Quran chapter 74 surah 74.

The right hand (Quran 74:39 comments).

Nineteen angels guard Hell Jahannam (Quran 74:30 - 74:31).


29 May 2021 (1442 AH).


Quran chapter 74.

Quran surah 74.

Quran sura 74.

Koran chapter 74.

Koran surah 74.

Koran sura 74.

The fourth revelation to Prophet Muhammad.

The fourth revelation to Hadhrat Muhammad.

The fourth revelation to Hadrat Muhammad.

The fourth revelation to Hajarat Muhammad.

The fourth revelation to Hajrat Muhammad.

The fourth revelation to Hazarat Muhammad.

The fourth revelation to Hazrat Muhammad.

The fourth revelation to Hazrate Muhammad.

The fourth revelation to Muhammad.

See Quran chapter 74.

Nineteen angels guard Hell.

Nineteen angels guard Hell fire.

Nineteen angels guard Jahannam.

Nineteen angels guard Gehenna.

Nineteen angels guard Gehennem.

Nineteen angels guard Gehinnam.

Nineteen angels guard Gehinnom.

Nineteen angels guard Saqr.

Nineteen angels guard Saqar.

19 angels guarding Hell.

19 angels guarding Hell fire.

19 angels guarding Jahannam.

19 angels guarding Gehenna.

19 angels guarding Gehennem.

19 angels guarding Gehinnam.

19 angels guarding Gehinnom.

19 angels guarding Saqr.

19 angels guarding Saqar.

Zabaniyah (plural).

Zabaniyya (plural).

Zebani (singular).

See Quran 74:30 – 74:31 comments.

Information: The Quran chapter 74.

Order of Revelation: 4 (1 is the first revelation and 114 is the last revelation).

Place of Revelation: Mecca (Makkah, Arabia today Saudi Arabia).

Number of Verses: 56 verses.

The Quran.

Chapter 74

The One Covered Up (Al-Muddaththir).

English interpretations of the Quran.

The Quran Chapter 74 The One Covered Up (Al-Muddath-thir, Al-Muddaththir, Muddassir, The Cloaked One, The Cloaked One, The Man Wearing a Cloak, The One Wrapped Up, The One Wrapping Himself Up, The Hidden secret) in English.

Chapter : Verse.

(Information in brackets is added to assist readers in the interpretation of the verse).

Quran 74:0 Koran 74:0 Verse 74:0 Ayah 74:0 Ayat 74:0 Aya 74:0 In the name of God, The Most Kind, The Most Merciful.

Quran 74:1 Koran 74:1 Verse 74:1 Ayah 74:1 Ayat 74:1 Aya 74:1 (The Spirit, The Holy Spirit, The Holy Ghost, angel Gabriel Jibril who delivers the Word of God to God’s messengers said), You (Prophet Muhammad who are) covered up under your (bed) sheets.

Quran 74:2 Koran 74:2 Verse 74:2 Ayah 74:2 Ayat 74:2 Aya 74:2 Get up and warn (the people with the Word of God, to do what is good and not do what is evil).

Quran 74:3 Koran 74:3 Verse 74:3 Ayah 74:3 Ayat 74:3 Aya 74:3 And exalt your Lord (God in praise and prayer).

Quran 74:4 Koran 74:4 Verse 74:4 Ayah 74:4 Ayat 74:4 Aya 74:4 And purify your clothing (by cleaning them).

Quran 74:5 Koran 74:5 Verse 74:5 Ayah 74:5 Ayat 74:5 Aya 74:5 And avoid uncleanness (by cleaning your self).

Quran 74:6 Koran 74:6 Verse 74:6 Ayah 74:6 Ayat 74:6 Aya 74:6 And do not give favours (to people) for the purpose of receiving favours (from people but give favours to people for the purpose of receiving favours from God).

Quran 74:7 Koran 74:7 Verse 74:7 Ayah 74:7 Ayat 74:7 Aya 74:7 And for your Lord (God), be patient (to show your trust in God).

Quran 74:8 Koran 74:8 Verse 74:8 Ayah 74:8 Ayat 74:8 Aya 74:8 And when the Horn (trumpet) is blown.

Quran 74:9 Koran 74:9 Verse 74:9 Ayah 74:9 Ayat 74:9 Aya 74:9 That day (of Resurrection from death to a new life) shall be a difficult day -

Quran 74:10 Koran 74:10 Verse 74:10 Ayah 74:10 Ayat 74:10 Aya 74:10 That shall not be easy for those who disbelieved (in God, their creator).

Quran 74:11 Koran 74:11 Verse 74:11 Ayah 74:11 Ayat 74:11 Aya 74:11 Leave Me (God) and (Al-Walid bin al-Mughirah, Al-Walid ibn al-Mughirah, the chief of the Banu Makhzum clan of the Quraish Tribe) whom I (God) created alone (meaning let God himself deal with each person that God has created meaning only God who created every human has the authority to decide what shall happen to every human and only God has the authority to guide each human to belief or to disbelief and only God has the authority to reward or to punish each human for their belief meaning it is not for humans to punish other humans for belief in God because only God knows the final true belief of each human).

Quran 74:12 Koran 74:12 Verse 74:12 Ayah 74:12 Ayat 74:12 Aya 74:12 I (God) gave him abundant wealth.

Quran 74:13 Koran 74:13 Verse 74:13 Ayah 74:13 Ayat 74:13 Aya 74:13 And children to be with him.

Quran 74:14 Koran 74:14 Verse 74:14 Ayah 74:14 Ayat 74:14 Aya 74:14 And I (God) made life comfortable for him.

Quran 74:15 Koran 74:15 Verse 74:15 Ayah 74:15 Ayat 74:15 Aya 74:15 Then he (Al-Walid bin al-Mughirah in Mecca, Arabia today Makkah Saudi Arabia) desires that I (God) give him more.

Quran 74:16 Koran 74:16 Verse 74:16 Ayah 74:16 Ayat 74:16 Aya 74:16 That shall not happen because he has been to Our (God’s) verses (of guidance) stubbon.

Quran 74:17 Koran 74:17 Verse 74:17 Ayah 74:17 Ayat 74:17 Aya 74:17 I (God) shall bring a distressing punishment to him.

Quran 74:18 Koran 74:18 Verse 74:18 Ayah 74:18 Ayat 74:18 Aya 74:18 he (Al-Walid bin al-Mughirah) thought and considered (the benefit of accepting or rejecting God or stone idol worship).

Quran 74:19 Koran 74:19 Verse 74:19 Ayah 74:19 Ayat 74:19 Aya 74:19 And misfortune (of having lost the mercy of God) is on him (Al-Walid bin al-Mughirah) for how he thought (to reject God in the hope that he could gain more wealth through stone idol worship and the favour of the wealthy stone idol worshippers in Makkah instead of joining with the poor people who were the believers in God).

Quran 74:20 Koran 74:20 Verse 74:20 Ayah 74:20 Ayat 74:20 Aya 74:20 And misfortune (of having lost the mercy of God) was on him (Al-Walid bin al-Mughirah in Makkah) for how he thought (concerning God which was really only a plot that he had plotted against his own soul).

Quran 74:21 Koran 74:21 Verse 74:21 Ayah 74:21 Ayat 74:21 Aya 74:21 Then he looked (at Prophet Muhammad reciting the revelations from God).

Quran 74:22 Koran 74:22 Verse 74:22 Ayah 74:22 Ayat 74:22 Aya 74:22 Then he frowned and showed dislike (for the revelations from God).

Quran 74:23 Koran 74:23 Verse 74:23 Ayah 74:23 Ayat 74:23 Aya 74:23 Then he moved to the back (of the crowd) and became arrogant.

Quran 74:24 Koran 74:24 Verse 74:24 Ayah 74:24 Ayat 74:24 Aya 74:24 And he said, “This is nothing but magic (it is fake because it is only a repeat of the stories from the times) of old.”

Quran 74:25 Koran 74:25 Verse 74:25 Ayah 74:25 Ayat 74:25 Aya 74:25 “This is nothing but the words of a human.”

Quran 74:26 Koran 74:26 Verse 74:26 Ayah 74:26 Ayat 74:26 Aya 74:26 I (God) shall put him (Al-Walid bin al-Mughirah of Mecca Makkah) in Hell fire (in the hereafter).

Quran 74:27 Koran 74:27 Verse 74:27 Ayah 74:27 Ayat 74:27 Aya 74:27 And what can explain to you what is Hell fire Jahannam?

Quran 74:28 Koran 74:28 Verse 74:28 Ayah 74:28 Ayat 74:28 Aya 74:28 It (Hell fire Jahannam) leaves nothing (unburned) and gives no one any mercy -

Quran 74:29 Koran 74:29 Verse 74:29 Ayah 74:29 Ayat 74:29 Aya 74:29 Burning their skins.

Quran 74:30 Koran 74:30 Verse 74:30 Ayah 74:30 Ayat 74:30 Aya 74:30 Over it (Hell fire Jahannam) are nineteen (angels who guard the Hell fire).

Comment 1. Nineteen angels guard Hell fire Jahannam.

Quran 74:31 Koran 74:31 Verse 74:31 Ayah 74:31 Ayat 74:31 Aya 74:31 And We (God) have put no one but angels as guardians of the Fire and We (God) have made their number (of angels) only as a test for disbelievers and so that the People of the Book (the Jews and the Christians and others) may believe with certainty, and so that those who (also) believe (in God such as the Muslims) may increase in their faith and so that there shall be no doubts remaining for the People of the Book (the Jews and the Christians and others) and those who (also) believe (in God such as the Muslims), and that those in whose hearts is a disease (of hypocrisy, who say they believe in God but they do not really believe) and the disbelievers (in God) may say, "What does God intend by this (verse)?" In this way God leaves to stray (confused and on the wrong path) whom He (God) wills, and guides (with a perfectly clear explanation) whom He (God) wills. And no one can know the hosts (the angels and what number of angels guard the fire of Hell Jahannam) of your Lord (God) except He (God) and this (verse) has no other purpose than as a reminder (of God) to humans (meaning the only one who could have answered this question in Quran 74:30 is God).

Comment 1. The Jews and Christians who believe with certainty.

Jews like Quran 3:113-3:115 and Christians like Quran 5:82-5:85 who follow their Book in Quran 5:68 and also believe the Quran will receive a double reward in the hereafter in Quran 28:54, Quran 34:37 and Quran 57:28 meaning the reward for every good deed they do will be doubled because they believed the Quran which tells the Jewish people to follow the Torah Taurat which is their eternal covenant between God and the Hebrew people forever and tells the Christian people to follow the Gospel Injil which is explained in the Quran and tells the Muslim people to follow the Quran is confirmed in Quran 2:40, Quran 2:41, Quran 2:62, Quran 2:106, Quran 3:93, Quran 4:123, Quran 5:43, Quran 5:47, Quran 5:48, Quran 5:69 and Quran 13:39.

Comment 2. The Muslims who believe with certainty.

The Quran was revealed to the stone idol worshippers in Arabia.

Quran 3:85 Verse 3:85 And whoever seeks a religion other than submission (to God Adonai Elohim God G-d HaShem Jehovah Yahweh YHWH which includes every human from the beginning of time until the end of time, for example stone idol worship) it shall not be accepted by Him (God) in the Hereafter and (such a person) shall be one of the losers (in the hereafter. Islam has two meanings, the general meaning is submission in Quran 3:85 meaning anyone who submits to God such as Prophet Abraham Ibrahim in the past and the Jews who are promised Paradise Jannah in the time of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 3:113 – 3:115 and the Christians who are promised Paradise Jannah in the time of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 5:82 – 5:85 and all humans in future in the hereafter who “believed” and did good deeds including Jews and Christians and others in Quran 2:62, Quran 5:69 and Quran 6:158. If Quran 3:85 had the specific meaning of “Islam” instead of the general meaning of “submission” then it would mean no people except the people from the religion of Islam would be in Paradise Jannah meaning all the prophets and people before Islam would be the losers in the hereafter which is not correct because it contradicts other verses in the Quran and it does not make sense meaning the word Islam in Quran 3:85 is the general meaning “submission” and not the specific meaning “Islam”).

Note 1. The Muslim religion Islam is the religion of submission to God (Quran 3:64).

Note 2. The Jewish religion Judaism is the religion of submission to God (Quran 3:64).

Note 3. The Christian religion Christianity is the religion of submission to God (Quran 3:64).

Comment 3. Why did God create more than one community of God who believe with certainty?

See Quran 5:48 comments in Quran chapter 5.

Quran 74:32 Koran 74:32 Verse 74:32 Ayah 74:32 Ayat 74:32 Aya 74:32 (I God swear to the truth) by the Moon.

Quran 74:33 Koran 74:33 Verse 74:33 Ayah 74:33 Ayat 74:33 Aya 74:33 And (I God swear to the truth) by the night as it comes to an end.

Quran 74:34 Koran 74:34 Verse 74:34 Ayah 74:34 Ayat 74:34 Aya 74:34 And (I God swear to the truth) by the dawn as the sun starts to shine.

Quran 74:35 Koran 74:35 Verse 74:35 Ayah 74:35 Ayat 74:35 Aya 74:35 That it (Fire) is one of the greatest (signs of God because the sight of it is a reminder to humans to avoid what is evil and do what is good and as) –

Comment 1. Hell. Hell Fire. Jahannam.

Quran 74:28 Verse 74:28 It (Hell fire Jahannam) leaves nothing (unburned) and gives no one any mercy -

Quran 74:30 Verse 74:30 Over it (Hell fire Jahannam) are nineteen (angels who guard the Hell fire).

Quran 74:36 Koran 74:36 Verse 74:36 Ayah 74:36 Ayat 74:36 Aya 74:36 A warning to humans (to remember God and the hereafter and) -

Quran 74:37 Koran 74:37 Verse 74:37 Ayah 74:37 Ayat 74:37 Aya 74:37 For whoever among you wills (to accept the warning from God) to go ahead (on the path of righteousness) or stay behind (in disbelief of God who is your creator).

Quran 74:38 Koran 74:38 Verse 74:38 Ayah 74:38 Ayat 74:38 Aya 74:38 Every soul shall be responsible for their deeds (decisions) –

Quran 74:39 Koran 74:39 Verse 74:39 Ayah 74:39 Ayat 74:39 Aya 74:39 Except the companions of the right (who shall receive their record in their right hand and who shall be admitted to Paradise Jannah with their bad deeds forgiven by God) –

Comment 1. The right hand.

Quran 66:8 Verse 66:8 All you who believe, Turn to God in sincere repentance (for your sins). It may be that your Lord (God) shall remove from you your bad deeds and bring you into gardens (of Paradise Jannah) under which rivers flow on the day when God shall not disgrace the Prophet (Muhammad) and those who believe with him. Their light (of righteous knowledge that was acquired in the life of the world) shall shine in front of them and on their right hands (is the record of their good deeds and), they shall say, “Our Lord (God), Perfect our light (of righteous knowledge that was acquired in the life of the world) for us, and forgive us. You (God) are able to do all things.”

Quran 56:8 Verse 56:8 (The first group of people is) those (whose record of deeds is given) on the right hand. Who are those of the right hand? (They are the people with good deeds who have been blessed with God’s mercy and they shall enter Paradise Jannah).

Quran 56:27 Verse 56:27 Those (whose record of deeds is given) on the right hand. Who are those of the right hand? (They are those who shall enter Paradise Jannah).

Quran 56:38 Verse 56:38 For those (whose record of deeds is given) on the right hand. (They are the people with good deeds who have been blessed with God’s mercy and they shall enter Paradise Jannah).

Quran 56:90 Verse 56:90 And if they are of those (whose record of deeds is given) on the right hand. (They are the people with good deeds who have been blessed with God’s mercy and they shall enter Paradise Jannah).

Quran 56:91 Verse 56:91 Then (the angels shall say), "Peace is to you, (you are) among the companions of the right hand (who are among the people with good deeds who have been blessed with God’s mercy and you shall enter Paradise Jannah).”

Quran 57:12 Verse 57:12 On the day (of Judgement in the hereafter) when you (Prophet Muhammad) shall see the believers, men and women, their light (of righteous knowledge that was acquired in the life of the world) shining in front of them and on their right hands (is the record of their good deeds and it shall be said), “Today is good news for you of gardens beneath which rivers flow where you shall live forever (in Paradise Jannah). That is the greatest success.”

Quran 69:19 Verse 69:19 Then the person who shall be given their record (of good deeds) in their right hand shall say (happily to those around him or her), “Read my Record (of good deeds).”

Quran 69:20 Verse 69:20 I knew that I would (one day) be accountable (for my deeds on the Earth).”

Quran 74:40 Koran 74:40 Verse 74:40 Ayah 74:40 Ayat 74:40 Aya 74:40 (Who shall be) in gardens (of Paradise Jannah) where they shall ask each other -

Quran 74:41 Koran 74:41 Verse 74:41 Ayah 74:41 Ayat 74:41 Aya 74:41 And (ask) of the wrongdoers (in the fire) -

Quran 74:42 Koran 74:42 Verse 74:42 Ayah 74:42 Ayat 74:42 Aya 74:42 (Asking) what caused you to be in Hell fire?

Quran 74:43 Koran 74:43 Verse 74:43 Ayah 74:43 Ayat 74:43 Aya 74:43 They (in Hell Fire Jahannam) shall say, “We were not among those who prayed (to God).”

Quran 74:44 Koran 74:44 Verse 74:44 Ayah 74:44 Ayat 74:44 Aya 74:44 “Nor did we used to feed the poor.”

Quran 74:45 Koran 74:45 Verse 74:45 Ayah 74:45 Ayat 74:45 Aya 74:45 “And we used to have vain (useless, worthless) conversations with those who engaged in it.”

Quran 74:46 Koran 74:46 Verse 74:46 Ayah 74:46 Ayat 74:46 Aya 74:46 “And we used to reject (the existence of) the Day of Judgement.”

Quran 74:47 Koran 74:47 Verse 74:47 Ayah 74:47 Ayat 74:47 Aya 74:47 “Until the certainty (of death) came to us.”

Quran 74:48 Koran 74:48 Verse 74:48 Ayah 74:48 Ayat 74:48 Aya 74:48 For them (who did not believe in God who is their creator) there shall be no help from any intercession (in the hereafter).

Comment 1. Belief without good deeds is a false belief.

The life of each human is important because it is the time when each human searches for belief and tests their belief.

On the Day of Judgement God will judge each persons final belief and deeds.

Quran 6:158 Verse 6:158 "... belief in it (God and the Day of Resurrection and Judgement) shall not help any soul …. if in belief (he or she) did not earn good (by doing righteous deeds in their life). ....”

Quran 41:8 Verse 41:8 “For those who believe and do good deeds, for them is an everlasting reward (in Paradise Jannah).”

Quran 74:49 Koran 74:49 Verse 74:49 Ayah 74:49 Ayat 74:49 Aya 74:49 What is the matter with them (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) that they turn away from the reminder (of God which is the Quran)? -

Quran 74:50 Koran 74:50 Verse 74:50 Ayah 74:50 Ayat 74:50 Aya 74:50 As if they were frightened donkeys -

Quran 74:51 Koran 74:51 Verse 74:51 Ayah 74:51 Ayat 74:51 Aya 74:51 (Who were) running away from a lion?

Quran 74:52 Koran 74:52 Verse 74:52 Ayah 74:52 Ayat 74:52 Aya 74:52 (It is that) every person among them (had jealousy in their heart and they) wished that he (and not Prophet Muhammad) would have been given scriptures (from God that they could deliver to the people in public).

Quran 74:53 Koran 74:53 Verse 74:53 Ayah 74:53 Ayat 74:53 Aya 74:53 No it would not happen (that God would choose them as a messenger) because they (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) have no fear of the hereafter (because they do not believe it exists).

Quran 74:54 Koran 74:54 Verse 74:54 Ayah 74:54 Ayat 74:54 Aya 74:54 No it would not happen (that God would choose them as a messenger) because it (the Quran) is a reminder (of God and the hereafter but the stone idol worshippers in Makkah do not believe in either God or the hereafter).

Quran 74:55 Koran 74:55 Verse 74:55 Ayah 74:55 Ayat 74:55 Aya 74:55 So whoever wills shall remember it (God’s warning to avoid evil and to do what is good).

Quran 74:56 Koran 74:56 Verse 74:56 Ayah 74:56 Ayat 74:56 Aya 74:56 And they shall not remember it (God’s warning to avoid evil and to do what is good) unless God has willed (for them to remember it). He (God) is worthy of (your) fear and worthy to forgive (your wrongdoing).

Interpretations of the Quran (Al-Quran, Al Quran, Koran).

This is an interpretation of some of the meanings in the Quran.

This is not a perfect translation of the Quran because the Quran is in the Arabic language.

The Arabic language in the Quran must be understood as it was understood over 1400 years ago.

God guides who He wills to the correct understanding of the Quran.

In the English language the word Allah is God.

God (Allah) is the creator of the Jews, Christians, Muslims and everyone and everything that exists.

Islam and the Quran chapter (sura, surah, surat), chapters (suras, surahs), verse (ayaah, aya, ayah), verses (ayaas, ayaat, ayas, ayat), analysis, annotation, clarification, comment, commentary, elucidation, examination, explanation, foot note, interpretation, investigation, note, observation, remark, study, understanding, analyses, annotations, clarifications, comments, commentaries, elucidations, examinations, explanations, foot notes, interpretations, investigations, notes, observations, remarks, studies, understandings of Islam and the Quran (The Coran, Al-Coran, Al Coran, The Koran, Al-Koran, Al Koran, The Quran, Al Quran, Al-Quran, The Qur'an, Al-Qur'an, Al Qur'an, The Qur’ān, Al-Qur’ān, Al Qur’ān).

Corrections and questions are welcome and can be emailed to somaliahamradio@yahoo.com

The meaning of verses in the Quran and Tanakh and Gospel are on these websites.

The meaning of verses in the Koran and Torah and Injil are on these websites.

YOU ARE HERE God https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran

God index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/index

Allah https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran

Allah index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran/index

Allaah https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran

Allaah index https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran/index

Q&A https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel

Q&A index https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel/index