Quran chapter 51 surah 51.

The heavens We are its expanders is also in Tanakh Jewish scripture (Quran 51:47).


18 May 2021 (1442 AH).


Quran chapter 51.

Quran surah 51.

Quran sura 51.

Koran chapter 51.

Koran surah 51.

Koran sura 51.

The wife of Loot.

The wife of Looth.

The wife of Lot.

The wife of Lout.

The wife of Lott.

The wife of Lut.

The wife of Luth.

The wife of Luut.

The wife of Luuth.

Death of the wife of Prophet Lut.

Death of the wife of Prophet Lot.

Why was the wife of Prophet Lut turned into a pillar of salt?

Why was the wife of Prophet Lot turned into a pillar of salt?

Why was the sin of the wife of Prophet Lut?

Why was the sin of the wife of Prophet Lot?

Why was the name of the wife of Prophet Lut?

Why was the name of the wife of Prophet Lot?

See Quran 51:36 comments.

The angels did not reach for their food.

See Quran 51:27


We are its expanders.

The heavens We are its expanders.

Expanders.in Jewish scripture.

We are its expanders.in Jewish scripture.

The heavens We are its expanders in Jewish scripture.

See Quran 51:47.

Information: The Quran chapter 51.

Order of Revelation: 67 (1 is the first revelation and 114 is the last revelation).

Place of Revelation: Mecca (Makkah Arabia today Saudi Arabia).

Number of Verses: 60 verses.

The Quran.

Chapter 51

The Scattering Winds (Adh-Dhariyat).

English interpretations of the Quran.

The Quran Chapter 51 The Scattering Winds (Al-Dhareyat, Ad-Dhariyat, Adh-Dhariyat, Zaarayaat, Az-Zaariyat, Drivers of the Winds, The Scatterers, The Wind that Scatter, The Winnowing Winds) in English.

Chapter : Verse.

(Information in brackets is added to assist readers in the interpretation of the verse).

Quran 51:0 Koran 51:0 Verse 51:0 Ayah 51:0 Ayat 51:0 Aya 51:0 In the name of God, The Most Kind, The Most Merciful.

Quran 51:1 Koran 51:1 Verse 51:1 Ayah 51:1 Ayat 51:1 Aya 51:1 (I God swear to tell the truth) by the (truth of the existence of the wind that you can see) scatter (dust, sand, leaves and clouds) –

Quran 51:2 Koran 51:2 Verse 51:2 Ayah 51:2 Ayat 51:2 Aya 51:2 And (I God swear to tell the truth by the truth of the existence of clouds) that carry a load (of water and rain that you can see) –

Quran 51:3 Koran 51:3 Verse 51:3 Ayah 51:3 Ayat 51:3 Aya 51:3 And (I God swear to tell the truth by the truth of the existence of sailing ships which you can see) that easily glide (on the sea).

Quran 51:4 Koran 51:4 Verse 51:4 Ayah 51:4 Ayat 51:4 Aya 51:4 And (I God swear to tell the truth by the truth of the existence of the angels whom you cannot see) who distribute (the blessings that you can see) by (God’s) command that –

Quran 51:5 Koran 51:5 Verse 51:5 Ayah 51:5 Ayat 51:5 Aya 51:5 What you are promised (by God) is true –

Quran 51:6 Koran 51:6 Verse 51:6 Ayah 51:6 Ayat 51:6 Aya 51:6 The (Day of) Judgement is sure to come.

Quran 51:7 Koran 51:7 Verse 51:7 Ayah 51:7 Ayat 51:7 Aya 51:7 (I God swear to tell the truth) by the heaven (sky) full of pathways (meaning the paths on which stars, planets and others move across the sky and the paths on which angels move between the seven heavens).

Comment 1. The seven heavens.

Quran 23:17 Verse 23:17 And We (God) have created above you seven paths (in which angels and souls descend to Earth and ascend to the seven heavens which contain the seven earths meaning the seven dwelling places in the seven heavens), We (God) are not unaware of Our (God’s) creation.

Quran 65:12 Verse 65:12 It is God who has created (above the Earth) seven heavens (one above the other, seven universes one above the other) and of the Earth (which is the human dwelling place in our universe, God created for each of the seven heavens or seven universes) the same (number of earths, meaning seven dwelling places in the seven heavens, meaning each of the seven heavens that are above the Earth has a dwelling place where angels and souls exist). The commands (of God that maintain the creation) descend through them (meaning through the seven heavens and their seven earths, through the seven heavens and their seven dwelling places, through the seven universes and their seven dwelling places, through the seven universes and their seven earths until they arrive on the Earth) so that you (humans) may know that God is able to do all things and that God knows all things.

Note 1. What is the shape of the Universe?

Could each Universe be flat with one Universe above the other?

See how do we know our Universe is flat?


Quran 51:8 Koran 51:8 Verse 51:8 Ayah 51:8 Ayat 51:8 Aya 51:8 You (the stone idol worshippers in Mecca Arabia today Makkah Saudi Arabia) are in disagreement (about the truth of the Quran and God’s messenger Prophet Muhammad).

Quran 51:9 Koran 51:9 Verse 51:9 Ayah 51:9 Ayat 51:9 Aya 51:9 Turned away from it (the Quran) is the person who is turned away (from the Quran by God).

Quran 51:10 Koran 51:10 Verse 51:10 Ayah 51:10 Ayat 51:10 Aya 51:10 Cursed (by having lost the mercy of God) are the liars (who say that God is a creation such as a stone idol or a human or a son or a daughter or a saint or a prophet or the Moon or the Sun or the stars or the wind or any other creation or created thing).

Quran 51:11 Koran 51:11 Verse 51:11 Ayah 51:11 Ayat 51:11 Aya 51:11 Those who do not heed (God’s revelations) and are in a flood (of confusion about the reality of God who is the creator and is not a creation).

Quran 51:12 Koran 51:12 Verse 51:12 Ayah 51:12 Ayat 51:12 Aya 51:12 They (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) ask, “When is the Day of Judgment?”

Quran 51:13 Koran 51:13 Verse 51:13 Ayah 51:13 Ayat 51:13 Aya 51:13 (It is) the day when they (who did not believe God’s warning against wrongdoing) shall be punished in Fire (in the Hereafter).

Quran 51:14 Koran 51:14 Verse 51:14 Ayah 51:14 Ayat 51:14 Aya 51:14 (It shall be said to the wrongdoers), “This (punishment) is what you were impatient for so now taste your punishment (in the fire of Hell Jahannam).”

Quran 51:15 Koran 51:15 Verse 51:15 Ayah 51:15 Ayat 51:15 Aya 51:15 Those who keep away from evil (the righteous) shall be in the gardens and springs (of Paradise Jannah).

Quran 51:16 Koran 51:16 Verse 51:16 Ayah 51:16 Ayat 51:16 Aya 51:16 (Happily in the Hereafter) accepting what the Lord (God) gives them because they had been good doers (in their first life).

Quran 51:17 Koran 51:17 Verse 51:17 Ayah 51:17 Ayat 51:17 Aya 51:17 They used to sleep except for a small part of the night (when they used to pray to God).

Quran 51:18 Koran 51:18 Verse 51:18 Ayah 51:18 Ayat 51:18 Aya 51:18 And before sunrise (in their Fajr prayer) they asked (God) for forgiveness.

Comment 1. Fajr prayer: Before sunrise, for example 4.50 am.

Quran 51:19 Koran 51:19 Verse 51:19 Ayah 51:19 Ayat 51:19 Aya 51:19 And from their possessions they gave what was right to the beggar and the needy (who did not beg).

Quran 51:20 Koran 51:20 Verse 51:20 Ayah 51:20 Ayat 51:20 Aya 51:20 And on the earth are signs (of God) for those who are certain (in their faith in God).

Quran 51:21 Koran 51:21 Verse 51:21 Ayah 51:21 Ayat 51:21 Aya 51:21 And (certain with confidence) in themselves. Do you not see (the correctness of faith in God and in yourself)?

Quran 51:22 Koran 51:22 Verse 51:22 Ayah 51:22 Ayat 51:22 Aya 51:22 And in heaven is your provision and what you are promised (in Paradise Jannah).

Quran 51:23 Koran 51:23 Verse 51:23 Ayah 51:23 Ayat 51:23 Aya 51:23 And by the Lord (God) of the heavens and the earth it (the promise of God) is the truth, just as (it is the truth that) you (can) speak (with each other).

Quran 51:24 Koran 51:24 Verse 51:24 Ayah 51:24 Ayat 51:24 Aya 51:24 Has the story of Prophet Abraham's Ibrahim’s honoured guests (the angels) reached you (Prophet Muhammad)?

Quran 51:25 Koran 51:25 Verse 51:25 Ayah 51:25 Ayat 51:25 Aya 51:25 When they (the angels) came to him (Prophet Abraham Ibrahim) and said, “Peace,” he (Prophet Abraham Ibrahim) answered, “Peace also to you strangers”.

Quran 51:26 Koran 51:26 Verse 51:26 Ayah 51:26 Ayat 51:26 Aya 51:26 Then he (Prophet Abraham Ibrahim) went to his family and brought (out) a fat (cooked) calf.

Quran 51:27 Koran 51:27 Verse 51:27 Ayah 51:27 Ayat 51:27 Aya 51:27 And placed it (the food) in front of them (the angels) and he (Prophet Abraham Ibrahim) said, "Shall you not eat?"

Comment 1. The angels did not reach for their food.

Angels receive sustanance directly from God.

Quran 11:70 And when he (Prophet Abraham Ibrahim) saw that their hands did not reach for it (the food), he (Prophet Abraham Ibrahim) mistrusted them (the travelers who were really angels) and began to fear them. They (the angels) said, “Do not fear (us) we are sent (by God) to the people of Prophet Lot Lut (to destroy them).”

Quran 51:28 Koran 51:28 Verse 51:28 Ayah 51:28 Ayat 51:28 Aya 51:28 Then he (Prophet Abraham Ibrahim) felt a fear of them (the travelers who were really angels). They (the angels) said, “Do not fear” and gave him good news of (the birth of) a knowledgeable son (Prophet Isaac Ishaq).

Comment 1. See Quran 51:27 comments).

Quran 51:29 Koran 51:29 Verse 51:29 Ayah 51:29 Ayat 51:29 Aya 51:29 Then his wife (Sarah) came forward with a cry (of laugher) and struck her face (thinking, that is impossible and anyone that hears such a thing is going to laugh at me and), saying, “A barren (infertile) old woman (having a child?).”

Quran 51:30 Koran 51:30 Verse 51:30 Ayah 51:30 Ayat 51:30 Aya 51:30 They (the angels) said, “This is what your Lord (God) has said. He (God) is wise and knows all.”

Quran 51:31 Koran 51:31 Verse 51:31 Ayah 51:31 Ayat 51:31 Aya 51:31 (Prophet Abraham Ibrahim) asked, “What shall you messengers (of God) do (now)?”

Quran 51:32 Koran 51:32 Verse 51:32 Ayah 51:32 Ayat 51:32 Aya 51:32 They (the angels) said, “We (angels) are sent to a wrongdoing people (in Sodom).”

Quran 51:33 Koran 51:33 Verse 51:33 Ayah 51:33 Ayat 51:33 Aya 51:33 “To send stones of clay on them (in Sodom).”

Quran 51:34 Koran 51:34 Verse 51:34 Ayah 51:34 Ayat 51:34 Aya 51:34 “(Stones of clay) made by God for the evil doers (in Sodom and the surrounding area).”

Quran 51:35 Koran 51:35 Verse 51:35 Ayah 51:35 Ayat 51:35 Aya 51:35 Then we (the angels of God) brought out the believers that were there (in Sodom).

Quran 51:36 Koran 51:36 Verse 51:36 Ayah 51:36 Ayat 51:36 Aya 51:36 But we (the angels of God) found there (in Sodom) only one house of the Muslims (containing the family of Prophet Lot Lut. Muslim is an Arabic word meaning those who submit, to the will of God. Islam is an Arabic word meaning submission, to the will of God. Muslims submit to God in Quran 47:19 “…there is no God except God …” and Jews submit to God in Torah Exodus 20:2 “.... You shall have no other gods before Me God” and Christians submit to God in the Gospel of Jesus Isa by Luke 4:8 “… You shall worship the Lord your God, and him only shall you serve” because God inspired the same belief in the one creator of every creation among many communities of God throughout history).

Comment 1. In Quran 54:34 all the family of Prophet Lot Lut including his wife safely left Sodom.

Quran 54:34 Verse 54:34 We (God) sent a storm of stones on them (the people of Sodom) except the family of Prophet Lot Lut whom We (God) saved before sunrise. –

Comment 2. Death of the wife of Prophet Lot Lut.

Quran 11:81 Verse 11:81 (The angels from God) said, “Prophet Lot Lut, we are messengers (angels) from your Lord (God), they (the people that want to cause harm) shall not reach you. Now travel with your people while it is still night and let no one look back (at the town of Sodom) except your wife (who shall look back and) who shall be punished as they (the people of Prophet Lot Lut shall be punished). Morning is their (the people of Sodom’s) appointed time (for the punishment from God). Is not the morning near? (So quickly, leave now before the punishment falls).”

Quran 26:171 Verse 26:171 Except an old woman (the wife of Prophet Lot Lut) who fell behind (and died when she turned around to look at the destruction of Sodom after the angels had instructed, “let no one look back except your wife” while you travel away from Sodom).

Quran 27:57 Verse 27:57 Then We (God) saved him (Prophet Lot Lut) and his family except for his wife. We (God) destined that she falls behind (and die when she turned around to look at the destruction of Sodom after the angels had instructed, “let no one look back except your wife” while you travel away from Sodom).

Quran 29:33 Verse 29:33 And when Our (God’s) messengers (the angels of God) came to Prophet Lot Lut, he was worried for them because he could not protect them but they (the angels of God) said, “Do not fear nor worry because we shall save you and your family except your wife who shall fall behind.”

Comment 3. Quran 11:81, Quran 26:171, Quran 27:57 and Quran 29:33 in comment 2 above confirm Torah Genesis 19:26.

Genesis 19:26 But his wife looked back from behind him (Prophet Lot Lut), and she became a pillar of salt (white crystal power, she died).

Genesis 19:27 And Prophet Abraham Ibrahim got up early in the morning to the place where he had stood before the Lord (God).

Genesis 19:28 And he (Prophet Abraham Ibrahim) looked out towards Sodom and Gomorrah, and towards all the land of the Plain, and (he) looked, and, (Oh it was something terrible) the smoke of the land went up like the smoke of a furnace.

Comment 4. What is the name of the wife of Prophet Lot Lut?

The Torah Taurat and the Quran do not name the wife of Prophet Lot Lut.

The name of the wife of Prophet Lot Lut is given in the Jewish Midrash Pirkei d’Rebbe Eliezer at the end of Chapter 25 (Pirkei Derabi Eliezer 25) and the Jewish Midrash Yalkut Shimoni 19:84.

The name of the wife of Prophet Lot Lut is Adit Ado Edith Eidis.

Comment 5. What was the sin of the wife of Prophet Lot Lut?

The law of hospitality and the law of inhospitality.

The sin of inhospitality.

When Prophet Lot Lut invited the angels of God to his home and served them food Adit Edith Eidis the wife of Prophet Lot Lut disapproved because she was born in Sodom and the law of Sodom was inhospitality to strangers and cruelty to strangers which were violated by Prophet Lot’s Lut’s hospitality and kindness because Prophet Lot Lut was not raised in the traditions of Sodom but he was raised in the traditions of his brother Prophet Abraham Ibrahim. (Jewish Midrash Tanchumah ibid).

See Quran 54:37, Quran 54:39 and Quran 54:40

Belief without good deeds is a false belief in God.

Satan Shaitan believes in God but it is a false belief because Satan Shaitan does not do good deeds.

The wife of Prophet Lot Lut did not do good deeds because she followed the law of Sodom which mistreated visitors who came to that city.

Quran 6:158 Verse 6:158 "... belief in it (God and the Day of Resurrection and Judgement) shall not help any soul …. if in belief (he or she) did not earn good (by doing righteous deeds in their life). ....”

Quran 41:8 Verse 41:8 “For those who believe and do good deeds, for them is an everlasting reward (in Paradise Jannah).”

Quran 66:10 Verse 66:10 God gives an example of those who disbelieve: the wife of Prophet Noah Nuh and the wife of Prophet Lot Lut, who were under two of Our (God’s) righteous servants but betrayed them (in the matter of religion) so that they (the husbands) could give them no help against God and it shall be said (to them), “Enter the fire (of Hell Jahannam) with those who enter (it in the Hereafter).”

Note 1. Satan Shaitan believes in God but it is a false belief because his deeds are evil.

Note 2. Those who live life doing evil deeds have a false belief in God.

Comment 6. Why was the wife of Prophet Lot Lut made into a pillar of salt?

Prophet Lot Lut asked his wife for salt for his guests.

There was no salt so the wife of Prophet Lot Lut went from house to house asking for salt for the guests of Prophet Lot Lut, letting everyone know that Prophet Lot Lut had ignored the laws of Sodom by inviting strangers as guests.

Soon a crowd of people gathered outside the door of Prophet Lot Lut demanding that Prophet Lot Lut give them his guests for mistreatment which was the law of mistreating visitors in Sodom.

The next morning the family of Prophet Lot Lut were told not to look back as they fled away from Sodom because it was not fitting to look at a people’s suffering but the wife of Prophet Lot Lut looked back and she became a pile of salt (Torah Genesis 19:26).

The Jewish Midrash Yalkut Shemoni Bereishit 85 explains that the wife of Prophet Lot Lut sinned with salt and she was punished with salt.

See Belief without good deeds is a false belief in God.in comments 4.

Quran 51:37 Koran 51:37 Verse 51:37 Ayah 51:37 Ayat 51:37 Aya 51:37 Verse 51:37 And We (God) left in that (story) a sign (of God) for those who fear a painful punishment (in the Hereafter).

Quran 51:38 Koran 51:38 Verse 51:38 Ayah 51:38 Ayat 51:38 Aya 51:38 And in Prophet Moses Musa (is a sign of God) when We (God) sent him to Pharaoh Firon with clear authority.

Quran 51:39 Koran 51:39 Verse 51:39 Ayah 51:39 Ayat 51:39 Aya 51:39 But (the Pharaoh Firon) turned away with his advisors and said, "(Prophet Moses Musa is) a magician (deceiver, fraud) or a mad man."

Quran 51:40 Koran 51:40 Verse 51:40 Ayah 51:40 Ayat 51:40 Aya 51:40 So We (God) seized him (the Pharaoh Firon) and his army and cast (drowned) them in the sea, because he (the Pharaoh Firon) was to blame (for the consequences that followed his evil deeds).

Quran 51:41 Koran 51:41 Verse 51:41 Ayah 51:41 Ayat 51:41 Aya 51:41 And in (the tribe of) A'ad (is a sign of God) when we sent the barren (of any benefit, evil) wind against them

Quran 51:42 Koran 51:42 Verse 51:42 Ayah 51:42 Ayat 51:42 Aya 51:42 It (the barren wind) left nothing that it reached but ruin.

Quran 51:43 Koran 51:43 Verse 51:43 Ayah 51:43 Ayat 51:43 Aya 51:43 And in (the tribe of) Thamud (is a sign of God) when it was said to them, “Enjoy yourselves for a while.”

Quran 51:44 Koran 51:44 Verse 51:44 Ayah 51:44 Ayat 51:44 Aya 51:44 But they (the tribe of Thamud) rebelled against the commandment of their Lord (God), and so the (punishment that was as sudden as) lightning came to them as they looked on (helpless).

Quran 51:45 Koran 51:45 Verse 51:45 Ayah 51:45 Ayat 51:45 Aya 51:45 And they were not able to stand up nor could they protect themselves.

Quran 51:46 Koran 51:46 Verse 51:46 Ayah 51:46 Ayat 51:46 Aya 51:46 And before them, the people of Prophet Noah Nuh were a disobedient people.

Quran 51:47 Koran 51:47 Verse 51:47 Ayah 51:47 Ayat 51:47 Aya 51:47 And the heavens (the sky) We (God) have constructed it with (Our) power (in Quran 21:32 God has made the sky to be like a protected roof over the earth like a dome. In Quran 17:92, Quran 22:65, Quran 26:187 and Quran 52:44 the sky is held up by God to prevent it from falling down and in Quran 31:10 God made the heavens meaning the sky to be like a high roof without supports that you can see and in Quran 52:5 the sky is like a roof that has been raised high up above you and in Quran 79:27–79:28 God is the one who raised the sky up high above you) and We (God) are its expanders (meaning “We are its spreaders” in the Jewish Tanakh Job 9:8, meaning “We stretched out the heavens” in the Jewish Tanakh Isaiah 40:22, Isaiah 42:5, Isaiah 44:24, Isaiah 45:12 and Zechariah 12:1 meaning “We spread out the heavens” in the Jewish Tanakh Isaiah 48:13 and “We spread out the earth” in Quran 91:6, meaning God is the one who created what you can see from one horizon to another horizon meaning God is the one who spread out the heavens from one horizon to another horizon meaning the stars and the Moon and the Sun and the planets across the blue sky in the day and the black sky at night which you can see above the earth from one horizon to another horizon meaning God is the expander of the sky that you see above you from one horizon to another horizon in the same way as God spread out the land across the earth from one horizon to another horizon meaning God is the expander of the land that you see from horizon to horizon meaning God is the one who created everything that you can see in the sky which is like a protected dome around the earth meaning God made the atmosphere in which you can see the heavens spread out across the sky meaning God is the expander or spreader of everything you see across the sky).

Comment 1. The Tanakh Jewish scripture confirms and explains the Quran.

Job 9:8 Who by himself spread out the heavens (the sky from horizon to horizon) and rules (has power over) the waves of the sea?”

Psalm 19:2 The heavens (the sky) declare the glory of God, the ceiling of heaven (the sky) reveals his (God’s) handiwork.”

Psalm 102:26 In times of old you (God) lay the foundation of the earth; and the heavens (the sky) are the work of your (God’s) hands.

Psalm 104:2 “… (It is God) who stretches out the heavens like a curtain.

Isaiah 40:22 It is He (God) that sits above the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants there (on the Earth) are like grasshoppers; (It is God) that stretches out the heavens like a curtain (in the sky), and spreads them out (the heavens) like a tent to dwell in (is spread out);

Isaiah 42:5 So said God the LORD, creator of the heavens who stretched them out (from horizon to horizon), who spread out the earth (from horizon to horizon) and (gave) that (life) which comes out of it, and who gave a soul to the people on it, and a spirit (to understand righteousness) to those that walk on it:

Isaiah 44:24 So said the LORD (God), your Redeemer (Saviour), the one who formed you from the womb: I am the LORD (God), that makes all things; that alone stretched out the heavens (from one horizon to the other horizon); that spread out the earth by Myself;

Isaiah 45:12 I (God) have made the earth, and created man upon it; My (God’s) hands, have stretched out the heavens (the sky from horizon to horizon), and all their host (creatures) have I (God) commanded.

Isaiah 48:13 My (God’s) hand has laid the foundation of the earth, and My right hand has spread out the heavens (the sky from horizon to horizon); when I (God) call to them (everything in the heavens and the earth), they stand up together (by obeying what I God have decreed).

Zechariah 12:1 A prophecy: The word of the LORD concerning Israel says the LORD, who stretched out the heavens (the expander of the heavens from one horizon to the other horizon) and laid the foundation of the earth and formed the spirit of man within him:

Comment 2. The Quran confirms and explains the Tanakh Jewish scripture.

Quran 91:5 Verse 91:5 And (I God swear to the truth by) the sky and (I God swear to the truth in My name by Me God) who constructed it.

Quran 91:6 Verse 91:6 And (I God swear to the truth by) the Earth and (I God swear to the truth in My name by Me God) who spread it (out so that you may walk from one horizon to the other horizon to see that the earth is a vast continuing spread out land).

Comment 3. Creation is the same story in the Quran and Torah Taurat.

Quran 41:43 Ayah 41:43 Nothing is said (by God) to you (Prophet Muhammad) except what has already been said to the messengers before you. Your Lord (God) is the possessor of forgiveness and severe punishment.

See Quran 41:9 comments in Quran chapter 41.

Comment 4. The Quran confirms the Torah Taurat and explains the story of Jesus in the Gospel Injil.

A. Prophet Muhammad in the Torah Taurat and Gospel Injil.

See Quran 7:157 comments in Quran chapter 7.

B. Every prophet of God is “the Word of God made flesh” meaning the word of God comes out of the mouth of every prophet of God in Deuteronomy 18:18.

See Quran 5:116 comments in Quran chapter 5.

C. How did God save Jesus.

See 1. Quran 4:157 and Quran 4:158 comments in Quran chapter 4.

See 2. Quran 29:57 comments in Quran chapter 29.

D. The second coming of Jesus and every other human is on the Day of Resurrection.

See Quran 79:7 comments in Quran chapter 79.

E. Examples of hadith stories which contradict the teachings of God in the Quran.

See Quran 25:30 comments in Quran chapter 25.

F. God protects the Quran, Gospel Injil and the Torah Taurat as proof God is real.


G. Jews and Christians who follow their Book and also believe the Quran will be rewarded twice in the hereafter.

See Quran 28:54 comments in Quran chapter 28.

Quran 51:48 Koran 51:48 Verse 51:48 Ayah 51:48 Ayat 51:48 Aya 51:48 And We (God) have spread out the earth, how excellent it is spread (out).

Quran 51:49 Koran 51:49 Verse 51:49 Ayah 51:49 Ayat 51:49 Aya 51:49 And We (God) created two mates for all things so that you might think (who made this excellent design)?

Quran 51:50 Koran 51:50 Verse 51:50 Ayah 51:50 Ayat 51:50 Aya 51:50 (Escape God’s punishment with good deeds and) run to God, I (Prophet Muhammad) am a clear warner (of punishment for the evil doer) to you from Him (God).

Quran 51:51 Koran 51:51 Verse 51:51 Ayah 51:51 Ayat 51:51 Aya 51:51 And make no other god (by praying to others) together with God (because only the one God has the power to hear prayer and everything else is a creation just as you are a creation and no creation has the power of God to hear prayer). I (Prophet Muhammad) am a clear warner (of punishment for the evil doer) to you from Him (God).

Quran 51:52 Koran 51:52 Verse 51:52 Ayah 51:52 Ayat 51:52 Aya 51:52 There came no messenger (from God) to those (people) before them (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah Arabia) to whom they (the people in the past) did not say, “(You are) a magician (deceiver, fraud) or a mad man.”

Quran 51:53 Koran 51:53 Verse 51:53 Ayah 51:53 Ayat 51:53 Aya 51:53 Have they (the people of the past) passed this saying (that Prophet Muhammad is a magician deceiver fraud or a mad man) to them (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah so that they now make the same error as the people of the past?). No (they have not, but they are refusing to listen to what is being revealed to them like the people of the past), they (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) are a disobedient people (just like the people in the past).

Comment 1. What should Muslims do when God is insulted?

What should Muslims do when Prophet Muhammad is insulted?

What should Muslims do when the Quran is insulted?

What did God order Muslims to do when Islam is insulted?

Quran 50:39 Verse 50:39 (Prophet Muhammad) be patient with whatever they (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) say and exalt (God) by praising your Lord (God) before sunrise (the Fajr prayer) and before sunset (the Zuhr and Asr prayers).

Quran 51:54 Verse 51:54 So leave them (Prophet Muhammad), you are not to blame (for their disobedience).

Quran 51:55 Verse 51:55 But (continue to) warn (whoever will listen), warning benefits the believers (of God).

Video: When they insult our prophet


Quran 51:54 Koran 51:54 Verse 51:54 Ayah 51:54 Ayat 51:54 Aya 51:54 So leave them (Prophet Muhammad), you are not to blame (for their disobedience).

Quran 51:55 Koran 51:55 Verse 51:55 Ayah 51:55 Ayat 51:55 Aya 51:55 Verse 51:55 But (continue to) warn (whoever will listen), warning benefits the believers (of God).

Quran 51:56 Koran 51:56 Verse 51:56 Ayah 51:56 Ayat 51:56 Aya 51:56 I (God) did not create the jinn and humans except that they should worship Me (God).

Quran 51:57 Koran 51:57 Verse 51:57 Ayah 51:57 Ayat 51:57 Aya 51:57 I (God) seek no provision from them (the jinn and humans), nor do I (God) ask that they should feed Me (God).

Quran 51:58 Koran 51:58 Verse 51:58 Ayah 51:58 Ayat 51:58 Aya 51:58 Because it is God who is the provider, all mighty is the Lord (God).

Quran 51:59 Koran 51:59 Verse 51:59 Ayah 51:59 Ayat 51:59 Aya 51:59 And for those who do wrong there is a portion (of punishment) like the portion that came to their companions (in the past) so do not let them (who disbelieve in God) ask Me (God) to speed up (the day of their punishment).

Quran 51:60 Koran 51:60 Verse 51:60 Ayah 51:60 Ayat 51:60 Aya 51:60 Misfortune is on those who disbelieve (in God) on their Day (of meeting with God) which they are promised.

Interpretations of the Quran (Al-Quran, Al Quran, Koran).

This is an interpretation of some of the meanings in the Quran.

This is not a perfect translation of the Quran because the Quran is in the Arabic language.

The Arabic language in the Quran must be understood as it was understood over 1400 years ago.

God guides who He wills to the correct understanding of the Quran.

In the English language the word Allah is God.

God (Allah) is the creator of the Jews, Christians, Muslims and everyone and everything that exists.

Islam and the Quran chapter (sura, surah, surat), chapters (suras, surahs), verse (ayaah, aya, ayah), verses (ayaas, ayaat, ayas, ayat), analysis, annotation, clarification, comment, commentary, elucidation, examination, explanation, foot note, interpretation, investigation, note, observation, remark, study, understanding, analyses, annotations, clarifications, comments, commentaries, elucidations, examinations, explanations, foot notes, interpretations, investigations, notes, observations, remarks, studies, understandings of Islam and the Quran (The Coran, Al-Coran, Al Coran, The Koran, Al-Koran, Al Koran, The Quran, Al Quran, Al-Quran, The Qur'an, Al-Qur'an, Al Qur'an, The Qur’ān, Al-Qur’ān, Al Qur’ān).

Corrections and questions are welcome and can be emailed to somaliahamradio@yahoo.com

The meaning of verses in the Quran and Tanakh and Gospel are on these websites.

The meaning of verses in the Koran and Torah and Injil are on these websites.

YOU ARE HERE God https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran

God index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/index

Allah https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran

Allah index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran/index

Allaah https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran

Allaah index https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran/index

Q&A https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel

Q&A index https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel/index