Quran chapter 80 surah 80.

The blind man and Prophet Muhammad (Quran 80:1 – 80:12).

The Preserved Book, The Preserved Sheet. The Preserved Tablet, The Tablet Lauh Lawhin, Al-Lauh Al-Mahfooz (Quran 80:13 – 80:16 comments).


31 May 2021 (1442 AH).


Quran chapter 80.

Quran surah 80.

Quran sura 80.

Koran chapter 80.

Koran surah 80.

Koran sura 80.

The blind man in the Quran.

The blind man in the Koran.

Prophet Muhammad and the blind man.

Hadhrat Muhammad and the blind man.

Hadrat Muhammad and the blind man.

Hajarat Muhammad and the blind man.

Hajrat Muhammad and the blind man.

Hazarat Muhammad and the blind man.

Hazrat Muhammad and the blind man.

Hazrate Muhammad and the blind man.

Muhammad and the blind man.

See Quran 80:1 – 80:12

Preserved Book.

Book of decrees.

Clear Record.

Clear Register.

Guarded Tablet.

Imperishable Tablet.

Mother of the Book.

Umm al-kitab.

Preserved Book of decrees that is preordained by God.

Preserved Page.

Preserved Slate.

Preserved Record.

Preserved Tablet.

The preordained record.





Al-Lauh Al-Mahfooz.

Al-Lawh Al-Mahfooz.

Al-Lauh al-Mahfuz.

Al-Lawh al-Mahfuz.

Al-Lauh al-Mahfudh.

Al-Lawh al-Mahfudh.

See Quran 80:13 – 80:16 comments.

Information: The Quran chapter 80.

Order of Revelation: 24 (1 is the first revelation and 114 is the last revelation).

Place of Revelation: Mecca (Makkah, Arabia today Saudi Arabia).

Number of Verses: 42 verses.

The Quran.

Chapter 80

He Frowned (`Abasa).

English interpretations of the Quran.

The Quran Chapter 80 He Frowned (`Abasa, Abasa) in English.

Chapter : Verse.

(Information in brackets is added to assist readers in the interpretation of the verse).

Quran 80:0 Koran 80:0 Verse 80:0 Ayah 80:0 Ayat 80:0 Aya 80:0 In the name of God, The Most Kind, The Most Merciful.

Quran 80:1 Koran 80:1 Verse 80:1 Ayah 80:1 Ayat 80:1 Aya 80:1 He (Prophet Muhammad) frowned and turned away (from a blind man).

Comment 1. The Quran, Torah Taurat and Gospel Injil all say that the prophets of God are human with human emotions and human desires and human weaknesses so that humans do not mistakenly make God’s messengers into idols or mistakenly pray to God’s messengers.

All of God’s Books show the human faults of God’s messengers as a reminder that it is only God who is perfect and only God has the power to hear the prayers of humans and only God is able to keep a human free from sin.

Those who believe that the messengers of God are perfect are using their imagination to come close to forbidden idol worship.

Those who pray to saints are idol worshipping and imagining that perfect humans have the power of God to hear their prayers but the people who have died have no power to hear prayer. Only God who created every creation is perfect and only God has the power to hear prayer.

Comment 2. Through the sin of each prophet God shows that there is no human who has never sinned unless God has willed it.

In the Quran God has revealed the human faults of Prophet Muhammad to show that Prophet Muhammad is human.

In the Quran and the Tanakh Jewish Scripture God has revealed the human faults of each prophet including the sin of ewe which is adultery and murder committed by Prophet David Dawud to show that Prophet David Dawud is human and the sin of murder committed by Prophet Moses Musa to show that Prophet Moses Musa is human.

The Tanakh Jewish Scripture reveals that the sin of ewe which is adultery and murder committed by Prophet David Dawud was revealed to him by Prophet Nathan which means those sins were committed and forgiven before David Dawud was a prophet.

This shows that God forgives adultery and murder to every sincere repenting human who change from bad behaviour to good behaviour.

God shows that even a person who committed adultery and murder can be forgiven if they make amends and change their behaviour and such people can even be raised to the righteous example of a prophet.

In the stories of the prophets God shows how the most evil behaviour of a human can be changed to the most righteous human behaviour.

This also happened in the story of Moses Musa who repented the murder he committed and was made a prophet.

Prophet Moses Musa and Prophet David Dawud asked and received forgiveness for their sin as proof they are human.

In the Quran God commands Prophet Muhammad to ask forgiveness of his sin as proof that Prophet Muhammad is human.

In the Gospel Injil Prophet Jesus Isa prays to God as proof that Jesus Isa is human.

In the Gospel Injil Prophet Jesus Isa prays to God "My God my God why have you forsaken me" as proof that Jesus Isa is human.

The only one without sin is God.

When humans make another human such as Moses Musa or Jesus Isa or Muhammad sinless they have made a human into a god.

This is why the Books of God clearly show that all human messengers are sent by God which means they are not God which means they pray to God asking God to forgive their sin.

No messenger of God such as Moses Musa or Jesus Isa or Muhammad prayed to God without asking God to forgive their sin.

The only one who does not pray to God is God.

The sin of ewe and Prophet David Dawud.

See Prophet David Dawud in Quran 38:23 – 38:26 comments in Quran chapter 38.

See Prophet Moses Musa in Quran 38:25 – 38:26 comments in Quran chapter 38.

In the Quran and the Torah Taurat God has revealed the human faults of Prophet Jonah Yunus who tried to run away from his duty of delivering God’s warning to a foreign people.

See Quran 68:48 – 68:50 comments in Quran chapter 68.

Comment 3. God reminds Prophet Muhammad to ask forgiveness for his sin.

See Quran 40:55.

Quran 110:3.

Comment 4. God gives permission for Prophet Muhammad to ask forgiveness for the sin of believing men and women.

When a messenger of God is alive God can give permission for the messenger to pray to God and ask forgiveness for the sin of believing men and women.

When a messenger of God has died that messenger has no power to hear prayer therefore after the death of a messenger each human must pray directly to God.

Prayer to anything or anyone except God is called idol worship,

Some people spend so much time praising their prophets or their saints or some other creation that they forget God’s message that all praise is for God the creator.

God reminds us in the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil and the Koran Quran that all creations sin.

The only one without sin is God.

All sin is an offence against God no matter if it is a major sin or a minor sin.

Every sin is against God.

That is why every righteous Muslim prays five times a day sincerely repenting and sincerely asking for forgiveness for their sins.

Quran 47:19 Verse 47:19 So know (Prophet Muhammad) that there is no God except God, and ask forgiveness for your sin and for (the forgiveness of the sins of) believing men and believing women. God knows the places where you move about and the places where you stay (God knows everything about you).

Quran 63:5 Verse 63:5 And when it is said to them (the hypocrites who say they believe in God and God’s messenger Prophet Muhammad but they really do not believe), “Come, The messenger of God shall ask forgiveness (from God) for you, they shake their heads and you sees them turning away in arrogance.

Quran 80:2 Koran 80:2 Verse 80:2 Ayah 80:2 Ayat 80:2 Aya 80:2 Because a blind man (Abdullah bin Umm Maktum, Abdullah ibn Umm Maktum) came to him (Prophet Muhammad and interrupted Prophet Muhammad while he was taking to a chief of the Quraish tribe of stone idol worshippers in Mecca Arabia today Makkah Saudi Arabia).

See Quran 80:1 comments.

Quran 80:3 Koran 80:3 Verse 80:3 Ayah 80:3 Ayat 80:3 Aya 80:3 But how do you (Prophet Muhammad) know (what the blind man wanted from you)? Maybe he (the blind man) wanted to be cleaned (of his sins by asking for your guidance).

See Quran 80:1 comments.

Quran 80:4 Koran 80:4 Verse 80:4 Ayah 80:4 Ayat 80:4 Aya 80:4 Or to listen to what you (Prophet Muhammad) said so that what he (the blind man) remembered might benefit him.

See Quran 80:1 comments.

Quran 80:5 Koran 80:5 Verse 80:5 Ayah 80:5 Ayat 80:5 Aya 80:5 As for the person (a chief of the Quraish tribe of stone idol worshippers in Makkah) who think they have no need (of you or of God).

See Quran 80:1 comments.

Quran 80:6 Koran 80:6 Verse 80:6 Ayah 80:6 Ayat 80:6 Aya 80:6 You (Prophet Muhammad) gave that person (a chief of the Quraish tribe of stone idol worshippers in Makkah your) attention (even though they think they have no need of you or of God instead of attending to the blind man who interrupted you because he wanted you and God).

See Quran 80:1 comments.

Quran 80:7 Koran 80:7 Verse 80:7 Ayah 80:7 Ayat 80:7 Aya 80:7 But there is no blame on you (Prophet Muhammad) if he (the blind man) does not clean himself (of sin because you are only a warner and it is God who decides who shall be correctly guided).

See Quran 80:1 comments.

Quran 80:8 Koran 80:8 Verse 80:8 Ayah 80:8 Ayat 80:8 Aya 80:8 But as for the person (the blind man) who comes to you (Prophet Muhammad, who is) striving (to understand the truth) –

See Quran 80:1 comments.

Quran 80:9 Koran 80:9 Verse 80:9 Ayah 80:9 Ayat 80:9 Aya 80:9 While that person (the blind man) fears (God).

See Quran 80:1 comments.

Quran 80:10 Koran 80:10 Verse 80:10 Ayah 80:10 Ayat 80:10 Aya 80:10 From that person (the blind man) you (Prophet Muhammad) were distracted (and you Prophet Muhammad ignored him).

See Quran 80:1 comments.

Quran 80:11 Koran 80:11 Verse 80:11 Ayah 80:11 Ayat 80:11 Aya 80:11 No (do not be like that). This is a reminder (from God for you Prophet Muhammad to help every person who needs your help and this example is a reminder) –

See Quran 80:1 comments.

Quran 80:12 Koran 80:12 Verse 80:12 Ayah 80:12 Ayat 80:12 Aya 80:12 For whoever wills to remember (to help those who seek guidance).

See Quran 80:1 comments.

Quran 80:13 Koran 80:13 Verse 80:13 Ayah 80:13 Ayat 80:13 Aya 80:13 (The Quran is recorded) in honourable pages (in heaven in the Preserved Book, Al-Lawh al-Mahfooz, Lauh Mahfuz) -

Comment 1. See the Preserved Tablet in the Tablet Lauh Lawhin in Quran 2:1, 3:1, 7:1, 10:1, 11:1, 12:1, 13:1, 14:1, 15:1, 19:1, 20:1, 26:1, 27:1, 28:1, 29:1, 30:1, 31:1, 32:1, 36:1, 38:1, 40:1, 41:1, 42:1, 42:2, 43:1, 44:1, 45:1, 46:1, 50:1, 68:1.

See. Tablet sheet Lawh in HM Quran 40:1, Quran 41:1, Quran 42:1, Quran 43:1, Quran 44:1, Quran 45:1, Quran 46:1.

Comment 2. See the Preserved Tablet in the Tablet Lauh Lawhin in the meaning of the mysterious letters in the Quran.


The meaning of الم الر المر المص حم طه طس طسم يس عسق كهيعص ن ق ص

معنى الم الر المر المص حم طه طس طسم يس عسق كهيعص ن ق ص


Quran 80:14 Koran 80:14 Verse 80:14 Ayah 80:14 Ayat 80:14 Aya 80:14 (Pages that are) exalted (by the angels in heaven who recite them day and night), and (who are) purified (by God).

See Quran 80:13 comments.

Quran 80:15 Koran 80:15 Verse 80:15 Ayah 80:15 Ayat 80:15 Aya 80:15 (Pages carried) by the hands of (the angels in heaven).

Comment 1. Preserved Pages carried by the hands of the angels in heaven.

Quran 56:77 Verse 56:77 That this is an honourable Quran (an honourable recitation).

Quran 56:78 Verse 56:78 In a Book (the Preserved Book, al-Mahfuz in heaven) that is protected (by God).

Quran 56:79 Verse 56:79 Which none but the purified (angels in heaven) can touch.

Quran 80:15 Verse 80:15 (Pages carried) by the hands of (the angels in heaven).

Comment 2. The Preserved Pages Al-lawh Al-mahfuz.

Quran 10:61 Verse 10:61 Whatever you may be doing and whatever you may be reciting from the Quran, and whatever deed you (humans) may be doing (of good or evil), We (God) are a witness of it when you are doing it. And nothing is hidden from your Lord (God, that is even as small as) the weight of an atom in the earth and not in the heavens, nor is anything less than that (small weight) or anything greater than that (small weight) happen that is not (written) in a clear record (called the Preserved Book Al-lawh Al-mahfuz).

Quran 11:6 Verse 11:6 And there is no creature on the earth whose sustenance does not depend on God. He (God) knows where it lives (in the loins before birth and on the earth after birth) and where it is deposited (in the uterus womb before birth and after death in the grave). All (of this) is in a clear record (called the Preserved Book Al-lawh Al-mahfuz).

Quran 17:58 Verse 17:58 There is no town (people) who We (God) shall not destroy before the Day of Resurrection (arrives) or severely punish it (earlier for their wrongdoing) that is not written in the Book (of Decrees, the Preserved Book, Preserved Tablet, al-Lawh al-Mahfuz).

Quran 33:6 Verse 33:6 The Prophet (Muhammad) is closer to the believers (in the deserving of loyalty and obedience, and has more concern for them) than their (the believers) own relatives, and their (the believers) wives and their (the believers) mothers. And in the decree of God relatives are themselves closer to one another (in the deserving of inheritance) than to other believers (who are not related to them) or emigrants (who fled Mecca Makkah to Yathrib Medina, Madinah) but you should (also) be kind to your friends (through inheritance). This is written in the Book (of Decrees, the Preserved Book, the Preserved Page, the Preserved Tablet).

Quran 34:3 Verse 34:3 Those who disbelieve (the stone idol worshippers in Mecca Arabia today Makkah Saudi Arabia) say, “The Hour (of Judgement) shall never come to us.” Say, “No (you are wrong), in the name of my Lord (God), it (The Hour) is certainly coming to you. (God) knows the unseen (meaning, God knows what shall happen in the future, God knows what you do not know). In the heavens or in the earth, not even the weight of an ant, or less than that or greater (than that), escapes Him (God), which is not in a clear Record (the Preserved Book, Preserved Page, Preserved Tablet, Book of decrees, al-Lawh al-Mahfuz).”

Quran 35:11 Verse 35:11 God created you from dust and then from a drop of water, then He (God) made you pairs (the male and female). No female becomes pregnant (with a child) or gives birth (to a child) except with His (God’s) knowledge. And no one’s life is extended to old age or is shortened that is not (recorded) in a Book (the Preserved Book, Preserved Page, Preserved Tablet). For God all that is easy (to do).

Quran 43:4 Verse 43:4 And it (The Quran) is written in the original Book (which is the source of God’s decrees that are written in the Preserved Book, Preserved Page, Preserved Tablet which is kept) with Us (God), the exalted and the wise.

Quran 54:49 Verse 54:49 Everything We (God) created is done exactly (meaning, exactly planned as recorded by God in the Preserved Book of decrees, al-Lawh al-Mahfuz).

See Quran 80:13 comments.

Quran 80:16 Koran 80:16 Verse 80:16 Ayah 80:16 Ayat 80:16 Aya 80:16 (The angels in heaven who are) honourable and obedient (to God).

See Quran 80:13 comments.

Quran 80:17 Koran 80:17 Verse 80:17 Ayah 80:17 Ayat 80:17 Aya 80:17 Cursed (in the hereafter) is the human who is ungrateful (to God)

Quran 80:18 Koran 80:18 Verse 80:18 Ayah 80:18 Ayat 80:18 Aya 80:18 From what thing (substance) did He (God) create him (the human)?

Quran 80:19 Koran 80:19 Verse 80:19 Ayah 80:19 Ayat 80:19 Aya 80:19 From a drop (of male semen inserted into the female egg) He (God) created and proportioned him (the human).

Quran 80:20 Koran 80:20 Verse 80:20 Ayah 80:20 Ayat 80:20 Aya 80:20 Then He (God) eases the way for the human (in birth and provides the guidance of right and wrong to them).

Quran 80:21 Koran 80:21 Verse 80:21 Ayah 80:21 Ayat 80:21 Aya 80:21 Then He (God) causes the human to die and provides a grave for them.

Quran 80:22 Koran 80:22 Verse 80:22 Ayah 80:22 Ayat 80:22 Aya 80:22 Then when He (God) wills, He (God) shall resurrect them (humans from death back to life in the hereafter).

Quran 80:23 Koran 80:23 Verse 80:23 Ayah 80:23 Ayat 80:23 Aya 80:23 However (many) humans have not complied with what He (God) has commanded of them (to do which is to believe in God who created them and to follow God’s guidance by doing what is good and avoiding what is evil).

Quran 80:24 Koran 80:24 Verse 80:24 Ayah 80:24 Ayat 80:24 Aya 80:24 Let humans look at their food (and think where it came from?).

Quran 80:25 Koran 80:25 Verse 80:25 Ayah 80:25 Ayat 80:25 Aya 80:25 How We (God) poured down abundant water (from the sky).

Quran 80:26 Koran 80:26 Verse 80:26 Ayah 80:26 Ayat 80:26 Aya 80:26 And how We (God) broke the earth (so that it became soil).

Quran 80:27 Koran 80:27 Verse 80:27 Ayah 80:27 Ayat 80:27 Aya 80:27 And caused grain to grow in it (the soil).

Quran 80:28 Koran 80:28 Verse 80:28 Ayah 80:28 Ayat 80:28 Aya 80:28 And grapes and pasture.

Quran 80:29 Koran 80:29 Verse 80:29 Ayah 80:29 Ayat 80:29 Aya 80:29 And olives and (date) palm trees.

Quran 80:30 Koran 80:30 Verse 80:30 Ayah 80:30 Ayat 80:30 Aya 80:30 And gardens of crops.

Quran 80:31 Koran 80:31 Verse 80:31 Ayah 80:31 Ayat 80:31 Aya 80:31 And fruit and grass.

Quran 80:32 Koran 80:32 Verse 80:32 Ayah 80:32 Ayat 80:32 Aya 80:32 To be enjoyed by you and your animals.

Quran 80:33 Koran 80:33 Verse 80:33 Ayah 80:33 Ayat 80:33 Aya 80:33 Then when the deafening sound (of the second blow of the ram’s horn “trumpet” announcing the Day of Resurrection) comes.

Quran 80:34 Koran 80:34 Verse 80:34 Ayah 80:34 Ayat 80:34 Aya 80:34 On that Day (of Resurrection) humans shall run from their brother (and sister).

Quran 80:35 Koran 80:35 Verse 80:35 Ayah 80:35 Ayat 80:35 Aya 80:35 And from their mother and their father.

Quran 80:36 Koran 80:36 Verse 80:36 Ayah 80:36 Ayat 80:36 Aya 80:36 And from their wife (or their husband) and their children.

Quran 80:37 Koran 80:37 Verse 80:37 Ayah 80:37 Ayat 80:37 Aya 80:37 Every person on that Day (of Resurrection) shall have a matter of (God’s judgement of them that shall) concern them (so that they shall not think about anyone else).

Comment 1. The Day of Resurrection and Judgement.

Quran 70:10 Verse 70:10 And no friend (or relative) shall ask about their friend (or relative because every person shall only be concerned with God’s Judgement of them) -

Quran 70:11 Verse 70:11 Even though they (the friends and relatives) shall be able to see each other (they shall not speak to each other because of their great fear on that Day of Judgement). The wrong doer shall wish they could give their son (as an exchange so as to escape) from the punishment.

Quran 80:38 Koran 80:38 Verse 80:38 Ayah 80:38 Ayat 80:38 Aya 80:38 (Some) faces on that Day (of Judgement) shall be bright.

Quran 80:39 Koran 80:39 Verse 80:39 Ayah 80:39 Ayat 80:39 Aya 80:39 Laughing and rejoicing at the good news (that they shall be admitted to Paradise Jannah).

Quran 80:40 Koran 80:40 Verse 80:40 Ayah 80:40 Ayat 80:40 Aya 80:40 And (other) faces shall have dust on them.

Quran 80:41 Koran 80:41 Verse 80:41 Ayah 80:41 Ayat 80:41 Aya 80:41 Darkness shall cover them (because they shall be admitted to Hell fire Jahannam).

Quran 80:42 Koran 80:42 Verse 80:42 Ayah 80:42 Ayat 80:42 Aya 80:42 They are the disbelievers and the wrongdoers.

Comment 1. Belief in God is a false belief if you are not doing good deeds.

Satan Shaitan has a false belief in God because Satan Shaitan does not do good deeds.

Satan Shaitan is not going to Paradise Jannah because Satan Shaitan has a false belief in God.

Satan Shaitan believes in God and the hereafter but that shall not save him from Hell Jahannam in the hereafter.

Quran 6:158 Verse 6:158 "... belief in it (God and the Day of Resurrection and Judgement) shall not help any soul …. if in belief (he or she) did not earn good (by doing righteous deeds in their life). ....”

Quran 41:8 Verse 41:8 “For those who believe and do good deeds, for them is an everlasting reward (in Paradise Jannah).”

Interpretations of the Quran (Al-Quran, Al Quran, Koran).

This is an interpretation of some of the meanings in the Quran.

This is not a perfect translation of the Quran because the Quran is in the Arabic language.

The Arabic language in the Quran must be understood as it was understood over 1400 years ago.

God guides who He wills to the correct understanding of the Quran.

In the English language the word Allah is God.

God (Allah) is the creator of the Jews, Christians, Muslims and everyone and everything that exists.

Islam and the Quran chapter (sura, surah, surat), chapters (suras, surahs), verse (ayaah, aya, ayah), verses (ayaas, ayaat, ayas, ayat), analysis, annotation, clarification, comment, commentary, elucidation, examination, explanation, foot note, interpretation, investigation, note, observation, remark, study, understanding, analyses, annotations, clarifications, comments, commentaries, elucidations, examinations, explanations, foot notes, interpretations, investigations, notes, observations, remarks, studies, understandings of Islam and the Quran (The Coran, Al-Coran, Al Coran, The Koran, Al-Koran, Al Koran, The Quran, Al Quran, Al-Quran, The Qur'an, Al-Qur'an, Al Qur'an, The Qur’ān, Al-Qur’ān, Al Qur’ān).

Corrections and questions are welcome and can be emailed to somaliahamradio@yahoo.com

The meaning of verses in the Quran and Tanakh and Gospel are on these websites.

The meaning of verses in the Koran and Torah and Injil are on these websites.

YOU ARE HERE God https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran

God index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/index

Allah https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran

Allah index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran/index

Allaah https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran

Allaah index https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran/index

Q&A https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel

Q&A index https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel/index