Quran chapter 89 surah 89.

Hell is brought near on the Day of Judgement and not on the day of death in the grave (Quran 89:21 – 89:26).

“Punishment in the grave” contradicts the Quran meaning that story was invented after the death of Prophet Muhammad like “Jesus Isa is God” contradicts the Gospel Injil meaning that story was invented after the death of Prophet Jesus Isa (Quran 89:23 comment).


3 June 2021 (1442 AH).


Quran chapter 89.

Quran surah 89.

Quran sura 89.

Koran chapter 89.

Koran surah 89.

Koran sura 89.

The tenth revelation to Prophet Muhammad.

The tenth revelation to Hadhrat Muhammad.

The tenth revelation to Hadrat Muhammad.

The tenth revelation to Hajarat Muhammad.

The tenth revelation to Hajrat Muhammad.

The tenth revelation to Hazarat Muhammad.

The tenth revelation to Hazrat Muhammad.

The tenth revelation to Hazrate Muhammad.

The tenth revelation to Muhammad.

See Quran chapter 89.

Who is Haman?

Why is the Haman in the Quran the same Haman in the Torah Taurat?

The key to correctly identify Haman in the Quran.

The key to correctly identify Haamaan in the Quran.

The key to correctly identify Hamã in the Quran.

The key to correctly identify Hamaan in the Quran.

The key to correctly identify Ham'an in the Quran.

The key to correctly identify Hâmân in the Quran.

The key to correctly identify Hamann in the Quran.

The key to correctly identify Hamman in the Quran.

The key to correctly identify Aman in the Quran.

The key to correctly identify Haman in the Koran.

The key to correctly identify Haamaan in the Koran.

The key to correctly identify Hamã in the Koran.

The key to correctly identify Hamaan in the Koran.

The key to correctly identify Ham'an in the Koran.

The key to correctly identify Hâmân in the Koran.

The key to correctly identify Hamann in the Koran.

The key to correctly identify Hamman in the Koran.

The key to correctly identify Aman in the Koran.

The key to correctly identify Haman in Al Quran.

The key to correctly identify Haamaan in Al Quran.

The key to correctly identify Hamã in Al Quran.

The key to correctly identify Hamaan in Al Quran.

The key to correctly identify Ham'an in Al Quran.

The key to correctly identify Hâmân in Al Quran.

The key to correctly identify Hamann in Quran.

The key to correctly identify Hamman in Al Quran.

The key to correctly identify Aman in Al Quran.

Haman and Pharaoh and the tower of Babel.

Haman and Pharaoh and the tower of Babylon.

Haman and the tower of Babel.

Haman and the tower of Babylon.

Pharaoh and the tower of Babel.

Pharaoh and the tower of Babylon.

Feraoun, Féraoun, Feraon, Feraun, Ferawn, Feron, Ferone, Feroon, Ferown, Firaaon, Firaawn, Firaon, Firaoon, Firaoun, Fir'aun, Firaun, Fir'awn, Firawn, Fircoon, Firhon, Fir'oon, Fircoon, Firoon, Firon, Firoun, Firown, Fir'own, Phiroun, Pharaoh of Egypt, King of Egypt,

See Quran 89:10 comments.

Information: The Quran chapter 89.

Order of Revelation: 10 (1 is the first revelation and 114 is the last revelation).

Place of Revelation: Mecca (Makkah, Arabia today Saudi Arabia).

Number of Verses: 30 verses.

The Quran.

Chapter 89

Daybreak (Al-Fajr).

English interpretations of the Quran.

The Quran Chapter 89 Daybreak (Al-Fajr, Fajr, The Break of Day, The Dawn, The Daybreak) in English.

Chapter : Verse.

(Information in brackets is added to assist readers in the interpretation of the verse).

Quran 89:0 Koran 89:0 Verse 89:0 Ayah 89:0 Ayat 89:0 Aya 89:0 In the name of God, The Most Kind, The Most Merciful.

Quran 89:1 Koran 89:1 Verse 89:1 Ayah 89:1 Ayat 89:1 Aya 89:1 (I God swear to the truth) by the (truth of the existence of the) daybreak.

Quran 89:2 Koran 89:2 Verse 89:2 Ayah 89:2 Ayat 89:2 Aya 89:2 And (I (God) swear to the truth) by the (truth of the immoral behaviour of the stone idol worships at the Kabah in Mecca Arabia today Makkah Saudi Arabia during the) ten nights (of the pilgrimage when those misguided worshippers prayed to stone idols and walked naked around the Kabah).

Quran 89:3 Koran 89:3 Verse 89:3 Ayah 89:3 Ayat 89:3 Aya 89:3 And (I God swear to the truth) by the (truth of the) even and the odd (number of arrows that were mixed together and then one was chosen by the stone idol worships in Makkah to misguidedly find guidance and misguidedly forecast the future).

Quran 89:4 Koran 89:4 Verse 89:4 Ayah 89:4 Ayat 89:4 Aya 89:4 And (I God swear to the truth) by the night when it (the time of ignorance of the existence of God) departed (and the word of God arrived to the stone idol worships in Makkah).

Quran 89:5 Koran 89:5 Verse 89:5 Ayah 89:5 Ayat 89:5 Aya 89:5 That in those oaths is understanding (that God guides goodness to the good person and God guides evil to the evil person).

Quran 89:6 Koran 89:6 Verse 89:6 Ayah 89:6 Ayat 89:6 Aya 89:6 Have you not considered how your Lord (God) dealt with the tribe of A’ad -

Quran 89:7 Koran 89:7 Verse 89:7 Ayah 89:7 Ayat 89:7 Aya 89:7 (In the city of) Iram possessors of (buildings with high) pillars (columns).

Quran 89:8 Koran 89:8 Verse 89:8 Ayah 89:8 Ayat 89:8 Aya 89:8 The likes of which had never before been created in the land?

Quran 89:9 Koran 89:9 Verse 89:9 Ayah 89:9 Ayat 89:9 Aya 89:9 And (with the tribe of) Thamud who carved out the rocks in the valley (to make homes on the face of the valley of rock such as Petra Raqmu Al-Batra in Jordan and the Nabataean Thamud monuments such as the buildings carved into the mountain south of Petra in Al-Hijr known earlier as Hegra in the Province of Al Madinah, Al-Hejaz, Saudi Arabia in Quran 7:74, Quran 15:82 and Quran 89:9 see http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1293 ).

Comment 1. God says observe and think meaning study the creation.

See Quran 88:17 – 88:20 in Quran chapter 88.

Quran 89:10 Koran 89:10 Verse 89:10 Ayah 89:10 Ayat 89:10 Aya 89:10 And (with) Pharaoh Firon who was the possessor of spikes (used for torture)?

Comment 1. The Pharaoh Firon is a man of power and military might so who is Haman?

Who is Haman?

Why is Haman in the Quran the same Haman in the Torah Taurat?

1a. What did God reveal about Haman before the Quran?

Quran 41:43 Verse 41:43 Nothing is said (by God) to you (Prophet Muhammad) except what has already been said to the messengers before you. Your Lord (God) is the possessor of forgiveness and severe punishment.

1b. Where did God reveal Haman before the Quran?

Quran 3:3 Verse 3:3 He (God) revealed to you (Prophet Muhammad) the Book (the Quran) of truth confirming what came before it (in the Torah Taurat and in the Gospel Injil), and He (God) revealed the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil.

1c. Where has God confirmed the identity of Haman before the Quran?

Quran 12:111 Verse 12:111 "... It (the Quran) is not an invented story but it is a confirmation of what came before it (in the Scriptures of the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil) ..."

1d. The Quran confirms what is in Tanakh Jewish scripture because God protects God’s word.

Quran 26:196 Verse 26:196 It (the revelations from God in the Quran) is (also) in the Scriptures of the people of the past (in the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil).

1e Why is Haman in the Quran and in Tanakh Jewish scripture the same Haman?

Quran 27:76 Verse 27:76 This Quran explains to the Children of Israel most of the (religious) matters in which they have had disagreements.

Quran 37:37 Verse 37:37 No (you should not if he was mad) but he (Prophet Muhammad) brought the Truth, and he confirmed (the truth of) those (messengers of God who were) sent (before him).

Quran 39:27 Verse 39:27 And We (God) have made for people all kinds of examples in this Quran so that they (the people) might think (and understand and remember God).

Quran 39:28 Verse 39:28 (It is) a Quran in Arabic without deviation (from the truth) so that you might become righteous (in good behaviour by remembering God).

Quran 41:43 Verse 41:43 Nothing is said (by God) to you (Prophet Muhammad) except what has already been said to the messengers before you. Your Lord (God) is the possessor of forgiveness and severe punishment.

Quran 28:6 Verse 28:6 And to establish them (the children of Israel) on the earth, and to show the Pharaoh Firon (the king of Egypt who wanted to destroy the Jewish people around 1847 – 1842 BH, 1225 BCE – 1220 BCE, 1225 BC – 1220 BC because the Jews prayed to God and not to the Pharaoh Firon) and Haman (the Prime Minister to King Ahasuerus in Persia today Iran who wanted to destroy the Jewish people around 1026 BH, 404 BCE, 404 BC because one Jewish person refused to bow down and prostrate to Haman because the Jews bow down and prostrate only to God) and their soldiers what they (the Pharaoh Firon and Haman) feared (in humiliation) from them (the children of Israel, because the Jews refused to believe that the Pharaoh Firon and Haman were greater than God).

The Pharaoh Firon in the time of Prophet Moses Musa cut big blocks of stone to built the pyramid in Egypt and this was well known 1400 years ago and today so what is the meaning of "light a fire for me O Haman to make clay bricks to build a tower" mean in Quran 28:38?

Quran 28:38 Verse 28:38 Pharaoh Firon (the king of Egypt around 1847 – 1842 BH, 1225 BCE – 1220 BCE, 1225 BC – 1220 BC cut stone blocks to make pyramids) said, "O Chiefs, I do not know of any God for you but myself so, light for me O Haman (representing the Prime Minister to King Ahasuerus in Persia today Iran who came after the time of the Pharaoh Firon around 1026 BH, 404 BCE, 404 BC, “a fire of disbelief in God”) on the clay (baked bricks in the furnace) and make for me a high tower (representing the tower of Babel, the tower of Babylon which was built by the people in Babylon today in Iraq in 2612 BH 1990 BCE 1990 BC before the time of the Pharaoh Firon) so that I can have a look at the God of Prophet Moses Musa but I think he (Prophet Moses Musa) is lying (like the people in Babylon believed God was a lie before the time of the Pharaoh Firon and like Haman believed God was a lie after the time of the Pharaoh Firon because the people in Babylon and Haman did not believe that anyone was greater than themselves. The people of the clay bricked tower of Babylon today in Iraq and the Pharaoh Firon in Egypt and Haman in Persia today in Iran are brought together to show how disbelief is passed and strengthen from generation to generation)."

The Pharaoh Firon of ancient Egypt handed the fire of disbelief in God to Haman, the Prime Minister of Persian – Median empire.

Quran 28:41 Verse 28:41 And we made them (the Pharaoh Firon and Haman) leaders (who were followed by later tyrants) inviting (people) to the Fire (of punishment in the Hereafter) and on the Day of Resurrection they shall find no help.

1f. The fire of disbelief in God.

1. A fire of disbelief in God with the clay bricks made in the furnace refers to the tower of Babel (tower of Babylon) in Babylon today in Iraq in 2612 BH 1990 BCE 1990 BC that was erected in the plain of Shinar by the descendants of Prophet Noah Nuh after the great flood. This is confirmed in Torah Genesis 11:1 – 11:9.

2. The fire of disbelief in God was adopted by the Pharaoh Firon who carved large rock blocks to make Pyramid towers in Egypt so in Quran 28:38 the clay bricks are mentioned to show that the disbelief of the Pharaoh Firon was the same as the disbelief of the descendants of Prophet Noah Nuh who had built the tower of Babel (tower of Babylon) from clay bricks because of their similar desire to see heaven long before the time of the Pharaoh Firon. This is a style of writing that is designed to show that disbelief in God is passed from one generation to the next generation.

3. The fire of disbelief in God which is symbolized by the clay bricks of the tower of Babel (tower of Babylon) is passed on (adopted) by Haman in 1026 BH 404 BCE 404 BC in Persia today in Iran. This again shows how the disbelief in God is passed from one generation to the next generation.

4. The Pharaoh Firon said, “I do not know of any God for you but myself.”

5. The Pharaoh Firon who lived in Egypt in 1847 – 1842 BH 1225 BCE – 1220 BCE 1225 BC – 1220 BC tells Haman who lived in Persia (Iran) in 1026 BH (404 BCE, 404 BC) not to believe in God and to light a fire of disbelief in God in the world and carry a fire of disbelief in God to the future generations of humans.

6. The fire of disbelief in God which is symbolized by the clay bricks of the tower of Babel (tower of Babylon) were ignited in Babylon today in Iraq in 2612 BH 1990 BCE 1990 BC.

7. The fire of disbelief in God shall continue until the arrival of the Day of Judgement.

Quran 28:41 Verse 28:41 And we made them (the Pharaoh Firon and Haman) leaders (who were followed by later tyrants) inviting (people) to the Fire (of punishment in the Hereafter) and on the Day of Resurrection they shall find no help.

Comment 2. The key to correctly identify Haman Hamman is in Quran 40:24.

In the Torah Taurat the first to die is the Pharaoh Firon in the Red Sea, later Korah Qarun dies in the Sinai Peninsula and later still Haman Hamman dies in Persia.

These 3 famous people lived at different times in history.

Quran 39:27 Verse 39:27 And We (God) have made for people all kinds of examples in this Quran so that they (the people) might think (and understand and remember God).

Quran 40:23 Verse 40:23 And We (God) sent Prophet Moses Musa with Our (God’s) revelations and a clear authority.

Quran 40:24 Verse 40:24 To Pharaoh Firon (the King of Egypt in 1847 – 1842 BH 1225 BCE – 1220 BCE 1225 BC – 1220 BC) and Haman (the Prime Minister of Persia in 1026 BH 404 BCE 404 BC through Mordecai who showed Haman the teachings of Prophet Moses Musa) and Korah Qarun (of the children of Israel in the Sinai Peninsula after the death of the Pharaoh Firon), but they (the Pharaoh Firon, Korah Qarun and Haman) said, “A (person who says that God is more important than us is a) fraud (a deceiver), a liar.”

8. Around 1847 – 1842 BH 1225 BCE – 1220 BCE 1225 BC – 1220 BC in Egypt the Pharaoh Firon the King of Egypt called Prophet Moses Musa a magician, fraud a deceiver and a liar and the Pharaoh Firon with his Army went to destroy the children of Israel but he was not successful and God destroyed the Pharaoh Firon and his followers.

9. After the death of the Pharaoh Firon, Korah Qarun who was one of the children of Israel, rebelled against Prophet Moses Musa in the Sinai Peninsula but he was not successful and God destroyed Korah Qarun and his followers.

10. Around 1026 BH 404 BCE 404 BC in Persia today Iran, Haman plotted to destroy the descendants of Prophet Moses Musa who are the children of Israel the Hebrew people the Jewish people but Haman was not successful and God destroyed Haman and his followers..

11. Only Satan Shaitan with God’s permission as a test for believers would want to make Muslims believe that God’s books are faulty so that they incorrectly understand the Pharaoh Firon, Korah Qarun, Haman Hamman story.

Quran 40:36 Verse 40:36 And Pharaoh Firon (the King of Egypt around 1847 – 1842 BH 1225 BCE – 1220 BCE 1225 BC – 1220 BC) said, “O Haman (the Prime Minister in Persia around 1026 BH 404 BCE 404 BC take from me the fire of disbelief and evil and) build for me a tower so that I may have the means (of looking into heaven).” -

12. The Pharaoh Firon is calling Haman and the other people in the future to do evil and join him in the fire of Hell Jahannam in the hereafter.

Quran 79:24 Verse 79:24 Saying, “I (the Pharaoh (Firon)) am your greatest Lord (meaning, I am your god and no one is greater than me).”

13. Pharaoh Firon and Haman and Korah Qarun is the story of arrogance compared to the righteousness of Prophet Moses Musa.

The Pharaoh Firon was arrogant and he rejected the idea that anyone was greater than him.

The Pharaoh Firon had no interest to obey Prophet Moses Musa who promoted the idea that some one else existed who was greater than the Pharaoh Firon.

Korah Qarun was arrogant in believing he was above everyone in power and statues.

Haman was arrogant when he felt humiliated because one Jew did not bow down to him because Jews only bow down to God.

The humiliation felt by the Pharaoh Firon and Haman was the same humiliation caused by arrogance.

Both the Pharaoh Firon and Haman wanted to destroy the children of Israel because they felt humiliated that there existed a people who did not bow down to their will.

In the Quran God has brought all four people together as if they lived at the same time and in the same location to compare arrogance and righteousness.

In the Quran God has brought all four people together to show that the evil in the past is repeated in the future.

Quran 38:12 Verse 38:12 Before them (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) were the people of Noah Nuh, and (the people of) A'ad, and the Pharaoh Firon (who was) the possessor of spikes (used for torture) (and they all rejected the messengers of God).

Quran 39:27 Verse 39:27 And We (God) have made for people all kinds of examples in this Quran so that they (the people) might think (and understand and remember God).

See: Haman in the Quran.


Comment 3. Where is evidence of the truth?

Evidence of the truth is in the Torah, Gospel and Quran.

God protects the Torah, Gospel and Quran so that every human can see the truth.

No one has the power to change the word of God.

If humans could change the word of God in the Torah Taurat or the Gospel Injil or the Koran Quran then no revelation could be trusted.

If humans could change the word of God in the Torah Taurat or the Gospel Injil or the Koran Quran then it would be proof that God did not exist because humans had changed the words in the books of God.


Comment 4. Misguidance in religion comes from disregarding what God has revealed and replacing it with what humans say in false hadith stories that cannot be found in the Books of God.

If hadith stories agree with the Koran then accept it.

If hadith stories do not agree with the Koran then reject it.

On the Day of Judgment God judges by the words in the protected Quran.

On the Day of Judgment God does not judge by the words in unprotected human hadith stories.

The Quran is the protected word of God including the protected words of Prophet Muhammad.

Examples of hadith stories which contradict the teachings of God in the Quran.

See Quran 25:30 comments in Quran chapter 25.

Quran 89:11 Koran 89:11 Verse 89:11 Ayah 89:11 Ayat 89:11 Aya 89:11 Who were all rebellious (against God) in the lands.

Quran 89:12 Koran 89:12 Verse 89:12 Ayah 89:12 Ayat 89:12 Aya 89:12 And made plenty of misbehavior (against the people) in it (the land).

Quran 89:13 Koran 89:13 Verse 89:13 Ayah 89:13 Ayat 89:13 Aya 89:13 So the Lord (God) poured His (God’s) punishment on them (who had rebelled against God and misbehaved against the people).

Quran 89:14 Koran 89:14 Verse 89:14 Ayah 89:14 Ayat 89:14 Aya 89:14 Your Lord (God) is always watching.

Quran 89:15 Koran 89:15 Verse 89:15 Ayah 89:15 Ayat 89:15 Aya 89:15 When your Lord (God) tests a person by being generous to them and favouring them, they (who have pride and arrogance) say, “My Lord (God) has honoured me” (instead of correctly thanking God).

Comment 1. What is the purpose of life?

See Quran 44:38 comments in Quran chapter 44.

Quran 89:16 Koran 89:16 Verse 89:16 Ayah 89:16 Ayat 89:16 Aya 89:16 But when He (God) tests a person by restricting their provisions, they (who have pride and arrogance) say, “My Lord (God) has humiliated me” (instead of correctly thanking God for what they have and being patient).

Quran 89:17 Koran 89:17 Verse 89:17 Ayah 89:17 Ayat 89:17 Aya 89:17 No (not only that) but you (the wrong doers) do not honour the orphan (with respect and with kindness and with generosity).

Quran 89:18 Koran 89:18 Verse 89:18 Ayah 89:18 Ayat 89:18 Aya 89:18 And you do not encourage each other to feed the poor.

Quran 89:19 Koran 89:19 Verse 89:19 Ayah 89:19 Ayat 89:19 Aya 89:19 And you completely consume the inheritance (that belong to other people instead of carefully managing the assets of other people such as the orphan that have been put in your care).

Quran 89:20 Koran 89:20 Verse 89:20 Ayah 89:20 Ayat 89:20 Aya 89:20 And you have a great love for wealth.

Quran 89:21 Koran 89:21 Verse 89:21 Ayah 89:21 Ayat 89:21 Aya 89:21 Indeed (the earth is a trial and in the hereafter is the greatest reward and the greatest punishment and) when the earth is crushed to dust (and you are resurrected on the Day of Judgement).

Quran 89:22 Koran 89:22 Verse 89:22 Ayah 89:22 Ayat 89:22 Aya 89:22 And (in the hereafter) your Lord (God) has come (to give judgement) and the angels are (lined up) in ranks.

Quran 89:23 Koran 89:23 Verse 89:23 Ayah 89:23 Ayat 89:23 Aya 89:23 And on that Day (of Judgement) Hell Jahannam is brought near (to see) and then the human (who did evil) shall remember (the evil they did) but how shall that remembrance be (of any help to them in the hereafter because on that day they shall be responsible for the evil that they did).

Comment 1. Hell is brought near on the Day of Judgement and not on the day of death in the grave.

“Punishment in the grave” contradicts the Quran meaning that story was invented after the death of Prophet Muhammad like “Jesus Isa is God” contradicts the Gospel Injil meaning that story was invented after the death of Prophet Jesus Isa.

Quran 40:46 Verse 40:46 The Fire (in Hell Jahannam, what can I tell you about it?); they (who are punished for their evil behaviour in the world) are exposed to it morning and evening (meaning all day and all night in the hereafter) and on the appointed time on the Day (of Judgment in the hereafter it shall be said), "Put the people of the Pharaoh Firon in the severest punishment (of the fire in Hell Jahannam)."

See. Quran 25:30 comments with examples of hadith stories which contradict the teachings of God in Quran chapter 25.

Quran 89:24 Koran 89:24 Verse 89:24 Ayah 89:24 Ayat 89:24 Aya 89:24 The person shall say, “I wish I had sent (good deeds during my life) before (my death as an investment) for my (everlasting) life (in the hereafter).

Quran 89:25 Koran 89:25 Verse 89:25 Ayah 89:25 Ayat 89:25 Aya 89:25 On that Day (of Judgement) no one can punish (as severely) as He (God) shall punish (the wrongdoer).

Quran 89:26 Koran 89:26 Verse 89:26 Ayah 89:26 Ayat 89:26 Aya 89:26 And no one can contain (as strongly) as He (God) shall contain (the wrongdoer in Hell Jahannam).

Quran 89:27 Koran 89:27 Verse 89:27 Ayah 89:27 Ayat 89:27 Aya 89:27 (To the righteous it shall be said), “O Soul who has no worries (and who is at peace)”

Comment 1. The soul in Paradise Jannah.

Quran 13:28 Verse 13:28 The believers (in God are those) whose hearts have satisfaction in the remembrance of God (and God’s promise of the reward of Paradise Jannah). It is surely in the remembrance of God (and God’s promise of the reward of Paradise Jannah) that the hearts (of the believers) find satisfaction.

Quran 91:9 Verse 91:9 The one who cleans it (their soul of sin) has succeeded (in the hereafter).

Quran 89:28 Koran 89:28 Verse 89:28 Ayah 89:28 Ayat 89:28 Aya 89:28 Return to your Lord (God) satisfied (with your striving) and blessed (by God).

Quran 89:29 Koran 89:29 Verse 89:29 Ayah 89:29 Ayat 89:29 Aya 89:29 So enter (Paradise Jannah and be) among My (God’s righteous) servants.

Quran 89:30 Koran 89:30 Verse 89:30 Ayah 89:30 Ayat 89:30 Aya 89:30 And enter My (God’s) garden (in Paradise Jannah).

Interpretations of the Quran (Al-Quran, Al Quran, Koran).

This is an interpretation of some of the meanings in the Quran.

This is not a perfect translation of the Quran because the Quran is in the Arabic language.

The Arabic language in the Quran must be understood as it was understood over 1400 years ago.

God guides who He wills to the correct understanding of the Quran.

In the English language the word Allah is God.

God (Allah) is the creator of the Jews, Christians, Muslims and everyone and everything that exists.

Islam and the Quran chapter (sura, surah, surat), chapters (suras, surahs), verse (ayaah, aya, ayah), verses (ayaas, ayaat, ayas, ayat), analysis, annotation, clarification, comment, commentary, elucidation, examination, explanation, foot note, interpretation, investigation, note, observation, remark, study, understanding, analyses, annotations, clarifications, comments, commentaries, elucidations, examinations, explanations, foot notes, interpretations, investigations, notes, observations, remarks, studies, understandings of Islam and the Quran (The Coran, Al-Coran, Al Coran, The Koran, Al-Koran, Al Koran, The Quran, Al Quran, Al-Quran, The Qur'an, Al-Qur'an, Al Qur'an, The Qur’ān, Al-Qur’ān, Al Qur’ān).

Corrections and questions are welcome and can be emailed to somaliahamradio@yahoo.com

The meaning of verses in the Quran and Tanakh and Gospel are on these websites.

The meaning of verses in the Koran and Torah and Injil are on these websites.

YOU ARE HERE God https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran

God index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/index

Allah https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran

Allah index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran/index

Allaah https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran

Allaah index https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran/index

Q&A https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel

Q&A index https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel/index