Quran chapter 54 surah 54.

The Moon split (Quran 54:1).

The Day of Resurrection and Judgement (Quran 54:1 comment). 

Homosexuality, suicide prevention and bullying (Quran 54:37 comments).


21 May 2021 (1442 AH).


Quran chapter 54.

Quran surah 54.

Quran sura 54.

Koran chapter 54.

Koran surah 54.

Koran sura 54.


The Moon split.

The Moon split apart.

The Moon split into pieces.

The Moon is split in two.

The Moon split in two pieces.

The Moon was cut open.

The Moon cracked.

The Moon rent in two halfs.

The Moon split asunder.

The Moon has been cleft in two.

The Moon is spliting.

The Moon is breached.

The Moon has split.

The Moon has been torn apart.

Split is the Moon.

The order of events from the end of creation to the Day of Resurrection and Judgement

See Quran 54:1 comment.




Sodom and Gomorrah. 


See Quran 54:33 – 54:40 comment.


Suicide prevention. 


Suicide and sexuality.

See Quran 54:37 comments.


Homosexuality in Islam. 

Homosexuality in the Koran. 

Homosexuality in the Quran. 

LGBTQIA+ in Islam.

LGBT in Islam.

lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual in Islam.

Male to male sexual attraction in Islam.

Gays in Islam.

Gay sexuality in Islam.

Female to female sexual attraction in Islam.

Lesbians in Islam.

Lesbian sexuality in Islam.

Male sexual attraction to both males and females.

Female sexual attraction to both females and males.

Bisexuality in Islam.

There is a difference between homosexuality and violent homosexual attack. 

There is a difference between heterosexuality and violent heterosexual attack.

See Quran 54:37, 54:39 and 54:40 comments.


What is the meaning of the story of Sodom and Gomorrah in Islam?

What is the meaning of the story of Sodom and Gomorrah in Christianity?

What is the meaning of the story of Sodom and Gomorrah in Judaism?

See Quran 54:37 comments.

Are gay people among the people of Paradise?

How do gay people obey God? 

Is being gay OK in Islam? 

See Quran 54:40 comments.

Information: The Quran chapter 54.

Order of Revelation: 37 (1 is the first revelation and 114 is the last revelation).

Place of Revelation: Mecca (Makkah, Arabia today Saudi Arabia).

Number of Verses: 55 verses.


The Quran.

Chapter 54 

The Moon (Al-Qamar).

English interpretations of the Quran.


The Quran Chapter 54 The Moon (Al-Qamar, Qamar, The Full Moon) in English. 


Chapter : Verse.

(Information in brackets is added to assist readers in the interpretation of the verse).


Quran 54:0 Koran 54:0 Verse 54:0 Ayah 54:0 Ayat 54:0 Aya 54:0 In the name of God, The Most Kind, The Most Merciful.


Quran 54:1 Koran 54:1 Verse 54:1 Ayah 54:1 Ayat 54:1 Aya 54:1 (What can I tell you about the hour? Imagine this). The hour (of the Day of Resurrection and Judgement in the hereafter) has come near and the Moon has split (into pieces in the same way as the Earth has split into pieces as small as dust and all creation shall be destroyed and then you shall be resurrected on a new earth, a new land, a new ground in the hereafter where you shall come forward from your grave which is a way of saying you will be resurrected from death back to life in the hereafter with your eyes humbled, like swarming locusts, moving quickly toward the caller and the disbelievers shall say, “This is a difficult day” – see Quran 54:7 – 54:8 and then you will be standing and looking in Quran 39:68 meaning every creation will be resurrected at the same time and they will be standing and looking on a new earth, a new land, a new ground in the hereafter).

Comment 1. The Quran does not say Prophet Muhammad spit the Moon.

The Quran says the Moon will be split like the earth will be spilt and the sky will be spit meaning destroyed meaning split into dust meaning the Quran is describing the end of creation in the future not something that has happened but something that will happen in future.

When you read the Quran you will notice that many things that will happen in future are revealed in the present tenses because God knows the past and present and future.

Many verses in the Quran in the present tense describe Paradise and Hell even though those events are describing what will happen in the future meaning those events described in present tense have not yet occurred.

The verse about a split Moon says the hour is near meaning it is describing an event that has not yet occurred but when it occurs the hour of the Resurrection will be near because the hour of the Resurrection will not come until the earth splits into dust and the sky splits meaning disappears and the Moon splits into dust. 

The belief that Prophet Muhammad brought anything other than the Quran from the sky to the people inside Makkah like a Moon spit into two pieces contradicts Quran 26:4 meaning the Moon spit into two pieces is a story invented by story tellers who made a living inventing stories after the death of Prophet Muhammad in the same way as after the death of  Prophet Jesus Isa people claimed Jesus Isa was God or told by people who were deceived to believe false stories which contradict the teachings of God in the Quran. 


Quran 26:4 Verse 26:4 If We (God) wished We (God) could send a sign down from the sky so that they (your people the stone idol worshippers in Mecca) would bend their necks (in submission) to it (the sign sent by God). 


See Quran 25:30 comments with examples of hadith stories which contradict the teachings of God in Quran chapter 25.


Comment 2. The spilt of the Moon in Quran 54:1 is in the end of days like the splitting of the sky in Quran 69:16 and Quran 84:1  and the splitting of the earth in Quran 50:44 and the result will be a new earth meaning a new land and a new sky in the hereafter in Quran 14:48. 


Comment 3. Quran 54:1 is revealed in the same style as Quran 104:5 "What can explain to you what the crusher is? 

Quran 104:5 Verse 104:5 What can explain to you what the crusher is?

Quran 104:6 Verse 104:6 It is the (crushing) fire (in Hell Jahannam) that is ignited by God (on those in whose hearts there are evil deeds).


Quran 54:1 is revealed in the same style as Quran 40:46

Quran 40:46 Verse 40:46 The Fire (in Hell Jahannam, what can I tell you about it?); they (who are punished for their evil behaviour in the world) are exposed to it morning and evening (meaning all day and all night in the hereafter) and on the appointed time on the Day (of Judgment in the hereafter it shall be said), "Put the people of the Pharaoh Firon in the severest punishment (of the fire in Hell Jahannam)."


Comment 4. The people asked why is no sign sent down by God with Prophet Muhammad?

Quran 6:37 Verse 6:37 They (the stone idol worshippers of Mecca) say, “Why has no sign (of God) been sent down with him (Prophet Muhammad) from his Lord? Say, “God is able to send down a sign but most of them do not know (the terrible consequences that follow for any people that then reject God).”

See Quran 10:20 and Quran 13:38 


Comment 5. The disbelief among the stone idol worshippers in Makkah.

Quran 17:89 Verse 17:89 And We (God) have explained to humans, in the Quran, every kind of example but most of the people (the stone idol worshippers of Mecca Makkah Arabia) refuse (the truth of God) and accept nothing but disbelief (in God).


Quran 17:90 Verse 17:90 And they say, “We shall not believe you until you (Prophet Muhammad) cause a spring (of water) to gush out from the earth for us.


Quran 17:91 Verse 17:91 “Or (until) you (Prophet Muhammad) have a garden of date-palms and grapes and cause rivers to gush out of it.


Quran 17:92 Verse 17:92 “Or (until) you (Prophet Muhammad) cause the sky to fall in pieces, as you have claimed (shall happen before the Day of Resurrection and Judgement) or you bring God and the angels in front of us.”


Quran 17:93 Verse 17:93 Or (until) you (Prophet Muhammad) have a house of ornament (such as gold) or you ascend up to heaven, and even then we shall not believe in your ascension (to heaven) until you bring down (from heaven) a book that we can read. Say (Prophet Muhammad), “My Lord (God) is Exalted, (but for me), I am only a man and a messenger.”


Quran 17:94 Verse 17:94 And what prevented the people (the stone idol worshippers in Mecca Makkah Arabia) from believing when the guidance (of Prophet Muhammad) came to them, except that they questioned, “(Why) has God sent a human messenger?"


Comment 6. The sign of God seen by the people of Makkah is the Quran not a split Moon. 

Quran 54:1 is explained in Quran 54:2. 


Quran 54:2 Verse 54:2 And (it does not matter how many signs of God are revealed to them in the Quran like the spliting of the earth and the spliting of the sky and the spliting of the Moon and the spliting of all creation into dust in the End of Days because) if they (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) see a sign (of God like the Quran recited by Prophet Muhammad) they turn away (in disbelief) and (they) say, “more (stories of) magic.”  


Quran 26:4 Verse 26:4 If We (God) wished We (God) could send a sign down from the sky so that they (your people the stone idol worshippers in Mecca) would bend their necks (in submission) to it (the sign sent by God). 


Quran 26:5 Verse 26:5 And whenever a new revelation comes to them from (God) the Most Merciful they (your people the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) only turn away from it (the revelations of God). 


Quran 26:6 Verse 26:6 They (your people the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) have denied (the Truth of the Quran) but there shall come news to them (in the hereafter) about what they used to ridicule (when they use to hear the revelations of the Quran).


Quran 17:89 Verse 17:89 And We (God) have explained to humans, in the Quran, every kind of example but most of the people (the stone idol worshippers of Mecca Makkah Arabia) refuse (the truth of God) and accept nothing but disbelief (in God).


Quran 17:90 Verse 17:90 And they say, “We shall not believe you until you (Prophet Muhammad) cause a spring (of water) to gush out from the earth for us.


Quran 17:91 Verse 17:91 “Or (until) you (Prophet Muhammad) have a garden of date-palms and grapes and cause rivers to gush out of it.


Quran 17:92 Verse 17:92 “Or (until) you (Prophet Muhammad) cause the sky to fall in pieces, as you have claimed (shall happen before the Day of Resurrection and Judgement) or you bring God and the angels in front of us.”


Quran 17:93 Verse 17:93 Or (until) you (Prophet Muhammad) have a house of ornament (such as gold) or you ascend up to heaven, and even then we shall not believe in your ascension (to heaven) until you bring down (from heaven) a book that we can read. Say (Prophet Muhammad), “My Lord (God) is Exalted, (but for me), I am only a man and a messenger.”


Quran 17:94 Verse 17:94 And what prevented the people (the stone idol worshippers in Mecca Makkah Arabia) from believing when the guidance (of Prophet Muhammad) came to them, except that they questioned, “(Why) has God sent a human messenger?"


Comment 7. Quran 54:1 is near the beginning of the followng story of the end of the creation followed by the Day of Resurrection and Judgement in the following order.

The sign given to Prophet Muhammad is the message of God in the Quran not a split moon. 


Quran 54:2 Verse 54:2 And (it does not matter how many signs of God are revealed to them in the Quran because) if they (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) see a sign (of God like the Quran recited by Prophet Muhammad) they turn away (in disbelief) and (they) say, “more (stories of) magic.” 


Quran 69:16 Verse 69:16 And the sky shall split (into pieces in the same way as the Earth and the Moon shall be split into pieces as small as dust) on that frail day (the last Day of this earth when all creation shall be destroyed before you are resurrected on a new earth, a new land, a new ground in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement). 


Quran 69:17 Verse 69:17 And the angels shall be on the boundaries (of the creation) and eight (angels) shall support the Throne (of authority) of your Lord (God, by doing all that God shall have directed them to do) on that day (the Last Day of the Earth and of the creation which shall be followed by the Day of Resurrection and Judgement in the hereafter on a new earth, a new land, a new ground). 


Quran 84:1 Verse 84:1 When the sky is split apart (and destroyed in the same way as the Earth and the Moon shall be split into pieces as small as dust and destroyed on the last day of this Earth after which shall come the Day of Resurrection when all human souls will be resurrected from death back to life in the hereafter on a new earth, on a new land, on a new ground). 


Quran 14:48 Verse 14:48 On the day (of Resurrection and Judgement) when the Earth shall be replaced with another earth (meaning another land in the hereafter) as will the skies (also be replaced with another sky in the hereafter) and they (all creatures) shall come before God, the One (creator of every creation) and the all mighty. 


Quran 50:44 Verse 50:44 (On the) Day (of Resurrection when) the (new) earth (land, ground in the hereafter) shall split (open and people shall emerge out of their graves which is a way of describing the resurrection from death back to life in the hereafter on a new land, a new ground, a new earth) and they shall hurry (with their eyes humbled, like swarming locusts, moving quickly toward the caller and the disbelievers shall say, “This is a difficult day” – see Quran 54:7 – 54:8 and then they will be standing and looking in Quran 39:68 meaning every creation will be resurrected at the same time and they will be standing and looking), that is a gathering (of people) easy for Us (God, to make happen on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement). 


Quran 30:55 Verse 30:55 And on the day when the Hour (of Resurrection) comes the wrong doers shall swear (in the Hereafter) that they only stayed (sleeping in death) for an hour (meaning only one hour had passed since they had died on the Earth), showing how wrong they were (because the time between death and resurrection only feels like an hour or part of a day). 


Quran 79:46 Verse 79:46 On the day they see it (the Day of Resurrection), it shall be as if they (each human) had not stayed (sleeping in death) except for an evening or a morning. 


Quran 23:113 Verse 23:113 (On the Day of Resurrection) they (the evil doers) shall say, “(It feels like) we stayed a day or part of a day (sleeping in death on the Earth before we were resurrected on a new earth, a new ground, a new land in the hereafter) but (we are not sure of the number of years that we were on the Earth between the time of our death and the Day of Resurrection so) ask those who (know how to) keep count (of time).” 


Quran 78:19 Verse 78:19 And a space shall be opened in the heavens to become an entrance gate (from where the angels shall descend to the land in the hereafter to do what God has decreed). 


Quran 25:25 Verse 25:25 And (mention) the Day (of Resurrection in the hereafter) when the heaven shall be split open with clouds from which the angels shall be sent down, descending (in ranks, one after the other on a new earth, a new land, a new ground in the hereafter). 


Quran 89:22 Verse 89:22 And your Lord (God) has come (to give judgement) and the angels are (lined up) in ranks. 


Quran 78:38 Verse 78:38 The Day (of Judgement) when the Spirit (the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel Jibril) and the angels shall stand in rows and they shall not speak except for the one whom the most merciful (God) allows (to speak) and they (the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel Jibril and the other angels) shall say what is correct (the truth as God decreed).


Quran 18:48 Verse 18:48 And they (all humankind) shall be in front of your Lord (God) in rows (and God shall say), "Now you have come to Us (God, after your death) as We (God) first created you (in your first life with the promise that the Day of Resurrection is true). But you did not (all) believe that We (God) had appointed a meeting for you (with God in the hereafter)."


Quran 45:28 Verse 45:28 And (on the Day of Judgement) you shall see each nation kneeling (humble in the presence of God). Each nation shall be called to its record (and told), “Today you shall be paid for what you used to do (in your life).”


Quran 39:69 Verse 39:69 And the earth (meaning, the land in the hereafter) shall shine with the light of its Lord (God when God shall come to judge men and women on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement) and the Book (of their good and bad deeds) shall be shown. (In the judgement of each person) the Prophets (in your time or that you claimed to follow) and the witnesses (the angels, your Soul, and other Souls) shall be brought and it (the good and bad deeds of men and women) shall be judged between them (the Prophets and the witnesses and the Book of their good and bad deeds) with (the) truth (as God decreed) and they (those who are judged) shall not be wronged (by any incorrect judgement of what they did during their lifetime on the Earth).


Comment 8. The story in Quran 54:1 is introducting the Day of Resurrection in the following order.


Quran 69:13 Verse 69:13 Then when the Horn (the first trumpet) shall be blown with one blast (of sound).


Quran 69:14 Verse 69:14 And the earth and its mountains are crushed (to dust) in one moment.


Quran 73:18 Verse 73:18 The heaven shall break apart (into pieces on the last Day of this earth when all creation shall be destroyed before you are resurrected on a new earth, a new land, a new ground in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement) and His (God’s) promise shall be fulfilled.


Quran 69:16 Verse 69:16 And the sky shall split (into pieces in the same way as the Earth and the Moon shall be split into pieces as small as dust) on that frail day (the last Day of this earth when all creation shall be destroyed before you are resurrected on a new earth, a new land, a new ground in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement).


Quran 81:1 Verse 81:1 When the Sun is rolled up (and comes to an end).


Quran 81:2 Verse 81:2 And when the stars darken (and come to an end).


Quran 18:8 Verse 18:8 And (when the hour of the end of the Earth comes) We (God) shall make all that is on it (the earth) dust (as if nothing had existed there).


Quran 69:17 Verse 69:17 And the angels shall be on the boundaries (of the creation) and eight (angels) shall support the Throne (of authority) of your Lord (God, by doing all that God shall have directed them to do) on that day (the Last Day of the Earth and of the creation which shall be followed by the Day of Resurrection and Judgement in the hereafter on a new earth, a new land, a new ground).  


Quran 73:14 Verse 73:14 On the (Last) Day when the earth and the mountains shall shake and they (break into small pieces and) become a heap of dust. 


Quran 70:9 Verse 70:9 And the (strong, firm) mountains shall be (flattened as easily as if they were) like (soft) wool.


Quran 50:44 Verse 50:44 (On the) Day (of Resurrection when) the (new) earth (land, ground in the hereafter) shall split (open and people shall emerge out of their graves which is a way of describing the resurrection from death back to life in the hereafter on a new land, a new ground, a new earth) and they shall hurry (with their eyes humbled, like swarming locusts, moving quickly toward the caller and the disbelievers shall say, “This is a difficult day” – see Quran 54:7 – 54:8 and then they will be standing and looking in Quran 39:68 meaning every creation will be resurrected at the same time and they will be standing and looking), that is a gathering (of people) easy for Us (God, to make happen on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement). 

Note 1. Leaving the grave is another way of saying resurrected from death back to life.

In death the soul is sleeping in the hereafter but when a human is resurrected in the hereafter the last thing they can remember is that the time between their death and the Day of Resurrection feels like they were sleeping for only a few hours.


Quran 79:46 Verse 79:46 On the day they see it (the Day of Resurrection), it shall be as if they (each human) had not stayed (sleeping in death) except for an evening or a morning. 


Quran 56:1-56:8


Comment 9. The promise of God of the Day of Resurrection and Judgement in the hereafter is in the following order. 

Quran 69:17 Verse 69:17 And the angels shall be on the boundaries (of the creation) and eight (angels) shall support the Throne (of authority) of your Lord (God, by doing all that God shall have directed them to do) on that day (the Last Day of the Earth and of the creation which shall be followed by the Day of Resurrection and Judgement in the hereafter on a new earth, a new land, a new ground).


Quran 27:87 Verse 27:87 And (mention) the Day when the horn trumpet shall be blown (the first time by an angel to signal the first command that is decreed by God) and all who are in the heavens and the earth shall be in fear (because it will be the sign of the end of the world, the end of this Earth, the end of the Sun and Moon and stars, the end of the Universe, the end of the first creation) except for whoever God wills (to live among the angels in Quran 69:17 who will continue doing the will of God). And all (the souls of the dead throughtout the heavens and the Earth) shall humbly come (on the Day of their Resurrection on a new earth, new land, new ground in the hereafter) to Him (God).


Quran 39:68 Verse 39:68 The horn trumpet is blown (the first time by an angel to signal the first command that is decreed by God) and all who are in the heavens and the earth (on the last day of the first creation, at the end of the first creation) shall fall down dead except whoever God wills (to live among the angels in Quran 69:17 who will continue doing the will of God). Then it (the horn trumpet) is blown a second time (by an angel to signal the second command that is decreed by God) and they (every soul who had lived and died in the first creation) shall all be standing and waiting (on the Day of their Resurrection on a new earth, new land, new ground in the hereafter).


Quran 50:41 Verse 50:41 And listen on the day (of Resurrection) when the caller (an angel) shall call (God’s command for the resurrection of the dead back to life) from a place that is nearby (to them meaning in the hereafter all humans will clearly hear a call for their soul in the hereafter to return to life in the hereafter on a new land, a new ground, a new earth). –


Quran 36:53 Verse 36:53 With one shout (the second blow of sound of the horn trumpet by an angel to signal the second command that is decreed by God) all of them (humans) shall be brought together before Us (God, on the Day of Resurrection).


Quran 79:13 Verse 79:13 But (in fact) it shall only require one sound (from the angel who shall blow the second sound from a ram’s horn trumpet to give God’s signal to resurrect from death back to life all the humans who have died). 


Quran 79:14 Verse 79:14 And then they (all the humans and jinn and others who have died) shall be awakened (resurrected from death back to life).


Quran 50:42 Verse 50:42 (It is the) Day (of Resurrection) when they shall hear the blast (of the Horn trumpet) truly (as promised). That is the Day of Emergence (from the grave which is a way of describing the resurrection from death back to life in the hereafter on a new land, a new ground, a new earth as is stated in Quran 39:68 where those who were dead will be alive standing and looking). –


Quran 23:113 Verse 23:113 (On the Day of Resurrection) they (the evil doers) shall say, “(It feels like) we stayed a day or part of a day (sleeping in death on the Earth before we were resurrected on a new earth, a new ground, a new land in the hereafter) but (we are not sure of the number of years that we were on the Earth between the time of our death and the Day of Resurrection so) ask those who (know how to) keep count (of time).” 


Quran 30:55 Verse 30:55 And on the day when the Hour (of Resurrection) comes the wrong doers shall swear (in the Hereafter) that they only stayed (sleeping in death) for an hour (meaning only one hour had passed since they had died on the Earth), showing how wrong they were (because the time between death and resurrection only feels like an hour or part of a day). 


Quran 79:46 Verse 79:46 On the day they see it (the Day of Resurrection), it shall be as if they (each human) had not stayed (sleeping in death) except for an evening or a morning.


Quran 14:48 Verse 14:48 On the day (of Resurrection and Judgement) when the Earth shall be replaced with another earth (meaning another land in the hereafter) as will the skies (also be replaced with another sky in the hereafter) and they (all creatures) shall come before God, the One (creator of every creation) and the all mighty. 


Quran 78:19 Verse 78:19 And a space shall be opened in the heavens to become an entrance gate (from where the angels shall descend to the land in the hereafter to do what God has decreed).


Quran 25:25 Verse 25:25 And (mention) the Day (of Resurrection in the hereafter) when the heaven shall be split open with clouds from which the angels shall be sent down, descending (in ranks, one after the other on a new earth, a new land, a new ground in the hereafter). 


Quran 89:22 Verse 89:22 And your Lord (God) has come (to give judgement) and the angels are (lined up) in ranks. 


Quran 78:38 Verse 78:38 The Day (of Judgement) when the Spirit (the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel Jibril) and the angels shall stand in rows and they shall not speak except for the one whom the most merciful (God) allows (to speak) and they (the Holy Spirit angel Gabriel Jibril and the other angels) shall say what is correct (the truth as God decreed).


Quran 18:48 Verse 18:48 And they (all humankind) shall be in front of your Lord (God) in rows (and God shall say), "Now you have come to Us (God, after your death) as We (God) first created you (in your first life with the promise that the Day of Resurrection is true). But you did not (all) believe that We (God) had appointed a meeting for you (with God in the hereafter)."


Quran 45:28 Verse 45:28 And (on the Day of Judgement) you shall see each nation kneeling (humble in the presence of God). Each nation shall be called to its record (and told), “Today you shall be paid for what you used to do (in your life).”


Quran 45:29 Verse 45:29 This Our (God’s) record speaks truthfully about you. We (God) have caused all that you did to be recorded (by angels).


Quran 18:49 Verse 18:49 And the record of their deeds shall be placed (in the hand of each person), and you shall see the sinful in fear of what is (recorded) there. They shall say, “What kind of Book is this that leaves out nothing small or great, but takes account of everything (we did in our life)." And they shall find all that they did (in their life) placed before them (in the Hereafter) and your Lord (God) shall treat no one with injustice (on the Day of Judgement).


Quran 39:69 Verse 39:69 And the earth (meaning, the land in the hereafter) shall shine with the light of its Lord (God when God shall come to judge men and women on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement) and the Book (of their good and bad deeds) shall be shown. (In the judgement of each person) the Prophets (in your time or that you claimed to follow) and the witnesses (the angels, your Soul, and other Souls) shall be brought and it (the good and bad deeds of men and women) shall be judged between them (the Prophets and the witnesses and the Book of their good and bad deeds) with (the) truth (as God decreed) and they (those who are judged) shall not be wronged (by any incorrect judgement of what they did during their lifetime on the Earth).


Quran 77:11 Verse 77:11 And when the messenger’s (of God) are gathered together for their appointed time (on the Day of Judgement they shall be witnesses to those among humankind who shall claim to have followed their teachings).


Quran 19:87 Verse 19:87 No one shall have the power of intercession (to save someone from God’s punishment in the Hereafter) except whoever has received permission (to intercede) from the Most Merciful (God).


Quran 6:158 Verse 6:158 "... belief in it (God and the Day of Resurrection and Judgement) shall not help any soul …. if in belief (he or she) did not earn good (by doing righteous deeds in their life). ....” 


Quran 41:8 Verse 41:8 “For those who believe and do good deeds, for them is an everlasting reward (in Paradise Jannah).”


Quran 54:2 Koran 54:2 Verse 54:2 Ayah 54:2 Ayat 54:2 Aya 54:2 And (it does not matter how many signs of God are revealed to them in the Quran like the spliting of the earth and the spliting of the sky and the spliting of the Moon and the spliting of all creation into dust in the End of Days because) if they (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) see a sign (of God like the Quran recited by Prophet Muhammad) they turn away (in disbelief) and (they) say, “more (stories of) magic.”  


Quran 54:3 Koran 54:3 Verse 54:3 Ayah 54:3 Ayat 54:3 Aya 54:3 They (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) rejected (God) and followed their own desires. But for every thing (of good and evil deeds) there shall be a Judgement (from God on the Day of Judgement).


Quran 54:4 Koran 54:4 Verse 54:4 Ayah 54:4 Ayat 54:4 Aya 54:4 And there has come to them (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) information (in this Quran) to deter (people away from evil),


Quran 54:5 Koran 54:5 Verse 54:5 Ayah 54:5 Ayat 54:5 Aya 54:5 Thoughtful wisdom (is in this Quran), but the warnings do not benefit them (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah because they refuse to open their heart to God).


Quran 54:6 Koran 54:6 Verse 54:6 Ayah 54:6 Ayat 54:6 Aya 54:6 So (Prophet Muhammad) leave them (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah). The Day (of Judgement) that the caller (an angel) shall call (them) to something that is terrible (which is the punishment that waits for them in the Hereafter). -


Quran 54:7 Koran 54:7 Verse 54:7 Ayah 54:7 Ayat 54:7 Aya 54:7 They shall come forward from their graves with their eyes humbled, like swarming locusts. -


Quran 54:8 Koran 54:8 Verse 54:8 Ayah 54:8 Ayat 54:8 Aya 54:8 Moving quickly toward the caller (an angel) and the disbelievers shall say, “This is a difficult day” (and then they will be standing and looking in Quran 39:68 meaning every creation will be resurrected at the same time and they will be standing and looking).


Quran 54:9 Koran 54:9 Verse 54:9 Ayah 54:9 Ayat 54:9 Aya 54:9 The people of Prophet Noah Nuh rejected (God) before them (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) and they (the people of the past) rejected Our (God’s) servant (Prophet Noah Nuh) and said, “(He is) a madman” and rejected him (Prophet Noah Nuh).


Quran 54:10 Koran 54:10 Verse 54:10 Ayah 54:10 Ayat 54:10 Aya 54:10 So he (Prophet Noah Nuh) prayed to his Lord (God) saying, “Help me I am overwhelmed (by wrong doers).”


Quran 54:11 Koran 54:11 Verse 54:11 Ayah 54:11 Ayat 54:11 Aya 54:11 So We (God) opened the gates of heaven (the sky) and water poured down (on the earth).


Quran 54:12 Koran 54:12 Verse 54:12 Ayah 54:12 Ayat 54:12 Aya 54:12 And caused water to gush out of the earth so that the waters (from the sky and from the earth) met for a purpose that had been decreed (by God).


Quran 54:13 Koran 54:13 Verse 54:13 Ayah 54:13 Ayat 54:13 Aya 54:13 And We (God) carried him (Prophet Noah Nuh) on (a ship of) planks and nails. -


Quran 54:14 Koran 54:14 Verse 54:14 Ayah 54:14 Ayat 54:14 Aya 54:14 Floating (in a ship) in Our (God’s) sight as a reward for him (Prophet Noah Nuh) who had been rejected (by his people).


Quran 54:15 Koran 54:15 Verse 54:15 Ayah 54:15 Ayat 54:15 Aya 54:15 And We (God) left it (this story) as a sign (of God) but is there anyone who shall remember it (the story of the people of Prophet Noah Nuh)?


Quran 54:16 Koran 54:16 Verse 54:16 Ayah 54:16 Ayat 54:16 Aya 54:16 Then see My (God’s) punishment after My (God’s) warnings (were rejected by the people of Prophet Noah Nuh).


Quran 54:17 Koran 54:17 Verse 54:17 Ayah 54:17 Ayat 54:17 Aya 54:17 And We (God) have truly made the Quran easy to remember but is there anyone who shall remember it (the lesson in God’s punishment to the people of Prophet Noah Nuh)?


Quran 54:18 Koran 54:18 Verse 54:18 Ayah 54:18 Ayat 54:18 Aya 54:18 (The people of) A'ad rejected (the warnings) and how (terrible) was My (God’s) punishment after My (God’s) warnings.


Quran 54:19 Koran 54:19 Verse 54:19 Ayah 54:19 Ayat 54:19 Aya 54:19 We sent them (the people of A'ad) a raging wind on a day of continuous destruction.


Quran 54:20 Koran 54:20 Verse 54:20 Ayah 54:20 Ayat 54:20 Aya 54:20 (The wind) taking (the life of) people away (leaving their bodies on the ground) like uprooted (fallen) palm trees.


Quran 54:21 Koran 54:21 Verse 54:21 Ayah 54:21 Ayat 54:21 Aya 54:21 Then see My (God’s) punishment after My (God’s) warnings (were rejected by the people of A’ad).


Quran 54:22 Koran 54:22 Verse 54:22 Ayah 54:22 Ayat 54:22 Aya 54:22 And We (God) have truly made the Quran easy to remember but is there anyone who shall remember it (the lesson in God’s punishment to the people of A’ad)?


Quran 54:23 Koran 54:23 Verse 54:23 Ayah 54:23 Ayat 54:23 Aya 54:23 (The people of) Thamud rejected the warnings (from God).


Quran 54:24 Koran 54:24 Verse 54:24 Ayah 54:24 Ayat 54:24 Aya 54:24 Because they said, “Is it a human (Prophet Saleh Salih) who is among us that we are to follow? Then we would be in error and (we would be) mad (if we believed him).” -


Quran 54:25 Koran 54:25 Verse 54:25 Ayah 54:25 Ayat 54:25 Aya 54:25 “Has the message (from God) been sent only to him (Prophet Saleh Salih) (and no one else) from among all of us? No (it makes no sense that he would be chosen as a messenger instead of those of higher status from among us) he (Prophet Saleh Salih) is a disrespectful liar.”


Quran 54:26 Koran 54:26 Verse 54:26 Ayah 54:26 Ayat 54:26 Aya 54:26 (However) tomorrow they (the people of Thamud) shall know who the disrespectful liar is.


Quran 54:27 Koran 54:27 Verse 54:27 Ayah 54:27 Ayat 54:27 Aya 54:27 We (God) are sending the she-camel (female camel) as a test for them so watch them (Prophet Saleh Salih) and have patience.


Quran 54:28 Koran 54:28 Verse 54:28 Ayah 54:28 Ayat 54:28 Aya 54:28 And inform them (the people of Thamud) that the water is to be shared between them (and the she-camel) with each drinking witnessed (by God).


Quran 54:29 Koran 54:29 Verse 54:29 Ayah 54:29 Ayat 54:29 Aya 54:29 But they (the people) called their companion and he took (the she-camel) and hamstrung (her by cutting the hamstring tendons in the leg to make the camel unable to walk, forcing it to the ground).


Quran 54:30 Koran 54:30 Verse 54:30 Ayah 54:30 Ayat 54:30 Aya 54:30 Then see My (God’s) punishment after My (God’s) warnings (were rejected by the people of Thamud).


Quran 54:31 Koran 54:31 Verse 54:31 Ayah 54:31 Ayat 54:31 Aya 54:31 We (God) sent against them a single mighty blast, and they became like the dry hay (which lays lifeless and dead on the ground).

Comment 1. Quran 11:67 Verse 11:67 And an awful cry took those who did wrong and they (the people of Thamud) lay (dead) on the ground in their (ruined) homes. 


Quran 54:32 Koran 54:32 Verse 54:32 Ayah 54:32 Ayat 54:32 Aya 54:32 And We (God) have truly made the Quran easy to remember but is there anyone who shall remember it (the lesson in God’s punishment to the people of Thamud)?


Quran 54:33 Koran 54:33 Verse 54:33 Ayah 54:33 Ayat 54:33 Aya 54:33 The people of Prophet Lot Lut rejected the warnings (from God).


Quran 54:34 Koran 54:34 Verse 54:34 Ayah 54:34 Ayat 54:34 Aya 54:34 We (God) sent a storm of stones on them (the people of Sodom) except the family of Prophet Lot Lut whom We (God) saved before sunrise. –

Comment 1. Death of the wife of Prophet Lot Lut.

All the family of Prophet Lot Lut including his wife departed Sodom safely in both the Torah Taurat and in the Quran..

See Quran 51:36 comments in Quran chapter 51. 


Quran 54:35 Koran 54:35 Verse 54:35 Ayah 54:35 Ayat 54:35 Aya 54:35 (They were saved as) a favour from Us (God). That is how We (God) reward people who give thanks (to God).


Quran 54:36 Koran 54:36 Verse 54:36 Ayah 54:36 Ayat 54:36 Aya 54:36 And he (Prophet Lot Lut) had warned them (the people of Sodom) of Our (God’s) grasp (punishment) but they doubted the warnings.


Quran 54:37 Koran 54:37 Verse 54:37 Ayah 54:37 Ayat 54:37 Aya 54:37 But they (the people of Sodom who were hitting the door of Prophet Lot Lut) demanded (to violently assault) his (Prophet Lot’s Lut’s) guests (the angels of God) so We (God) blinded their eyes (of the people of Sodom who were hitting the door of Prophet Lot Lut, saying), “Taste My (God’s) punishment after My (God’s) warnings.”

Comment 1. The punishment on the people of Sodom and Gomorrah was not for one sin but for many great sins.

The sins of the people in Sodom.

1. Attempted violent homosexual attack on the angels of God.

2. Violent homosexual attack on men who visited Sodom.

3. Highway robbery.

4. Wicked behaviour on the earth instead of righteous behaviour on the earth.


Quran 29:29 Verse 29:29 (Prophet Lot Lut continued speaking) “Do you not approach men (to commit violent homosexual attacks on people who visit Sodom such as your threat to the angels of God in Quran 15:67 – 15:72) and do you not block the road (to rob travellers) and do you not commit wickedness when you meet (each other)?” But the only answer of his (Prophet Lot’s Lut’s) people was to say, “Bring God's punishment to us if you are telling the truth.”


5. God has not given permission to punish violent homosexual attack differently to violent heterosexual attack. Both are equally violent crimes against humans.

6. There is no punishment for non violent homosexuality in the Quran meaning all such punishments are man made.

7. Each community and each country makes laws and punishments which are always changing.

8. Humans have a limited understanding but the understanding of God in unlimited meaning God knows what is in the heart of every creation.

9. Humans should show kindness and understanding towards all humans because that is the example of God the Most Kind the Most Merciful.

10. No human is without faults so we need to treat all people with understanding and kindness and patience like we would like God to treat us with understanding and kindness when God judges our faults on the Day of Judgement.

11. Wisdom, kindness and mercy should be the first action of a righteous person and not accusation and calling for punishment. 

12. The righteous person shows their righteousness through wisdom, kindness and mercy and not through accusations and calling for punishment. 


Comment 2. There is a difference between homosexuality and violent homosexual attack. 

The crime of violent attack to commit homosexual rape by a male against another male is as evil in the sight of God as is the crime of violent attack to commit hetrosexual rape by a male against a female.

Violence is a crime against humans. 

Sexuality is judged by God.


Comment 3. There is a difference between heterosexuality and violent heterosexual attack.

The crime of violent attack to commit heterosexual rape by a male against a female is as evil in the sight of God as is the crime of violent attack to commit homosexual rape by a male against another male.

Violence is a crime against humans. 

Sexuality is judged by God.  


Comment 4. What is the meaning of the story of Sodom and Gomorrah? 

The significance of this story is not the homosexual rape but the breaking of the law of hospitality towards strangers.

Homosexual rape was only one of the ways the people of Sodom violated God’s law of hospitality.

God’s law of hospitality towards strangers and travellers is shown in the hospitality shown by Prophet Abraham Ibrahim towards three strangers who were really three angels travelling in the form of humans.

A writer named Jay Michaelson has made an interesting comment saying that “the understanding of the story of Sodom as being about homosexuality is like reading the story of an axe murderer as being about the story of an axe.” No it is the story of murder.

In the same way the story of Sodom is not about violent homosexual rape but the story of violating God’s law of hospitality towards strangers and travellers.

This understanding is confirmed in Rabbinic writings which reveal that the people of Sodom committed murder such as giving money to beggars and then refusing to sell them food and then taking their money back when the beggar died of starvation (James Alfred Loader 1990. A tale of two cities: Sodom and Gomorrah in the Old Testament, early Jewish and early Christian traditions. Peeters Publishers p. 28).


The book of Rabbinic literature the Mishnah proposes that “the sin of Sodom is the lack of compassion among its people.”

This is a major sin because God is the example of the Most Kind and the Most Merciful.

God is the example of mercy and compassion for humans to follow.

When God revealed in the Torah Taurat that humans are made in the image of God this is not a physical image but a spiritual one where every human has been given a portion of mercy and compassion in their heart,

Those who see the story of Sodom as the story of violent homosexual rape have missed the central theme which is the lack of hospitality to strangers among the people of Sodom compared to the great hospitality shown by Prophet Lot Lut and Prophet Abraham Ibrahim to strangers.

In the Talmud Rabbinic literature Sanhedrin 109a the people of Sodom heard that Paltith the daughter of Prophet Lot Lut had given bread to a beggar who had entered the town.

The people of Sodom bunt her and smeared her with honey and hung her on the city wall to be eaten by bees. Her screams were heard by God.


Genesis 18:20 And the LORD (God) said: “The cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great and their (the people of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah) sin is extremely serious.”.


Jeremiah 23:13 And I have seen what is not proper in the prophets of Samaria: they prophesied by Baal (the idol god), and caused My (God’s) people Israel to go astray.

Jeremiah 23:14 But in the prophets of Jerusalem Al-Quds I have seen a horrible thing: they commit adultery, and live by lies, and they strengthen the hands of evil-doers, that none returns (to righteousness) from his wickedness; all of them have become to Me (God) like the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Note 1. The punishment of Sodom and Gomorrah was not for one sin but for many great sins.

God reveals that the idol worshipping, adultery, lies and evil doing in Jerusalem Al-Quds in the time of Prophet Jeremiah Aramaya Irmiya‎ is like what existed in Sodom and Gomorrah in the time of Prophet Lot Lut.


Amos 4:1 Hear this word, you relations of Bashan, that are in the mountain of Samaria, that oppress the poor, that crush the needy ...”

Amos 4:11 I have overthrown some of you, as God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah ...”

Note 1. The punishment of Sodom and Gomorrah was not for one sin but for many great sins.

God reveals that the oppression of the poor and the needy in the time of Prophet Amos is like what existed in Sodom and Gomorrah in the time of Prophet Lot Lut.


Ezekiel 16:49 Look, this was the wickedness of your sister Sodom: pride, fulness of bread, and careless ease was in her and in her daughters (surrounding cities); neither did she (the people of Sodom) strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. 

Ezekiel 16:50 And they were arrogant and committed abomination (evil) before Me (God); therefore I (God) removed them when I saw it.

Note 1. The punishment of Sodom and Gomorrah was not for one sin but for many great sins.

God reveals that arrogance, evil and the oppression of the poor and the needy in the time of Prophet Ezekiel Dhul-Kifl Zulkifl is like what existed in Sodom and Gomorrah in the time of Prophet Lot Lut.


Gospel of Matthew 11:23 And you, (the town of) Capernaum (on the Sea of Galilee in Israel), will you be exalted to the skies?  No, you will sink as far as Hades (Hell). Because if the miracles that happened in you had taken place in Sodom, it would have remained (in Sodom on the eastern border of Canaan in the Jordan River plain today in the area of Israel and Jordan and Palestine) until this day.

Gospel of Matthew 11:24 Regardless, I (Prophet Jesus Isa) tell you, it will be more bearable for (the people of the town of) Sodom on the day of judgment than for you (the people in the town of Capernaum)."

Note 1. The punishment of Sodom and Gomorrah was not for one sin but for many great sins.

All the sins of Sodom are not as great as the sin of rejecting a prophet of God.

The people of Sodom rejected Prophet Lot Lut however Prophet Jesus Isa reveals that if the people of Sodom had seen the miracles Jesus Isa had shown to the people in Capernaum then the people of Sodom would have believed and all their sins forgiven and therefore their city would not have been destroyed and Sodom would still be in existence.

Note 2. Prophet Jesus Isa confirmed that God forgives all sin great and small to those people who believe that the mercy and compassion (kindness) of God is the best gift that has been put in the heart of humans to guide human behaviour.


Comment 8. Suicide and sexuality, suicide prevention and bullying.

Australia suicide prevention telephone and websites. 

1. Lifeline on 13 11 14 and https://www.lifeline.org.au/

2. ReachOut (for young people and parents) Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467 and https://au.reachout.com/

3. Headspace on 1800 650 890 and https://headspace.org.au/

4. BeyondBlue on 1300 22 46 36 and https://www.beyondblue.org.au/


UK suicide prevention telephone and websites.



USA suicide prevention telephone and website. 

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline on 1-800-273-8255 and https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/


Worldwide suicide prevention telephone and websites.   







Listen to Audio podcast (52 minutes). Not fourteen for ever (Suicide prevention by understanding bullying, suicide and sexuality. ABC radio).

Understanding bullying.

Understanding suicide.

Content Warning. The audio below deals with bullying and attempted suicide and may be distressing. 

Please seek help if you need it. 

There is always someone who can talk with you if you or anyone you know needs help.




Quran 54:38 Koran 54:38 Verse 54:38 Ayah 54:38 Ayat 54:38 Aya 54:38 And in the early morning a lasting punishment (the loss of their life) came to them (the people of Sodom).


Quran 54:39 Koran 54:39 Verse 54:39 Ayah 54:39 Ayat 54:39 Aya 54:39 So taste My (God’s) punishment after My (God’s) warnings (were rejected by the people of Sodom).

Comment 1. The misguided killing of homosexuals. 

In a hadith story Al-Bayhaqi reported in his book Shu`ab al-Iman on the authority of Abu ad-Dunya that Abd al-`Aziz ibn Abi Hazim related from Dawud ibn Bakr who related from Muhammad ibn al-Mukadir the following: Khalid Ibn al-Walid wrote to Abu Bakr (seeking the legal ruling) concerning a man with whom another man had sexual intercourse. So Abu Bakr gathered the Companions of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, and sought their opinion.

Ali, may God be pleased with him, was the strictest of all, saying, “Only one nation disobeyed God by committing such sin and you know how God dealt with them. I see that we should burn the man with fire.” The Companions unanimously agreed on this.’

This incident is also mentioned by al-Waqidi under the subject of apostasy at the end of the section on the apostasy of Bani Salim).”


Where in the Quran are humans commanded to burn other humans alive?

In the Quran the angels of God are threatened with a violent homosexual attack which was punished by God and not by humans.

Where in the Quran did God order humans to kill a homosexual person?

Even thought the Hadith (Khalid Ibn al-Walid wrote to Abu Bakr) is faulty some people still use it by saying the fault in the hadith story from humans was in the method of the punishment so they stone to death the homosexual.

Others say no that is wrong you must throw the homosexual off a high building and they kill like that.

Others say no you must push a wall and crush them to death so they do that.

All of them are without guidance and without sense and without understanding.

Where is the human with true righteousness in their heart who says to the homosexual, “come my brother let us talk?”

How many homosexuals did Prophet Muhammad kill? Not one, none.

Note 1. When humans follow other humans instead of following what is commanded by God misguidance is the result.


See Quran 25:30 comments with examples of hadith stories which contradict the teachings of God in Quran chapter 25.


Video 1: Everyone is a potential Muslim. 


Video 2: James White attacks Muslim convert for being gay, Dr. Shabir Ally responds. 



Quran 54:40 Koran 54:40 Verse 54:40 Ayah 54:40 Ayat 54:40 Aya 54:40 And We (God) have truly made the Quran easy to remember but is there anyone who shall remember it (the lesson in God’s punishment to the people of Sodom)? 

Comment 1. The lesson in God’s punishment to the people of Sodom is that you can avoid the punishment of God by obeying the warnings from God to do good deeds and avoid the evil deeds. 

Comment 2. God’s punishment to the people of Sodom does not come from people but is a punishment that comes from God through God’s angels.

The people of Sodom were so wicked that they threatened violent homosexual attack against the angels of God. 

Comment 3. People have no authority from God to give punishments that only God has the right and the wisdom to give.

Quran 48:14 Koran 48:14 To God belong the dominion of the heavens and the earth. He (God) forgives whom He (God) will and punishes whom He (God) will. God is forgiving and merciful. 

Comment 4. Are gay people among the people of Paradise?

A gay person is born attracted to people of the same sex and this may or may not change over time

God created gays and every other creation.

Gays and every other creation who obey God are promised Paradise in the hereafter.

Gays and every other creation who disobey God are promised punishment in the hereafter.

Quran 4:123 Koran 4:123 (Entry to Paradise Jannah) shall not be based on your (the Muslim's) desires or on the desires of the people of the Scripture (the Jews and the Christians). (Instead) whoever does wrong (on the earth) shall earn (the punishment for the wrong) and that person shall not find any protector or helper other than God (in the hereafter).

Note 1. God will judge Muslims and Christians and Jews and every creation justly in the hereafter.

Quran 48:14 Koran 48:14 To God belong the dominion of the heavens and the earth. He (God) forgives whom He (God) will and punishes whom He (God) will. God is forgiving and merciful. 

Comment 5. How do gay people obey God?

A gay person is born attracted to people of the same sex and this may or may not change over time.

Gays and every other creation must do good in the world and avoid doing evil in the world.

Quran 5:2 Koran 5:2 All you who believe Help each other in righteousness (goodness) and piety (religion) but do not help each other in sin (evil) and transgression (crime) ...

Quran 49:13 Koran 49:13 All humans, We (God) have created you from a male and a female and have made you nations and tribes so that you may know one another. The most honourable of you in the sight of God is the (one who is the) most righteous (in behaviour and God fearing) among you. God knows all and is aware of all things. 

Comment 6. Is being gay OK in Islam?

A gay person is born attracted to people of the same sex and this may or may not change over time.

God created gays and every other creation.

Quran 59:0 Koran 59:0 In the name of God, The Most Kind, The Most Merciful.

Quran 59:1 Koran 59:1 All that is in the heavens and the earth exalts God (because every creation depends on God for its existence). He (God) is al-mighty (the source of all power) and wise (the source of all wisdom).

Quran 59:24 Koran 59:24 He God is the creator, the inventor and the shaper (of every creation). To Him (God) belong the most beautiful names. All that is in the heavens and the earth exalts Him (God) and He (God) is the mighty and the wise. 


Quran 54:41 Koran 54:41 Verse 54:41 Ayah 54:41 Ayat 54:41 Aya 54:41 And warnings came to the people of Pharaoh Firon (the King of Egypt)


Quran 54:42 Koran 54:42 Verse 54:42 Ayah 54:42 Ayat 54:42 Aya 54:42 Who rejected every one of Our (God’s) signs, so We (God) grasped (punished) them with the grasp (punishment) of the mighty, the powerful (God).


Quran 54:43 Koran 54:43 Verse 54:43 Ayah 54:43 Ayat 54:43 Aya 54:43 Are your disbelievers (among the stone idol worshippers in Mecca Arabia today Makkah Saudi Arabia) better than those (people of the past who were destroyed) or have you (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) some protection (guaranteed to you) in the Books (of God)?


Quran 54:44 Koran 54:44 Verse 54:44 Ayah 54:44 Ayat 54:44 Aya 54:44 Or do they (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) say, “We are a group (confidently) supporting each other?”


Quran 54:45 Koran 54:45 Verse 54:45 Ayah 54:45 Ayat 54:45 Aya 54:45 The group (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) shall be defeated and they shall turn their backs (which would happen later in the battle of Badr in 2 AH 624 CE 624 AD).


Quran 54:46 Koran 54:46 Verse 54:46 Ayah 54:46 Ayat 54:46 Aya 54:46 But the Hour (of the Day of Resurrection and Judgement in the Hereafter) is their (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) appointed time which shall be more severe and bitter (compared to anything suffered on the earth).

Comment 1. Prophet Muhammad loved the stone idol worshippers because he had lived with them all his life so what did God decree?

God shall not punish all the stone idol worshippers in Makkah in this life as God had done to those who had rejected the messengers of God before them in times of old instead God has decreed a life time for the stone idol worshippers in Makkah so that they might find their true belief before natural death takes them to their appointed time on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement in the Hereafter.

God did not destroy the stone idol worshippers in Makkah but God showed mercy by granting them a life time so that they might find their true belief.

Quran 2:256 Verse 2:256 There is no compulsion in religion (meaning, religion must come voluntarily from the human heart and not from the fear of humans or by force) ..."


Quran 54:47 Koran 54:47 Verse 54:47 Ayah 54:47 Ayat 54:47 Aya 54:47 The wrong doers are in error and (they shall be in) distress (in the hereafter). -


Quran 54:48 Koran 54:48 Verse 54:48 Ayah 54:48 Ayat 54:48 Aya 54:48 On the day when they are dragged into the Fire on their faces (it shall be said), “Feel the touch of hell (fire Jahannam).”

Note 1. Quran 17:60 Verse 17:60 “.... We (God) warn (people to do what is good and avoid what is evil) and make them afraid (of God by describing the home for evil doers in Hell Fire Jahannam in the Hereafter) but it only increases them (some of the humans) in nothing but greater disobedience against God (and the commandment to do what is good and avoid what is evil). 


Quran 54:49 Koran 54:49 Verse 54:49 Ayah 54:49 Ayat 54:49 Aya 54:49 Everything We (God) created is done exactly (meaning, exactly planned as recorded by God in the Preserved Book of decrees, al-Lawh al-Mahfuz).


Quran 54:50 Koran 54:50 Verse 54:50 Ayah 54:50 Ayat 54:50 Aya 54:50 And Our (God’s) commandment is only one (commandment) that is like the blink (meaning, as fast as the open and closing) of an eye.


Quran 54:51 Koran 54:51 Verse 54:51 Ayah 54:51 Ayat 54:51 Aya 54:51 And We (God) have already destroyed your kind (of wrong doers) but is there anyone who shall remember it (the lesson in God’s punishment to the peoples of the past)?


Quran 54:52 Koran 54:52 Verse 54:52 Ayah 54:52 Ayat 54:52 Aya 54:52 And every thing they did is in (their) records (of deeds).


Quran 54:53 Koran 54:53 Verse 54:53 Ayah 54:53 Ayat 54:53 Aya 54:53 And everything small and big (of their deeds) is written down (by one of two angels as it happens).


Quran 54:54 Koran 54:54 Verse 54:54 Ayah 54:54 Ayat 54:54 Aya 54:54 The righteous shall live among gardens and rivers (in Paradise Jannah). -


Quran 54:55 Koran 54:55 Verse 54:55 Ayah 54:55 Ayat 54:55 Aya 54:55 In a seat of honour (in Paradise Jannah that is) given by the all-powerful ruler (God).


Interpretations of the Quran (Al-Quran, Al Quran, Koran).


This is an interpretation of some of the meanings in the Quran.

This is not a perfect translation of the Quran because the Quran is in the Arabic language.

The Arabic language in the Quran must be understood as it was understood over 1400 years ago.

God guides who He wills to the correct understanding of the Quran.

In the English language the word Allah is God.

God (Allah) is the creator of the Jews, Christians, Muslims and everyone and everything that exists.


Islam and the Quran chapter (sura, surah, surat), chapters (suras, surahs), verse (ayaah, aya, ayah), verses (ayaas, ayaat, ayas, ayat), analysis, annotation, clarification, comment, commentary, elucidation, examination, explanation, foot note, interpretation, investigation, note, observation, remark, study, understanding, analyses, annotations, clarifications, comments, commentaries, elucidations, examinations, explanations, foot notes, interpretations, investigations, notes, observations, remarks, studies, understandings of Islam and the Quran (The Coran, Al-Coran, Al Coran, The Koran, Al-Koran, Al Koran, The Quran, Al Quran, Al-Quran, The Qur'an, Al-Qur'an, Al Qur'an, The Qur’ān, Al-Qur’ān, Al Qur’ān).

Corrections and questions are welcome and can be emailed to somaliahamradio@yahoo.com 

The meaning of verses in the Quran and Tanakh and Gospel are on these websites.

The meaning of verses in the Koran and Torah and Injil are on these websites. 

YOU ARE HERE God https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran

God index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/index 

Allah https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran

Allah index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran/index  

Allaah https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran

Allaah index https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran/index  

Q&A https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel

Q&A index https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel/index