213-3. Isaiah 53 summary. Part 3.


21 August 2022 (1444 AH).

Isaiah 53 explained. Part 1.


Isaiah 53 explained. Part 2.


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Isaiah 53 summary.

    1. Isaiah 52:13 God speaks.

    2. Isaiah 52:14 God speaks.  

    3. Isaiah 52:15 God speaks. 

    4. Isaiah 53:1 The Gentile nations and Gentile kings of the world speak. 

    5. Isaiah 53:2 The Gentile nations and Gentile kings of the world speak. 

    6. Isaiah 53:3 The Gentile nations and Gentile kings of the world speak. 

    7. Isaiah 53:4 The Gentile nations and Gentile kings of the world speak. 

    8. Isaiah 53:5 The Gentile nations and Gentile kings of the world speak. 

    9. Isaiah 53:6 The Gentile nations and Gentile kings of the world speak. 

  10. Isaiah 53:7 The Gentile nations and Gentile kings of the world speak. 

  11. Isaiah 53:8 The Gentile nations and Gentile kings of the world speak. 

  12. Isaiah 53:9 God speaks. 

  13. Isaiah 53:10 God speaks. 

  14. Isaiah 53:11 God speaks. 

  15. Isaiah 53:12 God speaks.

  16. What does Prophet Isaiah say before Isaiah 53 in Isaiah 48?

  17. What does Prophet Isaiah say before Isaiah 53 in Isaiah 49:1 - 49:3?

  18. What does Prophet Isaiah say before Isaiah 53 in Isaiah 49:4 - 49:7?

  19. What does Prophet Isaiah say before Isaiah 53 in Isaiah 50 and Isaiah 51 and after Isaiah 53 in Isaiah 59?

  20. What will happen in the time of the messiah who descends from David?

  21. Judaism today.

  22. Christianity today.

  23. Islam today.



“My servant” singular is the children of Israel plural in Isaiah 52:13.

God's servant is Israel in Isaiah 41:8.

God's servant is Israel in Isaiah 43:10.

God's servant is Israel in Isaiah 44:1.

God's servant is Israel in Isaiah 44:21.

God's servant is Israel in Isaiah 45:4.

God's servant is Israel in Isaiah 48:20.

God's servant is Israel in Isaiah 49:3. 


When a person reads Isaiah chapter 1 to 41 and find that God revealed “My servant” is Israel in chapter 41 this is understood when "My servant" is mentioned again in chapter 42.


When an Orthodox Jew comes to Isaiah 53 the Orthodox Jew already knows that “My servant” is Israel because the Orthodox Jew has read Isaiah chapter 1 to 52 where Isaiah already said seven times that “My servant” is Israel.


However some Christians only look at Isaiah 53 without reading Isaiah chapters 1 to 52 so they have missed reading who is “My servant.”

In Isaiah who is the servant of God who are also the witnesses of God?

Prophet Isaiah says You are My witnesses (plural not singular) said the Lord (God) and My servant meaning Israel are the witnesses of God and the servant of God.

Isaiah 43:10 You (the children of Israel) are My witnesses said the Lord (God) and My servant (the children of Israel are witnesses and the servant meaning the servant is not one person but a group of people because witnesses is in plural) whom I (God) have chosen so that you (Israel) may know and believe Me (God) and understand that I am He (God). Before Me there was no God formed (meaning God is one only with no other), neither shall there be after Me (meaning God will always be one only with no other). 


1. Explosive Interview! Who is the Suffering Servant of Isaiah 53? Rabbi Tovia Singer explains.


2. Isaiah 53.

See 21 minutes 00 seconds 21:00 Rabbi Tovia Singer says speak to Christians with love and understanding.

Rabbi Tovia Singer says no one has his permission to use what he teaches to attack a Christian.

Rabbi Tovia Singer says Christians believe and they are sincere.


1. Isaiah 52:13 God speaks.

Isaiah 52:13 (God said) Look, My servant (the children of Israel which is plural, is “My son” which is singular, is “God’s son” which is singular, meaning “My servant” which is singular, is the children of Israel which is plural in Exodus 4:22 – 4:23. “My servant” which is singular is the children of Israel which is plural in Isaiah 44:1-44:2, Isaiah 41:8 – 41:9, Isaiah 44:21 and Isaiah 49:3. Jacob is “My servant” which is singular, and the children of Israel which is plural, is “the chosen one” which is singular in Isaiah 45:4. The children of Israel are “witnesses and the servant” meaning the servant is not one person but a group of people because “witnesses” which is plural are “the servant” which is singular in Isaiah 43:10. The children of Israel are called “God’s servant Jacob” because his other name is Israel in Isaiah 48:20. The heritage of the understanding of God is with the “servants of God” meaning the children of Israel in every generation in Isaiah 54:17. The righteous among all peoples of the nations in the world are rewarded in new heavens and in a new earth in Isaiah 51:4-51:8, Isaiah 56:1-56:7, Isaiah 65:16-65:17, Isaiah 66:22-66:24 and Psalm 98:1-98:9. My servant the righteous among the children of Israel) shall prosper (will be successful), he (the righteous among the children of Israel in Isaiah 49:3 ”…"You are My servant, Israel, in whom I will be glorified) shall be exalted and lifted up, and shall be very high (because God has said that God will be glorified in His servant Israel in Isaiah 49:3 when the victory of God in Jerusalem will be seen by the nations and kings of the world in Isaiah 61:10-62:4 and the children of Israel shall be called “the priests of the LORD” in Isaiah 61:6 and “a light for the nations of the world” in Isaiah 49:6 and Isaiah 60:3 and “the holy people” and “the people redeemed by God” meaning God redeemed rescued the children of Israel from physical persecution and exile in Isaiah 62:11-62:12. When God raises the children of Israel in Isaiah 53:1 it will cause nations and kings to be startled surprised in Isaiah 52:15 because they had regarded the children of Israel as the lowest of peoples in Isaiah 52:14 and in Zechariah 8:23 ”… In those days it shall happen, that ten men of all the languages of the nations shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying: we will go with you, for we have heard that God is with you). 



2. Isaiah 52:14 God speaks.  

Isaiah 52:14 (About “His servant” the children of Israel in Isaiah 52:13; God said) many (people nations and kings in the world) thought about you (the children of Israel, saying) “How his (the children of Israel’s) appearance is marred more than any man, and his features (are marred) more than any (other) people (in the eyes of men like the Pharaoh, Haman and Hitler by what is known today as anti Semitism. When God raises the children of Israel in Isaiah 53:1 it will cause nations and kings to be startled surprised in Isaiah 52:15 because they had regarded the children of Israel as the lowest of peoples in Isaiah 52:14).” 


3. Isaiah 52:15 God speaks. 

Isaiah 52:15 (God said) so he (the children of Israel who are regarded as the lowest among the peoples of the world in Isaiah 52:14 will be raised up very high by God in Isaiah 52:13 near the end of days and because of this it) shall startle many nations (in Micah 7:16 where surprise is described as putting your hand over your month and surprise is described as momentarily not hearing anything meaning when the nations hear that God raised up His servant which is the nation of Israel in Isaiah 52:13 the nations will be startled as the nations explain in Isaiah 53:1), kings shall shut their mouths because of him (“My servant” the children of Israel in Isaiah 52:13 whom they never expected to see exalted very high near the end of days, however); for that which had not been told to them (that the children of Israel would be raised up very high in Isaiah 52:13 and that God is with the Jewish people forever in Isaiah 59:21 meaning the Jewish people will always have the correct understanding of God) they (the nations and kings of the world) shall see (in Isaiah 53:1 which describes what the Gentiles will say after the war between Israel and the Gentiles who are called Gog) and that which they (the nations and kings of the world) had not heard (for example that God is only one and not three in one and when nations and kings talk among each other to understand why the Jewish people suffered historically in Isaiah 53:1-53:8) they (the nations and kings of the world) shall understand (when nations and kings talk among each other near the end of days in Isaiah 53:1-53:8). 


a. Some Christian Bibles translate a Hebrew word in Isaiah 52:15 as “sprinkle” and others translate the same word as “startle.”

Some Christian Bibles wrongly translate startle in Isaiah 52:15 as sprinkle.

Micah 7:16 describes startle as surprise when a person puts their hand over your month and describes startle as momentarily no hearing anything

Micah 7:16 Nations shall see (that the children of Israel who were regarded as the lowest among the peoples of the world in Isaiah 52:14 are raised up very high by God in Isaiah 52:13 near the end of days) and be ashamed (when the nations understand that God is with the Jewish people in Isaiah 59:21) despite all their might, they (the nations) shall place their hand on their mouth (in surprise because nations did not think that it was the Jewish nation who had the correct understanding of God); their (the nations) ears shall become deaf (which happens for a short time when a person is startled by the surprising and unexpected news that the children of Israel are raised up very high in Isaiah 52:13 meaning the nations will immediately understand that the Jewish teaching that God is one and not three in one is the truth about God). 

When Isaiah 52:13 happens then kings and nations will be startled in Isaiah 52:15 and those startled kings and nations when they recover from being startled will speak the words in Isaiah 53:1-53:8

1. In Isaiah 52:13 God says the servant will be raised very high.

2. In Isaiah 52:15 God says after the servant is raised very high in Isaiah 52:13 then the Gentile kings and nations will be started (both the Catholic New American Bible and the Hebrew English Bible translate this word as startle not sprinkle).

3. In Isaiah 53:1 are the startled words of the Gentle kings and nations who will be started when they see who God has supported in the war between Israel (who teach that "God is only one") and Gog (the Gentiles who teach that God is in many forms such as "three in one" or "two in one" or "one hundred in one"). 


b. Christian translation of Jewish Hebrew scripture.

1. When some Christian Bibles translate a Hebrew word in Isaiah 52:15 as “sprinkle” those who have such Christian Bibles believe the word of God is “sprinkle” but those who have Christian Bibles who translate that same Hebrew word in Isaiah 52:15 as “startle” believe the word of God is “startle” meaning Christians depend on translations and this is why some Christian Bibles translate the word in Isaiah 52:15 as “startle” and others as “sprinkle.”


2. Sometimes there is a difference between what Christians read in Christian translations of the Jewish Hebrew scripture and what Jews read in the Jewish Hebrew scripture and this is why both Jews and Christians sometimes cannot understand why the other cannot see what they understand.


3. Jews read the original Hebrew where the word in Isaiah 52:15 is “startle” and this is confirmed by the startled words of the Gentile nations and kings In the next verse which is Isaiah 53:1.


Isaiah 53:1 (The nations and kings of the world who God foretells will be startled surprised after the war between Israel and Gog meaning Gentile in Isaiah 52:15 say to each other) “who would have believed what we (the nations and kings of the world) are hearing (about the children of Israel as God foretells in Isaiah 52:13- 52:15)? And to whom has the arm of the LORD (God) been revealed? (What is heard is described in Zechariah 8:23).


Note that in the original Isaiah scroll there are no chapters and Isaiah 52:15 is followed by Isaiah 53:1 but does not have these modern chapter and verse numbers.


4. A rabbi explains that “good honest decent Christians” believe that verses in Christian produced Old Testament Bibles are about Jesus because of the way text have been wrongly translated from Hebrew and this is why Jews and Christians disagree in this example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9F5ayv0KR34 which shows how some Christian Bibles wrongly translate Jewish Hebrew scripture to make text appear to be about Jesus.

This is one of many similar examples of differences between the Jewish Hebrew scripture and some Christian produced Old Testament Bibles. 


5. Modern Christians are not responsible for the wrong translations of their scripture by people who lived before them because most Christians today do not know what was done to their Bibles and therefore every Christian sect believes they have the correct word of God which no one can change even when the same unchanging words are translated differently in different Christian produced Bibles.


c. Different Christian understandings is based on different Christian translations.

1. Isaiah 52:15 cannot be correctly understood if you are using a wrong translation of the Hebrew scripture.


2. The correct translation of the Hebrew word is “startle” not “sprinkle” and this is confirmed in the New American Bible 2011 edition which is used at mass in all Catholic churches in the USA and the Philippines meaning the New American Bible 2011 edition agrees with the Jewish Hebrew scripture regarding the meaning of this Hebrew word in Isaiah 52:15.


3. If the Bible you are using says “sprinkle” then it disagrees with both the Catholic 2011 edition and Jewish translation of Isaiah 52:15.


4. The word “startle” means a person cannot talk for a short time because they are startled meaning they are surprised.

When Gentile Kings and nations see that God saved Israel after the war between Israel and Gog (meaning Gentile) they will “shout their mouth” in Isaiah 52:15 meaning they will be “startled” in Isaiah 52:15 because they expected God would support the Gentile because they thought the Gentile had the correct understanding about God and that the Jews had the wrong understanding about God.


5. God tells us what the “started” Gentile kings and nations who “shut their mouth” will say to explain why they were started meaning why they shut their mouth.

The Gentile kings and nations will say in Isaiah 53:1 “Who would have believed what we are hearing? And to whom has the arm of the LORD (God) been revealed?” meaning the Gentile kings and nations will be surprised meaning startled so that they “shut their mouth” in surprise when in the war between Israel and Gog meaning Gentile, God saves Israel (who teach God is only one) and punishes Gog meaning the Gentile (who teach “God is three in one” or “God is two in one” or “God is one hundred in one”).


6. The Gentiles who are speaking in Isaiah 53:1 are those who will not attack Israel and who will repent to God when they come to know that God is only one and not "three in one" or "two in one" or "one hundred in one" after the war between Israel and Gog (Gentile). 


d. Explain "why the nations have not heard of it" in Isaiah 52:15.

In the time of Isaiah and after the time of Isaiah many nations and kings had not heard that the Jewish people have the correct understanding of God meaning the Gentiles (non Jewish people in the time of Isaiah and after the time of Isaiah) believed the Gentile understanding that God is in many forms like “three in one” or “two in one” or “one hundred in one” is correct and that the Jewish understanding that God is only one is not correct or is only partly correct.

However after the war between Israel and Gog meaning Gentile the Gentile kings and nations will be startled because God will support Israel who teach “God is only one” and what the Gentile kings and nations “had not been told” (which is that the Jewish people have the correct understanding of God meaning God is only one) “they” (the Gentile nations and kings of the world) "shall understand" (when Gentile nations and kings talk among each other in Isaiah 53:1-53:8 after the war between Israel and Gog and God speaks in Isaiah 52:13-52:15 and Isaiah 53:9-53:12). 


e. The three prophecies in Isaiah 52:15.

1. “So he” (the children of Israel who are regarded as the lowest among the peoples of the world in Isaiah 52:14 will be raised up very high by God in Isaiah 52:13 after the war between Israel and Gog meaning after the war between Israel and Gentile and because of this it) ”shall startle many nations, kings shall shut their mouths because of him.”

God foretells in Isaiah 52:15 that the Gentile kings and nations of the world will be startled.

When a person is startled they are briefly unable to do anything including thinking and speaking.

After a person has been startled it takes only a short time to recover and resume normal thinking and normal speaking.  


2. "For that which had not been told to them they shall see" (in Isaiah 53:1 which gives the words that the Gentile kings and nations will speak after they see the result of the war between Israel and Gog meaning after the war between Israel and Gentile). 

The Gentile people did not tell other Gentile people that the Jewish people have the correct understanding of God meaning “For that which had not been told to them they shall see" (in Isaiah 53:1 where the Gentile kings and nations who had been startled recover their thinking and their ability to speak when they see that God is with Israel in the war between Israel and Gog meaning in the war between Israel and Gentile).


3. "And that which they" (the Gentile nations and kings of the world) "had not heard" (for example that God is only one and not three in one or two in one or one hundred in one) "they" (the nations and kings of the world) "shall understand" (when Gentile nations and kings talk among each other after the war between Israel and Gog meaning after the war between Israel and Gentile to understand why the Jewish people who have the correct understanding that God is only one and not three in one or two in one or one hundred in one have suffered historically by God revealing the words that will be spoken by the startled Gentile nations and kings of the earth when they recover their thinking and their speaking ability in Isaiah 53:1-53:8 after they were startled by the news that God is with Israel and not with the Gentile after the war between Israel and Gog meaning after the war between Israel and Gentile).


f. The war between Israel and Gog and the Gentile nations of the world. 

Ezekiel 29:21-20:29 is addressed to the Gentile nations who teach “God is three in one” or “God is two in one” or “God is one hundred in one” after God supports Israel in Ezekiel 29:1-20:20 who teach “God is only one.”


1. Ezekiel 39:21 And I will publicize My glory among the nations, and all the nations shall see My judgment that I have executed, and My hand that I have place on them (the Jewish people). 

Note 1. Ezekiel 39:1-39:20 describes the defeat of Gog meaning Gentile who will attack Israel.


2. Ezekiel 39:22 So the house of Israel shall know that I am the LORD their God, from that day and forward.

Note 1. Ezekiel 39:1-39:20 describes the defeat of Gog meaning Gentile who will attack Israel. 

Note 2. Instead of only a righteous remnant of the Jewish people being faithful to God all the Jewish people will be faithful to God after the defeat of Gog meaning Gentile.


3. Ezekiel 39:23 And the nations shall know that the house of Israel went into captivity for their iniquity, because they broke faith with Me, and I hid My face from them; so I gave them into the hand of their adversaries, and they fell all of them by the sword. 

Note 1. God preserved a righteous remnant of the Jewish people in every generation so that the scripture is preserved in all their generations. .  


Torah Leviticus 26:44 And yet for all that, when they are in the land of their enemies, I will not reject them, neither will I abhor them to destroy them utterly and to break My covenant with them (because in every generation their is a righteous remnant among the children of Israel); for I am the LORD their God. 

Note 1. God will not reject the children of Israel who will be exiled and God will not completely destroy them.


Zephaniah 3:12 I (God) will leave among you (the Jewish people) a meek and humble people and they shall trust in the name of the Lord.

Note 1. God preserved a righteous remnant of the Jewish people in every generation.


Zephaniah 3:13 The remnant (righteous) of Israel shall not do wrong, nor speak lies, neither shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth; for they shall eat and lie down, and none shall make them afraid. 

Note 1. God preserved a righteous remnant of the Jewish people in every generation.


Hosea 5:15 I (God) will go and return to My place, till they acknowledge their guilt, and seek My face; in their trouble they will seek Me earnestly:

Note 1. In the time of Gog all Israel will turn to God for help and God will help Israel so that all the world will know God. 


Isaiah 1:27 Zion (Jerusalem Al Quds) shall be redeemed by justice, and those in her (Israel) who repent, by righteousness.


Isaiah 59:20 ”The redeemer (the messiah son of David) will come to Zion (Jerusalem), to those in Jacob (Israel) who repent for their sins”, said the LORD.

Note 1. People who keep justice and do righteousness are people who repent asking forgiveness in pray to God in Isaiah 1:27, Isaiah 56:1, Isaiah 56:2, Isaiah 59:20, Ecclesiastes 7:20, Proverbs 24:16, 1 Kings 8:46 - 8:50, Ezekiel 18:20 - 18:23, Isaiah 1:18, Isaiah 55:7, Hosea 6:6, Hosea 14:2 - 14:3 and Micah 6:6 - 6:8.

Note 2. In the time of Gog all Israel will repent to God and the messiah son of David will start the messianic age and all peoples of the world will know God.


Ezekiel 37:28 And the nations shall know that I (God) am the Lord, who sanctifies Israel, when My Sanctuary (Temple) is in their midst forever."


4. Ezekiel 39:24 According to their uncleanness and according to their transgressions did I to them; and I hid My face from them.

Note 1. The children of Israel were punished in history according to their misbehaviour to encourage them to return to God.


2 Samuel 7:14 I (God) will be to him (the messiah anointed King Solomon Sulaiman) for a father, and he (the messiah anointed King Solomon Sulaiman) shall be to Me (God) for a son; if he (the messiah anointed King Solomon Sulaiman) commit wrong doing, I (God) will punish him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the children of men; 


5. Ezekiel 39:25 Therefore so said the Lord GOD: Now I will bring back the captivity of Jacob, and have compassion on the whole house of Israel; and I will be zealous for My holy name. 

Note 1. When all the Jewish people call on God for help against the attack on Israel by Gog meaning Gentile then God will show mercy on all the people of Israel.


6. Ezekiel 39:26 And they shall bear their shame, and all their breach of faith which they have committed against Me, when they shall dwell safely in their land, and none shall make them afraid; 


Psalm 32:1 (A Psalm) of (messiah king) David. A maschil (A wisdom). Happy is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is pardoned.

Note 1. God forgives sin by pardoning the sin.


Psalm 32:2 Happy is the man (forgiven by God) for whom the LORD did not count his iniquity (wrongdoing against him), and in whose spirit there is no deceit.

ote 1. God forgives sin by not counting that sin against the person.


Psalm 32:4 For day and night Your (God’s) hand was heavy on me (David); my sap (energy) was turned (low) like in the droughts of summer. Selah (forever).


Psalm 32:5 I (David) acknowledged my sin to You (God), and my iniquity (wrong doing) I have not hid; I said: 'I will make confession concerning my transgressions to the LORD' and You (God) forgave the iniquity of my sin. Selah (forever).

Note 1. God forgives sin when a person confesses that sin to God in prayer.


Psalm 32:6 For this let every one that is godly pray to You (God) in a time when You may be found; surely, when the great waters (troubles) overflow, they (the troubles) will not reach to him.

Note 1. God will forgive any ones sin when a person confesses that sin to God in prayer like the messiah king David confessed his sin in prayer to God..


Psalm 32:10 The sorrows of the wicked are many; but he that trusts in the LORD, mercy compasses him.

Note 1. God shows mercy meaning forgiveness to those that trust in God by praying to God.


Psalm 32:11 Be glad in the LORD, and rejoice, you righteous; and shout for joy, all you that are upright in heart.

Note 1. The good news from messiah king David is that God forgives the sins of those who confess to God in prayer,


7. Ezekiel 39:27 when I (God) have brought them (the exiled of the children of Israel) back from the peoples, and gathered them out of their enemies' lands, I (God) shall be sanctified through them (the Jewish people) in front of the eyes of many nations. 


8. Ezekiel 39:28 And they (the children of Israel) shall know that I am the LORD their God, in that I caused them to go into captivity among the nations, and have gathered them to their own land (the Holy land); and I will leave none of them any more there (in exile among the nations); 


9. Ezekiel 39:29 neither will I hide My face any more from them; for I have poured out My spirit on the house of Israel, said the Lord GOD.' 


Ezekiel 37:28 And the nations shall know that I (God) am the Lord, who sanctifies Israel, when My Sanctuary (Temple) is in their midst forever."


Isaiah 1:27 Zion (Jerusalem Al Quds) shall be redeemed by justice, and those in her (Israel) who repent, by righteousness.


Isaiah 59:20 ”The redeemer (the messiah son of David) will come to Zion (Jerusalem), to those in Jacob (Israel) who repent for their sins”, said the LORD.

Note 1. People who keep justice and do righteousness are people who repent asking forgiveness in pray to God in Isaiah 1:27, Isaiah 56:1, Isaiah 56:2, Isaiah 59:20, Ecclesiastes 7:20, Proverbs 24:16, 1 Kings 8:46 - 8:50, Ezekiel 18:20 - 18:23, Isaiah 1:18, Isaiah 55:7, Hosea 6:6, Hosea 14:2 - 14:3 and Micah 6:6 - 6:8.

Note 2. In the time of Gog all Israel will repent to God and the messiah son of David will start the messianic age and all peoples of the world will know God.


Isaiah 59:21 And as for Me (God), this is My covenant with them (the Jewish people who are mentioned in Isaiah 36:11 and Isaiah 36:13), said the LORD; My spirit that is on you (the Jewish people), and My words (the Torah Taurat) which I (God) have put in your mouth, shall not depart out of your mouth, nor out of the mouth of your seed (off-spring), nor out of the mouth of your seed's seed (descendants), said the LORD, from now and forever.

Note 1. The promise of God that the Torah Taurat is protected forever.


Isaiah 36:11 (The two parties met outside the walls of Jerusalem) Then Eliakim and Shebna and Joah (the representatives of Hezekiah the King of Judah) said to Rabshakeh (the officer representing Sennacherib the King of Assyria): 'Please speak to (us) your servants in the Aramaic language, for we understand it; and do not speak to us in the Jews' language (of Hebrew), (in case it is heard) in the ears of the (Jewish) people that are on the wall (surrounding Jerusalem). 

Note 1. The word Jew is used by Prophet Isaiah meaning the promise of God in Isaiah 59:21 that the Torah Taurat is protected forever is to the Jewish people.


Isaiah 36:12 But Rabshakeh (the officer representing Sennacherib the King of Assyria) said: 'Has my master (the King of Assyria) sent me to your master (the King of Judah), and to you (the representatives of the King of Judah), to speak these words? Has he (the King of Assyria) not sent me to (speak to) the (Hebrew) men that sit on the wall (surrounding Jerusalem, and speak these words in Hebrew to them warning that our Army will blockade Jerusalem and that they will have) to eat their own dung and to drink their own urine with you (if you do not give Jerusalem to us)?' 


Isaiah 36:13 Then Rabshakeh (the officer representing the King of Assyria) stood, and cried with a loud voice in the Jews' language (of Hebrew to the men on the wall surrounding Jerusalem), and said: “Hear the words of the great king, the king of Assyria.

Note 1. The word Jew is used by Prophet Isaiah meaning the promise of God in Isaiah 59:21 that the Torah Taurat is protected forever is to the Jewish people.


4. Isaiah 53:1 The Gentile nations and Gentile kings of the world speak. 

Isaiah 53:1 (The nations and kings of the world who God foretells will be startled surprised near the end of days in Isaiah 52:15 say to each other) “who would have believed what we (the nations and kings of the world) are hearing (about the children of Israel as God foretells in Isaiah 52:13- 52:15)? And to whom has the arm of the LORD (God) been revealed?” (Psalm 98:1-98:3 ”… for God has done marvellous things; His right hand, and His holy arm, has wrought salvation victory for God. God has made known His salvation and His righteousness He has revealed in the sight of the nations. God has remembered His mercy and His faithfulness toward the house of Israel; all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation victory of our God.” The arm of God means the rescue of the children of Israel from physical persecution and exile. When the victory of God in Jerusalem will be seen by the nations and kings of the world in Isaiah 61:10-62:4 then the children of Israel will be raised very high in Isaiah 52:13 and the children of Israel shall be called “the priests of the LORD” in Isaiah 61:6 and “a light for the nations of the world” in Isaiah 49:6 and Isaiah 60:3 and “the holy people” and “the people redeemed by God” meaning God redeemed rescued the children of Israel from physical persecution and exile in Isaiah 62:11-62:12. When God raises the children of Israel in Isaiah 53:1 it will cause nations and kings to be startled surprised in Isaiah 52:15 because they had regarded the children of Israel as the lowest of peoples in Isaiah 52:14. What is heard is described in Zechariah 8:23). 


5. Isaiah 53:2 The Gentile nations and Gentile kings of the world speak. 

Isaiah 53:2 (The nations and kings of the world who are startled surprised near the end of days in Isaiah 52:15 say to each other) for he (the children of Israel) grew up in front of him (the nations and kings of the world) like a young plant, and like a root out of a dry ground; he (the children of Israel) had no form or majesty, that we (the nations and kings of the world) should look at him (the children of Israel), or beauty that we (the nations and kings of the world) should desire him (the children of Israel). 


6. Isaiah 53:3 The Gentile nations and Gentile kings of the world speak. 

Isaiah 53:3 (The nations and kings of the world who are startled surprised near the end of days in Isaiah 52:15 say to each other) “he (the children of Israel) was despised and rejected by men (in Isaiah 49:7, Isaiah 60:14 and by men like the Pharaoh, Haman and Hitler and we the nations and kings of the world considered the children of Israel) a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief (meaning the Jewish people are well known to have suffered throughout their history), and like one from whom men hide their face (in Isaiah 52:14 meaning the nations and kings of the world did not want to associate with the Jewish people): he (the children of Israel) was despised (in Isaiah 52:14) and we (the nations and the kings of the world) did not esteem him” (in high regard in Isaiah 49:7 and therefore the nations and kings of the world are startled surprised in Isaiah 52:15 when God will raise the children of Israel high up in Isaiah 53:1 as described in Isaiah 52:13). 


7. Isaiah 53:4 The Gentile nations and Gentile kings of the world speak. 

Isaiah 53:4 (The nations and kings of the world who are startled surprised near the end of days in Isaiah 52:15 say to each other) “surely our griefs he (the children of Israel) did bear (from our hand when nations and kings and men like the Pharaoh, Haman and Hitler caused suffering to the Jewish people), and our (the nations and the kings of the world) pains he (the children of Israel) carried (from our hand when nations and kings oppressed people only because they were from the children of Israel); but we (the nations and the kings of the world) considered him (the children of Israel) punished by God and afflicted” (meaning nations and kings of the world thought the Jewish people suffered because the Jewish people were rejected by God and so the nations and kings of the world thought they knew the truth about the nature of God and never thought that the children of Israel had the truth about the nature of God in Isaiah 52:15 and this is why the nations and kings of the world are startled surprised when God will raise the children of Israel very high in Isaiah 53:1 as explained in Isaiah 52:13).  


8. Isaiah 53:5 The Gentile nations and Gentile kings of the world speak. 

Isaiah 53:5 (The nations and kings of the world who are startled surprised near the end of days in Isaiah 52:15 say to each other) “but he (the children of Israel) was wounded because of our (the nations and kings) transgressions (in Psalm 94:3-94:6), he (the children of Israel) was crushed because of our (the nations and kings) wrongdoings (in Psalm 94:5): on him (the children of Israel) was the chastisement that made us (the nations and the kings of the world) whole (because the nations and kings of the world followed the will of God who used their hands against the children of Israel so that the children of Israel might repent of their sins and return to God in 2 Samuel 7:14), and with his stripes (the suffering of the children of Israel in 2 Samuel 7:14) we (the nations and the kings of the world) were healed” (by repenting to God because this is the way God will forgive sin in Ecclesiastes 7:20, Proverbs 24:16, Ezekiel 18:22 – 18:23, Isaiah 1:18, Isaiah 55:7, Hosea 14:2 – 14:3 and Micah 6:6 – 6:8. Near the end of days when the nations and kings understand the suffering caused to the Jewish people they will feel sorrow and regret and they will repent to God and in this way the suffering of the Jewish people will heal the sins of the world when nations and kings repent and ask God to forgive their sins. Nations and kings followed the will of God who used their hands against the children of Israel so that the children of Israel might also repent of their sins and return to God in 2 Samuel 7:14. In the end of days the nations and kings will understand that “the children of Israel were wounded because of the transgressions of the nations and kings and the children of Israel were crushed because of the wrongdoings of the nations and kings” as God had decreed in 2 Samuel 7:14. Nations and kings of the world will also understand that the belief of men such as the Pharaoh and Haman and Hitler was that “on the children of Israel was the chastisement that made Pharaoh and Haman and Hitler feel whole and with his stripes which is the suffering of the children of Israel, the Pharaoh and Haman and Hitler felt like they were healed” and this idea was given to evil people in the past when the children of Israel turn away from God meaning God sometimes uses evil people to bring punishment to the children of Israel the Jewish people so that they might repent of their sins and return to God in 2 Samuel 7:14. Pharaoh and Haman and Hitler felt like what they did healed them but because they did not repent to God and died doing evil they will not be forgiven. God promises to forgive all sins to those who repent and return to good behaviour in Ecclesiastes 7:20, Proverbs 24:16, Ezekiel 18:22 – 18:23, Isaiah 1:18, Isaiah 55:7, Hosea 14:2 – 14:3 and Micah 6:6 – 6:8). 

Jews do not use the Christian Old Testament Bible because it contains wrong translations of the Tanakh Hebrew scripture.

1. Tanakh Jewish scripture says Isaiah 53:5 But he was wounded (not pierced and not killed as wrongly translated in some Christian Bibles) because of our transgressions ...


2. Some Christian Bibles translate Isaiah 53:5 But he was pierced (the Hebrew word is wounded not pierced) because of our rebellion ...


3. Some Christian Bibles translate Isaiah 53:5 But He was pierced (the Hebrew word is wounded not pierced) because of our transgressions (notice that he is wrongly translated with a capital letter in He) ...


4. Some Christian Bibles translate Isaiah 53:5 He is killed (the Hebrew word is wounded not killed) because of our sins ...


5. Some Christian Bibles translate Isaiah 53:5 But he was wounded on account of our sins ...


6. Google Isaiah 53:5 and you will see that Christian bible translations do not agree with each other and are not the same as what is in the Hebrew text.


7. The Hebrew word wounded in Isaiah 53:5 is different from the Hebrew word pierced or the Hebrew word killed. 


9. Isaiah 53:6 The Gentile nations and Gentile kings of the world speak. 

Isaiah 53:6 (The nations and kings of the world who are startled surprised near the end of days in Isaiah 52:15 say to each other) “like sheep we (the nations and kings of the world) all went astray, we (the nations and kings of the world) turned every one to his own way (of belief, of religion); and (in Isaiah 53:4 “considered him” the children of Israel “punished by God and afflicted” when) the LORD has made to lay on him (the children of Israel) the wrongdoing of all of us” (in Isaiah 53:5 and explained in 2 Samuel 7:14). 


10. Isaiah 53:7 The Gentile nations and Gentile kings of the world speak. 

Isaiah 53:7 (The nations and kings of the world who are startled surprised near the end of days in Isaiah 52:15 say to each other) “he (the children of Israel) was oppressed and he was afflicted (by nations and kings in Isaiah 52:14-53:8), though he (the children of Israel) humbled himself and did not open his mouth (to reject God or to turn to other gods in Psalm 44:12-44:23 or in Christian Bible Psalm 44:11-44:22); like a lamb that is led to the slaughter (in Psalm 44:12 or in Christian Bible Psalm 44:11 and Psalm 44:23 or in Christian Bible Psalm 44:22), and like a sheep that before her shearers is dumb; he (the children of Israel) did not open his mouth (to reject God or to turn to other gods in Psalm 44:12-44:23 or in Christian Bible Psalm 44:11-44:22 when “he” the children of Israel were threatened with death by men like the Pharaoh and Haman and Hitler who all disbelieved in the God of Israel as explained by God in Isaiah 53:9). 


11. Isaiah 53:8 The Gentile nations and Gentile kings of the world speak. 

Isaiah 53:8 (The nations and kings of the world who are startled surprised near the end of days in Isaiah 52:15 say to each other) by domination and judgment (of the children of Israel by the nations and kings of the world in Isaiah 52:14-53:8) he (the children of Israel) was taken away (from Israel), and his history (the tribes of the children of Israel who were lost and scattered among the nations and kings of the world) who is able to relate (what happened to them except God in Isaiah 53:9)? For he (the children of Israel in the northern kingdom of Israel and others among the children of Israel throughout history) was cut off out of the land of the living (“land of the living” is an idiom meaning Israel meaning “he was exiled from Israel or killed”), because of the transgression of my people (the nations and kings of the world), they (“he” is the Hebrew word “lamo, lamoh” is “to them” or “they” or “he” all mean the children of Israel. The word “he” meaning the suffering servant Israel has a plural meaning because it is not about one specific person but about a group of people as explained in Isaiah 43:10 where “the servant of God” written as singular are ”the witnesses” written as plural meaning the servant is a group of people who are "the witnesses" in the same way as “son” in “Israel is My son” written as singular in Exodus 4:22 also has a plural meaning because it is referring to the children of Israel and not one specific person) were afflicted (meaning that in Isaiah 53:1-53:8 the nations and kings of the world have concluded that the children of Israel, the Jews suffered because of bad behaviour from the nations and kings of the world including men like Pharaoh and Haman and Hitler. Isaiah 53:5 explains that the suffering of the Jewish people will bring nations and kings to feel sorrow and regret and move them to repent to God for their sins). 


12. Isaiah 53:9 God speaks. 

Isaiah 53:9 (God is able to relate what happened in Isaiah 53:8 and God says) And his (the children of Israel’s) grave was assigned (put) with the wicked (because the children of Israel said “God is only one God and all other beliefs like God is three in one or two in one or one hundred in one are the idol worship of the creations of God which Gentile nations and Gentile kings of the world would reject until after the war between Israel and Gog meaning Gentile), and with the wealthy (Gentile kings) with his (different kinds of) death (such as execution, torture, mass killings, pogroms, poison gas used in concentration camps and hunger meaning the children of Israel accepted any kind of death from nations and kings instead of accepting evil behaviour such as idol worship in Psalm 44:12-44:23 or in Christian Bible Psalm 44:11-44:22. The Hebrew “his deaths” which is intensive plural is translated “death” singular and is understood as “different kinds of death” which makes it a plural understanding); although he (the children of Israel only said “Hear O Israel the Lord our God the Lord is one” and) had done no violence (against the nations and kings to justify the oppression of the children of Israel), neither was any deceit in his mouth (because God’s servant are those among the children of Israel who are righteous meaning they do not lie meaning there is no deceit on their tongue in Zephaniah 3:12-3:13 as explained in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCiWMB4pOHY  ). 


13. Isaiah 53:10 God speaks

Isaiah 53:10 (God gives the reason for making His servant the children of Israel suffer. God says) And the LORD (God) wished to crush him (the children of Israel) by grief (so that the children of Israel might return to God. A person returns to God); if his soul acknowledges guilt (wrongdoing meaning confessing his sin because his conscience tells him that what he did was wrong and he feels regret and so he voluntarily admits his guilt) by restitution (by returning what was stolen to its owner or compensating a person for injury or loss and bringing the asham sacrifice like an animal or food like flour which is done by the person who has repented voluntarily meaning he returned to God and righteous behaviour from his own heart. Repenting to God without a sacrifice is in Ecclesiastes 7:20, Proverbs 24:16, Ezekiel 18:22 – 18:23, Isaiah 1:18, Isaiah 55:7, Hosea 14:2 – 14:3 and Micah 6:6 – 6:8. God says to the servant, if you will make your heart “an asham” meaning “a guilt offering” meaning you will confess your wrongdoing then your sins will be forgiven as explained in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_OF17v4ctg meaning God wants to work with the righteous of the children of Israel who confess their sins and not those among them who get caught doing sin and), he (the children of Israel) shall see offspring (“zerah” in Hebrew scripture means “one or more children,” the Hebrew word “zerah” for “seed” always means “physical offspring” it never means “spiritual offspring” in Hebrew scripture. If it was “his biological offspring” the Hebrew word is “zerah.” If it was a “spiritual or figurative offspring” the Hebrew word used in scripture would have been “ben” for son or “banim’ for sons like in Deuteronomy 14:1 but never “zerah” for seed. The correct translation in this verse for zerah meaning seed is offspring meaning one or more physical children. The meaning is if “My servant” the children of Israel voluntarily choose to return to righteous behaviour he shall see offspring) and prolong his days (meaning God shall give him a long life), and God’s purpose shall be successful by his hand (meaning “My servant” the children of Israel will successfully do the will of God on the earth in Isaiah 52:13 and the children of Israel will be rewarded by God further in Isaiah 53:11).  

How does God forgive sin in Tanakh Jewish scripture?

1. The sin sacrifice. 

The sin sacrifice (korban chatat) only atones for the most insignificant sins called unintentional sins (Numbers 15:27 - 15:29).

The sin sacrifice cannot atone for intentional sin (Numbers 15:30 - 15:31) except in a special case called the asham where a person who was not caught doing their sin voluntarily admits their sin to the authority. This voluntarily admission of sin by a person who was not caught doing their sin weakens the sin to allow the asham.


Numbers 15:27 And if a person sins unintentionally (because of an error, by mistake), then he shall offer a she-goat of the first year for a sin-offering.


Number 15:28 And the priest shall make atonement for the person that sinned unintentionally (because of an error, by mistake), when he sinned through error (by mistake), before the Lord (God), to make atonement for him; and he shall be forgiven, 


Number 15:29 both he that is home-born among the children of Israel, and the stranger that lives among them: you shall have one law for the person that did an error (by mistake meaning unintentionally).


Number 15:30 But if the person should act high handed (intentionally), whether he be home-born or a stranger (who lives with you), he is blaspheming the Lord (God, because he sinned intentionally); and that person shall be cut off from among its people.

Note 1. The sin sacrifice cannot atone for intentional sin (Numbers 15:30 - 15:31) except in a special case called the asham where a person who was not caught doing their sin voluntarily admits their sin to the authority. This voluntarily admission of sin by a person who was not caught doing their sin weakens the sin to allow the asham.


Number 15:31 Because he has despised the word of the Lord (God), and has broken His (God’s) commandment (intentionally); that person shall utterly be cut off, his (intentional) wrong doing shall be upon him.

Note 1. Sacrifices cannot be used to remove intentional sin except in a special case called the asham where a person who was not caught doing their sin voluntarily admits their sin to the authority. This voluntarily admission of sin by a person who was not caught doing their sin weakens the sin to allow the asham. 


2. Repentance. 

Repentance to God through prayer and returning to good behaviour removes intentional sins which no sacrifice has the power to do (except in a special case called the asham where a person who was not caught doing their sin voluntarily admits their sin to the authority). 

There is no sacrifice for intentional sins such as murder and adultery.

The messiah King David showed that intentional sins including murder and adultery is forgiven by God through repentance in prayer to God and correcting your behaviour.


God calls people to repent in prayer to God and correct their behaviour instead of sacrifice.

Hosea 14:3 (in Tanakh or Hosea 14:2 in Christian bible) Take with you words (of prayer to God), and return to the LORD; say to Him (God), “Forgive all (our) wrongdoing, and accept that which is good (from our good deeds in Ezekiel 18:20 – 18:23); so will we give for bullocks (sacrifice) the offering of our lips (meaning instead of offering the blood sacrifice of bullocks God tells us the forgiveness of sin comes from the offering of the lips meaning ask God for forgiveness and replace bad behaviour with good behaviour in Micah 6:6 – 6:8).


In the Tanakh Jewish scripture the prophets teach that God does not need sacrifices to forgive sin and this is also the teachings of the messiahs King David and King Solomon below.


a. The Messiah King Solomon revealed that when the Hebrews do not have the temple they will be forgiven their sins by God through repentance if they pray and ask God for forgiveness as described in 1 Kings 8:46 - 1 Kings 8:50 which is what every Jewish person does today daily in prayer.


b. The Messiah King David also told his people that God forgives sin without a sacrifice in Psalm 32:5.


Psalm 32:5 I (the messiah King David) acknowledged my sin to You (God), and my wrongdoing and I did not hid (it from God); I said: 'I will make confession concerning my wrongdoing to the LORD (God)' and You (God) forgave the wrongdoing of my sin.

Note 1. God forgave the messiah King David of his sins without a sacrifice meaning forgiveness comes from repentance through prayer to God and returning to correct behaviour.


Psalm 51:17 (in Tanakh or Psalm 51:15 in Christian Bible) O Lord (God), open my lips and my mouth shall declare Your praise.


Psalm 51:18 (in Tanakh or Psalm 51:16 in Christian Bible) For You (God) do not delight in sacrifice or else I would give it; You (God) have no pleasure in burnt-offering.


Psalm 51:19 (in Tanakh or Psalm 51:17 in Christian Bible) The sacrifices acceptable to God is a broken spirit (that is repenting to God); a broken and a contrite heart (asking forgiveness for sin), O God, You (God) will not despise. 


3. Charity. 

Charity is mercy.

God calls people to give charity and not sacrifices.

Freeing the slave and helping the poor and forgiving people like you would like God to forgive you are examples of mercy and charity. 

Hosea 6:6 For I (God) desire mercy, and not sacrifice, and the knowledge of God rather than burnt-offerings.


4. An asham sacrifice is given by a guilty person who was never caught doing their sin.

An asham sacrifice cannot be giving by a guilty person who was catch doing their sin therefore an asham sacrifice cannot take away all the sins of the world but is only used in a very limited case and it cannot take away the sin of anyone who deliberately sinned and was caught.


5. Isaiah 53:10 says the one who makes the asham sacrifice shall have biological children however Jesus had no biological children.


6. Isaiah 53:10 says the one who makes the asham sacrifice will have a long life however the life of Jesus was short. 


7. An asham sacrifice can only be given by a person who was not caught doing sin and comes forward to admit he sinned however Jesus made no sin and Jesus did not come forward to admit he made a sin for which he was never caught meaning the asham sacrifice which Isaiah 53:10 describes is not about Jesus and this is confirmed in Isaiah 53:10 which says if his soul acknowledges guilt by restitution (by returning what was stolen to its owner or compensating a person for injury or loss) ...” which is not about Jesus. 


8. The Tanakh Jewish scripture teaches that when you repent to God and return to good behaviour ALL your sins are forgiven and your heart is “white as snow”’ meaning you are sinless in the sight of God. 

The Tanakh says the solution to sin is repentance to God and returning to good behaviour because that removes all your sin if you are sincere in your repentance and if you return to good behaviour. 

The Tanakh scripture says no sacrifice does anything if you did not sincerely repent to God and return to good behaviour. 

This means sacrifices are only a thank you to God because without repenting to God and returning to good behaviour a sacrifice cannot remove any sin.


9. The asham sin sacrifice is only for a person who was not caught when he sinned and who has paid compensation for what he did.

This kind of very limited special case sacrifice cannot take away the sins of the world.

The fact that it is the asham sacrifice described by Isaiah means that Isaiah 53 is not about Jesus or about taking away the sins of the world.  

10. Why is Isaiah 53:10 not about Jesus?

A. Isaiah 53:10 God says about His servant “if his soul acknowledges guilt” meaning this is not about Jesus because Jesus had no guilt however people of Israel had guilt meaning the servant is Israel.

B. Isaiah 53:10 God says about His servant “if his soul acknowledges guilt” then God will give him something but if Jesus is God then Jesus already is the owner of everything meaning God is not talking about Jesus meaning the servant is Israel.

C. Isaiah 53:10 God will give His servant children which shows this is about the people of the nation of Israel who need children.

If Jesus is God then He needs no children because all children are already His because He created them meaning God is not talking about Jesus meaning the servant is Israel.

D. Isaiah 53:10 God will prolong the days of His servant but if Jesus is God then God has no need to prolong His days because God exists forever meaning God is not talking about Jesus meaning the servant is Israel.

E. Isaiah 53 is not about Jesus because none of the prophecies in the Jewish bible about the messiah who inherits the tribe of David applies to Jesus because Jesus had no biological father.

The only way a Jewish son can inherit a tribe in Judaism today and 2000 years ago in the time of Jesus and 3300 years ago in the time of Moses is through your biological father.

Jesus is Jewish because his mother is Jewish however Jesus inherits no tribe because Jesus has no biological father which is the only way tribe is inherited by a Jewish son.


14. Isaiah 53:11 God speaks. 

Isaiah 53:11 (God says the reward) for the labour (work) of his soul he (the children of Israel) shall see (the reward in Isaiah 52:13 when the victory of God in Jerusalem will be seen by the nations and kings of the world in Isaiah 61:10-62:4 and the children of Israel shall be called “the priests of the LORD” in Isaiah 61:6 and “a light for the nations of the world” in Isaiah 49:6 and Isaiah 60:3 and “the holy people” and “the people redeemed by God” meaning God redeemed rescued the children of Israel from physical persecution and exile in Isaiah 62:11-62:12) and be satisfied. By his knowledge (the knowledge of “My servant” that sin is forgiven through repentance and not by sacrifice or by blood in Hosea 6:6), the righteous one, My servant (the children of Israel) will cause many (nations and kings of the world in Isaiah 52:15) to be just (by following the teachings in Ecclesiastes 7:20, Proverbs 24:16, Ezekiel 18:22 – 18:23, Isaiah 1:18, Isaiah 55:7, Hosea 14:2 – 14:3 and Micah 6:6 – 6:8), and their (the nations and kings of the world) wrongdoings he (the children of Israel) shall bear (in Isaiah 53:5 because the children of Israel will remember the warning to repent and return to God when nations and kings punish them in 2 Samuel 7:14 “… if he commit wrongdoing, I will punish him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the children of men.” Isaiah 53:10 is Leviticus 26:40-26:42 teaching that suffering is a sign for the children of Israel to return to God). 


15. Isaiah 53:12 God speaks.

Isaiah 53:12 Therefore (because of what the righteous of the children of Israel did in Isaiah 53:11 and Ecclesiastes 7:20, Proverbs 24:16, Ezekiel 18:22 – 18:23, Isaiah 1:18, Isaiah 55:7, Hosea 14:2 – 14:3 and Micah 6:6 – 6:8) I (God) will allot a portion (of the reward in the hereafter) to him (“My servant” the children of Israel in Isaiah 52:13. “The priests of the LORD” in Isaiah 61:6 who are “a light for the nations of the world” in Isaiah 49:6 and Isaiah 60:3. “The holy people” and “the people redeemed by God” meaning God redeemed rescued the children of Israel from physical persecution and exile in Isaiah 62:11-62:12) with the great (meaning in public with the prophets and messengers in the hereafter), and he (the righteous of the children of Israel) shall share the spoil (the reward in the hereafter) with the mighty (the righteous) because he (the righteous of the children of Israel) poured out his soul (meaning lived his life) to the death (saying “hear O Israel the Lord our God the Lord is one” which is the never changing first commandment of God delivered by every messenger of God to humankind), and he (the righteous of the children of Israel) was numbered with the transgressors (by the nations and kings of the world in Isaiah 53:9); and he (the righteous of the children of Israel) bore the sin of many (nations and kings of the world in Isaiah 53:11), and (through prayer the righteous of the children of Israel) made intercession for the transgressors (the nations and the kings of the world who oppressed and judged and afflicted the children of Israel by praying “please give peace to the nations and kings of the world” in Jeremiah 29:7. The righteous among all peoples of the nations in the world are rewarded in new heavens and in a new earth in Isaiah 51:4-51:8, Isaiah 56:1-56:7, Isaiah 65:16-65:17, Isaiah 66:22-66:24 and Psalm 98:1-98:9).

16. What does Prophet Isaiah say before Isaiah 53 in Isaiah 48?

1. The redeemer in Isaiah 48 is the messiah King Cyrus who was described 4 chapters earlier in Isaiah 44.

Isaiah 44:28 Who says to Cyrus (except God): 'He is My (God’s) shepherd (King), and shall perform all My (God’s) pleasure'; saying of Jerusalem: 'She (Jerusalem) shall be built'; and to the temple: 'My (God’s temple) foundation shall be laid.'


Isaiah 45:1 Thus said the LORD (God) to His anointed (messiah), to Cyrus, whose right hand I (God) have held (meaning the messiah King Cyrus is at the right hand of God meaning everyone who goes to Paradise is said to be at the right hand of God), to subdue nations before him (the messiah King Cyrus), and to loose the loins of kings; to open the doors before him (the messiah King Cyrus), and that the gates may not be shut (to the messiah King Cyrus):


2. The spirit of God is the angel of God called the Holy Spirit who delivers the words of God to the Earth and into the mouth and heart of every prophet of God in Deuteronomy 18:18.


Isaiah 48:16 You (Prophet Isaiah) come near to Me (God), and hear this: From the beginning (at Mount Sinai) I (God) have not spoken in secret (to the nation of Israel and have sent My prophets to the nation of Israel); from the time that it (the Torah) was (given to you), I am there (with you); and now the Lord GOD has sent me (Prophet Isaiah), and His spirit (the angel of God is the spirit of God called the Holy Spirit who delivers the words of God to the Earth and into the mouth and heart of every prophet of God in Deuteronomy 18:18).


3. Isaiah 48:18 - 48:20 fortells why the temple was destroyed and the children of Israel exiled to Babylon and that they shall be freed by the messiah King Cyrus who is described in Isaiah 48:14 - 48:15.


Isaiah 48:20 Go out from Babylon, flee from the Chaldeans; with a voice of singing, declare to the end of the earth; say: 'The LORD has redeemed His servant Jacob (Israel from captivity in Babylon). 



17. What does Prophet Isaiah say before Isaiah 53 in Isaiah 49:1 - 49:3?

1. Isaiah 49:1 is about Prophet Isaiah.

Isaiah 49:1 Listen O islands to me (Prophet Isaiah), and hearken you peoples from faraway: the LORD (God) has called me (Prophet Isaiah) from the womb, from the bowels of my mother has He (God) made mention of my name (when God speaks a word like “Isaiah” then Isaiah is created by the will of God in the same way Adam and Eve and every human is created by the decree of God. When God decrees who is born in the womb of a Jewish mother then God has decreed Judaism for that person because anyone born from a Jewish mother inherits the religion of Judaism meaning Isaiah is Jewish because Isaiah was born from a Jewish mother. In Judaism religion is not inherited from the father. In Judaism a child inherits tribe from their biological father. In Judaism a child does not inherit any tribe from their biological mother).


Isaiah 49:2 And He (God) has made my (Prophet Isaiah’s) mouth like a sharp sword (to warn those who are wicked), in the shadow of His (God’s) hand (meaning by the guidance of God) has He (God) hid me (Prophet Isaiah from evil); and He (God) has made me (Prophet Isaiah) a polished shaft (a polished tool which convey the revelations of God in the 66 chapters of the Book of Isaiah in Tanakh Jewish scripture that is) in His (God’s) quiver (meaning Prophet Isaiah is among those who are doing the work of God);


2. In the same way as the messiah King Cyrus is introduced in Isaiah chapter 44 before the messiah King Cyrus is described further 4 chapters later in Isaiah chapter 48 so also is the servant Israel mentioned in Isaiah chapter 49 before the servant Israel is described further 4 chapters later in Isaiah 52 and Isaiah 53.


Isaiah 49:3 And He (God) said to me (Prophet Isaiah confirming the prophecy of Prophet Moses): “You (Prophet Isaiah and the children of Israel in Exodus 4:22) are My servant, Israel (the children of Israel in Exodus 4:23), in whom I (God) will be glorified (in Deuteronomy 26:19).” 


Deuteronomy 26:19 and to make you (the children of Israel) high above all nations that He (God) had made, in praise, and in name, and in glory; and that you (the children of Israel) may be a holy people to the LORD your God, as He (God) has spoken.

Note 1. The promise of God to the righteous among the children of Israel that they will be raised high above all the nations which God has made.

Note 2. The promise of God to the righteous among the children of Israel that they will be raised high in praise of the children of Israel.

Note 3. The promise of God to the righteous among the children of Israel that they will be raised high in name of the children of Israel.

Note 4. The promise of God to the righteous among the children of Israel that they will be a holy people to God.

Note 5. The promise of God to the righteous among the children of Israel that they will be raised high in glory as the holy people of God.


Deuteronomy 7:6 For you (the righteous among the children of Israel) are a holy people to the Lord your God; the LORD your God has chosen you (the children of Israel) to be His own treasure, out of all peoples that are on the face of the earth.


Deuteronomy 14:2 For you (the righteous among the children of Israel) are a holy people to the LORD your God, and the LORD had chosen you to be His own treasure out of all peoples that are on the face of the earth.


Deuteronomy 14:21 “… for you (the righteous among the children of Israel) are a holy people …”


Deuteronomy 28:13 And the LORD will make you (the children of Israel) the head (of nations), and not the tail (the follower of nations); and you shall be only above (leading), and you shall not be beneath (following); if you shall listen to the commandments of the LORD your God, which I command you this day, to observe and to do them;


Ezekiel 37:28 And the nations shall know that I (God) am the Lord, who sanctifies Israel, when My Sanctuary (Temple) is in their midst forever."


Exodus 19:6 And you shall be to Me (God) a kingdom of priests and a Holy nation. These are the words which you (Prophet Moses) shall speak to the children of Israel.

Note 1. God has a covenant with the children of Israel that they shall be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation in a prophecy.


Deuteronomy 4:31 For the Lord your God is a merciful God; He (God) shall not fail you nor (shall God) destroy you (the children of Israel) nor (shall God) forget the covenant (agreement) with your fathers which He (God) swore to them (to keep).


Exodus 4:22 And you (Moses) shall say to Pharaoh Firon, The Lord (God) says, “Israel is My son, My first born.” (Meaning, Israel is God’s servant because they believe in God).


Exodus 4:23 And I (God) have said to you (Pharaoh),Let My son (meaning My servant) go so that he may serve Me (God) and you (Pharaoh) have refused to let him go …”


God's servant is Israel in Isaiah 41:8.

God's servant is Israel in Isaiah 43:10.

God's servant is Israel in Isaiah 44:1.

God's servant is Israel in Isaiah 44:21.

God's servant is Israel in Isaiah 45:4.

God's servant is Israel in Isaiah 48:20.

God's servant is Israel in Isaiah 49:3.


Isaiah 43:10 You (the children of Israel) are My witnesses said the Lord (God) and My servant (the children of Israel are witnesses and the servant meaning the servant is not one person but a group of people because witnesses is in plural) whom I (God) have chosen so that you (Israel) may know and believe Me (God) and understand that I am He (God). Before Me there was no God formed (meaning God is one only with no other), neither shall there be after Me (meaning God will always be one only with no other).


Isaiah 43:11 I am the LORD; and beside Me there is no saviour.

Note 1. God is one with no partners. Beside God there is no saviour. Before Him there was no God formed nor after Him meaning there is nothing but the one God with no partners because any other belief is to worship creations made by God and this is called idol worship which God has forbidden in the Ten Commandments.

See part 2



18. What does Prophet Isaiah say before Isaiah 53 in Isaiah 49:4 - 49:7?

Isaiah 49:4 But I (Prophet Isaiah) thought: 'I (Prophet Isaiah) have laboured in vain (warning those who are wicked), I (Prophet Isaiah) have spent my strength (speaking to the people) for nothing (because the wicked do not obey me); yet surely my case is with the LORD (God because I have done my best), and (therefore) my reward is in the hand of my God.'


Isaiah 49:5 And (answering Isaiah 49:4) the LORD (God) that formed me (Prophet Isaiah) in the womb (in Isaiah 49:1) to be His servant (in Isaiah 49:2) has resolved, to bring Jacob (the children of Israel) back to Himself (God, after foretelling their captivity in Babylon), and that I (Prophet Isaiah) have been honoured in the eyes of the LORD (as the prophet chosen to foretell this news). My (Prophet Isaiah’s) God has been my (Prophet Isaiah’s) strength.


Isaiah 49:6 And (the answer to Isaiah 49:4 given by God in Isaiah 49:5 continues) He (God) said: 'It is too light (too small) a thing that you (Prophet Isaiah) should be My (God’s) servant in that I (God have revealed the future through you in Isaiah 44:28 and Isaiah 45:1 of God’s messiah King Cyrus through whom God shall) raise up the tribes of Jacob (by the hand of the messiah King Cyrus as foretold in Isaiah 45:4), and restore the survivors of (the children of) Israel (who will return to Jerusalem from Babylon as foretold in Isaiah 48:20); (furthermore) I (God) will make you (Prophet Isaiah) a light of the nations, so that My (God’s) salvation may be to the end of the earth (when humans read Isaiah 2:1 - 2:4 foretelling the coming of worldwide peace which is written on the “Isaiah wall” located outside the United Nations to inspire humans to understand that God forgives the sins of every person both Jew and non Jew who repents in prayer to God and returns to good behaviour in Ecclesiastes 7:20, Proverbs 24:16, 1 Kings 8:46 - 8:50, Ezekiel 18:20 - 18:23, Isaiah 1:18, Isaiah 55:7, Hosea 6:6, Hosea 14:2 - 14:3 and Micah 6:6 - 6:8).' 


Isaiah 49:7 Thus said the LORD (God, the God of Israel), the Redeemer of Israel (who saves Israel, says to), his Holy One (the children of Israel in Deuteronomy 7:6, Deuteronomy 14:2, Deuteronomy 14:21, Deuteronomy 26:19 and Deuteronomy 28:13), to him (the children of Israel) who is despised of men (in Isaiah 60:14), to him (the children of Israel) who is abhorred of nations (known today as anti Semitism), to a servant of rulers (the children of Israel who are slaves to those who conquer them): kings shall see (the truth that God is only one with no other) and stand up, (in respect as will) princes, and they shall prostrate themselves (in Isaiah 60:14 and Deuteronomy 26:19); because of the LORD that is faithful (to His covenant with Israel), the Holy One of Israel (the God of Israel), who has chosen you (the children of Israel to teach the world that God is one God meaning “one in one” meaning God has no partners). 


Deuteronomy 7:6 For you (the righteous among the children of Israel) are a holy people to the Lord your God; the LORD your God has chosen you (the children of Israel) to be His own treasure, out of all peoples that are on the face of the earth.


Deuteronomy 14:2 For you (the righteous among the children of Israel) are a holy people to the LORD your God, and the LORD had chosen you to be His own treasure out of all peoples that are on the face of the earth.


Deuteronomy 14:21 “… for you (the righteous among the children of Israel) are a holy people …”


Deuteronomy 26:19 and to make you (the children of Israel) high above all nations that He (God) had made, in praise, and in name, and in glory; and that you (the children of Israel) may be a holy people to the LORD your God, as He (God) has spoken.

Note 1. The promise of God to the righteous among the children of Israel that they will be raised high above all the nations which God has made.

Note 2. The promise of God to the righteous among the children of Israel that they will be raised high in praise of the children of Israel.

Note 3. The promise of God to the righteous among the children of Israel that they will be raised high in name of the children of Israel.

Note 4. The promise of God to the righteous among the children of Israel that they will be a holy people to God.

Note 5. The promise of God to the righteous among the children of Israel that they will be raised high in glory as the holy people of God.


Deuteronomy 28:13 And the LORD will make you (the children of Israel) the head (of nations), and not the tail (the follower of nations); and you shall be only above (leading), and you shall not be beneath (following); if you shall listen to the commandments of the LORD your God, which I command you this day, to observe and to do them;


Isaiah 60:14 And the sons of them (Gentile nations and kings) that afflicted you (the children of Israel in Jerusalem) shall come to you (the children of Israel in Jerusalem) bowing (in respect), and those (Gentile nations and kings) that despised you (the children of Israel in Jerusalem) shall bow at the soles of your feet (in respect); and they (the sons of the Gentile nations and kings that afflicted you) shall call you (Jerusalem) the city of the LORD, the Zion of the Holy One of Israel.

Note 1. The prophecy that Israel will be the leader (not the follower) of the Gentile kings and Gentile nations.



19. What does Prophet Isaiah say before Isaiah 53 in Isaiah 50 and Isaiah 51 and after Isaiah 53 in Isaiah 59?

1. Isaiah 49 is about Prophet Isaiah and Isaiah 50 is also about Prophet Isaiah.

Among the children of Israel are always some who obey God and some who disobey God.

There is never a time when everyone obeys or when everyone disobeys God

When ever people worship another God along side God this is called adultery and God will divorce that person meaning God never divorces everyone because there are always Jews like Prophet Isaiah who worship God and no one else along side of God.


Deuteronomy 5:7 (In the Ten Commandments of God the First commandment from God is) You shall have no other gods upon My face.

Note 1. The Hebrew (upon My face) is often translated differently in English.

Note 2 To worship anyone next to God means putting someone on top of the face of God meaning committing adultery against God.


2. Isaiah 51 shows that God did not divorce everyone because after addressing the wicked among the Jewish people in Isaiah 50 Prophet Isaiah then addresses the righteous among the Jewish people.


Isaiah 51:4 Listen to Me (God), O My people (the Jewish people), and bend your ears to Me (God), O My nation (Israel); for instruction (meaning prophets) shall go out from Me (God), and My judgement shall become a light of the nations.


3. After revealing Isaiah 50 (the wicked among the Jews) and Isaiah 51 (the righteous among the Jews) God confirms that His covenant with the Jewish people has not changed and will never change in Isaiah 59


Isaiah 59:21 And as for Me (God), this is My covenant with them (the Jewish people who are mentioned in Isaiah 36:11 and Isaiah 36:13), said the LORD; My spirit that is on you (the Jewish people), and My words (the Torah Taurat) which I (God) have put in your mouth, shall not depart out of your mouth, nor out of the mouth of your seed (off-spring), nor out of the mouth of your seed's seed (descendants), said the LORD, from now and forever.

Note 1. The promise of God that the Torah Taurat is protected forever.

Note 2. God keeps His covenant promises forever.

20. What will happen in the time of the messiah who descends from David?

Jeremiah 16:19 O LORD Who is my power and my strength and my refuge in the day of trouble, to You (God, Gentile meaning non Jewish) nations will come from the ends of the earth and say: 'Only lies have our fathers (from whom we learnt everything) handed down to us, emptiness in which there is nothing of any use (because now we know that the Jewish teachings about God is correct meaning Jeremiah 16:19 explains Zechariah 8:23)

Note 1. The Gentile nations shall come from the ends of the earth, and shall say: “Only lies have our fathers handed down to us, emptiness in which there is nothing of any use.” 


Zechariah 8:23 The LORD (God) of hosts said: In those days it shall happen, that ten men of all the languages of the nations (of the world) shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying: we will go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.'


Jeremiah 16:20 Can a man make gods for himself and they are not gods? (like the fathers of the Gentile nations did in Jeremiah 16:19 and Isaiah 46:5).

Note 1. The Gentile nations of the earth will say to God now we know God is one not three in one or two in one or a hundred in one in isaiah 46:5.


Isaiah 46:5 To whom will you liken Me (God), and make Me (God) equal (to them), and compare Me (God to them), that we may be alike (equal)? 

Note 1. Do not liken anyone or anything to God because that is called creating an idol meaning when someone or something is likened to God it is like creating another God. 

This means God is one not three in one.

To say God is three in one is to liken 3 with one or liken 2 with one which are all forbidden in Isaiah 46:5.

Jeremiah 16:21 Therefore, I will cause them to know My hand (power) and My might; and they shall know that My name is the LORD.

Note 1. The nations of the earth will all know God.

Isaiah 59:20 ”The redeemer (the messiah son of David) will come to Zion (Jerusalem), to those in Jacob (Israel) who repent for their sins”, said the LORD.

Note 1. People who keep justice and do righteousness are people who repent asking forgiveness in pray to God in Isaiah 1:27, Isaiah 56:1, Isaiah 56:2, Isaiah 59:20, Ecclesiastes 7:20, Proverbs 24:16, 1 Kings 8:46 - 8:50, Ezekiel 18:20 - 18:23, Isaiah 1:18, Isaiah 55:7, Hosea 6:6, Hosea 14:2 - 14:3 and Micah 6:6 - 6:8.

Isaiah 1:27 Zion (Jerusalem Al Quds) shall be redeemed by justice, and those in her (Israel) who repent, by righteousness.

Isaiah 27:9 By this (way) shall Jacob’s (Israel’s) wrong doing be atoned for (removed) and this is all the fruit (reward) of taking away his sin (it will happen) when he makes all the stones of the altar (used for idol worship) like chalkstones that are beaten in pieces, so that the Asherim and the sun-images (in idol worship) shall rise no more. 

Note 1. God promises to remove sin when a person abandons idol worship meaning when a person turns to God.

Isaiah 56:1 Thus said the LORD: Keep justice, and do righteousness; for My salvation is near to come, and My favour to be revealed (to those who keep justice and do righteousness)

Note 1. The favour of God will be revealed to those who keep justice and do righteousness.

Isaiah 56:2 Happy is the man that does this (justice and righteousness in Isaiah 56:1), and the son of man (human) that holds fast by it (justice and righteousness in Isaiah 56:1 and the Jewish people): that keeps the Sabbath from profaning it, and keeps his hand from doing any evil.

Note 1. God commands justice and righteousness and staying away from evil and that Jews also keep the Sabbath.

Isaiah 56:7 I bring them (the children of Israel) to My holy mountain (Mount Moriah), and make them joyful in My house of prayer; their burnt-offerings and their sacrifices shall be acceptable on Mine altar; for My house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples. 

Note 1. The promise of God that the House of prayer on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem Al-Quds will be for all peoples.  

Isaiah 56:8 Said the Lord GOD who gathers the dispersed of (the children of) Israel (who were scattered among the nations of the world): Yet I (God) will gather others (who are not from the children of Israel) to him (the children of Israel), beside those of him (the children of Israel) that are gathered.

Note 1. The promise of God in Isaiah 56:8 to save non Jews who follow justice and do righteousness and stay away from evil in Isaiah 56:1 - 56:2 and Isaiah 56:7.

Zephaniah 3:20 At that time will I bring you in, and at that time will I gather you; for I will make you (the children of Israel) to be a name and a praise among all the peoples of the earth, when I reverse your captivity (among the nations by returning you to Israel) before your eyes, said the LORD.

Note 1. The promise of God in Zephaniah 3:20 that the children of Israel will be a name and  a praise among the people of the earth.

Isaiah 2:2 And it shall happen in the end of days, that the mountain of the LORD'S house (the third Temple) shall be established (high up) like the top of the mountains, and shall be (high up) exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow to it.

Note 1. The third Temple will be established in the end of days and the peoples of all the nations will bring sacrifices to it in Zechariah 14:20 – 14:21

Zechariah 14:9 And the LORD (God) shall be King over all the earth; in that day the LORD (God) shall be (recognized by all nations as) one (meaning everyone will know there is no one beside God and no one who is a partner with God meaning God is one), and His name (will be) one (meaning everyone will know God is the one creator).

Zechariah 8:22 Yes, many peoples and mighty nations shall come to seek the LORD (God) of hosts in Jerusalem Al-Quds, and to seek the favour of the LORD (God).

Zechariah 8:23 The LORD (God) of hosts said: In those days it shall happen, that ten men of all the languages of the nations (of the world) shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying: we will go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.'

Note 1. Peoples of all the languages of the world will recognise that the children of Israel correctly understand God meaning God is one with no partners.

Zechariah 14:16 And it shall happen that every one that is left of all the nations that came against Jerusalem shall go up (to Jerusalem Al-Quds) each year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to keep the feast of tabernacles (the celebration of Sukkah when all nations come together to happily remember the “Day of God” and their dependence on God).

Zechariah 14:20 In that day there will be (decoration) bells on the horses (that will be made) holy to the LORD (God so they can be used as containers in the Temple sacrifice service); and the pots (used to remove ash in the sacrifice service or used to cook the sacrificed meat) in the LORD'S (God’s) house (the Third Temple) shall be (made of gold and silver) like the (sprinkling) basins (used as containers for the draining of blood during animal sacrifices) before the altar (in the third Temple).

Note 1. The Third Temple.

Zechariah 14:21 Yes, every pot in Jerusalem Al-Quds and in Judah shall be holy to the LORD of hosts (God); and all (the peoples of all the nations of the world in Zechariah 14:16) that sacrifice shall come and take them and cook in them and in that day there shall no longer be a trafficker (meaning a poor person in need of anything) in the house of the LORD (God) of hosts.

Note 1. The Third Temple.

Isaiah 2:3 And many peoples shall go and say: 'Come you, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house (the Third Temple) of the God of Jacob (Israel); and He (God) will teach us of His (God’s) ways, and we will walk in His (God’s) paths.' For out of Zion (Jerusalem Al-Quds) shall go out the law, and the word of the LORD (God) from Jerusalem Al-Quds.

Note 1. The third Temple will be established in the end of days and the peoples of all the nations will visit it.

Isaiah 2:4 And he (the promised messiah) shall judge between the nations, and shall rebuke many peoples; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

Note 1. The third Temple described in Ezekiel chapters 40 to 47 will be established in the end of days and no nation will make war or weapons. 

Note 2. In Jeremiah 23:6 the name of the messiah and in Jeremiah 33:16 the name of Jerusalem will both be “God is our righteousness” meaning the judgement that comes from the messiah who will be the King in Jerusalem who is a biological descendant of messiah king David through messiah king Solomon will be righteous through the wisdom given to him from God as was given by God to the messiah king Solomon.

21. Judaism today. 

There are biological descendants of messiah king David through the messiah king Solomon in each generation of the Jewish people.

Isaiah 59:20 foretells that the messiah who is a biological son of messiah David will come to the generation who is deserving by being the generation who repent together for their sins to God meaning when there is a generation that repents all together then the messiah who is a biological son of messiah David through messiah Solomon will come.

Isaiah 59:20 The redeemer (the messiah son of David) will come to Zion (Jerusalem), to those in Jacob (Israel) who repent for their sins”, said the LORD.

Note 1. In the end time war between Israel and Gog and Magog, the result of mourning for the death in the battlefield of messiah son of Joseph (English) Yosef (Hebrew) Yusuf (Arabic) mentioned in the Talmud will be repentance by the Jewish people to God and then will come the messiah son of David (English) Dawid (Hebrew) Dawud (Arabic) called the redeemer meaning the one who saves people from physical danger in Isaiah 59:20 starting the future messianic age.


Video 1. THE JEWISH MESSIAH: What Is He All About? – Rabbi Yisroel Blumenthal – For Messianic Jews for Jesus.


Video 2. The mystery of the Jews.


Video 3. Jews in the Quran 1400 years ago. Rabbi Tovia Singer Responds. 


Video 4. Why does the Quran condemn the Jews for revering Ezra as the Son of God in Quran 9:30? Rabbi Tovia Singer Responds. 


Video 5. Do Jews believe Mohammad was a Prophet and is the Quran anti-semitic? Rabbi Tovia Singer responds.


See 6. The 13 principles of Jewish faith explained by the Quran.



22. Christianity today. 

Isaiah 42:1 Behold My servant (the Jewish people in Zephaniah 3:12-3:14), whom I (God) uphold; my chosen one (Jacob Israel in Isaiah 41:8), in whom My soul delights; I have put My spirit on him (the Jewish people in Isaiah 59:21), he shall make righteousness known to the nations (meaning God is only one not three in one or two in one or one hundred in one).  

Note 1. The truth through which Israel will make nations aware of righteousness is that praying to intercessors is called idol worship in Deuteronomy 5:7, Deuteronomy 5:8, Deuteronomy 5:9 and Deuteronomy 5:10.  

A. In the time of Jesus the only people praying to intercessors were the idol worshippers such as those who lived in the Roman Empire. 

B. Jesus and the Jewish people 2000 years ago never prayed to intercessors. 

C. In Isaiah 41:8 God calls Abraham “his friend” and Abraham never prayed to intercessors. 

D. In Daniel 9:22-9:23 God calls Daniel “beloved” and Daniel never prayed to intercessors. 

E. The difference 2000 years ago between Judaism and idol worship is that Jesus and Jews did not pray to intercessors but only pray directly to God. 

F. The difference between sects in Christianity is that some pray only to God like Jesus prayed only to God in the four Gospels and like Jews pray only to God in the Tanakh Jewish Scripture but other Christian sects pray to intercessors like the idol worshippers who lived in the Roman Empire prayed to intercessors. 

G. Some Christian sects are following the teachings of Jesus in the four Gospels by praying only to God like Jews and Muslims pray only to God and some Christian sects have abandoned the teachings of Jesus and adopted idol worship by praying to intercessors which is forbidden in the Ten Commandments of God which tells us to only pray to God and to no one else. 


Isaiah 40:25 “To whom will you liken Me (God), that I (God) should be equal (to them)? Says the Holy One 

Note 1. God is only one. 

To say God is three in one is to liken 3 with one or liken 2 with one which are all forbidden in Isaiah 40:25.


Isaiah 46:5 To whom will you liken Me (God), and make Me (God) equal (to them), and compare Me (God to them), that we may be alike (equal)

Note 1. Do not liken anyone or anything to God because that is called creating an idol meaning when someone or something is likened to God it is like creating another God. 

This means God is one not three in one.

To say God is three in one is to liken 3 with one or liken 2 with one which are all forbidden in Isaiah 46:5.


Video 1. Jesus is not the way! Rabbi Tovia Singer slams Church for erecting a barrier between man and God.

The teachings by some in Christianity about Jesus did not come from Judaism but from the Greek Roman world of idol worship as seen when humans pray to Jesus and Mary and dead human saints instead of praying direct to God as taught by every prophet in the Jewish Scriptures. 

Jesus prayed to God in all the four Gospels in the same way as all the Jews in his time all prayed directly to God.


Video 2. Did the early Jews Believe In a Triune God? Rabbi Tovia slams pastor John Piper. Progressive revelation.


Video 3. Is allah god? prof. miroslav volf. (A Christian Trinitarian Sect view of the Muslim and Jewish God).



23. Islam today. 

Prophecy in the Quran confirms prophecy in Isaiah 53 in the Tanakh Jewish scripture. 

Every Jew who follows the Torah Taurat is obeying the message delivered to them in the Gospel Injil and in the Quran and delivered to them by every prophet in the Tanakh.

Quran 2:40 Koran 2:40 O Children of Israel (the Jews, the Hebrews), remember My (God’s) favour which I (God) put on you (in the Torah covenant in Deuteronomy 31:9, Deuteronomy 4:13, Deuteronomy 28:69, Deuteronomy 4:31, Deuteronomy 7:9-7:12 commanding that no one shall add or subtract from the Torah in Deuteronomy 4:2 and Deuteronomy 13:1 in Jewish Tanakh or Deuteronomy 12:32 in a Christian Bible and forever in Deuteronomy 5:10, Deuteronomy 29:28 in Jewish Tanakh or Deuteronomy 29:29 in a Christian Bible, Psalm 111:9, Isaiah 59:21 is the promise to the Jewish people who are mentioned in Isaiah 36:11 and Isaiah 36:13 and Gospel of Matthew 5:17-5:20 and Quran 2:40)? Fulfill My covenant (in the Torah) and I (God) will fulfill your covenant (in the Torah) and fear (no one but) Me (God. A false prophet will believe the word of God has changed in Deuteronomy 13:2-13:4 and 1 Kings 13:14-1 Kings 13:24. Paul is a false prophet because he teaches the word of God in the Torah changed in Romans chapter 7 and teaches new words that cannot be found in the Torah. Muhammad is a true prophet because he confirms God orders Jews to follow the Torah Taurat in Quran 2:40 and Jews be protected as “the people of the book.” Jews who follow their book and also believe the Quran are promised a double reward in the hereafter in Quran 28:54, Quran 34:37 and Quran 57:28 meaning the reward for every good deed they do will be doubled because they believed the Quran which tells the Jewish people to follow the Torah Taurat which is their eternal covenant between God and the Hebrew people forever).   

Note 1. The covenant agreement between God and the children of Israel is the Torah Taurat forever.


Quran 2:41 Koran 2:41 And believe in what I (God) have revealed (in the Quran) confirming that which is with you (the Jewish people in the Torah Taurat as proof to the stone idol worshipers of Makkah in Quran 6:114, Quran 46:10 and Quran 10:94 that the Quran is not an invented story) ..."

Note 1. The Quran confirms the Torah Taurat which is with the Jewish people forever.


Quran 2:106 Koran 2:106 (God says in 1 Samuel 15:29 God does not change His mind promises covenants agreements because only humans change their mind promises covenants agreements so the Jews asked Prophet Muhammad about the Torah and the Quran. God reveals) We (God) do not abolish a verse (in the Torah for the Jewish people) or let it be forgotten (by the Jewish people until the Day of Judgement as God promised in Quran 2:40 - 2:41, Quran 2:62, Quran 3:113 - 3:115, Quran 5:69, Exodus 2:24, Leviticus 26:4 - 26:45, Deuteronomy 4:2, Deuteronomy 4:31, Deuteronomy 5:10, Deuteronomy 7:7 - 7:8, Deuteronomy 12:1, Deuteronomy 29:28 in Jewish Tanakh or Deuteronomy 29:29 in a Christian Bible, 2 King 13:23, Psalm 19:8 - 19:12 in Jewish Tanakh or Psalm 19:7 - 19:11 in Christian Old Testament Bible, Psalm 111:7 - 111:9, Hosea 3:4 - 3:5, Daniel 12:2, Isaiah 59:21 is the promise to the Jewish people mentioned in Isaiah 36:11 and Isaiah 36:13 and Gospel of Matthew 5:17 - 5:20). We (God) bring (to the Muslims in the Quran) something better than it or similar to it (confirming the Torah which is in the hands of the Jewish people until the Day of Judgement in Quran 2:40 - 2:41 and explaining the story of Jesus which is in the four reports that are in the hands of the Christian people until the Day of Judgement in Quran 5:46 - 5:47 and God told the Jewish people to observe the Torah Taurat and told the Christians to observe the Gospel Injil in Quran 5:68. God reminded the Jewish people in the Quran to observe the Sabbath and confirmed Prophet Ezra is a human servant of God like every human is a willing or unwilling servant of God. God reminded the Christian people in the Quran that Prophet Jesus is a human servant of God like every human is a willing or unwilling servant of God). Do you not know that God is capable of everything? (including protecting the Jewish Scriptures that are with the Jewish people until the Day of Judgement as shown in the story of the vision dream of the sacrifice of the son of Prophet Abraham Ibrahim in Quran chapter 37 where God only blesses Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and his son Prophet Isaac Ishaq and leaves no other blessings in the story of the sacrifice and this famous vision dream is remembered in the next chapter Quran chapter 38 where God blesses Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and Prophet Isaac Ishaq with the vision dream in Quran 38:45 – 38:47 and shows in the next verse that Prophet Ishmael Ismail was not the son in the vision dream and Prophet Ishmael Ismail was not living with his father during the vision dream by blessing Prophet Ishmael Ismail without his father and without the blessing of the vision dream in Quran 38:48. This is confirmed in Quran 12:6 and in Torah Genesis 22:2 “And God said: Take now your son, your only son” who still lives with you, reminding him that God had earlier taken Ishmael Ismail and Hagar Hajar away from him into God’s care in the desert, “whom you love” God makes the test very hard by demanding his second son and reminding him that this is his only remaining son and reminding him that he already gave God one son and reminding him of his love for these sons, “even” namely, that is “Isaac Ishaq and go into the land of Moriah” today in the Temple and Al-Aqsa mosque area in Jerusalem Al-Quds in Israel and Palestine; “and offer him there for a burnt-offering on one of the mountains which I God will tell you of.” The proof God is real is the Quran confirming the Torah Taurat is correct in Quran 2:41 “And believe in what I God have revealed” in the Quran “that confirms what you already have” in the Torah Taurat and in Quran 3:93 “… Bring the Torah Taurat here and recite it as evidence if what you say is true" and in Quran 5:43 “How is it that they come to you for judgment when they have the Torah Taurat in which God has already revealed to them judgment …” and Quran 5:68 “… You the Jewish people have nothing until you observe the Torah Taurat …” as explained in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQ3o3ybc-KA so hold tightly to what God is teaching in the Quran and beware of stories which contradict the Books of God. God explains the story of Jesus which is in the hands of the Christian people by explaining in the Quran what the human eye could not see without adding anything to the story in the Gospel of what the human eye saw in the story of Prophet Jesus Isa in Quran 3:144 see Quran 5:75, Quran 4:157, Quran 4:158 see Quran 39:42, Quran 5:75 see Quran 3:144, Quran 5:117 see Quran 7:6, Quran 7:6 see Quran 5:117, Quran 21:95 see Quran 23:99 – 23:100, Quran 33:40 see Gospel of Jesus Isa by Mark 13:5 – 13:6, 13:21 – 13:22 and Quran 39:42 see Quran 4:158. In Quran 3:144 and Quran 5:75 see “passed away” in the Quran always means died see in Quran 2:134 and Quran 2:141 and Quran 7:38 and Quran 13:30 and Quran 41:25 and Quran 46:17. The Quran gives humans freedom to find their religion).

Note 1. In Quran 2:106 God says the Quran is similar to what is with the Jewish people or better and this is explained in Quran 13:39 where God does not include in the Quran some laws that are binding only on the Jewish people.


Quran 3:93 Koran 3:93 “… Say (Prophet Muhammad, to the Jews of Yathrib), "Bring the Torah Taurat here and recite it (to me as evidence) if what you say is true."  

Note 1. God confirms the Torah Taurat with the Jews is correct as proof no one can change the word of God.


Quran 4:82 Koran 4:82 Do they not think about the Quran (and where it came from)? Had it (the Quran) been (revealed) from someone other than God surely they would have found in it (the Quran) much contradiction (within it and between it and the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil. The Quran confirms the Tanakh Jewish Scripture is correct and the Quran explains the story of Jesus in the Gospel Injil of Jesus Isa by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John).

Note 1. If humans could change the word of God it would be proof that God does not exist.

Note 2. If humans could change the word of God then no one would believe the promise of life after death.


Quran 5:43 Koran 5:43 How is it that they (the Jews of Yathrib Arabia) come to you (Prophet Muhammad) for judgment when they have the Torah Taurat in which God has already revealed to them judgment …” 

Note 1. God tells the Jews to follow the Torah meaning the Jews have the Torah and no one changed it. 


Quran 5:68 Koran 5:68 Say (Prophet Muhammad to the Jews of Yathrib in Arabia today in Medina, Saudi Arabia and to the Christians), O People of the Scripture (the Jews and the Christians), You have nothing (of guidance) until you observe the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil and what has been revealed to you from your Lord (God in the Quran. The Quran answers most of the religious questions about which Jews and Christians have disagreed among each other. The Quran guides you to the correct religious interpretation of what is with you today in the Torah Taurat and in the Gospel Injil. This means that until the Day of Judgement God protects the Torah Taurat that is with the Jews and the Gospel Injil that is with the Christians and the Quran that is with the Muslims as proof that God is real. The Torah is protected for 100,000 years if humans live for 100 years in Torah Deuteronomy 5:10 which Prophet Moses Musa shows means the Torah is protected forever in Torah Deuteronomy 29:28 in Jewish Tanakh or Deuteronomy 29:29 in a Christian Bible and the Torah is protected forever as confirmed by Prophet David Dawud in Zabur Psalm 111:7 - 111:9 and confirmed where Isaiah 59:21 is the promise to the Jewish people who are mentioned in Isaiah 36:11 and Isaiah 36:13 and the Torah is protected forever as confirmed by Prophet Jesus Isa in the Gospel of Matthew 5:17 - 5:19 and the Torah is protected forever as confirmed by Prophet Muhammad in Quran 2:40 – 2:41, Quran 6:115 and Quran 10:64. To confirm the Books of God that were revealed in the past means to confirm what is in the hands of the people today for example when Prophet Jesus Isa confirmed the Torah which came before him in Quran 61:6 he was confirming the protected Torah that was in the hands of the Jewish people in the Gospel of Matthew 5:17 - 5:19. In the same way when Prophet Muhammad confirmed the Torah Taurat in Quran 3:3 he was confirming the protected Torah that was in the hands of the Jewish people in Quran 2:40 – 2:41, Quran 6:115 and Quran 10:64. The proof God is real is that the Books of God do not change in Quran 6:115 and Quran 10:64 and this is why Prophet Jesus is confirming the book that did not change which came before him and Prophet Muhammad is confirming the book that did not change which came before him. If the Books of God changed then Quran 6:115 and Quran 10:64 shows that instead of confirming and explaining each other these books would oppose each other and be unable to explain each other. In Quran 4:136 God says “whoever has no faith in the books of God has strayed far away from God” because it is the books of God that are the proof God is real. Satan Shaitan whispers “the books of God are corrupted” but this belief is the opposite to what God is teaching the Jewish people in the Torah Taurat and opposite to what God is teaching the Christian people in the four Gospel Injil and opposite to what God is teaching the Muslim people in the Quran. Those who look for differences between the Books of God are guided to find differences but those who have faith in all the books of God are guided to see how the Jewish Bible with the Jews and the four Gospel Injil with the Christians and the Quran with the Muslims all confirm and explain each other. What looks like a contradiction can sometimes be a test from God to show who loves God and who understands and obeys the teachings of God in the Torah Taurat which all later books must confirm. For example some of the 27 books in the Christian Bible teach the opposite to what Jesus teaches in the four Gospel Injil as a test from God that is explained in Torah Deuteronomy 13:2 – 13:4. Another example are some verses from the Jewish Bible quoted out of context in the Gospels to show who understands the teachings of God in the Torah which every later book must confirm and who disobeys the teachings of God as shown in the Jewish Bible story in 1 Kings 13:14 - 1 Kings 13:24. The Torah with the Jews and the four Gospels by four unknown writers traditionally called Mark, Matthew, Luke and John with the Christians have been decreed until the Day of Judgement and these are the books confirmed and explained in the Quran 1400 years ago and today as proof God is real. Since we know that misunderstandings of the Jewish Bible verses in the Gospels come from the four unknown men who wrote those Gospels then men and women in the Christian community today should consider adding notes to verses saying “this verse quotes the Jewish Bible verse out of context and Jesus who was a teacher of the Jewish Bible would not quote Jewish Bible verses out of context.” The Christian community should also add notes to all letters and books in the 27 books in the New Testament Bible which teach the opposite to what Jesus is teaching in the four Gospels by stating "this letter or book teaches the opposite to what Jesus is teaching in the four Gospels." None of the above suggestions is possible unless God wills it because these are the books decreed by God for the Christian community. Jews like Quran 3:113 - 3:115 and Christians like Quran 5:82 - 5:85 who follow their Book in Quran 3:93, Quran 5:43, Quran 5:47, Quran 5:48, Quran 5:68 and Quran 32:23 and also believe the Quran will receive a double reward in the hereafter in Quran 28:54, Quran 34:37 and Quran 57:28 meaning the reward for every good deed they do will be doubled because they believed the Quran which tells the Jewish people to follow the Torah Taurat which is their eternal covenant between God and the Hebrew people forever and tells the Christian people to follow the Gospel Injil which is explained in the Quran and tells the Muslim people to follow the Quran is confirmed in Quran 2:40, Quran 2:41, Quran 2:62, Quran 2:106, Quran 3:93, Quran 4:123, Quran 5:43, Quran 5:47, Quran 5:48, Quran 5:69 and Quran 13:39. See New Testament questions and answers 1, 2 and 3 and Paul Q&A 1, 2 and 3 



https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel/questions-and-answers-3  ). What is revealed to you (Prophet Muhammad) from your Lord (God) is certain to increase their rebellion (against God) and increase their disbelief (in God) for many of them (even though all you are saying to the Jews is to observe the Torah Taurat that was revealed to them and all you are saying to the Christians is to observe the Gospel Injil that was revealed to them). But do not grieve for (those among them who are) the disbelieving people. 

Note 1. God tells the Jews to observe the Torah meaning the Jews have the Torah and no one changed it. 


Quran 7:170 Koran 7:170 (Quran 7:169 is the covenant agreement between God and the Jewish people in each generation. Quran 7:170 is the reward for obeying the covenant agreement. Quran 7:171 is the pledge at Mount Sinai Horeb between God and the Hebrew people to keep the covenant agreement forever in each generation. In Quran 7:169 the Jewish people have a covenant agreement with God to follow the Torah Taurat forever which is confirmed in Torah Deuteronomy 4:31, Torah Deuteronomy 7:7 - 7:8, Torah Exodus 2:24, Torah Leviticus 26:44 - 26:45, Jewish Bible 2 King 13:23, Jewish Bible Hosea 3:4 - 3:5, Jewish Bible Zephaniah 3:12 - 3:13 and Jewish Bible Jeremiah 31:35 - 31:37. In Quran 7:170 the Jewish people who obey the Torah Taurat are rewarded in Torah Deuteronomy 4:31, Torah Deuteronomy 5:10, Psalm 19:12, Daniel 12:2, Quran 2:62, Quran 3:113 - 3:115, Quran 4:123 and Quran 5:69. In Quran 7:171 and the Jewish Talmud and Quran 2:63 Mount Sinai Horeb was held above the heads of the Hebrew people when they promised to follow the Torah Taurat forever meaning God protects the Torah Taurat because God has commanded the Torah Taurat be followed for 100,000 years which is the thousandth generation if each generation of the children of Israel lived for 100 years in Torah Deuteronomy 5:10 meaning forever in Torah Deuteronomy 29:28 in a Jewish Bible or Torah Deuteronomy 29:29 in a Christian Bible. For the Jewish people mentioned in Isaiah 36:11 and Isaiah 36:13 the Torah is protected by God forever in Isaiah 59:21 like the promise that the Torah is protected forever by God for the Jewish people in Gospel of Matthew 5:17 - 5:20 because the Torah Taurat is the covenant agreement between God and the Jewish people forever in Quran 2:40 as proof that God does not change His word and His promises and His covenant agreements. Every prophet after Prophet Moses Musa including Prophet Jesus Isa and Prophet Muhammad reminded the Jewish people to follow the Torah Taurat and here in Quran 7:170 it is revealed). And those (of the Jewish people) who hold fast to the Book (the Torah Taurat which every prophet after Prophet Moses Musa including Prophet Jesus Isa and Prophet Muhammad reminded the Jewish people to follow as shown in Quran 2:40 - 2:41 “And believe in what I God have revealed in the Quran that confirms what you the Jewish people already have in the Torah Taurat” meaning believe the Quran is the truth because it confirms what is with the Jewish people in the Torah Taurat so that the stone idol worshippers in Makkah can also know that the Quran is the truth and Quran 3:93 “... Bring the Torah Taurat here and recite it to me as evidence if what you say is true” meaning the Torah Taurat is the truth and Quran 5:43 “How is it that they the Jewish people come to you Prophet Muhammad for judgment when they have the Torah Taurat in which God has already revealed to them judgment …” meaning God protects the Torah Taurat because God orders the Jewish people to follow it and Quran 5:68 “ … You the Jewish people have nothing until you observe the Torah Taurat …” meaning God protects the Torah Taurat because God orders the Jewish people to observe it and Quran 5:48 “For each community of Jews, Christians and Muslims God has appointed a divine law and a way to God. If God willed God could have made you Jews and Christians and Muslims one community. But God tests you Jews and Christians and Muslims by what God has given you in the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil and the Quran to show who is best in behaviour. So strive for all that is good. To God you shall all return and God shall then inform you in the Hereafter about the correctness of the religious matters in which you the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims argue among each other” meaning God protects the Torah Taurat because God orders the Jewish people to follow it until they return to God on the Day of Judgement), and establish the prayer, indeed, We (God) do not let go to waste the reward (in the hereafter) of the reformers (meaning the reward to the Jewish people in Quran 3:113 - 3:115 who do good deeds for God that improve the life and behaviour of the people on the earth. Reformer has the same meaning in Quran 28:19 “... Prophet Moses Musa, Are you going to kill me like you killed the other person yesterday? Do you want nothing but to be a tyrant in the land by killing people? Do you not want to be a reformer who improves the life and behaviour of the people on the earth?” Jews like Quran 3:113 - 3:115 and Christians like Quran 5:82 - 5:85 who follow their Book in Quran 5:68 and also believe the Quran will receive a double reward in the hereafter in Quran 28:54, Quran 34:37 and Quran 57:28 meaning the reward for every good deed they do will be doubled because they believed the Quran which tells the Jewish people to follow the Torah Taurat which is their eternal covenant between God and the Hebrew people forever and tells the Christian people to follow the Gospel Injil which is explained in the Quran and tells the Muslim people to follow the Quran is confirmed in Quran 2:40, Quran 2:41, Quran 2:62, Quran 2:106, Quran 3:93, Quran 4:123, Quran 5:43, Quran 5:47, Quran 5:48, Quran 5:69 and Quran 13:39). 

Note 1. The Jews are told to follow their Book meaning the Jews have the Torah and no one changed it. 


Quran 13:39 Koran 13:39 God eliminates (from the Quran the laws which are only binding on the Jewish people such as the Sabbath Day) and confirms what He (God) wills (in the Quran which confirms the Torah which is in the hands of the Jewish people until the Day of Judgement in Quran 2:40 - 2:41 and explaining the story of Jesus which is in the four reports that are in the hands of the Christian people until the Day of Judgement in Quran 5:46 - 5:47 and God told the Jewish people to observe the Torah Taurat and told the Christians to observe the Gospel Injil in Quran 5:68. God reminded the Jewish people in the Quran to observe the Sabbath and confirmed Prophet Ezra is a human servant of God like every human is a willing or unwilling servant of God. God reminded the Christian people in the Quran that Prophet Jesus is a human servant of God like every human is a willing or unwilling servant of God) and with Him (God) is the Mother of the Book (the Preserved Tablet, Al-Lauh al-Mahfuz which contains the basis of each Scripture as God intended in the Torah Taurat for the Jews and the four reports about Jesus Isa in the Gospel of Jesus Isa by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John which are with the Christians and the Quran which is with the Muslims as explained in Quran 2:106, Quran 5:48 and Quran 7:170).

Note 1. In Quran 2:106 God says the Quran is similar to what is with the Jewish people or better and this is explained in Quran 13:39 where God does not include in the Quran some laws that are binding only on the Jewish people.


Quran 15:9 Koran 15:9 We (God) have sent down the reminder (of God in the Quran) and We (God) shall guard it (to prevent addition and subtraction in the Quran like the promise to protect the Torah Taurat in Deuteronomy 4:2 and Deuteronomy 13:1 in Jewish Tanakh or Deuteronomy 12:32 in a Christian Bible by the command of God that the Torah Taurat be followed for 100,000 years which is the thousandth generation if each generation lived for 100 years in Deuteronomy 5:10 meaning forever in Deuteronomy 29:28 in Jewish Tanakh or Deuteronomy 29:29 in a Christian Bible for the children of Israel. For the Jewish people mentioned in Isaiah 36:11 and Isaiah 36:13 the Torah is protected by God forever in Isaiah 59:21 like the promise that the Torah is protected forever by God for the Jewish people in Gospel of Matthew 5:17 - 5:20 because the Torah is the covenant agreement between God and the Jewish people forever in Quran 2:40 as proof that God does not change His word and His promises and His covenant agreements).

Note 1. The word of God is protected as proof God is real.

Note 2. If the word of God was not protected then there would be no proof that God and His books were real.

Note 3. The word of God is protected as proof God is real so that humans can believe the promise of life after death.

Note 4. The proof God is real is the Quran confirming the Tanakh Jewish Scripture and explaining the story of Prophet Jesus Isa in the Gospel Injil so that humans can believe the promise of life after death.


Quran 17:8 Koran 17:8 (The mercy of God was on the children of Israel when God chose them from among all the people in the world 1800 years before the birth of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 44:32 and 45:16 and gave the children of Israel the Holy land of Canaan today Israel and Palestine in Quran 5:20 – 5:21 where the children of Israel built the First Temple of God in Jerusalem Al-Quds 1500 years before the birth of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 34:13. After God explains the destruction of the first Jewish Temple of God in Jerusalem Al-Quds 1150 years before the birth of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 17:4 – 17:5 then came the mercy of God which again established the Jews and the second Jewish Temple of God in Jerusalem Al-Quds 1080 years before the birth of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 17:6 followed by the destruction of the second Temple of God in Jerusalem Al-Quds 500 years before the birth of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 17:7. Then God through Prophet Muhammad foretold the future), “It may be that your Lord (God) shall have mercy on you (which happened when the children of Israel the Jews the Hebrews were returned to Jerusalem Al-Quds 1300 years after the death of Prophet Muhammad as foretold in Quran 17:8), but if you repeat (the sin of arrogance) We (God) shall repeat (the punishment), and We (God) have appointed Hell Jahannam as the home (in the hereafter) for the disbelievers.” 


Quran 17:104 Koran 17:104 And after him (after the death of the Pharaoh Firon) We (God) said to the Children of Israel, “Live in the land (in the Sinai Peninsula in Quran 5:26 and then in the blessed Holy Land of Canaan today in Israel and Palestine in Quran 5:21) and when the promise of the Hereafter comes We (God) shall bring you (the Children of Israel together again) as a mixed crowd (from the many nations to which you were exiled. In Jewish Bible Hosea 3:4 - 3:5 the children of Israel shall have no King and no Temple for a long time. In Zechariah 14:1 - 14:21 and Jeremiah 31:33 after conflict in Jerusalem God will be King of all the Earth meaning everyone on earth will know God. In Daniel 12:1 - 12:2 is the resurrection of the dead after “the time of trouble” which is the conflict between Gog and Israel foretold in Ezekiel 38, Ezekiel 39 and Zechariah 14:1 - 14:21. In Ezekiel 34:13 and Ezekiel 37:21 - 37:22 God shall gather the exiled of the children of Israel out of the nations and place them in Israel. In Isaiah 2:2 - 2:4 and Ezekiel 37:26 - 37:28 God shall establish the Third Temple in Jerusalem forever and God shall judge the peoples of the nations of the world and there will be world peace meaning war and the making of weapons will end. In Zechariah 8:22 - 8:23 the people of all nations shall come to Jerusalem seeking God. In Ezekiel 34:23 - 34:25 “The prince” “the messiah” “the shepherd” will be a descendant of King David Dawud in the time of world peace and the Third Temple in Isaiah 2:2 - 2:4 and Ezekiel 37:26 - 37:28. “The prince” “the messiah” “the shepherd” will make a sin offering for himself and for all the people of Israel and from that day the sacrificial system that existed in the First Temple and in the Second Temple will restart in the Third Temple in Ezekiel 45:22 - 45:25 and Ezekiel 45:17 and Ezekiel 45:19 - 45:20).”


Daniel 12:5 And I, Daniel, saw, and behold two others were standing, one on this side of the river bank (the Angel who stands for Islam in the heavenly court), and one on that side of the riverbank (the Angel who stands for Christianity in the heavenly court)


Quran 77:50 Koran 77:50 In what statement (words, news, reports, information, message, hadith), after it (the verses of God in the Quran), shall they (the humans and the jinn) believe? 


Quran 25:30 Koran 25:30 And (on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement) the messenger (Prophet Muhammad) said, “My Lord (God) my people have abandoned (deserted) this Quran (to follow false messages, false words, false news, false reports, false information, false statements, false hadith).” 

Note 1. On the Day of Resurrection and Judgement Prophet Muhammad will say “My Lord my people have abandoned this Quran (to follow false messages, false words, false news, false reports, false information, false statements, false hadith).”

Note 2. Do not twist inside your mind the meaning of the words of God in the Quran to agree with hadith stories.

If hadith stories agree with the Quran then accept it and learn from it. 

If hadith stories do not agree with the Quran then reject it and also learn from it. 

On the Day of Judgement God judges by the words in the protected Quran. 

On the Day of Judgement God does not judge by the words in unprotected human hadith stories. 

The Quran is the protected word of God including the words and actions of Prophet Muhammad which are described and protected by God. 


The good news from God for Jews and Christians delivered 1400 years ago by Prophet Muhammad.

1. Jews and Christians who follow their Book and also believe the Quran shall receive a double reward in the hereafter in Quran 28:54, Quran 34:37 and Quran 57:28.

2. Jews who follow the Tanakh Jewish scripture and believe the Quran are correctly observing the Torah Taurat.

3. Christians who follow the Gospels and believe the Quran are correctly observing the Gospel Injil.

4. Muslims who follow the Quran so that it agrees with the Tanakh Jewish scripture and the Gospel Injil are correctly observing the Quran.


Quran 28:52 Koran 28:52 Those (knowledgeable among the Jews and Christians) to whom We (God) gave the Book (the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil) before it (before the Quran was revealed), they believe in it (the revelations of the Quran meaning the Quran and the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil of Jesus Isa by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John are in agreement with each other as proof that God is real and as proof no one can change the word of God). 

Note 1. The Quran confirms the Tanakh Jewish scripture is correct and explains the story of Prophet Jesus Isa in the Gospel of Mark, Matthew, Luke and John. 


Quran 28:53 Koran 28:53 And when it (the Quran) is recited to them (the Jews who truly believe the Torah Taurat and the Christians who truly believe the Gospel Injil), they (those Jews and Christians) say, “We believe in it (the Koran Quran). It is the truth from our Lord (God). Even before it (the Quran was revealed to us) we were of those (Jews and Christians) who submitted (to God. The English word submitter is the Arabic word Muslim. Islam the religion means submission and Muslim the believer means submitter. Submitter and submission for the Muslim people is in Quran 47:19 “…there is no God except God …” and submitter and submission for the Jewish people is in Torah Exodus 20:2 “.... You shall have no other gods before Me God” and submitter and submission for the Christian people is in the Gospel of Jesus Isa by Luke 4:8 “… You shall worship the Lord your God, and him only shall you serve” meaning God inspired the same belief of Islam which is an Arabic word meaning submission, to God in Judaism, Christianity, Islam and in others). - (Continued in Quran 28:54).

Note 1. The Quran confirms the Torah Taurat and explains the story of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark, Matthew, Luke and John. 


Quran 28:54 Koran 28:54 They (the Jews who truly believe the Torah Taurat and the Christians who truly believe the Gospel Injil and also believe the Quran) shall be given their reward twice (in Quran 28:54 meaning twofold in Quran 34:37 meaning double in Quran 57:28) because they are steadfast (in their belief in God) and they repel evil with good (deeds) and they spend (in charity) from what We (God) have provided to them. (Jews and Christians who follow their Book in Quran 5:68 and also believe the Quran will receive a double reward in the hereafter in Quran 28:54, Quran 34:37 and Quran 57:28 meaning the reward for every good deed they do will be doubled because they believed the Quran which tells the Jewish people to follow the Torah Taurat which is their eternal covenant between God and the Hebrew people forever and tells the Christian people to follow the Gospel Injil which is explained in the Quran and tells the Muslim people to follow the Quran in Quran 2:40, Quran 2:41, Quran 2:62, Quran 2:106, Quran 3:93, Quran 4:123, Quran 5:43, Quran 5:47, Quran 5:48, Quran 5:69 and Quran 13:39).

Note 1. Jews and Christians who follow their book and also believe the Quran will receive their reward twice in the Hereafter.


Quran 34:35 Koran 34:35 And they (some of the Jews in Yathrib) say, “We have more (than you have) in wealth and children. We shall not be punished (in the hereafter except for a few days).” – (Continued in Quran 34:36). 


Quran 34:36 Koran 34:36 Say (Prophet Muhammad to the Jews in Yathrib), “My Lord (God) increases provision for whom He (God) wills and restricts it (for whom God wills). But most people do not understand that." – (Continued in Quran 34:37). 


Quran 34:37 Koran 34:37 It is not your wealth or your children that shall bring you close to Us (God), but the person who believes and does good (deeds). Theirs shall be a twofold reward (twice in Quran 28:54, twofold in Quran 34:37 and double in Quran 57:28) for what they (the Jews like Quran 3:113 - 3:115 and the Christians like Quran 5:82 - 5:85 who follow their Book in Quran 5:68 and also believe the Quran) did (because they believed the Quran which tells the Jewish people to follow the Torah Taurat which is their eternal covenant between God and the Hebrew people forever and tells the Christian people to follow the Gospel Injil which is explained in the Quran and tells the Muslim people to follow the Quran is confirmed in Quran 2:40, Quran 2:41, Quran 2:62, Quran 2:106, Quran 3:93, Quran 4:123, Quran 5:43, Quran 5:47, Quran 5:48, Quran 5:69 and Quran 13:39) and they (those Jews and Christians) shall live secure in the high dwellings (in Paradise Jannah).- (Continued in Quran 34:38).

Note 1. Jews and Christians who follow their Book and also believe the Quran will be given a twofold reward in the hereafter.


Quran 34:38 Koran 34:38 (Jews and Christians who followed their Book and also believed the Quran will receive their reward twice in Quran 28:54, twofold in Quran 34:37 and double in Quran 57:28 in the hereafter however) Those (Jews and the Christians who did not believe the Quran for example if Jews did not correctly observe the Torah Taurat by keeping the Sabbath Day which is their everlasting covenant with God in every generation forever or if Christians did not correctly observe the Gospel Injil where Prophet Jesus said he is not God "God is my God and your God" meaning God is my Lord and your Lord and "God is my Father and your Father" meaning God is my Creator and your Creator in Gospel of John 20:17 and) who strive against Our (God’s) revelations by trying to make them (God’s revelations) to fail (for example Jesus is the son of God means Jesus is the servant of God delivering the message of God so his mention with angels in Gospel of Mark 13:32 and Gospel of Matthew 24:36 means that angel messengers of God and human messengers of God both do not know the hour meaning do not confuse angel and human messengers with God because only God knows the hour but His angel and human messengers like Jesus and Moses and angels do not know the hour meaning pray only to God and not to the angel and human messengers of God because those who do), they shall be brought to the punishment (of Hell Jahannam in the Hereafter).


Quran 57:28 Koran 57:28 All you (the Jews and the Christians in Quran 57:27 and Quran 57:29) that believe, Fear God and believe in His (God’s) messenger and He (God) shall give you a double portion of His (God’s) mercy and provide for you a Light (of righteous knowledge meaning Jews who follow the Tanakh Jewish scripture and believe the Quran are correctly observing the Torah Taurat and meaning Christians who follow the Gospel and believe the Quran are correctly observing the Gospel Injil and Muslims who follow the Quran so that it agrees with the Tanakh Jewish scripture and the Gospel Injil are correctly observing the warning from God in Quran 4:136 that whoever has no faith in God’s Books has strayed far away from God because the Books of God are the light) by which you shall walk (on the correct path in Quran 2:40 - 2:41, Quran 4:136 and Quran 28:48 - 28:49) and (in the hereafter) He (God) shall forgive you (of your past sins). God is forgiving and merciful. (Jews like Quran 3:113 - 3:115 and Christians like Quran 5:82 - 5:85 who follow their Book in Quran 5:68 and also believe the Quran will receive their reward twice in Quran 28:54, twofold in Quran 34:37 and double in Quran 57:28 in the hereafter meaning the reward for every good deed they do will be doubled because they believed the Quran which tells the Jewish people to follow the Torah Taurat which is their eternal covenant between God and the Hebrew people forever and tells the Christian people to follow the Gospel Injil which is explained in the Quran and tells the Muslim people to follow the Quran is confirmed in Quran 2:40, Quran 2:41, Quran 2:62, Quran 2:106, Quran 3:93, Quran 4:123, Quran 5:43, Quran 5:47, Quran 5:48, Quran 5:69 and Quran 13:39). - (Continued in Quran 57:29).

Note 1. Jews and Christians who follow their Book and also believe the Quran will be given a double reward in the hereafter.


Quran 57:29 Koran 57:29 (Jews and Christians who followed their Book and also believed the Quran will receive their reward twice in Quran 28:54, twofold in Quran 34:37 and double in Quran 57:28 in the hereafter) so that the people of the Book (the Jews and the Christians who did not believe the Quran for example if Jews did not correctly observe the Torah Taurat by keeping the Sabbath Day which is their everlasting covenant with God in every generation forever or if Christians did not correctly observe the Gospel Injil where Prophet Jesus said he is not God "God is my God and your God" meaning God is my Lord and your Lord and "God is my Father and your Father" meaning God is my Creator and your Creator in Gospel of John 20:17 and that Jesus is the son of God means Jesus is the servant of God delivering the message of God so his mention with angels in Gospel of Mark 13:32 and Gospel of Matthew 24:36 means that angel messengers of God and human messengers of God both do not know the hour meaning do not confuse angel and human messengers with God because only God knows the hour but His angel and human messengers like Jesus and Moses and angels do not know the hour meaning pray only to God and not to the angel and human messengers of God because those who do) may know (in the hereafter) that they do not have power over anything from the bounty of God and that (all) the bounty is in God’s hand. He gives it (God's bounty) to whom He (God) wills. And God is the possessor of the great bounty (of Paradise Jannah).


Quran 4:40 Koran 4:40 God is not unjust not even as much as the weight of an atom (to people such as Jews and Christians and Muslims and all others). When any good (deed is done) He (God) doubles it (meaning God doubles the value of your good deeds) and He (God) gives a great reward (of Paradise Jannah in the hereafter). 

Note 1. The good news from God for Muslims delivered 1400 years ago by Prophet Muhammad in Quran 2:265, Quran 4:40 and Quran 33:31 is that the reward to Muslims for doing good deeds is also doubled in the hereafter meaning the reward for every good deed they do in this world will be doubled in the hereafter.


Quran 42:15 Koran 42:15 So (Prophet Muhammad) invite (the people to God), and stay on the correct path as you (Prophet Muhammad) are commanded and do not follow their (the peoples) desires (concerning religion) but say, "I believe what God has sent down of the Book (in the Quran and in the Torah Taurat in Quran 2:41, Quran 3:3, Quran 3:93, Quran 5:43, Quran 5:44, Quran 5:68, Quran 20:133 and in the Gospel Injil in Quran 3:3, Quran 5:47, Quran 5:68 and Quran 20:133) and I am commanded that I do justice between you (the Jews, Christians and Muslims). God is our Lord and your Lord (meaning God is the Lord of the Muslims and the Lord of the Jews and the Christians). For us (Muslims is the responsibility for) our deeds and for you (Jews and Christians is the responsibility for) your deeds. There is no argument between us (Muslims) and between you (the Jews and the Christians because God has revealed the same message to all of us to worship God who created you and do good in the world and reject evil in the world). God shall bring us (Muslims and Christians and Jews and all humankind) together and to Him (God) is the final destination (in the hereafter in Quran 2:62, Quran 3:64, Quran 4:123, Quran 5:48 and Quran 5:69).”

Note 1. There is no argument between Muslims and Jews and Christians because the Tanakh Jewish scripture and the Gospel Injil and the Quran contain the same message to worship God and strive for all that is good.


Quran 28:51 Koran 28:51 And We (God) have made the Word (of God in the Quran) to reach them (the stone idol worshippers of Makkah Arabia) so that they might be reminded (of God, their creator).


Quran 28:48 Koran 28:48 But when the truth came to them (the stone idol worshippers of Makkah Arabia) from Us (God), they said, “Why is he (Prophet Muhammad M Mim م M-uhammad م-uhammad) not given (signs) like what was given to Prophet Moses Musa (represented by Mount Sinai S’ Sin س Sin-ai س-ai)? But did they (the stone idol worshippers of Makkah Arabia) not disbelieve in what was given to Prophet Moses Musa in the past? (Because) they say, “(They are both only books about magic) two magic (books the Torah Taurat T Ta ط Ta-urat ط-urat given by God to Prophet Moses Musa and the Quran Q Qaf ق  Qaf-uran ق-uran given by God to Prophet Muhammad) supporting each other” and they (the stone idol worshippers of Makkah Arabia) say, “In all (that is in the Torah Taurat and the Quran) we do not believe.”


Quran 28:49 Koran 28:49 Say (Prophet Muhammad to the stone idol worshippers of Makkah Arabia), “Then bring a Book from God that gives better guidance than these two (the Torah Taurat and the Quran) so that I (Prophet Muhammad) may follow it, if you are telling the truth.”

Note 1. The best guidance is the Quran and the Torah Taurat meaning both are correctly understood when they confirm and explain each other.


Quran 3:199 Koran 3:199 And there are among the people of the Scripture (the Jews and the Christians) those who believe in God and in that which has been revealed to you (Prophet Muhammad in the Quran) and revealed to them (in the Torah Taurat and in the Gospel Injil), (they) humble themselves to God. They do not trade away (abandon) the revelations of God for a little gain (by wrongly using the revelations of God to increase their pride or arrogance), for them is a reward with their Lord. God is quick to account (for what you do).

Note 1. The Quran confirms the Tanakh Jewish scripture is correct and explains the story of Prophet Jesus Isa in the Gospel of Mark, Matthew, Luke and John.


Quran 3:113 Koran 3:113 Not all of them (the Jews of Yathrib Arabia later Medina Arabia today Madinah Saudi Arabia) are the same, some of the people of the Scripture (the Jews of Yathrib) stand for what is right (correct) and they recite the revelations of God during the hours of the night prostrating themselves in prayer (to God).


Quran 3:114 Koran 3:114 Those (Jews of Yathrib) believe in God and the Last Day and they do what is right and forbid what is wrong and they are quick to do good deeds and they are among the righteous.


Quran 3:115 Koran 3:115 And whatever good they (the Jews of Yathrib) do, it shall be accepted and God knows very well who are the righteous (among the Jews of Yathrib). 

Note 1. The righteous among the Jews were promised Paradise Jannah in the time of Prophet Muhammad and this promise would apply to the righteous among Jews worldwide.


Quran 5:82 Koran 5:82 "... And you shall find that those who say, “We are Christians” have the most affection to the believers (of God, the Muslims in Yathrib Arabia). That is because the priests and monks are not proud (meaning they love God more than they love their pride). 


Quran 5:83 Koran 5:83 When they (the Christian priests and monks) listen to what has been revealed to the messenger (Prophet Muhammad), you shall see their eyes overflow with tears because they recognise it is the truth (from God). They say, “Our Lord (God), we believe, so write us as among the witnesses (that recognize the truth from God).”  


Quran 5:84 Koran 5:84 Why should we (Christian priests and monks) not have faith in God and in the truth that has come to us since we hope that our Lord (God) shall admit us (to paradise) with the righteous people?  


Quran 5:85 Koran 5:85 For what they (the Christian priests and monks) said they are rewarded with gardens with rivers flowing underneath (in Paradise) where they shall live forever. That is the reward for those (people) that do good. 

Note 1. The righteous among the Christians were promised Paradise Jannah in the time of Prophet Muhammad and this promise would apply to the righteous among the Christians worldwide. 


The Quran confirms the Good News delivered to the Jews in the Tanakh that is in their hands and to the Christians in the Gospel which is in their hands. 


Quran 2:62 Koran 2:62 (In the hereafter) truly those (Muslims) who believed and those who became Jews, Christians and Sabians, whoever believed in God and the Last Day (The Day of Resurrection) and did good deeds, they shall have their reward from their Lord, and they shall not fear or grieve (and this is confirmed in Quran 6:158 for those in the hereafter who “believed” and did good deeds. Quran 5:69 repeats Quran 2:62 meaning stop and think about what God is saying in these verses confirming what is in the Hebrew Bible and the Gospel Injil of the promise of Paradise Jannah from God in the books of God on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement for those who “believed” and did good deeds. The Quran brings the same truth which God brought to the Jewish people in the Hebrew Bible and to the Christian people in the Gospel Injil of Jesus Isa by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John. The Quran is a confirmer of what came before it in the same way as the Gospel Injil is a confirmer of what came before it meaning the Books of God confirm each other as proof God is real and as proof His promise is real as explained in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQ3o3ybc-KA showing that without His permission no one can change His words in His Books which are with all humans today and until the Day of Judgement so that you can believe God is real and His promise is real).

Note 1. The Jews who believed in God and did good deeds go to Paradise Jannah. 

Note 2. The Christians who believed in God and did good deeds go to Paradise Jannah. 

Note 3. The Sabians who believed in God and did good deeds go to Paradise Jannah. 

Note 4. The Muslims who believed in God and did good deeds go to Paradise Jannah. 

Note 5. Everyone who believed in God and did good deeds goes to Paradise Jannah. 

Note 6. This revelation is so important that God has repeated it in Quran 5:69.

In Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 the promise of Paradise Jannah is not for those who “believe” but only for those who “believed” meaning who died (past tense) because it is not until the time of death that your true belief or disbelief and your good and evil deeds are judged,

God repeated Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 two times because it is only with Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 that there are no contradictions within the Quran and between the Quran and the Torah Taurat and between the Quran and the Gospel Injil as proof in Quran 4:82 to the Jews in the time of Prophet Muhammad who are promised Paradise Jannah in Quran 3:113-3:115 and to the Christians in the time of Prophet Muhammad who are promised Paradise Jannah in Quran 5:82-5:85 and to the stone idol worshippers 1400 years ago who are not promised Paradise Jannah in Quran 3:85 and to all people today and in the future that the Quran is from God because the Quran contains no contradictions.

If Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 did not exist then it would be proof that the Quran was not from God because without Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 the Quran would contradict its self and contradict the Torah Taurat and contradict the Gospel Injil.

Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 is good news for Jews, Christians, Sabians, Muslims and all the people in the world confirming they will all come together again in a life after death.


Quran 4:123 Koran 4:123 (Entry to Paradise Jannah) shall not be based on your (the Muslim's) desires or on the desires of the people of the Scripture (the Jews and the Christians). (Instead) whoever does wrong (on the earth) shall earn (the punishment for the wrong) and that person shall not find any protector or helper other than God (in the hereafter).

Note 1. God will judge Muslims and Christians and Jews and every creation justly in the hereafter.


Quran 3:85 Koran 3:85 And whoever seeks a religion other than submission (to Allah Adonai Allaah Elohim G-d Allah HaShem Jehovah Yahweh YHWH which includes every human from the beginning of time until the end of time, for example stone idol worship) it shall not be accepted by Him (God) in the Hereafter and (such a person) shall be one of the losers (in the hereafter. The word Islam has two meanings, the general meaning is submission in Quran 3:85 meaning anyone who submits to God).

Note 1. The Muslim religion Islam is the religion of submission to God (Quran 3:64).

Note 2. The Jewish religion Judaism is the religion of submission to God (Quran 3:64).

Note 3. The Christian religion Christianity is the religion of submission to God (Quran 3:64). 

Note 4. Islam means submission and the Quran tells the Jews to observe the Sabbath Day meaning all Jews who observe the Sabbath Day are submitting to God which means the word in Quran 3:85 is submission otherwise it would contradict other verses in the Quran and the Quran says it has no contradictions.

This means only one word "submission" is correct because it is the word with which there are no contradictions in the Quran.


Quran 3:64 Koran 3:64 Say, “O People of the Scripture (the Jews and the Christians) let us come to an agreement between you and us (Muslims), that we shall worship no one but God, and that we shall ascribe no partner to Him (meaning, there is only one God, we pray only to our creator the one God and no one else, not to sons, not to saints, not to any idol), and that none of us shall take others for Lords instead of God.” And if they turn away, then say, “Bear witness that we have submitted to Him (God).” 

Note 1. God does not require humans to all be in one religion (Quran 5:48).

Note 2. God does require that every religion worship only God (Quran 3:85).

Note 3. God says if the Jews and the Christians and others worship only God like the Muslims worship only God then the Jews and the Christians and others are correctly guided by God (Quran 3:64). 


Quran 5:48 Koran 5:48 And to you (Prophet Muhammad) We (God) revealed the Scripture (the Quran) with the truth that confirmed the Scripture that was before it (in the Gospel Injil and the Torah Taurat) and (for you Prophet Muhammad to be) a guardian over it (the Quran). So judge between them (the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims) by what God has revealed (to you Prophet Muhammad) and do not let their desires move you away from the truth that has come to you. For each (community of Jews, Christians and Muslims) We (God) have appointed a divine law and a way (of religion). If God willed He (God) could have made you (the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims) one community. But He (God) tests you (the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims) by what He (God) has given you (in the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil and the Koran Quran to show who is best in behaviour). So strive for all that is good. To God you shall all return and He (God) shall then inform you (in the Hereafter) about (the correctness of) the religious matters in which you (the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims) argue among each other. 

Note 1. God does not require humans to all be in one religion (Quran 5:48).

Note 2. God does require that every religion worship only God (Quran 3:85).

Note 3. God says if the Jews and the Christians and others worship only God like the Muslims worship only God then the Jews and the Christians and others are correctly guided by God (Quran 3:64). 

Note 4. God commands the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims to do what is good according to what God has given them in the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil and the Koran Quran to show which humans are the best in behaviour.

Note 5. God says that on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement in the hereafter every human will return to God and God shall inform them about the religious matters about which they argued.

Note 6. God protects the Torah Taurat for every Jewish generation until the Day of Judgement (Quran 5:48). 

Note 7. God protects the Gospel Injil for every Christian generation until the Day of Judgement (Quran 5:48) in the following way.

Prophet Jesus Isa did not write anything because everything Prophet Jesus Isa taught by his mouth was already written in the Tanakh Jewish scripture meaning Prophet Jesus Isa did not add or subtract from what is in Tanakh Jewish scripture.

The four Gospel Injil are four reports about Prophet Jesus Isa meaning Prophet Jesus Isa never wrote anything and what he said was passed by mouth until it was written many years later.

Quran 5:68 says observe the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil and Quran 5:47 tells Christians to judge by the Gospel Injil (not by the other books in the Christian New Testament Bible because what Paul teaches contradicts what Jesus is teaching in the Gospel Injil and anything about fallen angels found in the Book of Enoch and in the Book of Revelation are all rejected in Judaism because in the Hebrew Tanakh scripture angels always obey God. Jewish people do not use the Christian produced Old Testament Bible because many contain wrong translations of the Hebrew Tanakh) meaning whatever in the Gospel Injil is confirmed in the Jewish Torah Taurat came from Prophet Jesus Isa and whatever contradicts the Jewish Torah Taurat came from the unknown writers who are traditionally called Mark, Matthew, Luke and John in a test from God described in 1 Kings 13:14 - 13:24 teaching that the word of God will not change and do not believe anyone or any verse in Mark, Matthew, Luke or John which contradicts the teachings in the Tanakh which Prophet Jesus Isa said is with the Jewish people forever and will never change and must be followed forever by the Jewish people in Gospel of Matthew 5:17 - 5:20 and Gospel of Matthew 23:1 - 23:3. In this way a Christian can know what came from Prophet Jesus Isa confirming Tanakh and what did not come from Prophet Jesus Isa because it contradicts the Tanakh (which is the Torah law and the prophets and the writings like the Psalms) which Jesus was teaching in Gospel of Luke 24:44.

Note 8. God protects the Koran Quran for every Muslim generation until the Day of Judgement (Quran 5:48). 

Note 9. Entry to Paradise the Garden of Eden the Garden of Righteousness Jannah is not based on the question of Sunni or Shia or Muslim or Jew or Christian but it is based on your good behaviour towards all humans and creatures in this world and your relationship with God (Quran 5:48).

Note 10. In the sight of humans Judaism and Christianity and Sabians and Islam are different religions. 

Note 11. In the sight of God Judaism and Christianity and Sabians and Islam are “different communities of God” because they were all created by God for only one reason which is “to submit to God.”


Quran 6:158 Koran 6:158 "... belief in it (God and the Day of Resurrection and Judgement) shall not help any soul …. if in belief (he or she) did not earn good (by doing righteous deeds in their life). ....” 


Quran 41:8 Koran 41:8 “For those who believe and do good deeds, for them is an everlasting reward (in Paradise Jannah).” 


Quran 98:5 Koran 98:5 They (the Jews and the Christians) were not commanded anything (from God in the Torah Taurat and in the Gospel Injil) except that they (the Jews and the Christians) should worship God and be faithful in religion to Him (God) and establish prayer (only to the one God who created them) and give charity (to the needy people). That is the correct religion of God.

Note 1. God explains why Judaism with the Torah Taurat and Christianity with the Gospel Injil and Islam with the Quran are the same belief in one God who is the creator of every creation.

Note 2. Not all Christians and Jews and Muslims are the same meaning in every generation there are some Christians and Muslims and Jews who are correctly worshiping God.

The Christian and Jew who believed in one God like the Muslim who believed in one God and who did good deeds on the Earth will be successful (Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69).

Note 3. The sins of the prophets is a reminder to humans not to elevate the prophets instead of elevating God.

Moses Musa sinned by killing a man and the messiah king David Dawud sinned by adultery (represented in the story of a man who had one female sheep in the sin of ewe, the sin involving a female) and murder (represented in the story by another man who caused to die something that did not belong to him in the sin of ewe, the sin involving a female) and the messiah king Solomon Sulaiman sinned by marriage to foreign wives who brought idol worship to Israel so that every human who comes after them can know that when you repent and correct your behaviour God will forgive all your sins without a blood sacrifice in Psalm 32:5, Psalm 51:17 - 51:19 in Tanakh or Psalm 51:15 - 51:17 in a Christian Bible, 1 Kings 8:46 - 8:50, Ecclesiastes 7:20, Proverbs 24:16, Ezekiel 18:20 - 18:23, Isaiah 1:18, Isaiah 55:7, Hosea 6:6, Hosea 14:2 - 14:3 and Micah 6:6 - 6:8.

Note 4. Those Muslims in the past who elevated Prophet Muhammad after his death and those Jews who elevated Prophet Ezra in the time of Prophet Muhammad and those Christians who elevated Prophet Jesus Isa in the time of Prophet Muhammad will have problems because they elevated prophets instead of elevating only God (Quran 3:64 and Quran 4:123).

Appalled Christian Caller! "You call my religion idolatry?" Rabbi Tovia Singer responds.



Quran 4:114 Koran 4:114 There is no good in most of their (the people’s) private conversation except in the person who calls for charity, kindness and peace making between humans, he (the person) who does this (charity, kindness and peacemaking between humans) and seeks the approval of God, We (God) shall give them a great reward (in Paradise Jannah in the Hereafter).  

Note 1. God calls humans to work together in charity and in kindness and in peacemaking.


Video 1. Obsession with false hadith culture Is corrupting Islam. 


Video 2. Does Judaism Regard Muslims as B’nai Noah (Righteous Gentiles)? Rabbi Tovia Singer.


Video 3. Why muslim call god allah. rabbi tovia singer.


Video 4. The love between Muslims and Christians 1400 years ago. 


See 5. The Messiah in Islam Christianity and Judaism. 


Video 1. Isaiah 53 revealed. Rabbi Tovia Singer analyzes the most debated chapter.


Video 2: Explosive Interview! Who is the Suffering Servant of Isaiah 53? Rabbi Tovia Singer explains.


Video 3. Isaiah 53 Who is the Suffering Servant? Rabbi Tovia Singer.


Isaiah 53 explained. Part 1.


Isaiah 53 explained. Part 2.


You are here Isaiah 53 summary. Part 3.


Corrections and questions are welcome and can be emailed to somaliahamradio@yahoo.com 


The meaning of verses in the Quran and Tanakh and Gospel are on these websites.

The meaning of verses in the Koran and Torah and Injil are on these websites. 

YOU ARE HERE God https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran

God index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/index 

Allah https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran

Allah index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran/index  

Allaah https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran

Allaah index https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran/index  

Q&A https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel

Q&A index https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel/index