 24.  

Koran surah 24.

Koran sura 24.

Stoning to death for adultery is not in the Koran.

Koran chapter 24 replaces the verse on stoning to death for adultery which God ordered a goat to remove by eating it away on the day of the death of Prophet Muhammad.

God did not order death for adultery in the Quran.

God did not order death for adultery in the Koran.

Stoning to death for adultery is not in the last revelation of God,

Stoning to death for adultery is not in the completed and perfected Quran.   

Death for adultery are in human stories which contradict God in the Quran.

Some people follow the stories of God that are protected and some people follow the unprotected stories of humans which contradict the words of God.

Stoning to death for adultery in Islam?

Stoning to death in Islam.

Al rajm in Islam.

Stoning to death in the Quran.

Al rajm in the Quran.

Illegal sexual intercourse in Islam.

Illegal sexual intercourse in the Quran.

Fornication in Islam.

Fornication in the Quran.

Adultery in Islam.

Adultery in the Quran.

In the Holy Quran God did not give humans permission to kill for adultery.


Quran 87:6 Verse 87:6 We (God through Angel Gabriel Jibril) shall make you (Prophet Muhammad) recite (the Quran) so that you shall not forget it.

Quran 87:7 Verse 87:7 Except for what God wills.

Comment 1. Stoning to death for adultery is not in the Quran.

Stoning to death for adultery is not in the Koran.

Quran 77:50 Verse 77:50 In what statement (words, news, reports, information, message, hadith), after it (the verses of God in the Quran), shall they (the humans and the jinn) believe?

Note 1. Quran 7:185, Quran 25:29, Quran 25:30, Quran 31:6 Quran 39:23 Quran 45:6 and Quran 77:50 asks when you have the word of God in the Quran what other report would you believe?


Rape in Islam.

Rape in the Quran.

Rape in the Koran.

Unwanted sexual intercourse.

See Quran 24:33 comments.


The first time God removed stoning to death for adultery from the Quran.

See Quran 24:1, 24:11, 24:15, 24:44 comment.


The second time God removed stoning to death for adultery from the Quran.

See Quran 24:1, 24:41, 24:44 comment.


The third time God removed stoning to death for adultery from the Quran.

See Quran 24:1, 24:44 comment. 


In the Quran God explains the reason why stoning to death for adultery is not in the Quran which contains the mercy of Quran chapter 24.


Quran 2:106 Verse 2:106 "... We (God) bring (to the Muslims in the Quran) something better than it or similar to it ..."


Quran 13:39 Verse 13:39 God eliminates (from the Quran the laws which are only binding on the Jewish people such as the Sabbath Day) and confirms what He (God) wills ..."


Quran 2:106 Verse 2:106 (God says in 1 Samuel 15:29 God does not change His mind promises covenants agreements because only humans change their mind promises covenants agreements so the Jews asked Prophet Muhammad about the Torah and the Quran. God reveals) We (God) do not abolish a verse (in the Torah for the Jewish people) or let it be forgotten (by the Jewish people until the Day of Judgement as God promised in Quran 2:40-2:41, Quran 2:62, Quran 3:113 - 3:115, Quran 5:69, Exodus 2:24, Leviticus 26:44-26:45, Deuteronomy 4:2, Deuteronomy 4:31, Deuteronomy 5:10, Deuteronomy 7:7-7:8, Deuteronomy 12:1, Deuteronomy 29:28 in Jewish Tanakh or Deuteronomy 29:29 in a Christian Bible, 2 King 13:23, Psalm 19:8-19:12 in Jewish Tanakh or Psalm 19:7-19:11 in Christian Old Testament Bible, Psalm 111:7 - 111:9, Hosea 3:4-3:5, Daniel 12:2, Isaiah 59:21 is the promise to the Jewish people mentioned in Isaiah 36:11, Isaiah 36:13 and Gospel of Matthew 5:17-5:20). We (God) bring (to the Muslims in the Quran) something better than it or similar to it (confirming the Torah which is in the hands of the Jewish people until the Day of Judgement in Quran 2:40-2:41 and explaining the story of Jesus which is in the four reports that are in the hands of the Christian people until the Day of Judgement in Quran 5:46-5:47 and God told the Jewish people to observe the Torah Taurat and told the Christians to observe the Gospel Injil in Quran 5:68. God reminded the Jewish people in the Quran to observe the Sabbath and confirmed Prophet Ezra is a human servant of God like every human is a willing or unwilling servant of God. God reminded the Christian people in the Quran that Prophet Jesus is a human servant of God like every human is a willing or unwilling servant of God). Do you not know that God is capable of everything? (including protecting the Jewish Scriptures that are with the Jewish people until the Day of Judgement as shown in the story of the vision dream of the sacrifice of the son of Prophet Abraham Ibrahim in Quran chapter 37 where God only blesses Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and his son Prophet Isaac Ishaq and leaves no other blessings in the story of the sacrifice and this famous vision dream is remembered in the next chapter Quran chapter 38 where God blesses Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and Prophet Isaac Ishaq with the vision dream in Quran 38:45 – 38:47 and shows in the next verse that Prophet Ishmael Ismail was not the son in the vision dream and Prophet Ishmael Ismail was not living with his father during the vision dream by blessing Prophet Ishmael Ismail without his father and without the blessing of the vision dream in Quran 38:48. This is confirmed in Quran 12:6 and in Torah Genesis 22:2 “And God said: Take now your son, your only son” who still lives with you, reminding him that God had earlier taken Ishmael Ismail and Hagar Hajar away from him into God’s care in the desert, “whom you love” God makes the test very hard by demanding his second son and reminding him that this is his only remaining son and reminding him that he already gave God one son and reminding him of his love for these sons, “even” namely, that is “Isaac Ishaq and go into the land of Moriah” today in the Temple and Al-Aqsa mosque area in Jerusalem Al-Quds in Israel and Palestine; “and offer him there for a burnt-offering on one of the mountains which I God will tell you of.” The proof God is real is the Quran confirming the Torah Taurat is correct in Quran 2:41 “And believe in what I God have revealed” in the Quran “that confirms what you already have” in the Torah Taurat and in Quran 3:93 “… Bring the Torah Taurat here and recite it as evidence if what you say is true" and in Quran 5:43 “How is it that they come to you for judgment when they have the Torah Taurat in which God has already revealed to them judgment …” and Quran 5:68 “… You the Jewish people have nothing until you observe the Torah Taurat …” as explained in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQ3o3ybc-KA so hold tightly to what God is teaching in the Quran and beware of stories which contradict the Books of God. God explains the story of Jesus which is in the hands of the Christian people by explaining in the Quran what the human eye could not see without adding anything to the story in the Gospel of what the human eye saw in the story of Prophet Jesus Isa in Quran 3:144 see Quran 5:75, Quran 4:157, Quran 4:158 see Quran 39:42, Quran 5:75 see Quran 3:144, Quran 5:117 see Quran 7:6, Quran 7:6 see Quran 5:117, Quran 21:95 see Quran 23:99 – 23:100, Quran 33:40 see Gospel of Jesus Isa by Mark 13:5 – 13:6, 13:21 – 13:22 and Quran 39:42 see Quran 4:158. In Quran 3:144 and Quran 5:75 see “passed away” in the Quran always means died see in Quran 2:134 and Quran 2:141 and Quran 7:38 and Quran 13:30 and Quran 41:25 and Quran 46:17. The Quran gives humans freedom to find their religion).


Quran 13:39 Verse 13:39 (In 1 Samuel 15:29 God does not change His mind promises covenants agreements because only humans change their mind promises covenants agreements so the Jews asked Prophet Muhammad about the Torah and the Quran. God revealed that God confirms His covenant with the Jewish people in Quran 2:40-2:41 which is the Torah Taurat until the Day of Judgement as God promised in Quran 2:40-2:41, Quran 2:62, Quran 3:113 - 3:115, Quran 5:69, Exodus 2:24, Leviticus 26:44-26:45, Deuteronomy 4:2, Deuteronomy 4:31, Deuteronomy 5:10, Deuteronomy 7:7-7:8, Deuteronomy 12:1, Deuteronomy 29:28 in Jewish Tanakh or Deuteronomy 29:29 in a Christian Bible, 2 King 13:23, Psalm 19:8-19:12 in Jewish Tanakh or Psalm 19:7-19:11 in Christian Old Testament Bible, Psalm 111:7 - 111:9, Hosea 3:4-3:5, Daniel 12:2, Isaiah 59:21 is the promise to the Jewish people mentioned in Isaiah 36:11, Isaiah 36:13 and Gospel of Matthew 5:17-5:20 and God revealed that) God eliminates (from the Quran the laws which are only binding on the Jewish people such as the Sabbath Day) and confirms what He (God) wills (in the Quran which confirms the Torah which is in the hands of the Jewish people until the Day of Judgement in Quran 2:40-2:41 and explaining the story of Jesus which is in the four reports that are in the hands of the Christian people until the Day of Judgement in Quran 5:46-5:47 and God told the Jewish people to observe the Torah Taurat and told the Christians to observe the Gospel Injil in Quran 5:68. God reminded the Jewish people in the Quran to observe the Sabbath and confirmed Prophet Ezra is a human servant of God like every human is a willing or unwilling servant of God. God reminded the Christian people in the Quran that Prophet Jesus is a human servant of God like every human is a willing or unwilling servant of God) and with Him (God) is the Mother of the Book (the Preserved Tablet, Al-Lauh al-Mahfuz which contains the basis of each Scripture as God intended in the Torah Taurat for the Jews and the four reports about Jesus Isa in the Gospel of Jesus Isa by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John which are with the Christians and the Quran which is with the Muslims as explained in Quran 2:106, Quran 5:48 and Quran 7:170. God protects the Jewish Scriptures that are with the Jewish people until the Day of Judgement as shown in the story of the vision dream of the sacrifice of the son of Prophet Abraham Ibrahim in Quran chapter 37 where God only blesses Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and his son Prophet Isaac Ishaq and leaves no other blessings in the story of the sacrifice and this famous vision dream is remembered in the next chapter Quran chapter 38 where God blesses Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and Prophet Isaac Ishaq with the vision dream in Quran 38:45 – 38:47 and shows in the next verse that Prophet Ishmael Ismail was not the son in the vision dream and Prophet Ishmael Ismail was not living with his father during the vision dream by blessing Prophet Ishmael Ismail without his father and without the blessing of the vision dream in Quran 38:48. This is confirmed in Quran 12:6 and in Torah Genesis 22:2 “And God said: Take now your son, your only son” who still lives with you, reminding him that God had earlier taken Ishmael Ismail and Hagar Hajar away from him into God’s care in the desert, “whom you love” God makes the test very hard by demanding his second son and reminding him that this is his only remaining son and reminding him that he already gave God one son and reminding him of his love for these sons, “even” namely, that is “Isaac Ishaq and go into the land of Moriah” today in the Temple and Al-Aqsa mosque area in Jerusalem Al-Quds in Israel and Palestine; “and offer him there for a burnt-offering on one of the mountains which I God will tell you of.” The proof God is real is the Quran confirming the Torah Taurat is correct in Quran 2:41 “And believe in what I God have revealed” in the Quran “that confirms what you already have” in the Torah Taurat and in Quran 3:93 “… Bring the Torah Taurat here and recite it as evidence if what you say is true" and in Quran 5:43 “How is it that they come to you for judgment when they have the Torah Taurat in which God has already revealed to them judgment …” and Quran 5:68 “… You the Jewish people have nothing until you observe the Torah Taurat …” as explained in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQ3o3ybc-KA so hold tightly to what God is teaching in the Quran and beware of stories which contradict the Books of God. God explains the story of Jesus which is in the hands of the Christian people by explaining in the Quran what the human eye could not see without adding anything to the story in the Gospel of what the human eye saw in the story of Prophet Jesus Isa in Quran 3:144 see Quran 5:75, Quran 4:157, Quran 4:158 see Quran 39:42, Quran 5:75 see Quran 3:144, Quran 5:117 see Quran 7:6, Quran 7:6 see Quran 5:117, Quran 21:95 see Quran 23:99 – 23:100, Quran 33:40 see Gospel of Jesus Isa by Mark 13:5 – 13:6, 13:21 – 13:22 and Quran 39:42 see Quran 4:158. In Quran 3:144 and Quran 5:75 see “passed away” in the Quran always means died see in Quran 2:134 and Quran 2:141 and Quran 7:38 and Quran 13:30 and Quran 41:25 and Quran 46:17. The Quran gives humans freedom to find their religion).


Quran 25:30 Verse 25:30 And (on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement) the messenger (Prophet Muhammad) said, “My Lord (God) my people have abandoned (deserted) this Quran (to follow false messages, false words, false news, false reports, false information, false statements, false hadith).” 

Note 1. On the Day of Resurrection and Judgement Prophet Muhammad will say “My Lord my people have abandoned this Quran (to follow false messages, false words, false news, false reports, false information, false statements, false hadith).”


Quran 77:50 Verse 77:50 In what statement (words, news, reports, information, message, hadith), after it (the verses of God in the Quran), shall they (the humans and the jinn) believe?  

Note 1. God asks who will believe the Quran and who will believe a teaching that is different to what God teaches in the Quran?  


al Rajm 








رجم الزانية

رجم الزاني


Introduction 1. 

How and why did God remove stoning to death for adultery in Islam?

What is wrong with the Umar hadith about stoning to death for adultery? 


1. The first time God removed stoning to death for adultery from the Quran.

God explains why stoning to death for adultery was removed from Islam.

God showed Prophet Muhammad the false accusation of adultery against his wife Aisha who was saved only because she lived in the time of the prophet. 

Who would save people from false accusations after the time of Prophet Muhammad?

Prophet Muhammad said about stoning to death “I cannot write it down anymore” (From Abu Ya‘la al-Mawsili who died 307 AH recorded in his Musnad and al-Nasa`I who died 303 AH recorded in his Sunan record).


Prophet Muhammad said I cannot write it (the verse on stoning to death for adultery) anymore meaning God decreed the removal of stoning to death in Islam.


2. The second time God removed stoning to death for adultery from the Quran was on the day of the death of Prophet Muhammad.

Aisha (Aishah the wife of Prophet Muhammad) said “When the verses “Rajm” (Stoning) and ayah “Rezah Kabir” descended, they were written on a piece of paper and kept under my pillow.

Following the demise (death) of Prophet Muhammad a goat ate the piece of paper while we were mourning.”

(From Sunan Ibn Majah, Book of Nikah, hadith 1934 and Sunan ibn Majah, Volume 2, Page 39 and Sunan Ibn Majah (Arabic), Book of Suckling 2020).


Only God has the power to command an animal to devour and take away the “Word of God.”

Aisha Aishah clearly understood what had happened when Prophet Muhammad had just died and a goat immediately came and ate away the paper with the verse of stoning to death for adultery and she did not write it again.

A goat ate away the word of God meaning God decreed the removal of stoning to death in Islam.

Once the word of God had been written by Prophet Muhammad no one could remove it. 

Even Prophet Muhammad could not remove it even though he had said that he cannot write it anymore.

Only God himself had the power to remove His word by commanding a goat to eat it away on the day of the death of Prophet Muhammad.

God himself removed stoning to death for adultery from Islam.


3. The third time God removed stoning to death for adultery from the Quran was when it was compiled in the form we have today. 

Ibn Abi Shaybah reported, concerning al-masahif, from al-Layth bin Sa‘d who said, “The first to collect the Quran was Abu Bakr and Zayd bin Thabit wrote it.

And people came to Zayd bin Thabit (with parts of the Quran) (but) Zayd did not write anything (in the Quran) without the testimony of two reliable witnesses.

The last part of Surah Bara`ah (Repentance) was not found except with Khuzaymah bin Thabit.

He (Zayd) said, “Write it, for the Messenger of God had declared the testimony of Khuzaymah equivalent to that of two men.”

So he wrote it.

And ‘Umar came with the verse of stoning (rajm) but Zayd would not write it because ‘Umar was alone (in his testimony) (From Al-Suyuti as quoted in ‘Awn al-Ma‘bud 3130 and "The Itqan" by Suyuti Part 1, Page 168).


Umar was alone in his testimony meaning God decreed the removal of stoning to death for adultery in Islam.

The first thing to note is the wisdom of Zayd bin Thabit and his team regarding compiling the Quran as shown when he said “Write it, for the Messenger of God had declared the testimony of Khuzaymah equivalent to that of two men” and that when Umar came with the verse of stoning (rajm) Zayd would not write it because Umar was alone in his testimony. 

Zayd bin Thabit and his team compiled the completed the perfected Quran and Zayd bin Thabit and his team rejected stoning to death for adultery because God did not allow a second person to confirm that command.

This means the Quran we have today that was compiled by Zayd bin Thabit and his team made Quran chapter 24 as the punishment for adultery for free married Muslims because Zayd bin Thabit and his team could not find a second person to confirm that stoning to death for adultery is commanded by God because God removed stoning to death for adultery when God commanded Prophet Muhammad not to write it anymore and confirmed its removal from Islam by commanding on the day of the death of Prophet Muhammad a goat to eat away the words of God containing the stoning verse. 


4. The Umar hadith about stoning to death for adultery.

Muhammad bin Ja‘far and Hajjaj said that, Shu‘bah said that, Sa‘d bin Ibrahim said that, ‘Ubayd allah bin ‘Utbah said that, Ibn ‘Abbas said that, ‘Abd al-Rahman bin ‘‘Awf said, Umar (Umar bin Khattab) performed hajj and intended to address the people.

Abd al-Rahman bin ‘Awf said (to ‘Umar), all kinds of riff raff (ra‘a‘) have gathered around you (in the season of hajj), so delay it till you go to Madinah.

When he arrived in Madinah, I sat close to him near the minbar and I heard him (Umar bin Khattab) say,There are people who say, “What is this al-rajm (the stoning) when in the Book of God there is only flogging?”

The Messenger of God stoned and we stoned after him.

Were it not that they (the people) shall say I (Umar bin Khattab) have inscribed in the Book of God (the Quran) what is not there, I (Umar bin Khattab) would have inscribed it as it was sent down (by God).”(Ahmad 333). 


If you were Umar would you say “Were it not that they (the people) shall say I (Umar bin Khattab) have inscribed in the Book of God (the Quran) what is not there, I (Umar bin Khattab) would have inscribed it as it was sent down (by God).”

In this hadith Umar is more afraid of the people than the command of God which Umar said should be written by him in the Quran. 

Surely Umar would have said “I am not afraid of the people but I am afraid of God so I am going to write this command in the Quran so that I can face God on the Day of Judgement.”

If Umar wrote in the Quran then today we would say it was the will of God because God protects the Quran.

However Umar did not write in the Quran because it was the will of God to remove stoning to death for adultery from Islam confirmed by Prophet Muhammad who said “I cannot write it down anymore” and confirmed on the day of the death of Prophet Muhammad when God commanded a goat to eat away the verse on stoning to death for adultery.

The Umar hadith on stoning to death for adultery is a false hadith story because Umar would not fear people more that he feared God.


Quran 2:40 Ayah 2:40 “… fear no one except Me (God).” 

Quran 2:150 Ayah 2:150 “… So do not fear them (humans) but fear Me (God) so that I (God) may complete My (God’s) blessings on you and that you may walk on the right path.

Quran 2:155 Ayah 2:155 “And We (God) shall test you with some fear …” 

Quran 3:173 Ayah 3:173 Those to whom the people said, "the people have gathered against you so fear them" instead increased the faith of the faithful and they said, "God (alone) is all we need and He (God) is our best protector." 

Quran 2:189 Ayah 2:189 “… righteous (is the person) who fears God.” 

Quran 3:175 Ayah 3:175 It is only Satan Shaitan that suggests that you fear his supporters, so do not fear them but fear Me (God), if you have (true) faith (in God). 

Quran 4:77 Ayah 4:77 “… then suddenly some of them feared humans as they feared God or even feared humans more than they feared God …. The Hereafter is much better for those who fear God …” 

Quran 5:3 Ayah 5:3 “… Today those without faith have despair of (not being able to destroy) your religion, so do not fear them (humans) but fear Me (God) instead …” 

Quran 5:44 Ayah 5:44 “… So do not fear humans but fear Me (God) Whoever does not judge by what God has revealed is a disbeliever in God.” 

Quran 5:54 Ayah 5:54 O you who have faith (in God), Whoever leaves his religion, (know that soon) God shall bring a people (to replace them) whom He (God) loves and who love Him (God) and (they shall be) humble toward those with faith (in God) and stern toward those without faith (in God), striving in the way of God and without fear of anyone who may criticize them. …” 

Quran 9:13 Ayah 9:13 “… Surely God has more right that you should fear Him (God), if you are (true) believers (in God).” 

Quran 12:57 Ayah 12:57 “… And the reward of the Hereafter is better for those who believe and who used to fear God.  

Quran 16:50 Ayah 16:50 They (who believe in God) fear their Lord (God) above them (humans) and they do what they are commanded. 

Quran 16:52 Ayah 16:52 To Him (God) belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth and to Him (God) is due constant worship. Shall you then fear anyone other than God?


Quran 24:12 Ayah 24:12 Why did not the believers (both) men and women when you heard it (the lie that Aishah the wife of Prophet Muhammad had committed illegal sexual intercourse with another man, or in this example of the lies in hadith stories that Umar said he was more afraid of people than God) think good about your own people and say, “This (story or hadith) is clearly a lie?” 


Another hadith story about Umar shows how to separate hadith stories which confirm the Quran from hadith stories which contradict the Quran.


(During the Peace Treaty of Al-Hudaybiyyah in 6 AH 628 CE 628 AD between the stone idol worshippers and the Muslims), Prophet Muhammad said, "Oh Abu Jandal, be patient and control yourself, for God will provide relief and a means of escape for you (from the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) and those of you who are helpless. We (Muslims in Yathrib) have made peace with them (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) and we and they have invoked God in our agreement and we cannot deal falsely with them."

Umar jumped up and walked alongside Abu Jahl, saying, "Be patient, for they are only idol worshippers, the blood of one of them is but the blood of a dog," and he moved the hilt of his sword close up to him (Abu Jahl).

Umar used to say, "I hoped that he (Abu Jahl) would take the sword and kill his father with it, but the man spared his father and so the matter ended." (Sirat p. 505).


a. This hadith story says Prophet Muhammad commanded Muslims to respect the peace agreement between the idol worshippers and the Muslims and then says Umar disobeyed the prophet by offering his sword so a Muslim could kill an idol worshipper which would have violated that peace treaty.


Quran 24:12 Ayah 24:12 Why did not the believers (both) men and women when you heard it (the lie that Aishah the wife of Prophet Muhammad had committed illegal sexual intercourse with another man, or in this example of the lies in hadith stories that Umar disobeyed the orders of the prophet to respect the peace agreement between the idol worshippers and the Muslim by offering his sword so a Muslim could kill an idol worshipper which would have violated that peace treaty) think good about your own people and say, “This (story or hadith) is clearly a lie?”


b. This hadith story says Umar said the blood of an idol worshipper is but the blood of a dog however 1400 years ago most Muslims were idol worshippers before they found Islam meaning their blood was never “but the blood of a dog” because Quran 5:32 says in the sight of God one human life is equal to all the human lives on the earth (and each human is given a lifetime to find their true belief).

Whoever kills a person it is a crime equal to killing all of mankind (Quran 5:32). 

Whoever saves a life has done a deed that is equal to saving all of mankind (Quran 5:32).

Whoever kills an innocent life has committed a terrible crime in the sight of God (Quran 5:32). 


Quran 5:32 Verse 5:32 Ayah 5:32 From that time (humans were warned not to murder and) We (God) decreed on the children of Israel (through the inspiration of the teachers of the Jewish Talmud and confirmed for the Muslim in Quran 6:151) that whoever kills a soul (kills a life, kills a person) it is as if he has killed all of humankind (so that humans understand the great value and preciousness of one human life and to warn humans against the great evil of killing one human soul) unless it is in retaliation for murder or for misbehaviour in the land. And whoever saves it (saves a life, saves a soul, saves a person) it is as if he has saved all of humankind (so that humans understand the great value and preciousness of one human life and to teach humans the great goodness in the saving of one human soul). Our (God’s) messengers came to them (the children of Israel) with clear arguments but still after that many of them continued to commit great crimes (by killing humans unlawfully) in the land (so this is a message from God to the human not to commit the great crime of killing human life but instead to work to save human life). 

Note 1. In the Judgment of God the saving of one human life is a great deed because in the Judgment of God it is like saving every human life on the earth. 

Note 2. On the Day of Judgment whoever saved a life will be rewarded with a reward fitting for a person who had saved all humankind if God wills.

Note 3. On the Day of Judgment whoever destroyed a life will be punished with a punishment fitting for a person who had destroyed all humankind if God wills.

Note 4. Human life is equal in the sight of God. Those who save all human life are among the righteous if God wills. 

Note 5. Human deeds are not equal in the sight of God. Those who do good deeds to all people are among the righteous if God wills. 

Note 6. The saving of one life in this world no matter if that person is Muslim or non Muslim or the saving of one life by guiding a person to goodness so that they are successful in the hereafter is a great deed of goodness in the sight of God.

Video: Everyone is a potential Muslim. 



Quran 24:12 Ayah 24:12 Why did not the believers (both) men and women when you heard it (the lie that Aishah the wife of Prophet Muhammad had committed illegal sexual intercourse with another man, or in this example of the lies in hadith stories that Umar said the blood of idol worshippers is but the blood of a dog when 1400 years ago most Muslims were idol worshippers before they found Islam and Quran 5:32 teaches that the life of one person is equal to all the human lives on the earth) think good about your own people and say, “This (story or hadith) is clearly a lie?”


c. This hadith story says Umar hoped a Muslim would kill his father however Quran 4:36, Quran 17:23 and Quran 31:14 commands Muslims to show kindness to their parents.


Quran 4:36 Ayah 4:36 “… do good for parents, relatives, orphans, the poor, neighbours who are related, neighbours who are strangers, companions that are with you, travellers (whom you meet) and those (slaves) whom your right hands possess (meaning, whom you own). God does not like those that are proud and boastful.


Quran 17:23 Ayah 17:23 Your Lord (God) has decreed… (that you show) kindness to parents. If one or both of them reach old age with you then (be careful and) do not say words of disrespect (disapproval or irritation) to them nor shout at them (in anger) but speak to them with gracious words.


Quran 31:14 Ayah 31:14 And We (God) have enjoined people (to care) for their parents. A person’s mother looked after them in weakness (when they were a baby) and during their two years of weaning (they drank milk from their mother’s breast) so give thanks to Me (God) and to your parents. To Me (God) is the (final) destination (in the Hereafter).


Quran 24:12 Ayah 24:12 Why did not the believers (both) men and women when you heard it (the lie that Aishah the wife of Prophet Muhammad had committed illegal sexual intercourse with another man, or in this example of the lies in hadith stories that Umar hoped a Muslim would kill his father) think good about your own people and say, “This (story or hadith) is clearly a lie?”


d. The Quran says that when you hear stories which contradict what the Quran teaches you must reject those stories because they are false stories which teach the opposite to what is taught in the Quran. 


Quran 77:50 Verse 77:50 In what statement (words, news, reports, information, message, hadith), after it (the verses of God in the Quran), shall they (the humans and the jinn) believe?

Note 1. Quran 7:185, Quran 25:29, Quran 25:30, Quran 31:6, Quran 39:23, Quran 45:6 and Quran 77:50 asks when you have the word of God in the Quran what other report would you believe?


Quran 24:12 Ayah 24:12 Why did not the believers (both) men and women when you heard it (the story or hadith which contradicts the teaching in the Quran) think good about your own people and say, “This (story or hadith) is clearly a lie?”


Human life is equal in the eyes of God.

God’s order in Quran 5:32 to the children of Israel is based on the first murder on the earth which occurred long before the children of Israel existed. 

That shows that this law of God applies to all humans in all times who believe the word of God. 

This is because God has made clear that God regards one human life as equal to every human life that God has created and it is for God to judge on the Day of Judgement what each person did in the life that God gives to each person


Quran 9:19 Verse 9:19 Do you consider the providing of drinking water to the pilgrims and the maintenance of the sacred Mosque (Al-Masjid-al-Haram at the Kabah in Mecca Makkah by the stone idol worshippers) as equal to the worth (of the devout service) of those who believe in God and the Last Day and who strive in the cause of God? They (meaning their deeds) are not considered equal by God. God does not guide the wrong-doers.

Note 1. Human deeds are not equal in the eyes of God. 

God will judge on the Day of Judgement what each person did in the life that God gives to each person

That judgement is based on their deeds.


Quran 9:94 Verse 9:94 They (the hypocrites) shall make excuse to you (Muslims) when you return to them (after Tabouk). Say (to them) “Make no excuse because we do not believe you. God has told us news about you. God and His (God’s) Messenger shall observe your deeds and then you shall be brought back (resurrected) to Him (God) who knows the seen and the unseen and He (God) shall tell you what you used to do.


Quran 9:105 Verse 9:105 And say (to them), Do (as you will) and God shall see your deeds and (so shall) His (God’s) Messenger and the believers, and you shall be brought back to the knower of the unseen and the seen and (in the Hereafter) He (God) shall tell you what you used to do.


According to this hadith (story from humans) a close follower of Prophet Muhammad judged a human life to be “but the blood of a dog.”

Such a belief is against the wisdom of God’s revelations in the following:


Quran 9:6 Verse 9:6 And if any of the idol worshippers asks for your protection (because they do not want to fight Muslims), then (Prophet Muhammad) protect that person (the idol worshipper) so they may hear the Word of God and afterward take that person to their place of safety (to their home which is located with their people so that they might think about God). That (introduction to the word of God) is because they are a people who do not know (God).


Quran 9:27 Verse 9:27 Then afterward God accepted the repentance of whom He (God) willed (of those who were captured) because God is forgiving and merciful.


Who is obeying God’s Quran and who is obeying human hadith stories that are not confirmed by the Quran?

God gave no guarantee that human hadith stories are true but God guaranteed that God’s Quran is the truth.

The story of Trinity confused millions of Christians to believe that Prophet Jesus Isa is God.

It is certain that Muslims are tested by God with false hadith stories which contradict the Quran in the same way as Christians are tested with false stories like God is a Trinity which contradict the Gospel Injil.


Quran 77:50 Verse 77:50 In what statement (words, news, reports, information, message, hadith), after it (the verses of God in the Quran), shall they (the humans and the jinn) believe? 

Note 1. Quran 7:185, Quran 25:29, Quran 25:30, Quran 31:6, Quran 39:23, Quran 45:6 and Quran 77:50 asks when you have the word of God in the Quran what other report would you believe? 


Quran 25:30 Verse 25:30 And (on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement) the messenger (Prophet Muhammad) said, “My Lord (God) my people have abandoned (deserted) this Quran (to follow false messages, false words, false news, false reports, false information, false statements, false hadith).” 

Note 1. On the Day of Resurrection and Judgement Prophet Muhammad will say “My Lord my people have abandoned this Quran (to follow false messages, false words, false news, false reports, false information, false statements, false hadith).” 


Quran 17:88 Verse 17:88 Say (Prophet Muhammad), "If humans and jinn (such as Satan Shaitan) came together to help each other to produce something like the Quran, they could not do it." 

Note 1. In the hereafter Satan Shaitan might boast he obeyed Quran 17:88 by whispering hundreds of false hadith stories which teach the opposite to what God and Prophet Muhammad teach in the Quran.


Do not twist inside your mind the meaning of the words of God in the Quran to agree with hadith stories. 

If hadith stories agree with the Quran then accept it and learn from it. 

If hadith stories do not agree with the Quran then reject it and also learn from it. 

On the Day of Judgement God judges by the words in the protected Quran. 

On the Day of Judgement God does not judge by the words in unprotected human hadith stories. 

The Quran is the protected word of God including the words and actions of Prophet Muhammad which are described and protected by God.

Read what God says in the Quran and beware of hadith stories which seek to add something that contradicts the teachings in the Quran.

Hadith which contradict the teachings of God in the Quran are false hadith stories.

Be careful not to mix the words of God with hadith stories which contradict the Quran.


Video. Obsession with false hadith culture Is corrupting Islam



Other Hadith stories like the Umar hadith show how to find hadith stories which contradict the teachings in the Quran.

4-1. The Umar hadith story about stoning to death for adultery is like the hadith break the cross and kill the pigs meaning they both contradict the Quran. 

The hadith “break the cross and kill the pigs” contradicts Quran 2:62, Quran 2:256 (see Quran 4:123, Quran 5:48 and Quran 9:29), Quran 3:55, Quran 3:64, Quran 3:85, Quran 3:144 (see Quran 5:75 and see “passed away” always means died in Quran 2:134, Quran 2:141, Quran 3:144, Quran 5:75, Quran 7:38, Quran 13:30, Quran 41:25 and Quran 46:17), Quran 4:114, Quran 4:123 (see Quran 2:256, Quran 5:48 and Quran 9:29), Quran 4:157 (see Quran 39:42), Quran 4:158 (see Quran 39:42), Quran 4:159 (see Quran 7:6 and Quran 5:117), Quran 5:48 (see Quran 2:256, Quran 4:123, Quran 5:48 and Quran 9:29), Quran 5:75 (see Quran 3:144 and see “passed away” always means died in Quran 2:134, Quran 2:141, Quran 3:144, Quran 5:75, Quran 7:38, Quran 13:30, Quran 41:25 and Quran 46:17), Quran 5:117 (see Quran 7:6), Quran 6:158, Quran 7:6 (see Quran 5:117), Quran 9:29 (see Quran 2:256 and Quran 5:48), Quran 21:95 (see Quran 23:99-23:100), Quran 23:99-23:100 (see Quran 21:95), Quran 28:54 (see Quran 34:37 and Quran 57:28), Quran 33:40 (see Gospel of Mark 13:5-13:6 and Gospel of Mark 13:21-13:23), Quran 39:42 (see Quran 4:157 and Quran 4:158), Quran 41:8, Quran 98:5, Gospel of Mark 13:5-13:6 and Gospel of Mark 13:21-13:23 (see Quran 33:40) meaning this hadith story was invented by story tellers after the death of Prophet Muhammad and repeated by people who were deceived to believe false stories.



4-2. The Umar hadith story about stoning to death for adultery is like the hadith Prophet Jesus Isa is returning to this earth meaning they both contradict the Quran. 

In the Quran Prophet Jesus Isa was saved on the cross from death with sleep and woke up after 3 days of sleep to continue living on the earth teaching the people he is not god until his natural death 2000 years ago as proof to his people that he is not god and in this way the Quran explains the story of Prophet Jesus Isa in the Gospel of Mark, Matthew, Luke and John which was with the Christian people 1400 years ago and is with them today and will be with them until the Day of Judgement. 

The hadith “Prophet Jesus Isa is returning to this earth” because he did not die 2000 years ago contradicts Quran 3:144 (see Quran 5:75), Quran 4:157 (see Quran 39:42), Quran 4:158 (see Quran 39:42), Quran 5:75 (see Quran 3:144), Quran 5:117 (see Quran 7:6), Quran 7:6 (see Quran 5:117), Quran 21:95 (see Quran 23:99 – 23:100), Quran 33:40 (see Gospel of Jesus Isa by Mark 13:5 – 13:6, 13:21 – 13:22) and Quran 39:42 (see Quran 4:157 and Quran 4:158) meaning this hadith story was invented by story tellers after the death of Prophet Muhammad and repeated by people who were deceived to believe false hadith stories.

See 1. Hadith Jesus returning.


See 2. How did God save Jesus. 

See Quran 4:157 and Quran 4:158 comments in Quran chapter 4.


See 3. Psalm 22 My God my God why have you forsaken me?

Why did David say my God my God why have you forsaken me? 

Why did Jesus say my God my God why have you forsaken me?


See 4. Why did Jesus say my God my God why have you forsaken me?


See 5. Was Jesus killed on the cross?


See 6. What happened to Jesus at the end of his life?


See 7. Jesus died a natural death 2000 years ago in the Quran and in the Gospel.


See 8. The body of Jesus was not raised to God.


See 9. Who is to blame for the death of Jesus?



4-3. The Umar hadith story about stoning to death for adultery is like the hadith punishment in the grave meaning they both contradict the Quran.

In the Quran every human both the righteous and the wicked will swear on the Day of Resurrection that death feels like nothing but waking up from a short one hour sleep or short ten hour sleep. 

The hadith “Punishment in the grave” contradicts Quran 2:259, Quran 18:19, Quran 20:103, Quran 20:104, Quran 23:113, Quran 30:55, Quran 46:35 and Quran 79:46 meaning this hadith story was invented by story tellers after the death of Prophet Muhammad and repeated by people who were deceived to believe false hadith stories.

See. Hadith punishment in the grave.



4-4. The Umar hadith story about stoning to death for adultery is like the hadith of the reward of 72 virgins in Jannah meaning they both contradict the Quran.

Men and women will be resurrected as new creations meaning as virgins.

Prophet Muhammad did not tell people that when a man dies tell his wife that he is with 72 virgins in Jannah.

The hadith “72 virgins” in Paradise Jannah contradicts the description of the family life of men and women and children resurrected in Paradise Jannah described in Quran 30:11, Quran 30:27, Quran 40:8, Quran 37:47-37:49, Quran 44:54-44:56, Quran 52:20-52:21, Quran 55:54-55:60, Quran 55:68-55:74, Quran 56:15-56:18, Quran 56:22-56:24, Quran 56:35-56:38, Quran 76:17-76:19 and Quran 78:31-78:33 meaning this hadith story was invented by story tellers after the death of Prophet Muhammad and repeated by people who were deceived to believe false hadith stories.

See. Hadith 72 virgins. 



4-5. The Umar hadith story about stoning to death for adultery is like the hadith whoever changes his Islamic religion kill him meaning they both contradict the Quran.

In the Quran Muslims are not like stone idol worshippers who killed people for leaving the worship of stone idols instead Islam gives every human freedom of religion because until the time of death every humans is free to find their true belief.

The hadith “whoever changes his Islamic religion kill him” contradicts Quran 2:256, Quran 3:159, Quran 4:137, Quran 5:54, Quran 10:99 – 10:100, Quran 18:29, Quran 28:54, Quran 50:45, Quran 88:21 - 88:26 and Quran 109:2 –109:6 meaning this hadith story was invented by story tellers after the death of Prophet Muhammad and repeated by people who were deceived to believe false hadith stories.

See 1. Apostasy. 


See 2. Hadith whoever changed his Islamic religion then kill him.



4-6. Stoning to death for adultery contradicts the Quran.

The hadith that “stoning to death for adultery” applies to Muslims even though it is not mentioned in the Quran contradicts the warnings of God to follow the Quran above all other information in Quran 7:185, Quran 25:29, Quran 25:30, Quran 31:6, Quran 39:23, Quran 45:6 and Quran 77:50.

In the Quran the law for illegal sexual intercourse for unmarried Muslims is Quran 4:15 – 4:18.

In the Quran the law for adultery by married Muslims is Quran 4:25 and 24:1 – 24:2.

Forgiveness for all sins including adultery is in Quran 3:135 – 3:136, Quran 4:17 – 4:18, Quran 4:110 and Quran 25:68 – 25:71 meaning this hadith story was invented by story tellers after the death of Prophet Muhammad and repeated by people who were deceived to believe false hadith stories.  

See. Stoning to death is not in the Quran but comes from hadith stories.

See Quran chapter 24 comments in Quran chapter 24.



4-7. The Umar hadith story about stoning to death for adultery is like the hadith stories that Prophet Muhammad cannot read and write meaning they both contradict the Quran.

In Quran 10:16 the people of Makkah knew Prophet Muhammad all his life and in Quran 25:5 they said someone is dictating the Quran and Prophet Muhammad is writing it down meaning God is telling us that everyone in Makkah knew Prophet Muhammad could read and write.

God never said Prophet Muhammad cannot read and write but tells us he can and everyone in Makkah knew it.

In Quran 29:48 Prophet Muhammad did not recite any book or write any book before the Quran was revealed to him otherwise people might have had a reason to doubt him.

People in Makkah did not recite books or write books but they wrote messages and put it on the wall of the Kabah and they used the letters of the alphabet to represent numbers and make mathematical calculations during commercial trading because they did not have numbers like we have today.   

See 1. Quran 25:5 shows that the people of Makkah knew that Prophet Muhammad can read and write meaning the idea that Prophet Muhammad cannot read and write is not from God and not from Prophet Muhammad and not from the Quran but came from people who did not understand the meaning of lettered meaning educated in the scripture of God and unlettered meaning not educated in the scripture of God. 

See Quran 25:5 comment in Quran chapter 25.


See 2. What does Ummi mean?

What does lettered and unlettered mean?


See 3. Can Prophet Muhammad read and write?

Can Prophet Muhammad read?

Can Prophet Muhammad write?


See 4. Hadith Prophet Muhammad can read and write.



4-8. The Umar hadith story about stoning to death for adultery is like the hadith stories that Prophet Ishmael Ismail is the son in the vision dream of the sacrifice of the son of Prophet Abraham Ibrahim meaning they both contradict the Quran.

The Quran confirms (not corrects or denies) the Torah Taurat as proof that the word of God does not change because the proof God is real is that no one can change His word.


Quran 3:93 Verse 3:93 “… Bring the Torah Taurat here and recite it as evidence if what you say is true" 


Quran 5:43 Verse 5:43 “How is it that they come to you for judgment when they have the Torah Taurat in which God has already revealed to them judgment …” 


Quran 5:68 Verse 5:68 “… You the Jewish people have nothing until you observe the Torah Taurat …”


Quran 33:2 Verse 33:2 And follow what is revealed to you (Prophet Muhammad) from your Lord (God). God is aware of what you do. 


Quran 33:28 Verse 33:28 O Prophet (Muhammad), say to your wives, “If you desire the life of the world and its adornment (instead of life with me) then come I shall provide for you and release you (from our marriage contract) in a good (honourable) manner (if you want a divorce. See Quran 4:34).


Quran 4:34 Verse 4:34 Men are the protectors of women because God has bestowed some of them (the male) over others (the female) and because they (the men) support them (the women) from their wealth. Therefore righteous women are obedient (to God and to their husband) and guard the unseen (their chastity) which God orders them to guard. And those (wives from) whom you (men) fear their bad behaviour then (first) advise them (of what they have done), and (second, if they continue their bad behaviour then) leave them (wives to sleep alone) in the bed (so they might think about what they are doing and so that you might also think about the situation), and (if they continue their bad behaviour then thirdly Quran 33:2 "follow what is revealed to you from your Lord …” and) set forth to them (Quran 33:28 “… Say to your wives, “If you desire the life of the world and its adornment” instead of life with me “then come I shall provide for you and release you” from our marriage contract “in a good” honourable “manner” if you want a divorce). Then if they obey you do not seek against them a way (to hurt them but forgive them and show kindness to them. Fourthly see Quran 2:231, Quran 4:35 and Quran 4:128). God is most high and most great (in importance to every creation. iḍ'rib means strike or set forth. In the Quran did God reveal that men can strike their wives or did God in the Quran set forth what men should say to their wives? Prophet Muhammad did not strike his wives after forsaking them in bed showing this is the wrong understanding of Quran 4:34. Prophet Muhammad separated himself from his wives so that they might think about what they wanted to do and so that he might also think about the situation showing this is the correct understanding of Quran 4:34 so that in Quran 4:34 iḍ'rib means “set forth” to them Quran 33:28. The Quran explains itself through verses scattered in 114 chapters which Quran 39:23 reveal you can find in verses which confirm each other and the Quran asks when you have the word of God in the Quran what other report would you believe? Quran 77:50 “In what statement” words, news, reports, information, message, hadith, “after it” the verses of God in the Quran, “shall they” the humans and the jinn “believe” and this is repeated and explained in Quran 7:185, Quran 25:29, Quran 25:30, Quran 31:6, Quran 39:23 and Quran 45:6. If hadith stories agree with the Quran then accept it and learn from it. If hadith stories do not agree with the Quran then reject it and also learn from it. On the Day of Judgement God judges by the words in the protected Quran. On the Day of Judgement God does not judge by the words in unprotected human hadith stories. The Quran is the protected word of God including the words and actions of Prophet Muhammad which are described and protected by God. In a similar way in the story of the vision dream of the sacrifice of the son of Prophet Abraham Ibrahim in Quran chapter 37 God only blesses Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and his son Prophet Isaac Ishaq and leaves no other blessings in the story of the sacrifice and this famous vision dream is remembered in the next chapter Quran chapter 38 where God blesses Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and Prophet Isaac Ishaq with the vision dream in Quran 38:45 – 38:47 and shows in the next verse that Prophet Ishmael Ismail was not the son in the vision dream and Prophet Ishmael Ismail was not living with his father during the vision dream by blessing Prophet Ishmael Ismail without his father and without the blessing of the vision dream in Quran 38:48. This is confirmed in Quran 12:6 and in Torah Genesis 22:2 “And God said: Take now your son, your only son” who still lives with you, reminding him that God had earlier taken Ishmael Ismail and Hagar Hajar away from him into God’s care in the desert, “whom you love” God makes the test very hard by demanding his second son and reminding him that this is his only remaining son and reminding him that he already gave God one son and reminding him of his love for these sons, “even” namely, that is “Isaac Ishaq and go into the land of Moriah” today in the Temple and Al-Aqsa mosque area in Jerusalem Al-Quds in Israel and Palestine; “and offer him there for a burnt-offering on one of the mountains which I God will tell you of.” The proof God is real is the Quran confirming the Torah Taurat is correct in Quran 2:41 “And believe in what I God have revealed” in the Quran “that confirms what you already have” in the Torah Taurat and in Quran 3:93 “… Bring the Torah Taurat here and recite it as evidence if what you say is true" and in Quran 5:43 “How is it that they come to you for judgment when they have the Torah Taurat in which God has already revealed to them judgment …” and Quran 5:68 “… You the Jewish people have nothing until you observe the Torah Taurat …” as explained in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQ3o3ybc-KA so hold tightly to what God is teaching in the Quran and beware of stories which contradict the Books of God). 

Video 1. Do Jews believe Mohammad was a Prophet and is the Quran anti-semitic? Rabbi Tovia Singer responds.

(See sacrifice of Ishmael Ismail or Isaac Ishaq starts at 14 minutes 25 seconds 14:25). 


Video 2. Ishmael: In the Abrahamic covenant, or not? Rabbi Tovia Singer. 


See 3. Why God said take your only son Isaac Ishaq when the only son for 13 years was Ishmael Ismail. See explain Genesis 22:2


See 4. Which son was to be sacrificed by Prophet Abraham Ibrahim in Quran 37:102?


See 5. Which son was to be sacrificed? 


See 6. Prophet Muhammad hadith story about Prophet Ishmael Ismail. 



4-9. The Umar hadith story about stoning to death for adultery is like the hadith stories claiming the Torah Taurat is corrupted meaning they both contradict the Quran.

Stories claiming the Torah Taurat is corrupted contradict all the teachings in the Quran telling us that the Jewish people have the Torah and telling us that the Torah is from God and telling us that no one can change the word of God because that is the proof that God is real for every human until the Day of Judgement. 

The Jewish people judge scripture as true if it confirms the Torah Taurat.

Many Muslims say the Quran does not agree with the Torah Taurat and therefore to a Jew it means the Quran cannot be from God.

If Muslims said the Quran confirms the Torah Taurat it would mean the Quran is from God but this is not what many Muslims are telling the Jewish people today.

1400 years ago Prophet Muhammad said the Quran confirms the Torah Taurat meaning confirms the Torah Taurat is correct as proof the Quran is from God but this is not the message many Muslims say to Jewish people today.

Rabbi Tovia Singer has studied the Torah Taurat and Gospel Injil and Quran and explains that the Jews have the scripture and therefore whenever anyone claims they also have the scripture the Jewish person compares their scripture to all other scriptures and if another scripture agrees with the Jewish scripture the Jew will applaud it in other words Jews are not asking if someone is or is not a prophet but a Jew asks do scriptures like the Gospel and the Quran which both say they confirm the Torah Taurat agree or disagree with the Jewish scripture.

When a Jew reads in the Quran that God is only one the Jew applauds it meaning it agrees with the Torah Taurat.

When a Jew reads some Christian opinions that God is a Trinity the Jew does not applaud it meaning it disagrees with the Torah Taurat.

Evidence for the truth is the Quran confirming the Torah Taurat is correct.

Quran 3:93 Ayah 3:93 “… Say (Prophet Muhammad, to the Jews of Yathrib), "Bring the Torah Taurat here and recite it (to me as evidence) if what you say is true."

Note 1. The proof of truth in the Quran is the Torah Taurat meaning no one changed the Torah Taurat.

Note 2. The Quran confirms the Torah Taurat is with the Jewish people and the Quran confirms no one can change the word of God.

Note 3. God tells the Jews to recite the Torah Taurat meaning the Jews have the Torah Taurat and no one changed it.

Note 4. If anyone can prove the Torah Taurat was changed then they have found the proof that God does not exist.

Note 5. God says the proof of truth is the Quran confirming what is with the Jewish people in the Torah Taurat meaning there are no contradictions between the Quran which is with the Muslim people and the Torah Taurat which is with the Jewish people. 

Quran 2:41 Ayah 2:41 And believe in what I (God) have revealed (in the Quran) confirming that which is with you (the Jewish people in the Torah Taurat as proof to the stone idol worshipers of Makkah in Quran 6:114, Quran 46:10 and Quran 10:94 that the Quran is not an invented story) ..."

Note 1. The Quran confirms the Torah Taurat which is with the Jewish people forever.

See 1. Prophet Muhammad in the Torah Taurat and Gospel Injil in Quran 7:157 comments in Quran chapter 7.


See 2. Muslims in the first 350 years believed the Torah Taurat.

Stories claiming Muslims did not believe the Torah Taurat in the time of the prophet were invented after the death of Prophet Muhammad. 


See 3. Video. Torah and Injeel were corrupted? (The Quran says no). 


See 4. God protects the Torah, Gospel and Koran. God protects the Taurat, Injil and Quran.


See 5. Understanding the Jewish Scripture. Part 1. The Torah Taurat. 


See 6. Understanding the Jewish Scripture. Part 2. The prophets. 


See 7. Understanding the Jewish Scripture. Part 3. The writings. 


See 8. Forgiveness of sin in the Tanakh Gospel and Quran. Part 4.


See 9. Tanakh Jewish Bible questions and answers. 


See 10. Contradictions in the Jewish Bible explained.


See 11. Torah Quran contradictions explained.


See 12. Talmud questions and answers. 


See 13. The 13 pillars of Jewish faith explained by the Quran.



4-10. The Umar hadith story about stoning to death for adultery is like the hadith claiming the Gospel Injil is corrupted meaning they both contradict the Quran.

Stories claiming the Gospel is corrupted contradict all the teachings in the Quran telling us that the Christian people have the Gospel and telling us that the Gospel is from God and telling us that no one can change the word of God because that is the proof that God is real for every human until the Day of Judgement. 

The four Gospels in Christianity are written by four people traditionally called Mark, Matthew, Luke and John.

In the Gospels Christians have added footnotes to some verses explaining problems with those verses showing which verses did not come from Jesus but from people who lived after the time of Jesus.

Christians can also add footnotes with explanations to Gospel verses today and in the future to show verses that contradict the Tanakh Jewish Scripture meaning showing which verses could not have come from Jesus.

Some Christian publishers of the Gospels have footnotes next to some verses as a way of separating the word of Jesus from words that could not have come from Jesus.

Jesus said the Tanakh Jewish Scripture will never change and must be followed in Gospel of Matthew 5:17-5:20 forever and will be with the Pharisees meaning the Orthodox Jews who must be obeyed forever by the Jewish people in Gospel of Matthew 23:1-23:3 meaning the person who correctly understands the Tanakh Jewish Scripture will correctly separate the word of Jesus in the Gospels which confirm the Tanakh Jewish Scripture from words in the Gospels which contradict the Tanakh Jewish Scripture and they will also understand that "God is one God" in the Gospels confirms the Tanakh Jewish Scripture and God is "three in one" which is not in the four Gospels contradicts the Tanakh Jewish Scripture and contradicts the four Gospels.

Jews and Muslims have an important duty to help Christians who seek to find which verses in the Gospels came from Jesus confirming the Tanakh Jewish Scripture and which verses in the Gospels could not have come from Jesus because they contradict the Tanakh Jewish Scripture.

The Gospel Injil has been decreed to the Christian people by God therefore the addition of footnotes to Gospel verses can only happen with the permission of God.

The Quran confirms the Torah Taurat and explains the story of Jesus in the Gospel Injil.

1. Every prophet of God is “the Word of God made flesh” meaning the word of God comes out of the mouth of every prophet of God in Deuteronomy 18:18.

See Quran 5:116 comments in Quran chapter 5.


2. Prophet Muhammad in the Torah Taurat and Gospel Injil.

See Quran 7:157 comments in Quran chapter 7.


3. How did God save Jesus. 

See Quran 4:157 and Quran 4:158 comments in Quran chapter 4.


4. The second coming of Jesus and every other human is on the Day of Resurrection.

See Quran 79:7 comments in Quran chapter 79.


5. Jews and Christians who follow their Book and also believe the Quran will be rewarded twice in the hereafter.

See Quran 28:54 comments in Quran chapter 28.


See 6. God protects the Quran, Gospel Injil and the Torah Taurat as proof God is real.


See 7. The messiah in Islam, Christianity and Judaism. 


See 8. Jewish Muslim Christian interfaith dialogue.


See 9. The 8 signs of Prophet Muhammad in the Gospel of Mark. 


See 10. The 50 signs of Prophet Muhammad in the Gospel of Matthew. 


See 11. The 377 signs of Prophet Muhammad in the Gospel of Luke. 


See 12. The hundreds of signs of Prophet Muhammad in the Gospel of John. 



4-11. The Umar hadith story about stoning to death for adultery is like the hadith women hung from their breasts meaning they both contradict the Quran. 

Hadith one of her breasts to be cooked and the other to be roasted. 

Hadith punishment of the breasts of women. 



4-12. The Umar hadith story about stoning to death for adultery is like the hadith Prophet Muhammad aorta cut meaning they both contradict the Quran.



4-13. The Umar hadith story about stoning to death for adultery is like the hadith Prophet Muhammad created from light meaning they both contradict the Quran. 



4-14. The Umar hadith story about stoning to death for adultery is like the hadith stories about abrogated verses in the Quran meaning they both contradict the Quran. 



4-15. The Umar hadith story about stoning to death for adultery is like the stories about the September 11 attacks and Islam showing how people are inventing stories today which contradict the Quran.



4-16. The Umar hadith story about stoning to death for adultery is like the stories in the Gospel of Barnabas which contradict the Quran and Torah Taurat and Gospel Injil. 



4-17. How to find false hadith stories invented after the death of Prophet Muhammad which contradict the Quran. 

See https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/invented-hadith-stories 


4-18. A better way to understand examine teach study and check hadith stories by contradictions with the Quran.

See https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/a-better-way-to-understand-hadith-stories 


4-19. The Umar hadith story about stoning to death for adultery is like the hadith stories about the meaning of the mysterious letters in the Quran unless it confirms the central teaching in the Quran.

See https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/mysterious-letters-in-the-koran


5. If stoning to death for adultery was true then Zayd bin Thabit would have included it when compiling the Quran but God did not allow it.

If stoning to death for adultery was true then Umar would be more afraid of God than of people and Umar would have written it in the Quran like Umar said he would have done.

If stoning to death for adultery was true then Prophet Muhammad would not say I cannot write the verse (on stoning to death for adultery) anymore.

If stoning to death for adultery was true then God would not allow on the day of the death of Prophet Muhammad a goat to eat away the word of God commanding stoning to death for adultery.


6. How can so many people be misguided?

Many humans thought they had the wisdom to know which hadith are true stories and which hadith are false stories.

Humans live for 100 years but Satan has millions of years of experience so Satan knows how to deceive some Christians and some Muslims with false hadith stories that are not in the Gospel Injil or in the Quran because Satan cannot change the Books of God.


Satan Shaitan whispers to Christians believe that Jesus Is God even though God has not commanded it in the Gospel Injil.

Satan Shaitan whispers to Muslims believe in stoning to death for adultery even though God has not commanded it in the Quran.

The word of God in the Quran and the Gospel Injil cannot be changed so Satan Shaitan whispers false hadith stories to change the word of God in the minds of some Muslims and some Christians.


Quran 17:88 Verse 17:88 Say (Prophet Muhammad), "If humans and jinn (such as Satan Shaitan) came together to help each other to produce something like the Quran, they could not do it."

Note 1. In the hereafter Satan Shaitan might boast he obeyed Quran 17:88 and produced not something like the Quran but better than the Quran and his proof will be everyone who followed false hadith stories that teach the opposite to what God teaches in the Quran.

However all those who rejected all hadith stories that teach what is opposite to what God teaches in the Quran will be proof that Satan Shaitan failed to produce anything like the Quran.

Note 2. Hadith stoning to death for adultery contradicts the Quran.

The hadith that “stoning to death for adultery” applies to Muslims even though it is not mentioned in the Quran contradicts the warnings of God to follow the Quran above all other information in Quran 7:185, Quran 25:29, Quran 25:30, Quran 31:6, Quran 39:23, Quran 45:6 and Quran 77:50.

In the Quran the law for illegal sexual intercourse for unmarried Muslims is Quran 4:15 – 4:18.

In the Quran the law for adultery by married Muslims is Quran 4:25 and 24:1 – 24:2.

Forgiveness for all sins including adultery is in Quran 3:135 – 3:136, Quran 4:17 – 4:18, Quran 4:110 and Quran 25:68 – 25:71 meaning this hadith story was invented by story tellers after the death of Prophet Muhammad and repeated by people who were deceived to believe false hadith stories.  


In the Quran God explains the reason why stoning to death for adultery was replaced with the mercy of Quran chapter 24.

Quran 2:106 Verse 2:106 We (God) do not abolish a verse (in the Torah for the Jewish people) or let it be forgotten (by the Jewish people). We (God) bring (to the Muslims in the Quran) something better than it or similar to it (confirming the Torah). Do you not know that God is capable of everything? (including protecting the Jewish Scriptures).


Quran 13:39 Verse 13:39 God eliminates (from the Quran the laws which are only binding on the Jewish people such as the Sabbath Day) and confirms what He (God) wills (in the Quran which confirms the Torah) and with Him (God) is the Mother of the Book (the Preserved Tablet, Al-Lauh al-Mahfuz)..


Quran Chapter 24 gives the punishment for adultery as 100 floggings for a free married Muslim. 

Quran Chapter 24 is the punishment for adultery for a free married Muslim because God then describes what happened to a free married woman, the wife of Prophet Muhammad who was falsely accused by her Muslim people of adultery in Quran chapter 24.

God has made no mention of stoning to death for adultery in Quran chapter 24 to test who follows God and who follows the hadith stories of humans that cannot be found in the Quran.

This is the same test God gave to test which Christians believe in one God and which follow human hadith stories that Jesus Isa is God in a Trinity of three or is a partner of Three with God which cannot be found in the Gospel Injil.

Millions of Muslims say I will never stop believing in stoning to death for adultery as strongly as millions of Christians say I will never stop believing that Jesus Isa is God.

Both are misguided because both believe in unprotected human hadith stories which contradict the protected words of God in His Books (the Tanakh Jewish scripture and the Gospel Injil and the Quran).


7. The law for adultery in the Quran.

In the Quran the law for illegal sexual intercourse for unmarried Muslims is Quran 4:15 – 4:18.

In the Quran the law for adultery by married Muslims is Quran 4:25 and 24:1 – 24:2.

Forgiveness for all sins including adultery is in Quran 3:135 – 3:136, 4:17 – 4:18, 4:110, 25:68 – 25:71.

God reveals the punishment for adultery in Quran chapter 24 and explains why there is no death penalty for adultery.

In Quran chapter 24 God showed that in the time of Prophet Muhammad the people of Prophet Muhammad were not afraid to falsely accuse of adultery the wife of the Prophet of God.

God showed Prophet Muhammad that if his people in his time were not afraid to make false accusations against his wife then after the time of Prophet Muhammad the people would be afraid of no one in their making of false accusations for adultery.

Quran chapter 24 removes death for adultery and explains why it was removed by showing what happened to the wife of the Prophet of God and how she was saved from false accusations only because she lived in the time of a living prophet.


8. Hadith stories have no protection against Satan Shaitan. 

Only the books of God are protected against Satan.

If hadith stories agree with the Quran then accept it.

If hadith stories do not agree with the Quran then reject it.

On the Day of Judgement God judges by the words in the protected Quran. 

On the Day of Judgement God does not judge by the words in unprotected human hadith stories. 

The Quran is the protected word of God including the protected words of Prophet Muhammad.


Quran Chapter 24 gives the punishment for adultery as 100 floggings for a free married Muslim.

Quran Chapter 24 is the punishment for adultery for a free married Muslim as decreed by God who then describes what happened to a free married woman, the wife of Prophet Muhammad who was falsely accused by her Muslim people of adultery in Quran chapter 24.


Stoning to death for adultery cannot be found in the Koran Quran.

God forgives adultery.

God is always ready to forgive because God is the Most Merciful.

Today stoning to death for adultery is not in the religion of God.


Jesus Isa said in the Gospel Injil only a man who has not sinned can stone another person.

This means Jesus is saying how can a human that has sinned stone another human to death for a sin?

Gospel of John 8:7 When they continued asking him, he (Prophet Jesus Isa) stood up and said to them,“He that is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.”


God stopped stoning to death in the Gospel Injil as a mercy for those who believe in Prophet Jesus Isa.

God did the same in Islam and removed stoning to death in the Quran as a mercy for those who believe in Prophet Muhammad.


Today no Jewish person stones to death for adultery as Jews are commanded to do in the Torah Taurat because the religious court disappeared when the temple was destroyed so Jews today are really following the mercy of God in the Gospel Injil and the mercy of God in the Quran. This is the will of God for everyone in the world who follows God. 

The message from God is there is no sin that God will not forgive if a human asks God for forgiveness in this life and improves their behaviour and returns to God with good deeds. 


God explains why stoning to death for adultery was removed in Islam in Quran chapter 24 however some people follow unprotected hadith stories from humans which contradict the protected hadith stories of God in the Quran. 


Quran 2:106 Verse 2:106 We (God) do not abolish a verse (in the Torah for the Jewish people) or let it be forgotten (by the Jewish people). We (God) bring (to the Muslims in the Quran) something better than it or similar to it (confirming the Torah). Do you not know that God is capable of everything? (including protecting the Jewish Scriptures).


Quran 13:39 Verse 13:39 God eliminates (from the Quran the laws which are only binding on the Jewish people such as the Sabbath Day) and confirms what He (God) wills (in the Quran which confirms the Torah) and with Him (God) is the Mother of the Book (the Preserved Tablet, Al-Lauh al-Mahfuz)..


Quran 4:82 Verse 4:82 Do they not think about the Quran (and where it came from)? Had it (the Quran) been (revealed) from someone other than God surely they would have found in it (the Quran) much contradiction (irregularities and inconsistencies within it and between it and the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil of Jesus Isa by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John). 


What God says in the Quran. 


Quran 7:185 Verse 7:185 “... In what statement (words, news, reports, information, message, hadith) after (they have heard) this (Quran) would they believe? 

Note 1. God asks who will believe the Quran and who will believe a teaching that is different to what God teaches in the Quran? 


Quran 24:12 Verse 24:12 Why did not the believers (both) men and women when you heard it (the lie that Aishah the wife of Prophet Muhammad had committed illegal sexual intercourse with another man or in stories that contradict what God is teaching in the Quran) think good about your own people and say, “This (story or hadith) is clearly a lie?”  


Quran 25:29 Verse 25:29 He (Satan Shaitan with false messages, false words, false news, false reports, false information, false statements, false hadith) has led me astray from the reminder (of God in the Quran) after it (the Quran) had reached me.” Satan Shaitan always betrays humans (by leading them astray away from the Quran). 

Note 1. Satan Shaitan misleads some people away from the Quran with nice sounding stories that contradict the Quran.  


Quran 25:30 Verse 25:30 And (on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement) the messenger (Prophet Muhammad) said, “My Lord (God) my people have abandoned (deserted) this Quran (to follow false messages, false words, false news, false reports, false information, false statements, false hadith).” 

Note 1. On the Day of Resurrection and Judgement Prophet Muhammad will say “My Lord my people have abandoned this Quran (to follow false messages, false words, false news, false reports, false information, false statements, false hadith).”  


Quran 31:6 Verse 31:6 Among people is the person who shall accept baseless stories (words, news, reports, information, statement, hadith) without knowledge (of the truthfulness of the story) so that they may mislead (people) from God’s way (in the Quran) and (by believing false stories they) make mockery of it (the Quran). For them is a humiliating punishment (in the Hereafter). 


Quran 39:23 Verse 39:23 God has revealed the best statement (the best message, the best word, the best news, the best report, the best information, the best story, the best hadith in) a Book (the Quran) whose statements confirm each other. The skins shiver among those who fear their Lord (God) and then their skins and their hearts relax when they remember God (in praise of God and in prayer to God). That (Quran) is the guidance of God, He (God) guides with it (the Quran) whom He (God) wills. And whoever God lets go astray for them there is no guide (to righteous behaviour).  

Note 1. God says the statements in the Quran confirm each other to make their meaning clear. 

God says “God guides with the Quran whom God wills.” 


Quran 45:6 Verse 45:6 These are the verses of God, We (God through angel Gabriel Jibril) recite them to you (Prophet Muhammad) truthfully. In what statement (words, news, reports, information, message, hadith) will they (the humans and jinn) believe (and trust in) after God and His verses (which they have in the Quran until the Day of Judgement)

Note 1. God asks who will believe the Quran and who will believe a teaching that is different to what God teaches in the Quran? 


Quran 77:50 Verse 77:50 In what statement (words, news, reports, information, message, hadith), after it (the verses of God in the Quran), shall they (the humans and the jinn) believe?  

Note 1. God asks who will believe the Quran and who will believe a teaching that is different to what God teaches in the Quran? 

Video: Obsession with false hadith culture Is corrupting Islam



A. The punishment for adultery by unmarried people.

Quran 4:15 Verse 4:15 And those of your (unmarried, see Quran 4:25 which refers to married people who have a different punishment) women who commit obscenity (fahishah, fornication, illegal sexual intercourse) take the evidence against them from four (reliable male) witnesses from amongst you and if they testify (that they saw the actual sexual penetration), confine them (the women) to houses until death comes to them (meaning, take good care of them and confine them in their houses indefinitely) or (until) God provides for them some (other) way (out of the punishment, such as if they repent by promising God that they shall not repeat their behaviour and correct themselves with good behaviour as is revealed in Quran 4:16). 

Note 1. The punishment for unmarried people. 

Note 2. Women are mentioned because men asked the prophet about women. 

Note 3. God “provides for them some other way” out of the punishment in the next verse Quran 4:16 and makes it clear that this is not only for the women but “the two persons” meaning both the women and the men. 


Quran 4:16 Verse 4:16And the two persons (unmarried male and unmarried female, see Quran 4:25 which refers to married people who have a different punishment) who commit it (“it” refers to the word fahishah, fornication, illegal sexual intercourse in Quran 4:15) among you, punish them both (by confining them in houses or jail as commanded in Quran 4:15). And (as mentioned in Quran 4:15 God has now made for them a way out of this punishment) if they repent (by promising God that they shall not repeat their behaviour) and correct themselves (with good behaviour) then leave them alone, for God is the one who accepts repentance and (God is) most merciful. 

Note 1. The punishment for unmarried people.


Quran 4:17 Verse 4:17God accepts only the repentance of those who sin out of ignorance (that means a sin that is not planned intentionally) and who repent (sincerely regret what they have done) soon after (the sin). God shall forgive them. God is all knowing and all wise. 

Note 1. Forgiveness by God is for those who sincerely repent. 


Quran 4:18 Verse 4:18 And the forgiveness (of God) is not for those who continue to do evil deeds until death faces one of them and the person says, "Now I repent" nor for those who die while they are disbelievers (in God). For them We (God) have prepared a painful punishment (in the hereafter). 

Note 1. Forgiveness by God is for those who sincerely repent and return to good behaviour.


B. The punishment for adultery by married people. 

Quran 4:25 Verse 4:25 And if you do not have the means (not wealthy enough) to marry free believing women then you may marry believing girls from among those (slave girls) whom your right hands possess (meaning whom you own). God has full knowledge about your faith. You (humans are offspring) from (one) another (meaning you are equal in the sight of God). You shall obtain permission from their guardians before you marry them and give them (the girl) their bridal money according to what is reasonable. The (slave girl) should be chaste (and not) commit unlawful intercourse randomly (prostitution) nor have secret lovers. After marriage if she commits illegal sexual intercourse (fahishah, illegal sexual intercourse after marriage, adultery) then her punishment is half of that of a free (married) women (meaning a punishment of fifty lashes). This (rule from God) is for those who are afraid of committing sin (afraid they might commit illegal sexual intercourse if they do not marry someone) but it is better for you to be patient. God is always ready to forgive and most merciful (to those who sincerely repent for their sins). 

Note 1. The punishment for a married person who was a slave before they were married. 

Note 2. The disadvantaged position of a slave is taken very seriously by God making her punishment half that of a free married women because the reason a slave accepts marriage might be only to gain freedom from slavery. This is why God says it is better to be patient when looking for a wife. 


Quran 24:2 Verse 24:2 The (married) woman and the man (who voluntarily confess to illegal sexual intercourse or who are seen by four male witnesses in the act of being) guilty of (doing illegal) sexual intercourse, flog each one of them with a hundred lashes. Do not let pity for them stop you from obedience to (the law of) God, if you believe in God and the Last Day. And let a group of believers witness the punishment. 

Note 1. The punishment for a free married person meaning a person who was not a slave when they were married. 

Note 2. God tells us in Quran 4:25 that the punishment for a person who was a slave before they were married is half that of free married women meaning fifty lashes. 

Note 3. In the same way as God is merciful to a married person who was a slave with fifty lashes instead of death by stoning God is also merciful to free married women with one hundred lashes instead of death by stoning. 


C. God forgives all sins including adultery to those who sincerely repent and change their behaviour in Quran 3:135 – 3:136, 4:17 – 4:18, 4:110 and 25:68 – 25:71. 

Quran 3:135 Verse 3:135 And those (people) when they did immorality (evil behaviour, adultery, dishonesty, wickedness) or wronged their own soul (by some wrong doing) and remember God and then ask forgiveness for their sins (from God) because who can forgive the sins except God? And do not knowingly continue in what they have done (thinking it shall be forgiven. Continued in Quran 3:136).  


Quran 3:136 Verse 3:136For those (people), the reward is forgiveness from their Lord and gardens where rivers flow underneath (in Paradise) and where they shall live forever. (This is) an excellent reward for the workers (that are working for the reward of Paradise in the hereafter).  


Quran 4:17 Verse 4:17God accepts only the repentance of those who sin out of ignorance (that means a sin that is not planned intentionally) and who repent (sincerely regret what they have done) soon after (the sin). God shall forgive them. God is all knowing and all wise. 

Note 1. Forgiveness by God is for those who sincerely repent. 


Quran 4:18 Verse 4:18 And the forgiveness (of God) is not for those who continue to do evil deeds until death faces one of them and the person says, "Now I repent" nor for those who die while they are disbelievers (in God). For them We (God) have prepared a painful punishment (in the hereafter). 

Note 1. Forgiveness by God is for those who sincerely repent and return to good behaviour.


Quran 4:110 Verse 4:110Yet whoever wrongs (by making a sin that harms others) or wrongs them self (by making a sin that harms oneself, a sin that harms your soul) and then asks forgiveness from God then that person shall find God is always ready to forgive and most merciful. 

Note 1. There is nothing that God is not ready to forgive if you sincerely repent and ask God for forgiveness. This includes illegal sexual intercourse by unmarried Muslims and adultery by married Muslims. 


Quran 25:68 Verse 25:68 And those who do not pray to any other god along with God, nor kill someone who God has forbidden (to be killed) except in the right (by accident, by self defence, in battle against the oppression of religion under the wisdom and command of the Prophet of God and his companions), nor commit illegal sexual intercourse. And who ever does that shall pay a penalty. – (Continued Quran 25:69). 


Quran 25:69 Verse 25:69 The punishment shall be doubled for them on the Day of Resurrection and they shall live there in disgrace. – (Continued Quran 25:70). 


Quran 25:70 Verse 25:70 Unless that person repents and believes (in God) and does righteous work then God shall change their evil deeds to good deeds. God is always ready to forgive and (God is) merciful. 

Note 1. When a person repents they are not killed because God has said they must do righteous work in their life after they repent. 


Quran 25:71 Verse 25:71 And whoever repents and does righteousness then that person surely turns to God with true repentance (that is accepted by God the Most Merciful). 

Note 1. When a person repents they are not killed because God repeats they must do righteous work in their life after they repent. 


D. Other examples where the words of God in the Quran are contradicted by words outside the books of God.

Quran 4:34 Verse 4:34 Men are the protectors of women because God has bestowed some of them (the male) over others (the female) and because they (the men) support them (the women) from their wealth. Therefore righteous women are obedient (to God and to their husband) and guard the unseen (their chastity) which God orders them to guard. And those (wives from) whom you (men) fear their bad behaviour then (first) advise them (of what they have done), and (second, if they continue their bad behaviour then) leave them (wives to sleep alone) in the bed (so they might think about what they are doing and so that you might also think about the situation), and (if they continue their bad behaviour then thirdly Quran 33:2 "follow what is revealed to you from your Lord …” and) set forth to them (Quran 33:28 “… Say to your wives, “If you desire the life of the world and its adornment” instead of life with me “then come I shall provide for you and release you” from our marriage contract “in a good” honourable “manner” if you want a divorce). Then if they obey you do not seek against them a way (to hurt them but forgive them and show kindness to them. Fourthly see Quran 2:231, Quran 4:35 and Quran 4:128). God is most high and most great (in importance to every creation. iḍ'rib means strike or set forth. In the Quran did God reveal that men can strike their wives or did God in the Quran set forth what men should say to their wives? Prophet Muhammad did not strike his wives after forsaking them in bed showing this is the wrong understanding of Quran 4:34. Prophet Muhammad separated himself from his wives so that they might think about what they wanted to do and so that he might also think about the situation showing this is the correct understanding of Quran 4:34 so that in Quran 4:34 iḍ'rib means “set forth” to them Quran 33:28. The Quran explains itself through verses scattered in 114 chapters which Quran 39:23 reveal you can find in verses which confirm each other and the Quran asks when you have the word of God in the Quran what other report would you believe? Quran 77:50 “In what statement” words, news, reports, information, message, hadith, “after it” the verses of God in the Quran, “shall they” the humans and the jinn “believe” and this is repeated and explained in Quran 7:185, Quran 25:29, Quran 25:30, Quran 31:6, Quran 39:23 and Quran 45:6. If hadith stories agree with the Quran then accept it and learn from it. If hadith stories do not agree with the Quran then reject it and also learn from it. On the Day of Judgement God judges by the words in the protected Quran. On the Day of Judgement God does not judge by the words in unprotected human hadith stories. The Quran is the protected word of God including the words and actions of Prophet Muhammad which are described and protected by God. In a similar way in the story of the vision dream of the sacrifice of the son of Prophet Abraham Ibrahim in Quran chapter 37 God only blesses Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and his son Prophet Isaac Ishaq and leaves no other blessings in the story of the sacrifice and this famous vision dream is remembered in the next chapter Quran chapter 38 where God blesses Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and Prophet Isaac Ishaq with the vision dream in Quran 38:45 – 38:47 and shows in the next verse that Prophet Ishmael Ismail was not the son in the vision dream and Prophet Ishmael Ismail was not living with his father during the vision dream by blessing Prophet Ishmael Ismail without his father and without the blessing of the vision dream in Quran 38:48. This is confirmed in Quran 12:6 and in Torah Genesis 22:2 “And God said: Take now your son, your only son” who still lives with you, reminding him that God had earlier taken Ishmael Ismail and Hagar Hajar away from him into God’s care in the desert, “whom you love” God makes the test very hard by demanding his second son and reminding him that this is his only remaining son and reminding him that he already gave God one son and reminding him of his love for these sons, “even” namely, that is “Isaac Ishaq and go into the land of Moriah” today in the Temple and Al-Aqsa mosque area in Jerusalem Al-Quds in Israel and Palestine; “and offer him there for a burnt-offering on one of the mountains which I God will tell you of.” The proof God is real is the Quran confirming the Torah Taurat is correct in Quran 2:41 “And believe in what I God have revealed” in the Quran “that confirms what you already have” in the Torah Taurat and in Quran 3:93 “… Bring the Torah Taurat here and recite it as evidence if what you say is true" and in Quran 5:43 “How is it that they come to you for judgment when they have the Torah Taurat in which God has already revealed to them judgment …” and Quran 5:68 “… You the Jewish people have nothing until you observe the Torah Taurat …” as explained in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQ3o3ybc-KA so hold tightly to what God is teaching in the Quran and beware of stories which contradict the Books of God). 


Slavery in Islam.

See Quran 24:2 comments.


Forgive people like you want God to forgive you.

See Quran 24:22 comments.


The veil in Islam. 

The Hijab in Islam. 

The Niqab in Islam.

See Quran 24:31 comments.


If Jesus Isa is not God then what will be the role of Jesus Isa on the Day of Judgement?

See Quran 24:35 comments 1b.


God ordered protection for every monastery, church, synagogue and mosque.

See Quran 24:36 comments.

Information: The Quran chapter 24.

Order of Revelation: 102 (1 is the first revelation and 114 is the last revelation).

Place of Revelation: Medina (Madinah, Arabia today Saudi Arabia).

Number of Verses: 64 verses.


The Quran.

Chapter 24. 

The Light (An-Noor).

English interpretations of the Quran.


The Quran Chapter 24 The Light (Al-Noor, An-Noor, An-Nur, Nuur, Light, The Light) in English. 

Chapter : Verse.

(Information in brackets is added to assist readers in the interpretation of the verse).


Quran 24:0 Koran 24:0 Verse 24:0 Ayah 24:0 Ayat 24:0 Aya 24:0 In the name of God, The Most Kind, The Most Merciful.


Quran 24:1 Koran 24:1 Verse 24:1 Ayah 24:1 Ayat 24:1 Aya 24:1 We (God revealed through Angel Gabriel Jibril to Prophet Muhammad) have revealed this chapter which We (God) have made a duty (for humans to obey) and in which We (God) have revealed clear verses so that you may take heed (to follow what God has commanded in this chapter).


Comment 1. The punishment for illegal sexual intercourse by unmarried Muslims.

The next verse Quran 24:2 relates to married people because the punishment for unmarried people is in Quran 4:15 – 4:18. 

See in Quran 4:15 – 4:18 comment in Quran chapter 4.


Comment 2.  The first time God removed stoning to death for adultery from the Quran.

The punishment for illegal sexual intercourse by married Muslims.

Why is the punishment for adultery in Quran chapter 24 for married people?

In 5 AH (626 CE, 626 AD) Aisha Aishah, the wife of Prophet Muhammad was falsely accused of adultery by both men and women who were her own Muslim people.

This chapter 24 of the Quran was revealed by God as a result of that false accusation of adultery.

The following hadith story shows that God did not allow Prophet Muhammad to continue to give permission in the Quran for the punishment of stoning to death (al rajm) for adultery.

Imam ibn Kathir narrated the story hadith that, “people were sitting around Merwan and Zayd bin Thabit was also present.”

He (Zayd) said, “we used to recite in the Quran that punishment for married adulterer and adulteress is stoning to death.”

Merwan asked, “So why did you not write this in the Quran?”

He (Zayd) said “listen, when we started talking about this, we went to Umar bin Khattab and he told us, one man came to the Prophet and he started talking about the verse about stoning to death (ayah al rajm).”

Someone from the gathering asked “O God’s messenger write this verse of stoning.”

Prophet Muhammad said “I cannot write it down anymore or something similar/same.

(From Abu Ya‘la al-Mawsili who died 307 AH recorded in his Musnad and al-Nasa`I who died 303 AH recorded in his Sunan record).


The first time God stopped stoning to death for adultery was when Prophet Muhammad said about the stoning to death verse “I cannot write it down anymore.” This shows that stoning to death for adultery had been authorized to Prophet Muhammad at an earlier time but was later cancelled by God.

In Quran chapter 24 God shows to Prophet Muhammad that even his own people where not afraid to falsely accuse of illegal sexual intercourse Aisha Aishah who was the innocent wife of the prophet of God.

It was only revelation from God that allowed Prophet Muhammad to know the truth of Aisha’s Aishah’s innocence that saved the life of Aishah.

If such a false accusation had come after the death of Prophet Muhammad then an innocent woman would have been stoned to death.

God clearly showed Prophet Muhammad the injustice that would happen after Prophet Muhammad left the earth.

If the people of Prophet Muhammad were not afraid to lie to the Prophet of God then who would they be afraid of after Prophet Muhammad left the earth?


Prophet Muhammad understood why God had brought adultery to him through his wife and Prophet Muhammad later said about stoning to death for adultery, “I cannot write it down anymore” (From Abu Ya‘la al-Mawsili who died 307 AH recorded in his Musnad and al-Nasa`I who died 303 AH recorded in his Sunan record).

As God has willed it is not written in God’s Quran and it was replaced by the punishment of flogging in Quran chapter 24 as God willed.


Comment 3. The second time God removed stoning to death for adultery from the Quran.

God destroyed the paper on which was written the verse about stoning to death for adultery on the day of the death of Prophet Muhammad.

Quran chapter 24 replaces the verse on stoning to death for adultery which God ordered a goat to remove by eating it away on the day of the death of Prophet Muhammad.


In this hadith story from humans God made clear that with the death of Prophet Muhammad all permission for the use of stoning to death (al rajm) had ended.

Aisha (Aishah the wife of Prophet Muhammad) said “When the verses “Rajm” (Stoning) and ayah “Rezah Kabir” descended, they were written on a piece of paper and kept under my pillow.

Following the demise (death) of Prophet Muhammad a goat ate the piece of paper while we were mourning.”

Another translation is:

Aisha (Aishah the wife of Prophet Muhammad) said “The verse of stoning and of suckling an adult ten times were revealed, and they were (written) on a paper and kept under my bed.

When the Messenger of God expired and we were preoccupied with his death, a goat entered and ate away the paper.”

(From Sunan Ibn Majah, Book of Nikah, hadith 1934 and Sunan ibn Majah, Volume 2, Page 39 and Sunan Ibn Majah (Arabic), Book of Suckling 2020).

Only God has the power to command an animal to devour and take away the “Word of God.”

Aisha Aishah clearly understood what had happened when Prophet Muhammad had just died and a goat immediately came and ate away the paper with the verse of stoning to death for adultery and she did not have it written again.


God commands the goat to take away the word of God.

God knows what the goat is doing.

Quran 24:41 Ayah 24:41 Have you not seen that God is the one whom all that are in the heavens and the earth exalt (including) the birds (while they are) with wings spread out (in their flight)? He (God) knows the prayer and the exaltation from each (creature) and God is aware of what they (God’s creatures) do.


The verse about stoning to death for adultery had been revealed by God during the life of Prophet Muhammad when Prophet Muhammad had first chosen it from the Torah Taurat law instead of flogging for adultery which was what the Jews in Yathrib had been doing.


After God had shown Prophet Muhammad the consequences of Prophet Muhammad’s choice of punishment in one stoning (of Ma'iz ibn Malik where Prophet Muhammad said to his people, “Why did you not leave him alone (by stopping the stoning)? Perhaps he might have repented and been forgiven by God”) and after another stoning (of a woman from Juhaina where Prophet Muhammad said , “She has made such a (big) repentance that if it (her repentance) were to be divided among seventy men of Medina, it (her repentance) would be enough (to forgive 70 men) and finally in the false accusation for adultery by his own people against his wife Aisha Aishah, Prophet Muhammad understood what God was showing him and in regards to stoning to death for adultery Prophet Muhammad said, “I cannot write it down anymore” (From Abu Ya‘la al-Mawsili who died 307 AH recorded in his Musnad and al-Nasa`I who died 303 AH recorded in his Sunan record).

Note 1. “I cannot write it down anymore.” This means God does not allow Prophet Muhammad to recite the verse about stoning to death for adultery anymore so that someone can write it down or memorize it because God has cancelled that verse.

Note 2. With the death of Prophet Muhammad, God commanded a goat to eat away the paper containing the verse about stoning to death for adultery.

Only God has the power to decide what is in God’s Quran and God showed that with the death of Prophet Muhammad the authority from God for stoning to death had been removed by God himself through the action of a goat eating away (taking away) the Word of God.


God commands the white ants to take away the words that were written in the name of God.

God gave a similar sign during the time when an agreement to ban assistance to the first Muslims was made between the tribes of Mecca Arabia today Makkah Saudi Arabia.

The agreement banned assistance and trade and removed from Mecca Makkah the Muslim members of the tribes of Bani Hashim and Bani Abdul Muttalib to a barren valley of hunger and isolation called Sheb Abi Talib (Abu Talib valley) in 7BH 615 CE 615 AD until and unless the Muslims agreed to return to the religion of praying to stone statues idols.

The agreement to ban the Muslims was written on parchment paper and placed on the wall inside the Kabah the Holy House in Mecca Makkah.

The agreement came to an end after 3 years when God showed God’s disagreement with that agreement by ordering white ants to eat that agreement so that the only thing left not eaten away were the words “In Your name, O God.”


Just as God had shown God’s will by ordering white ants to eat away the agreement that banned all aid to Muslims and exiled Muslims to a barren valley of hunger and isolation so too did God order that when Prophet Muhammad died a goat should immediately eat away the paper on which was written the verse al rajm the stoning to death for adultery.

God first used white ants to remove a paper that contained a ban on Muslims and later a goat to remove the verse about stoning to death for adultery as a mercy from God on the believers.

God makes God’s will clear to whoever God wills it to be clear.

Satan Shaitan confuses humans to show who believe the word of humans and who believe the word of God.


God knows what ants and goats and every creature is doing.

Quran 24:41 Ayah 24:41 Have you not seen that God is the one whom all that are in the heavens and the earth exalt (including) the birds (while they are) with wings spread out (in their flight)? He (God) knows the prayer and the exaltation from each (creature) and God is aware of what they (God’s creatures) do.


Comment 4. The third time God removed stoning to death for adultery from the Quran.

God removed stoning to death for adultery from the Quran after the death of Prophet Muhammad when the Quran was collected in the form it is today.

When the Quran was compiled God destroyed and replaced the verse on stoning to death for adultery with Quran chapter 24.


Ibn Abi Shaybah reported, concerning al-masahif, from al-Layth bin Sa‘d who said, “The first to collect the Quran was Abu Bakr and Zayd bin Thabit wrote it.

And people came to Zayd bin Thabit (with parts of the Quran) (but) Zayd did not write anything (in the Quran) without the testimony of two reliable witnesses.

The last part of Surah Bara`ah (Repentance) was not found except with Khuzaymah bin Thabit.

He (Zayd) said, “Write it, for the Messenger of God had declared the testimony of Khuzaymah equivalent to that of two men.”

So he wrote it.

And ‘Umar came with the verse of stoning (rajm) but Zayd would not write it because ‘Umar was alone (in his testimony) (From Al-Suyuti as quoted in ‘Awn al-Ma‘bud 3130 and "The Itqan" by Suyuti Part 1, Page 168).


‘Umar came with the verse of stoning (rajm) but Zayd bin Thabit would not write it because ‘Umar was alone (in his testimony because every verse required two witnesses before it was accepted in God’s Holy Quran. Only God had the power to stop a second witness and indeed no other witness could be found as God had willed.


Abu Bakr is mentioned as being involved in collecting the verses of the Quran so why was the verse on stoning to death for adultery not in Abu Bakr’s collection if it was still valid or if it was God’s will?

Why did not Aisha Aishah the wife of Prophet Muhammad support the idea that the verse of stoning to death for adultery was still valid by immediately having it rewritten after a goat had taken away the Word of God unless she had known that the verse had already been cancelled before the death of Prophet Muhammad and she understood that God had confirmed that verse was cancelled when Prophet Muhammad died and God commanded the goat to eat away (take away) the paper on which that verse was written.

God knew what the goat was doing.

Quran 24:41 Ayah 24:41 Have you not seen that God is the one whom all that are in the heavens and the earth exalt (including) the birds (while they are) with wings spread out (in their flight)? He (God) knows the prayer and the exaltation from each (creature) and God is aware of what they (God’s creatures) do.


Those who compiled the Quran rejected the claim that stoning to death for adultery was still valid after the death of Prophet Muhammad.

How can we then today accept something that we can see has been rejected by God from God’s Quran?

Only God had the power to reject stoning to death for adultery from God’s Quran.


Quran 7:185 Verse 7:185 “... In what statement (words, news, reports, information, message, hadith) after (they have heard) this (Quran) would they believe? 


Quran 25:30 Verse 25:30 And (on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement) the messenger (Prophet Muhammad) said, “My Lord (God) my people have abandoned (deserted) this Quran (to follow false messages, false words, false news, false reports, false information, false statements, false hadith).” 

Note 1. On the Day of Resurrection and Judgement Prophet Muhammad will say “My Lord my people have abandoned this Quran (to follow false messages, false words, false news, false reports, false information, false statements, false hadith).”  


Quran 45:6 Verse 45:6 These are the verses of God, We (God through angel Gabriel Jibril) recite them to you (Prophet Muhammad) truthfully. In what statement (words, news, reports, information, message, hadith) will they (the humans and jinn) believe (and trust in) after God and His verses (which they have in the Quran until the Day of Judgement)

Note 1. God asks who will believe the Quran and who will believe a teaching that is different to what God teaches in the Quran? 


Quran 77:50 Verse 77:50 In what statement (words, news, reports, information, message, hadith), after it (the verses of God in the Quran), shall they (the humans and the jinn) believe?  

Note 1. God asks who will believe the Quran and who will believe a teaching that is different to what God teaches in the Quran?  


Quran 24:2 Koran 24:2 Verse 24:2 Ayah 24:2 Ayat 24:2 Aya 24:2 The (married) woman and the man (who voluntarily confess to illegal sexual intercourse or who are seen by four male witnesses in the act of being) guilty of (doing illegal) sexual intercourse, flog each one of them with a hundred lashes. Do not let pity for them stop you from obedience to (the law of) God, if you believe in God and the Last Day. And let a group of believers witness the punishment.


Comment 1. Where does God reveal that Quran 24:2 is for married men and women who commit illegal sexual intercourse?

Quran 4:25 reveals that Quran 24:2 is for married men and women.

Quran 4:25 confirms that God has not commanded stoning to death for free married persons who commit adultery.


Comment 2. Quran 4:25.

Quran 4:25 Verse 4:25 And if you do not have the means (not wealthy enough) to marry free believing women then you may marry believing girls from among those (slave girls) whom your right hands possess (meaning whom you own). God has full knowledge about your faith. You (humans are offspring) from (one) another (meaning you are equal in the sight of God). You shall obtain permission from their guardians before you marry them and give them (the girl) their bridal money according to what is reasonable. The (slave girl) should be chaste (and not) commit unlawful intercourse randomly (prostitution) nor have secret lovers. After marriage if she commits illegal sexual intercourse (fahishah illegal sexual intercourse after marriage, adultery) then her punishment is half of that of a free (married, see comment 13 and 14) women (meaning a punishment of fifty lashes). This (rule from God) is for those who are afraid of committing sin (afraid they might commit illegal sexual intercourse if they do not marry someone) but it is better for you to be patient (and wait until you can marry a free woman or a righteous slave). God is always ready to forgive and most merciful (to those who sincerely repent for their sins).

Note 1. See Quran 4:25 comments in Quran chapter 4.


Comment 3. Quran 23:5.

Quran 23:5 Verse 23:5 And who guard their private parts, – (Continued Quran 23:6).

Quran 23:6 Verse 23:6 – Except from their wives (or husband) or the (servants) that their right hands possess (meaning, the servants which they legally own), then it is not a sin,

Note 1. In Quran 23:5 – 23:6 a person who is unable to look after them self can be bathed and dressed by a servant and there is no sin in that.


Comment 4. Sex with a slave before marriage is not allowed.

Some who do not like what God has ruled in the Quran search for stories from humans called hadith so that they can use the word of humans to over rule the word of God.

Quran 4:25 shows that sexual relations with a servant first require that you marry that servant but only if that servant is willing to marry.


Comment 5. Muslims cannot have sexual relations before marriage.

It is not true that a Muslim can have sexual relations with their slave because God has revealed in Quran 4:25 Verse 4:25 “… This (rule from God) is for those who are afraid of committing sin (afraid they might commit illegal sexual intercourse if they do not marry someone) …”


Comment 6. Quran 4:25 prohibits sexual relations with anyone including with your slave unless you are married to them.


Comment 7. Quran 24:31 confirm that sex with a slave before marriage is not allowed.

Quran 24:31 Verse 24:31 And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze (meaning, do not look at men with whom you are not closely related or with whom you have no business or service to exchange) and they should guard their chastity (meaning avoid unlawful sex and also cover the lower part of the body), and not to display their adornment (beauty) except what is apparent of it (what is apparent is the hands and the face meaning the hands are not covered and the face is not covered). And let them draw (pull) their head covers over their bosoms (meaning cover their hair and breasts), and not display their adornment (under their garment) except to their husbands, or their fathers or fathers of their husbands or their sons or sons of their husbands or their brothers or sons of their brothers or sons of their sisters, or their women (friends) or what their right hands possess (meaning servants, slaves) or the attendants who have no physical desire among men (such as the elderly) or children who (have not reached puberty meaning they) are not aware of private aspects of (the body of) women. And let them (women) not stamp their feet to make known what they conceal of their adornment (meaning do not stamp your feet so that the movement of your breasts under the garments makes clear the breasts which are covered). And all together turn to God O believers, so that you may succeed (with the reward of Paradise Jannah in the Hereafter).


Comment 8. To marry a slave the slave must agree to the marriage. 

To marry a slave the slave must agree to the marriage as revealed in Quran 4:25.

Quran 4:25 Verse 4:25 "... You shall obtain permission from their guardians before you marry them and give them (the girl) their bridal money according to what is reasonable. ..." 

Quran 4:25 Verse 4:25 “… you (and your slave) are equal to one another as far as religion is concerned…”

Note 1. Quran 4:25 shows that a slave possesses freedom to accept or reject marriage because they have the rights of a Muslim.

Note 2. The agreement a slave gives to marry might be from the desire for freedom from slavery therefore their punishment for adultery is half that of a free woman. 

A free person agrees to marriage from their free will but a slave might not sincerely be agreeing to marriage but be seeking freedom from slavery. 

Adultery by a person who made an agreement to marry when they were a slave has a punishment of 50 lashes which is half the punishment of a person who was free when they agreed to marry. 

God recognises that a slave might be forced to accept marriage that they would not accept if they were a free person.

Note 3. Today God would be pleased that humans world wide have made the evil of slavery illegal.


Comment 9. The requirement to marry slaves before sex is confirmed in Quran 24:32.

Quran 24:32 Verse 24:32 And marry those among you who are single and the righteous among your male and female slaves. If they are poor then God shall give to them from His (God’s) bounty. God knows all things.


Comment 10. Slave owners are ordered by God not to force a slave to have sex.

Muslims who are not married must keep chaste by staying away from sexual relations.

Quran 24:33 Verse 24:33 And let those who cannot find a match (for marriage) keep chaste (by staying away from sexual relations) until God enriches them from His (God’s) bounty. And those of your slaves who request a contract (for eventual freedom from their slavery, emancipation from slavery), make a contract with them (so they can purchase their freedom from their owner) if you know there is some goodness in them and give to them something from the wealth of God which He (God) has given to you. Do not force your slave-girls to prostitution when they desire chastity in order that you may seek the (temporary) enjoyment of the life of the world. And if anyone forces them (to prostitution), then God shall be forgiving and merciful (to the slave girl because she was forced to do evil against her will and to slave owners who did such things in the time of ignorance before accepting Islam).

Note 1. Today God would be pleased that humans world wide have made the evil of slavery illegal.


Comment 11. Slave owners are reminded that removing your cloths is a private matter.

Quran 24:58 Verse 24:58 All you who believe, Let your slaves whom you own, and the children who have not yet come to the age of puberty, ask for your permission (before they enter your room) in these three times: Before the dawn prayer, and when you have removed your cloths to rest in the midday heat, and after the evening prayer (when it is night). These are the three times when you undress in private. There is no sin for them or for you at other times (if they enter your room without asking permission) when some of you visit each other. God makes clear the revelations for you. God knows all and is wise.


Quran 24:59 Verse 24:59 And when the children among you come to the age of puberty then let them ask for permission (to enter your room at all times), as do those who are senior to them (in age) ask. And so God makes clear His (God’s) revelations for you. God knows all and is wise.


Quran 24:60 Verse 24:60 For the women who are past the age of child-bearing and who have no hope of marriage, it is not a sin for them if they discard their (outer) clothing in such a way as not to show their beauty. But not to (discard their outer clothing) is better for them. God hears and knows all.


Quran 24:61 Verse 24:61 There is no restriction on the blind nor any restriction on the lame (the weak, the disabled, the crippled, the injured, those unable to move easily, the mentally afflicted) nor any restriction on the sick nor on yourselves if you eat from your houses, or the houses of your fathers, or the houses of your mothers, or the houses of your brothers, or the houses of your sisters, or the houses of your father’s brothers, or the houses of your father’s sisters, or the houses of your mother’s brothers, or the houses of your mother’s sisters, or from whatever (house) you hold the keys, or (from the house) of a friend. There is no sin for you whether you eat together or apart. But when you enter houses, greet one another with a greeting from God that is blessed and good (such as “Peace be on you”, “As-salamu alaykum”). And so God makes clear His (God’s) revelations for you so that you may understand.


Comment 12. Quran 4:25. 

God has revealed in Quran 4:25 “… it is better for you to be patient.” That is because a marriage just to fulfill your sexual desire can result in a slave accepting marriage because of their position of weakness and if that happens and they have not entered the marriage except because of their position of weakness it is possible that they might not be faithful in such a marriage.

God recognizes the power of a master over their slave and God makes provision that adultery that involved marriage to a slave shall receive half the punishment given to a free married person who commits adultery.

That is why God has revealed in Quran 4:25 Verse 4:25 “… it is better for you to be patient (and wait until you can marry a free woman or a righteous slave).”


Comment 13. Quran 4:25 shows that God has not commanded stoning to death for adultery for free married persons who commit adultery.

If God really commanded stoning to death for adultery for free married persons then God would have revealed that the punishment for a married slave who committed adultery is 100 lashes because 100 lashes is a great mercy compared to stoning to death.


Comment 14. Why did God command 50 lashes and not 100 lashes for adultery for a person who was a slave when they agreed to marriage?

The only reason God has commanded 50 lashes for adultery committed by a person who agreed to marriage when they were a slave is because this is half the punishment of a free married person who commits adultery.


Comment 15. God tests which Christians reject and which accept the human story hadith that Jesus Isa is God.

God’s Gospel Injil never said Jesus Isa is God so anyone who believes that Jesus Isa is God believes the word of humans more than they believe the word of God.

How can millions of Christians be mistaken? Answer: They believe the word of humans more than they believe the word of God.


Comment 16. God tests which Muslims reject and which accept the human story hadith of stoning to death for adultery.

God’s Quran does not order stoning to death for adultery so anyone who believes in stoning to death for adultery believes the word of humans more than they believe the word of God.

How can millions of Muslims be mistaken? 

Answer: They believe the word of humans in unprotected human hadith stories more than they believe the word of God in the protected Quran.


Comment 17. God removed stoning to death for adultery.

The error of stoning to death for adultery. 

How God removed stoning to death for adultery in the Torah Taurat, Gospel Injil and Koran Quran.

How God removed stoning to death in the Quran three times.

In the Quran the law for illegal sexual intercourse for unmarried Muslims is Quran 4:15 – 4:18.

In the Quran the law for adultery by married Muslims is Quran 4:25 and 24:1 – 24:2.

Forgiveness for all sins is confirmed in Quran 3:135 – 3:136, 4:17 – 4:18, 4:110, 25:68 – 25:71.


Comment 18. Muslims can marry slaves who believe in God.

Quran 60:10 Verse 60:10 All you who believe (in God), When (believing women who married stone idol worshippers before the time of Islam or when women who were stone idol worshippers claim to be) believing women come to you as refugees (who are fleeing from a husband who worships stone idols, those women are in your right hand meaning in your control), examine (test) them (women for their faith) although it is God who best knows their faith. If you determine that they are believers (in God) then do not send them back to the disbelievers (the stone idol worshippers) because they (the believing women) are not lawful (wives) for the disbelievers (the stone idol worshippers) nor are the disbelievers (the stone idol worshippers) lawful (husbands) for them (women who believe in God). But give them (the stone idol worshiping husband) what they (the stone idol worshiping husband) had spent (when he gave his marriage gift, dowry, mahr, mehr, meher, mahrieh so as to compensate) them (the stone idol worshiping husband by returning his marriage gift Mahr). And there shall be no sin on you to marry them (believing women who have fled from a stone idol worshiping husband) if you have given them (the believing women) their marriage gift (dowry, mahr, mehr, meher, mahrieh after she has accepted your marriage proposal from her own free will). Do not hold on to disbelieving (stone idol worshiping) women as wives and ask for (the return of) what you spent (in your marriage gift, dowry, mahr, mehr, meher, mahrieh) to them (the stone idol worshiping wife) and let them (the disbelievers who worship stone idols also) ask back for what they spent (in their marriage gift, dowry, mahr, mehr, meher, mahrieh for their women who have come to you). That is the Judgement of God. He (God) judges (with justice) between you (the believers and the disbelievers). God knows all and is wise.


Comment 19. Today slavery is forbidden worldwide.

God is pleased that humans today removed slavery worldwide because 1400 years ago God decreed many times that if you want to be forgiven your sin then free the slave.

God shows the injustice of slavery by ordering a reduced punishment for a girl who was a slave at the time she accepted marriage because in accepting marriage it is uncertain if the reason for such acceptance is the desire for marriage or the desire for freedom from slavery.

Today God would be pleased to see that humans have abolished slavery from this world by making slavery a crime worldwide.


Quran 4:92 Verse 4:92 A person with faith in God must not kill another person that also has faith in God except by mistake. Whoever kills a person with faith in God by mistake, (God has ordered that) he must free a slave that has faith in God and pay compensation (blood money) to the dead person’s family, unless (that family) do not want any compensation. If the dead person belonged to a people at war with you and he had faith in God then (God has ordered that) you free a slave that has faith in God. (If the dead person belonged to a people) with whom you have a treaty of mutual alliance then (God has ordered that) you pay to his family compensation (blood money) and you must also free a slave that has faith in God. Whoever finds that the (repentance done by the freeing of a slave) is beyond their means then they must fast for two consecutive months so as to seek repentance from God. God is all knowing and all wise.


See: Sexual slavery in Islam. Sex with slaves in Islam. Rape of slaves in Islam. Female slaves in Islam. Sex without marriage is forbidden in Islam.



Comment 20. Marriage to a slave required the permission of the slave because you are equal to one another as far as religion is concerned.

Quran 4:25 Verse 4:25 And if you do not have the means (not wealthy enough) to marry free believing women then you may marry believing girls from among those (slave girls) whom your right hands possess (meaning whom you own). God has full knowledge about your faith. You (humans are offspring) from (one) another (meaning you are equal in the sight of God). You shall obtain permission from their guardians before you marry them and give them (the girl) their bridal money according to what is reasonable. The (slave girl) should be chaste (and not) commit unlawful intercourse randomly (prostitution) nor have secret lovers. ..."


Comment 21. Marriage to your slave girl.

1400 years ago when slavery existed God gave slave girls special protection because in accepting marriage it is uncertain if the reason for such acceptance is the desire for marriage or the desire for freedom from slavery.


a. God decreed less punishment for adultery committed by a wife who was a slave girl when she accepted marriage. 

Quran 4:25 Verse 4:25 And if you do not have the means (not wealthy enough) to marry free believing women then you may marry believing girls from among those (slave girls) whom your right hands possess (meaning whom you own). ........ After marriage if she commits illegal sexual intercourse (fahishah, illegal sexual intercourse after marriage, adultery) then her punishment is half of that of a free (married) women (meaning a punishment of fifty lashes).


b. If stoning to death for adultery is true then in Quran 4:25 the punishment for adultery by a girl who was a slave when she married would be 100 floggings.

Some say 100 floggings in Quran 24:2 is the punishment for an unmarried girl who commits adultery.

They say stoning to death for adultery is for a girl who was not a slave when she agreed to marry.

If that is true then surely the punishment for a girl who was a slave girl when she accepted marriage and then committed adultery would be 100 floggings because 100 floggings is a great mercy if stoning to death for adultery was true.

If stoning to death for adultery was true then why would a married girl who was a slave when she married receive 50 floggings instead of 100 floggings?

If stoning to death for adultery does not exist then 50 floggings instead of 100 floggings makes sense as a lesser punishment for the girl who was a slave when she accepted marriage.


c. Stoning to death for adultery is not true and therefore God has given mercy to married former slave girls of half the punishment in Quran Chapter 24 for adultery committed by a free married woman.

Quran Chapter 24 gives the punishment for adultery as 100 floggings for a free married woman. 

Quran Chapter 24 is the punishment for adultery for a free married woman because God then describes what happened to a free married woman (the wife of Prophet Muhammad) who was falsely accused of adultery in Quran chapter 24.. 

God has made no mention of stoning to death for adultery in Quran chapter 24 to test who follows God and who follows the stories of humans that cannot be found in the Koran Quran.

This is the same test God gave to test which Christians believe in one God and which follow human stories that Jesus Isa is God or is a partner with God which cannot be found in the Gospel Injil.


d. The Quran does not order death for adultery.

Stoning to death for adultery cannot be found in the Koran Quran.

God forgives adultery for those submitting to the will of God.

God is always ready to forgive because God is the Most Merciful.

Today stoning to death for adultery is not in the religion of God.

Today stoning to death for adultery is not in the teachings of God.

In the Quran the law for illegal sexual intercourse for unmarried Muslims is Quran 4:15 – 4:18.

In the Quran the law for adultery by married Muslims is Quran 4:25 and 24:1 – 24:2.

Forgiveness for all sins including adultery is in Quran 3:135 – 3:136, 4:17 – 4:18, 4:110, 25:68 – 25:71.

God reveals the punishment for adultery in Quran chapter 24 and explains why there is no death penalty for adultery.

In Quran chapter 24 God showed that in the time of Prophet Muhammad the people of Prophet Muhammad were not afraid to falsely accuse of adultery the wife of the Prophet of God.

God showed Prophet Muhammad that if his people in his time were not afraid to make false accusations against his wife then after the time of Prophet Muhammad the people would be afraid of no one in their making of false accusations for adultery.

Quran chapter 24 removes death for adultery and explains why it was removed by showing what happened to the wife of the Prophet of God.

The wife of the Prophet of God was saved only because Muhammad was a living Prophet under the guidance of God.

After Prophet Muhammad left the Earth who would protect the people from similar injustice?

God replaced stoning to death for adultery with the mercy of Quran chapter 24.

Some people follow what humans did in the past instead of following what God commands today in Quran chapter 24.

Those that claim Islam supports stoning to death for adultery have gone astray because no such thing exists in the Koran Quran.

Muslims who believe in stoning to death for adultery believe human hadith stories more than they believe the book of God, the Koran Quran.

In the same way Christians who believe that Jesus Isa is God believe human hadith stories more than they believe the book of God, the Gospel Injil.

Muslim believers and supporters of stoning to death for adultery are the followers of human stories not the followers of the stories of God.

In the same way Christian believers and supporters of the idea that Jesus Isa is God or a partner with God are also the followers of human stories not the followers of the stories of God.

When human hadith stories are believed more than the Books of God (the Torah Taurat, Gospel Injil and Koran Quran) then the result is misguidance because you have trusted human stories more than you have trusted the stories of God.

On the day of Judgement the innocent will testify against their killer.

Quran 81:9 Verse 81:9 “For what crime were you (the baby girl) killed? (The baby girl shall say in the hereafter, “They killed me on the earth without a just reason”).


e. If God forgives the sin of disobeying the prophet of God on the battlefield and allow them to live why would God not forgive people for adultery and also allow them to live? See Quran 3:152, 3:155 and 3:159 comments.


Quran 3:135 Verse 3:135 And those (people) who, when they have committed a great sin (enormous sin, atrocious sin, shameful sin, fahishah, obscenity, such as illegal sexual intercourse etc) or wronged their own soul (by doing a smaller sin) and remember God and ask forgiveness for their sins because who can forgive sin except God? And do not continue in what they have done. And they do not knowing (plan to commit) sin (while at the same time thinking it shall be forgiven. Continued in Quran 3:136).


Quran 3:136 Verse 3:136For those (people), the reward is forgiveness from their Lord and Gardens where rivers flow underneath (in Paradise) and where they shall live forever. (This is) an excellent reward for the workers (that are working for the reward of Paradise in the hereafter). 

Note 1. Forgiveness for all sins is given by God the most merciful, to those who truly repent and who ask God for forgiveness and do not continue doing that sin (Quran 3:135 – 3:136).

Note 2. There is no stoning to death for adultery because the forgiveness of God includes the decree that the sinner does not continue sinning which means their life continues after they have asked God for forgiveness. 


Quran 24:3 Koran 24:3 Verse 24:3 Ayah 24:3 Ayat 24:3 Aya 24:3 (When the Muslims arrived in Yathrib one person asked if he could marry a girl who worked as a prostitute and the following was revealed) a fornicator (a male working in prostitution) will not marry anyone except a fornicatress (a female working in prostitution) or a polytheist woman (a women who believes in more than one god). And a fornicatress (a female working in prostitution) will not marry anyone except a fornicator (a male working in prostitution) or a polytheist man (a man who believes in more than one god). That (marriage to people working in prostitution or to people who believe in more than one god) is forbidden to the believers (meaning do not seek marriage with people in Yathrib who are working in the business of prostitution).


Quran 24:4 Koran 24:4 Verse 24:4 Ayah 24:4 Ayat 24:4 Aya 24:4 And those who accuse innocent women but do not bring four witnesses, flog them with eighty lashes and afterward never accept their testimony because they are evildoers. – (Continued Quran 24:5).

Comment 1. Quran 24:4.

Quran 24:4 applies to adultery by married Muslims in Quran 4:25 and 24:1 – 24:2. 

Quran 24:4 applies to fornication by unmarried Muslims in Quran 4:15 – 4:18.


Quran 24:5 Koran 24:5 Verse 24:5 Ayah 24:5 Ayat 24:5 Aya 24:5 – Except those who afterward repent and reform (themselves by making amends and improving their behaviour). God is forgiving and most merciful.


Quran 24:6 Koran 24:6 Verse 24:6 Ayah 24:6 Ayat 24:6 Aya 24:6 As for those who accuse their spouses (husband or wives) but have no witnesses (to illegal sexual intercourse) except themselves, let the testimony of one of them be (equal to making) four testimonies, (swearing) by (the name of) God that he speaks the truth, – (Continued Quran 24:7).

Comment 1. Quran 24:6.

Quran 24:6 applies to adultery by married Muslims in Quran 4:25 and 24:1 – 24:2. 


Quran 24:7 Koran 24:7 Verse 24:7 Ayah 24:7 Ayat 24:7 Aya 24:7 – And a fifth (oath), calling for the curse of God (meaning, the misfortune of losing God’s mercy) on him (the accusing husband) if he has lied (by falsely accusing his wife of illegal sexual intercourse).

Comment 1. Quran 24:7.

Quran 24:7 applies to adultery by married Muslims in Quran 4:25 and 24:1 – 24:2.


Quran 24:8 Koran 24:8 Verse 24:8 Ayah 24:8 Ayat 24:8 Aya 24:8 And it shall avert from her the punishment if she bears witness in the name of God four times that the thing he (her husband) said (by accusing his wife of illegal sexual intercourse) is false, – (Continued Quran 24:9).

Comment 1. Quran 24:8.

Quran 24:8 applies to adultery by married Muslims in Quran 4:25 and 24:1 – 24:2.


Quran 24:9 Koran 24:9 Verse 24:9 Ayah 24:9 Ayat 24:9 Aya 24:9 – And a fifth (oath), calling for the wrath of God (meaning, the anger of God) on her (the wife) if he is telling the truth (when the husband accuses his wife of illegal sexual intercourse).

Comment 1. Quran 24:9.

Quran 24:9 applies to adultery by married Muslims in Quran 4:25 and 24:1 – 24:2.


Quran 24:10 Koran 24:10 Verse 24:10 Ayah 24:10 Ayat 24:10 Aya 24:10 If it had not been for the grace of God and His (God’s) mercy to you (the people of Prophet Muhammad then a great punishment would have touched you for what you said falsely against Aisha Aishah the wife of Prophet Muhammad but you were saved from the punishment) because God (is the most merciful one who) is often returning (to give forgiveness) and (God is) wise.

Comment 1. In 5 AH (626 CE, 626 AD) Aisha Aishah the wife of Prophet Muhammad was falsely accused of adultery by both men and women who were her own Muslim people.


Comment 2. Quran 24:14 Verse 24:14 And had it not been for the grace and mercy of God to you (the people of Prophet Muhammad) in the world and in the Hereafter then a great punishment would have touched you for what you said (falsely against Aisha Aishah the wife of Prophet Muhammad).


Comment 3. God reveals the punishment for adultery in Quran chapter 24 and explains why there is no death penalty for adultery.

In Quran chapter 24 God showed that in the time of Prophet Muhammad the people of Prophet Muhammad were not afraid to falsely accuse of adultery the wife of the Prophet of God.

God showed Prophet Muhammad that if his people in his time were not afraid to make false accusations against his wife then after the time of Prophet Muhammad the people would be afraid of no one in their making of false accusations for adultery.

Quran chapter 24 removes death for adultery and explains why it was removed by showing what happened to the wife of the Prophet of God.

The wife of the Prophet of God was saved only because Muhammad was a living Prophet under the guidance of God.

After Prophet Muhammad left the Earth who would protect the people from similar injustice?

God replaced stoning to death for adultery with the mercy of Quran chapter 24.

Some people follow what humans did in the past instead of following what God commands today in Quran chapter 24.

Those that claim Islam supports stoning to death for adultery have gone astray because no such thing exists in the Koran Quran.

Muslims who believe in stoning to death for adultery believe human hadith stories more than they believe the book of God, the Koran Quran.

In the same way Christians who believe that Jesus Isa is God believe human hadith stories more than they believe the book of God, the Gospel Injil.

Muslim believers and supporters of stoning to death for adultery are the followers of human stories not the followers of the stories of God.

In the same way Christian believers and supporters of the idea that Jesus Isa is God or a partner with God are also the followers of human stories not the followers of the stories of God.

When human hadith stories are believed more than the Books of God in the Torah Taurat, Gospel Injil and Koran Quran then the result is misguidance because humans have trusted human stories more than humans have trusted the stories of God.

On the day of Judgement the innocent will testify against their killer.

Quran 81:9 Verse 81:9 “For what crime were you (the baby girl) killed? (The baby girl shall say in the hereafter, “They killed me on the earth without a just reason”).


Comment 4. Stoning to death for adultery cannot be found in the Koran Quran.

God forgives adultery.

God is always ready to forgive because God is the Most Merciful.

Today stoning to death for adultery is not in the religion of God.

Today stoning to death for adultery is not in the teachings of God.

In the Quran the law for illegal sexual intercourse for unmarried Muslims is Quran 4:15 – 4:18.

In the Quran the law for adultery by married Muslims is Quran 4:25 and 24:1 – 24:2.

Forgiveness for all sins including adultery is in Quran 3:135 – 3:136, 4:17 – 4:18, 4:110, 25:68 – 25:71.


Quran 24:11 Koran 24:11 Verse 24:11 Ayah 24:11 Ayat 24:11 Aya 24:11 Those who spread the lie (that Aisha Aishah the wife of Prophet Muhammad had committed illegal sexual intercourse with another man) are a group among you (the people of Prophet Muhammad, the Muslims). Do not see it (the suffering) as a bad thing for you (those who are falsely accused), No, it is good for you (because God rewards patient suffering). Every person (who falsely lied about Aisha Aishah) shall have what they have earned of the sin (of a lie that could have resulted in the death of an innocent woman) and the person among them who had the greater share in it (the lie that could have resulted in the death of an innocent woman), for them shall be an awful punishment.

Comment 1. The first time God removed stoning to death for adultery from the Quran.

The Necklace affair. 

The first time God removed stoning to death for adultery from the Quran was after God showed Prophet Muhammad how his own Muslim people falsely accused his wife of adultery.

The Affair of the Necklace, the Necklace affair is the time when a caravan convoy left without Aisha Aishah, the wife of Prophet Muhammad while she was searching for her lost necklace.

She was alone for several hours until a young man found her and took her to her caravan convoy.

The false accusation of adultery made by Muslims against Aisha Aishah, the wife of Prophet Muhammad took place in 5 AH (626 CE, 626 AD) when Prophet Muhammad was returning with Aisha Aishah from a campaign of fighting against the Arab tribe of Banu Mustaliq of the Juwairiah’s tribe who lived in the territory of Qadid on the Red Sea shore today on the west coast of Saudi Arabia between Jeddah and Rabigh.

At that time Banu Mustaliq was allied with the stone idol worshippers of Mecca Arabia today Makkah Saudi Arabia.

The Necklace affair started at sunrise when the people who were camping moved out but Aisha Aishah, the wife of Prophet Muhammad who accompanied Prophet Muhammad had been left behind and alone for several hours.

Aisha Aishah was found by a young man who took her to the new camp site.

This event was the source of the false accusation of adultery by the people of Prophet Muhammad, both Muslim men and Muslim women against Aisha Aishah, the wife of Prophet Muhammad.


It would have been at a time after this event that occurred in 5 AH (626 CE, 626 AD) that Prophet Muhammad would have said about stoning to death “I cannot write it down anymore” (From Abu Ya‘la al-Mawsili who died 307 AH recorded in his Musnad and al-Nasa`I who died 303 AH recorded in his Sunan record).

(“I cannot write it down anymore” means God does not allow Prophet Muhammad to recite the verse about stoning to death for adultery anymore so that someone can write it down or memorize it because God has cancelled that verse).


Comment 2. The first time God removed stoning to death for adultery from the Quran was during the life of Prophet Muhammad.

See Quran 24:1 comments.


Comment 3. Quran chapter 24 removes death for adultery and explains why it was removed by showing what happened to the wife of the Prophet of God.

The wife of the Prophet of God was saved only because Muhammad was a living Prophet under the guidance of God.

After Prophet Muhammad left the Earth who would protect the people from similar injustice?

God replaced stoning to death for adultery with the mercy of Quran chapter 24.


Quran 24:12 Koran 24:12 Verse 24:12 Ayah 24:12 Ayat 24:12 Aya 24:12 Why did not the believers (both) men and women when you heard it (the lie that Aisha Aishah the wife of Prophet Muhammad had committed illegal sexual intercourse with another man, not) think good about your own people and say, “This (accusation) is clearly a lie?”


Quran 24:13 Koran 24:13 Verse 24:13 Ayah 24:13 Ayat 24:13 Aya 24:13 Why did they not bring four witnesses (to confirm that Aisha Aishah the wife of Prophet Muhammad had committed illegal sexual intercourse with another man)? Since they come without such witnesses, then in the sight of God they are liars.

Comment 1. God reveals the punishment for adultery in Quran chapter 24 and explains why there is no death penalty for adultery.

In Quran chapter 24 God showed that in the time of Prophet Muhammad the people of Prophet Muhammad were not afraid to falsely accuse of adultery the wife of the Prophet of God.

God showed Prophet Muhammad that if his people in his time were not afraid to make false accusations against his wife then after the time of Prophet Muhammad the people would be afraid of no one in their making of false accusations for adultery.

Quran chapter 24 removes death for adultery and explains why it was removed by showing what happened to the wife of the Prophet of God.

The wife of the Prophet of God was saved only because Muhammad was a living Prophet under the guidance of God.

After Prophet Muhammad left the Earth who would protect the people from similar injustice?

God replaced stoning to death for adultery with the mercy of Quran chapter 24.

Some people follow what humans did in the past instead of following what God commands today in Quran chapter 24.

On the day of Judgement the innocent will testify against their killer.

Quran 81:9 Verse 81:9 “For what crime were you (the baby girl) killed? (The baby girl shall say in the hereafter, “They killed me on the earth without a just reason”).


Quran 24:14 Koran 24:14 Verse 24:14 Ayah 24:14 Ayat 24:14 Aya 24:14 And had it not been for the grace and mercy of God to you (the people of Prophet Muhammad) in the world and in the Hereafter then a great punishment would have touched you for what you said (falsely against Aisha Aishah the wife of Prophet Muhammad).

Comment 1. Quran chapter 24 removes death for adultery and explains why it was removed by showing what happened to the wife of the Prophet of God.

The wife of the Prophet of God was saved only because Muhammad was a living Prophet under the guidance of God.

After Prophet Muhammad left the Earth who would protect the people from similar injustice?

God replaced stoning to death for adultery with the mercy of Quran chapter 24.


Quran 24:15 Koran 24:15 Verse 24:15 Ayah 24:15 Ayat 24:15 Aya 24:15 When you talked about it (the lie about Aisha Aishah the wife of Prophet Muhammad having committed illegal sexual intercourse with another man) and said (about Aisha Aishah) what you did not know, and took it lightly (as a small matter of harmless gossip) in the sight of God it (your gossip) was serious (in sin because your gossip could have resulted in the death of an innocent woman).

Comment 1. The first time God removed stoning to death for adultery from the Quran.

The interpretation “a very great matter that could have resulted in the death of an innocent woman” is included here because it was only after this experience in 5 AH (626 CE, 626 AD) that Prophet Muhammad said about the verse of stoning to death for adultery, “I cannot write it down anymore” (From Abu Ya‘la al-Mawsili who died 307 AH recorded in his Musnad and al-Nasa`I who died 303 AH recorded in his Sunan record).

(“I cannot write it down anymore” means God does not allow Prophet Muhammad to recite the verse about stoning to death for adultery anymore so that someone can write it down or memorize it because God has cancelled that verse..


Comment 2. God removed stoning to death for adultery.

The error of stoning to death for adultery. 

How God removed stoning to death for adultery in the Torah Taurat, Gospel Injil and Koran Quran.

How God removed stoning to death for adultery in the Quran three times.

In the Quran the law for illegal sexual intercourse for unmarried Muslims is Quran 4:15 – 4:18.

In the Quran the law for adultery by married Muslims is Quran 4:25 and 24:1 – 24:2.

Forgiveness for all sins is confirmed in Quran 3:135 – 3:136, 4:17 – 4:18, 4:110, 25:68 – 25:71.


Comment 3. Quran chapter 24 removes death for adultery and explains why it was removed by showing what happened to the wife of the Prophet of God.

The wife of the Prophet of God was saved only because Muhammad was a living Prophet under the guidance of God.

After Prophet Muhammad left the Earth who would protect the people from similar injustice?

God replaced stoning to death for adultery with the mercy of Quran chapter 24.


Quran 24:16 Koran 24:16 Verse 24:16 Ayah 24:16 Ayat 24:16 Aya 24:16 So when you heard it (the gossip about Aisha Aishah the wife of Prophet Muhammad), why did you not say, “It is not for us to speak about this. Exalted are You (God) This is great slander.”


Quran 24:17 Koran 24:17 Verse 24:17 Ayah 24:17 Ayat 24:17 Aya 24:17 God warns you not to do anything like this ever again, if you are believers (in God).

Comment 1. Quran chapter 24 removes death for adultery and explains why it was removed by showing what happened to the wife of the Prophet of God.

The wife of the Prophet of God was saved only because Muhammad was a living Prophet under the guidance of God.

After Prophet Muhammad left the Earth who would protect the people from similar injustice?

God replaced stoning to death for adultery with the mercy of Quran chapter 24.


Quran 24:18 Koran 24:18 Verse 24:18 Ayah 24:18 Ayat 24:18 Aya 24:18 God makes His message clear to you (for example God has revealed the punishment of flogging in Quran 24:1 – 24:2 and then clearly explains to you who receives the punishment of flogging in Quran 24:4 – 24:18). God knows all and is wise.

Comment 1. Quran 24:18 is a clear verse from God. 

Quran 24:18 is a clear verse from God that the punishment in Quran 24:2 which is flogging and not stoning to death is for married men and women who commit illegal sexual intercourse because God is revealing the story of Aisha Aishah who is a married woman, the wife of Prophet Muhammad who was falsely accused of adultery.


Quran 24:1 Verse 24:1 Ayah 24:1 We (God revealed through Angel Gabriel Jibril to Prophet Muhammad) have revealed this chapter which We (God) have made a duty (for humans to obey) and in which We (God) have revealed clear verses so that you may take heed (to follow what God has commanded in this chapter).


Comment 2. The punishment for illegal sexual intercourse by unmarried Muslims is in Quran 4:15 – 4:18.

See Quran 4:15 – 4:18 comment in Quran chapter 4.


Quran 24:19 Koran 24:19 Verse 24:19 Ayah 24:19 Ayat 24:19 Aya 24:19 Those who love to spread slander about immorality (such as illegal sexual intercourse) among the believers, they (who slander) shall have a painful punishment in the world and in the Hereafter. God knows (what shall happen to you) but you do not know (what shall happen to you in the future of this world and in the Hereafter).

Comment 1. Quran chapter 24 removes death for adultery and explains why it was removed by showing what happened to the wife of the Prophet of God.

The wife of the Prophet of God was saved only because Muhammad was a living Prophet under the guidance of God.

After Prophet Muhammad left the Earth who would protect the people from similar injustice?

God replaced stoning to death for adultery with the mercy of Quran chapter 24.


Quran 24:20 Koran 24:20 Verse 24:20 Ayah 24:20 Ayat 24:20 Aya 24:20 And if it had not been for the grace of God and His (God’s) mercy to you (a great punishment would have touched you but you were saved from the punishment) because God is the most kind and the most merciful.

Comment 1. God is the most merciful.

Quran chapter 24 removes death for adultery and explains why it was removed by showing what happened to the wife of the Prophet of God.

The wife of the Prophet of God was saved only because Muhammad was a living Prophet under the guidance of God.

After Prophet Muhammad left the Earth who would protect the people from similar injustice?

God replaced stoning to death for adultery with the mercy of Quran chapter 24.


Quran 24:21 Koran 24:21 Verse 24:21 Ayah 24:21 Ayat 24:21 Aya 24:21 All you who believe (in God), do not follow the footsteps of Satan Shaitan. Whoever follows the footsteps of Satan Shaitan enjoins immorality (such as illegal sexual intercourse) and wrongdoing (such as disbelief, bad behaviour and bad attitude). Had it not been for the grace of God and His (God’s) mercy to you (those Muslims who slandered the wife of Prophet Muhammad by falsely accusing Aisha Aishah of adultery), not one of you would have been cleaned (of your sin). But God cleans (people by forgiving and removing sin from) whom He (God) will. God hears and knows all.

Comment 1. Quran chapter 24 removes death for adultery and explains why it was removed by showing what happened to the wife of the Prophet of God.

The wife of the Prophet of God was saved only because Muhammad was a living Prophet under the guidance of God.

After Prophet Muhammad left the Earth who would protect the people from similar injustice?

God replaced stoning to death for adultery with the mercy of Quran chapter 24.


Quran 24:22 Koran 24:22 Verse 24:22 Ayah 24:22 Ayat 24:22 Aya 24:22 And do not let those among you who are righteous and wealthy swear not to give (help) to their relatives and to the needy and to the emigrants who left their homes (in Mecca Arabia today Makkah Saudi Arabia because of the persecution against them by the stone idol worshippers) to serve God (in their new home of Yathrib later Medina Arabia today Madinah Saudi Arabia). So pardon them and forget (whatever was unpleasant). Do you not hope that God may forgive you? (So you should also forgive others who are around you). God is forgiving and merciful.

Comment 1. Forgive people like you want God to forgive you.


Quran 24:23 Koran 24:23 Verse 24:23 Ayah 24:23 Ayat 24:23 Aya 24:23 Those who accuse innocent, believing women (of illegal sexual intercourse) are cursed (by having lost the mercy of God) in the world and in the Hereafter. For them there shall be a great punishment.

Comment 1. Quran chapter 24 removes death for adultery and explains why it was removed by showing what happened to the wife of the Prophet of God.

The wife of the Prophet of God was saved only because Muhammad was a living Prophet under the guidance of God.

After Prophet Muhammad left the Earth who would protect the people from similar injustice?

God replaced stoning to death for adultery with the mercy of Quran chapter 24.


Quran 24:24 Koran 24:24 Verse 24:24 Ayah 24:24 Ayat 24:24 Aya 24:24 On the day (in the Hereafter) when their tongues, their hands and their feet shall testify against them about what they used to do, – (Continued Quran 24:25).


Quran 24:25 Koran 24:25 Verse 24:25 Ayah 24:25 Ayat 24:25 Aya 24:25 – On that day God shall give them their deserved reward, and they shall know that God is clearly the Truth (reality).


Quran 24:26 Koran 24:26 Verse 24:26 Ayah 24:26 Ayat 24:26 Aya 24:26 Bad words are for bad people and bad people are (inclined) to bad words. And good words are for good people, and good people are (inclined) to good words. Those (innocent of the accusation of adultery, illegal sexual intercourse) are declared innocent of what they (those who falsely accused of adultery, Aisha Aishah the wife of Prophet Muhammad) said. For them (who were falsely accused and who suffered in patience) is forgiveness (by taking away some sins that they gathered during their life because they were patient in their innocent suffering) and (rewarding them with) generous provision (in the Hereafter in Paradise).

Comment 1. Quran chapter 24 removes death for adultery and explains why it was removed by showing what happened to the wife of the Prophet of God.

The wife of the Prophet of God was saved only because Muhammad was a living Prophet under the guidance of God.

After Prophet Muhammad left the Earth who would protect the people from similar injustice?

God replaced stoning to death for adultery with the mercy of Quran chapter 24.


Quran 24:27 Koran 24:27 Verse 24:27 Ayah 24:27 Ayat 24:27 Aya 24:27 All you who believe. Do not enter houses except your own without first asking permission and greeting the people that are there (such as, "Peace be on you", “As-salamu alaykum”). That is best for you so that you may observe (good behaviour).


Quran 24:28 Koran 24:28 Verse 24:28 Ayah 24:28 Ayat 24:28 Aya 24:28 And if you find no one in (the house) then do not enter until permission has been given to you. And if it is said to you, “Go back (to your home I cannot see visitors now)”, then go away, for it is purer for you (in righteous behaviour). God knows what you do.


Quran 24:29 Koran 24:29 Verse 24:29 Ayah 24:29 Ayat 24:29 Aya 24:29 It is no sin for you to enter uninhabited houses when you need shelter. God knows what you reveal and what you conceal.


Quran 24:30 Koran 24:30 Verse 24:30 Ayah 24:30 Ayat 24:30 Aya 24:30 Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze (meaning, do not look at women with whom you are not closely related or with whom you provide no business or service) and they should guard their chastity (meaning avoid unlawful sex and cover the lower part of the body). That is purer for you (in righteous behaviour). God is aware of what you do.


Quran 24:31 Koran 24:31 Verse 24:31 Ayah 24:31 Ayat 24:31 Aya 24:31 And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze (meaning, do not look at men with whom you are not closely related or with whom you have no business or service to exchange) and they should guard their chastity (meaning avoid unlawful sex and also cover the lower part of the body), and not to display their adornment (beauty) except what is apparent of it (what is apparent is the hands and the face meaning the hands are not covered and the face is not covered). And let them draw (pull) their head covers over their bosoms (meaning cover their hair and breasts), and not display their adornment (under their garment) except to their husbands, or their fathers or fathers of their husbands or their sons or sons of their husbands or their brothers or sons of their brothers or sons of their sisters, or their women (friends) or what their right hands possess (meaning servants, slaves) or the attendants who have no physical desire among men (such as the elderly) or children who (have not reached puberty meaning they) are not aware of private aspects of (the body of) women. And let them (women) not stamp their feet to make known what they conceal of their adornment (meaning do not stamp your feet so that the movement of your breasts under the garments makes clear the breasts which are covered). And all together turn to God O believers, so that you may succeed (with the reward of Paradise Jannah in the Hereafter).


Note 1. The claim that adornment only means cloths is not correct as shown in the phrases “and not display their adornment (which is under their garment) except to their husbands, or their fathers …” and “let them (women) not stamp their feet to make known what they conceal of their adornment (meaning do not stamp your feet so that the movement of your breasts under the garments makes clear the breasts which are covered) showing that adornment means the beauty of the breasts which are under your cloths. 


Note 2. As protection from sand and heat in Arabia women may cover their hands and face like men also covered their hands and face especially when travelling on a camel meaning some people have misunderstood some hadith stories by claiming that women who covered their hands and face in Arabia are a proof that it was compulsory.


Comment 1. The veil in Islam. The Hijab in Islam. The Niqab in Islam.

The veil or hijab covers the body except for the face and the hands which are the parts of the body that are clearly noticeable referred to in Quran 24:31.

Some women wear the niqab which covers the whole face except the eyes. God has not ordered the wearing of the niqab whole face covering.


Quran 24:30 Verse 24:30 Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze (meaning, do not look at women with whom you are not closely related or with whom you provide no business or service) and they should guard their chastity (meaning avoid unlawful sex and cover the lower part of the body). That is purer for you (in righteous behaviour). God is aware of what you do.


Quran 24:31 Verse 24:31 "... and not to display their adornment (beauty) except what is apparent of it (what is apparent is the hands and the face meaning the hands are not covered and the face is not covered). And let them draw (pull) their head covers over their bosoms (meaning cover their hair and breasts), and not display their adornment (under their garment) except to their husbands ..." 


Quran 33:59 Verse 33:59 Prophet (Muhammad), Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to put their cloaks close round them (when they are outside the house). That shall be better so that they may be recognised (as believing women) and not be annoyed (by men). God is forgiving and merciful.


Quran 24:32 Koran 24:32 Verse 24:32 Ayah 24:32 Ayat 24:32 Aya 24:32 And marry those among you who are single and the righteous among your male and female slaves. If they are poor then God shall give to them from His (God’s) bounty. God knows all things.


Quran 24:33 Koran 24:33 Verse 24:33 Ayah 24:33 Ayat 24:33 Aya 24:33 And let those who cannot find a match (for marriage) keep chaste (by staying away from sexual relations) until God enriches them from His (God’s) bounty. And those of your slaves who request a contract (for eventual freedom from their slavery, emancipation from slavery), make a contract with them (so they can purchase their freedom from their owner) if you know there is some goodness in them and give to them something from the wealth of God which He (God) has given to you. Do not force your slave-girls to prostitution when they desire chastity in order that you may seek the (temporary) enjoyment of the life of the world. And if anyone forces them (to prostitution), then God shall be forgiving and merciful (to the slave girl because she was forced to do evil against her will and to slave owners who did such things in the time of ignorance before accepting Islam).

Comment 1. A girl who is raped has not fornicated. 

A girl who is raped has not committed adultery. 

Quran 24:33 disproves those who say that evidence of a baby is sufficient evidence to punish any girl who is pregnant not from her own husband.

Quran 24:33 establishes the principle that no one is allowed to force sex against the will of another person.

God wants people to know that God has forgiven those who are forced against their will to do sex because their is no sin on them.

Forced sex is called rape and only the one person who forced sex is guilty for the crime of rape. 


A slave who is forced into prostitution is forgiven by God if prostitution was forced on her against her will. 

If such a girl became pregnant 9 months later then she has committed no sin and no punishment applies to her.

This shows that other factors such as rape must when considered when deciding guilt or innocence.


Quran 24:33 “… Do not force your slave-girls to prostitution when they desire chastity in order that you may seek the (temporary) enjoyment of the life of the world. …”


Quran 24:33 “… And if anyone forces them (to prostitution), then God shall be forgiving and merciful (to the slave girl because she was forced to do evil against her will and to slave owners who did such things in the time of ignorance before accepting Islam). 


Comment 2. Slavery in Islam.

Today slavery is forbidden worldwide.

God is pleased that humans today removed slavery worldwide because 1400 years ago God decreed many times that if you want to be forgiven your sin then free the slave.


Quran 4:92 Verse 4:92 A person with faith in God must not kill another person that also has faith in God except by mistake. Whoever kills a person with faith in God by mistake, (God has ordered that) he must free a slave that has faith in God and pay compensation (blood money) to the dead person’s family, unless (that family) do not want any compensation. If the dead person belonged to a people at war with you and he had faith in God then (God has ordered that) you free a slave that has faith in God. (If the dead person belonged to a people) with whom you have a treaty of mutual alliance then (God has ordered that) you pay to his family compensation (blood money) and you must also free a slave that has faith in God. Whoever finds that the (repentance done by the freeing of a slave) is beyond their means then they must fast for two consecutive months so as to seek repentance from God. God is all knowing and all wise.

Note 1. God shows that the righteous free the slave.


Quran 24:33 Verse 24:33 "... And those of your slaves who request a contract (for eventual freedom from their slavery, emancipation from slavery), make a contract with them (so they can purchase their freedom from their owner) if you know there is some goodness in them and give to them something from the wealth of God which He (God) has given to you. ..."

Note 1. God shows that the righteous free the slave.


See: Sexual slavery in Islam. Sex with slaves in Islam. Rape of slaves in Islam. Female slaves in Islam. Sex without marriage is forbidden in Islam.



Quran 24:34 Koran 24:34 Verse 24:34 Ayah 24:34 Ayat 24:34 Aya 24:34 And We (God) have sent down for you revelations that make things clear (in the verses from God in Quran 24:1 – 24:2), and the example of those who passed away before you (for people of today this is the example of the false accusation of adultery against Aisha Aishah the wife of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 24:3 – 24:34), as a warning to those who fear God (to listen to what God has revealed).

Comment 1. Why is the punishment for adultery flogging and not death?

Quran 24:34 is a clear verse from God that the punishment in Quran 24:2 (flogging and not stoning to death) is for married men and women who commit illegal sexual intercourse because God is revealing the story of Aisha Aishah who is a married woman, the wife of Prophet Muhammad who was falsely accused of adultery.

Comment 2. The punishment for illegal sexual intercourse by unmarried Muslims is in Quran 4:15 – 4:18.

See Quran 4:15 – 4:18 comment in Quran chapter 4.


Quran 24:35 Koran 24:35 Verse 24:35 Ayah 24:35 Ayat 24:35 Aya 24:35 God is the light of the heavens and the earth. The example of His (God's) light (the guidance of God in the heart of a human) is like a niche (a shallow recess in the wall were a lamp is placed to illuminate a room in a house and) in it is a lamp. The lamp is (enclosed) in a glass. The glass (that looks) as if it were a bright star is lit from (the oil of) a blessed olive tree, (and the light is located) not in the east and not in the west (like the Sun instead the lamp can be placed anywhere). Its oil almost glows (red hot on the wick) even if fire (on the wick) does not touch it (the oil under the wick meaning, the fire is seen just above the oil that oils the red hot wick). Light on light (meaning the lamp gives a continuous light). God guides to His (God’s) light whoever He (God) wills (to be guided). And God gives examples to the people (such as here in Quran chapter 24 to those who fear God so that they are correctly guided). God knows all things (including the misguidance that would follow when some Christians believed human stories hadith that Jesus Isa is a Trinity of three sharing power with God which cannot be found in the Gospel Injil and the misguidance that would follow when some Muslims would believe human stories hadith about stoning to death for adultery instead of the hadith of God in the Quran which mentions nothing about killing people for adultery and instead teaches forgiveness for adultery in Quran 3:135 – 3:136, Quran 4:17 – 4:18, Quran 4:110 and Quran 25:68 – 25:71. God asks when you have the word of God in the Quran what other report would you believe in Quran 7:185, Quran 25:29, Quran 25:30, Quran 31:6, Quran 39:23, Quran 45:6 and Quran 77:50).

Comment 1. Why has God ordered flogging for adultery in Quran chapter 24?

A. On the day of Judgement God might (only God knows) ask the Christians who believed that Jesus Isa is God or a Trinity of three partners with God, "If you are truthful show where in My Gospel Injil you saw the words "Jesus Isa is God" or "Jesus Isa is a Trinity of three partners with God?"

This will show who were the followers of the word of God in the Gospel Injil and who were the followers of the words of humans.


Gospel of Matthew 7:21 "Not everyone saying to me (Jesus Isa), 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one doing the will of my Father (God who is the only Lord and) who is in heaven. 

Note 1. God is the Father of every creation. God is not a biological father but the word Father is used to give humans an idea of their relationship with God.

Note 2. Son means a servant of God or slave of God. 

Son does not mean a biological relationship with God or a partnership with God. 

Every creation is a willing or unwilling Son of God meaning a servant of God or slave of God.

Some Christians misunderstood the word Son to be a real biological son and this error resulted in the idea that God was a Trinity partnership of three.

Quran 3:79 Verse 3:79 It is not for any human to whom God had given the Scripture and the wisdom to judge and the rank of prophet to then say to humans, “Worship me instead of God” but (what a prophet says is) “be knowledgeable worshippers of the Lord (God) by teaching the Scripture and studying it."


Why does Jesus say "Not everyone saying to me (Jesus), 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven but only the one doing the will of my Father (God) who is in heaven." 

1. Jesus says in Gospel of Matthew 7:21 those that call Jesus "Lord" meaning God (instead of "lord" meaning master or rabbi) are mistaken and only those who follow the commandments of God who is in heaven (meaning Jesus is not God) will enter the kingdom of heaven.

2. Jesus said Jews must follow the Torah (the law) forever in Gospel of Matthew 5:17-5:20 and 23:1-23:3.

Paul who never saw Jesus came after the time of Jesus and gave the opposite message in Hebrews 8:13 claiming Jesus told him in dreams that "the Torah (law) is obsolete and will soon disappear" which is the opposite of what Jesus said in Gospel of Matthew 5:17-5:20 and 23:1-23:3 where the Torah will never be changed and must be followed by the Jewish people forever meaning whoever said they were Jesus in the dreams of Paul could not have been Jesus because they contradict the message of Jesus in the Gospel meaning those people who follow Paul are following the opposite message which Jesus delivered in the Gospel.


The message about the Torah which Paul claims he received from Jesus in dreams.

Hebrews 8:13 By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one (the Torah law) obsolete; and what is obsolete (the Torah law) and outdated will soon disappear.


The message about the Torah which Jesus delivered in the Gospel Injil.

Gospel of Matthew 5:17 Do not think that I (Jesus) have come to abolish the law (the Torah) and the prophets; I have come not to abolish them but to fulfill them.  

Note 1. The Torah Taurat is protected forever.


Gospel of Matthew 5:18 For truly I say to you, until the sky and the earth pass away (meaning until the end of the earth), not one iota, not one serif (not a dot of one letter), will by any means pass away from the Law (in the Torah) until everything is carried out (on the Day of Judgement which is after the end of the earth). 

Note 1. The Torah Taurat is protected forever. 


Gospel of Matthew 5:19 Therefore, whoever looses one of the least of these commandments (in the Torah), and teaches people the same, will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices them and teaches them, this one will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.  

Note 1. The Torah Taurat is protected forever.

Note 2. The teachings of Jesus in the Gospel that the Torah is forever in Gospel of Matthew 5:17-5:20 and the teachings of Paul that the Torah is obsolete and outdated and will soon disappear are opposite teachings meaning whoever is giving Paul his revelations in his dreams in the name of Jesus is not Jesus.

Note 3. Jesus warns that Paul will be called least (not great) in the kingdom of heaven because Paul violated the warning given by Jesus in Gospel of Matthew 5:19.


Gospel of Matthew 5:20 For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Torah scholars and Pharisees (meaning unless you use religion to serve God and to serve other humans instead of using the name of God to gain attention for yourself or for your pride or for your arrogance), you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.

Note 1. There is a difference between the righteous Torah scholars (students of the Torah) and righteous Pharisees (orthodox Jews who followed the Torah and the oral law) and the Torah scholars and Pharisees who were arrogantly using the name of God for their pride to gain attention for themselves. 


Gospel of Matthew 23:1 Then Jesus spoke to the crowd and to his disciples,

Gospel of Matthew 23:2 saying, "The Torah scholars and Pharisees took the seat of Moses;

Gospel of Matthew 23:3 therefore whatever they say to you, you should do and keep …” 

Note 1. Jesus says that the scripture that cannot be changed and must be followed forever is with the Pharisees meaning the Orthodox Jews and Jesus says “whatever they say to you, you should do and keep” meaning the Orthodox Jews have the correct word of God in the Tanakh Jewish Scripture that cannot be changed and must be followed forever” meaning any opposite teaching is a false teaching.



The teachings of Paul in his letters are opposite to the teachings of Jesus in the Gospel meaning who ever gave revelations to Paul in the name of Jesus during his dreams was not Jesus.

See 1. Gospel of Mark. Injil of Isa by Mark.


See 2. Gospel of Matthew. Injil of Isa by Matthew.


See 3. Gospel of Luke. Injil of Isa by Luke.


See 4. Gospel of John. Injil of Isa by John.



The Books of God.

Stories claiming the Torah Taurat is corrupted contradict all the teachings in the Quran telling us that the Jewish people have the Torah and telling us that the Torah is from God and telling us that no one can change the word of God because that is the proof that God is real for every human until the Day of Judgement. 


The Jewish people judge scripture as true if it confirms the Torah Taurat.

Many Muslims say the Quran does not agree with the Torah Taurat and therefore to a Jew it means the Quran cannot be from God.


If Muslims said the Quran confirms the Torah Taurat it would mean the Quran is from God but this is not what many Muslims are telling the Jewish people today.


1400 years ago Prophet Muhammad said the Quran confirms the Torah Taurat meaning confirms the Torah Taurat is correct as proof the Quran is from God but this is not the message many Muslims say to Jewish people today.


Rabbi Tovia Singer has studied the Torah Taurat and Gospel Injil and Quran and explains that the Jews have the scripture and therefore whenever anyone claims they also have the scripture the Jewish person compares their scripture to all other scriptures and if another scripture agrees with the Jewish scripture the Jew will applaud it in other words Jews are not asking if someone is or is not a prophet but a Jew asks do scriptures like the Gospel and the Quran which both say they confirm the Torah Taurat agree or disagree with the Jewish scripture.


When a Jew reads in the Quran that God is only one the Jew applauds it meaning it agrees with the Torah.

When a Jew reads some Christian opinions that God is a Trinity the Jew does not applaud it meaning it disagrees with the Torah Taurat.

See 1. Quran 28:52 comments in Quran chapter 28.

See 2. Quran 28:53 comments in Quran chapter 28.

See 3. Quran 28:54 comments in Quran chapter 28.

See 4. Quran 4:162 comments in Quran chapter 4.


Evidence for the truth is the Quran confirming the Torah Taurat is correct. 

Quran 3:93 Ayah 3:93 “… Say (Prophet Muhammad, to the Jews of Yathrib), "Bring the Torah Taurat here and recite it (to me as evidence) if what you say is true."

Note 1. The proof of truth according to the Quran is the Torah Taurat meaning no one changed the Torah Taurat.

Note 2. The Quran confirms the Torah Taurat is with the Jewish people and the Quran confirms no one can change the word of God.

Note 3. God tells the Jews to recite the Torah Taurat meaning the Jews have the Torah Taurat and no one changed it.

Note 4. If anyone can prove the Torah Taurat was changed then they have found the proof that God does not exist.

Note 5. God says the proof of truth is the Quran confirming what is with the Jewish people in the Torah Taurat meaning there are no contradictions between the Quran which is with the Muslim people and the Torah Taurat which is with the Jewish people.


Quran 2:41 Ayah 2:41 And believe in what I (God) have revealed (in the Quran) confirming that which is with you (ithe Jewish people n the Torah Taurat as proof to the stone idol worshipers of Makkah in Quran 6:114, Quran 46:10 and Quran 10:94 that the Quran is not an invented story) ..."

Note 1. The Quran confirms the Torah Taurat which is with the Jewish people forever.


Quran 4:136 Ayah 4:136 “... and whoever has no faith inHis (God’s) Books, … then he has strayed far away (from God).


B. On the day of Judgement God might (only God knows) ask the Muslims who believed in killing people for adultery, "If you are truthful show where in My Quran you saw the words "Kill people for adultery" or "stone people to death for adultery?"

This will show who were the followers of the word of God in the Koran Quran and who were the followers of the words of humans.


Quran 25:29 Verse 25:29 He (Satan Shaitan) has misguided me from the remembrance (of God) after it (the Word of God in the Quran) had reached me.” Satan Shaitan always betrays humans (by misleading them).


Quran 25:30 Verse 25:30 And (on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement) the messenger (Prophet Muhammad) said, “My Lord (God) my people have abandoned (deserted) this Quran (to follow false messages, false words, false news, false reports, false information, false statements, false hadith).” 

Note 1. On the Day of Resurrection and Judgement Prophet Muhammad will say “My Lord my people have abandoned this Quran (to follow false messages, false words, false news, false reports, false information, false statements, false hadith).”


Quran 6:114 Verse 6:114 Say (Prophet Muhammad), “Shall I (Prophet Muhammad) seek someone other than God as judge when it is He (God) who has sent down the Book (Quran) clearly explaining the truth?” Those to whom We (God) gave the Scripture before (the Jews and the Christians) know that it (the Quran) is the truth revealed from your Lord (God). (So) do not be one of those who doubt (the Quran).

Note 1. God says the Quran clearly explains the truth.


Quran 15:9 Verse 15:9 We (God) have sent down the reminder (of God in the Quran) and We (God) shall guard it (to prevent addition and subtraction in the Quran like the promise to protect the Torah Taurat in Deuteronomy 4:2 and Deuteronomy 13:1 in Jewish Tanakh or Deuteronomy 12:32 in a Christian Bible by the command of God that the Torah Taurat be followed for 100,000 years which is the thousandth generation if each generation lived for 100 years in Deuteronomy 5:10 meaning forever in Deuteronomy 29:28 in Jewish Tanakh or Deuteronomy 29:29 in a Christian Bible for the children of Israel. For the Jewish people mentioned in Isaiah 36:11 and Isaiah 36:13 the Torah is protected by God forever in Isaiah 59:21 like the promise that the Torah is protected forever by God for the Jewish people in Gospel of Matthew 5:17-5:20 because the Torah is the covenant agreement between God and the Jewish people forever in Quran 2:40 as proof that God does not change His word and His promises and His covenant agreements).

Note 1. The word of God is protected as proof God is real.

Note 2. If the word of God was not protected then there would be no proof that God and His books were real.

Note 3. The word of God is protected as proof God is real so that humans can believe the promise of life after death.

Note 4. The proof God is real is the Quran confirming the Tanakh Jewish Scripture and explaining the story of Prophet Jesus Isa in the Gospel Injil so that humans can believe the promise of life after death.


Quran 16:89 Verse 16:89 And (mention) the Day (the Day of Judgement) when We (God) shall resurrect among every nation a witness from their own people (their messenger from God, their prophet from God), and We (God) shall bring you (Prophet Muhammad) as a witness (on the Day of Judgement to your nation). And We (God) have reveal the Scripture (The Quran) to you (Prophet Muhammad) as an explanation of everything (necessary to understand God) and as guidance (in the affairs of humans) and as a mercy (to humans) and as good news (of resurrection after death and Paradise) for those who have submitted (to God).

Note 1. The Quran explains everything necessary to understand God and is a guide for the affairs of humans.

Note 2. If Jesus Isa is not God then what will be the role of Jesus Isa on the Day of Judgement?

What will be the role of Isa on the Day of Judgement?

What will be the role of Jesus on the Day of Judgment?

What will be the role of Isa on the Day of Judgment?

Quran 16:89 Verse 16:89 And (mention) the Day (the Day of Judgement) when We (God) shall resurrect among every nation a witness from their own people (their messenger from God, their prophet from God), ..."


Quran 28:85 Verse 28:85 He (God) who has decreed for you (Prophet Muhammad) the Quran shall return you home (to God in the Hereafter). Say, “My Lord (God) is best aware of the person who brings guidance and the person who is in clear error.”

Note 1. God knows who follows guidance and who follows misguidance.

Note 2. God decreed guidance in the Quran.


C. When evil comes to you reject it.

Psalms of David Dawud. Zabur of David Dawud, Jewish Hebrew Bible.

Psalm 110:115 Go away from me you evildoers so that I may keep the commandments of my God (to do good and reject evil).

Note 1. Why is stoning to death for adultery an evil belief today?

Today the belief in stoning to death for adultery is an evil belief because it uses the words of humans to reject what God has ordered in the Quran in the same way as some Christians use the words of humans regarding belief in Trinity to reject what God has ordered in the Gospel Injil.

Note 2. Why is stoning to death for adultery a false belief today?

In the Quran the law for illegal sexual intercourse for unmarried Muslims is Quran 4:15 – 4:18.

In the Quran the law for adultery by married Muslims is Quran 4:25 and 24:1 – 24:2.

Forgiveness for all sins is confirmed in Quran 3:135 – 3:136, 4:17 – 4:18, 4:110, 25:68 – 25:71.

Note 3. Why is Trinity a false belief?

In the Gospel Jesus said he is not God.

In the Injil Isa said he is not God.

Gospel of Matthew 23:9 And call no one on earth your father (God), because there is only one father (God) for you, the heavenly one.

Note 1. God is not in one place but to show that Jesus Isa who is speaking on the Earth is not God the expression God in heaven is used.

Note 2. God is the Father of every creation. God is not a biological father but the word Father is used to give humans an idea of their relationship with God.

Note 3. Son means a servant of God or slave of God. 

Son does not mean a biological relationship with God or a partnership with God. 

Every creation is a willing or unwilling Son of God meaning a servant of God or slave of God.

Some Christians misunderstood the word Son to be a real biological son and this error resulted in the idea that God was a Trinity partnership of three.


Gospel of Mark 13:32 "But as to that day or that hour (the time of the Day of Resurrection), no one knows, not even the angels in heaven (the Holy Spirit and the other angels who are servants of God), not even the Son (Jesus who is a servant of God), but only the Father (God, who is the Father of every creation). .

Note 1. If God is one then the Gospel would teach that Jesus does not know the hour. 

Note 2. If God is three in one then the Gospel would teach both Jesus and God know the hour. 

Note 3. In the Gospel Jesus is not God because Jesus does not know the hour meaning the teaching that Jesus is God or part of God contradicts the Gospel meaning Trinity was invented after the time of Jesus and after the writing of the Gospels.

Note 4. There is only one God because no one is equal to God not Jesus and not the angels. 

Note 5. Jesus is like the angels and other creations meaning Jesus is not like God. 

In the Gospel Jesus is not God or part of God because Jesus does not know “the hour” because only God knows “the hour” meaning “God is one’ not three in one.


Gospel of Matthew 24:36 (Jesus Isa who was the prophet and messenger of God 2000 years ago said) But as for that day and hour (of the Day of Resurrection), no one knows it except the Father (God) alone; not even the angels of heaven (the Holy Spirit and the other angels who are servants of God), not even the Son (Jesus Isa who is a servant of God).

Note 1. Only God knows the hour of the Day of Resurrection.

The Holy Spirit revealed to Jesus Isa that only God knows the hour of the Day of Resurrection therefore Jesus Isa is not God and the Holy Spirit is not God because both Jesus Isa and the Holy Spirit are created by God.

Note 2. Humans including Jesus Isa and angels including the Holy Spirit are servants of God they are not God or a part of God in a Trinity or a partner with God in the ruling of the heavens and the Earth.


Quran 3:79 Verse 3:79 It is not for any human to whom God had given the Scripture and the wisdom to judge and the rank of prophet to then say to humans, “Worship me instead of God” but (what a prophet says is) “be knowledgeable worshippers of the Lord (God) by teaching the Scripture and studying it."


D. The Quran confirms the Torah Taurat and explains the story of Jesus in the Gospel Injil.

The Quran confirms the Torah Taurat and explains the story of Jesus in the Gospel Injil. 

A. Prophet Muhammad in the Torah Taurat and Gospel Injil.

See Quran 7:157 comments in Quran chapter 7.


B. Every prophet of God is “the Word of God made flesh” meaning the word of God comes out of the mouth of every prophet of God in Deuteronomy 18:18.

See Quran 5:116 comments in Quran chapter 5.


C. How did God save Jesus. 

See 1. Quran 4:157 and Quran 4:158 comments in Quran chapter 4.

See 2. Quran 29:57 comments in Quran chapter 29.


D. The second coming of Jesus and every other human is on the Day of Resurrection.

See Quran 79:7 comments in Quran chapter 79.


E. Examples of hadith stories which contradict the teachings of God in the Quran.

See Quran 25:30 comments in Quran chapter 25.


F. God protects the Quran, Gospel Injil and the Torah Taurat as proof God is real.



G. Jews and Christians who follow their Book and also believe the Quran will be rewarded twice in the hereafter.

See Quran 28:54 comments in Quran chapter 28.


Quran 24:36 Koran 24:36 Verse 24:36 Ayah 24:36 Ayat 24:36 Aya 24:36 Glorify God in the mornings and the evenings in houses (such as synagogues, temples, churches, monasteries and mosques) in which He (God) has permitted His (God’s) name to be exalted and remembered. – (Continued Quran 24:37).


Comment 1. God ordered protection to every monastery, church, synagogue and mosque.

Quran 22:40 Verse 22:40 Ayah 22:40 (They are) those (believers in Yathrib Madinah) who have been evicted from their homes unjustly (by the stone idol worshippers in Mecca Arabia today Makkah Saudi Arabia) only because they said, “Our Lord is God.” (Fighting is sometimes necessary because) had it not been that God checks (by limiting the evil that) the people (do), (when) some of them (who desire to do evil are stopped) by others (of the people who desire to do goodness) then surely monasteries and churches and synagogues and mosques in which the name of God is often mentioned would have been demolished (“monasteries” is sawamiʿu, “and churches” is wabiyaʿun, “and synagogues” is wasalawatun, “and mosques” is wamasajidu). God helps the one who helps Him (God, by protecting every monastery, church, synagogue and mosque where God is worshipped. It is illegal to kill people who are not fighting such as people who are in places of worship in Quran 2:114 and Quran 22:40. Fight in the Quran never means fight people who are not fighting you and fight in the Quran never means fighting civilians and fight in the Quran never means fighting innocent people and fight in the Quran never means fighting unarmed children or unarmed women or unarmed men who are not fighting you and fight in the Quran never means fighting people only because of their nationality or only because of their religion and fight in the Quran never means fighting people who do not wish to fight you or who surrender to you and fight in the Quran never means fighting people with whom you have a peace treaty unless the peace treaty has been violated and cancelled. See Quran 2:114, Quran 2:190, Quran 2:191, Quran 2:192, Quran 2:193, Quran 2:217, Quran 4:93, Quran 5:32, Quran 5:33, Quran 5:34, Quran 9:28, Quran 9:29, Quran 22:39, and Quran 22:40 see https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/understanding-fighting-in-the-koran  ). God is strong and almighty.

See Quran 22:40 comments in Quran chapter 22.


Quran 24:37 Koran 24:37 Verse 24:37 Ayah 24:37 Ayat 24:37 Aya 24:37 – By people for whom neither buying nor selling distracts them from remembering God nor from regular prayer nor from paying regular charity and who fear a day (of resurrection and judgement) when hearts and eyes shall turn in fear. – (Continued Quran 24:38).


Quran 24:38 Koran 24:38 Verse 24:38 Ayah 24:38 Ayat 24:38 Aya 24:38 – (Hoping) that God may reward them (according to) the best of what they did (in this world) and increase them from His (God’s) bounty. God gives provision without limit to whoever He (God) wills.


Quran 24:39 Koran 24:39 Verse 24:39 Ayah 24:39 Ayat 24:39 Aya 24:39 For those who disbelieve (in God) their deeds are like a mirage in the desert. The one who is thirsty thinks (they can see) water until they come to it and finds it is nothing, but they shall find God who shall pay them their due (with Hell in the Hereafter). God is swift in taking account (of all your good and bad deeds).

Note 1. Quran 17:60 Verse 17:60 “.... We (God) warn (people to do what is good and avoid what is evil) and make them afraid (of God by describing the home for evil doers in Hell Fire in the Hereafter) but it only increases them (some of the humans) in nothing but greater disobedience against God (and the commandment to do what is good and avoid what is evil).   


Quran 24:40 Koran 24:40 Verse 24:40 Ayah 24:40 Ayat 24:40 Aya 24:40 Or (the disbeliever is) like the darkness on (the surface of) a deep sea that is covered by wave (moving) above wave, on it (the surface of the sea waves moving on top of each other) is a (thick) cloud (which is a fog) of darkness so that when they hold out their hand they can hardly see it (their hand through the thick fog). The person for whom God has not appointed light (correct guidance from God in their heart), for them there is no light (no correct guidance from God in their heart).


Quran 24:41 Koran 24:41 Verse 24:41 Ayah 24:41 Ayat 24:41 Aya 24:41 Have you not seen that God is the one whom all that are in the heavens and the earth exalt (including) the birds (while they are) with wings spread out (in their flight)? He (God) knows the prayer and the exaltation from each (creature) and God is aware of what they (God’s creatures) do.

Comment 1. Quran 24:1 Verse 24:1 We (God revealed through Angel Gabriel Jibril to Prophet Muhammad) have revealed this chapter which We (God) have made a duty (for humans to obey) and in which We (God) have revealed clear verses so that you may take heed (to follow what God has commanded in this chapter).


Quran 24:41 Verse 24:41 Have you not seen that God is the one whom all that are in the heavens and the earth exalt (including) the birds (while they are) with wings spread out (in their flight)? He (God) knows the prayer and the exaltation from each (creature) and God is aware of what they (God’s creatures) do.


Comment 2. The second time God removed stoning to death for adultery from the Quran.

Quran 24:41 is a clear verse from God.

“God is aware of what they (God’s creatures) do” reminds us that as soon as Prophet Muhammad died, God took away the verse about stoning to death for adultery by commanding a goat to ate away the paper on which that verse was written.


God destroyed the paper on which was written the verse about stoning to death for adultery on the day of the death of Prophet Muhammad.

Quran chapter 24 replaces the verse on stoning to death for adultery which God ordered a goat to remove by eating it away on the day of the death of Prophet Muhammad.


In this hadith story from humans God made clear that with the death of Prophet Muhammad all permission for the use of stoning to death (al rajm) had ended.

Aisha (Aishah the wife of Prophet Muhammad) said “When the verses “Rajm” (Stoning) and ayah “Rezah Kabir” descended, they were written on a piece of paper and kept under my pillow.

Following the demise (death) of Prophet Muhammad a goat ate the piece of paper while we were mourning.”

Another translation is:

Aisha (Aishah the wife of Prophet Muhammad) said “The verse of stoning and of suckling an adult ten times were revealed, and they were (written) on a paper and kept under my bed.

When the Messenger of God expired and we were preoccupied with his death, a goat entered and ate away the paper.”

(From Sunan Ibn Majah, Book of Nikah, hadith 1934 and Sunan ibn Majah, Volume 2, Page 39 and Sunan Ibn Majah (Arabic), Book of Suckling 2020).

Only God has the power to command an animal to devour and take away the “Word of God.”

Aisha Aishah clearly understood what had happened when Prophet Muhammad had just died and a goat immediately came and ate away the paper with the verse of stoning to death for adultery and she did not have it written again.


God commands the goat to take away the word of God.

God knows what the goat is doing.

Quran 24:41 Ayah 24:41 Have you not seen that God is the one whom all that are in the heavens and the earth exalt (including) the birds (while they are) with wings spread out (in their flight)? He (God) knows the prayer and the exaltation from each (creature) and God is aware of what they (God’s creatures) do.


The verse about stoning to death for adultery had been revealed by God during the life of Prophet Muhammad when Prophet Muhammad had first chosen it from the Torah Taurat law instead of flogging for adultery which was what the Jews in Yathrib had been doing.


After God had shown Prophet Muhammad the consequences of Prophet Muhammad’s choice of punishment in one stoning (of Ma'iz ibn Malik where Prophet Muhammad said to his people, “Why did you not leave him alone (by stopping the stoning)? Perhaps he might have repented and been forgiven by God”) and after another stoning (of a woman from Juhaina where Prophet Muhammad said , “She has made such a (big) repentance that if it (her repentance) were to be divided among seventy men of Medina, it (her repentance) would be enough (to forgive 70 men) and finally in the false accusation for adultery by his own people against his wife Aisha Aishah, Prophet Muhammad understood what God was showing him and in regards to stoning to death for adultery Prophet Muhammad said, “I cannot write it down anymore” (From Abu Ya‘la al-Mawsili who died 307 AH recorded in his Musnad and al-Nasa`I who died 303 AH recorded in his Sunan record).

Note 1. “I cannot write it down anymore.” This means God does not allow Prophet Muhammad to recite the verse about stoning to death for adultery anymore so that someone can write it down or memorize it because God has cancelled that verse.

Note 2. With the death of Prophet Muhammad, God commanded a goat to eat away the paper containing the verse about stoning to death for adultery.

Only God has the power to decide what is in God’s Quran and God showed that with the death of Prophet Muhammad the authority from God for stoning to death had been removed by God himself through the action of a goat eating away (taking away) the Word of God.


God commands the white ants to take away the words that were written in the name of God.

God gave a similar sign during the time when an agreement to ban assistance to the first Muslims was made between the tribes of Mecca Arabia today Makkah Saudi Arabia.

The agreement banned assistance and trade and removed from Mecca Makkah the Muslim members of the tribes of Bani Hashim and Bani Abdul Muttalib to a barren valley of hunger and isolation called Sheb Abi Talib (Abu Talib valley) in 7BH 615 CE 615 AD until and unless the Muslims agreed to return to the religion of praying to stone statues idols.

The agreement to ban the Muslims was written on parchment paper and placed on the wall inside the Kabah the Holy House in Mecca Makkah.

The agreement came to an end after 3 years when God showed God’s disagreement with that agreement by ordering white ants to eat that agreement so that the only thing left not eaten away were the words “In Your name, O God.”


Just as God had shown God’s will by ordering white ants to eat away the agreement that banned all aid to Muslims and exiled Muslims to a barren valley of hunger and isolation so too did God order that when Prophet Muhammad died a goat should immediately eat away the paper on which was written the verse al rajm the stoning to death for adultery.

God first used white ants to remove a paper that contained a ban on Muslims and later a goat to remove the verse about stoning to death for adultery as a mercy from God on the believers.

God makes God’s will clear to whoever God wills it to be clear.

Satan Shaitan confuses humans to show who believe the word of humans and who believe the word of God.


God knows what ants and goats and every creature is doing.

Quran 24:41 Ayah 24:41 Have you not seen that God is the one whom all that are in the heavens and the earth exalt (including) the birds (while they are) with wings spread out (in their flight)? He (God) knows the prayer and the exaltation from each (creature) and God is aware of what they (God’s creatures) do.


Quran 24:42 Koran 24:42 Verse 24:42 Ayah 24:42 Ayat 24:42 Aya 24:42 And to God belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth and to God is the destination (in the hereafter).


Quran 24:43 Koran 24:43 Verse 24:43 Ayah 24:43 Ayat 24:43 Aya 24:43 Have you not seen how God moves the clouds? Then he (God) brings them together, then makes them into a mass, and then you see the rain come from them. He (God) sends down from the sky, mountains (of cloud) in which there is hail (stones), and strikes with it whoever He (God) will, and averts it from whoever He (God) will. The flashing of His (God’s) lightning temporarily takes away the eyesight (so for a moment you cannot see anything).

Comment 1. The sail of a ship looks like a mountain on the horizon of the sea in Quran 55:24 in the same way as storm clouds look like mountains in the sky in Quran 24:43 meaning these verses describe what is seen by the eye.. 


Quran 24:44 Koran 24:44 Verse 24:44 Ayah 24:44 Ayat 24:44 Aya 24:44 God alternates the day and the night. This is indeed a lesson for those who understand (the meaning of what they see).

Comment 1. Understanding the lesson in Quran chapter 24.

Quran 24:1 Verse 24:1 We (God revealed through Angel Gabriel Jibril to Prophet Muhammad) have revealed this chapter which We (God) have made a duty (for humans to obey) and in which We (God) have revealed clear verses so that you may take heed (to follow what God has commanded in this chapter).

Quran 24:44 Verse 24:44 God alternates the day and the night. This is indeed a lesson for those who understand (the meaning of what they see).

Comment 2. Understanding what God has revealed in Quran chapter 24.

1. The first time God removed stoning to death for adultery in the Quran was when the wife of the prophet was falsely accused of adultery.

2. The second time God removed stoning to death for adultery in the Quran was when God caused a goat to eat away the paper on which was written stoning to death for adultery.

3. The third time God removed stoning to death for adultery in the Quran was when the Quran was compiled after the death of the prophet when two people could not be found to testify that stoning to death for adultery was in the Quran. 

4. The Umar hadith about stoning to death for adultery.

Muhammad bin Ja‘far and Hajjaj said that, Shu‘bah said that, Sa‘d bin Ibrahim said that, ‘Ubayd allah bin ‘Utbah said that, Ibn ‘Abbas said that, ‘Abd al-Rahman bin ‘‘Awf said, Umar (Umar bin Khattab) performed hajj and intended to address the people.

Abd al-Rahman bin ‘Awf said (to ‘Umar), all kinds of riff raff (ra‘a‘) have gathered around you (in the season of hajj), so delay it till you go to Madinah.

When he arrived in Madinah, I sat close to him near the minbar and I heard him (Umar bin Khattab) say,There are people who say, “What is this al-rajm (the stoning) when in the Book of God there is only flogging?”

The Messenger of God stoned and we stoned after him.

Were it not that they (the people) shall say I (Umar bin Khattab) have inscribed in the Book of God (the Quran) what is not there, I (Umar bin Khattab) would have inscribed it as it was sent down (by God).”(Ahmad 333). 


If you were Umar would you say “Were it not that they (the people) shall say I (Umar bin Khattab) have inscribed in the Book of God (the Quran) what is not there, I (Umar bin Khattab) would have inscribed it as it was sent down (by God).”

In this hadith Umar is more afraid of the people than the command of God which Umar said should be written by him in the Quran. 

Surely Umar would have said “I am not afraid of the people but I am afraid of God so I am going to write this command in the Quran so that I can face God on the Day of Judgement.”

If Umar wrote in the Quran then today we would say it was the will of God because God protects the Quran.

However Umar did not write in the Quran because it was the will of God to remove stoning to death for adultery from Islam confirmed by Prophet Muhammad who said “I cannot write it down anymore” and confirmed on the day of the death of Prophet Muhammad when God commanded a goat to eat away the verse on stoning to death for adultery.

The Umar hadith on stoning to death for adultery is a false hadith story because Umar would not fear people more that he feared God.


Quran 2:40 Verse 2:40 “… fear no one except Me (God).” 

Quran 2:150 Verse 2:150 “… So do not fear them (humans) but fear Me (God) so that I (God) may complete My (God’s) blessings on you and that you may walk on the right path.

Quran 2:155 Verse 2:155 “And We (God) shall test you with some fear …” 

Quran 3:173 Verse 3:173 Those to whom the people said, "the people have gathered against you so fear them" instead increased the faith of the faithful and they said, "God (alone) is all we need and He (God) is our best protector." 

Quran 2:189 Verse 2:189 “… righteous (is the person) who fears God.” 

Quran 3:175 Verse 3:175 It is only Satan Shaitan that suggests that you fear his supporters, so do not fear them but fear Me (God), if you have (true) faith (in God). 

Quran 4:77 Verse 4:77 “… then suddenly some of them feared humans as they feared God or even feared humans more than they feared God …. The Hereafter is much better for those who fear God …” 

Quran 5:3 Verse 5:3 “… Today those without faith have despair of (not being able to destroy) your religion, so do not fear them (humans) but fear Me (God) instead …” 

Quran 5:44 Verse 5:44 “… So do not fear humans but fear Me (God) Whoever does not judge by what God has revealed is a disbeliever in God.” 

Quran 5:54 Verse 5:54 O you who have faith (in God), Whoever leaves his religion, (know that soon) God shall bring a people (to replace them) whom He (God) loves and who love Him (God) and (they shall be) humble toward those with faith (in God) and stern toward those without faith (in God), striving in the way of God and without fear of anyone who may criticize them. …” 

Quran 9:13 Verse 9:13 “… Surely God has more right that you should fear Him (God), if you are (true) believers (in God).” 

Quran 12:57 Verse 12:57 “… And the reward of the Hereafter is better for those who believe and who used to fear God.  

Quran 16:50 Verse 16:50 They (who believe in God) fear their Lord (God) above them (humans) and they do what they are commanded. 

Quran 16:52 Verse 16:52 To Him (God) belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth and to Him (God) is due constant worship. Shall you then fear anyone other than God?


Quran 24:12 Verse 24:12 Why did not the believers (both) men and women when you heard it (the lie that Aishah the wife of Prophet Muhammad had committed illegal sexual intercourse with another man, or in this example of the lies in hadith stories that Umar said he was more afraid of people than God) think good about your own people and say, “This (story or hadith) is clearly a lie?” 


Quran 24:45 Koran 24:45 Verse 24:45 Ayah 24:45 Ayat 24:45 Aya 24:45 God has created every creature from water. Of them are some that creep on their bellies, some that walk on two legs and some that walk on four (legs). God creates what He (God) will. God is able to do all things.

Comment 1. The Quran index of the creation.

See Quran 41:9 comment in Quran chapter 41


Quran 24:46 Koran 24:46 Verse 24:46 Ayah 24:46 Ayat 24:46 Aya 24:46 Certainly We (God) have sent down revelations (God revealed Quran 24:1 – 24:2) and explained them (in Quran 24:4 – 24:46). God guides whoever He (God) wills to a straight path.

Comment 1. Quran 24:18 is a clear verse from God. 

Quran 24:18 is a clear verse from God that the punishment in Quran 24:2 which is flogging and not stoning to death is for married men and women who commit illegal sexual intercourse because God is revealing the story of Aisha Aishah who is a married woman, the wife of Prophet Muhammad who was falsely accused of adultery.

Quran 24:18 Verse 24:18 God makes His message clear to you (for example God has revealed the punishment of flogging in Quran 24:1 – 24:2 and then clearly explains to you who receives the punishment of flogging in Quran 24:4 – 24:18). God knows all and is wise.

Comment 2. The punishment for illegal sexual intercourse by unmarried Muslims is in Quran 4:15 – 4:18.

See Quran 4:15 – 4:18 comment in Quran chapter 4. 


Quran 24:47 Koran 24:47 Verse 24:47 Ayah 24:47 Ayat 24:47 Aya 24:47 And they (the hypocrites who say they believe in God but they really do not believe in God) say, “We believe in God and the messenger (Prophet Muhammad) and we obey” and then a group of them turn away (from doing what was revealed). Those are not believers.

Comment 1. Quran 24:1 is a clear verse from God.

Quran 24:1 Verse 24:1 We (God revealed through Angel Gabriel Jibril to Prophet Muhammad) have revealed this chapter which We (God) have made a duty (for humans to obey) and in which We (God) have revealed clear verses so that you may take heed (to follow what God has commanded in this chapter).

Comment 2. Quran 24:47 is a clear verse from God.

In Quran 24:47 God tells us that the hypocrites say they believe in God and then they do not follow what God has revealed.

Why do people today who stone people to death for adultery and then say they believe in God not follow the orders of God to flog for adultery and not to kill for adultery as God has commanded in God’s Quran chapter 24?

Whose order do they follow? Is it God’s order that is guaranteed by God to be protected by God in the Quran or the order from humans which have no guaranteed protection from God in stories hadith from humans?

Comment 3. God has clearly commanded flogging in Quran 24:1 – 24:2 and then revealed clear examples of where it applies by giving the story of the accusation of adultery against a married woman.

Comment 4. The punishment for unmarried people is in Quran 4:15 – 4:18.

illegal sexual intercourse by unmarried Muslims.

See Quran 4:15 – 4:18 comment in Quran chapter 4.


Comment 5. Why are people punished differently for sexual intercourse?

A. Married Muslims in adultery receive the maximum punishment because they have violated their marriage contract. Penalty is 100 lashings (Not death) in Quran 24:1 – 24:2 and the example where this applies is in Quran 24:4 – 24:18 which is the example of a married woman accused of adultery.


B. Married Muslims in adultery who agreed to marriage when they were a slave receive half the punishment for adultery because when they agreed to marriage it is uncertain if that agreement was to gain their freedom from slavery or a sincere agreement to the marriage. God recognises the situation of a slave whose agreement to marriage might really be an agreement to freedom from slavery by showing mercy to former slaves by halving the penalty of adultery for a free married woman which is 100 lashes to 50 lashes if she was a slave at the time of marriage in Quran 4:25,

Note 1. God would be pleased that humans have made slavery illegal worldwide today.


C. Unmarried Muslims in illegal intercourse receive the minimum punishment if neither of them are married because no marriage contract is violated since neither of them is married in Quran 4:15 – 4:18.


D. The rules of adultery do not apply to non Muslims because each religion and each nation has its own beliefs. 


E. Muslims must obey the laws of the country in which they live therefore when Muslims live in non Muslim nations then Muslims must obey the laws of the nation in which they live.


Quran 24:48 Koran 24:48 Verse 24:48 Ayah 24:48 Ayat 24:48 Aya 24:48 And when they (the hypocrites who claim to believe in God) are called to God and His (God’s) messenger (Prophet Muhammad) to judge between them, a group of them turn away (refusing to come).


Quran 24:49 Koran 24:49 Verse 24:49 Ayah 24:49 Ayat 24:49 Aya 24:49 But if right had been with them (so that they were sure they would win the judgement) they would have come to him (Prophet Muhammad) quickly and obediently.


Quran 24:50 Koran 24:50 Verse 24:50 Ayah 24:50 Ayat 24:50 Aya 24:50 Is there a disease in their hearts (of hypocrisy), or have they doubts (in their belief in God), or are they afraid in case God and His (God’s) messenger would wrongly judgment them? No, they are only evildoers.


Quran 24:51 Koran 24:51 Verse 24:51 Ayah 24:51 Ayat 24:51 Aya 24:51 The only saying of believers when they are called to God and His (God’s) messenger (Prophet Muhammad) to judge between them is, “We hear and we obey.” Those are the successful (ones in the Hereafter).


Quran 24:52 Koran 24:52 Verse 24:52 Ayah 24:52 Ayat 24:52 Aya 24:52 The person who obeys God and His (God’s) messenger (Prophet Muhammad), and fears God, and keep their duty (to God), are the successful (ones in the Hereafter).


Quran 24:53 Koran 24:53 Verse 24:53 Ayah 24:53 Ayat 24:53 Aya 24:53 They (the hypocrites who claim to believe in God) strongly swear by (the name of) God that if you (Prophet Muhammad) order them, they shall do what you say. Say, “Do not swear (using the name of God) obedience known (to be false).” God is aware of what you do.  


Quran 24:54 Koran 24:54 Verse 24:54 Ayah 24:54 Ayat 24:54 Aya 24:54 Say (Prophet Muhammad to the people), “Obey God and obey the messenger.” But if you (the people) turn away, then he (Prophet Muhammad) is only responsible for the duty placed on him (by God to pass the message of God), and you (the people) are only responsible for the duty placed on you (by God to do good and reject evil). If you (the people) obey him (the messenger of God), then you shall be rightly guided (by God). The messenger has no other duty but to convey (the message of God) clearly.


Quran 24:55 Koran 24:55 Verse 24:55 Ayah 24:55 Ayat 24:55 Aya 24:55 God has promised those of you who believe and do good deeds that He (God) shall make them successors (to authority) on the earth just as He (God) made those who were before them to succeed (others). And that He (God) shall establish for them their religion which He (God) has chosen for them (Islam). And He (God) shall give them safety after they had fear (from persecution by the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) because they worship Me (God) without associating anything as being a partner with Me (God). Those who disbelieve (by denying God or by disobeying God’s commands) from now on (after hearing this) are the rebellious wrongdoers.

Comment 1. Quran 24:55 is a clear verse from God.

In Quran 24:55 God tells us that those who disbelieve (by denying God or by disobeying God’s commands) from now on (after hearing this) are the rebellious wrongdoers.

Why do those who stone people to death for adultery and then say they believe in God not follow the orders of God to flog for adultery and not to kill for adultery as God has commanded in God’s Quran chapter 24?

Whose order do they follow? Is it God’s order that is guaranteed by God to be protected by God in the Quran or the order from humans which have no guaranteed protection from God in stories hadith from humans?

Do you take orders from human stories hadith as if humans are a partner with God by believing humans more than believing the order of God in God’s Quran?


Comment 2. God has clearly commanded flogging in Quran 24:1 – 24:2 and then revealed the story of the accusation of adultery against a married woman. How can you believe that 24:1 – 24:2 is not the punishment for married women if God gives you a punishment followed by a lesson about a married woman who has been accused of adultery. 

Does it make sense to start a chapter by announcing a punishment of 100 lashes and then give the example of a women accused of adultery if that punishment is not for adultery by that married women?


Comment 3. Why do people who make false accusations regarding sexual intercourse get 80 lashes?

The maximum punishment for sexual misbehaviour is 100 lashes (not death) therefore anyone who makes false accusations regarding sexual intercourse for either married or unmarried, slave or free persons will receive 80 percent of the maximum punishment of 100 lashes which is 80 lashes.


Comment 4. The punishment for illegal sexual intercourse by two unmarried Muslims is in Quran 4:15 – 4:18.

Illegal sexual intercourse by two unmarried Muslims.

See Quran 4:15 – 4:18 comment in Quran chapter 4.


Quran 24:56 Koran 24:56 Verse 24:56 Ayah 24:56 Ayat 24:56 Aya 24:56 Establish worship and pay regular charity and obey the messenger (of God, Prophet Muhammad) so that you may receive mercy (from God).

Comment 1. How did people obey the messenger of God Prophet Muhammad 1400 years ago?

Quran 24:54 Verse 24:54 Say (Prophet Muhammad to the people), “Obey God and obey the messenger.” But if you (the people) turn away, then he (Prophet Muhammad) is only responsible for the duty placed on him (by God to pass the message of God), and you (the people) are only responsible for the duty placed on you (by God to do good and reject evil). If you (the people) obey him (the messenger of God), then you shall be rightly guided (by God). The messenger has no other duty but to convey (the message of God) clearly.

Note 1. The people who were alive in the time of the prophet obeyed the word of the prophet 1400 years ago.


Comment 2. How do people obey the messenger of God Prophet Muhammad today?

Quran 3:79 Verse 3:79 It is not for any human to whom God had given the Scripture and the wisdom to judge and the rank of prophet to then say to humans, “Worship me instead of God” but (what a prophet says is) “be knowledgeable worshippers of the Lord (God) by teaching the Scripture and studying it."

Note 1. God protects His word and the words of Prophet Muhammad that were spoken 1400 years ago in the Koran Quran.

Note 2. All other words of God and His prophets are not protected by God unless they are in the Books of God such as the Torah Taurat and Gospel Injil and Koran Quran.


Comment 3. Why does God protect the words of the messenger of God Prophet Muhammad in the Koran Quran?

Quran 24:52 Verse 24:52 The person who obeys God and His (God’s) messenger (Prophet Muhammad), and fears God, and keep their duty (to God), are the successful (ones in the Hereafter).


Comment 4. The Torah, Gospel and Quran are from God.

The Taurat, Injil and Quran are from God.

If the Torah Taurat is not protected then in the hereafter Jews could say they were misled by a Book that was not protected.

If the Gospel Injil is not protected then in the hereafter Christians could say they were misled by a Book that was not protected.

If the Koran Quran is not protected then in the hereafter Muslims could say they were misled by a Book that was not protected.

God protects all his books so in the hereafter no Jew or Christian or Muslim can say their Book misled them.


The Quran confirms the Torah Taurat and explains the story of Jesus in the Gospel Injil.

A. Prophet Muhammad in the Torah Taurat and Gospel Injil.

See Quran 7:157 comments in Quran chapter 7.


B. Every prophet of God is “the Word of God made flesh” meaning the word of God comes out of the mouth of every prophet of God in Deuteronomy 18:18.

See Quran 5:116 comments in Quran chapter 5.


C. How did God save Jesus. 

See 1. Quran 4:157 and Quran 4:158 comments in Quran chapter 4.

See 2. Quran 29:57 comments in Quran chapter 29.


D. The second coming of Jesus and every other human is on the Day of Resurrection.

See Quran 79:7 comments in Quran chapter 79.


E. Examples of hadith stories which contradict the teachings of God in the Quran.

See Quran 25:30 comments in Quran chapter 25.


F. God protects the Quran, Gospel Injil and the Torah Taurat as proof God is real.



G. Jews and Christians who follow their Book and also believe the Quran will be rewarded twice in the hereafter.

See Quran 28:54 comments in Quran chapter 28. 


Quran 24:57 Koran 24:57 Verse 24:57 Ayah 24:57 Ayat 24:57 Aya 24:57 Do not think that the disbelievers (in God) can escape in the land. They shall live in the Fire (of Hell in the Hereafter) which is the worst destination. 

Note 1. Quran 17:60 Verse 17:60 “.... We (God) warn (people to do what is good and avoid what is evil) and make them afraid (of God by describing the home for evil doers in Hell Fire in the Hereafter) but it only increases them (some of the humans) in nothing but greater disobedience against God (and the commandment to do what is good and avoid what is evil).  


Quran 24:58 Koran 24:58 Verse 24:58 Ayah 24:58 Ayat 24:58 Aya 24:58 All you who believe, Let your slaves whom you own, and the children who have not yet come to the age of puberty (sexual maturity), ask for your permission (before they enter your room) in these three times: Before the dawn prayer, and when you have removed your cloths to rest in the midday heat, and after the evening prayer (when it is night). These are the three times when you undress in private. There is no sin for them or for you at other times (if they enter your room without asking permission) when some of you visit each other. God makes clear the revelations for you. God knows all and is wise.


Quran 24:59 Koran 24:59 Verse 24:59 Ayah 24:59 Ayat 24:59 Aya 24:59 And when the children among you come to the age of puberty (sexual maturity) then let them ask for permission (to enter your room at all times), as do those who are senior to them (in age also) ask. And so God makes clear His (God’s) revelations for you. God knows all and is wise.


Quran 24:60 Koran 24:60 Verse 24:60 Ayah 24:60 Ayat 24:60 Aya 24:60 For the women who are past the age of child-bearing (postmenopausal) and who do not desire marriage, it is not a sin for them if they discard their (outer) clothing (in a way that is) not displaying their adornment (meaning not showing off their beauty). And if they restrain themselves (by behaving modesty it) is better for them. God hears and knows all.


Quran 24:61 Koran 24:61 Verse 24:61 Ayah 24:61 Ayat 24:61 Aya 24:61 There is no restriction on the blind nor any restriction on the lame (the weak, the disabled, the crippled, the injured, those unable to move easily, the mentally afflicted) nor any restriction on the sick nor on yourselves if you eat in your houses, or the houses of your fathers, or the houses of your mothers, or the houses of your brothers, or the houses of your sisters, or the houses of your father’s brothers, or the houses of your father’s sisters, or the houses of your mother’s brothers, or the houses of your mother’s sisters, or from whatever (house) you hold the keys, or (from the house) of a friend. There is no sin for you whether you eat together or apart. But when you enter houses, greet one another with a greeting from God that is blessed and good (such as “Peace be on you”, “As-salamu alaykum”). And so God makes clear His (God’s) revelations for you so that you may understand.


Quran 24:62 Koran 24:62 Verse 24:62 Ayah 24:62 Ayat 24:62 Aya 24:62 The believers are only those who believe in God and His (God’s) messenger (Prophet Muhammad) and when they are meeting with him on a matter they do not go away until they have asked permission from him (Prophet Muhammad). Those who ask permission of you (to leave the meeting or activity), those are the people who believe in God and His (God’s) messenger. So, if they ask you (Prophet Muhammad) permission to leave so they can do some affair of theirs then give permission to whoever you will of them, and ask for them the forgiveness of God. God is forgiving and merciful. 

Comment 1. During the life of a messenger of God he had authority to ask God to forgive humans.

Prophet Moses Musa had authority during his life to ask God to forgive humans.

Prophet Jesus Isa had authority during his life to ask God to forgive humans.

Prophet Muhammad had authority during his life to ask God to forgive humans.


Comment 2. Why can you not ask Moses Musa to ask God to forgive you today?

Why can you not ask Jesus Isa to ask God to forgive you today?

Why can you not ask Muhammad to ask God to forgive you today?

Why can you not ask Saints to ask God to forgive you today?

Why can you not ask the Virgin Mary to ask God to forgive you today?

The souls of every dead human is in the care of God until the Day of Resurrection and Judgement.

Today there are no living prophets of God. Only God has the power to hear prayer. Therefore today every human must ask God directly for forgiveness.


Comment 3. When is the second coming of Jesus Isa?

When will Jesus Isa return?

The second coming of Jesus Isa is the same as the second coming to life of every human on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement.

Jesus Isa will return when every human returns on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement.


Quran 3:55 Verse 3:55 (Jesus Isa said on the cross “my God my God why have you forsaken me” as proof that Jesus Isa is human and that Jesus Isa is not God in the Injil of Isa by Mark and Matthew the Gospel of Mark 15:34 and the Gospel of Matthew 27:46. This was proof that Jesus Isa had faith in God because Jesus Isa called out for help from God and it was then that Jesus Isa passed the test of faith like Abraham Ibrahim and his son had passed the test of faith in a time before him. The plan of God was then explained to Jesus Isa to show that God does not forsake humans who call God for help) when God said "O Jesus Isa I (God) will take you (your soul in Quran 39:42 so that your body will sleep on the cross) and raise you (your soul) to Myself (God in Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42 making everyone believe you are dead on the cross in Quran 4:157 because your body will stop moving on the cross) and purify you (meaning separate your soul for three days) from those who disbelieve (you are a messenger of God), and I (God) will make those who follow you (by obeying the Gospel Injil that you taught them 2000 years ago) superior (in the hereafter) to those who disbelieve (you are a messenger of God) on the Day of Resurrection (in the hereafter on a new earth, a new ground, a new land when all humans will see that the message you delivered in the Gospel Injil is the truth). (After 3 days God returned the soul of Jesus Isa to wake up his sleeping body as proof that no one killed him on the cross and no one crucified him to death on the cross in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 when Jesus Isa woke up in the place of the dead where his body was placed after the crucifixion which is the time when Jesus Isa delivered the message that “God is my God and your God” meaning “God is my Father and your Father” meaning God is my Creator and your Creator meaning God is my Master and your Master meaning God is my Lord and your Lord so that no one can confuse a miracle of God with a human messenger of God. No one teaches people that they are not God unless something amazing has happened which might result in confusion. Jesus Isa woke up three days after the crucifixion and continued living with his people in Judea and Galilee today in Palestine and Israel. This was something amazing and this is the reason Jesus Isa was teaching the people that Jesus Isa is not God. Jesus Isa taught his people that Jesus Isa is not God until his natural death in Quran 5:75 where Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa “use to eat food” meaning they both died 2000 years ago and Quran 3:144 where the “the messengers before Prophet Muhammad have died” meaning Jesus Isa is dead because Jesus Isa is the messenger before Prophet Muhammad). Then (on that Day of Resurrection and Judgement) to Me (God) is your return (when In Quran 7:6 God shall question the messengers of God and in Quran 5:117 Prophet Jesus Isa will testify to God on the Day of Judgement that Prophet Jesus Isa died only one time when he lived with the children of Israel 2000 years ago in Judea today in Israel and Palestine where he was raised only one time by the angel of death as confirmation of the truthfulness of both the Quran and the Gospel Injil) and I (God) will judge between you (humans and explain to humans) about what (religious matters) you were differing (among each other when some of you claimed Jesus Isa was not sent by God and others of you claimed Jesus Isa was God instead of believing Jesus Isa who said Jesus Isa is a human messenger of God in all the Injil of Isa the Gospel of Jesus by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John which are with humans today and proved it by his righteous deeds and righteous teachings as all the messengers of God had also done before him).


Quran 7:6 Verse 7:6 Surly (in the hereafter) We (God) shall question those (people) to whom (God’s message) was sent and We (God) shall question the messengers (of God). 


Quran 5:117 Verse 5:117 I (Prophet Jesus Isa) told them (the Jews in Judea today Israel and Palestine) only what You (God) commanded me, (saying), “Worship God, (God is) my Lord and your Lord." I was a witness (that I said these words) to them (three days after the crucifixion as proof that Jesus Isa was alive and living on the earth after the crucifixion meaning no one killed him on the cross and no one crucified him to death on the cross in Quran 4:157. God saved his life on the cross with sleep so that his body did not move and everyone though he was dead but he was only sleeping on the cross when his soul was raised to God in Quran 4:158. The soul of Jesus Isa was returned to the earth three days after the crucifixion to wake up his sleeping body in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117, Quran 19:36 and Quran 39:42 so that Jesus could teach the people that Jesus is not God) when I lived among them (the children of Israel in Judea, today in Israel and Palestine) and when You (God) raised me (my soul by the angel of death in Quran 39:42 and Quran 3:144 and Quran 5:75 and Quran 5:117 and confirmed in all the four Injil of Isa the Gospels of Jesus by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John that are with the Christians today as proof of the truthfulness of the Quran) You (God) watched over them (the Jews in Judea 2000 years ago today in Israel and Palestine and You God know everything the children of Israel said and did). You (God) are the Witness to all things..

Note 1. Jesus Isa in the hereafter will testify to God that he was raised by the angel of death only one time after he had lived among the children of Israel 2000 years ago in Judea today in Israel and Palestine.

Note 2. Jesus Isa in the hereafter will testify to God that after he was raised by the angel of death God watched over the children of Israel.

Note 3. Jesus Isa and God say nothing about Jesus Isa returning to this earth because Quran 33:40 prohibit any prophet from returning to this earth after the death of Prophet Muhammad.

Note 4. Jesus Isa and God say nothing about Jesus Isa returning to this earth because God through Jesus Isa have already warned humans 2000 years ago not to believe anyone who says Jesus Isa has returned to this earth in the Gospel of Mark 13:5 – 13:6 and 13:21 – 13:23.

Note 5. Jesus Isa and God say nothing about Jesus Isa returning to this earth because Quran 21:95 prohibit humans from returning to this earth after their death.


Quran 16:89 Verse 16:89 And (mention) the Day (the Day of Judgement) when We (God) shall resurrect among every nation a witness from their own people (their messenger from God, their prophet from God), and We (God) shall bring you (Prophet Muhammad) as a witness (on the Day of Judgement to your nation). And We (God) have reveal the Scripture (The Quran) to you (Prophet Muhammad) as an explanation of everything (necessary to understand God) and as guidance (in the affairs of humans) and as a mercy (to humans) and as good news (of resurrection after death and Paradise) for those who have submitted (to God).

Note 1. The second coming of the messengers of God, The return of the prophets of God.

On the Day of Resurrection and Judgement God shall resurrect the messenger of God for each peoples.

Note 2. The second coming of Moses Musa, The return of Moses Musa.

On the Day of Resurrection and Judgement God shall resurrect Moses Musa as a witness for and against the people of his time and the people who later claimed to follow him.

Note 3. The second coming of Jesus Isa, The return of Jesus Isa.

On the Day of Resurrection and Judgement God shall resurrect Jesus Isa as a witness for and against the people of his time and the people who later claimed to follow him.

Note 4. The second coming of Muhammad, The return of Muhammad.

On the Day of Resurrection and Judgement God shall resurrect Muhammad as a witness for and against the people of his time and the people who later claimed to follow him.


Comment 4. The Quran confirms the Torah Taurat and explains the story of Jesus in the Gospel Injil.

A. Prophet Muhammad in the Torah Taurat and Gospel Injil.

See Quran 7:157 comments in Quran chapter 7.


B. Every prophet of God is “the Word of God made flesh” meaning the word of God comes out of the mouth of every prophet of God in Deuteronomy 18:18.

See Quran 5:116 comments in Quran chapter 5.


C. How did God save Jesus. 

See 1. Quran 4:157 and Quran 4:158 comments in Quran chapter 4.

See 2. Quran 29:57 comments in Quran chapter 29.


D. The second coming of Jesus and every other human is on the Day of Resurrection.

See Quran 79:7 comments in Quran chapter 79.


E. Examples of hadith stories which contradict the teachings of God in the Quran.

See Quran 25:30 comments in Quran chapter 25.


F. God protects the Quran, Gospel Injil and the Torah Taurat as proof God is real.



G. Jews and Christians who follow their Book and also believe the Quran will be rewarded twice in the hereafter.

See Quran 28:54 comments in Quran chapter 28.


Quran 24:63 Koran 24:63 Verse 24:63 Ayah 24:63 Ayat 24:63 Aya 24:63 Do not call the messenger (of God) in the same way as you call one another (by shouting to him but talk to Prophet Muhammad as you should talk to the messenger of God with respect). God knows those of you who leave with some excuse (without asking for the permission to leave from Prophet Muhammad). Let those who oppose his (Prophet Muhammad’s) orders beware in case grief (in this life for opposing the messenger of God) or a painful punishment (in the hereafter for opposing God) should come to them.


Comment 1. Quran 24:63 is a clear verse from God.

In Quran 24:63 God reminds us that “Let those who oppose his (Prophet Muhammad’s) orders beware.”

God’s orders to Prophet Muhammad are clear and protected by God in God’s Quran.

Who is rightly guided? The one who believes stories hadith from humans more than they believe what is commanded in the Quran or the one who believes God’s Quran?

God’s Quran contains stories hadith from God and includes examples and sayings sunnah of Prophet Muhammad as revealed and protected by God in His Koran Quran.

The Quran is the word of God that also contains the sunnah (beliefs, examples and commandments) of Prophet Muhammad protected by God and explained by God.


Quran 77:50 Verse 77:50 In what statement (words, news, reports, information, message, hadith), after it (the verses of God in the Quran), shall they (the humans and the jinn) believe? 


Quran 25:30 Verse 25:30 And (on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement) the messenger (Prophet Muhammad) said, “My Lord (God) my people have abandoned (deserted) this Quran (to follow false messages, false words, false news, false reports, false information, false statements, false hadith).” 

Note 1. On the Day of Resurrection and Judgement Prophet Muhammad will say “My Lord my people have abandoned this Quran (to follow false messages, false words, false news, false reports, false information, false statements, false hadith).” 


Do not twist inside your mind the meaning of the words of God in the Quran to agree with hadith stories. 

If hadith stories agree with the Quran then accept it and learn from it. 

If hadith stories do not agree with the Quran then reject it and also learn from it. 

On the Day of Judgement God judges by the words in the protected Quran. 

On the Day of Judgement God does not judge by the words in unprotected human hadith stories. 

The Quran is the protected word of God including the words and actions of Prophet Muhammad which are described and protected by God. 

Read what God says in the Quran and beware of hadith stories which seek to add something that contradicts the teachings in the Quran.

Hadith which contradict the teachings of God in the Quran are false hadith stories.

Be careful not to mix the words of God with hadith stories which contradict the Quran.


Video: Obsession with false hadith culture Is corrupting Islam



Quran 24:64 Koran 24:64 Verse 24:64 Ayah 24:64 Ayat 24:64 Aya 24:64 Does not everything in the heavens and the earth belong to God? He (God) knows what (path) you are on (meaning, God knows if your belief is rightly guided or wrongly guided). And (God knows) the Day when they (His creatures, the humans and others) shall be returned to Him (God) and then He (God) shall inform them of what they did. God knows all things.

Comment 1. Quran 24:64 is a clear verse from God.

In Quran 24:64 God reminds us that “God shall inform you of what you did (in this life).”

In Quran 24:64 God reminds us that God is the final authority on all matters.

If you follow what God has commanded in God’s guaranteed protected Quran shall God punish you?

If someone told you to follow something that is not in God’s guaranteed protected Quran would you follow it and reject what God has commanded in God’s Quran?

God has His (God’s) reason to leave some Muslim hadiths (stories from humans) about stoning to death for adultery just as God has His (God’s) reason to leave for Christians the hadith (stories from humans) about Trinity.


Comment 2. How is it possible that millions of Christians pray to dead saints and some believe that Prophet Jesus Isa is God when that is not in God’s Gospel Injil?

Some Christians say, “It is the hadith (stories) from trusted humans” so they believe Christian hadith (stories) more than they believe the word of God in God’s Gospel Injil.

Christians who believe that Jesus Isa is a prophet see that this is true for them when they read God’s Gospel Injil.

Christians who believe that Jesus Isa is God also see that this is true for them when they read God’s same Gospel Injil.

God guides each person to see what God wills in God’s Gospel Injil as easily as God willed some Christians to mistakenly accept the belief in Trinity which is not in God’s Gospel Injil but is a hadith (story from humans).

Satan Shaitan shows who believes in Satan’s Shaitan’s deception in hadith (stories from humans about Trinity) more than they believe the word from God in God’s Gospel Injil, where Prophet Jesus Isa was a man who prayed to God and Prophet Jesus Isa never ordered anyone to pray to him.


See 1. Gospel of Mark. Injil of Isa by Mark.


See 2. Gospel of Matthew. Injil of Isa by Matthew.


See 3. Gospel of Luke. Injil of Isa by Luke.


See 4. Gospel of John. Injil of Isa by John.



Like every prophet of God, Prophet Jesus Isa said another messenger would come after him in the Injil of John Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26 – 15:27, 16:7 – 16:15.

Jesus said another messenger from God will come after him.

The Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26 – 15:27, 16:7 – 16:15.

Who is the comforter after Jesus?

Who is the messenger after Jesus?

Who is the prophet after Jesus?



Comment 3. How is it possible that millions of Muslims believe that God ordered the punishment of stoning to death for adultery when that is not in God’s Koran Quran?

Some Muslims say, “It is the stories hadith from trusted humans” so they believe Muslim hadith (stories) more than they believe the word of God in God’s Koran Quran.

Muslims who believe that God ordered the punishment of stoning to death for adultery see that this is true for them when they read God’s Koran Quran.

Muslims who do not believe that God ordered the punishment of stoning to death for adultery also see that this is true for them when they read God’s same Koran Quran.

God guides each person to see what God wills in God’s Koran Quran as easily as God willed some Muslims to mistakenly accept the belief in stoning to death for adultery which is not in God’s Koran Quran but is a hadith (story from humans).

Satan Shaitan shows who believes in Satan’s Shaitan’s deception in hadith (stories from humans about stoning to death for adultery) more than they believe the word from God in God’s Koran Quran (where God orders flogging for adultery as a punishment that is not for killing and not for death).


Comment 4. Christians in the hereafter.

Is it possible (only God really knows) that in the Hereafter some Christians might be asked to show in the Gospel Injil where Prophet Jesus Isa said “Pray to Me (Jesus Isa)” or “Pray to saints” or "Pray to the Virgin Mary" or “Jesus Isa is God” and then asked, “Did you not read in the Gospel Injil that Jesus Isa prayed to God and Jesus Isa ordered you to do what he did?”


Comment 5. Muslims in the hereafter.

Is it possible (only God really knows) that in the Hereafter some Muslims might be asked to show in the Koran Quran where God said, “stone to death for adultery” and then asked, “Did you not read God’s order in Quran chapter 24 to give the punishment of flogging and not a punishment for killing or for death and this was the order of God in Quran 24:1 – 24:2 followed by a clear example of the accusation of adultery against a married person?”


Comment 6. God removed stoning to death for adultery.

The error of stoning to death for adultery. 

How God removed stoning to death for adultery in the Torah Taurat, Gospel Injil and Koran Quran.

How God removed stoning to death in the Koran Quran three times.

In the Quran the law for illegal sexual intercourse for unmarried Muslims is Quran 4:15 – 4:18.

In the Quran the law for adultery by married Muslims is Quran 4:25 and 24:1 – 24:2.

Forgiveness for all sins including adultery is in Quran 3:135 – 3:136, 4:17 – 4:18, 4:110, 25:68 – 25:71.


Comment 7. The Quran confirms the Torah Taurat and explains the story of Jesus in the Gospel Injil.

A. Prophet Muhammad in the Torah Taurat and Gospel Injil.

See Quran 7:157 comments in Quran chapter 7.


B. Every prophet of God is “the Word of God made flesh” meaning the word of God comes out of the mouth of every prophet of God in Deuteronomy 18:18.

See Quran 5:116 comments in Quran chapter 5.


C. How did God save Jesus. 

See 1. Quran 4:157 and Quran 4:158 comments in Quran chapter 4.

See 2. Quran 29:57 comments in Quran chapter 29.


D. The second coming of Jesus and every other human is on the Day of Resurrection.

See Quran 79:7 comments in Quran chapter 79.


E. Examples of hadith stories which contradict the teachings of God in the Quran.

See Quran 25:30 comments in Quran chapter 25.


F. God protects the Quran, Gospel Injil and the Torah Taurat as proof God is real.



G. Jews and Christians who follow their Book and also believe the Quran will be rewarded twice in the hereafter.

See Quran 28:54 comments in Quran chapter 28. 


Interpretations of the Quran (Al-Quran, Al Quran, Koran).


This is an interpretation of some of the meanings in the Quran.

This is not a perfect translation of the Quran because the Quran is in the Arabic language.

The Arabic language in the Quran must be understood as it was understood over 1400 years ago.

God guides who He wills to the correct understanding of the Quran.

In the English language the word Allah is God.

God (Allah) is the creator of the Jews, Christians, Muslims and everyone and everything that exists.


Islam and the Quran chapter (sura, surah, surat), chapters (suras, surahs), verse (ayaah, aya, ayah), verses (ayaas, ayaat, ayas, ayat), analysis, annotation, clarification, comment, commentary, elucidation, examination, explanation, foot note, interpretation, investigation, note, observation, remark, study, understanding, analyses, annotations, clarifications, comments, commentaries, elucidations, examinations, explanations, foot notes, interpretations, investigations, notes, observations, remarks, studies, understandings of Islam and the Quran (The Coran, Al-Coran, Al Coran, The Koran, Al-Koran, Al Koran, The Quran, Al Quran, Al-Quran, The Qur'an, Al-Qur'an, Al Qur'an, The Qur’ān, Al-Qur’ān, Al Qur’ān).

Corrections and questions are welcome and can be emailed to somaliahamradio@yahoo.com 

The meaning of verses in the Quran and Tanakh and Gospel are on these websites.

The meaning of verses in the Koran and Torah and Injil are on these websites. 

YOU ARE HERE God https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran

God index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/index 

Allah https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran

Allah index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran/index  

Allaah https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran

Allaah index https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran/index  

Q&A https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel

Q&A index https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel/index