Quran chapter 70 surah 70.

Explain 50000 years in Quran 70:4.

Explain fifty thousand years in Quran 70:4.


22 June 2021 (1442 AH).


Quran chapter 70.

Quran surah 70.

Quran sura 70.

Koran chapter 70.

Koran surah 70.

Koran sura 70.

Explain 50000 years in Koran 70:4.

Explain fifty thousand years in Koran 70:4.

Explain the meaning of fifty thousand years?

Fifty Thousand years for God is how many years for humans?

Fifty Thousand years for humans is how many years for God?

50000 years for God is how many years for humans?

50000 years for humans is how many years for God?

Is a day for God 1000 years or 50,000 years?

Is a day for God one thousand years or fifty thousand years?

Is God’s day 1000 years or 50,000 years?

Is God’s day one thousand years or fifty thousand years?

What does 1000 years and 50,000 years mean?

What does one thousand years and fifty thousand years mean?

1000 years or 50,000 years?

One thousand years or fifty thousand years?

See Quran 70:4 comments.

Information: The Quran chapter 70.

Order of Revelation: 79 (1 is the first revelation and 114 is the last revelation).

Place of Revelation: Mecca (Makkah, Arabia today Saudi Arabia).

Number of Verses: 44 verses.

The Quran.

Chapter 70

The Ways of Ascent (Al-Ma'arij).

English interpretations of the Quran.

The Quran Chapter 70 The Ways of Ascent (Al-Maarij, Al-Ma'arij, Al-Ma'aarej, Ma-'aarij, The Ascending Stairways, The Heights, The Stairways of Ascent) in English.

Chapter : Verse.

(Information in brackets is added to assist readers in the interpretation of the verse).

Quran 70:0 Koran 70:0 Verse 70:0 Ayah 70:0 Ayat 70:0 Aya 70:0 In the name of God, The Most Kind, The Most Merciful.

Quran 70:1 Koran 70:1 Verse 70:1 Ayah 70:1 Ayat 70:1 Aya 70:1 A question was asked concerning the punishment that shall come -

Quran 70:2 Koran 70:2 Verse 70:2 Ayah 70:2 Ayat 70:2 Aya 70:2 To those who do not believe (in God who is their creator, such as the stone idol worshippers in Mecca Arabia today Makkah Saudi Arabia), (a punishment) which no one can prevent -

Quran 70:3 Koran 70:3 Verse 70:3 Ayah 70:3 Ayat 70:3 Aya 70:3 from God, Lord of the ascending stairways (to heaven) -

Quran 70:4 Koran 70:4 Verse 70:4 Ayah 70:4 Ayat 70:4 Aya 70:4 (The seven sleepers in Quran 18:19 and the death and resurrection of Prophet Ezra Uzair in Quran 2:259 teach that the time between death and resurrection feels like nothing but sleeping for less than one day and this is confirmed in Quran 20:103, 20:104, 23:113, 30:55, 46:35 and 79:46 which teach that both the righteous and the wrongdoer shall swear on the Day of Resurrection that death feels like nothing but a one hour sleep or ten hour sleep meaning sleeping in death for billions of years feels like closing and then opening your eyes. Everyone is returned to God and) the angels and the Spirit (the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel Jibril) ascend (go up) to Him (God) in a day the measure (duration) of which is (like) fifty thousand years (meaning after every human experienced billions of years in death as if it was only a very short one hour sleep or ten hour sleep humans will experience the Day of Resurrection and Judgement to feel like a very long day fifty thousand years long which in fact will be very short compared to eternity in the hereafter https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/hadith-punishment-in-the-grave ).

Comment 1. Explain the meaning of One Day is 50000 years.

Quran 70:1 Verse 70:1 A question was asked concerning the punishment that shall come -

Quran 70:2 Verse 70:2 To those who do not believe (in God who is their creator, such as the stone idol worshippers in Mecca Arabia today Makkah Saudi Arabia), (a punishment) which no one can prevent –

Quran 70:44 Verse 70:44 (In the Hereafter) their eyes shall be humbled and they shall be covered in humiliation. That is the Day that they (who disbelieve in God, the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) are promised.

Quran 70:3 Verse 70:3 from God, Lord of the ascending stairways (to heaven) –

Quran 70:43 Verse 70:43 The Day (of Resurrection) when they shall come out of their graves in a hurry as if they are racing to a goal.

Quran 70:4 Verse 70:4 (The seven sleepers in Quran 18:19 and the death and resurrection of Prophet Ezra Uzair in Quran 2:259 teach that the time between death and resurrection feels like nothing but sleeping for less than one day and this is confirmed in Quran 20:103, 20:104, 23:113, 30:55, 46:35 and 79:46 which teach that both the righteous and the wrongdoer shall swear on the Day of Resurrection that death feels like nothing but a one hour sleep or ten hour sleep meaning sleeping in death for billions of years feels like closing and then opening your eyes. Everyone is returned to God and) the angels and the Spirit (the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel Jibril) ascend (go up) to Him (God) in a day the measure (duration) of which is (like) fifty thousand years (meaning after every human experienced billions of years in death as if it was only a very short one hour sleep or ten hour sleep humans will experience the Day of Resurrection and Judgement to feel like a very long day fifty thousand years long which in fact will be very short compared to eternity in the hereafter https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/hadith-punishment-in-the-grave ).

Quran 70:42 Verse 70:42 So (Prophet Muhammad) leave them to their useless conversations (where they speak as if they know something about God) and amusements (in their ridicule and mockery of God’s revelations) until they meet their Day (of Resurrection) which they are promised.

Quran 70:5 Verse 70:5 So (Prophet Muhammad) be patient by being gracious in (your) patience (to the people around you including the stone idol worshippers in Makkah).

Quran 25:25 Verse 25:25 And (mention) the Day (of Resurrection in the hereafter) when the heaven shall be split open with clouds from which the angels shall be sent down, descending (in ranks, one after the other on a new earth, a new land, a new ground in the hereafter).

Note 1. The angels and the Spirit who ascend to God shall be seen descending to the place where humans and angels and God shall meet on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement.

Comment 2. Explain the meaning of One Day is 1000 years.

See Quran 22:47 and Quran 32:5

Quran 70:5 Koran 70:5 Verse 70:5 Ayah 70:5 Ayat 70:5 Aya 70:5 So (Prophet Muhammad) be patient by being gracious in (your) patience (to the people around you including the stone idol worshippers in Makkah).

Quran 70:6 Koran 70:6 Verse 70:6 Ayah 70:6 Ayat 70:6 Aya 70:6 They (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) think it (that Day of punishment) is far away.

Quran 70:7 Koran 70:7 Verse 70:7 Ayah 70:7 Ayat 70:7 Aya 70:7 But We (God) see that it (that Day of punishment) is near.

Quran 70:8 Koran 70:8 Verse 70:8 Ayah 70:8 Ayat 70:8 Aya 70:8 On the (Last) Day when the sky shall be (red hot) like (the colour of) molten (red hot) metal.

Quran 70:9 Koran 70:9 Verse 70:9 Ayah 70:9 Ayat 70:9 Aya 70:9 And the (strong, firm) mountains shall be (flattened as easily as if they were) like (soft) wool.

Quran 70:10 Koran 70:10 Verse 70:10 Ayah 70:10 Ayat 70:10 Aya 70:10 And no friend (or relative) shall ask about their friend (or relative because every person shall only be concerned with God’s Judgement of them) -

Quran 70:11 Koran 70:11 Verse 70:11 Ayah 70:11 Ayat 70:11 Aya 70:11 Even though they (the friends and relatives) shall be able to see each other (they shall not speak to each other because of their great fear on that Day of Judgement). The wrong doer shall wish they could give their son (as an exchange so as to escape) from the punishment.

Comment 1. On the Day of Judgement no person can be exchanged to take another person’s punishment.

Quran 70:12 Koran 70:12 Verse 70:12 Ayah 70:12 Ayat 70:12 Aya 70:12 And (give) their wife and brother (as an exchange so as to escape from the punishment).

Quran 70:13 Koran 70:13 Verse 70:13 Ayah 70:13 Ayat 70:13 Aya 70:13 And (give) their relatives who sheltered them (as an exchange so as to escape from the punishment).

Quran 70:14 Koran 70:14 Verse 70:14 Ayah 70:14 Ayat 70:14 Aya 70:14 And (give) everything that is on the earth if that can save them (from the punishment of that Day of Judgement).

Quran 70:15 Koran 70:15 Verse 70:15 Ayah 70:15 Ayat 70:15 Aya 70:15 But that shall not happen because (no one can escape their punishment on that Day and for them) it (the punishment) is the fire of Hell Jahannam.

Quran 70:16 Koran 70:16 Verse 70:16 Ayah 70:16 Ayat 70:16 Aya 70:16 (The fire of Hell Jahannam) removes the extremities (such as the skin from the body).

Note 1. Quran 17:60 Verse 17:60 “.... We (God) warn (people to do what is good and avoid what is evil) and make them afraid (of God by describing the home for evil doers in Hell Fire in the Hereafter) but it only increases them (some of the humans) in nothing but greater disobedience against God (and the commandment to do what is good and avoid what is evil).

Quran 70:17 Koran 70:17 Verse 70:17 Ayah 70:17 Ayat 70:17 Aya 70:17 (The fire of Hell Jahannam) welcoming those who turned their back (on God) and (who) turned away (on the wrong path to wrongdoing).

Quran 70:18 Koran 70:18 Verse 70:18 Ayah 70:18 Ayat 70:18 Aya 70:18 And (The fire of Hell Jahannam welcoming those who) collected (wealth) to hoard it (for them self).

Quran 70:19 Koran 70:19 Verse 70:19 Ayah 70:19 Ayat 70:19 Aya 70:19 Humans are created to be worried (about them self instead of worrying about others).

Quran 70:20 Koran 70:20 Verse 70:20 Ayah 70:20 Ayat 70:20 Aya 70:20 And impatient (for relief) when harm comes to them (instead of being patient).

Quran 70:21 Koran 70:21 Verse 70:21 Ayah 70:21 Ayat 70:21 Aya 70:21 And holding tightly to good that comes to them (instead of sharing it with others).

Quran 70:22 Koran 70:22 Verse 70:22 Ayah 70:22 Ayat 70:22 Aya 70:22 (People are selfish and far away from God) except those (the righteous) who pray (to God, because they think about God instead of only thinking about them self).

Quran 70:23 Koran 70:23 Verse 70:23 Ayah 70:23 Ayat 70:23 Aya 70:23 And (the righteous) who are constant in their prayer (to God).

Quran 70:24 Koran 70:24 Verse 70:24 Ayah 70:24 Ayat 70:24 Aya 70:24 And those (the righteous) in whose wealth is a right proportion (that is given) -

Quran 70:25 Koran 70:25 Verse 70:25 Ayah 70:25 Ayat 70:25 Aya 70:25 To the needy and the poor (people).

Quran 70:26 Koran 70:26 Verse 70:26 Ayah 70:26 Ayat 70:26 Aya 70:26 And those (the righteous) who believe in the Day of Judgment.

Quran 70:27 Koran 70:27 Verse 70:27 Ayah 70:27 Ayat 70:27 Aya 70:27 And those (the righteous) who fear their Lord's (God’s) punishment.

Quran 70:28 Koran 70:28 Verse 70:28 Ayah 70:28 Ayat 70:28 Aya 70:28 (But always remember) no one can feel secure from (not receiving) the punishment (of Hell fire in the hereafter) from their Lord (God).

Quran 70:29 Koran 70:29 Verse 70:29 Ayah 70:29 Ayat 70:29 Aya 70:29 And those (the righteous) who guard their private parts (from being seen by other people) --

Quran 70:30 Koran 70:30 Verse 70:30 Ayah 70:30 Ayat 70:30 Aya 70:30Except from their spouses (wives or husband) and what they rightfully possess (meaning those whom you legally possess or those in your rightful control see Quran 60:10. For example a person who is unable to look after themself such as the elderly, the disabled and the sick can be bathed and dressed by a servant who will see private parts and there is no sin in that. A doctor who is a servant can see private parts and there is no sin in that. Quran 70:29 and Quran 70:30 like Quran 23:5 and Quran 23:6 is not saying female servants can be used to fulfil sexual desire see Quran 4:25, Quran 24:33 and Quran 33:52. In Islam it is not permitted to have sex outside marriage see Quran 17:32. Sex with servants or slaves or captives is forbidden in Islam unless you are married to them see Quran 4:3), then it is not a sin. – Continued Quran 70:31

Comment 1. Servants and wives may attend to the needs of the elderly, the disabled, the sick, the husband and those to whom they are contracted to serve, without any question of sin involved when they are looking after the care, needs and health of people.

For example a person who is unable to look after them self can be bathed and dressed by a servant and there is no sin in that.

Quran 23:5 Verse 23:5 And (righteous are those) who guard their private parts (from being seen by other people) –

Quran 23:6 Verse 23:6Except from their wives (or husband) or the (servants) that their right hands possess (meaning, the servants which they legally own. For example a person who is unable to look after them self such as the elderly, the disabled and the sick can be bathed and dressed by a servant), then it is not a sin.

Comment 2. Sex with a slave before marriage is not allowed.

Sexual relations with a servant first require that you marry that servant but only if that servant is willing to marry.

Quran 4:25 Verse 4:25 And if you do not have the means (not wealthy enough) to marry free believing women then you may marry believing girls from among those (slave girls) whom your right hands possess (meaning whom you own). God has full knowledge about your faith and you are equal to one another as far as religion is concerned. You shall obtain permission from their guardians before you marry them and give them (the girl) their bridal money according to what is reasonable. The (slave girl) should be chaste (and not) commit unlawful intercourse randomly (prostitution) nor have secret lovers. After marriage if she commits illegal sexual intercourse (fahishah illegal sexual intercourse after marriage, adultery) then her punishment is half of that of a free (married) women (meaning a punishment of fifty lashes). This (rule from God) is for those who are afraid of committing sin (afraid they might commit illegal sexual intercourse if they do not marry someone) but it is better for you to be patient (and marry a free woman or a righteous slave). God is always ready to forgive and most merciful (to those who sincerely repent for their sins).

Comment 3. It is not true that a Muslim can have sexual relations with their slave because God has revealed in Quran 4:25This (rule from God) is for those who are afraid of committing sin (afraid they might commit illegal sexual intercourse if they do not marry someone).

Comment 4. Quran 4:25 prohibits sexual relations with anyone including with your slave unless you are married to them.

To marry a slave the slave must agree to the marriage because it is revealed in Quran 4:25 … you (and your slave) are equal to one another as far as religion is concerned.

That means that a slave possesses freedom to accept or reject marriage.

God has revealed in Quran 4:25 … it is better for you to be patient.

That is because a marriage just to fulfill your sexual desire can result in a slave accepting marriage because of their position of weakness and if that happens and they have not entered the marriage except because of their position of weakness it is possible that they might not be faithful in such a marriage.

God recognizes the power of a master over their slave and God makes provision that adultery that involved marriage to a slave shall receive half the punishment given to a free married person who commits adultery.

That is why God has revealed in Quran 4:25 … it is better for you to be patient (and marry a free woman or a righteous slave).

See Quran chapter 24 comments.

Comment 5. Hadith stories about sex with slaves before marriage.

Some hadith stories from humans contradict God in the Quran.

See examples of hadith stories which contradict the teachings of God in Quran 25:30 comments in Quran chapter 25.

Comment 6. Today we are born in the first generation where God has made slavery illegal everywhere on the earth.

All the countries of the world have agreed at the United Nations with God’s will.

Today every human is a willing or unwilling slave to God.

Today no human can legally be a slave to another human.

God decreed that righteousness is the freeing of humans from slavery.

Righteousness is the removal of evil.

Today the world has freed humankind from the evils of slavery by making slavery illegal worldwide as God willed.

United Nations Article 4 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights bans slavery worldwide.

Saudi Arabia officially abolished slavery in 1962 1382 AH.

Quran 90:12 Verse 90:12 And what can explain to you what is (the striving through to) the difficult high path (of righteousness)?

Quran 90:13 Verse 90:13 It is the freeing of a slave. (That is difficult for you to do but it is pleasing to God if you do it).

Quran 98:7 Verse 98:7 And those who believe and do righteous deeds are the best of creations (because they have obeyed God, their creator).

Quran 70:31 Koran 70:31 Verse 70:31 Ayah 70:31 Ayat 70:31 Aya 70:31 – But whoever desires to do something more than is allowed by the law has broken the law.

Quran 70:32 Koran 70:32 Verse 70:32 Ayah 70:32 Ayat 70:32 Aya 70:32 And those who keep their pledges (promises) and their agreements.

Quran 70:33 Koran 70:33 Verse 70:33 Ayah 70:33 Ayat 70:33 Aya 70:33 And those who are true in what they testify (in the name of God).

Quran 70:34 Koran 70:34 Verse 70:34 Ayah 70:34 Ayat 70:34 Aya 70:34 And those who maintain their prayers (to God).

Quran 70:35 Koran 70:35 Verse 70:35 Ayah 70:35 Ayat 70:35 Aya 70:35They shall be in gardens (of Paradise Jannah), honoured (for the good deeds which they did in their first life).

Quran 70:36 Koran 70:36 Verse 70:36 Ayah 70:36 Ayat 70:36 Aya 70:36 So what is the matter with those who disbelieve that they hurry from you (Prophet Muhammad) -

Quran 70:37 Koran 70:37 Verse 70:37 Ayah 70:37 Ayat 70:37 Aya 70:37 (To sit at a distance away from you Prophet Muhammad) on your right and on your left in separate groups (to ridicule what you reveal from God)?

Note 1. See Quran 70:42 comments.

Quran 70:38 Koran 70:38 Verse 70:38 Ayah 70:38 Ayat 70:38 Aya 70:38 Does every person among them (who ridicule the revelations from God) expect to enter the gardens of pleasure (in Paradise Jannah)?

Note 1. See Quran 70:42 comments.

Quran 70:39 Koran 70:39 Verse 70:39 Ayah 70:39 Ayat 70:39 Aya 70:39 No they shall not, (because it is) We (God) who have created them (so) from what they know (they should understand that it is God who shall be the judge of them in the hereafter).

Quran 70:40 Koran 70:40 Verse 70:40 Ayah 70:40 Ayat 70:40 Aya 70:40 (It is God who decides what happens, not humans). I (God) swear by the Lord (God) of the rising and the setting (Sun, Moon, stars, planets) that We (God) are able –

Quran 70:41 Koran 70:41 Verse 70:41 Ayah 70:41 Ayat 70:41 Aya 70:41 To replace them with (other people who are) better than them and We (God) can never be out done (by the capabilities of the humans whom God has created).

Quran 70:42 Koran 70:42 Verse 70:42 Ayah 70:42 Ayat 70:42 Aya 70:42 So (Prophet Muhammad) leave them to their useless conversations (where they speak as if they know something about God) and amusements (in their ridicule and mockery of God’s revelations) until they meet their Day (of Resurrection) which they are promised.

Quran 70:43 Koran 70:43 Verse 70:43 Ayah 70:43 Ayat 70:43 Aya 70:43 The Day (of Resurrection) when they shall come out of their graves in a hurry as if they are racing to a goal.

Quran 70:44 Koran 70:44 Verse 70:44 Ayah 70:44 Ayat 70:44 Aya 70:44 (In the Hereafter) their eyes shall be humbled and they shall be covered in humiliation. That is the Day that they (who disbelieve in God, the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) are promised.

Comment 1. The Day of Resurrection and Judgement.

Quran 68:42 Verse 68:42 The Day (of Resurrection) when their shin shall be laid bare (their true disbelief shall be exposed) and they shall be called to prostrate (to God), but they shall not be able to do it (meaning their shin will testify to their disbelief during their life in the first world).

Quran 68:43 Verse 68:43 (In the Hereafter) their eyes shall be humbled and they shall be covered in humiliation. Indeed (during their life) they were called to prostrate (to God) when they were able (to choose to do it or choose not to do it).

Comment 2. What should Muslims do when the Quran is insulted?

Disbelief in the Quran is punished by God and not by humans.

Quran 68:44 Verse 68:44 So (Prophet Muhammad) leave Me (God, to deal) with those (stone idol worshippers in Makkah) who reject this message (the Quran). We (God) shall gradually lead them (to punishments) that come from where they do not expect (meaning in the hereafter which they do not believe or expect will come to them).

Video 1. When they insult our prophet


Video 2. Who is Muhammad. Manners Bilal Dannoun


Interpretations of the Quran (Al-Quran, Al Quran, Koran).

This is an interpretation of some of the meanings in the Quran.

This is not a perfect translation of the Quran because the Quran is in the Arabic language.

The Arabic language in the Quran must be understood as it was understood over 1400 years ago.

God guides who He wills to the correct understanding of the Quran.

In the English language the word Allah is God.

God (Allah) is the creator of the Jews, Christians, Muslims and everyone and everything that exists.

Islam and the Quran chapter (sura, surah, surat), chapters (suras, surahs), verse (ayaah, aya, ayah), verses (ayaas, ayaat, ayas, ayat), analysis, annotation, clarification, comment, commentary, elucidation, examination, explanation, foot note, interpretation, investigation, note, observation, remark, study, understanding, analyses, annotations, clarifications, comments, commentaries, elucidations, examinations, explanations, foot notes, interpretations, investigations, notes, observations, remarks, studies, understandings of Islam and the Quran (The Coran, Al-Coran, Al Coran, The Koran, Al-Koran, Al Koran, The Quran, Al Quran, Al-Quran, The Qur'an, Al-Qur'an, Al Qur'an, The Qur’ān, Al-Qur’ān, Al Qur’ān).

Corrections and questions are welcome and can be emailed to somaliahamradio@yahoo.com

The meaning of verses in the Quran and Tanakh and Gospel are on these websites.

The meaning of verses in the Koran and Torah and Injil are on these websites.

YOU ARE HERE God https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran

God index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/index

Allah https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran

Allah index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran/index

Allaah https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran

Allaah index https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran/index

Q&A https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel

Q&A index https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel/index