306-8. Elijah showed what happens when humans die.


16 August 2021 (1443 AH).   


Elijah showed what happens when humans die. 

Eelis showed what happens when humans die. 

Elia showed what happens when humans die. 

Elia’s showed what happens when humans die. 

Elias showed what happens when humans die. 

Éliás showed what happens when humans die. 

Elías showed what happens when humans die. 

Eliáš showed what happens when humans die. 

Eliasz showed what happens when humans die. 

Élie showed what happens when humans die.

Elijáš showed what happens when humans die. 

Elis showed what happens when humans die. 

Eliyahu showed what happens when humans die. 

Eliyyahu showed what happens when humans die. 

Eljas showed what happens when humans die. 

Helias showed what happens when humans die. 

Ilia showed what happens when humans die. 

Ilias showed what happens when humans die. 

Ilie showed what happens when humans die. 

Illès showed what happens when humans die. 

Ilija showed what happens when humans die.

Iliya showed what happens when humans die. 

Ilya showed what happens when humans die.

Ilyas showed what happens when humans die.

Iliyas showed what happens when humans die. 

Iliyās showed what happens when humans die.

Illès showed what happens when humans die. 

Ilya showed what happens when humans die. 

Líggjas showed what happens when humans die.



1. What happens when a human dies?

2. The letter from Prophet Elijah to King Jehoram in 2 Chronicles 21:12 received years after the soul of Elijah had ascended to heaven.

1. What happens when a human dies?

The story of Prophet Elijah shows what happens when a human dies.

Whenever a human is raised to heaven and God by the angel of death it means the human has died.

The human body is buried in the earth and only the soul is raised to heaven and God.

There are no physical human bodies in heaven until the Day of Resurrection when all humans will be resurrected from death back to life.


2 Kings 2:8 And Prophet Elijah Elias took his mantle (sleeveless outer garment that was warn by the Prophets), and wrapped it together, and (used it to) hit the waters (of the Jordan River), and they (the water in the Jordan River) were divided here and there (separated with God’s permission), so that both (Prophet Elijah Elias and Elisha Al-Yasha) went (walked across) over on dry ground.


2 Kings 2:9 And it happened that when they had gone over (the Jordan River), that Prophet Elijah Elias said to Elisha Al-Yasha: “Ask what I can do for you, before I am taken (away by God) from you.' And Elisha Al-Yasha said: “I ask you to let a double portion of your (guided holy) spirit to be upon me (meaning, I am asking to inherit a double portion of your rightly guided holy spirit just like the first born son receives the highest portion of his fathers inheritance, meaning that Elisha Al-Yasha the student is asking to inherit his master’s position as the head of all the prophets in Israel).”

Note 1. Elisha has a request. 


2 Kings 2:10 And he (Prophet Elijah Elias) said: “You have asked a hard thing (for me to give to you because God is the controller of everything including what shall happen in the future); nevertheless, if you see me when I am taken from you, it shall be so (that inheritance of my prophethood shall go) to you; but if not, it shall not be so (because God is the one who decides all matters).”

Note 1. Elijah says the sign that the request will be granted by God is if Elisha will see Elijah taken away by God.


2 Kings 2:11 And it happened, as they went on, and talked, that, (they) looked (and), there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire (the angel of death), which separated them (Prophet Elijah Ilyas and Elisha Al-Yasha) both apart; and Prophet Elijah Elias went up by a whirlwind into heaven (meaning the angel of death took the soul of Prophet Elijah Ilyas up into heaven meaning God took the soul of Prophet Elijah Ilyas up to Himself God in heaven. Some people misunderstood and they thought the physical body was taken into heaven however the physical body was buried in an unknown location to prevent the idol worshipping of this well known human). 

Note 1. There appeared a chariot of fire.

The chariot of fire represents the angel of death who visits every human without failure when God has decreed their time of death.

Note 2. And horses of fire which separated them both apart.

Separated them both apart represents the separation between life and death.

Prophet Elisha Al-Yasha who lives on earth is separated from Prophet Elijah Elias who died on earth.

Note 3. Prophet Elijah Elias went up by a whirlwind into heaven.

God took Prophet Elijah Elias up to Himself (God) in heaven when the angel of death took the soul of Prophet Elijah Elias.

God took Prophet Elijah Elias up to Himself (God) in heaven when the angel of death raised the soul of Prophet Elijah Elias.


2 Kings 2:12 And Elisha Al-Yasha saw it, and he cried: 'My father, my father (you are), the chariots of Israel (the strength) and the horsemen (the leader) thereof !' And he (Prophet Elisha Al-Yasha) saw him (Prophet Elijah Elias) no more (as the soul of his master disappeared high up into the heavens); and he took hold of his own clothes, and rent (tore) them in two pieces (in grief that his master Prophet Elijah Elias had left him).


Note 1. Prophet Elijah Elias died.

The grief of Prophet Elisha Al-Yasha comes from his love for and separation from his master Prophet Elijah Elias who he had followed saying “As the LORD (God) lives (meaning in the name of God), and as your soul lives (meaning, and as you physically live on the earth), I (Elisha Al-Yasha your student) will not leave you (Prophet Elijah Elias my master).”

This oath from Elisha Al-Yasha, the student to stay with Prophet Elijah Elias his master is repeated in 2 Kings Chapter 2:2, 2:4 and 2:6.


Note 2. Elijah Elias died.

2 Kings 2:12 “…. and he (Elisha Al-Yasha) took hold of his own clothes, and rent (tore) them in two pieces (in grief that his master Prophet Elijah Elias had left him).


Note 3. Elijah died.

The death of Prophet Elijah Elias is represented by the soul of Prophet Elijah Elias disappearing high up into the heavens.

2 Kings 2:12 “…. And he (Prophet Elisha Al-Yasha) saw him (Prophet Elijah Elias) no more.


Note 4. The death of Prophet Elijah.

God took Prophet Elijah Elias up to Himself (God).

After death the angel of death takes every soul to heaven and up to Himself (God) to God’s care.

God took Prophet Elijah Elias up to Himself (God) when the angel of death raised the soul of Prophet Elijah Elias up to heaven.

God takes every human soul up to Himself (God) when the angel of death raises the soul of a human to heaven.


Note 5. Where is the grave of Prophet Elijah Elias?

Like Moses Musa no one knows the location of the sepulcher (grave) of Elijah Elias.

Deuteronomy 34:5 So Moses the servant of the LORD (God) died there in the land of Moab, according to the word of the LORD (God).


Deuteronomy 34:6 And he (Moses Musa) was buried in the valley in the land of Moab (east of the Dead Sea) over against Beth-peor (in Jordan, East of the Jordan River opposite Jericho); and no man knows (where is) his sepulcher (grave) to this day.

Note. God decreed no one know the grave of Moses to prevent the idol worship of Moses in the same way as God decreed no one know the grave of Elijah to prevent the idol worship of Elijah. 


2 Kings 2:13 He (Elisha Al-Yasha) took up also the mantle (sleeveless outer garment showing the Prophethood) of Prophet Elijah Elias that fell from him (Prophet Elijah Elias when he was raised to heaven), and went back, and stood by the bank of the Jordan (River).

Note 1. Prophet Elijah Elias died.

When Prophet Elijah Elias died then God promoted Elijah’s student Elisha to the position of head prophet.

This is represented in 2 Kings 2:13 “…. He (Elisha Al-Yasha) took up also the mantle (sleeveless outer garment showing the Prophethood) of Prophet Elijah Elias that fell from him (Prophet Elijah Elias when Elijah Elias was raised to heaven). 


2 Kings 2:14 And he (Elisha Al-Yasha) took the mantle of Prophet Elijah Elias that fell from him (Prophet Elijah Elias when he was raised to heaven), and hit the waters (of the Jordan River), and (he gave a question and the answer when he) said: “Where is the LORD (God), the God of Elijah Elias?” and when he (Elisha Al-Yasha) also had hit the waters (of the Jordan River as Prophet Elijah Elias had done before him, See 2 Kings 2:8), they (the water) were divided (separated with God’s permission) here and there (to show that after the departure from the earth of a prophet of God, the word of God still remains on the earth); and (Elisha Al-Yasha) went (back) over (the Jordon River on dry ground).

Note 1. The ability of Elisha Al-Yasha to repeat the miracle shown earlier by Prophet Elijah Elias to separate the waters of the Jordan River was a confirmation to the other prophets who were looking at him from a distance that Elisha Al-Yasha had inherited the position of Elijah Elias as head of all the prophets of Israel.


2 Kings 2:15 And when the sons of the prophets that were at Jericho some distance away saw him, they said: “The spirit of Prophet Elijah Elias rests on Prophet Elisha Al-Yasha.” And they came to meet him, and bowed down to the ground before him.

Note 1. The prophets of God bowed down in the worship position to the new head prophet of God as a sign of acknowledgement that from Prophet Elisha Al-Yasha comes the supreme word of God as described in Deuteronomy 18:18.


2 Kings 2:16 And they said to him (Prophet Elisha Al-Yasha): “Look now, there are with you servants (who are) fifty strong men; let them go, we pray (we beg) you, and look for your master (Prophet Elijah Elias); lest peradventure (meaning, to find out what has happened incase) the spirit (the angel) of the LORD (God) has taken him (Prophet Elijah Elias) up, and (then) put him (Prophet Elijah Elias) on some mountain, or into some valley.' And he (Prophet Elisha Al-Yasha) said: “You shall not send (them because he understood that the angel of God raises the soul to heaven).”

Note 1. Prophet Elisha Al-Yasha understood that the angel of death (“the spirit of the LORD”, the angel of the LORD) raised the soul of Prophet Elijah Elias to heaven and to God but other people who saw this vision of Prophet Elijah Elias being raised to the sky though it was the physical living body instead of understanding that the vision represented the raising of the living soul to heaven and to God which happens after the death of every physical human body.


2 Kings 2:17 And when they urged him till he (Prophet Elisha Al-Yasha) was ashamed (to refuse their requests), he (Prophet Elisha Al-Yasha) said: 'Send (them).”  They therefore sent fifty men; and they looked for three days, but did not find him (Prophet Elijah Elias).


2 Kings 2:18 And they (the fifty men) came back to him (Prophet Elisha Al-Yasha), while he stayed at Jericho; and he (Prophet Elisha Al-Yasha) said to them: “Did I not say to you: Do not go (the first time you asked me)?”

Note 1. Why did they not find Prophet Elijah Elias?

They did not find Prophet Elijah Elias because they were looking for a living man on the earth.

They were not looking for a man in a grave and for this reason no one knows where is his grave meaning God prevented the idol worship of Prophet Elijah in the same way as God prevented the idol worship of Prophet Moses by hiding the location of their graves.

Prophet Elisha Al-Yasha knew the people would not find Prophet Elijah because the image of Prophet Elijah Elias was seen rising to heaven only as a sign that his request made in 2 Kings 2:9 had been granted by God and to show to the other prophets that God through Prophet Elijah Elias had passed his authority as head of the prophets to Prophet Elisha Al-Yasha however people looking through that also meant that Prophet Elijah Elias was alive and that is why they searched for a living man instead of searching for a man buried in a grave in 2 Kings 2:15-2:18.

Note 2. Elisha Al-Yasha was made the head prophet and this is confirmed by Prophet Elisha Al-Yasha being the only prophet who correctly understood that the vision represented the raising of the soul to heaven and to God which occurs after the death of each human meaning this vision was one of many miracles in the time of Prophet Elijah which allowed humans to see something that normally cannot be seen with the human eye.  

For example Prophet Elijah Al-Yasha brought a dead boy back to life with God’s permission,

1 Kings 17:17 And it came to pass after these things, that the son of the woman, the mistress of the house, fell sick; and his sickness was so sore (serious), that there was no breath left in him.

1 Kings 17:18 And she said to Prophet Elijah Al-Yasha: “What have I to do with you, O you man of God? Have you come to me to remind me of my sin, and to kill my son?'

1 Kings 17:19 And he (Prophet Elijah Al-Yasha) said to her: “Give me your son.” And he took him (the dead son) out of her bosom (the enclosure between her breast), and carried him up to the upper chamber, where he lived (in her house as a temporary lodger), and laid him on his own bed.

1 Kings 17:20 And he (Prophet Elijah Al-Yasha) cried to the LORD (God), and said: “O LORD my God, have You (God) also brought evil on the widow with whom I temporary lodge, by slaying her son?'

1 Kings 17:21 And he (Prophet Elijah Al-Yasha) stretched himself upon the child three times, and cried to the LORD (God), and said: “O LORD my God, I pray to You (God), let this child's soul come back into him.”

1 Kings 17:22 And the LORD (God) listened to the voice of Prophet Elijah Al-Yasha; and the soul of the child came back into him, and he (the dead son) revived (came back to life).

1 Kings 17:23 And (Prophet Elijah Al-Yasha) took the child, and brought him down out of the upper chamber into the house, and delivered him to his mother; and (Prophet Elijah Al-Yasha) said: “See, your son lives.'

1 Kings 17:24 And the woman said to (Prophet Elijah Al-Yasha): “Now I know that you are a man of God, and that the word of the LORD (God) in your mouth is truth.'


2. The letter from Prophet Elijah to King Jehoram in 2 Chronicles 21:12 received years after the soul of Elijah had ascended to heaven.

The soul of Prophet Elijah was raised by the angel of death but many of his follower were made to believe that Prophet Elijah was alive as a way to stop them from looking for his grave to prevent idol worship.

God was able to send a message to a King and protect the life of Prophet Elisha Al-Yasha from that evil King by telling Prophet Elisha Al-Yasha to write a letter in the name of Prophet Elijah to the evil King so that the anger of King Jehoram would not fall on Prophet Elisha Al-Yasha. 


2 Chronicles 21:12 And there came a writing to him (King Jehoram of Judah) from Elijah the prophet, saying: “So said the LORD, the God of David your father: Because you have not walked in the (righteous) ways of Jehoshaphat your father, nor in the ways of Asa king of Judah; 

The promised messiah in Tanakh Jewish scripture is named David.

1. The messiah David comes after the last war in Zechariah 12:1-14 not before the last war.

2. The last war is between Israel and Gog.

3. After this war all Israel will repent together to God as a nation in Isaiah 59:20.

4. Then comes Prophet Elijah together with Judah and the lost tribes of Israel on the Day of Resurrection before the great and awesome Day of Judgement in Malachi 3:23 or Malachi 4:5 in a Christian Bible and everyone will repent on the Day of Resurrection in Malachi 3:24 or Malachi 4:6 in a Christian Bible.

5. Then comes the messiah king David on the Day of Judgement in Isaiah 2:4, Hosea 3:5 and Daniel 7:13 and everyone who followed his example by repenting for their sins and corrected their behaviour will be saved by God in Psalm 32:5, Psalm 51:17-19 or Psalm 51:15-17 in a Christian Bible, Ezekiel 18:21-23, 1 Kings 3:14, 1 Kings 11:38 and 2 Kings 22:2 meaning God will judge who was sincere in their repentance when they were living before the Day of Resurrection so that they might live forever and not be destroyed in Daniel 12:2.


See 1. Enoch showed what happens when humans die.



See 2.The promise of eternal life before the time of Jesus.


Corrections and questions are welcome and can be emailed to somaliahamradio@yahoo.com 


The meaning of verses in the Quran and Tanakh and Gospel are on these websites.

The meaning of verses in the Koran and Torah and Injil are on these websites. 

YOU ARE HERE God https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran

God index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/index 

Allah https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran

Allah index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran/index  

Allaah https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran

Allaah index https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran/index  

Q&A https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel

Q&A index https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel/index