Quran chapter 23 surah 23.
1. There is no temporary short term marriage to allow sexual pleasure followed by the intention to divorce in the Quran meaning temporary short term marriage to allow sexual pleasure followed by the intention to divorce is forbidden in Islam.
The Quran only allows marriage which has the correct intention as described in Quran 4:34, Quran 33:2 and Quran 33:28.
2. Sex without marriage as described in Quran 4:34, Quran 33:2 and Quran 33:28 is forbidden and is an evil way of life in Quran 17:32 so the meaning of Quran 23:5 and Quran 23:6 is for example a person who is unable to look after themself can be bathed and dressed by a servant and there is no sin when their servant sees their private parts and this is the same if a doctor sees private parts.
27 April 2021 (1442 AH).
Quran chapter 23.
Quran surah 23.
Quran sura 23.
Koran chapter 23.
Koran surah 23.
Koran sura 23.
Private parts.
Who can see private parts.
Slavery in Islam.
Sex with a slave before marriage is not allowed.
What is the value today of verses about slavery in the Quran?
God knew there would be disagreement about stoning to death for adultery.
God knew there would be disagreement over the sacrifice of the son of Prophet Abraham Ibrahim.
See Quran 23:6.
The humble shall inherit the earth in Paradise in the hereafter.
The humble shall inherit the land of Paradise in the hereafter.
See Quran 23:1 - 23:11
God orders you to be honest and keep your promise.
See Quran 23:8
The five compulsory daily pray times in Islam.
See Quran 23:9
People are not allowed to give punishments that are only allowed to be given by God.
See Quran 23:44
The division in the religion of God.
See Quran 23:53
Is Prophet Muhammad mad?
See Quran 23:70
Is resurrection from death back to life real?
See Quran 23:115
God has not chosen any son to rule the heavens and the earth together with Him (God).
See Quran 23:91
Anyone who prays to any other god (that is a creation) as a partner with God (who is the creator) has no authority (from God) for that.
See Quran 23:117
Information: The Quran chapter 23.
Order of Revelation: 74 (1 is the first revelation and 114 is the last revelation).
Place of Revelation: Mecca (Makkah, Arabia today Saudi Arabia).
Number of Verses: 118 verses.
The Quran.
Chapter 23.
The Believers (Al-Mumenoon).
English interpretations of the Quran.
The Quran Chapter 23 The Believers (Al-Mu'minun, Al-Mu’minoon, Al-Mumenoon, Al-Muminun, Mu'-minuun) in English.
Chapter : Verse.
(Information in brackets is added to assist readers in the interpretation of the verse).
Quran 23:0 Koran 23:0 Verse 23:0 Ayah 23:0 Ayat 23:0 Aya 23:0 In the name of God, The Most Kind, The Most Merciful.
Quran 23:1 Koran 23:1 Verse 23:1 Ayah 23:1 Ayat 23:1 Aya 23:1 Successful shall be the believers, – (Continued Quran 23:2).
Quran 23:2 Koran 23:2 Verse 23:2 Ayah 23:2 Ayat 23:2 Aya 23:2 – Who are humble (to God) during their prayers,
Comment 1. The humble in the Books of God.
The humble in the Jewish Hebrew Bible Psalms Zabur revealed to Prophet David Dawud.
The humble in the Gospel Injil revealed to Prophet Jesus Isa.
The humble in the Koran Quran revealed to Prophet Muhammad.
The humble shall inherit the earth (meaning the land) in Paradise in the hereafter.
See Quran 21:105 comments in Quran chapter 21.
Comment 2. The humble are submissive to God in the Books of God.
What is a Jew?
A Jew is a person who submits to the will of God. Submission to God in the Jewish Hebrew Bible.
What is a Christian?
A Christian is a person who submits to the will of God. Submission to God in the Gospel Injil.
What is a Muslim?
A Muslim is a person who submits to the will of God. Submission to God in the Koran Quran.
See Quran 22:78 comments in Quran chapter 22.
Comment 3. The humble are the different communities of God.
Quran 5:48 Verse 5:48 And to you (Prophet Muhammad) We (God) revealed the Scripture (the Quran) with the truth that confirmed the Scripture that was before it (in the Gospel Injil and the Torah Taurat) and (for you Prophet Muhammad to be) a guardian over it (the Quran). So judge between them (the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims) by what God has revealed (to you Prophet Muhammad) and do not let their desires move you away from the truth that has come to you. For each (community of Jews, Christians and Muslims) We (God) have appointed a divine law and a way (of religion). If God willed He (God) could have made you (the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims) one community. But He (God) tests you (the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims) by what He (God) has given you (in the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil and the Koran Quran to show who is best in behaviour). So strive for all that is good. To God you shall all return and He (God) shall then inform you (in the Hereafter) about (the correctness of) the religious matters in which you (the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims) argue among each other.
Note 1. God does not require humans to all be in one religion (Quran 5:48).
Note 2. God does require that every religion worship only God (Quran 3:85).
Note 3. God says if the Jews and the Christians and others worship only God like the Muslims worship only God then the Jews and the Christians and others are correctly guided by God (Quran 3:64).
Note 4. God commands the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims to do what is good according to what God has given them in the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil and the Koran Quran to show which humans are the best in behaviour.
Note 5. God says that on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement in the hereafter every human will return to God and God shall inform them about the religious matters about which they argued.
Note 6. God protects the Torah Taurat for every Jewish generation until the Day of Judgement (Quran 5:48).
Note 7. God protects the Gospel Injil for every Christian generation until the Day of Judgement (Quran 5:48) in the following way.
Prophet Jesus Isa did not write anything because everything Prophet Jesus Isa taught by his mouth was already written in the Tanakh Jewish scripture meaning Prophet Jesus Isa did not add or subtract from what is in Tanakh Jewish scripture.
The four Gospel Injil are four reports about Prophet Jesus Isa meaning Prophet Jesus Isa never wrote anything and what he said was passed by mouth until it was written many years later.
Quran 5:68 says observe the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil and Quran 5:47 tells Christians to judge by the Gospel Injil (not by the other books in the Christian New Testament Bible because what Paul teaches contradicts what Jesus is teaching in the Gospel Injil and anything about fallen angels found in the Book of Enoch and in the Book of Revelation are all rejected in Judaism because in the Hebrew Tanakh scripture angels always obey God. Jewish people do not use the Christian produced Old Testament Bible because many contain wrong translations of the Hebrew Tanakh) meaning whatever in the Gospel Injil is confirmed in the Jewish Torah Taurat came from Prophet Jesus Isa and whatever contradicts the Jewish Torah Taurat came from the unknown writers who are traditionally called Mark, Matthew, Luke and John in a test from God described in 1 Kings 13:14 - 13:24 teaching that the word of God will not change and do not believe anyone or any verse in Mark, Matthew, Luke or John which contradicts the teachings in the Tanakh which Prophet Jesus Isa said is with the Jewish people forever and will never change and must be followed forever by the Jewish people in Gospel of Matthew 5:17 - 5:20 and Gospel of Matthew 23:1 - 23:3. In this way a Christian can know what came from Prophet Jesus Isa confirming Tanakh and what did not come from Prophet Jesus Isa because it contradicts the Tanakh (which is the Torah law and the prophets and the writings like the Psalms) which Jesus was teaching in Gospel of Luke 24:44.
Note 8. God protects the Koran Quran for every Muslim generation until the Day of Judgement (Quran 5:48).
Note 9. Entry to Paradise the Garden of Eden the Garden of Righteousness Jannah is not based on the question of Sunni or Shia or Muslim or Jew or Christian but it is based on your good behaviour towards all humans and creatures in this world and your relationship with God (Quran 5:48).
Note 10. In the sight of humans Judaism and Christianity and Sabians and Islam are different religions.
Note 11. In the sight of God Judaism and Christianity and Sabians and Islam are “different communities of God” because they were all created by God for only one reason which is “to submit to God.”
Quran 23:3 Koran 23:3 Verse 23:3 Ayah 23:3 Ayat 23:3 Aya 23:3 And who avoid useless conversation (bad language, false statements),
Quran 23:4 Koran 23:4 Verse 23:4 Ayah 23:4 Ayat 23:4 Aya 23:4 And who give regular charity (Zakah Zakat),
Quran 23:5 Koran 23:5 Verse 23:5 Ayah 23:5 Ayat 23:5 Aya 23:5 And (righteous are those) who guard their private parts (from being seen by other people) – (Continued Quran 23:6).
Quran 23:6 Koran 23:6 Verse 23:6 Ayah 23:6 Ayat 23:6 Aya 23:6 – Except from their spouses (wives or husband) and what they rightfully possess (meaning those whom you legally possess or those in your rightful control see Quran 60:10. For example a person who is unable to look after themself such as the elderly, the disabled and the sick can be bathed and dressed by a servant who will see private parts and there is no sin in that. A doctor who is a servant can see private parts and there is no sin in that. Quran 23:5 and Quran 23:6 like Quran 70:29 and Quran 70:30 is not saying female servants can be used to fulfil sexual desire see Quran 4:25, Quran 24:33 and Quran 33:52. In Islam it is not permitted to have sex outside marriage see Quran 17:32. Sex with servants or slaves or captives is forbidden in Islam unless you are married to them see Quran 4:3), then it is not a sin. – (Continued Quran 23:7).
Comment 1. Sex with a slave before marriage is not allowed.
Some hadith stories contradict the Quran by claiming this verse in the Quran allows sex with slaves.
Sex without marriage is forbidden and is an evil way of life in Quran 17:32 so the meaning of Quran 23:6 is for example a person who is unable to look after themself can be bathed and dressed by a servant and there is no sin when their servant sees their private parts and this is the same if a doctor sees private parts.
Quran 17:32 Verse 17:32 And do not come near to (situations that would lead to) unlawful sexual intercourse; certainly it is an immoral and an evil way (of life).
Comment 2. Sexual relations with a servant first require that you marry that servant but only if that servant is willing to marry.
Quran 4:25 Verse 4:25 And if you do not have the means (not wealthy enough) to marry free believing women then you may marry believing girls from among those (slave girls) whom your right hands possess (meaning whom you own). God has full knowledge about your faith and you are equal to one another as far as religion is concerned. You shall obtain permission from their guardians before you marry them and give them (the girl) their bridal money according to what is reasonable. The (slave girl) should be chaste (and not) commit unlawful intercourse randomly (prostitution) nor have secret lovers. After marriage if she commits illegal sexual intercourse (fahishah illegal sexual intercourse after marriage, adultery) then her punishment is half of that of a free (married) women (meaning a punishment of fifty lashes). This (rule from God) is for those who are afraid of committing sin (afraid they might commit illegal sexual intercourse if they do not marry someone) but it is better for you to be patient (and marry a free woman or a righteous slave). God is always ready to forgive and most merciful (to those who sincerely repent for their sins).
Note 1. It is not true that a Muslim can have sexual relations with their slave because God has revealed in Quran 4:25 … This (rule from God) is for those who are afraid of committing sin (afraid they might commit illegal sexual intercourse if they do not marry someone).
Note 2. Quran 4:25 prohibits sexual relations with anyone including with your slave unless you are married to them.
Note 3. To marry a slave the slave must agree to the marriage because it is revealed in Quran 4:25 … you (and your slave) are equal to one another as far as religion is concerned.
That means that a slave possesses freedom to accept or reject marriage.
Note 4. God has revealed in Quran 4:25 … it is better for you to be patient. That is because a marriage just to fulfill your sexual desire can result in a slave accepting marriage because of their position of weakness and if that happens and they have not entered the marriage except because of their position of weakness it is possible that they might not be faithful in such a marriage.
God recognizes the power of a master over their slave and God makes provision that adultery that involved marriage to a slave shall receive half the punishment given to a free married person who commits adultery.
That is why God has revealed in Quran 4:25 … it is better for you to be patient (and marry a free woman or a righteous slave).
See: Sexual slavery in Islam. Sex with slaves in Islam. Rape of slaves in Islam. Female slaves in Islam. Sex without marriage is forbidden in Islam.
Comment 3. There is no slavery in Islam today.
Hunting humans to make them slaves and sell human slaves and buy humans slaves is forbidden in the twenty first century.
Is it righteous to sell and buy humans as slaves today in the twenty first century after slavery had been abolished worldwide by God in the twentieth century?
Those who sell slaves and buy slaves in the twenty first century are not fighting for God but against God because God removed slavery worldwide in the twentieth century.
United Nations Article 4 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights bans slavery worldwide.
Saudi Arabia officially abolished slavery in 1962 1382 AH.
If Prophet Muhammad was on the earth today he would be happy to find that God has removed slavery worldwide because this is a great blessing from God to every human in the twenty first century.
If Prophet Muhammad was on the earth today he would not be happy with those who have taken slaves after God had removed slavery worldwide in the twentieth century.
If Prophet Muhammad was on the earth today he would say to those who have taken slaves after God had removed slavery in the twentieth century "have you no sense (Quran 90:12 - 90:13, 98:7)."
If Prophet Muhammad was on the earth today he would say to those who have taken slaves after God had removed slavery in the twentieth century "have you no understanding (Quran 90:12 - 90:13, 98:7)."
Quran 90:12 Verse 90:12 And what can explain to you what is (the striving through to) the difficult high path (of righteousness)?
Quran 90:13 Verse 90:13 It is the freeing of a slave. (That is difficult for you to do but it is pleasing to God if you do it).
Quran 98:7 Verse 98:7 And those who believe and do righteous deeds are the best of creations (because they have obeyed God, their creator).
Quran 5:32 Verse 5:32 Ayah 5:32 From that time (humans were warned not to murder and) We (God) decreed on the children of Israel (through the inspiration of the teachers of the Jewish Talmud and confirmed for the Muslim in Quran 6:151) that whoever kills a soul (kills a life, kills a person) it is as if he has killed all of humankind (so that humans understand the great value and preciousness of one human life and to warn humans against the great evil of killing one human soul) unless it is in retaliation for murder or for misbehaviour in the land. And whoever saves it (saves a life, saves a soul, saves a person) it is as if he has saved all of humankind (so that humans understand the great value and preciousness of one human life and to teach humans the great goodness in the saving of one human soul). Our (God’s) messengers came to them (the children of Israel) with clear arguments but still after that many of them continued to commit great crimes (by killing humans unlawfully) in the land (so this is a message from God to the human not to commit the great crime of killing human life but instead to work to save human life).
Note 1. In the Judgment of God the saving of one human life is a great deed because in the Judgment of God it is like saving every human life on the earth.
Note 2. On the Day of Judgment whoever saved a life will be rewarded with a reward fitting for a person who had saved all humankind if God wills.
Note 3. On the Day of Judgment whoever destroyed a life will be punished with a punishment fitting for a person who had destroyed all humankind if God wills.
Note 4. Human life is equal in the sight of God. Those who save all human life are among the righteous if God wills.
Note 5. Human deeds are not equal in the sight of God. Those who do good deeds to all people are among the righteous if God wills.
Note 6. The saving of one life in this world no matter if that person is Muslim or non Muslim or the saving of one life by guiding a person to goodness so that they are successful in the hereafter is a great deed of goodness in the sight of God.
Quran 4:25 Verse 4:25 And if you do not have the means (not wealthy enough) to marry free believing women then you may marry believing girls from among those (slave girls) whom your right hands possess (meaning whom you own). God has full knowledge about your faith and you are equal to one another as far as religion is concerned. You shall obtain permission from their guardians before you marry them and give them (the girl) their bridal money ..."
Note 1. To marry a slave the slave must agree to the marriage because it is revealed in Quran 4:25 … you and your slave are equal to one another as far as religion is concerned.
Note 2. Human life is equal in the sight of God (Quran 5:32).
Note 3. Human deeds are not equal in the sight of God (Quran 98:7).
Note 4. On the Day of Judgement each human will be equal in God’s justice but the deeds of each human will not be equal in the sight of God.
Comment 4. What is the value today of verses about slavery in the Quran?
Quran 23:7 Verse 23:7 Ayah 23:7 – But whoever desires to do something more than is allowed by the law has broken the law.
Note 1. Do not use the verses of God to justify evil behaviour.
Note 2. There is no temporary short term marraige to allow sexual pleasure followed by the intention to divorce in the Quran meaning temporary short term marraige to allow sexual pleasure followed by the intention to divorce is an example of Quran 23:7.
Note 3. The Quran only allows marriage which has the correct intention as described in Quran 4:34, Quran 33:2 and Quran 33:28.
Quran 33:2 Verse 33:2 And follow what is revealed to you (Prophet Muhammad) from your Lord (God). God is aware of what you do.
Quran 33:28 Verse 33:28 O Prophet (Muhammad), say to your wives, “If you desire the life of the world and its adornment (instead of life with me) then come I shall provide for you and release you (from our marriage contract) in a good (honourable) manner (if you want a divorce. See Quran 4:34).
Quran 4:34 Verse 4:34 Ayah 4:34 Men are the protectors of women because God has bestowed some of them (the male) over others (the female) and because they (the men) support them (the women) from their wealth. Therefore righteous women are obedient (to God and to their husband) and guard the unseen (their chastity) which God orders them to guard. And those (wives from) whom you (men) fear their bad behaviour then (first) advise them (of what they have done), and (second, if they continue their bad behaviour then) leave them (wives to sleep alone) in the bed (so they might think about what they are doing and so that you might also think about the situation), and (if they continue their bad behaviour then thirdly Quran 33:2 "follow what is revealed to you from your Lord …” and) set forth to them (Quran 33:28 “… Say to your wives, “If you desire the life of the world and its adornment” instead of life with me “then come I shall provide for you and release you” from our marriage contract “in a good” honourable “manner” if you want a divorce). Then if they obey you do not seek against them a way (to hurt them but forgive them and show kindness to them. Fourthly see Quran 2:231, Quran 4:35 and Quran 4:128). God is most high and most great (in importance to every creation. iḍ'rib means strike or set forth. In the Quran did God reveal that men can strike their wives or did God in the Quran set forth what men should say to their wives? Prophet Muhammad did not strike his wives after forsaking them in bed showing this is the wrong understanding of Quran 4:34. Prophet Muhammad separated himself from his wives so that they might think about what they wanted to do and so that he might also think about the situation showing this is the correct understanding of Quran 4:34 so that in Quran 4:34 iḍ'rib means “set forth” to them Quran 33:28. The Quran explains itself through verses scattered in 114 chapters which Quran 39:23 reveal you can find in verses which confirm each other and the Quran asks when you have the word of God in the Quran what other report would you believe? Quran 77:50 “In what statement” words, news, reports, information, message, hadith, “after it” the verses of God in the Quran, “shall they” the humans and the jinn “believe” and this is repeated and explained in Quran 7:185, Quran 25:29, Quran 25:30, Quran 31:6, Quran 39:23 and Quran 45:6. If hadith stories agree with the Quran then accept it and learn from it. If hadith stories do not agree with the Quran then reject it and also learn from it. On the Day of Judgement God judges by the words in the protected Quran. On the Day of Judgement God does not judge by the words in unprotected human hadith stories. The Quran is the protected word of God including the words and actions of Prophet Muhammad which are described and protected by God. In a similar way in the story of the vision dream of the sacrifice of the son of Prophet Abraham Ibrahim in Quran chapter 37 God only blesses Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and his son Prophet Isaac Ishaq and leaves no other blessings in the story of the sacrifice and this famous vision dream is remembered in the next chapter Quran chapter 38 where God blesses Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and Prophet Isaac Ishaq with the vision dream in Quran 38:45 – 38:47 and shows in the next verse that Prophet Ishmael Ismail was not the son in the vision dream and Prophet Ishmael Ismail was not living with his father during the vision dream by blessing Prophet Ishmael Ismail without his father and without the blessing of the vision dream in Quran 38:48. This is confirmed in Quran 12:6 and in Torah Genesis 22:2 “And God said: Take now your son, your only son” who still lives with you, reminding him that God had earlier taken Ishmael Ismail and Hagar Hajar away from him into God’s care in the desert, “whom you love” God makes the test very hard by demanding his second son and reminding him that this is his only remaining son and reminding him that he already gave God one son and reminding him of his love for these sons, “even” namely, that is “Isaac Ishaq and go into the land of Moriah” today in the Temple and Al-Aqsa mosque area in Jerusalem Al-Quds in Israel and Palestine; “and offer him there for a burnt-offering on one of the mountains which I God will tell you of.” The proof God is real is the Quran confirming the Torah Taurat is correct in Quran 2:41 “And believe in what I God have revealed” in the Quran “that confirms what you already have” in the Torah Taurat and in Quran 3:93 “… Bring the Torah Taurat here and recite it as evidence if what you say is true" and in Quran 5:43 “How is it that they come to you for judgment when they have the Torah Taurat in which God has already revealed to them judgment …” and Quran 5:68 “… You the Jewish people have nothing until you observe the Torah Taurat …” as explained in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQ3o3ybc-KA so hold tightly to what God is teaching in the Quran and beware of stories which contradict the Books of God).
God knew there would be disagreement about stoning to death for adultery.
Quran 4:25 which gives the punishment for a married former slave caught in the act of adultery shows why there is no stoning to death for adultery in commentary that is discussed in Quran chapter 24.
See Quran chapter 24 comments in Quran chapter 24.
In the same way God knew there would be disagreement over the vision dream of the sacrifice of the son of Prophet Abraham Ibrahim.
Quran 12:6 and 38:45 bless Prophet Isaac Ishaq and his father with the blessing of vision dream and shows three verses later in Quran 38:48 that it was not Prophet Ishmael Ismail who was sacrificed by blessing Prophet Ishmael Ismail without his father and without the vision dream.
Quran 23:7 Koran 23:7 Verse 23:7 Ayah 23:7 Ayat 23:7 Aya 23:7 – But whoever desires to do something more than is allowed by the law has broken the law (of Quran 23:5 and Quran 23:6).
Comment 1. Temporary short term marraige for sexual pleasure followed by the intention to divorce is forbidden in Islam and is described in Quran 23:7 "But whoever desires to do something more than is allowed by the law has broken the law" (of Quran 23:5 and Quran 23:6).
Do not use the verses of God to justify evil behaviour by doing something more than is allowed in the law of Quran 23:5 and Quran 23:6..
There is no temporary short term marriage to allow sexual pleasure followed by the intention to divorce in the Quran meaning temporary short term marriage to allow sexual pleasure followed by the intention to divorce is forbidden in Islam.
The Quran only allows marriage which has the correct intention as described in Quran 4:34, Quran 33:2 and Quran 33:28 (See in Quran 23:6 comments above)..
Quran 23:8 Koran 23:8 Verse 23:8 Ayah 23:8 Ayat 23:8 Aya 23:8 Those who faithfully observe their trusts (that God and other humans have put in their care) and (faithfully keep) their promises, – (Continued Quran 23:10).
Comment 1. Quran 4:58 Verse 4:58 God commands that you give back what has been entrusted to you (for care) when you are due to give it back and that you judge justly when you judge between humans. Excellent is the teaching which He (God) gives you. God is all hearing and all seeing.
Quran 23:9 Koran 23:9 Verse 23:9 Ayah 23:9 Ayat 23:9 Aya 23:9 – And carefully observe their prayers.
Comment 1. Muslims pray five times a day. One example might be:
The Fajr prayer before sunrise 5 am the morning prayer.
The Zuhr prayer after midday 12.30 pm the after midday prayer.
The Asr prayer in the afternoon 3.30 pm the afternoon prayer.
The Maghrib prayer after sunset 5.45 pm the after sunset prayer.
The Isha prayer in the evening 7.30 pm the evening prayer.
Quran 23:10 Koran 23:10 Verse 23:10 Ayah 23:10 Ayat 23:10 Aya 23:10 – These are the inheritors, – (Continued Quran 23:11).
Quran 23:11 Koran 23:11 Verse 23:11 Ayah 23:11 Ayat 23:11 Aya 23:11 – Who shall inherit Paradise and there they shall live (forever).
Comment 1. The humble shall inherit the earth in Paradise in the hereafter.
The humble shall inherit the land of Paradise in the hereafter.
See Quran 23:2 comments.
Quran 23:12 Koran 23:12 Verse 23:12 Ayah 23:12 Ayat 23:12 Aya 23:12 We (God) created man (Adam) from an extract of clay (water and earth).
Quran 23:13 Koran 23:13 Verse 23:13 Ayah 23:13 Ayat 23:13 Aya 23:13 Then We (God) placed him (the human) as a semen-drop in a firm resting place (in the female body).
Quran 23:14 Koran 23:14 Verse 23:14 Ayah 23:14 Ayat 23:14 Aya 23:14 Then We (God) created the semen-drop into a clinging substance, then We (God) created the clinging substance into an embryonic lump, then We (God) created the embryonic lump, into bones, then We clothed the bones with flesh; then We produce it (after pregnancy) as another (living) creation (in the world). So blessed is God the best of the creators.
Comment 1. Humans create however God is the best of creators.
There is one creator of every creation and He is the best of creators.
Humans create except the Jewish people who do not create on the seventh day which is a Sabbath Day to remember when God completed the six days of creation meaning the six periods of time when the heavens and the earth were created.
Comment 1. Bones and skin and science
In Quran 23:14 the Quran is confirming what is in the Tanakh Jewish scripture as proof both the Tanakh and Quran are from God.
The Quran is not explaining what is in the books of science which change from one generation to the next generation but is confirming what is in Tanakh which never changes as proof God is real.
When the Tanakh and Quran were revealed people had seen the different stages of aborted embryos from their animals and from humans and Quran 23:14 is explaining that what you see of this unformed substance which becomes bone and skin and takes the form of animals or humans is from God.
The sail of a ship looks like a mountain on the horizon of the sea in Quran 55:24 in the same way as sunset looks like the sun setting on the horizon of the sea in Quran 18:86 meaning the Quran is describing what the human eye can see in everyday life so that people might think about the creation of the world.
The Quran says the proof God is real is that no one can change the word of God and this is why the Quran says many times that it is confirming the Tanakh Jewish scripture as proof that the Quran is truthful and that the Quran is from God who is the owner of both the Quran and Tanakh.
In Quran 23:14 the Quran is explaining what people have seen with their eyes (semen-drop, clinging substance, embryonic lump, bones and flesh).
The Quran is not teaching science and is not a book about science.
The Quran is teaching belief in the one creator of every creation.
The Quran teaches that what you see in the creation is from the power of God.
Comment 2. In the Tanakh Jewish scripture God brought the dead children of Israel back to life in the story of Prophet Ezekiel Zulkifl.
Ezekiel 37:1 The hand of the Lord (God) was on me (Prophet Ezekiel), and the Lord (God) carried me out in a spirit, and set me down in the midst of the valley, and it was full of bones;
Ezekiel 37:2 and He (God) caused me (Prophet Ezekiel) to pass by them and I saw there were very many (bones) in the open valley and they were very dry.
Ezekiel 37:3 And He (God) said to me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” And I (Prophet Ezekiel) answered, “O Lord God, You know.”
Ezekiel 37:4 Then He (God) said to me, 'Prophesy over these bones, and say to them, “O you dry bones, hear the word of the Lord (God).
Ezekiel 37:5 The Lord God said to these bones, “See how I (God) shall cause breath to enter into you and you shall live.”
Ezekiel 37:6 “And I (God) shall lay sinews on you and shall bring up flesh on you and cover you with skin and put breath in you and you shall live and you shall know that I am the Lord (God).”
Ezekiel 37:7 So I (Prophet Ezekiel) prophesied as I was commanded and as I prophesied there was a noise and a commotion and the bones came together, bone to its bone.
Ezekiel 37:8 And I (Prophet Ezekiel) looked, and there were sinews on them (bones), and flesh came up and skin covered them above but there was no breath in them.
Ezekiel 37:9 Then He (God) said to me (Prophet Ezekiel), “Prophesy to the breath, prophesy, son of man, and say to the breath”, The Lord God said, “Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these slain (people) so that they may live.”
Ezekiel 37:10 So I (Prophet Ezekiel) prophesied as He (God) commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived, and stood up on their feet, an exceeding great (number) host (of people).
Ezekiel 37:11 Then He (God) said to me, “Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel; look, they say, “Our bones are dried up, and our hope is lost; we are clean cut off (from having a future generation that shall come after us).”
Ezekiel 37:12 Therefore prophesy, and say to them, The Lord God said, Look, I (God) shall open your graves and cause you to come up out of your graves, O My (God’s) people; and I (God) shall bring you into the land of Israel.
Ezekiel 37:13 And you shall know that I am the Lord (God), when I (God) have opened your graves and caused you to come up out of your graves, O My (God’s) people.
Ezekiel 37:14 And I (God) shall put My (God’s) spirit in you, and you shall live, and I (God) shall place you in your own land; and you shall know that I the Lord (God) have spoken and performed it, said the Lord (God).”
Quran 2:259 Verse 2:259 “... look at your donkey (it is a skeleton, showing proof that one hundred years of time have really passed). Look at the bones (and see) how We (God revealed through an angel) bring them together and cover them with flesh" (The donkey was brought back to life to show that it is God who gives death and God who gives life). ...”
Video: Dry bones come to life.
Prophet Ezekiel's vision of the Valley of Dry Bones in Ezekiel 37.
Quran 23:15 Koran 23:15 Verse 23:15 Ayah 23:15 Ayat 23:15 Aya 23:15 Then you after that surely will die.
Quran 23:16 Koran 23:16 Verse 23:16 Ayah 23:16 Ayat 23:16 Aya 23:16 Then on the Day of Resurrection you will be resurrected.
Quran 23:17 Koran 23:17 Verse 23:17 Ayah 23:17 Ayat 23:17 Aya 23:17 And indeed, We (God, have) created above you seven paths (meaning seven layers one above the other, the seven heavens) and We (God) are not unaware of (what is happening in) the creation.
Comment 1. What is the shape of the Universe?
Our Universe is flat.
Comment 2. Creation is the same story in the Quran and Torah.
Creation of the Heaven and the Earth in two days.
Creation of the Earth in four days.
Creation of the Earth in six days.
See Quran 41:9 comments in Quran chapter 41.
Comment 3. One Day for God is how many years for humans?
One day is one thousand years.
One day is fifty thousand years.
See Quran 32:5 comments in Quran chapter 32.
Comment 4. What are the seven heavens and the seven earths?
Where are the seven heavens?
Where are the seven earths?
See Quran 65:12 comments in Quran chapter 65.
Comment 5. What are meteorites?
Jinn and meteors are symbolic stories in the Quran for the teaching of good behavior.
See Quran 37:8 comments in Quran chapter 37.
Quran 23:18 Koran 23:18 Verse 23:18 Ayah 23:18 Ayat 23:18 Aya 23:18 And We (God) send down from the sky water in a measured amount and We (God) settle it in the earth and We (God) are able to take it away.
Quran 23:19 Koran 23:19 Verse 23:19 Ayah 23:19 Ayat 23:19 Aya 23:19 With that We (God) produce for you gardens of palm trees and grape vines, where there is a lot of fruit (dates and grapes) for you to eat.
Quran 23:20 Koran 23:20 Verse 23:20 Ayah 23:20 Ayat 23:20 Aya 23:20 And (from God is) a tree (olive tree) from Mount Sinai (Sinai peninsula, Egypt), that produces oil and food you can eat.
Comment 1. One olive tree was grown in 2011 1432 AH at the St. Catherine's Christian monastery located at the foot of Mount Sinai and this monastery existed in the time of Prophet Muhammad meaning they were famous in the time of Prophet Muhammad for their growing of Olive trees..
Quran 23:21 Koran 23:21 Verse 23:21 Ayah 23:21 Ayat 23:21 Aya 23:21 And in the cattle there is a lesson for you. We (God) give you drink (milk) that is in their bellies. And many benefits you have in them (cattle) whose (meat) you eat – (Continued Quran 23:22).
Quran 23:22 Koran 23:22 Verse 23:22 Ayah 23:22 Ayat 23:22 Aya 23:22 And on them (animals) and on the ships you are carried on.
Quran 23:23 Koran 23:23 Verse 23:23 Ayah 23:23 Ayat 23:23 Aya 23:23 And We (God) sent Prophet Noah Nuh to his people and he said, “My people, Serve God. You have no other god except Him (God). Shall you not fear Him (God)?”
Quran 23:24 Koran 23:24 Verse 23:24 Ayah 23:24 Ayat 23:24 Aya 23:24 But the chiefs of his people who disbelieved said, “This (Prophet Noah Nuh) is only a human like you who wants to make himself superior to you. If God had willed (to send a messenger) then He (God) would have sent down angels. We have not heard of this (idea) from our fathers (that God sends human messengers).
Quran 23:25 Koran 23:25 Verse 23:25 Ayah 23:25 Ayat 23:25 Aya 23:25 He (Prophet Noah Nuh) is only a mad man so wait a while (for him to become sensible again).
Quran 23:26 Koran 23:26 Verse 23:26 Ayah 23:26 Ayat 23:26 Aya 23:26 He (Prophet Noah Nuh) said, “My Lord (God), Help me because they rejected me (by their disbelief of what God told me to tell them).”
Quran 23:27 Koran 23:27 Verse 23:27 Ayah 23:27 Ayat 23:27 Aya 23:27 So We (God) inspired him (Prophet Noah Nuh), saying, “Construct the ship under Our (God’s) observation and Our (God’s) guidance. Then, when Our (God’s) command comes and the lowlands flood (boil over with water), put in (the ship) each (kind of creature) two mates (male and female) and your family except the persons for whom the Word (of God) has already decreed (punishment). And do not plead with Me (God) on behalf of those who have done wrong. They shall be drowned.
Quran 23:28 Koran 23:28 Verse 23:28 Ayah 23:28 Ayat 23:28 Aya 23:28 And when you are on board the ship, then all (on the ship) together say, “Praise be to God who has saved us from the people that are wrongdoers.”
Quran 23:29 Koran 23:29 Verse 23:29 Ayah 23:29 Ayat 23:29 Aya 23:29 And say, “My Lord (God), Land me (Prophet Noah Nuh) at a blessed landing-place, for You (God) are the best of all to deliver us (to our destination).
Quran 23:30 Koran 23:30 Verse 23:30 Ayah 23:30 Ayat 23:30 Aya 23:30 In that (story from Prophet Noah Nuh) are signs for (people who understand) that We (God) are always putting (people) to the test (of faith in God, their creator).
Comment 1. The story of Prophet Noah Nuh.
See Quran 11:25 – 11:49 in Quran chapter 11.
Quran 23:31 Koran 23:31 Verse 23:31 Ayah 23:31 Ayat 23:31 Aya 23:31 And after them (the people of Prophet Noah Nuh), We (God) brought another generation (of people, the people of A'ad). – (Continued Quran 23:32).
Comment 1. The story of Prophet Eber Hud.
The story of the people of A'ad.
See Quran 11:50 – 11:60 in Quran chapter 11.
Quran 23:32 Koran 23:32 Verse 23:32 Ayah 23:32 Ayat 23:32 Aya 23:32 And we sent among them a messenger (Prophet Eber Hud) from their own people (the people of A'ad), saying, “Serve God, You have no other god except Him (God). Shall you not fear Him (God)?”
Quran 23:33 Koran 23:33 Verse 23:33 Ayah 23:33 Ayat 23:33 Aya 23:33 And the chiefs of his people who disbelieved and rejected (the truth of) the meeting in the Hereafter and to whom We (God) had given luxury in their life in the world, said, “This (messenger from God) is only a human like you who eats and drinks the same things that you eat and drink.”
Quran 23:34 Koran 23:34 Verse 23:34 Ayah 23:34 Ayat 23:34 Aya 23:34 “If you were to obey a human like yourselves then you would be losers (because you would have been deceived to believe something that was false).”
Quran 23:35 Koran 23:35 Verse 23:35 Ayah 23:35 Ayat 23:35 Aya 23:35 “Does he (the human messenger from God) promise you that when you have died and have become dust and bones, you shall be brought (from death back to a second life)?”
Quran 23:36 Koran 23:36 Verse 23:36 Ayah 23:36 Ayat 23:36 Aya 23:36 “Far, very far (from the truth) is what you are being promised (by the human who claims to be the messenger from God).”
Quran 23:37 Koran 23:37 Verse 23:37 Ayah 23:37 Ayat 23:37 Aya 23:37 "There is nothing but our life in this world, we die and we live, and we are not going to be resurrected (from death to live in a second life).”
Quran 23:38 Koran 23:38 Verse 23:38 Ayah 23:38 Ayat 23:38 Aya 23:38 “He (the human messenger from God) is only a man who has invented a lie about God and we shall not believe him.”
Quran 23:39 Koran 23:39 Verse 23:39 Ayah 23:39 Ayat 23:39 Aya 23:39 He (the human messenger from God) said, “My Lord (God), Help me because they rejected me (by their disbelief of what God told me to tell them).”
Quran 23:40 Koran 23:40 Verse 23:40 Ayah 23:40 Ayat 23:40 Aya 23:40 He (God) said, “In a little while they shall become regretful.”
Quran 23:41 Koran 23:41 Verse 23:41 Ayah 23:41 Ayat 23:41 Aya 23:41 Then the scream of the punishment of justice took them (the wrongdoers) and We (God) made them (people) (appear to be) like the litter of dead vegetation (lying dead on the ground).
Comment 1. The story of the people of A'ad.
See Quran 11:50 – 11:60 in Quran chapter 11.
Quran 54:18 Verse 54:18 (The people of) A'ad rejected (the warnings) and how (terrible) was My (God’s) punishment after My (God’s) warnings.
Quran 54:19 Verse 54:19 We (God) sent them (the people of A'ad) a raging wind on a day of continuous destruction.
Quran 54:20 Verse 54:20 (The wind) taking (the life of) people away like uprooted (fallen) palm trees.
Quran 54:21 Verse 54:21 Then see My (God’s) punishment after My (God’s) warnings (were rejected by the people of A’ad).
Quran 54:22 Verse 54:22 And We (God) have truly made the Quran easy to remember but is there anyone who shall remember it (the lesson in God’s punishment to the people of A’ad)?
Quran 69:6 Verse 69:6 And (the tribe of) A’ad were destroyed by a raging wind (storm) -
Quran 69:7 Verse 69:7 Which He (God) imposed on them (the people of A’ad) continuously for seven long nights and eight long days so that you would have seen people lying down (dead), like (the) hollow trunks of palm-trees (that were blown down by the wind).
Quran 23:42 Koran 23:42 Verse 23:42 Ayah 23:42 Ayat 23:42 Aya 23:42 And after them We (God) brought other generations (of peoples).
Quran 23:43 Koran 23:43 Verse 23:43 Ayah 23:43 Ayat 23:43 Aya 23:43 No peoples (and no nations and no communities) can shorten their (ordained) period of time (in this life), nor can they lengthen (their ordained time in this life).
Comment 1. The length of life is ordained.
Quran 23:44 Koran 23:44 Verse 23:44 Ayah 23:44 Ayat 23:44 Aya 23:44 Then We (God) sent our messengers one after another and whenever its messenger came to a people that rejected him (the messenger) We (God) caused them (the people) to follow one another (in punishment) and We (God) made them known in stories (where God said), “Remove the people who do not believe.”
Comment 1. Quran 23:44 is a punishment from God only.
Humans are not allowed to give punishments that are only allowed to be given by God.
Only God has the authority and wisdom to give punishments which only God is allowed to give.
Humans are not allowed to say that because God gave a punishment then humans can copy God and give the same punishment.
Are you God? (No). Are you a prophet? (No).
The punishments God allows humans to give are the ones that are clearly stated in the Quran as punishments humans can give.
The punishments that only God is allowed to give are not allowed to be adopted by humans and are not a permission to humans from God or an order to humans from God.
The punishments that only God is allowed to give are described in the Quran only as a warning from God of God’s ability to punish the generations that follow.
Here are some of the misguided human actions toward homosexuals that have been reported in hadith stories claiming humans have tried to copy the punishments of God.
The misguided killing of homosexuals.
In this Hadith story Al-Bayhaqi reported in his book Shu`ab al-Iman on the authority of Abu ad-Dunya that Abd al-`Aziz ibn Abi Hazim related from Dawud ibn Bakr who related from Muhammad ibn al-Mukadir the following: Khalid Ibn al-Walid wrote to Abu Bakr (seeking the legal ruling) concerning a man with whom another man had sexual intercourse. So Abu Bakr gathered the Companions of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, and sought their opinion.
Ali, may God be pleased with him, was the strictest of all, saying, “Only one nation disobeyed God by committing such sin and you know how God dealt with them. I see that we should burn the man with fire.” The Companions unanimously agreed on this.’
This incident is also mentioned by al-Waqidi under the subject of apostasy at the end of the section on the apostasy of Bani Salim).”
Where in the Quran are humans commanded to burn other humans alive?
In the Quran the angels of God are threatened with a violent homosexual attack which was punished by God and not by humans.
Where in the Quran did God order humans to kill a homosexual person?
Even thought the Hadith (Khalid Ibn al-Walid wrote to Abu Bakr) is faulty some people still use it by saying the fault in the hadith story from humans was in the method of the punishment so they stone to death the homosexual.
Others say no that is wrong you must throw the homosexual off a high building and they kill like that.
Others say no you must push a wall and crush them to death so they do that.
All of them are without guidance and without sense and without understanding.
Where is the human with true righteousness in their heart who says to the homosexual, “come my brother let us talk?”
How many homosexuals did Prophet Muhammad kill? Not one, none.
Note 1. When humans follow other humans instead of following what is commanded by God misguidance is the result.
Quran 17:88 Verse 17:88 Say (Prophet Muhammad), "If humans and jinn (such as Satan Shaitan) came together to help each other to produce something like the Quran, they could not do it."
Note 1. In the hereafter Satan Shaitan might boast he obeyed Quran 17:88 by whispering hundreds of false hadith stories which teach the opposite to what God and Prophet Muhammad teach in the Quran.
Quran 77:50 Verse 77:50 In what statement (words, news, reports, information, message, hadith), after it (the verses of God in the Quran), shall they (the humans and the jinn) believe?
Quran 25:30 Verse 25:30 And (on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement) the messenger (Prophet Muhammad) said, “My Lord (God) my people have abandoned (deserted) this Quran (to follow false messages, false words, false news, false reports, false information, false statements, false hadith).”
Note 1. On the Day of Resurrection and Judgement Prophet Muhammad will say “My Lord my people have abandoned this Quran (to follow false messages, false words, false news, false reports, false information, false statements, false hadith).”
Do not twist inside your mind the meaning of the words of God in the Quran to agree with hadith stories.
If hadith stories agree with the Quran then accept it and learn from it.
If hadith stories do not agree with the Quran then reject it and also learn from it.
On the Day of Judgement God judges by the words in the protected Quran.
On the Day of Judgement God does not judge by the words in unprotected human hadith stories.
The Quran is the protected word of God including the words and actions of Prophet Muhammad which are described and protected by God.
Read what God says in the Quran and beware of hadith stories which seek to add something that contradicts the teachings in the Quran.
Hadith which contradict the teachings of God in the Quran are false hadith stories.
Be careful not to mix the words of God with hadith stories which contradict the Quran.
Video 1: Obsession with false hadith culture Is corrupting Islam.
Quran 23:45 Koran 23:45 Verse 23:45 Ayah 23:45 Ayat 23:45 Aya 23:45 Then We (God) sent Prophet Moses Musa and his brother Prophet Aaron Harun with Our (God’s) signs and a clear authority (from God). – (Continued Quran 23:46)
Quran 23:46 Koran 23:46 Verse 23:46 Ayah 23:46 Ayat 23:46 Aya 23:46 – To Pharaoh Firon and his chiefs, but they were arrogant and they were people who exalted themselves.
Quran 23:47 Koran 23:47 Verse 23:47 Ayah 23:47 Ayat 23:47 Aya 23:47 And they (the Egyptian officials) said, “Shall we put faith in two humans like ourselves, when those (two) people (Prophet Moses Musa and Prophet Aaron Harun) are (like) servants to us (in rank)?
Quran 23:48 Koran 23:48 Verse 23:48 Ayah 23:48 Ayat 23:48 Aya 23:48 So they (the Pharaoh Firon) rejected them, and became like those (that had not believed in earlier generations) who were destroyed (by God’s punishment).
Quran 23:49 Koran 23:49 Verse 23:49 Ayah 23:49 Ayat 23:49 Aya 23:49 And We (God) gave Prophet Moses Musa the Scripture (in the Torah Taurat) so that they (the children of Israel) might be correctly guided.
Comment 1. The Quran confirms the Torah Taurat and explains the story of Jesus in the Gospel Injil.
A. Prophet Muhammad in the Torah Taurat and Gospel Injil.
See Quran 7:157 comments in Quran chapter 7.
B. Every prophet of God is “the Word of God made flesh” meaning the word of God comes out of the mouth of every prophet of God in Deuteronomy 18:18.
See Quran 5:116 comments in Quran chapter 5.
C. How did God save Jesus.
See 1. Quran 4:157 and Quran 4:158 comments in Quran chapter 4.
See 2. Quran 29:57 comments in Quran chapter 29.
D. The second coming of Jesus and every other human is on the Day of Resurrection.
See Quran 79:7 comments in Quran chapter 79.
E. Examples of hadith stories which contradict the teachings of God in the Quran.
See Quran 25:30 comments in Quran chapter 25.
F. God protects the Quran, Gospel Injil and the Torah Taurat as proof God is real.
G. Jews and Christians who follow their Book and also believe the Quran will be rewarded twice in the hereafter.
See Quran 28:54 comments in Quran chapter 28.
Quran 23:50 Koran 23:50 Verse 23:50 Ayah 23:50 Ayat 23:50 Aya 23:50 And We made (Prophet Jesus Isa) the son of Mary Maryam and his mother a sign (of God), and We (God) gave them shelter on high ground with flowing water (when Mary Maryam gave birth to Prophet Jesus Isa).
Comment 1. The Quran confirms the Torah Taurat and explains the story of Jesus in the Gospel Injil.
See Quran 23:49 comments.
Quran 23:51 Koran 23:51 Verse 23:51 Ayah 23:51 Ayat 23:51 Aya 23:51 (God said), “O you messengers (of God), Eat the good things (that God has provided for you) and do righteous deeds. I (God) am aware of what you do.” – (Continued Quran 23:52).
Quran 23:52 Koran 23:52 Verse 23:52 Ayah 23:52 Ayat 23:52 Aya 23:52 – “This, your religion, is one religion (the belief in one God who is the creator of every creation), and I (God) am your Lord, so worship Me (God).”
Comment 1. The one religion of God is the belief in one God who is the creator of every creation.
Quran 30:30 Verse 30:30 So direct yourself (Prophet Muhammad) towards the true (“upright”) nature (“fitra”) of religion (the belief in one creator) for which He (God who is the one and only creator) has created (religion for) humans. No one can alter what God has created (in religion, in the Torah Taurat, the Gospel Injil and the Koran Quran). That is the right religion (belief), but most people do not know (this).
The first and most important of the Ten Commandments of God in the Torah Taurat is the belief that "God is one" because any other belief is the worship of a creation instead of the creator.
The commandment not to add or subtract from the Torah Taurat commandment means anyone who added anything to "God is one" like "God is three in one" has violated the commandment of God in Deuteronomy 4:2 not to add or subtract from the commandment of God especially to what God has called the First Commandment of God ("God is one").
Torah Taurat Deuteronomy 4:2 You shall not add to the word which I (God) command you (the children of Israel, the Hebrews in the Torah Taurat), neither shall you subtract from it, so that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I (God) command you (the children of Israel, the Hebrews in the Torah Taurat).
Quran 2:62 Verse 2:62 (In the hereafter) truly those (Muslims) who believed and those who became Jews, Christians and Sabians, whoever believed in God and the Last Day (The Day of Resurrection) and did good deeds, they shall have their reward from their Lord, and they shall not fear or grieve (and this is confirmed in Quran 6:158 for those in the hereafter who “believed” and did good deeds. Quran 5:69 repeats Quran 2:62 meaning stop and think about what God is saying in these verses confirming what is in the Hebrew Bible and the Gospel Injil of the promise of Paradise Jannah from God in the books of God on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement for those who “believed” and did good deeds. The Quran brings the same truth which God brought to the Jewish people in the Hebrew Bible and to the Christian people in the Gospel Injil of Jesus Isa by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John. The Quran is a confirmer of what came before it in the same way as the Gospel Injil is a confirmer of what came before it meaning the Books of God confirm each other as proof God is real and as proof His promise is real as explained in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQ3o3ybc-KA showing that without His permission no one can change His words in His Books which are with all humans today and until the Day of Judgement so that you can believe God is real and His promise is real).
Note 1. The Jews who believed in God and did good deeds go to Paradise Jannah.
Note 2. The Christians who believed in God and did good deeds go to Paradise Jannah.
Note 3. The Sabians who believed in God and did good deeds go to Paradise Jannah.
Note 4. The Muslims who believed in God and did good deeds go to Paradise Jannah.
Note 5. Everyone who believed in God and did good deeds goes to Paradise Jannah.
Note 6. This revelation is so important that God has repeated it in Quran 5:69
In Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 the promise of Paradise Jannah is not for those who “believe” but only for those who “believed” meaning who died (past tense) because it is not until the time of death that your true belief or disbelief and your good and evil deeds are judged,
God repeated Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 two times because it is only with Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 that there are no contradictions within the Quran and between the Quran and the Torah Taurat and between the Quran and the Gospel Injil as proof in Quran 4:82 to the Jews in the time of Prophet Muhammad who are promised Paradise Jannah in Quran 3:113-3:115 and to the Christians in the time of Prophet Muhammad who are promised Paradise Jannah in Quran 5:82-5:85 and to the stone idol worshippers 1400 years ago who are not promised Paradise Jannah in Quran 3:85 and to all people today and in the future that the Quran is from God because the Quran contains no contradictions.
If Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 did not exist then it would be proof that the Quran was not from God because without Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 the Quran would contradict its self and contradict the Torah Taurat and contradict the Gospel Injil.
Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 is good news for Jews, Christians, Sabians, Muslims and all the people in the world confirming they will all come together again in a life after death.
Quran 3:3 Verse 3:3 He (God) revealed to you (Prophet Muhammad) the Book (the Quran) of truth confirming what came before it (in the Torah Taurat and in the Gospel Injil), and He (God) revealed the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil.
Note 1. God revealed the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil and the Koran Quran which are with humans today.
Quran 3:85 Verse 3:85 And whoever seeks a religion other than submission (to Adonai Allah Elohim God G-d HaShem Jehovah Yahweh YHWH which includes every human from the beginning of time until the end of time, for example stone idol worship) it shall not be accepted by Him (God) in the Hereafter and (such a person) shall be one of the losers (in the hereafter. Islam has two meanings, the general meaning is submission in Quran 3:85 meaning anyone who submits to God such as Prophet Abraham Ibrahim in the past and the Jews who are promised Paradise Jannah in the time of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 3:113 – 3:115 and the Christians who are promised Paradise Jannah in the time of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 5:82 – 5:85 and all humans in future in the hereafter who “believed” and did good deeds including Jews and Christians and others in Quran 2:62, Quran 5:69 and Quran 6:158. If Quran 3:85 had the specific meaning of “Islam” instead of the general meaning of “submission” then it would mean no people except the people from the religion of Islam would be in Paradise Jannah meaning all the prophets and people before Islam would be the losers in the hereafter which is not correct because it contradicts other verses in the Quran and it does not make sense meaning the word Islam in Quran 3:85 is the general meaning “submission” and not the specific meaning “Islam”).
Note 1. The Muslim religion Islam is the religion of submission to God (Quran 3:64).
Note 2. The Jewish religion Judaism is the religion of submission to God (Quran 3:64).
Note 3. The Christian religion Christianity is the religion of submission to God (Quran 3:64).
Quran 3:64 Verse 3:64 Say, “O People of the Scripture (the Jews and the Christians) let us come to an agreement between you and us (Muslims), that we shall worship no one but God, and that we shall ascribe no partner to Him (meaning, there is only one God, we pray only to our creator the one God and no one else, not to sons, not to saints, not to any idol), and that none of us shall take others for Lords instead of God.” And if they turn away, then say, “Bear witness that we have submitted to Him (God).”
Note 1. God does not require humans to all be in one religion (Quran 5:48).
Note 2. God does require that every religion worship only God (Quran 3:85).
Note 3. Judaism and Christianity and Islam are religions of submission to God.
God says if the Jews and the Christians and others worship only God like the Muslims worship only God then the Jews and the Christians and others are correctly guided by God (Quran 3:64).
Quran 2:137 Verse 2:137 If they (the Jews and the Christians) believe as you (Prophet Muhammad) believe in Him (God), then they (the Jews and the Christians) are correctly guided but if they (the Jews and the Christians) turn away then (they have turned away from God’s guidance and) they are in opposition (to God), and God shall be sufficient (protection) for you (Prophet Muhammad) against them. He (God) hears all and knows all.
Quran 4:123 Verse 4:123 (Entry to Paradise Jannah) shall not be based on your (the Muslim's) desires or on the desires of the people of the Scripture (the Jews and the Christians). (Instead) whoever does wrong (on the earth) shall earn (the punishment for the wrong) and that person shall not find any protector or helper other than God (in the hereafter).
Note 1. God will judge Muslims and Christians and Jews and every creation justly in the hereafter.
Quran 5:48 Verse 5:48 And to you (Prophet Muhammad) We (God) revealed the Scripture (the Quran) with the truth that confirmed the Scripture that was before it (in the Gospel Injil and the Torah Taurat) and (for you Prophet Muhammad to be) a guardian over it (the Quran). So judge between them (the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims) by what God has revealed (to you Prophet Muhammad) and do not let their desires move you away from the truth that has come to you. For each (community of Jews, Christians and Muslims) We (God) have appointed a divine law and a way (of religion). If God willed He (God) could have made you (the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims) one community. But He (God) tests you (the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims) by what He (God) has given you (in the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil and the Koran Quran to show who is best in behaviour). So strive for all that is good. To God you shall all return and He (God) shall then inform you (in the Hereafter) about (the correctness of) the religious matters in which you (the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims) argue among each other.
Note 1. God does not require humans to all be in one religion (Quran 5:48).
Note 2. God does require that every religion worship only God (Quran 3:85).
Note 3. God says if the Jews and the Christians and others worship only God like the Muslims worship only God then the Jews and the Christians and others are correctly guided by God (Quran 3:64).
Note 4. God commands the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims to do what is good according to what God has given them in the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil and the Koran Quran to show which humans are the best in behaviour.
Note 5. God says that on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement in the hereafter every human will return to God and God shall inform them about the religious matters about which they argued.
Note 6. God protects the Torah Taurat for every Jewish generation until the Day of Judgement (Quran 5:48).
Note 7. God protects the Gospel Injil for every Christian generation until the Day of Judgement (Quran 5:48) in the following way.
Prophet Jesus Isa did not write anything because everything Prophet Jesus Isa taught by his mouth was already written in the Tanakh Jewish scripture meaning Prophet Jesus Isa did not add or subtract from what is in Tanakh Jewish scripture.
The four Gospel Injil are four reports about Prophet Jesus Isa meaning Prophet Jesus Isa never wrote anything and what he said was passed by mouth until it was written many years later.
Quran 5:68 says observe the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil and Quran 5:47 tells Christians to judge by the Gospel Injil (not by the other books in the Christian New Testament Bible because what Paul teaches contradicts what Jesus is teaching in the Gospel Injil and anything about fallen angels found in the Book of Enoch and in the Book of Revelation are all rejected in Judaism because in the Hebrew Tanakh scripture angels always obey God. Jewish people do not use the Christian produced Old Testament Bible because many contain wrong translations of the Hebrew Tanakh) meaning whatever in the Gospel Injil is confirmed in the Jewish Torah Taurat came from Prophet Jesus Isa and whatever contradicts the Jewish Torah Taurat came from the unknown writers who are traditionally called Mark, Matthew, Luke and John in a test from God described in 1 Kings 13:14 - 13:24 teaching that the word of God will not change and do not believe anyone or any verse in Mark, Matthew, Luke or John which contradicts the teachings in the Tanakh which Prophet Jesus Isa said is with the Jewish people forever and will never change and must be followed forever by the Jewish people in Gospel of Matthew 5:17 - 5:20 and Gospel of Matthew 23:1 - 23:3. In this way a Christian can know what came from Prophet Jesus Isa confirming Tanakh and what did not come from Prophet Jesus Isa because it contradicts the Tanakh (which is the Torah law and the prophets and the writings like the Psalms) which Jesus was teaching in Gospel of Luke 24:44.
Note 8. God protects the Koran Quran for every Muslim generation until the Day of Judgement (Quran 5:48).
Note 9. Entry to Paradise the Garden of Eden the Garden of Righteousness Jannah is not based on the question of Sunni or Shia or Muslim or Jew or Christian but it is based on your good behaviour towards all humans and creatures in this world and your relationship with God (Quran 5:48).
Note 10. In the sight of humans Judaism and Christianity and Sabians and Islam are different religions.
Note 11. In the sight of God Judaism and Christianity and Sabians and Islam are “different communities of God” because they were all created by God for only one reason which is “to submit to God.”
Quran 10:64 Verse 10:64 – For them (who do good deeds on the earth in Quran 22:34, Quran 21:105, Jewish Hebrew Bible Zabur Psalm 37:11, Jewish Hebrew Bible Zabur Psalm 37:29 and in the Gospel Injil of Jesus Isa by Matthew 5:5) is good news in this worldly life (of life after death and a never ending reward if they “believe” in Quran 41:8 that Quran 47:19 “…there is no God except God …” or Taurat Torah Exodus 20:2 “.... You shall have no other gods before Me God” or Gospel Injil of Jesus Isa by Luke 4:8 “… You shall worship the Lord your God, and him only shall you serve” meaning they “believe” that the only one with the power to hear prayer is the one creator of every creation) and in the Hereafter (they shall not fear or grieve if they “believed” before the Day of Resurrection in Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 and Quran 6:158 that Quran 47:19 “…there is no God except God …” or Taurat Torah Exodus 20:2 “.... You shall have no other gods before Me God” or Gospel Injil of Jesus Isa by Luke 4:8 “… You shall worship the Lord your God, and him only shall you serve” meaning they “believed” before the Day of Resurrection that the only one with the power to hear prayer is the one creator of every creation). There is no change in the Words of God (God’s decrees, God’s promises, God’s Holy books which are the Scripture of Abraham Ibrahim in the Torah Taurat because it is the Word of God in Quran 87:19 and the Torah Taurat because it is the Word of God in Quran 3:93 and Quran 5:43 and the Psalm Zabur in the Hebrew Bible because it is the Word of God in Quran 17:55 and the Hebrew Bible with the Jewish people because it is the Word of God in Quran 5:68 and the Gospel Injil of Jesus Isa by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John with the Christian people because it is the Word of God in Quran 5:47 and the Quran because it is the Word of God in Quran 3:3). That is the great success (the fact that God protected His words in these Books and no one could change them except by the will of God as explained in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQ3o3ybc-KA as proof God is real and as proof the Quran is truthful and as proof that the promise of the hereafter is true. The reason each Book of God confirms the books of God that came before them is to prove that the Books of God which are the words of God cannot be changed unless by the will of God because God’s Books are the proof that God is real and every Book of God is the truth. No one would believe in the Hereafter if God could not protect His words in His Books and this is why God says “no one can change the words of God” meaning every human can test if God is real and if the promise of the Hereafter is real by studying all the Books of God which the Quran is confirming are the truth meaning they agree with the Quran. This is why Satan Shaitan whispers doubt about the Books of God so that humans might testify that they disbelieve all the Books of God except their Book. In every religion you will find people who disbelieve all the Books of God except their Book which means they unknowingly testify God did not protect His words in His Books so how is it that they believe in the Hereafter but they cannot believe that God protected His words? Is the hereafter easier for God to create than for God to protect His words in His Books which the Quran is confirming are all true? Those who say the words of God have been changed do not understand what God is saying in the Quran and they do not understand that the purpose of the Quran is to confirm not to deny and not to attack and not to insult the other Books of God which exist with humans today. Satan Shaitan is happy when Muslims attack the Books of God because Satan Shaitan knows that the righteous among the Jews who understand the Torah Taurat will disbelieve people who attack the words of God and Satan Shaitan knows that the righteous among the Christians who understand the Gospel Injil of Jesus Isa by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John will also disbelieve people who attack the words of God. The best Jew and Christian and Muslim is the one who tries to understand the meaning of the words of God in all the Books of God because in those Jews and Christians and Muslims Satan Shaitan failed to make them believe anyone changed the words of God in the Books of God except by the will of God in other words all the Books of God has strengthen their faith in God because they believe God and they disbelieve what Satan Shaitan whispers against God and His Books. God says in Quran 4:136 “... and whoever has no faith in … God’s Books … then he has strayed far away” from God).
Quran 22:34 Verse 22:34 “… Your God is one God, so submit to Him (God). And (Prophet Muhammad) give the good news (of life after death in the hereafter) to those that are humble (in submission to the will of God),
Comment 2. The Books of God.
Stories claiming the Torah Taurat is corrupted contradict all the teachings in the Quran telling us that the Jewish people have the Torah and telling us that the Torah is from God and telling us that no one can change the word of God because that is the proof that God is real for every human until the Day of Judgement.
The Jewish people judge scripture as true if it confirms the Torah Taurat.
Many Muslims say the Quran does not agree with the Torah Taurat and therefore to a Jew it means the Quran cannot be from God.
If Muslims said the Quran confirms the Torah Taurat it would mean the Quran is from God but this is not what many Muslims are telling the Jewish people today.
1400 years ago Prophet Muhammad said the Quran confirms the Torah Taurat meaning confirms the Torah Taurat is correct as proof the Quran is from God but this is not the message many Muslims say to Jewish people today.
Rabbi Tovia Singer has studied the Torah Taurat and Gospel Injil and Quran and explains that the Jews have the scripture and therefore whenever anyone claims they also have the scripture the Jewish person compares their scripture to all other scriptures and if another scripture agrees with the Jewish scripture the Jew will applaud it in other words Jews are not asking if someone is or is not a prophet but a Jew asks do scriptures like the Gospel and the Quran which both say they confirm the Torah Taurat agree or disagree with the Jewish scripture.
When a Jew reads in the Quran that God is only one the Jew applauds it meaning it agrees with the Torah.
When a Jew reads some Christian opinions that God is a Trinity the Jew does not applaud it meaning it disagrees with the Torah Taurat.
See 1. Quran 28:52 comments in Quran chapter 28.
See 2. Quran 28:53 comments in Quran chapter 28.
See 3. Quran 28:54 comments in Quran chapter 28.
See 4. Quran 4:162 comments in Quran chapter 4.
Comment 3. Evidence for the truth is the Quran confirming the Torah Taurat is correct.
Quran 3:93 Ayah 3:93 “… Say (Prophet Muhammad, to the Jews of Yathrib), "Bring the Torah Taurat here and recite it (to me as evidence) if what you say is true."
Note 1. The proof of truth according to the Quran is the Torah Taurat meaning no one changed the Torah Taurat.
Note 2. The Quran confirms the Torah Taurat is with the Jewish people and the Quran confirms no one can change the word of God.
Note 3. God tells the Jews to recite the Torah Taurat meaning the Jews have the Torah Taurat and no one changed it.
Note 4. If anyone can prove the Torah Taurat was changed then they have found the proof that God does not exist.
Note 5. God says the proof of truth is the Quran confirming what is with the Jewish people in the Torah Taurat meaning there are no contradictions between the Quran which is with the Muslim people and the Torah Taurat which is with the Jewish people.
Quran 2:41 Ayah 2:41 And believe in what I (God) have revealed (in the Quran) confirming that which is with you (the Jewish people in the Torah Taurat as proof to the stone idol worshipers of Makkah in Quran 6:114, Quran 46:10 and Quran 10:94 that the Quran is not an invented story) ..."
Note 1. The Quran confirms the Torah Taurat which is with the Jewish people forever.
Quran 4:136 Ayah 4:136 “... and whoever has no faith in … His (God’s) Books, … then he has strayed far away (from God).
Comment 4. The Quran confirms the Torah Taurat and explains the story of Jesus in the Gospel Injil.
See Quran 23:49 comment.
Quran 23:53 Koran 23:53 Verse 23:53 Ayah 23:53 Ayat 23:53 Aya 23:53 But (later) they (the humans) divided their religion among themselves into sects (some correctly prayed to God but others mistakenly prayed to what God had created such as praying to Prophet Jesus Isa and to hundreds of dead human saints), each (sect) rejoicing in its own belief (traditions, opinions).
Comment 1. The division in the religion of God.
The division of religion into sects.
Quran 23:54 Koran 23:54 Verse 23:54 Ayah 23:54 Ayat 23:54 Aya 23:54 So leave them in their confusion (to argue among each other) for a while.
Quran 23:55 Koran 23:55 Verse 23:55 Ayah 23:55 Ayat 23:55 Aya 23:55 Do they think that because We (God) have provided them with an abundance of wealth and children, – (Continued Quran 23:56).
Quran 23:56 Koran 23:56 Verse 23:56 Ayah 23:56 Ayat 23:56 Aya 23:56 – (That) We (God) shall (continue to) rush to them with good things? No (God shall not), they do not understand (that the things they have and do not have are a trial for them from God).
Quran 23:57 Koran 23:57 Verse 23:57 Ayah 23:57 Ayat 23:57 Aya 23:57 Those who are worried from a fear of their Lord (God). – (Continued Quran 23:58).
Quran 23:58 Koran 23:58 Verse 23:58 Ayah 23:58 Ayat 23:58 Aya 23:58 – And those who believe in the revelations of their Lord (God),
Quran 23:59 Koran 23:59 Verse 23:59 Ayah 23:59 Ayat 23:59 Aya 23:59 And those who do not associate any partners with their Lord (God by only praying to God and praying to no one else),
Quran 23:60 Koran 23:60 Verse 23:60 Ayah 23:60 Ayat 23:60 Aya 23:60 And those who give charity with hearts full of fear (of God) because they shall return to their Lord (God on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement), – (Continued Quran 23:61).
Quran 23:61 Koran 23:61 Verse 23:61 Ayah 23:61 Ayat 23:61 Aya 23:61 – These (are the people who) race to do the good deeds, and they are among the first in doing them (good deeds).
Quran 23:62 Koran 23:62 Verse 23:62 Ayah 23:62 Ayat 23:62 Aya 23:62 And We (God) do not give any person a task that is beyond their capacity, and with Us (God) is a true Record (of what every person did), and they shall not be treated unjustly (in the Hereafter).
Quran 23:63 Koran 23:63 Verse 23:63 Ayah 23:63 Ayat 23:63 Aya 23:63 But their (the stone idol worshippers in Mecca Arabia today Makkah Saudi Arabia) hearts are confused over this (matter of doing good deeds) and they have other deeds besides that (such as killing new born female babies) which they are doing, – (Continued Quran 23:64).
Comment 1. Quran 81:9 Verse 81:9 “For what crime were you (the baby girl) killed? (The baby girl shall say in the hereafter, “They killed me on the earth without a just reason”).
Quran 23:64 Koran 23:64 Verse 23:64 Ayah 23:64 Ayat 23:64 Aya 23:64 – Until, when We (God) seize their carefree people (among the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) with the punishment (of God), observe, then they shall call (to God) for help. – (Continued Quran 23:65).
Quran 23:65 Koran 23:65 Verse 23:65 Ayah 23:65 Ayat 23:65 Aya 23:65 – Do not call (God) on that day (because when on the day of punishment on Earth by God that may come during your life, it shall be too late to ask for forgiveness from God). You shall not be helped by Us (God, that is because when). – (Continued Quran 23:66).
Quran 23:66 Koran 23:66 Verse 23:66 Ayah 23:66 Ayat 23:66 Aya 23:66 – My (God’s) revelations were recited to you, you used to turn your back and walk away (from God’s revelations), – (Continued Quran 23:67).
Quran 23:67 Koran 23:67 Verse 23:67 Ayah 23:67 Ayat 23:67 Aya 23:67 – Ridiculing it (God’s revelations in the Quran). Each night you (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) talked (about evil) together.
Quran 23:68 Koran 23:68 Verse 23:68 Ayah 23:68 Ayat 23:68 Aya 23:68 Do they (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) not think about the Word (of God in the Quran) or has something come to them (that is better than the Quran) which did not come to their fathers?
Quran 23:69 Koran 23:69 Verse 23:69 Ayah 23:69 Ayat 23:69 Aya 23:69 Or do they (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) not recognise their Messenger (Prophet Muhammad) and so they reject him?
Quran 23:70 Koran 23:70 Verse 23:70 Ayah 23:70 Ayat 23:70 Aya 23:70 Or do they (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) say, “He is mad? No (he is not mad), he brings the Truth (of God) to them but most of them hate the Truth (because instead of loving to pray only to God they love to pray to stone idol statutes).”
Comment 1. Loving to pray to stone statutes instead of loving to pray to God.
Quran 23:71 Koran 23:71 Verse 23:71 Ayah 23:71 Ayat 23:71 Aya 23:71 And if the Truth (about God) had been what they (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) desired it to be, then the heavens and the earth and whoever is in it would have been corrupted (meaning, it would have been a false story). No (what they believe to be God is their own invention, it is not the reality), We (God) have brought them their Message (in the Quran from God), but from their Message (in the Quran from God) they now turn away.
Quran 23:72 Koran 23:72 Verse 23:72 Ayah 23:72 Ayat 23:72 Aya 23:72 Or do you (Prophet Muhammad) ask them (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) for any payment? (No you ask them for no payment). Certainly the bounty of your Lord (God, to them and to every creation) is better (than anything else) and He (God) is the best of providers.
Quran 23:73 Koran 23:73 Verse 23:73 Ayah 23:73 Ayat 23:73 Aya 23:73 And you (Prophet Muhammad) call them to a straight (correct) path (to God, the path of doing good and avoiding evil).
Quran 23:74 Koran 23:74 Verse 23:74 Ayah 23:74 Ayat 23:74 Aya 23:74 And those who do not believe in the Hereafter are indeed astray from the (correct) path.
Quran 23:75 Koran 23:75 Verse 23:75 Ayah 23:75 Ayat 23:75 Aya 23:75 And (after they call to God for help in Quran 23:65) even if We (God) had mercy and removed the distress that was on them, they would still continue wandering blindly in their disobedience (to God by returing to worship stone idols and bearing alive unwanted female new born babies).
Quran 23:76 Koran 23:76 Verse 23:76 Ayah 23:76 Ayat 23:76 Aya 23:76 Already have We (God) seized them (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) with punishment (as a warning), but they (still) do not humble themselves to their Lord (God), nor do they pray (to God),
Quran 23:77 Koran 23:77 Verse 23:77 Ayah 23:77 Ayat 23:77 Aya 23:77 (It shall only be) when We (God) open for them the gate to extreme punishment that they (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) shall immediately be in despair.
Quran 23:78 Koran 23:78 Verse 23:78 Ayah 23:78 Ayat 23:78 Aya 23:78 It is He (God) who has created for you (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) ears and eyes and hearts but little thanks do you give (to God).
Quran 23:79 Koran 23:79 Verse 23:79 Ayah 23:79 Ayat 23:79 Aya 23:79 And it is He (God) who has multiplied you on the earth (with population) and to Him (God) you shall be gathered (back to life in the Hereafter).
Quran 23:80 Koran 23:80 Verse 23:80 Ayah 23:80 Ayat 23:80 Aya 23:80 And it is He (God) who gives life and causes death, and to Him (God) is (due) the alternation of night and day. Can you not reason (and understand)?
Quran 23:81 Koran 23:81 Verse 23:81 Ayah 23:81 Ayat 23:81 Aya 23:81 No (they cannot reason or understand because), they (only) say the things that the people before them use to say.
Quran 23:82 Koran 23:82 Verse 23:82 Ayah 23:82 Ayat 23:82 Aya 23:82 They say, “When we are dead and have become dust and bones, shall we really be raised again (back to life)?”
Comment 1. Is resurrection from death back to life real?
Quran 23:83 Koran 23:83 Verse 23:83 Ayah 23:83 Ayat 23:83 Aya 23:83 “We and our fathers before us had already been promised this but this is nothing but the stories of people from the past.”
Quran 23:84 Koran 23:84 Verse 23:84 Ayah 23:84 Ayat 23:84 Aya 23:84 Say (Prophet Muhammad to them), “(Tell me) if you know, who owns the earth and whoever is in it?”
Quran 23:85 Koran 23:85 Verse 23:85 Ayah 23:85 Ayat 23:85 Aya 23:85 They shall say, “God (is the owner)”. Say (Prophet Muhammad to them), “Then shall you not remember (God)?”
Quran 23:86 Koran 23:86 Verse 23:86 Ayah 23:86 Ayat 23:86 Aya 23:86 Say (Prophet Muhammad to them), "Who is the Lord of the seven heavens, and the Lord of the Great Throne (of authority over the heavens and the earth)?"
Comment 1. See Quran 23:17 comments
Quran 23:87 Koran 23:87 Verse 23:87 Ayah 23:87 Ayat 23:87 Aya 23:87 They shall say, “God (is the Lord).” Say (Prophet Muhammad to them), “Then shall you not keep your duty (to God)?”
Quran 23:88 Koran 23:88 Verse 23:88 Ayah 23:88 Ayat 23:88 Aya 23:88 Say (Prophet Muhammad to them), “(Tell me) if you know, In whose hand is the authority over all things and who is the One who gives protection while against that One there is no protection?”
Quran 23:89 Koran 23:89 Verse 23:89 Ayah 23:89 Ayat 23:89 Aya 23:89 They shall say, “(It is) God.” Say (Prophet Muhammad to them), “How then are you deluded (away from God by praying to stone statues of idols)?”
Quran 23:90 Koran 23:90 Verse 23:90 Ayah 23:90 Ayat 23:90 Aya 23:90 We (God) have sent them the Truth (in the Quran) but they (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) do what is false (by praying to statues of stone idols instead of praying to God who created them and their stone idols).
Comment 1. Anything that is created is not God.
God is the creator.
God is not created.
Creations have no power to hear prayer.
Dead creations have no power to hear prayer.
Prayer to anything or anyone in the creation is called idol worship.
God the creator is the only one with the power to hear human prayer).
Quran 23:91 Koran 23:91 Verse 23:91 Ayah 23:91 Ayat 23:91 Aya 23:91 God has not chosen any son (to rule the heavens and the earth together with God), nor is there any (other) god (ruling the heavens and the earth) together with Him (God); otherwise each (partner with) god would have taken control over what He (God) created, and some of them (partners with God) would have overcome others (of the partners with God). Exalted is God above all that they allege (when they incorrectly say that God has a son or any other partner with whom God shares God’s power).
Comment 1. The Quran confirms the Torah Taurat and explains the story of Jesus in the Gospel Injil.
See Quran 23:49 comment.
Quran 23:92 Koran 23:92 Verse 23:92 Ayah 23:92 Ayat 23:92 Aya 23:92 He (God) knows what is unseen (hidden, unknown) and what is seen (visible, known) and He (God) is above all that they (incorrectly) associate as being partners (with God when they incorrectly pray to sons and saints and statues instead of correctly praying to God who created the sons and the saints and the statues to whom they pray).
Comment 1. Anything that is created is not God.
God is the creator.
God is not created.
Creations have no power to hear prayer.
Dead creations have no power to hear prayer.
Prayer to anything or anyone in the creation is called idol worship.
God the creator is the only one with the power to hear human prayer.
See Quran 23:91 comments.
Quran 23:93 Koran 23:93 Verse 23:93 Ayah 23:93 Ayat 23:93 Aya 23:93 Say (Prophet Muhammad), “My Lord (God), If you should show me (during my lifetime) what they (the stone idol worshippers in Makkah) are promised (in punishment).” – (Continued Quran 23:94).
Quran 23:94 Koran 23:94 Verse 23:94 Ayah 23:94 Ayat 23:94 Aya 23:94 – “Then my Lord (God) do not put me among the wrongdoing people (who You God shall punish).”
Quran 23:95 Koran 23:95 Verse 23:95 Ayah 23:95 Ayat 23:95 Aya 23:95 And certainly We (God) are able to show you (Prophet Muhammad) what We (God) have promised them (as a warning to them).
Quran 23:96 Koran 23:96 Verse 23:96 Ayah 23:96 Ayat 23:96 Aya 23:96 (So Prophet Muhammad in regards to the stone idol worshippers in Makkah Arabia) repel their evil by what is best (by using good language and good behaviour). We (God) are best aware of what they say.
Comment 1. What do you do when you find evil?
Repel their evil by what is best by using good language and good behaviour.
Quran 23:97 Koran 23:97 Verse 23:97 Ayah 23:97 Ayat 23:97 Aya 23:97 And say, “My Lord (God) I seek refuge in You (God) from the suggestions of the evil ones (the Devils Shaitans).”
Quran 23:98 Koran 23:98 Verse 23:98 Ayah 23:98 Ayat 23:98 Aya 23:98 “And I seek refuge in You, my Lord (God), so that they (the Devils Shaitans) do not come near me.”
Quran 23:99 Koran 23:99 Verse 23:99 Ayah 23:99 Ayat 23:99 Aya 23:99 Until when death comes to one of them (who were wicked on the earth) he says (in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement of Hell for the wicked), My Lord send me back (to life on the earth) -
Quran 23:100 Koran 23:100 Verse 23:100 Ayah 23:100 Ayat 23:100 Aya 23:100 So that I may do righteous (deeds) in what is left behind (on the earth because my deeds on the earth were bad), No, it is a word (of regret that) he speaks (on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement of Hell for the wicked because on that Day the Earth and the first creation shall not exist except for what has been resurrected so it will be too late for him to change his behaviour) and behind him is a barrier (that does not allow the dead to return to life meaning the soul is in the care of God) until the day when they (who died) are raised (back to life in the Hereafter meaning every human has only one life on the earth in which they can choose good or evil behaviour).
Comment 1. God cares for souls in heaven not in the grave.
The angel of death will take every soul to the separation or barrier called Barzakh.
Every person will wake up on the Day of Resurrection on a new earth, new land, new ground in the Hereafter and testify that Barzakh felt like nothing but a short sleep in Quran 2:259, 18:19, 18:21, 20:103, 20:104, 23:113, 30:55, 46:35 and 79:46 so the wicked among them will ask to be returned to the Earth but the Earth will not exist.
Note 1. When humans are resurrected back to life it will seem to them that only one hour or ten hours of time had passed between their death and their resurrection as described in Quran 2:259, 18:19, 18:21, 20:103, 20:104, 23:113, 30:55, 46:35 and 79:46 so the wicked among them will ask to be returned to the Earth but the Earth will not exist.
Note 2. Quran 7:187 says the Hour of the Day of Resurrection “will come suddenly” meaning there will be no warning after death like punishment in the grave otherwise everyone would know that the Day of Resurrection was coming and it would not be a surprise to anyone.
Quran 30:55 Verse 30:55 And on the day when the Hour (of Resurrection) comes the wrong doers shall swear (in the Hereafter) that they only stayed (sleeping in death) for an hour (meaning only one hour had passed since they had died on the Earth) …”
Comment 2. The dead cannot return to this earth.
On the Day of Resurrection the dead will not be able to return to this earth because this earth and the sun and the moon and the stars will have ended.
The Day of Resurrection is on a new earth, a new land, a new ground in the hereafter.
The soul will be given a new physical body that can feel reward or punishment on the Day of Resurrection on a new earth, a new land, a new ground in the hereafter.
Quran 21:95 Verse 21:95 The people whom We (God) destroyed (both the righteous and the wrongdoer who have died) can never return to this world (because their souls have completed their test and are now in the care of God as each soul waits for the Day of Resurrection when each soul will be given a new physical body in the hereafter on a new earth, a new ground, a new land).
Comment 3. Punishment in the grave is not in the Quran.
See 1. Quran 40:46 in Quran chapter 40.
See 2. Hadith Punishment in the grave.
Quran 23:101 Koran 23:101 Verse 23:101 Ayah 23:101 Ayat 23:101 Aya 23:101 And when the trumpet (Horn) is blown there shall be no relationship (kinship) between them (all the resurrected people) on that day (of resurrection), nor shall they ask about one another.
Quran 23:102 Koran 23:102 Verse 23:102 Ayah 23:102 Ayat 23:102 Aya 23:102 Then those whose scale (of good deeds) is heavy, they shall be successful (in the Hereafter).
Quran 23:103 Koran 23:103 Verse 23:103 Ayah 23:103 Ayat 23:103 Aya 23:103 And those whose scales (of good deeds) is light, are those who shall have lost their souls and they shall live in Hell (in the Hereafter).
Quran 23:104 Koran 23:104 Verse 23:104 Ayah 23:104 Ayat 23:104 Aya 23:104 The fire shall burn their faces and it shall be disfigured.
Quran 23:105 Koran 23:105 Verse 23:105 Ayah 23:105 Ayat 23:105 Aya 23:105 (It shall be said to them), “Were not My (God’s) revelations (the Torah Taurat or the Gospel Injil or the Koran Quran) recited to you, and then you used to reject them?”
Quran 23:106 Koran 23:106 Verse 23:106 Ayah 23:106 Ayat 23:106 Aya 23:106 They shall say, “Our Lord (God) that was our misfortune, we were a people who went astray (away from God).”
Quran 23:107 Koran 23:107 Verse 23:107 Ayah 23:107 Ayat 23:107 Aya 23:107 “Our Lord (God), bring us out of this. If we ever (again) return (to evil) then we shall (truly) be wrongdoers.
Comment 1. See Quran 23:99 and Quran 23:100.
Quran 23:108 Koran 23:108 Verse 23:108 Ayah 23:108 Ayat 23:108 Aya 23:108 He (God) shall say, “Remain despised in there and do not speak to Me (God).”
Comment 1. Quran 17:60 Verse 17:60 “.... We (God) warn (people to do what is good and avoid what is evil) and make them afraid (of God by describing the home for evil doers in Hell Fire in the Hereafter) but it only increases them (some of the humans) in nothing but greater disobedience against God (and the commandment to do what is good and avoid what is evil).
Quran 23:109 Koran 23:109 Verse 23:109 Ayah 23:109 Ayat 23:109 Aya 23:109 There was a group of My (God’s) servants who said, “Our Lord (God) we believe so forgive us and have mercy on us because You (God) are the best of all who show mercy.” – (Continued Quran 23:110).
Quran 23:110 Koran 23:110 Verse 23:110 Ayah 23:110 Ayat 23:110 Aya 23:110 – But you ridiculed and laughing at them (who recited the revelations of God) so much that you forgot My (God’s) Message (to do good and reject evil).
Comment 1. How does God test believers when their belief is mocked?
How does God test Muslims when Islam is insulted?
How does God test Muslims when Prophet Muhammad is insulted?
How does God test Muslims when the Quran is insulted?
How does God test Muslims when God is insulted?
What should Muslims do when Prophet Muhammad is insulted?
What did God teach Muslims to do when religion is insulted?
What did God teach Muslims to do when the Quran is insulted?
What did God teach Muslims to do when Prophet Muhammad is insulted?
What did God teach Muslims to do when God is insulted?
Quran 6:108 Verse 6:108 Do not abuse those (idols) to whom they (the stone idol worshippers) pray and falsely call their god in case (by replying to your abuse) they wrongfully abuse God through their ignorance. To every peoples We (God) have made their deeds (actions) seem reasonable (normal). Later it is to their Lord (God) that they shall return and He (God) shall tell them the truth about what they used to do.
1a. Do not abuse other religions.
Do not abuse other beliefs.
In the time when stone idol worshipping existed in Mecca God forbade abuse between religions so as to avoid sin that can result when disrespect from one human can cause another human to retaliate with an equal blasphemy.
When God is abused it is God who gives the punishment not humans.
Video: When they insult our prophet
1b. What is the benefit of forgiving a disbeliever?
Forgiveness to disbelievers is counted as a good deed in the sight of God on the Day of Judgement.
Quran 45:14 Verse 45:14 Say (Prophet Muhammad) to those who believe (in God that) they (should) forgive those who do not expect the Days of God (in the hereafter, meaning forgive the disbelievers, forgive the non believers, forgive the stone idol worshippers in Makkah, forgive the people who do not believe in God) so that He (God) may reward (the righteous) people for what they earn (in reward for the hereafter by obeying God’s command that the people who believe in God should forgive the people who do not believe in God so that you forgive the disbelievers in your life in the same way that you wish God to forgive you in the next life in the hereafter).
Quran 23:111 Koran 23:111 Verse 23:111 Ayah 23:111 Ayat 23:111 Aya 23:111 I (God) have rewarded them (the righteous) on this day (of Resurrection and Judgement) because they were patient and they are the ones that are successful. – (Continued Quran 23:112).
Quran 23:112 Koran 23:112 Verse 23:112 Ayah 23:112 Ayat 23:112 Aya 23:112 – He (God) shall say (on the Day of Resurrection to those who did evil), "How many years did you stay in the earth (in your grave meaning in death before you were resurrected)?"
Comment 1. See Quan 23:113 comment.
Quran 23:113 Koran 23:113 Verse 23:113 Ayah 23:113 Ayat 23:113 Aya 23:113 (On the Day of Resurrection) they (the evil doers) shall say, “(It feels like) we stayed a day or part of a day (sleeping in death on the Earth before we were resurrected on a new earth, a new ground, a new land in the hereafter) but (we are not sure of the number of years that we were on the Earth between the time of our death and the Day of Resurrection so) ask those who (know how to) keep count (of time).”
Comment 1. Punishment in the grave is not in the Quran.
On the Day of Resurrection it will seem to humans that they had been sleeping for a few hours or part of a day.
The Day of Judgement is near for every human because on the Day of Resurrection it will seem that the time between death and resurrection was very short as if only a few hours or part of a day had passed.
See 1. Quran 40:46 comment in Quran chapter 40.
See 2. Hadith Punishment in the grave.
Quran 23:114 Koran 23:114 Verse 23:114 Ayah 23:114 Ayat 23:114 Aya 23:114 (On the Day of Resurrection) He (God) shall say , “You stayed for a brief time (in death before you were resurrected in the hereafter meaning that the time between death and the Day of Resurrection in the hereafter was short meaning the promise of God that the hour was near was the truth).”
Comment 1. Belief in God without good deeds is a false belief in God.
Satan Shaitan believes in God but it is a false belief because Satan Shaitan does not do good deeds.
Quran 6:158 Verse 6:158 "... belief in it (God and the Day of Resurrection and Judgement) shall not help any soul …. if in belief (he or she) did not earn good (by doing righteous deeds in their life). ....”
Quran 41:8 Verse 41:8 “For those who believe and do good deeds, for them is an everlasting reward (in Paradise Jannah).”
Comment 2. See Quan 23:113 comment.
Quran 23:115 Koran 23:115 Verse 23:115 Ayah 23:115 Ayat 23:115 Aya 23:115 Did you (the evil doer) think that We (God) have created you for nothing (meaning, for no purpose), and that you would not be returned to Us (God on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement)?
Comment 1. God answers the question, is resurrection from death back to life real?
Quran 23:116 Koran 23:116 Verse 23:116 Ayah 23:116 Ayat 23:116 Aya 23:116 Exalted is God, the true King (of creation). There is no god but Him (God), the Lord of the Glorious Throne (of authority over all the creation).
Quran 23:117 Koran 23:117 Verse 23:117 Ayah 23:117 Ayat 23:117 Aya 23:117 Anyone who prays to any other god (that is a creation) as a partner with God (who is the creator) has no authority (from God) for that. They shall answer (for doing such idol worship) only to their Lord (God). Disbelievers shall not be successful (in the Hereafter).
Comment 1. Anyone who prays to anyone or anything other than God has no authority from God for that.
Anyone who prays to any creation has no authority from God for that.
The judge of correct worship is God not humans.
God has given humans freedom of belief.
See Apostasy in Islam.
In the Quran God ordered freedom of religious belief 1400 years before the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
However incorrect understanding of the Quran and the hadith can cause wrongful killing of people in the name of God and in the name of human hadith stories.
Quran 23:118 Koran 23:118 Verse 23:118 Ayah 23:118 Ayat 23:118 Aya 23:118 And (Prophet Muhammad) say, “My Lord (God) forgive (me) and have mercy (on me), for You (God) are the best of all who show mercy.”
Interpretations of the Quran (Al-Quran, Al Quran, Koran).
This is an interpretation of some of the meanings in the Quran.
This is not a perfect translation of the Quran because the Quran is in the Arabic language.
The Arabic language in the Quran must be understood as it was understood over 1400 years ago.
God guides who He wills to the correct understanding of the Quran.
In the English language the word Allah is God.
God (Allah) is the creator of the Jews, Christians, Muslims and everyone and everything that exists.
Islam and the Quran chapter (sura, surah, surat), chapters (suras, surahs), verse (ayaah, aya, ayah), verses (ayaas, ayaat, ayas, ayat), analysis, annotation, clarification, comment, commentary, elucidation, examination, explanation, foot note, interpretation, investigation, note, observation, remark, study, understanding, analyses, annotations, clarifications, comments, commentaries, elucidations, examinations, explanations, foot notes, interpretations, investigations, notes, observations, remarks, studies, understandings of Islam and the Quran (The Coran, Al-Coran, Al Coran, The Koran, Al-Koran, Al Koran, The Quran, Al Quran, Al-Quran, The Qur'an, Al-Qur'an, Al Qur'an, The Qur’ān, Al-Qur’ān, Al Qur’ān).
Corrections and questions are welcome and can be emailed to somaliahamradio@yahoo.com
The meaning of verses in the Quran and Tanakh and Gospel are on these websites.
The meaning of verses in the Koran and Torah and Injil are on these websites.
YOU ARE HERE God https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran
God index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/index
Allah https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran
Allah index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran/index
Allaah https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran
Allaah index https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran/index
Q&A https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel
Q&A index https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel/index