300-3. The Gospel of Mark chapters 11 - 16.


13 July 2022 (1443 AH).


The Gospel of Mark with comments according to the Quran.

The Gospel of Mark explained by the Quran.

The Gospel of Mark with comments according to the Quran, Torah and Gospels.

The Gospel of Mark with comments according to the Koran.

The Gospel of Mark explained by the Koran.

The Gospel of Mark with comments according to the Koran, Torah and Gospels.

The Gospel of Mark.

The Gospel according to Mark.

The Good News of Mark.

The Good News according to Mark.


Understanding the Gospels. 

Throughout the Gospel Jesus is teaching the Torah in the same way as every prophet in the Jewish Scripture is teaching the Torah. 

The word of God in the Gospel is everything that does not contradict the Tanakh Jewish Scripture. 

Whatever contradicts the Tanakh Jewish Scripture did not come from Jesus but from the unknown writers of the Gospels. 

The Gospels are a test to show who understands God in the Tanakh Jewish Scripture as described in 1 Kings 13:14 - 13:24 teaching that the word of God will not change and do not believe anyone who claims the word of God has changed. 

See https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/the-gospel-of-mark-1-5  


300-1. The Gospel of Mark chapters 1 - 5.


300-2. The Gospel of Mark chapters 6 - 10.


You are here 300-3. The Gospel of Mark chapters 11 - 16.


Introduction and what is the Gospel Injil? 

God gave the good news of Isaac Ishaq twice to Prophet Abraham Ibrahim.

Nowhere in the Quran did God say anyone changed the written word of God because the proof God is real is that no one can change His written word in Quran 3:3, Quran 4:136, Quran 6:34, Quran 6:115, Quran 10:64, Quran 18:27 and Quran 30:30 except with their spoken words meaning in conversation for example in the story of the sacrifice of the son of Abraham Ibrahim no one could change the word of God except in conversations when some Muslims said the son to be sacrificed was Ishaq and other Muslims said the son to be sacrificed was Ismail.

Notice that no Muslim changed the word of God in the Quran except with their mouth in conversation and in the same way no Jew can change the word of God in the Tanakh Jewish scripture except with their mouth in conversation.

God gave the good news of Isaac Ishaq twice to Prophet Abraham Ibrahim.

In the story of Isaac Ishaq, God gave Isaac Ishaq to Prophet Abraham Ibrahim twice.

The first time God gave Isaac Ishaq to Prophet Abraham Ibrahim is in Quran 37:101 which is the good news of the birth of Isaac Ishaq.

The second time God gave Isaac Ishaq to Prophet Abraham Ibrahim is in Quran 37:112 which is the good news that God stopped the sacrifice of Isaac Ishaq and for a second time gave Isaac Ishaq to Abraham Ibrahim.

Why does God say sacrifice your only son Isaac Ishaq in the Torah Taurat?

When God says sacrifice your only son Isaac Ishaq in the Torah Taurat God is reminding Prophet Abraham Ibrahim that he already gave one son to God when he long ago sent Ishmael Ismail and his mother Hagar Hajar into the desert.

God tests Prophet Abraham Ibrahim a second time by saying sacrifice your only son Isaac Ishaq who still lives with you.

Will Prophet Abraham Ibrahim refuse God and say but I already gave you Ishmael Ismail and his mother Hagar Hajar?

Will Prophet Abraham Ibrahim refuse God and say but you promised future generations for me from Isaac Ishaq?

Will Prophet Abraham Ibrahim sacrifice Isaac Ishaq who is the only son still living with him after he had already given Ishmael Ismail and his mother Hagar Hajar to God in the desert?

Will Prophet Abraham Ibrahim give God both his sons?

When Prophet Abraham Ibrahim shows he will obey God then God stops the test and fulfils His promise because God always fulfils His promise.

In the story of sacrifice in Quran chapter 37 God only blesses Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and his son Prophet Isaac Ishaq. God has left no other blessing.

Prophet Isaac Ishaq is called the good news son in the Prophet Abraham Ibrahim story in Quran chapter 11, 15, 19, 29, 37 and 51.

When the Good News son is not named four times in Quran 15:53, 15:54, 15:55 and in Quran 51:28 it is Prophet Isaac Ishaq and this is the same in the story of the sacrifice in Quran 37:101 where the good news son is also not named because it is always the name God gives to Prophet Isaac Ishaq.

When the Good News son is named five times in Quran 11:69, 11:71, 11:74 and Quran 29:27, 29:31 it is Prophet Isaac Ishaq and this is the same in the story of the sacrifice in Quran 37:112 where the good news son is also named Prophet Isaac Ishaq because Good News is always the name God gives to Prophet Isaac Ishaq in the Prophet Abraham Ibrahim story in the Quran.

God names Prophet Isaac Ishaq as the good news son 9 times in Quran chapter 11, 15, 19, 29 and 51.

God names Prophet Isaac Ishaq four times in Quran chapter 37 twice as the good news son and twice by name.

In the story of the sacrifice in the Quran God only blesses Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and his son Prophet Isaac Ishaq. God has left no other blessing.

In the story of the vision dream of the sacrifice of the son of Prophet Abraham Ibrahim in Quran chapter 37 God only blesses Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and his son Prophet Isaac Ishaq and leaves no other blessings in the story of the sacrifice and this famous vision dream is remembered in the next chapter Quran chapter 38 where God blesses Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and Prophet Isaac Ishaq with the vision dream in Quran 38:45 – 38:47 and shows in the next verse that Prophet Ishmael Ismail was not the son in the vision dream and Prophet Ishmael Ismail was not living with his father during the vision dream by blessing Prophet Ishmael Ismail without his father and without the blessing of the vision dream in Quran 38:48.

This is confirmed in Quran 12:6 and in Torah Genesis 22:2.

In two famous vision dreams in the Quran God blesses both the father and the son with the vision dream of the sacrifice of the son in Quran chapter 38 after the story of the sacrifice in Quran chapter 37 and God blesses both the father and the son with the vision dream of the bowing of the Sun and the Moon and the eleven stars towards one star in Quran chapter 12 as proof the Quran confirms the Torah Taurat meaning as proof humans do not have the power to change the word of God in the Quran and in the Torah Taurat because if humans could change the word of God it would be proof that God did not exist.

Before Ishmael Ismail was born God promised his mother Hagar Hajar that Ishmael Ismail would have many descendants in Torah Genesis 16:8 - 16:11 meaning before the story of the sacrifice God promised that both Ishmael Ismail and Isaac Ishaq would have children. 

God told Abraham Ibrahim in a vision dream to sacrifice Isaac Ishaq (in Quran 38:45 – 38:47 and Quran 12:6) who was the only son living with him (in Torah Genesis 22:2) meaning Ishmael Ismail was not living in Canaan today Palestine and Israel during.the vision dream (in Quran 38:48 where Ishmael Ismail is not blessed with the vision dream and Ishmael Ismail is not blessed with his father meaning the only son living with Abraham Ibrahim during the vision dream is Isaac Ishaq in the blessing of the vision dream in Quran 38:45 – 38:47 and Quran 12:6).

Abraham Ibrahim passed the test because he did not reject God by saying “I will not sacrifice Isaac Ishaq because you promised future generations for me from Isaac Ishaq” or “I will not sacrifice Isaac Ishaq because I already gave you Ishmael Ismail and his mother Hagar Hajar in the desert” instead Abraham Ibrahim showed that he would give both his sons to God and this is when God stopped the sacrifice and gave Isaac Ishaq a second time to Abraham Ibrahim in Quran 37:112.

The choice of a first born animal or a first born son in a sacrifice does not apply to God because it is God who has commanded this test of faith and it is God who can choose anyone to be the sacrifice.

Abraham Ibrahim did not have a choice about who to sacrifice but he could only obey or disobey what God commanded him to do in this test.

God stopped the test when Abraham Ibrahim showed that after he had given his first son Ishmael Ismail and Hagar Hajar to God in the desert he was willing to sacrifice Isaac Ishaq who was his only son who was still living with Abraham Ibrahim in Canaan today in Israel and Palestine during the vision dream.

By stopping the sacrifice God saved Isaac Ishaq and fulfilled the promise that Isaac Ishaq would have children as proof that God always fulfils His promises and to teach humans that God forbids human sacrifice in Quran 17:31, Quran 16:57 - 16:59, Quran 81:8 - 81:9, Leviticus 18:21, Leviticus 20:3, Deuteronomy 12:31, Deuteronomy 18:10, Deuteronomy 24:16, Hosea 6:6, Jeremiah 7:22 - 7:23, Psalm 40:7 in Tanakh Jewish Scripture or Psalm 40:6 in Christian Bibles and Micah 6:7 - 6:8.

The proof that God is real is the Quran and the Torah Taurat confirming and explaining each other because "Whoever has no faith in His (God’s) Books then he has strayed far away (from God, Quran 4:136)." 

Most early Muslims believed the son to be sacrificed is Isaac Ishaq.

Most later Muslims believed the son to be sacrificed is Ishmael Ismail.

This means most early Muslims believed no one changed the Torah Taurat which confirms Quran 2:40 (telling the Jewish people to observe their covenant with God which is the Torah Taurat forever) and Quran 2:41 (telling the Jewish people that the Quran confirms what is with the Jewish people in the Torah Taurat) and most later Muslims believed the Torah Taurat was changed which contradicts Quran 2:40 (telling the Jewish people to observe their covenant with God which is the Torah Taurat forever) and Quran 2:41 (telling the Jewish people that the Quran confirms what is with the Jewish people in the Torah Taurat).

1. Which son was to be sacrificed?



2. Library chats E7: Ismā`īl vs. Isḥāq as the sacrifice: A case study of tafsīr and scholarly influence.



3. Was Abraham commanded to sacrifice Isaac or Ishmael?



4. Quran chapter 37. The story of the sacrifice.


What is the Gospel Injil?

Jesus did not write anything because everything Jesus taught by his mouth was already written in the Tanakh Jewish scripture meaning Jesus did not add or subtract from what is in Tanakh Jewish scripture.

The four Gospels are four reports about Jesus meaning Jesus never wrote anything and what he said was passed by mouth until it was written many years later.

The Quran tells the Christians to observe the Gospel and judge by the Gospel (not by the other books in the New Testament because what Paul teaches contradicts what Jesus is teaching in the Gospel).

Jesus in the Gospel says the Tanakh will exist forever and will never change (and this is the reason that Jesus did not add or subtract from what is in the Tanakh Jewish scripture) meaning anything in the Gospel which contradict the Tanakh did not come from God or from Jesus.

For example when Paul in his letter says the Torah is old and will soon disappear this is opposite to what Jesus is teaching in the Gospel where the Torah is forever and will not change and must be followed forever by the Jewish people in Gospel of Matthew 5:17 - 5:20 and Gospel of Matthew 23:1 - 23:3.

Every prophet after Moses including Prophet Jesus and Prophet Muhammad reminded the Jewish people to observe the Torah forever as the Torah has commanded them and as the Gospel and Quran reminds them..  

Sometimes the Gospel contradicts the Tanakh however some publishers of the Gospels have added foot notes explaining problem verses in the past therefore Christians in the present or in future can add foot notes to show verses that cannot be true such as the claim that Jesus descended from David because it contradicts the Tanakh (where a person can only inherit a tribe like David biologically through the father and not by adoption and not through the mother and not by choice) which Jesus said will never change and must be followed forever in Gospel of Matthew 5:17 - 5:20 and Gospel of Matthew 23:1 - 23:3.

In the Quran Prophet Jesus did not claim he inherited the House of David because it is impossible for anyone without a biological father to inherit a tribe in Judaism.

There are no names on the original earliest four Gospel Injil manuscripts meaning the names Mark, Matthew, Luke and John were all added later meaning no one knows who wrote them.

Quran 5:68 says observe the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil and Quran 5:47 tells Christians to judge by the Gospel Injil meaning whatever in the Gospel Injil is confirmed in the Torah Taurat came from Jesus and whatever contradicts the Torah Taurat came from the unknown writers who are traditionally called Mark, Matthew, Luke and John in a test from God described in 1 Kings 13:14 - 13:24 teaching that the word of God will not change and do not believe anyone (for example Mark, Matthew, Luke and John) who claims the word of God has changed.

1. In Quran 4:157 Jesus was not killed on the cross confirms the words of Jesus 3 days after the crucifixion in Gospel of John 20:17 “I have not yet ascended to the Father (God, meaning I have not yet died)” ...

2. In Quran 4:158 Jesus was saved on the cross with sleep when his soul ascended to heaven in Quran 39:42 and the way God would save Jesus on the cross is foreshadowed before the time of the crucifixion in the Gospel Injil as follows.

Gospel of Mark 5:39 "... The child is not dead but sleeping", 

Gospel of Matthew 9:24 "... For the maiden meaning the girl has not died but sleeps ..."

Gospel of Luke 8:52 "... She is not dead but sleeping."

Gospel of Luke 8:54 – 8:55 “…"Damsel meaning girl, wake up!" And her spirit returned, and she stood up at once, and he ordered that she be given something to eat. (This was proof that she was alive and not dead and that she was a physical body who could eat food and not a resurrected spiritual body that does not need food meaning she was a physical body who woke up after sleep and not a spiritual body which was resurrected after death as described by Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:35 and 1 Corinthians 15:44).

3. In Quran 5:75 and Quran 3:144 is the natural death of Jesus 2000 years ago which is mentioned three days after the crucifixion in Gospel of John 20:17 Jesus says to her (Mary Magdalene), "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father (God, meaning I have not yet died); but go to my brothers (my disciples), and tell them: 'I am ascending to my Father (God, meaning Jesus will die like every human dies as proof to his people that he is human meaning do not let a miracle make you believe I am not a human like you) …”

4. In Quran 19:36 Jesus said “God is my Lord and your Lord” meaning Jesus is teaching his people that he is not God and this is said 3 days after the crucifixion in Gospel of John 20:17 Jesus says to her (Mary Magdalene), "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father (God, meaning I have not yet died); but go to my brothers (my disciples), and tell them: 'I am ascending to my Father (to my creator God, meaning Jesus will die like every human dies as proof to his people that he is human meaning do not let a miracle make you believe I am more than a human like you) and your Father (to your creator God); to my God (to my Lord) and your God (to your Lord).”

5. God chose the Israelites and gave them the Torah Taurat and told them to observe the Sabbath Day in all their generations forever meaning God decreed Judaism and the Torah Taurat forever so that the following might be fulfilled.

a. The Torah Taurat shows which verses in the Gospel Injil confirm the Torah Taurat meaning they came from Jesus and which verses in the Gospel Injil contradict the Torah Taurat meaning they came from Mark, Matthew, Luke or John in a test described in 1 Kings 13:14 - 13:24 teaching that the word of God will not change and do not believe anyone who claims the word of God has changed.

b. In the same way God is testing Muslims in every generation in the story of the sacrifice in a test described in 1 Kings 13:14 - 13:24 teaching that the word of God will not change and do not believe anyone who claims the word of God has changed.

1. Which son was to be sacrificed?



2. Library chats E7: Ismā`īl vs. Isḥāq as the sacrifice: A case study of tafsīr and scholarly influence.



3. Was Abraham commanded to sacrifice Isaac or Ishmael?



4. Quran chapter 37. The story of the sacrifice.


Non-canonical books like the Book of Enoch quoted in the Christian Bible are rejected in Judaism because in Tanakh angels always obey God meaning there are no fallen angels in Tanakh Jewish scripture.

Jesus did not write anything because everything Jesus taught by his mouth was already written in the Tanakh Jewish scripture meaning Jesus did not add or subtract from what is in Tanakh Jewish scripture as God commanded for the Jewish people in Torah Deuteronomy 4:2.

Torah Deuteronomy 4:2 You (the children of Israel) shall not add to the word which I (God) command you, neither shall you diminish (take away) from it, so that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I (God) command you.

The four Gospels are four reports about Jesus meaning Jesus never wrote anything and what he said was passed by mouth until it was written many years later by four unknown people called Mark, Matthew, Luke and John.

The Quran tells the Christian to observe the Gospel and judge by the Gospel (not by the other books in the Christian New Testament Bible because what Paul teaches contradicts what Jesus is teaching in the Gospel) meaning anything from non-canonical books did not come from Jesus but came from Mark, Matthew, Luke or John in a test described in 1 Kings 13:14 - 13:24 teaching that the word of God will not change and do not believe anyone who claims the word of God has changed.

Quran 5:68 says observe the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil and Quran 5:47 tells Christians to judge by the Gospel Injil meaning whatever in the Gospel Injil is confirmed in the Torah Taurat came from Jesus and whatever contradicts the Torah Taurat came from the unknown writers who are traditionally called Mark, Matthew, Luke and John in a test from God described in 1 Kings 13:14 - 13:24 teaching that the word of God will not change and do not believe anyone (for example Mark, Matthew, Luke and John) who claims the word of God has changed.


The Gospel of Mark Chapter 11 to 16.

The triumphal entry.



Gospel of Mark 11:1 And when they had come close to Jerusalem, to Bethphage and Bethany on the Mount of Olives, he sends two of his disciples,


1. Where is Bethphage?

Bethphage meaning the house of un-ripe figs is on the road between Jerusalem and Jericho in the Roman province of Judea. Today Bethphage is in Palestine.


2. Where is Bethany?

Bethany is a village near Jerusalem in the Roman province of Judea. Today Bethany is in Palestine.


3. Where is the Mount of Olives?

Mount of Olives (Mount Olivet) is a mountain range east of Jerusalem in the Roman province of Judea. Today Mount of Olives (Mount Olivet) is in Israel and Palestine.



Gospel of Mark 11:2 and tells them, "Go into the village ahead of you, and just as you enter it you will find a colt tied, upon which no one has ever yet sat. Untie it and bring it. 


What is a colt?

The colt is the foal of a donkey.



Gospel of Mark 11:3 And if anyone says to you, 'Why are you doing that?' say, 'The Lord needs it and is sending it back here shortly.' "


Gospel of Mark 11:4 And they went, and found a colt tied at a doorway, outside in the street. And they are untying it. 


Gospel of Mark 11:5 And some people standing there said to them, "What are you doing untying the colt?"


Gospel of Mark 11:6 And they said to them as Jesus said, and they allowed them. 


Gospel of Mark 11:7 And they bring the colt to Jesus, and throw their cloaks on it, and he sat on it.


Gospel of Mark 11:8 And many people spread their cloaks on the road, and others, fronds cut from the fields. 


Explain Gospel of Mark 11:8.

Gospel of Mark 11:8 And many people spread their cloaks on the road, and others, (placing) fronds (branches) cut from the fields.


Gospel of Mark 11:9 And those proceeding ahead of him, and those following after, were shouting: "Hosha na!’ "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!’


Explain Gospel of Mark 11:9.

Gospel of Mark 11:9 And those proceeding ahead of him (Jesus), and those following after (him jesus), were shouting: "Hosha na!’ "Blessed is he (Jesus) who comes in the name of the Lord (meaning who comes in the name of God)!’


a. What does the Torah teach about those who come in the name of the Lord?

Torah Deuteronomy 18:15 A prophet (Prophet Joshua Yusha followed by prophet after prophet, messenger after messenger) will the LORD your God raise up to you (the children of Israel), from the midst of you (as happened 3000 years ago with Prophet David Dawud who delivered the Psalms Zabur in your midst presence when you were in the United Kingdom of Israel and Judah today in Israel and Palestine and 2000 years ago with Prophet Jesus Isa who delivered the Gospel Injil in your midst presence when you were in Judea and Galilee today in Israel and Palestine and 1400 years ago with Prophet Muhammad who delivered the Koran Quran in your midst presence when you were in Yathrib Arabia today in Madinah Saudi Arabia), of your brethren (The children of Israel are brothers and brethren to each other. The children of Esau are brothers and brethren to the children of Israel through Jacob Yaqub Israel who is the brother of Esau. The children of Ishmael Ismail are brothers and brethren to the children of Israel through Isaac Ishaq who is the brother of Ishmael Ismail and the father of Jacob Yaqub Israel. Esau and Ishmael Ismail are not one of the children of Israel. The children of Ishmael Ismail are the brethren and brother of the children of Isaac Ishaq which include the children of Israel in the same way as God says the children of Esau who are not the children of Israel are the brethren of the children of Israel in Torah Deuteronomy 2:4 – 2:8 and Prophet Moses Musa says the children of Esau who are not the children of Israel are the brother of the children of Israel in Torah Numbers 20:14. Those who descended from Prophet Abraham Ibrahim are brothers and brethren to each other and brothers and brethren in the religion of God because this is the religion of Prophet Abraham Ibrahim and), like (you did) to me (Prophet Moses Musa who delivered the Torah Taurat 3200 years ago in your midst presence when you were at Mount Sinai Horeb today in Egypt); to him (the prophet after prophet that is sent to you from God, the messenger after messenger that is sent to you from God) you shall (also) listen (Note that all the prophets and messengers of God are mentioned in Torah Deuteronomy 18:15. In Torah Genesis 25:9 “Isaac Ishaq and Ishmael Ismail his sons buried Abraham Ibrahim” meaning the children of Isaac Ishaq and the children of Ishmael Ismail are brothers and brethren to each other meaning the Hebrews and the Arabs are brothers and brethren to each other meaning the Jews and the Muslims are brothers and brethren to each other meaning everyone who follows the religion of God are brothers and brethren to each other as confirmed in Torah Deuteronomy 18:15, 18:18 - 18:22 and Quran 5:68 and Quran 7:157); 


Torah Deuteronomy 18:18 (Therefore) I (God) shall raise up for them (the children of Israel) a prophet (Prophet Joshua Yusha followed by prophet after prophet, messenger after messenger) like you (Prophet Moses Musa who delivered the Torah Taurat 3200 years ago when you were at Mount Sinai Horeb today in Egypt) from among their brothers brethren (The children of Israel are brothers and brethren to each other. The children of Esau are brothers and brethren to the children of Israel through Jacob Yaqub Israel who is the brother of Esau. The children of Ishmael Ismail are brothers and brethren to the children of Israel through Isaac Ishaq who is the brother of Ishmael Ismail and the father of Jacob Yaqub Israel. Esau and Ishmael Ismail are not one of the children of Israel. The children of Ishmael Ismail are the brethren and brother of the children of Isaac Ishaq which include the children of Israel in the same way as God says the children of Esau who are not the children of Israel are the brethren of the children of Israel in Torah Deuteronomy 2:4 – 2:8 and Prophet Moses Musa says the children of Esau who are not the children of Israel are the brother of the children of Israel in Torah Numbers 20:14. Those who descended from Prophet Abraham Ibrahim are brothers and brethren to each other and brothers and brethren in the religion of God because this is the religion of Prophet Abraham Ibrahim) and I (God through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel Jibril) shall put my (God’s) words in the mouth of the prophet (meaning prophet after prophet, messenger after messenger), who shall speak to them (the people) everything that I (God) command him” (to speak to you. Note that all the prophets and messengers of God are mentioned in Torah Deuteronomy 18:18. In Torah Genesis 25:9 “Isaac Ishaq and Ishmael Ismail his sons buried Abraham Ibrahim” meaning the children of Isaac Ishaq and the children of Ishmael Ismail are brothers and brethren to each other meaning the Hebrews and the Arabs are brothers and brethren to each other meaning the Jews and the Muslims are brothers and brethren to each other meaning everyone who follows the religion of God are brothers and brethren to each other as confirmed in Torah Deuteronomy 18:15, 18:18 - 18:22 and Quran 5:68 and Quran 7:157);


b. What does the Quran teach about those who come in the name of the Lord?

Quran 19:93 Koran 19:93 There is no one in the heavens and the earth who does not come to the Most Merciful (God) except as a servant.

Note 1. Every creation is a servant of God because God is the creator of every creation.


1. What does “Blessed is Jesus who comes in the name of the Lord” mean?


1-1. Blessed is Jesus who comes as a messenger of God to make revelations in the name of God.


1-2. God promised that anyone who made false revelations in the name of God would die.

Torah Deuteronomy 18:20 But the Prophet that shall speak a word presumptuously in My name (in the name of God), which I (God) have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, that same prophet shall die.


1-3. In the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15 Jesus said a prophet will come after Jesus.

The prophet that came after Jesus explained to the Jews that according to Torah Deuteronomy 18:20 Jesus is a truthful prophet because Jesus did not die when he talked in the name of God as God’s prophet and God’s messenger and as the messiah (the anointed one) from God.


The first sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after him in the Gospel.

How could Jesus be alive on the cross as revealed by the prophet after Jesus?

How could Jesus not be dead on the cross as revealed by the prophet after Jesus?

The prophet after Jesus revealed that Jesus was not crucified to death and Jesus was not killed but Jesus fainted to sleep and his soul was raised to heaven.

After 3 days the soul of Jesus was returned to the sleeping body of Jesus and he awoke just as every human awakes when their soul is returned from heaven after sleep.

The soul of Jesus is in heaven now which means that Jesus later died a natural death when his soul was raised by the angel of death to heaven and to God as every human soul is decreed to be raised.

Only the soul of a human is raised to heaven.

The human body is not needed in heaven.

The human body is only needed on the Earth.

The child is not dead but sleeping.

See Gospel of Mark 5:39, 12:36 (comments 14, 15 and 16) and 15:37 – 15:38 comments, 16:12 comments.

Three days after the crucifixion Jesus told Mary Magdalene to tell all the disciples that Jesus did not die on the cross in Gospel of John 20:17 “I have not yet ascended to the Father” meaning God saved the life of Jesus on the cross with a miracle which made people think Jesus was dead on the cross in the same way God made people believe a sleeping person was dead in Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24 and Gospel of Luke 8:52.

The soul of every human ascends to God during sleep and when they die (Quran 39:42).

When Jesus says I (Jesus) have not yet ascended to the Father (God) Jesus is not talking about sleep because every human ascends to God every night during sleep therefore the meaning is Jesus has not yet died meaning God saved the life of Jesus on the cross with sleep (Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24, Gospel of Luke 8:52, Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42) meaning Jesus did not die on the cross with death but was saved on the cross with sleep which looked like Jesus was dead and in this way God saved the life of Jesus meaning no one killed Jesus (Gospel of Luke 8:54 – 8:55 and Quran 39:42) meaning no one crucified Jesus to death (Quran 4:157) meaning Jesus was not sacrificed but was saved from death with sleep in Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42 for the same reason God saved the son of Abraham from death in a test of the faith in God of Abraham and Jesus.

When Jesus says "I (Jesus) am ascending to my Father (God) and your Father (God)" it means Jesus will die like every human dies meaning Jesus died a natural death at the end of his life 2000 years ago (Quran 3:144 and Quran 5:75) as proof Jesus is human and as proof Jesus is not God.


Gospel of John 20:17 Jesus says to her (Mary Magdalene), "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father (God); but go to my brothers (my disciples), and tell them: 'I am ascending to my Father and your Father; to my God and your God.'"

Note 1. After the crucifixion Jesus says do not hold on to me to see if I am really alive, I have not yet ascended to my Father meaning I am not yet dead meaning I am really alive meaning I am not a ghost.


The second sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after him in the Gospel.

What did Jesus say that would identify the prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus?

A prophet is not without honor, except in his home town and among his relatives, and in his house.

See Gospel of Mark 6:4 comments.


The third sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after him in the Gospel.

How does the prophet after Jesus show that Jesus is not God?

How do the Torah, Gospel and Quran confirm that Jesus cannot be God?

God is not a human and God does not resurrect in the form of a human.

God is not in the form of a human because the belief that a human is God is called idol worship which God has forbidden in the Torah.

See Gospel of Mark 6:14 comments.


The fourth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after him in the Gospel.

Where is proof that God has blessed Prophet Muhammad?

Where is proof that God has blessed the Quran?

Where is proof that God has blessed the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, Al-Quds?

Where is proof from God that Muhammad is the prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus?

God confirmed the prophet after Jesus by permitting the building of the Al-Aqsa mosque on the Holy ground of the First and Second Temples of God in Jerusalem (Al-Quds), Palestine, today Israel and Palestine.

See Gospel of Mark 12:9 comments.


The fifth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after him in the Gospel.

What will the next prophet after Jesus reveal about the return of Jesus?

Jesus said do not believe anyone who says that Jesus is returning to the Earth.

See Gospel of Mark 13:6 (13:5 – 13:6, 13:21 – 13:23), 13:26 and 14:62 comments.


The sixth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after him in the Gospel.

What will the next prophet after Jesus reveal about the time of the Day of Resurrection?

Jesus said do not believe anyone who says they know the time of the Day of Resurrection..

See Gospel of Mark 13:32 comments.


The seventh sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after him in the Gospel.

The next prophet after Jesus revealed that God does not forsake humans when a human calls out to God.

Why did Jesus say, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

See Gospel of Mark 15:34 comments.


The eighth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after him in the Gospel.

Where is the proof that the next prophet after Jesus has arrived?

Today no one can drink deadly poison and live as a sign of their faith in God.

See Gospel of Mark 16:18 comments.



2. What does "Hosha na! "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord” mean?

What does "Hosanna! "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord” mean?

Save us we pray to you (God), Blessed is Jesus who comes as a messenger of God to make revelations in the name of God.



Gospel of Mark 11:10 "Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David!" "Hosha na in the highest!"


1. What does Hosha na mean?

What does Hosanna mean?

Hosha na means save us we pray to you.

Hosanna means save us we pray to you.

2. What does “Hosha na in the highest” mean?

What does “Hosanna in the highest” mean?

Save us we pray to you God.



Gospel of Mark 11:11 And he went into Jerusalem to the temple, and after looking around at everything, he went out to Bethany with the Twelve, since the hour was now late.


Explain Gospel of Mark 11:11.

Gospel of Mark 11:11 And he went into Jerusalem to the temple, and after looking around at everything, he went out to Bethany with the Twelve (disciples), since the hour was now late.


Where is Jerusalem?

Jerusalem (Al-Quds, Yerussalem, Yerushalayim) in the time of Jesus in the first century was in the Roman province of Judea today in southern Israel and Palestine.

Jerusalem (Al-Quds, Yerussalem, Yerushalayim) was the location of the second Jewish Temple of God and therefore the centre of Jewish traditional religious life.



Jesus clears the Temple.


Gospel of Mark 11:12 And the next day as they were on their way from Bethany, he was hungry. 


1. Where is Bethany.

Bethany is a village near Jerusalem (Al-Quds) in the Roman province of Judea, Today Bethany is in Palestine.

2. Why was Jesus hungry?

Jesus is not God.

After all the miracles done by Jesus, God did not give Jesus the miracle of not requiring food to eat.

God shows that Jesus is human and that Jesus is not God.




Gospel of Mark 11:13 And seeing from afar a fig tree that had leaves, he went, if perchance he would find something on it. And coming upon it he found nothing but leaves. (For it was not the season of figs.) 


Explain Gospel of Mark 11:13.

Gospel of Mark 11:13 And seeing from afar a fig tree (which represents those people who are misguided in the Temple that Jesus would visit) that had leaves (meaning its appearance was good), he (Jesus) went, if perchance (to see if) he would find something on it. And coming upon it he found nothing but leaves. (For it was not the season of figs) (meaning the outward appearance of what people did in the Temple would not produce fruit meaning goodness)


Why when Jesus saw a fig tree from far away did he not know it had no figs?

Jesus is not God.

After all the miracles done by Jesus, God did not give Jesus the miracle of knowing if there were figs on a tree.

God shows that Jesus is human and that only God knows all things and that Jesus is not God.



Gospel of Mark 11:14 And in response he said to it, "May no one ever eat fruit from you again." And his disciples heard.


Jesus cursed the fig tree.

Explain Gospel of Mark 11:14.

Gospel of Mark 11:14 And in response he (Jesus the prophet told the future and) said to it (the fig tree that represents those people who are misguided in the Temple that Jesus would visit), "May no one ever eat fruit from you again." And his disciples heard.


1. The fig in the Gospel and in the Quran. 

Quran 95:1 Koran 95:1 (I God swear to the truth) by the fig and the olive (near Jerusalem Al-Quds which are mentioned in the Gospel Injil) – 



Gospel of Mark 11:15 And they come into Jerusalem. And when he had entered the temple, he proceeded to drive out the ones selling and the ones buying in the temple, and the tables of the moneychangers and the seats of the ones selling doves he overturned,


Jesus entered the second Jewish Temple of God in Jerusalem (Al-Quds).

God sent prophets as warners before God destroyed the first Jewish Temple of God in Jerusalem (Al-Quds).

Now again God sent a messenger as a warner to the people in the second Jewish Temple of God in Jerusalem (Al-Quds).



Gospel of Mark 11:16 and he did not allow anyone to carry stuff through the temple courts.


Gospel of Mark 11:17 And he started teaching, and said to them, "Is it not written:" 'My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations'? But you have made it 'a den of robbers.'"


Explain Gospel of Mark 11:17.

Gospel of Mark 11:17 And he started teaching, and said to them, "Is it not written:" 'My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations'? But you have made it 'a den of robbers'" (where commercial transactions included dishonesty and fraud).


Jesus said that the second Jewish Temple of God in Jerusalem (Al-Quds) has been changed from a place of prayer to a place of commercial transaction.

Where there is commercial transaction there you will find dishonesty and fraud literally a place of robbers. 

God sent Jesus as the messenger of God to warner the people in the second Jewish Temple in Jerusalem (Al-Quds) to correct their ways.



Gospel of Mark 11:18 And the chief priests and the Torah scholars heard, and they were looking for a way to kill him, for they feared him, because the entire crowd was being held enrapt during his teaching.



The withered fig tree.


Gospel of Mark 11:19 And when it got late, they would go outside the city.


Explain Gospel of Mark 11:19.

Gospel of Mark 11:19 And when it got late, they (Jesus and his disciples) would go outside the city.


Gospel of Mark 11:20 And early, as they were traveling along, they saw the fig tree, withered from the roots. 


Gospel of Mark 11:21 And reminded, Peter says to him, "Rabbi, look! The fig tree you cursed has withered."


Explain Gospel of Mark 11:21.

Gospel of Mark 11:21 And reminded, Peter says to him (Jesus), "Rabbi, look!  The fig tree (representing those people who are misguided in the Temple that) you cursed has withered (meaning will die without producing fruit meaning those people who are misguided in the Temple will die without having done goodness on the earth)."


1. What does Rabbi mean?

Rabbi is a Jewish scholar or teacher who teaches Jewish law (the Torah).

Jesus is a Jew.

Jesus followed the Jewish religion.

In the time of Jesus the religion of Christianity and Islam did not exist.

2. The fig tree that Jesus cursed has died.



Gospel of Mark 11:22 And in response Jesus says to them, "Have faith in God. 


Explain Gospel of Mark 11:22.

Gospel of Mark 11:22 And in response Jesus says to them, "Have faith in God (meaning whoever has faith in God can do what Jesus is doing because God is giving power to whoever has faith as a sign that Jesus the prophet and messenger is teaching the truth). 


Jesus reveals that the lesson of the fig tree is to “have faith in God”.

Jesus is not God.

Jesus is not saying have faith in Jesus because Jesus is not God.

Jesus said have faith in God.

Jesus is a human prophet of God.

Jesus is a human messenger of God.

Jesus is the messiah sent by God to warn the people in the second Jewish Temple of God to correctly obey God.



Gospel of Mark 11:23 Truly I tell you, whoever can say to this mountain, 'Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,' and it is not being questioned in his heart, but he is believing that what he is saying is happening, it will happen for him.


Belief has the power to move a mountain.

Explain Gospel of Mark 11:23.

Gospel of Mark 11:23 Truly I (Jesus) tell you, whoever can say to this mountain, 'Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,' and it is not being questioned in his heart, but he is believing that what he is saying is happening, it will happen for him (meaning whoever has faith in God can do what Jesus is doing because God is giving power to whoever has faith as a sign that Jesus the prophet and messenger is teaching the truth).



Gospel of Mark 11:24 "Therefore I tell you, all things, whatever you are asking for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will happen for you. 


Explain Gospel of Mark 11:24.

Gospel of Mark 11:24 "Therefore I (Jesus) tell you, all things, whatever you are asking (God) for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will happen for you (meaning whoever has faith in God can do what Jesus is doing because God is giving power to whoever has faith as a sign that Jesus the prophet and messenger is teaching the truth). 


1. Jesus said pray.

Who did Jesus pray to?

Jesus only prayed to God.


2. Why did Jesus only pray to God?

Only God who is the creator of every creation has the power to hear prayer.


3. Why did Jesus not pray to Moses?

Moses is a soul in heaven waiting for the Day of Resurrection and Judgement.

Moses is a creation and creations have no power to hear prayer.

Only God who is the creator of every creation has the power to hear prayer.


4. Why did Jesus not pray to Elijah?

Elijah is a soul in heaven waiting for the Day of Resurrection and Judgement.

Elijah is a creation and creations have no power to hear prayer.

Only God who is the creator of every creation has the power to hear prayer.



Gospel of Mark 11:25 Also, when you stand praying, forgive, if you are holding anything against anyone, so that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses."


Explain Gospel of Mark 11:25.

Gospel of Mark 11:25 Also, when you stand praying, forgive, if you are holding anything against anyone, so that your Father (God) in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses (sins)."


Jesus said God who is the creator of every creation is the one who forgives sin.


1. The Quran confirms the Gospel.

If you forgive others then God will forgive you.


Quran 5:45 Koran 5:45 (And in the Torah Taurat) We (God) gave all the laws, (taking) the life for the (lost) life, (taking) the eye for the (lost) eye, (taking) the nose for the (lost) nose, (taking) the ear for the (lost) ear, (taking) the tooth for the (lost) tooth, these are the laws of retaliation for giving wounds that are equal to what were unjustly inflicted. Whoever forgoes it (meaning whoever gives the mercy of not retaliating) shall be rewarded by (God) cancelling some of the sins of the person (that had the right to retaliate but did not retaliate but instead they followed in the way of God’s recommended mercy). Whoever does not judge by what God has revealed are wrong doers. 


Gospel of Mark 11:26 is not in the DRP translation because it is not in the earliest manuscripts.

In later manuscripts it appears as follows Gospel of Mark 11:26 But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father (God) which is in heaven forgive your trespasses (wrong doings).

(Comment 1. The Gospel of Mark 11:25 and 11:26 agree with the word of God.


2. Forgive on the earth so that God will forgive you in the hereafter in the Gospel and in the Quran.

The way of God is forgiveness.

The cause of God is forgiveness.

The example of God is forgiveness.

Righteous are those who forgive.  


The way of the Torah Gospel and Quran is forgiveness.

The cause of the Torah Gospel and Quran is forgiveness.

The example of the  Torah Gospel and Quranis forgiveness.

The good doers are those who forgive.  


The way of Prophet Moses, Prophet Jesus Isa and Prophet Muhammad is forgiveness.

The cause of Prophet Moses, Prophet Jesus Isa and Prophet Muhammad is forgiveness.

The example of Prophet Moses, Prophet Jesus Isa and Prophet Muhammad is forgiveness.

The best of creations are those who forgive.


God forgives those who forgive.

God rewards those who forgive.

If you pardon what people have done and overlook the faults of people and forgive people then God is forgiving and merciful to you (Quran 39:53, Quran 42:43, Quran 45:14 and Quran 64:14).


1. God forgives you if you forgive others (Quran 39:53, Quran 42:43, Quran 45:14 and Quran 64:14).

2. Love your neighbour (Quran 42:43).

3. Love your enemy (Quran 41:34 – 41:36, Quran 42:43 and Quran 60:7).

4. Forgive your enemy (Quran 41:34 – 41:36 and Quran 42:43. God will forgive even those who mocked Prophet Muhammad and those who plotted to kill Prophet Muhammad if they repent and ask God for forgiveness in Quran 8:30 – 8:33).

5. Forgive your neighbour (Quran 42:43).

6. Forgive disbelievers (Quran 45:14).

7. Forgive believers (Quran 49:10).

8. Forgive Jews (Quran 5:13).

9. Forgive the killer (Quran 5:45 and Quran 85:10).

10. Exploding bombs in crowds is forbidden by God (Quran 48:25).

11. Fighting today is not in the cause of God (Quran 48:25 comments).

12. If you pardon what people have done and overlook the faults of people and forgive people then God is forgiving and merciful to you (Quran 39:53, Quran 45:14 and Quran 64:14).


Quran 5:13 Koran 5:13 "... You shall not cease to discover treachery from them (dishonesty from their words) except for a few of them (who are honest in their word). Even though they (many among the Jews of Arabia) do that (treachery against you), (you should) pardon (forgive) their bad deeds and forgive them (like you would like God to pardon your bad deeds and forgive you in the hereafter). God loves those who do good (deeds to other people).


Quran 45:14 Koran 45:14 Say (Prophet Muhammad) to those who believe (in God that) they (should) forgive those who do not expect the Days of God (in the hereafter, meaning forgive the disbelievers, forgive the non believers, forgive the stone idol worshippers in Makkah, forgive the people who do not believe in God) so that He (God) may reward (the righteous) people for what they earn (in reward for the hereafter by obeying God’s command that the people who believe in God should forgive the people who do not believe in God so that you forgive the disbelievers in your life in the same way that you wish God to forgive you in the next life in the hereafter).




The authorities question Jesus' authority.



Gospel of Mark 11:27 And they arrive again in Jerusalem, and as he was walking in the temple, the chief priests and the Torah scholars come up to him, along with the elders,


Explain Gospel of Mark 11:27.

Gospel of Mark 11:27 And they arrive again in Jerusalem, and as he (Jesus) was walking in the temple, the chief priests and the Torah scholars come up to him (Jesus), along with the elders,


Where is Jerusalem?

Jerusalem (Al-Quds, Yerussalem, Yerushalayim) in the time of Jesus in the first century was in the Roman province of Judea today in southern Israel and Palestine.

Jerusalem (Al-Quds, Yerussalem, Yerushalayim) was the location of the second Jewish Temple of God and therefore the centre of Jewish traditional religious life.



Gospel of Mark 11:28 and they were saying to him, "By what authority are you doing these things?  Or, who gave you this authority, that you may do these things?"


Explain Gospel of Mark 11:28.

Gospel of Mark 11:28 and they were saying to him (Jesus), "By what authority are you (Jesus) doing these things? Or, who gave you (Jesus) this authority, that you may do these things?"


Gospel of Mark 11:29 And Jesus said to them, "I will ask you one question. You answer me, and I will tell you by what authority I am doing these things. 


Gospel of Mark 11:30 John's baptism— was it from heaven, or from human beings? Answer me."


Gospel of Mark 11:31 And they were discussing it among themselves, as follows: "If we say, 'From heaven,' he will say, 'Then why didn't you believe him?' 


Gospel of Mark 11:32 On the other hand, dare we say, 'From human beings'?" (They were fearing the people, for the people all held that John really was a prophet).


The Jewish leaders at the second Temple of God in Jerusalem (Al-Quds) said the children of Israel believed that John the baptizer is a prophet of God.



Gospel of Mark 11:33 And in answer they say to Jesus, "We do not know." And Jesus says to them, "Neither am I telling you by what authority I do these things."





The Gospel of Mark Chapter 12.

The parable of the tenants.



Gospel of Mark 12:1 And he began to speak to them in parables. "A man planted a vineyard, and put a hedge around it, and dug a winepress, and built a watchtower, and leased it out to tenant-farmers, and journeyed away. 


The House of God is planted in Jerusalem (Al-Quds).

The vineyard is Jerusalem, Al-Quds and the Second House of God in Jerusalem, Al-Quds.

The hedge is the wall that surrounds Jerusalem, Al-Quds and the Second House of God in Jerusalem, Al-Quds.

Winepress is the fruits of belief that comes from the people in Jerusalem, Al-Quds and the Second House of God in Jerusalem, Al-Quds.

The watch tower represents the Second Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, Al-Quds which represents God’s favour to the people.



Gospel of Mark 12:2 And in the time of harvest he sent a servant to the tenants, that he might be paid by the tenants out of the fruit of the vineyard. 


The House of God is in Jerusalem (Al-Quds).

God sends a messenger to God’s house.



Gospel of Mark 12:3 And seizing him they beat him, and sent him away empty-handed. 



Gospel of Mark 12:4 And again he sent a servant to them, a different one. That one they wounded in the head and insulted. 


The House of God is in Jerusalem (Al-Quds).

God sends another messenger to God’s house.



Gospel of Mark 12:5 Yet another he sent, and that one they killed. And he sent many others; some they beat, some they killed.


The House of God is in Jerusalem (Al-Quds).

God sends many another messengers to God’s house.



Gospel of Mark 12:6 One alone he still had, a beloved son. Finally, him he sent to them, saying, 'They will respect my son.'


The House of God is in Jerusalem (Al-Quds).

God sends the last messenger to God’s house as a final warning.



Gospel of Mark 12:7 "But those tenants said among themselves, 'This is the heir. Come, let us kill him, and the inheritance will be ours.' 


The House of God is in Jerusalem (Al-Quds).

God sends the last messenger to God’s house as a final warning.



Gospel of Mark 12:8 And taking him, they killed him, and cast him outside the vineyard.


The House of God is in Jerusalem (Al-Quds).

God sends the last messenger to God’s house as a final warning.



Gospel of Mark 12:9 "What will the owner of the vineyard do? He will come and kill the tenants, and he will give the vineyard to others.


The fourth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after him in the Gospel.

Where is proof that God has blessed Prophet Muhammad?

Where is proof that God has blessed the Quran?

Where is proof that God has blessed the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, Al-Quds?

Where is proof from God that Muhammad is the prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus?

Where is proof from God that Muhammad is the prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus?

Where is proof that God has blessed Prophet Muhammad?

Where is proof that God has blessed the Quran?

Where is proof that God has blessed the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, Al-Quds?

God confirmed the prophet after Jesus by permitting the building of the Al-Aqsa mosque on the Holy ground of the First and Second Temples of God in Jerusalem (Al-Quds), Palestine, today Israel and Palestine.


1. The house of God is in Jerusalem (Al-Quds).

Jesus tells what is to come, the destruction of Jerusalem (Al-Quds) and the destruction of the Second Jewish Temple of God in Jerusalem (Al-Quds).

See Gospel of Mark 12:1 – 12:9 comments.


2. What does “he will give the vineyard to others mean?

The vineyard is the belief in one God.

The Gospel is the belief in one God.

The Gospel explains how the leadership of the Second Jewish Temple of God corrupted the worship of God by using their position to benefit themselves rather than the people.

The Gospel explains how the leadership of the Second Jewish Temple of God corrupted relationships between humans by loving the law more than loving the people.

God will give the mercy of belief to others refers to those who follow the teachings of Jesus in the Gospel.

God will give the mercy of belief to others refers to those who will worship the one God as God should be worshipped and as humans should respect each other.

God will give the mercy of belief to others refers to those who will not corrupt relationships between humans and between humans and God which is explained by the prophet that Jesus said would come after him in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

See Gospel of Mark 12:1 – 12:9 comments.


3. The vineyard as symbolized by Jerusalem (Al-Quds).

37 years after the time of Jesus the Second Jewish Temple in Jerusalem (Al-Quds) in Judea today southern Israel and Palestine was destroyed by the Roman Army.

See Gospel of Mark 12:1 – 12:9 comments.


4. What does “Jerusalem (Al-Quds) was given to another” mean?

37 years after the time of Jesus the children of Israel were killed or hid or were captured or fled from Jerusalem after the siege and destruction caused by the Roman Army.

Jews were the first to receive the message of the Gospel and the Jewish disciples that Jesus had trained spread the word of God to other nations and that developed into Christianity.

See Gospel of Mark 12:1 – 12:9 comments.


5. The fourth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after him in the Gospel.

Where is proof that God has blessed Prophet Muhammad?

Where is proof that God has blessed the Quran?

Where is proof that God has blessed the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, Al-Quds?

Where is proof from God that Muhammad is the prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus?

God confirmed the prophet after Jesus by permitting the building of the Al-Aqsa mosque on the Holy ground of the First and Second Temples of God in Jerusalem (Al-Quds), Palestine, today Israel and Palestine.

The second house of God that was destroyed 37 years AFTER Jesus to confirm the warnings given by Jesus was rebuilt 73 years AFTER the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15, to show God’s confirmation of the last prophet of God.

The last prophet of God confirmed the Torah and the Gospel and revealed God’s final revelations to humankind in the Quran.

The First House of God in Jerusalem (Al-Quds) was the First Jewish Temple on the temple mount.

The Second House of God in Jerusalem (Al-Quds) was the Second Jewish Temple built on the destroyed first House of God.

The Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem (Al-Quds) is the Muslim Al-Aqsa mosque (Bayt al-Muqaddas) built on the destroyed Second House and First House of God.

Only God has the power to allow construction on His holy ground in Jerusalem (Al-Quds).


Only God has the power to bless what is on God’s Holy ground on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Al-Quds as a sign for all who have eyes to see and a sign for all who have hearts that understand. 

Only God has the power to show His blessing on the prophet who came after Jesus which Jesus said would leave God’s message on the Earth forever (because it is the last message from God).

God established the Al-Aqsa mosque, Bayt al-Muqaddas on God’s Holy ground were the two Jewish Temples of God had stood on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Al-Quds in Palestine today in Israel and Palestine to show the truthfulness of God’s last revelation to humans through the Holy Spirit to Prophet Muhammad in the Quran.


Quran 17:8 Koran 17:8 (The mercy of God was on the children of Israel when God chose them from among all the people in the world 1800 years before the birth of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 44:32 and 45:16 and gave the children of Israel the Holy land of Canaan today Israel and Palestine in Quran 5:20 – 5:21 where the children of Israel built the First Temple of God in Jerusalem Al-Quds 1500 years before the birth of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 34:13. After God explains the destruction of the first Jewish Temple of God in Jerusalem Al-Quds 1150 years before the birth of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 17:4 – 17:5 then came the mercy of God which again established the Jews and the second Jewish Temple of God in Jerusalem Al-Quds 1080 years before the birth of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 17:6 followed by the destruction of the second Temple of God in Jerusalem Al-Quds 500 years before the birth of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 17:7. Then God through Prophet Muhammad foretold the future), “It may be that your Lord (God) shall have mercy on you (which happened when the children of Israel the Jews the Hebrews were returned to Jerusalem Al-Quds 1300 years after the death of Prophet Muhammad as foretold in Quran 17:8), but if you repeat (the sin of arrogance) We (God) shall repeat (the punishment), and We (God) have appointed hell Jahannam as the home (in the hereafter) for the disbelievers.” 

Note 1. The mercy promised by God in Quran 17:8 to the children of Israel shows that God keeps His promise because in 1367 AH (1948 CE 1948 AD) God returned the Jewish people to Israel with the warning that a repeat of the sin of arrogance will be followed by God repeating His punishment and that is a promise from God which must be taken seriously because God proves He keeps His promise.

Jews today pray at the Western Wall of the Temple Mount next to the Al-Aqsa Mosque which is the Muslim Al-Aqsa mosque, Bayt al-Muqaddas.



6. If Jesus was on the Earth today what might Jesus say according to the Gospel?

6-1. Jesus today might say (only God really knows) “O my people did you not read the Gospels?

Do the Gospels not say that I am a human like every other human who eats and sleeps?

Do the Gospels not say that I prayed only to God like every Jew before me?

Did you not know that pray to anything that has been created by God such as humans who are dead or alive is called idol worship?


6-2. Jesus today might say (only God really knows) “O my people after I left the earth the second house of God was destroyed and after the prophet I said would come after me had also left the earth the Al-Aqsa mosque was established, do you not see and understand?

After Jesus brought warnings from God that were ignored the Second Temple of God in Jerusalem, Al-Quds in Judea, today in Israel and Palestine was destroyed just as God had earlier destroyed the First Temple of God in Jerusalem, Al-Quds in the Kingdom of Judah, today in Israel and Palestine.


In the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15 Jesus said another prophet would come after him (as had come after every prophet before him).

When the prophet after Jesus had left the earth, the Al-Aqsa Mosque (al-Masjid al-Aqsa, the farthest mosque, Bayt al-Muqaddas) was established in 85 AH (705 CE, 705 AD) in Jerusalem, Al-Quds, Palestine today Israel and Palestine.


The second house of God that was destroyed 37 years AFTER Jesus to confirm the warnings given by Jesus was rebuilt and established as the Al-Aqsa Mosque 73 years AFTER the next prophet left the Earth that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15, to show God’s confirmation of the last prophet of God.

The Second House of God in Jerusalem, Al-Quds in Judea today Israel and Palestine was destroyed as a sign of the truthfulness of Jesus.

The existence of the  Al-Aqsa mosque built on the destroyed Second House and First House of God on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Al-Quds in Palestine today in Israel and Palestine is proof from God that the Quran is the word of God and that Muhammad is the prophet of God who came after Jesus.


6-3. In relation to the Al-Aqsa mosque of God in Jerusalem, Al-Quds, why might Jesus today say, “do you not see and understand?”

Jesus might say, “if you believe every word in the Gospel without seeing with your eyes what happened 2000 years ago, then why do you not believe what you see with your eyes today in Jerusalem, Al-Quds?”


2000 years ago many people saw the miracles done by Jesus but they still did not believe.

Today when you can see that God has blessed the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount are you like the people of 2000 years ago that would not believe because they had no faith?


Only God could have allowed the Al-Aqsa Mosque to have been established on top of the ruins of the First and Second Houses of God on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Al-Quds today in Israel and Palestine.

Do you not see and understand?


6-4. Do you not see what God has reveal?

Do you not see that God has blessed the Muslim Al-Aqsa Mosque like God had blessed the Second and the First houses of God (The Jewish Temples of God) that came before?

Do you not know that only God has the power to establish and bless or to destroy and curse what is established on the Temple Mount which is God’s Holy Site in Jerusalem, Al-Quds?


6-5. Do you not understand what God has reveal?

Do you not understand that the God of the Jews, Christians and Muslims is the same God?

Do you not understand that Jews, Christians and Muslims are brothers and sisters because they all believe in God who is the creator of every creation?

Do you not understand that the Torah, Gospel and Quran are the word of God revealed as guidance for humans in their time?

Do you not understand that the Torah, Gospel and Quran are the word of God revealed as guidance for humans today and for all times?

Do you not understand that humans are one of the special creations among the creations of God?

Do you not understand that the Torah, Gospel and Quran are guidance for all humans sent to humankind as a blessing for all humans?


Quran 30:30 Koran 30:30 So direct yourself (Prophet Muhammad) towards the religion (the belief in one creator) for which He (God who is the one and only creator) has created (religion for) humans. No one can alter what God has created (in religion, in the Torah, the Gospel and the Quran). That is the right religion (belief), but most people do not know (this).



7. The Quran confirms the Gospel and the Torah.

Quran 5:46 Koran 5:46 And We (God through Angel Gabriel revealed to Prophet Muhammad) sent Prophet Jesus, son of Mary, to follow in their footsteps (the footsteps of the earlier Prophets), confirming what was (revealed) before him (Prophet Jesus) in the Torah, and We (God through Angel Gabriel revealed to Prophet Muhammad) gave to him (Prophet Jesus the revelation of) the Gospel as a guidance and a light, confirming what was (revealed) before it in the Torah as a guidance and a warning to prevent evil.


Quran 5:68 Koran 5:68 Say (Prophet Muhammad to the Jews of Yathrib in Arabia today in Medina, Saudi Arabia and to the Christians), “O People of the Scripture, You have nothing (no guidance, no religion) until you observe the Torah and the Gospel and what was revealed to you from your Lord (God).” ….”


Quran 5:69 Koran 5:69 (In the hereafter) truly those (Muslims) who believed and those who became Jews, Christians and Sabians, whoever believed in God and the Last Day (The Day of Resurrection) and did good deeds, they shall have their reward from their Lord, and they shall not fear or grieve (and this is confirmed in Quran 6:158 for those in the hereafter who “believed” and did good deeds. Quran 5:69 repeats Quran 2:62 meaning stop and think about what God is saying in these verses confirming what is in the Hebrew Bible and the Gospel Injil of the promise of Paradise Jannah from God in the books of God on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement for those who “believed” and did good deeds. The Quran brings the same truth which God brought to the Jewish people in the Hebrew Bible and to the Christian people in the Gospel Injil of Jesus Isa by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John. The Quran is a confirmer of what came before it in the same way as the Gospel Injil is a confirmer of what came before it meaning the Books of God confirm each other as proof God is real and as proof His promise is real as explained in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQ3o3ybc-KA showing that without His permission no one can change His words in His Books which are with all humans today and until the Day of Judgement so that you can believe God is real and His promise is real).

Comment 1. Who goes to Paradise Jannah?

Note 1. The Jews who believed in God and did good deeds go to Paradise Jannah. 

Note 2. The Christians who believed in God and did good deeds go to Paradise Jannah. 

Note 3. The Sabians who believed in God and did good deeds go to Paradise Jannah. 

Note 4. The Muslims who believed in God and did good deeds go to Paradise Jannah. 

Note 5. Everyone who believed in God and did good deeds goes to Paradise Jannah. 

Note 6. This revelation is so important that God has repeated it in Quran 2:62

In Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 the promise of Paradise Jannah is not for those who “believe” but only for those who “believed” meaning who died (past tense) because it is not until the time of death that your true belief or disbelief and your good and evil deeds are judged,

God repeated Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 two times because it is only with Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 that there are no contradictions within the Quran and between the Quran and the Torah Taurat and between the Quran and the Gospel Injil as proof in Quran 4:82 to the Jews in the time of Prophet Muhammad who are promised Paradise Jannah in Quran 3:113-3:115 and to the Christians in the time of Prophet Muhammad who are promised Paradise Jannah in Quran 5:82-5:85 and to the stone idol worshippers 1400 years ago who are not promised Paradise Jannah in Quran 3:85 and to all people today and in the future that the Quran is from God because the Quran contains no contradictions.

If Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 did not exist then it would be proof that the Quran was not from God because without Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 the Quran would contradict its self and contradict the Torah Taurat and contradict the Gospel Injil.

Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 is good news for Jews, Christians, Sabians, Muslims and all the people in the world confirming they will all come together again in a life after death.


Quran 16:43 Koran 16:43 And We (God) did not sent (as God’s messengers) before you (Prophet Muhammad) anyone but humans whom We (God) inspired (to invite humans to believe in God who is the One creator of every creation). So ask of those (knowledgeable Jews and Christians) who know the Scripture (of Prophet Moses in the Torah and of Prophet Jesus in the Gospel), if you (Prophet Muhammad) do not know (this).


Quran 17:2 Koran 17:2 We (God) gave to (Prophet) Moses the Scripture (the Torah), and made it (the Torah) a guidance for the children of Israel, saying, “Take no other guardian (for your affairs) except Me (God).”


Quran 29:46 Koran 29:46 And do not argue with the People of the Scripture (the Jews and the Christians) except in the best way (by using good words and in a good manner), except with those of them that are wrongdoers. And say, “We (Muslims) believe in what has been revealed to us (Muslims in the Quran) and revealed to you (the Jews in your Torah and the Christians in your Gospel). Our (Muslim) God and your (Jewish and Christian) God is (the same) one (God) and to Him (God, the creator of every creation) we have submitted (ourselves as believers in Him the one and only God).”



Gospel of Mark 12:10 "Have you not read this scripture: ‘A stone which the builders rejected, this one has become the chief cornerstone;


The leaders of the second Temple of God in Jerusalem (Al-Quds) have rejected Jesus.

The Good News (Gospel) from God that was rejected in the time of Jesus later became a beacon of light for the world.


The meaning in Judaism is.

Psalm 118:22 The stone (David) which the builders (Jesse the father of David who did not bring David when he was asked to bring his sons in front of Prophet Nathan was) rejected (because they thought David was too young to be chosen as a king) became the cornerstone (of the kingdom of Israel because God chose David to be the messiah king of Israel).

Psalm 118:23 This is the LORD'S doing (meaning it is what God revealed through Prophet Nathan); it is marvellous in our eyes (meaning the people are happy with what God has decreed in choosing messiah king David).



Gospel of Mark 12:11 from the Lord this came about, and it is marvelous in our eyes'?"


Jesus reminds humans that the light of the Gospel is not from Jesus who is only a messenger but the Gospel is from God who is the creator of every creation.

Jesus is a created human.

Jesus is not the creator.



Gospel of Mark 12:12 And they were looking for a way to arrest him, for they knew he had told the parable in reference to them. Yet they were afraid of the crowd. And they went away, leaving him alone.



Paying the tribute tax to Caesar.


Gospel of Mark 12:13 And they send some of the Pharisees and Herodians, in order to trap him in a saying. 


Who are the Pharisees?

Who are the Herodians?

See Gospel of Mark 3:6 comments. 


Gospel of Mark 12:14 And coming, they say to him, "Teacher, we know that you are honest, and it matters not to you about anyone, in that you pay no attention to the personage of people, but rather on the basis of truth you teach the way of God. Is it permissible to pay the tribute to Caesar, or not? Should we pay, or should we not pay?"


Explain Gospel of Mark 12:14.

Gospel of Mark 12:14 And coming, they say to him (Jesus), "Teacher, we know that you are honest, and it matters not to you about anyone, in that you pay no attention to the personage of people, but rather on the basis of truth you teach the way of God. Is it permissible to pay the tribute to Caesar, or not? Should we pay, or should we not pay?"


Who is Caesar?

Caesar was the leader of the Roman Empire.

The face of Caesar was on Roman coins.



Gospel of Mark 12:15 But he, perceiving their hypocrisy, said to them, "Why are you testing me?  Bring me a denarius, so that I may look at it." 


Explain Gospel of Mark 12:15.

Gospel of Mark 12:15 But he (Jesus), perceiving their hypocrisy, said to them, "Why are you testing me (Jesus)?  Bring me a denarius, so that I may look at it." 


What is a denarius?

A denarius is a small silver coin with the image of the Roman emperor (Caesar) which was used as Roman money.


Gospel of Mark 12:16 And they brought one. And he says to them, "Whose image is this, and inscription?" They say to him, "Caesar's."


Explain Gospel of Mark 12:16.

Gospel of Mark 12:16 And they brought one. And he (Jesus) says to them, "Whose image is this, and inscription?" They say to him, "Caesar's."


Gospel of Mark 12:17 And Jesus said to them, "Caesar's things give back to Caesar, and God's things to God." And they were amazed at him.



Marriage and the resurrection.


Gospel of Mark 12:18 Then some Sadducees come up to him (Sadducees say there is no resurrection), and they questioned him as follows:


Who believed and who disbelieved in resurrection among the Jews in Judea?


1. Some Jews did not believe in the resurrection of the dead in the time of Prophet Jesus.

In the time of Prophet Jesus a Jewish sect called the Sadducees rejected the belief in the resurrection of the dead which caused hostilities with other Jewish groups such as the Pharisees who believed in the resurrection of the dead.

The Sadducees believed in the written Torah but rejected oral law (Jewish stories, Jewish hadith) and rejected the belief in the resurrection of the dead.

The Sadducee were in Judea (today southern Israel and Palestine) in the period of the second Jewish Temple in Jerusalem from the second century BCE until the destruction of the second Jewish Temple in 569 BH (70 CE) when they disappeared.

The Sadducee were in many political, social, and religious roles, including maintaining the Second Jewish Temple in Jerusalem.

The Sadducee were associated with the high priests and corruption in the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem.

(Note 1. Not all priests, high priests, and members of the upper class were in the Sadducee sect.

Some priests, high priests, and members of the upper class were Pharisees or members of other groups or not members of any group.


2. Some Jews believed in the resurrection of the dead in the time of Prophet Jesus.

In the time of Prophet Jesus a Jewish sect called the Pharisees believed in the written Torah, the oral law (Jewish stories, Jewish hadith) and the resurrection of the dead.

The Pharisee Jewish sect who believed in the resurrection of the dead was sometimes in conflict with the Sadducee Jewish sect who did not believe in the resurrection of the dead.

The Pharisees were in Judea today southern Israel and Palestine in the period of the second Jewish Temple in Jerusalem from the second century BCE until the destruction of the second Jewish Temple in 569 BH (70 CE) after which much of today’s traditional Judaism is the result.

The Pharisees obeyed oral laws (Jewish stories, Jewish hadith) that were passed down from their fathers but the Sadducees rejected oral laws (Jewish stories, Jewish hadith) as not compulsory because they were not in the Torah.

Rabbis today are descendant from the Pharisees.

The Pharisees today are called Orthodox Jews.

Video 1. Did the early Jews Believe In a Triune God? Rabbi Tovia slams pastor John Piper. 

Progressive revelation.


Video 2. Jesus is not the way! Rabbi Tovia Singer slams Church for erecting a barrier between man and God.

The teachings by some in Christianity about Jesus did not come from Judaism but from the Greek Roman world of idol worship as seen when humans pray to Jesus and Mary and dead human saints instead of praying direct to God as taught by every prophet in the Jewish Scriptures. 

Jesus prayed to God in all the four Gospels in the same way as all the Jews in his time all prayed directly to God.


Video 3. Audience member asks Rabbi Tovia Singer: Do Jews go to Heaven and gentiles go to Hell?


Video 4. Did the Rabbis invent the status of Noachides or is it of biblical origins? Tovia Singer responds.


Video 5. Rabbi Tovia Singer in Jakarta lecture: Marvels of Noahide Laws vs Ten Commandments.


Video 6. Did the Rabbis lie about the Oral Torah? Rabbi Tovia Singer proves Oral Law from New Testament!


Video 7. 976 - Why do Christians reject the Jewish Oral Law only to exercise their own? Rabbi Tovia Singer.

Jewish oral law which is in the Christian Bible. Christian oral law which is not in the Christian Bible. Human sacrifice and cannibalism is forbidden.


Video 6. What do Jews really think of Gentiles? Rabbi Tovia Singer's answer may surprise you. 


Video 7. Does Judaism Regard Muslims as B’nai Noah (Righteous Gentiles)? Rabbi Tovia Singer.



Gospel of Mark 12:19 "Teacher, Moses wrote for us that if a man's brother dies and leaves behind a wife and does not leave behind a child, that the brother of the deceased should take the woman and raise up descendants for his brother.


Gospel of Mark 12:20 "There were seven brothers. And the first one took a wife, and dying, he left no descendant. 


Gospel of Mark 12:21 And the second one took her, and he died, leaving no descendant. It was the same with the third. 


Gospel of Mark 12:22 Indeed, the seven left no descendant. Last of all, the woman also died.


Gospel of Mark 12:23 "In the resurrection, when they rise again, of which of them will she be wife?  For all seven had her as wife."


Gospel of Mark 12:24 Jesus said to them, "Is this not the reason you are mistaken, that you know neither the scriptures nor the power of God? 


Gospel of Mark 12:25 For when they rise from the dead, they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like the angels in heaven. 


1. Angels do not marry and angels have no children.


2. In the Hereafter how will humans be like angels?

2-1. The physical human body and children are only needed on Earth which is the home of our first life.


2-2. At death the soul is alive in heaven waiting for the Day of Resurrection and Judgement.


2-3. In the second life on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement the human soul has no memory of waiting in heaven but with its memory of Earth it will seem like only one day or part of a day has passed by since it was on the Earth.


2-4. On the Day of Resurrection and Judgement the human soul is given a new physical body that can feel reward in Paradise or punishment in Hell.


Gospel of Mark 12:26 Now about the dead, that they do rise, have you not read in the scroll of Moses, at the part about the bush, how God spoke to him, saying, 'I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob'? 


Gospel of Mark 12:27 He is not the God of the dead, but of the living. You are badly mistaken!"


What did Jesus mean when he said, “you are badly mistaken?”

The Sadducees were a small sect among the Jews who believed that there is no resurrection.

After explaining what God has revealed Jesus told the Sadducees that, “you are badly mistaken” to believe that there is no resurrection of the dead human back to life in the Hereafter.



The weightiest commandment.


Gospel of Mark 12:28 And one of the Torah scholars who had approached, after listening to them debating, recognized that Jesus had answered them well. He asked Jesus, "Teacher, out of all of them, which commandment is primary?"


Explain Gospel of Mark 12:28.

Gospel of Mark 12:28 And one of the Torah scholars who had approached, after listening to them debating, recognized that Jesus had answered them well. He asked Jesus, "Teacher, out of all of them, which commandment is primary?"


Gospel of Mark 12:29 Jesus answered, "Primary is this: 'Hear, O Israel, Yahweh is our God, Yahweh alone." 


Explain Gospel of Mark 12:29.

Gospel of Mark 12:29 Jesus answered, “The first commandment is this: “Hear, O (all the children of) Israel, The LORD is our God, The LORD is one (God).”


1. Jesus revealed the most important commandment from God.

Jesus revealed the first commandment from God.

This verse is also written “The first commandment is this: “Hear, O (all the children of) Israel, The LORD is our God, The LORD is one (God).”

2. Who is Yahweh?

Yahweh is the name of God.

Old Testament Bibles are Christian translations of the Jewish Bible Isaiah 42:8 I am Yahweh, that is My name; and My glory I shall not give to another, neither (shall I give) My praise to idols.

(Note 1. This is also written: Jewish Hebrew Bible Isaiah 42:8 8 I am the LORD, that is My name; and My glory will I not give to another, neither My praise to graven images (idols).


Gospel of Mark 12:30 And you shall love Yahweh your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.' 


Explain Gospel of Mark 12:30.

Gospel of Mark 12:30 And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.' 


1. The most important commandment from God.

The first commandment from God.

This verse is also written; And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.' 

2. Who is Yahweh?

Yahweh is the name of God.

Old Testament Bibles are Christian translations of the Jewish Bible Isaiah 42:8 I am Yahweh, that is My name; and My glory I shall not give to another, neither (shall I give) My praise to idols.

(Note 1. This is also written: Jewish Hebrew Bible Isaiah 42:8 8 I am the LORD, that is My name; and My glory will I not give to another, neither My praise to graven images (idols).



Gospel of Mark 12:31 Second most is this: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'  There is no other commandment greater than these."


Explain Gospel of Mark 12:31.

Gospel of Mark 12:31 Second most is this: 'You shall love your neighbor as (you love) yourself.' There is no other commandment greater than these (two)."


Jesus revealed the second most important commandment from God.

Jesus revealed the second commandment from God confirming what is in the Torah.



Gospel of Mark 12:32 And the Torah scholar said to him, "Well done, Teacher. It is on true basis you have said, that there is one, and there is no other but him;


Explain Gospel of Mark 12:32.

Gospel of Mark 12:32 And the Torah scholar said to him (Jesus), "Well done, Teacher (Jesus). It is on true basis you have said, that there is one (God), and there is no other (God) but him (God);


Incase anyone did not understand what Jesus has just said, the Torah scholar confirms what Jesus revealed.

There is one God, and there is no other God but Him (God);

There is one God, and there is no other God but God;

There is one God who is the Father of every creation, and there is no other God but God who is the creator of every creation;



Gospel of Mark 12:33 and to love him with all your heart, with all your intelligence, and with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself, is more important than all the burnt offerings and sacrifices."


The Torah scholar confirms what Jesus revealed.



Gospel of Mark 12:34 And Jesus, having seen him, that he had answered thoughtfully, said to him, "You are not far from the kingdom of God." And no one dared to ask him any more questions.


1. What is the Kingdom of God?

The Kingdom of God is everything on earth and in heaven because God is the creator of everything on earth and in heaven.


2. What does “You are not far from the kingdom of God” mean?

You are not far from the kingdom of God means that what you have said is correct.

You are not far from the kingdom of God means your understanding of God is correct and with that understanding you are close to God’s eternal reward in Paradise.


3. What is the correct understanding of God?

What is the correct path to God?

Jesus discusses the two most important commandments from God with a Torah scholar and tells him he is not far from the Kingdom of God meaning the Torah scholar is on the correct path to God with the correct understanding of God in the Gospel of Mark 12:28 – 12:34.



Whose Son Is the Messiah?


Gospel of Mark 12:35 And continuing to teach in the temple, Jesus said, "How do the Torah scholars say that the Messiah is the Son of David? 


1. What is the temple?

Jesus is teaching at the Second Jewish Temple of God in Jerusalem, Al-Quds in Judea today southern Israel and Palestine.


2. What does “the Messiah is the Son of David” mean?

David was anointed the King of Israel in a ceremony where ceremonial oil is poured on the person who is anointed the King of Israel.

Messiah (Christ) means the anointed one.

The Torah scholars say that the Messiah is the Son of David.

The Torah scholars say that a Messiah will come in future who will be the Son of David.



Gospel of Mark 12:36 David himself said, by the Holy Spirit, " 'Yahweh said to my Lord: "Sit at my right hand until such time I put your enemies under your feet." '


1. Explain Gospel of Mark 12:36.

Gospel of Mark 12:36 David himself said, by (the revelation of) the Holy Spirit (a dove, a body with wings, an angel), "LORD (God) said to (the holy spirit, the angel to pass this message to) my (the holy spirit’s, the angel’s) Lord (David): "Sit at my right hand (meaning obey God with faith and patience) until such time I (God) put your enemies under your feet (meaning until your enemies are defeated)." '


2-14. Psalm 110:1. 

See. Psalm 110:1 My Lord (God) said to my lord (David) explained.




15. The Gospel confirms the Quran where Jesus did not die on the cross.

The faith of a father was rewarded by God when Prophet Jesus revealed that the father’s dead daughter was not dead but she was sleeping because with the permission of God she had not died but to the people she looked like she had died.


15-1. Your daughter has died. 

Gospel of Mark 5:35 While he was still speaking, they come from the synagogue ruler's, saying, "Your daughter has died.  Why inconvenience the teacher any farther?"


15-2. The child is not dead but sleeping.

Gospel of Mark 5:39 And when he had come in he says to them, "Why are you making a commotion and weeping?  The child is not dead but sleeping." 


Prophet Muhammad is the last messenger of God with revelations that the Gospel say will be left on the earth forever and whom Jesus said would come after him in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15 is confirmed by the Gospel where God protected a father’s daughter from death in the Gospel of Mark 5:39.

In this same way Jesus did not die but Jesus fainted and he was in a deep sleep on the cross because God protected Jesus from death on the cross in the same way as God protected a daughter from death in the Gospel of Mark 5:39.

In the time of Prophet Jesus everyone who had faith was protected by God therefore Jesus was certainly protected by God in the same way God protected a father’s daughter from death in the Gospel of Mark 5:39.


15-3. The time of Prophet Jesus was a time of miracles.

Gospel of Mark 5:34 “… your faith has healed you. …”

Gospel of Mark 5:39 “… The child is not dead but sleeping. …" 

Gospel of Mark 10:52 And Jesus said to him, "Go. Your faith has healed you." 

Gospel of Mark 11:22 And in response Jesus says to them, "Have faith in God.” 

Gospel of Mark 11:23 Truly I tell you, whoever can say to this mountain, 'Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,' and it is not being questioned in his heart, but he is believing that what he is saying is happening, it will happen for him (because he has faith in God).”

Gospel of Mark 11:24 "Therefore I tell you, all things, whatever you are asking for in prayer, believe that you have received it (because of your faith in God), and it will happen for you.” 


Three days after the crucifixion Jesus told Mary Magdalene to tell all the disciples that Jesus did not die on the cross in Gospel of John 20:17 “I have not yet ascended to the Father” meaning God saved the life of Jesus on the cross with a miracle which made people think Jesus was dead on the cross in the same way God made people believe a sleeping person was dead in Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24 and Gospel of Luke 8:52.

The soul of every human ascends to God during sleep and when they die (Quran 39:42).

When Jesus says I (Jesus) have not yet ascended to the Father (God) Jesus is not talking about sleep because every human ascends to God every night during sleep therefore the meaning is Jesus has not yet died meaning God saved the life of Jesus on the cross with sleep (Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24, Gospel of Luke 8:52, Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42) meaning Jesus did not die on the cross with death but was saved on the cross with sleep which looked like Jesus was dead and in this way God saved the life of Jesus meaning no one killed Jesus (Gospel of Luke 8:54 – 8:55 and Quran 39:42) meaning no one crucified Jesus to death (Quran 4:157).

When Jesus says "I (Jesus) am ascending to my Father (God) and your Father (God)" it means Jesus will die like every human dies meaning Jesus died a natural death at the end of his life 2000 years ago (Quran 3:144 and Quran 5:75) as proof Jesus is human and as proof Jesus is not God. 


Gospel of John 20:17 Jesus says to her (Mary Magdalene), "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father (God); but go to my brothers (my disciples), and tell them: 'I am ascending to my Father and your Father; to my God and your God.'"



15-4. Why did God allow people to believe that they had killed Jesus?


Quran 3:54 Koran 3:54 And they (who disbelieved Prophet Jesus) plotted (to kill Jesus) but God also (had his) plan. And God is the best of the planners.


Quran 14:46 Koran 14:46 And they (who disbelieved in God the one creator) plotted and their plan (was recorded as evidence against them on the Day of Judgement because everything) is known by God and even if their plan had been (strong enough) to remove the mountains (even then God has the best of plans and God is the best of planers).


Quran 14:47 Koran 14:47 Do not think that God shall fail to keep His (God’s) promise to His (God’s) messengers (to help them). God is mighty and makes retribution (against wrongdoers).


Quran 40:51 Koran 40:51 We (God) shall help Our (God’s) messengers and those who believe (in God the creator) during the life of the world and on the Day (of Judgement) when the witnesses shall stand (to give evidence regarding your good and bad deeds).

(Note 1. How did God help Prophet Jesus on the cross? See 14 above.



16. How does the Quran confirm that Jesus is not God?

In the Quran God commands the Christians to follow what is in the Gospel and what is revealed for the Christians in the Quran.


Quran 5:68 Koran 5:68 Say (Prophet Muhammad to the Jews of Yathrib in Arabia today in Medina, Saudi Arabia and to the Christians), “O People of the Scripture, You have nothing (no guidance, no religion) until you observe the Torah and the Gospel and what was revealed to you from your Lord (God).” ….”


Quran 5:69 Koran 5:69 Those (Muslims) who believed (in God), and those who became Jews and Sabians and Christians and whoever believed in God and the Last Day and did good deeds (in their life), they shall have no fear and they shall not grieve (in the hereafter).


Quran 30:30 Koran 30:30 “…. No one can alter what God has created (in religion, in the Torah, the Gospel and the Quran). That is the right religion (belief), but most people do not know (this).


16-1. What is revealed to the Christians about Jesus in the Quran?

Every prophet God has sent is a human.

The prophet before Prophet Muhammad was Prophet Jesus.

Prophet Jesus said another prophet will come after Prophet Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

Both Prophet Muhammad and Prophet Jesus are humans.

Quran 19:93 Koran 19:93 There is no one in the heavens and the earth who does not come to the Most Merciful (God) except as a servant.



16-2. What is revealed to the Christians about Jesus in the Gospel?

Why is there only one God? The answer is in this question; Did Prophet Jesus create God or did God create Prophet Jesus?


16-2-1. Jesus does not know more than what the angels in heaven know therefore Jesus is not God.

Jesus is not God.

Only God knows all things.

In the Gospel Jesus does not know the time of the Day of Resurrection because only God knows.

God creates every creation so only God knows when every creation comes to its end.

No human knows the time of the Day of Resurrection.

Not even the angels in heaven who are the closest creatures to God know the time of the Day of Resurrection.

Jesus does not know more than what the angels in heaven know therefore Jesus is not God.


Gospel of Mark 13:32 "But as to that day or that hour (the time of the Day of Resurrection), no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, not even the Son (Jesus who is the servant of God, son means servant of God in the Torah and in the Gospel), but only the Father (God, who is the Father of every creation). 

Note 1. If God is one then the Gospel would teach that Jesus does not know the hour. 

Note 2. If God is three in one then the Gospel would teach both Jesus and God know the hour. 

Note 3. In the Gospel Jesus is not God because Jesus does not know the hour meaning the teaching that Jesus is God or part of God contradicts the Gospel meaning Trinity was invented after the time of Jesus and after the writing of the Gospels.

Note 4. There is only one God because no one is equal to God not Jesus and not the angels. 

Note 5. Jesus is like the angels and other creations meaning Jesus is not like God. 

In the Gospel Jesus is not God or part of God because Jesus does not know “the hour” because only God knows “the hour” meaning “God is one’ not three in one.


16-2-2. Jesus never commanded people to pray to him, therefore Jesus is not God.

Jesus is not God.

Jesus worshipped God.

In the Gospel Jesus said that the most important commandment is to worship God and no one else.

Jesus never commanded people to pray to Jesus, therefore Jesus is not God.


Gospel of Mark 12:28 And one of the Torah scholars who had approached, after listening to them debating, recognized that Jesus had answered them well.  He asked Jesus, "Teacher, out of all of them, which commandment is primary?"


Gospel of Mark 12:29 Jesus answered, "Primary is this: 'Hear, O Israel, Yahweh is our God, Yahweh alone." 

(Note 1. This verse is also written “The first commandment is this: “Hear, O (all the children of) Israel, The LORD is our God, The LORD is one (God).”


Gospel of Mark 12:30 And you shall love Yahweh your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.' 

(Note 1. This verse is also written; And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.' 


16-2-3. Jesus prayed to God and no one else therefore Jesus is not God.

Jesus is not God.

Jesus prayed to God.

In the Gospel of Mark 12:28 – 12:30 Jesus said that the most important commandment is to worship God and no one else.

In the Gospel of Mark 1:35 Jesus is a human who prayed to God.

Who did Jesus pray to?

Jesus prayed to God and no one else.

Jesus prayed to God and no one else therefore Jesus is not God.

Jesus is a human and anyone who prays to a creation is idol worshipping.

Only God the creator has the power to hear prayer.


Gospel of Mark 1:35 And rising up very early, in the darkness, Jesus went outside and went off to a solitary place, and he was praying there. 


16-2-4. Jesus is a creation that is placed at the right hand of God therefore Jesus is not God.

Jesus is not God.

The soul of Jesus is in heaven.

Creations that are righteous are at the right hand of God in heaven,

Creations that are evil are at the left hand of God in hell,

Jesus is a creation that is placed at the right hand of God therefore Jesus is not God.


Gospel of Mark 16:19 And so the Lord after speaking to them was taken up to heaven, and sat at the right hand of God.


16-2-5. Jesus had no power to go to heaven without assistance from God therefore Jesus is not God.

Jesus is not god.

Jesus was taken up to heaven.

Jesus had no power to go to heaven without assistance from God therefore Jesus is not God.


Gospel of Mark 16:19 And so the Lord after speaking to them was taken up to heaven, and sat at the right hand of God.




Gospel of Mark 12:37 David himself calls him 'Lord,' so how is he his son?" And the large crowd was listening to him with delight.


1. Explain Gospel of Mark 12:37.

Gospel of Mark 12:37 David himself (by the revelation of the Holy Spirit a dove a body with wings an angel meaning the angel) calls him (David his) 'Lord,' so how is he his son?" (Meaning this verse is not talking about the son of David or about any other son meaning the verses in Psalms 110:1 – 110:7 are about what happened during the life time of David when he was the second king of the United Kingdom of Israel and Judah and he defeated many nations). And the large crowd was listening to him (Jesus) with delight.


2. Psalm 110:1. 

See. Psalm 110:1 My Lord (God) said to my lord (David) explained.





Jesus denounces the Torah scholars.


Gospel of Mark 12:38 Also in his teaching he was saying, "Look warily at the Torah scholars, those loving to walk around in robes, greetings in the marketplaces,


The Torah scholars.

Jesus does not warn against all the Torah scholars only those who walk around the marketplaces so that they can attract praise for themselves.

Jesus discusses the two most important commandments from God with another Torah scholar and tells him he is not far from the Kingdom of God meaning the Torah scholar is on the correct path to God with the correct understanding of God in the Gospel of Mark 12:28 – 12:34.



Gospel of Mark 12:39 and chief seats in the synagogues, and places of honor at banquets;


1. The Torah scholar.

Jesus does not warn against all the Torah scholars only those who take the seats of honour in the synagogues and banquets so that they can attract praise for themselves.

Jesus discusses the two most important commandments from God with another Torah scholar and tells him he is not far from the Kingdom of God meaning the Torah scholar is on the correct path to God with the correct understanding of God in the Gospel of Mark 12:28 – 12:34.

2. What is a Synagogue?

A synagogue is a Jewish house for the worship of God.

Jesus was a Jew.

Jesus followed the Jewish religion.

In the time of Jesus there were no churches and no mosques because Christianity and Islam did not exist.



Gospel of Mark 12:40 who eat up the houses of widows, and for a front, make lengthy prayers.  These will receive extra damnation."


The scholars of the Torah.

Jesus does not warn against all the Torah scholars only those who make long prays so that people will think well about them and who corruptly use the resources that belong to widows.

Jesus discusses the two most important commandments from God with another Torah scholar and tells him he is not far from the Kingdom of God meaning the Torah scholar is on the correct path to God with the correct understanding of God in the Gospel of Mark 12:28 – 12:34.



The widow's offering.


Gospel of Mark 12:41 And while sitting opposite the temple treasury, he was watching how the crowd was dropping copper into the donation chest.  And many rich people put in much. 


Gospel of Mark 12:42 And when one poor widow came, she put in two lepta (which is equivalent to one quarter of a penny).


Gospel of Mark 12:43 And calling his disciples to him, he said to them, "Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all the others putting into the treasury. 


How is a small donation more than all the donations combined?

Money donated for the operation of the House of God is support for service to God.

The widow donated everything she had to God whereas everyone else donated a small fraction of what they had.

The widow was ready to suffer by donating all she had. No other donation could be compared because no other person donated all they had like she did.



Gospel of Mark 12:44 For they all put in out of the extra they had.  But she out of her lack put in everything, all she had to live on."





The Gospel of Mark Chapter 13.

Signs of the times.



What is in the future?

What will happen after Jesus leaves the Earth?

God commanded the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel to reveal some of the future to Jesus.



Gospel of Mark 13:1 And as he is going forth out of the temple, one of his disciples says to him, "Teacher, look!  What large stones.  What great buildings."


What are the “large stones and great buildings?”

The large stones were the buildings of the Second Jewish Temple of God in Jerusalem, Al-Quds, Judea today in southern Israel and Palestine.



Gospel of Mark 13:2 And Jesus said to him, "Do you see all these great buildings?  By no means will there be a stone left on top of a stone that will not be thrown down."


1. The abomination of desolation (Jerusalem surrounded by the Roman army)..

The Destruction of parts of Jerusalem and all of the Second Jewish Temple of God by the Roman Empire.

37 years after the time of Jesus the Roman army destroyed parts of Jerusalem, Al-Quds and destroyed all of the Second Jewish Temple in 569 BH (70 CE 70 AD) in Judea today southern Israel and Palestine as described in the Gospel of Mark 13:14 – 13:20.



Gospel of Mark 13:3 And as he was sitting on the Mount of Olives opposite the temple, Peter and James and John and Andrew asked him privately,


1. Where is the Mount of Olives?

Mount of Olives (Mount Olivet) is a mountain range east of Jerusalem in the Roman province of Judea today in southern Israel and Palestine.

2. What is the temple?

The Second Jewish Temple of God in Jerusalem, Al-Quds in Judea today southern Israel and Palestine.



Gospel of Mark 13:4 "Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign that these are all about to be accomplished?"


The disciples ask Jesus when will Jerusalem, Al-Quds and the Second Jewish Temple of God be destroyed?



Gospel of Mark 13:5 And Jesus proceeded to tell them, "See that no one misleads you. 


Jesus continues to tell them what is in the future by saying that if anyone says Jesus shall return to Earth in the future, do not believe it.

See Gospel of Mark 13:6 comments.



Gospel of Mark 13:6 Many will come in my name, saying, 'I am He,' and they will deceive many. 


The fifth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after him in the Gospel.

What will the next prophet after Jesus reveal about the return of Jesus?

What will the next prophet after Jesus reveal about the return of Jesus?

Jesus said do not believe anyone who says that Jesus is returning to the Earth.


1. Jesus said if someone says I am Jesus and I have returned to Earth do not believe them.

See Gospel of Mark 13:5 – 13:6, 13:21 – 13:23 comments.



2, Jesus said many will be deceived to believe that Jesus is returning to the Earth.

See Gospel of Mark 13:5 – 13:6, 13:21 – 13:23 comments.


3. Jesus warns against being misled by people who will come in the future and claim to be Jesus the Messiah.


3-1. God created every human and God tests every human on the Earth and then their soul waits in heaven for the Day of Resurrection and Judgement.


3-2. The soul of Jesus and the soul of every human before Jesus is in heaven waiting for the Day of Resurrection and Judgement.


3-3. If anyone says to you, “'I am He” do not believe it.


3-4. If anyone says to you, “'I am Jesus” do not believe it.


3-5. This is confirmed in the Gospel of Mark 13:21 where Jesus said if in the future anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the Messiah!' do not believe it.

See Gospel of Mark 13:5 – 13:6, 13:21 – 13:23 comments.



4. Jesus will be a sign in the Hereafter that the world has ended on the Day when every human is resurrected and judged.


4-1. Life on Earth ends because the Sun has ended.

Life cannot exist on the Earth when the Sun has ended.

Gospel of Mark 13:24 "But in those days (in the future), after that suffering (of the destruction of the Second House of God in Jerusalem, Al-Quds in Judea which occurred 37 years after the time of Jesus)," 'the Sun will be darkened, and the Moon will not give its light (and life on the Earth will end which science confirms and has estimated will occur in 5 billion years but only God knows the exact time),


4-2. Life in the Universe ends because the stars have ended.

The stars are distant suns and life cannot exist in the Universe when the stars have ended.

Gospel of Mark 13:25 and the stars will be falling from the sky, and the forces in space will be shaken (and life in the Universe will end).'


4-3. What will happen when life has ended on the Earth? 

And at that time after life on Earth has ended what will happen?

Gospel of Mark 13:26 "And (after the first creation has been destroyed in the Gospel of Mark 13:25) at that time (in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection on a new earth, a new land, a new ground) they will see the Son of Man (the human named Jesus or the messenger that was sent in their time) coming on the clouds (in the new sky above them), with great power (to testify to God for or against them) and glory (as an honoured servant and messenger of God).

Note 0. The Day of Resurrection is in the hereafter on a new earth and a new sky not on this earth.


Note 1. The power of Jesus.

The power of Jesus to speak everything that God commands Jesus to speak as a witness in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement for or against those people who lived in his time or who later claimed to follow the teachings delivered in the Gospel.

Gospel of Luke 24:19 And he said to them, "What things?" And they said to him, "The things concerning Jesus the Nazarene, who was a prophet powerful in deed and in word, in the eyes of both God and all the people; 

Note 2. The glory of Jesus.

The glory of Jesus is his honoured position as a prophet messenger and messiah of God who will speak everything that God commands Jesus to speak in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement to those people who lived in his time or who later claimed to follow the teachings delivered in the Gospel.


4-4. What will happen when life has ended on the Earth? 

And at that time after life on Earth has ended what will happen?

Gospel of Mark 13:27 And (this is how every human who has lived in the first creation will be able to see Jesus or the messenger that was sent to them as a sign that they have been resurrected) at that time (of the second creation in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection) he (God) will send forth the angels, and they will gather together his elect (the righteous souls) out of the four winds, from the farthest points of the earth to the farthest points of the horizon (and both the righteous souls and the souls of the wrong doers will be given a new new physical body and resurrected at the same time on a new earth, a new land, a new ground in the hereafter).



5. The Quran confirms the Gospel that Jesus will not return to Earth as a sign of the end of the world by showing that Jesus does not know the Day or time of the Day of Resurrection which is proof that Jesus is human and all humans who lived before Prophet Muhammad have died.


Quran 3:144 Koran 3:144 Prophet Muhammad is no more than a (human) messenger (of God) and (all the human) messengers (of God) before him (Prophet Muhammad) have passed away (meaning died. All the messengers before Prophet Muhammad have died so would you expect that Prophet Muhammad would live forever or expect that Prophet Muhammad will not die or believe that Prophet Jesus Isa did not die or that Prophet Moses Musa did not die or that Prophet Abraham Ibrahim did not die? See Quran 3:144, 4:157, 4:158, 5:72, 5:75, 5:117, 19:36 and 39:42 comments). If he (Prophet Muhammad) dies or is killed shall you then turn back to disbelief? The person who turns back to disbelief does no harm to God. God shall reward those who are grateful (those who are thankful for the blessing of faith in God).

Note 1. The messenger before Prophet Muhammad is Prophet Jesus Isa meaning Prophet Jesus Isa is dead..


Gospel of Mark 13:32 "But as to that day or that hour (the time of the Day of Resurrection), no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, not even the Son (Jesus who is the servant of God, son means servant of God in the Torah and in the Gospel), but only the Father (God, who is the Father of every creation). 


Quran 7:187 Koran 7:187 They ask you (Prophet Muhammad) about The Hour (the time of the Day of Resurrection) and when it shall come. Say, “Knowledge of this is with my Lord (God) only. He (God) alone shall make it happen at the proper time. It lays heavily on the heavens and the earth (because of the greatness of that event). It shall come to you suddenly. They question you as if you might be well informed of it. Say, “Knowledge of it is with God only, but most of the people do not know that (because they think others have this knowledge).”


Quran 43:59 Koran 43:59 He (Prophet Jesus) is no more than a servant (of God) on whom We (God) bestowed favour and We (God) made him (Prophet Jesus) an example (of righteousness) for the Children of Israel. 



6. The Quran confirms the Gospel that no one will see Jesus before the Day of Resurrection and Judgement.


Quran 43:61 Koran 43:61 And it (the Quran reveals) a knowledge of the hour (the time of the Day of Resurrection that has already been revealed in God’s Torah Taurat and God’s Gospel Injil and now in God’s Quran, meaning the Day of Resurrection is real, meaning this is not a story that has been invented in the Quran), so have no doubt about it (the Day of Judgment) and follow (by believing in) Me (God), this is the correct path.


Gospel of Mark 13:5 And Jesus proceeded to tell them, "See that no one misleads you. 


Gospel of Mark 13:6 Many will come in my name (Jesus), saying, 'I am He (Jesus),' and they will deceive many. 


Gospel of Mark 13:21 And at that time, if anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the Messiah (Jesus)' or, 'Look, there!' do not believe it. 


Gospel of Mark 13:22 For false Messiahs and false prophets will appear, and they will do signs and miracles, trying to deceive, if possible, the elect (the righteous). 


Gospel of Mark 13:23 But you, you be watchful; I (Jesus) have told you everything ahead of time.



7. Jesus will not return to live on the Earth because every human has one life on the Earth.



8. The soul returns to Earth after sleep.

Quran 6:60 Koran 6:60 He (God) is the one who takes your souls at night (when you sleep) and He (God) knows everything you did in the day. Then He (God) wakes you again so that your life span may be fulfilled. Afterward (in the Hereafter) to Him (God) you shall return. Then He (God) shall inform you of what you used to do.



9. The life and death of Jesus is confirmed by the Gospel and the Quran.

9-1. Jesus fainted into a sleep on the cross.

Gospel of Mark 15:37 But Jesus expired, letting out a loud cry.


The Quran confirms the Gospel regarding what the people saw.

Quran 4:157 Koran 4:157 And they (some of the Jews of Yathrib in Arabia later Medina Arabia today Madinah Saudi Arabia) said (showing their pride and their disbelief by threatening and mocking the messenger Prophet Muhammad and his followers by boasting), "We killed messiah Jesus Isa, the son of Mary Maryam, the messenger of God," but (in fact) they did not kill him (on the cross) nor crucify him (to death on the cross), but it was made to appear so to them (so they believed he was dead on the cross because his body was not moving but in fact he was still alive and sleeping on the cross as explained in Quran 4:158 and 39:42) and those (Jews of Yathrib Arabia) who differ in this (in what happened to Prophet Jesus Isa on the cross) are full of doubts with no (certain) knowledge so they (the Jews of Yathrib) follow only conjecture (assumptions, speculation, guess). It is certain that they (the Jews) did not kill him (because God protected Prophet Jesus Isa from the death of crucifixion in 607 BH 33 CE 33 AD on Friday 3 April 33 in Jerusalem Al-Quds Yerussalem Yerushalayim in Judea today in Israel and Palestine and this is confirmed in the Gospel Injil where Jesus Isa is seen alive three days after the crucifixion teaching that he is not God in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 by saying God is my God and your God meaning God is my Father and your Father meaning God is my Creator and your Creator meaning God is my Master and your Master meaning God is my Lord and your Lord as proof that no one had killed him on the cross or crucified him to death on the cross. 2000 years ago God saved the life of humans with sleep so that their body did not move making everyone think they were dead in the Injil Gospel of Mark 5:39 "... The child is not dead but sleeping", Gospel of Matthew 9:24 "... For the maiden meaning the girl has not died but sleeps ..." and the Gospel of Luke 8:52 "... She is not dead but sleeping". To prepare to test the faith of Prophet Jesus Isa by the threat of death by crucifixion God through the Holy Spirit removed from the mind of Prophet Jesus Isa the earlier events where God had saved people with sleep that looked like death by revealing the story of Lazarus in the Injil Gospel of John 11:11 – 11:14 where the Holy Spirit reveals to Jesus that sleep for Lazarus means Lazarus is dead. This was done so that Prophet Jesus Isa will believe he will die in the same way as Prophet Abraham Ibrahim believed his son would die. Prophet Jesus Isa passed the test of faith in God and God saved Prophet Jesus Isa like God saved the son of Prophet Abraham Ibrahim so that Prophet Jesus Isa could continue his life on the earth when God returned the soul from heaven to wake up the sleeping body on the earth as God had done before in the Gospel of Luke 8:54 – 8:55 “…"Damsel meaning girl, wake up!" And her spirit returned, and she stood up at once, and he ordered that she be given something to eat. This was proof that she was alive and not dead. After the crucifixion Prophet Jesus Isa was alive on the earth as proof that no one killed him on the cross or crucified him to death. After the crucifixion Prophet Jesus Isa taught the people that he is not God until his natural death 2000 years ago in Quran 5:75, Quran 3:144, Quran 5:117 and in all the four Gospels Injil. It is in the life of Prophet Jesus Isa after the crucifixion that Jesus told the people that he is not God so that no one will be able to claim in the hereafter that Prophet Jesus Isa did not tell them he is not God in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36).


Quran 19:33 Koran 19:33 And so peace is on me the day I (Prophet Jesus) was born, and the day I die, and the day I (the soul of Prophet Jesus) shall be raised alive (on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement).”


9-2. Pilate the Governor of Judea doubted that Jesus was already dead on the cross.

Gospel of Mark 15:44 But Pilate doubted that he (Jesus) was already dead, and calling the centurion to him, asked him if he had already died (and he said yes).

Gospel of Mark 15:45 And knowing from the centurion, he granted the corpse to Joseph.


9-3. Three days later Jesus woke up and walked out.

Gospel of Mark 16:6 But he says to them, "Do not be alarmed. You are seeking Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He is risen! He is not here. Behold the place where they laid him.


The Quran confirms the Gospel regarding what the people saw by explaining how the soul of Jesus returned to his sleeping body.

Gospel of Mark 5:39 And when he had come in he (Jesus) says to them, "Why are you making a commotion and weeping?  The child is not dead but sleeping." 


Quran 6:60 Koran 6:60 He (God) is the one who takes your souls at night (when you sleep) and He (God) knows everything you did in the day. Then He (God) wakes you again so that your life span may be fulfilled. Afterward (in the Hereafter) to Him (God) you shall return. Then He (God) shall inform you of what you used to do.


Quran 19:33 Koran 19:33 And so peace is on me the day I (Prophet Jesus) was born, and the day I die, and the day I (the soul of Prophet Jesus) shall be raised alive (on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement).”


9-4. The end of the life of Jesus on the Earth.

When the life of Jesus came to an end as every human life must end, his soul like the soul of every human was raised up by the angel of death to heaven and to the right hand of God which is where every righteous soul waits for the Day of Resurrection and Judgement.


Gospel of Mark 16:19 And so the Lord (Prophet Jesus) after speaking to them was taken up to heaven, and sat at the right hand of God.


The Quran confirms the Gospel regarding the end of the life of Jesus on Earth.

Quran 4:158 Koran 4:158 God raised him (the soul of Prophet Jesus Isa) up to Himself (God, to protect the life of Jesus Isa as explained in Quran 39:42 where God raises the soul up to Himself causing the human body on the earth to sleep and make everyone think Jesus Isa was dead because his body was not moving in Quran 4:157. God returned the soul of Jesus Isa causing his human body on the earth to wake up three days later as proof that no one killed Jesus Isa on the cross and no one crucified him to death on the cross. This is confirmed because Jesus Isa is seen alive three days after the crucifixion delivering the message that he is not God in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 by saying God is my God and your God meaning God is my Father and your Father meaning God is my Creator and your Creator meaning God is my Master and your Master meaning God is my Lord and your Lord). God is all powerful (able to do all things) and He (God) is all wise. (2000 years ago God saved the life of humans with sleep so that their body did not move making everyone think they were dead in the Injil Gospel of Mark 5:39 "... The child is not dead but sleeping", Gospel of Matthew 9:24 "... For the maiden meaning the girl has not died but sleeps ..." and the Gospel of Luke 8:52 "... She is not dead but sleeping". To prepare to test the faith of Prophet Jesus Isa by the threat of death by crucifixion God through the Holy Spirit removed from the mind of Prophet Jesus Isa the earlier events where God had saved people with sleep that looked like death by revealing the story of Lazarus in the Injil Gospel of John 11:11 – 11:14 where the Holy Spirit reveals to Jesus that sleep for Lazarus means Lazarus is dead. This was done so that Prophet Jesus Isa will believe he will die in the same way as Prophet Abraham Ibrahim believed his son would die. Prophet Jesus Isa passed the test of faith in God and God saved Prophet Jesus Isa like God saved the son of Prophet Abraham Ibrahim so that Prophet Jesus Isa could continue his life on the earth when God returned the soul from heaven to wake up the sleeping body on the earth as God had done before in the Gospel of Luke 8:54 – 8:55 “…"Damsel meaning girl, wake up!" And her spirit returned, and she stood up at once, and he ordered that she be given something to eat. This was proof that she was alive and not dead. After the crucifixion Prophet Jesus Isa was alive on the earth as proof that no one killed him on the cross or crucified him to death. After the crucifixion Prophet Jesus Isa taught the people that he is not God until his natural death 2000 years ago in Quran 5:75, Quran 3:144, Quran 5:117 and in all the four Gospels Injil. It is in the life of Prophet Jesus Isa after the crucifixion that Jesus told the people that he is not God so that no one will be able to claim in the hereafter that Prophet Jesus Isa did not tell them he is not God in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36).

Note 1. God saved Jesus Isa from death on the cross in Quran 4:157 and 4:158 so that Jesus Isa could continue his life and then die 2000 years ago like every human before him and after him has died in Quran 5:75 and 3:144. The natural death of Jesus Isa 2000 years ago is proof to the people in his time that Jesus Isa is human like every other human and he is not God or an equal partner with God.   


Quran 19:33 Koran 19:33 And so peace is on me the day I (Prophet Jesus) was born, and the day I die, and the day I (the soul of Prophet Jesus) shall be raised alive (on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement).”



10. The fifth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after him in the Gospel.

What will the next prophet after Jesus reveal about the return of Jesus?

What will the next prophet after Jesus reveal about the return of Jesus?

Jesus said do not believe anyone who says that Jesus is returning to the Earth.

See Gospel of Mark 13:6, 13:26 and 14:62 comments.

Every human is given one life on the Earth and a second life in the Hereafter.

There is nothing in the Quran about Jesus returning to Earth because like every human Jesus will only return in the Hereafter on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement.

The Quran confirms the Gospel that Jesus is not returning to the Earth because the last prophet after Jesus was Muhammad.

If Jesus were to return then a new Book of God would be written after Jesus to remember his words of wisdom and knowledge as is written after every prophet when they leave the earth.

However in the Gospel Jesus said the next prophet after him will leave revelations that shall stay in the world forever and the Quran confirms that Muhammad is the last prophet from God.

In the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15 Jesus said that the next Comforter (prophet and messenger) after him will leave God’s revelations on the earth forever meaning that the prophet and messenger that come after Jesus will be the last prophet from God.


Gospel of John 14:16 And I (Prophet Jesus) shall pray to the Father (God) and he shall give you another Comforter (another messenger, another prophet) so that he may abide with you forever (this is the last Prophet with the last revelation of guidance from God that shall come after Prophet Jesus has left the earth and when it comes it shall be left to stay with humans forever);


Quran 33:40 Koran 33:40 Prophet Muhammad is not the father of any man among you (meaning no person can claim to inherit leadership based on their relationship with Prophet Muhammad), but he is the messenger of God and the Seal (the last) of the Prophets (of God on this Earth meaning no person can claim to be a prophet because Prophet Muhammad is the last prophet on this Earth from God meaning no prophet will be sent to this earth after the death of Prophet Muhammad) and God is aware of all things.


Note 1. God saved Jesus Isa from death on the cross in Quran 4:157 and 4:158 so that Jesus Isa could continue his life and then die 2000 years ago like every human before him and after him has died in Quran 5:75 and 3:144. The natural death of Jesus Isa 2000 years ago is proof to the people in his time that Jesus Isa is human like every other human and he is not God or an equal partner with God.   

Quran 5:75 Koran 5:75 The Messiah (Jesus Isa), son of Mary (Maryam), was no more than a (human) messenger (of God) and (all the human) messengers (of God) before him (Prophet Jesus Isa) have passed away (meaning died) they (Jesus Isa and Mary Maryam) both used to eat food (meaning Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa died a natural death 2000 years ago because both “used to eat food” meaning they are dead because they do not eat food today  ..." 

Note 1. In Quran 5:75 "they used to eat food" means Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa are dead. 


Quran 3:144 Koran 3:144 Prophet Muhammad is no more than a (human) messenger (of God) and (all the human) messengers (of God) before him (Prophet Muhammad) have passed away (meaning died) ….”

Note 1. The messenger before Prophet Muhammad is Prophet Jesus Isa meaning Prophet Jesus Isa is dead..

Note 2. Every human before Prophet Muhammad has died and their soul was raised by the angel of death to heaven and to God where they are cared for until their soul is given a new physical body that will feel reward or punishment on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement).


11. Jesus confirms that his return is not a second coming to the Earth.

Jesus confirms that Jesus will return in the Hereafter.

Jesus confirms that his second coming will be the second life of Jesus in the Hereafter.

Jesus confirms that his second coming will be the second life of Jesus on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement.

Jesus reveals that his return will be in the Hereafter in the Gospel of Mark 14:62. 

Gospel of Mark 14:62 And Jesus said, "I am (a prophet, a messenger, a messiah, a son of God meaning a servant of God in Deuteronomy 14:1), and (on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement on a new earth, a new land, a new ground in the hereafter) you will all see the Son of Man (the human named Jesus Isa) sitting at the right hand of Power (the right hand of God means sitting with the righteous), and coming with the clouds of heaven (coming down in the new sky above them as a sign of the Day of Resurrection in the hereafter when all humans are resurrected on a new earth, a new land, a new ground)."


What does “and you will all see” mean?

What does “and you will all see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of Power, and coming with the clouds of heaven” mean?

In the Gospel of Mark 14:62 Jesus tells the High Priest of the Second Temple of God in Jerusalem, Al-Quds that in the Hereafter all the people who are at the Sanhedrin court will all see Jesus sitting at the right hand of God, and coming with the clouds of angels in heaven (on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement).

See Gospel of Mark 13:6 (13:5 – 13:6, 13:21 – 13:23), 13:26 and 14:62 comments.


12. What will happen when life has ended on the Earth? 

What will happen when life has ended on the Earth as described in the Gospel of Mark 13:24 – 13:25.

And at that time after life on Earth has ended what will happen?

Gospel of Mark 13:26 "And (after the first creation has been destroyed in the Gospel of Mark 13:25) at that time (in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection on a new earth, a new land, a new ground) they will see the Son of Man (the human named Jesus or the messenger that was sent in their time) coming on the clouds (in the new sky above them), with great power (to testify to God for or against them) and glory (as an honoured servant and messenger of God).

Note 0. The Day of Resurrection is in the hereafter on a new earth and a new sky not on this earth.


Note 1. The power of Jesus.

The power of Jesus to speak everything that God commands Jesus to speak as a witness in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement for or against those people who lived in his time or who later claimed to follow the teachings delivered in the Gospel.

Gospel of Luke 24:19 And he said to them, "What things?" And they said to him, "The things concerning Jesus the Nazarene, who was a prophet powerful in deed and in word, in the eyes of both God and all the people; 

Note 2. The glory of Jesus.

The glory of Jesus is his honoured position as a prophet messenger and messiah of God who will speak everything that God commands Jesus to speak in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement to those people who lived in his time or who later claimed to follow the teachings delivered in the Gospel.


See Gospel of Mark 13:6 (13:5 – 13:6, 13:21 – 13:23), 13:26 and 14:62 comments.



Gospel of Mark 13:7 But when you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed.  Such must happen, but the end is not yet. 


Gospel of Mark 13:8 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.  There will be earthquakes in various places, there will be famines.  These are the beginning of birth pains.


Gospel of Mark 13:9 "But you, you watch yourselves.  They will deliver you over to courts, and you will be beaten in synagogues, and you will be stood before governors and kings, for my sake, to be a witness to them. 


1. What is in the future?

What will happen after Jesus leaves the Earth?

God commanded the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel to reveal some of the future to Jesus.


2. After Jesus some Jews in Judea who believe that Jesus is a false prophet will persecute those Jews who say Jesus is a true prophet. 


3. What does “for my sake” mean?

Jesus predicts that people will be persecuted because they are the followers of Jesus.

People will endure persecution because they believe that the Gospel is the word of God which was delivered by Jesus who is a messenger of God.

For my sake means Jesus who is a messenger of God.


4. What does you will be beaten in synagogues mean?

The Jewish religion will split into those Jews who say Jesus is a truthful prophet and others who say Jesus was killed which is proof for them that Jesus was a false prophet.

Those Jews who said Jesus was a real prophet from God will be beaten and taken to court by the Jews that believe Jesus was a false prophet.

This happened in Judea 2000 years ago in the first years after Jesus left the earth.



Gospel of Mark 13:10 Indeed the gospel must first be preached to all nations.


1. What is in the future?

What will happen after Jesus leaves the Earth?

God commanded the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel to reveal some of the future to Jesus.


2. Jesus tells his disciples to take the Gospel to all nations.


3. After Jesus some Jews in Judea who believe that Jesus is a false prophet will persecute those Jews who say Jesus is a true prophet. 



Gospel of Mark 13:11 "So when they take you delivering you to trial, do not concern yourself beforehand what you will speak.  Rather, whatever is given you in that hour, that you are to speak.  For you are not the ones speaking, but the Holy Spirit.


1. What is in the future?

What will happen after Jesus leaves the Earth?

God commanded the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel to reveal some of the future to Jesus.


2. After Jesus some Jews in Judea who believe that Jesus is a false prophet will persecute those Jews who say Jesus is a true prophet. 


3. God’s message from heaven is delivered to the human heart on earth by the Holy Spirit messenger angel of God Angel Gabriel.

God’s message is delivered to the human heart by the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel and what is revealed is spoken by the human prophet and messenger of God in the name of God.


Gospel of Mark 13:11 "… whatever is given you in that hour (meaning, what ever you are told to say at that time by the Holy Spirit), that you are to speakFor you are not the ones speaking, but the Holy Spirit (who is the Angel messenger that delivers the word of God from heaven to earth).



Gospel of Mark 13:12 "And a sibling will betray a sibling to death, and a parent a child, and children will rise up against parents and put them to death. 


1. What is in the future?

What will happen after Jesus leaves the Earth?

God commanded the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel to reveal some of the future to Jesus.


2. After Jesus some Jews in Judea who believe that Jesus is a false prophet will persecute those Jews who say Jesus is a true prophet. 


3. After Jesus leaves the Earth the Jewish religion will split.

After Jesus leaves the Earth the Jewish religion will split into those Jews who say Jesus is a truthful prophet and others who say Jesus was killed which is proof for them that Jesus was a false prophet.

Those Jews who said Jesus was a real prophet from God will be betrayed and opposed by the Jews that believe Jesus was a false prophet.

This happened 2000 years ago in the first years after Jesus left the earth.



Gospel of Mark 13:13 And you will be hated by all because of me.  But the person remaining to the end, that one will be rescued.


1. What is in the future?

What will happen after Jesus leaves the Earth?

God commanded the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel to reveal some of the future to Jesus.


2. After Jesus some Jews in Judea who believe that Jesus is a false prophet will persecute those Jews who say Jesus is a true prophet. 


3. Jesus says don’t loss your faith.

After Jesus leaves the Earth the Jewish religion will split into those Jews who say Jesus is a truthful prophet and others who say Jesus was killed which is proof for them that Jesus was a false prophet.

Those Jews who said Jesus was a real prophet from God will be hated by the Jews that believe Jesus was a false prophet.

This happened 2000 years ago in the first years after Jesus left the earth.



Gospel of Mark 13:14 "But when you see the abomination of desolation standing where it should not, (Reader, understand), then the ones in Judea should flee to the mountains,


1. What is the abomination of desolation?

The abomination of desolation is Jerusalem surrounded by the Roman army.

The abomination of desolation is the Roman Empire Army destruction of the second Jewish temple of God in Jerusalem, Al-Quds, Judea today southern Israel and Palestine.

See in Gospel of Luke 21:20

Gospel of Luke 21:20 "But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then you will know that her desolation is near. 

Gospel of Luke 21:21 Then, those in Judea should flee to the mountains, and those within Jerusalem should get without, and those in the fields should not go into her.

Gospel of Luke 21:22 For those are days of vengeance, in fulfillment of all that is written.


2. The Quran confirms the Gospel fulfillment of all that is written about the First and Second Houses of God in Jerusalem, Al-Quds.

Quran 17:8 Koran 17:8 (The mercy of God was on the children of Israel when God chose them from among all the people in the world 1800 years before the birth of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 44:32 and 45:16 and gave the children of Israel the Holy land of Canaan today Israel and Palestine in Quran 5:20 – 5:21 where the children of Israel built the First Temple of God in Jerusalem Al-Quds 1500 years before the birth of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 34:13. After God explains the destruction of the first Jewish Temple of God in Jerusalem Al-Quds 1150 years before the birth of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 17:4 – 17:5 then came the mercy of God which again established the Jews and the second Jewish Temple of God in Jerusalem Al-Quds 1080 years before the birth of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 17:6 followed by the destruction of the second Temple of God in Jerusalem Al-Quds 500 years before the birth of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 17:7. Then God through Prophet Muhammad foretold the future), “It may be that your Lord (God) shall have mercy on you (which happened when the children of Israel the Jews the Hebrews were returned to Jerusalem Al-Quds 1300 years after the death of Prophet Muhammad as foretold in Quran 17:8), but if you repeat (the sin of arrogance) We (God) shall repeat (the punishment), and We (God) have appointed hell Jahannam as the home (in the hereafter) for the disbelievers.” 

Note 1. The mercy promised by God in Quran 17:8 to the children of Israel shows that God keeps His promise because in 1367 AH (1948 CE 1948 AD) God returned the Jewish people to Israel with the warning that a repeat of the sin of arrogance will be followed by God repeating His punishment and that is a promise from God which must be taken seriously because God proves He keeps His promise.

Jews today pray at the Western Wall of the Temple Mount next to the Al-Aqsa Mosque which is the Muslim Al-Aqsa mosque, Bayt al-Muqaddas.



Gospel of Mark 13:15 the one on the rooftop should not come down or go inside to take anything out of his house,


1. The abomination of desolation (Jerusalem surrounded by the Roman army) continues.

2. Jerusalem Al-Quds shall be under siege.

Jesus is telling what will happen in future after Jesus leaves the Earth as revealed to Jesus by the

Holy Spirit Angel messenger of God.

Jesus revealed that the result of rejecting the message from God which Jesus delivered would be a great suffering which happened 37 years after the time of Jesus with the siege of Jerusalem, Al-Quds in Judea and the destruction of the Second Temple of God in 569 BH (70 CE 70 AD) by the Roman Army.

God would remove the authority for the Children of Israel to administer the Second House of God just as God had done earlier with the First House of God.

The Roman army will seek vengeance on the children of Israel by destroying the Second Jewish Temple of God and part of Jerusalem, Al-Quds and killing or enslaving anyone among the children of Israel they find.

Jesus warns that the children of Israel who are not hidden will be killed or enslaved which is what the Roman Army did.



Gospel of Mark 13:16 and the one in the field should not turn back to take his coat. 


1. The abomination of desolation (Jerusalem surrounded by the Roman army) continues.

2. The Judea country side shall be destroyed.

Jesus is telling what will happen in future after Jesus leaves the Earth as revealed to Jesus by the

Holy Spirit Angel messenger of God.

Jesus revealed that the result of rejecting the message from God which Jesus delivered would be a great suffering which happened 37 years after the time of Jesus with the siege of Jerusalem, Al-Quds in Judea and the destruction of the Second Temple of God in 569 BH (70 CE 70 AD) by the Roman Army.

God would remove the authority for the Children of Israel to administer the Second House of God just as God had done earlier with the First House of God.

The Roman army will seek vengeance on the children of Israel by destroying the Second Jewish Temple of God and Jerusalem, Al-Quds and killing or enslaving anyone among the children of Israel they find.

Jesus warns that when this happens those among the children of Israel should not delay their escape and must immediately flee to the mountains as advised in the Gospel of Mark 13:14.



Gospel of Mark 13:17 And alas for the ones who are pregnant, and the ones giving milk during those days! 


1. The abomination of desolation (Jerusalem surrounded by the Roman army) continues.

2. There will be great suffering for the people in Judea.

Jesus is telling what will happen in future after Jesus leaves the Earth as revealed to Jesus by the

Holy Spirit Angel messenger of God.

Jesus revealed that the result of rejecting the message from God which Jesus delivered would be a great suffering which happened 37 years after the time of Jesus with the siege of Jerusalem, Al-Quds in Judea and the destruction of the Second Temple of God in 569 BH (70 CE 70 AD) by the Roman Army.

God would remove the authority for the Children of Israel to administer the Second House of God just as God had done earlier with the First House of God.

The Roman army will seek vengeance on the children of Israel by destroying the Second Jewish Temple of God and Jerusalem, Al-Quds and killing or enslaving anyone among the children of Israel they find.

Jesus warns of the misfortune for those who are pregnant or those who are caring for babies because they will have little chance of fleeing the vengeance of the Roman army because it will be difficult for them to run for the safety of the mountains as advised in the Gospel of Mark 13:14.



Gospel of Mark 13:18 And pray that it not happen in winter. 


1. The abomination of desolation (Jerusalem surrounded by the Roman army) continues.

2. There will be great suffering for the people in Jerusalem Al-Quds and Judea.

Jesus is telling what will happen in future after Jesus leaves the Earth as revealed to Jesus by the

Holy Spirit Angel messenger of God.

Jesus revealed that the result of rejecting the message from God which Jesus delivered would be a great suffering which happened 37 years after the time of Jesus with the siege of Jerusalem, Al-Quds in Judea and the destruction of the Second Temple of God in 569 BH (70 CE 70 AD) by the Roman Army.

God would remove the authority for the Children of Israel to administer the Second House of God just as God had done earlier with the First House of God.

The Roman army will seek vengeance on the children of Israel by destroying the Second Jewish Temple of God and part of Jerusalem, Al-Quds and killing or enslaving anyone among the children of Israel they find.

Jesus warns of the misfortune if these events occur in winter because it would make it very difficult to survive the Roman army siege of Jerusalem, Al Quds and it will be difficult to reach the safety of the mountains as advised in the Gospel of Mark 13:14.


3. Why does Jesus not know in which season Jerusalem and the second Jewish Temple will be destroyed by the Roman army?

Jesus is a messenger of God.

Jesus only knows what God reveals to him through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel.

Only God knows all things because God is the creator of every creation.

Jesus is a creation created by God.

Jesus is not God.


4. What does “pray that it not happen in winter” mean?

Pray it does not happen in winter shows that Jesus is not describing the end of the world because when the world ends the season will not matter.

In the end of the world the last thing of importance will be the season because when the world ends all life will leave the Earth.



Gospel of Mark 13:19 For those will be days of suffering, such that has not happened from the beginning of creation which God created until now, nor ever will again. 


1. The abomination of desolation (Jerusalem surrounded by the Roman army) continues.


2. Destruction of Jerusalem, Al-Quds and the Second Jewish Temple of God by the Roman Empire Army.

Jesus is telling what will happen in future after Jesus leaves the Earth as revealed to Jesus by the

Holy Spirit Angel messenger of God.

Jesus revealed that the result of rejecting the message from God which Jesus delivered would be a great suffering which happened 37 years after the time of Jesus with the siege of Jerusalem, Al-Quds in Judea and the destruction of the Second Temple of God in 569 BH (70 CE 70 AD) by the Roman Army.

God would remove the authority for the Children of Israel to administer the Second House of God just as God had done earlier with the First House of God.

The Roman army will seek vengeance on the children of Israel by destroying the Second Jewish Temple of God and Jerusalem, Al-Quds and killing or enslaving anyone among the children of Israel they find.

In the Gospel of Mark 13:14 Jesus advises that the best escape for the children of Israel will be to travel to the safety of the mountains.


3. What does “nor ever will again” mean?

What could be worst than loosing God’s grace for a second time by the loss of the First and Second Houses of God and what could be more humiliating as a punishment and a suffering than God’s decision to give possession of the House of God to another people?

The words “Nor ever again” shows that the days of suffering are not the end of the world because after the suffering God promises that such suffering will never happen again.


4. God’s promise to the children of Israel in the Quran.

After destroying the Second Temple in Jerusalem, Al-Quds, God fulfilled the promise God gave in the Quran to the children of Israel.

Quran 17:8 Koran 17:8 (The mercy of God was on the children of Israel when God chose them from among all the people in the world 1800 years before the birth of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 44:32 and 45:16 and gave the children of Israel the Holy land of Canaan today Israel and Palestine in Quran 5:20 – 5:21 where the children of Israel built the First Temple of God in Jerusalem Al-Quds 1500 years before the birth of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 34:13. After God explains the destruction of the first Jewish Temple of God in Jerusalem Al-Quds 1150 years before the birth of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 17:4 – 17:5 then came the mercy of God which again established the Jews and the second Jewish Temple of God in Jerusalem Al-Quds 1080 years before the birth of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 17:6 followed by the destruction of the second Temple of God in Jerusalem Al-Quds 500 years before the birth of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 17:7. Then God through Prophet Muhammad foretold the future), “It may be that your Lord (God) shall have mercy on you (which happened when the children of Israel the Jews the Hebrews were returned to Jerusalem Al-Quds 1300 years after the death of Prophet Muhammad as foretold in Quran 17:8), but if you repeat (the sin of arrogance) We (God) shall repeat (the punishment), and We (God) have appointed hell Jahannam as the home (in the hereafter) for the disbelievers.” 

Note 1. The mercy promised by God in Quran 17:8 to the children of Israel shows that God keeps His promise because in 1367 AH (1948 CE 1948 AD) God returned the Jewish people to Israel with the warning that a repeat of the sin of arrogance will be followed by God repeating His punishment and that is a promise from God which must be taken seriously because God proves He keeps His promise.

Jews today pray at the Western Wall of the Temple Mount next to the Al-Aqsa Mosque which is the Muslim Al-Aqsa mosque, Bayt al-Muqaddas.



Gospel of Mark 13:20 And if the Lord had not made those days short, no flesh would survive.  But, because of the elect, those whom he has chosen, he has made the days short. 


1. The abomination of desolation (Jerusalem surrounded by the Roman army) continues.


2. Destruction of part of Jerusalem, Al-Quds and all of the Second Jewish Temple of God by the Roman Empire.

Jesus is telling what will happen in future after Jesus leaves the Earth as revealed to Jesus by the

Holy Spirit Angel messenger of God.

Jesus revealed that the result of rejecting the message from God which Jesus delivered would be a great suffering which happened 37 years after the time of Jesus with the siege of Jerusalem, Al-Quds in Judea and the destruction of the Second Temple of God in 569 BH (70 CE 70 AD) by the Roman Army.

God would remove the authority for the Children of Israel to administer the Second House of God just as God had done earlier with the First House of God.

The Roman army will seek vengeance on the children of Israel by destroying the Second Jewish Temple of God and Jerusalem, Al-Quds and killing or enslaving anyone among the children of Israel they find.

In the Gospel of Mark 13:14 Jesus advises that the best escape for the children of Israel will be to travel to the safety of the mountains.


3. What does “if the Lord (God) had not made those days short, no flesh would survive” mean?

If God had not decreed an end to the suffering and deaths in Jerusalem, Al-Quds and Judea then no one would survive. But because there will be some righteous among the people God will limit the days of that suffering which happened 37 years after the time of Jesus with the siege of Jerusalem, Al-Quds in Judea and the destruction of the Second Temple of God in 569 BH (70 CE 70 AD) by the Roman Army.


4. “If the Lord (God) had not made those days short, no human would survive” shows that this is not a description of the end of the world.

This is not the end of the world because when the world ends all life will leave the Earth however Jesus is describing an event where some humans will still be alive on the Earth after that event.


5. Who are the elect?

What is the elect?

Those who have been graced with God’s mercy to be rewarded with eternal life in Paradise are called the elect.



Gospel of Mark 13:21 And at that time, if anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the Messiah!' or, 'Look, there!' do not believe it. 


1. If anyone says Jesus shall return to Earth in the future, do not believe it.

See Gospel of Mark 13:6 comments.


2. What does “And at that time” mean?

“And at that time” means at the time when anyone says to you “Look, here is the Messiah (Jesus)” or “Look there (and you will find Jesus),” do not believe it. 


3. Jesus said if someone says Jesus has returned to Earth do not believe them.

3-1. God created every human and God tests every human on the Earth and then their soul waits in heaven for the Day of Resurrection and Judgement.


3-2. The soul of Jesus and the soul of every human before Jesus is in heaven waiting for the Day of Resurrection and Judgement.


3-3. If anyone says to you, “Look, here is the Messiah!” or, “Look, there (and you will see the Messiah)” do not believe it.


3-4. If anyone says to you, “Look, here is Jesus!” or, “Look, there (and you will see Jesus)” do not believe it.


3-5. This is confirmed in the Gospel of Mark 13:5 – 13:6 where Jesus warns people against being misled by people who will come in the future and claim to be Jesus the Messiah.


3-6. This is confirmed in the Gospel of Mark 13:5 – 13:6 where Jesus said many will be deceived to believe that Jesus is returning to the Earth.



Gospel of Mark 13:22 For false Messiahs and false prophets will appear, and they will do signs and miracles, trying to deceive, if possible, the elect. 


1. If anyone says Jesus shall return to Earth in the future, do not believe it.

See Gospel of Mark 13:6 comments.


2. The Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15 confirms that the next prophet after Jesus is the last messenger from God because his revelations will stay in the world forever


3. Who was the prophet after Jesus?

Only God has the power to bless what is on God’s Holy ground on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Al-Quds as a sign for all who have eyes to see and a sign for all who have hearts that understand. 

Only God has the power to show His blessing on the prophet who came after Jesus which Jesus said would leave God’s message on the Earth forever (because it is the last message from God).

God established the Al-Aqsa mosque, Bayt al-Muqaddas on God’s Holy ground were the two Jewish Temples of God had stood on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Al-Quds in Palestine today in Israel and Palestine to show the truthfulness of God’s last revelation to humans through the Holy Spirit to Prophet Muhammad in the Quran.


4. The Quran confirms that Prophet Muhammad is the messenger after Jesus.

Quran 5:75 Koran 5:75 The Messiah (Jesus Isa), son of Mary (Maryam), was no more than a (human) messenger (of God) and (all the human) messengers (of God) before him (Prophet Jesus Isa) have passed away (meaning died) they (Jesus Isa and Mary Maryam) both used to eat food (meaning Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa died a natural death 2000 years ago because both “used to eat food” meaning they are dead because they do not eat food today  ..." 

Note 1. In Quran 5:75 "they used to eat food" means Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa are dead. 


Quran 3:144 Koran 3:144 Prophet Muhammad is no more than a (human) messenger (of God) and (all the human) messengers (of God) before him (Prophet Muhammad) have passed away (meaning died) ….”

Note 1. The messenger before Prophet Muhammad is Prophet Jesus Isa meaning Prophet Jesus Isa is dead..


5. Who are the elect?

What is the elect?

Those who have been graced with God’s mercy to be rewarded with eternal life in Paradise are called the elect.


6. The fifth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after him in the Gospel.

What will the next prophet after Jesus reveal about the return of Jesus?

What will the next prophet after Jesus reveal about the return of Jesus?

Jesus said do not believe anyone who says that Jesus is returning to the Earth.

See Gospel of Mark 13:6 (13:5 – 13:6, 13:21 – 13:23), 13:26 and 14:62 comments.

There is nothing in the Quran about Jesus returning to Earth because like every human Jesus will only return in the Hereafter on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement.

The Quran confirms the Gospel that Jesus is not returning to the Earth because the last prophet after Jesus was Muhammad.

If Jesus were to return then a new Book of God would be written after Jesus to remember his words of wisdom and knowledge as is written after every prophet when they leave the earth.

However in the Gospel Jesus said the next prophet after him will leave revelations that shall stay in the world forever and the Quran confirms that Muhammad is the last prophet from God.

In the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15 Jesus said that the next Comforter (prophet and messenger) after him will leave God’s revelations on the earth forever meaning that the prophet and messenger that come after Jesus will be the last prophet.


Gospel of John 14:16 And I (Prophet Jesus) shall pray to the Father (God) and he shall give you another Comforter (another messenger, another prophet) so that he may abide with you forever (this is the last Prophet with the last revelation of guidance from God that shall come after Prophet Jesus has left the earth and when it comes it shall be left to stay with humans forever);


7. What will happen when life has ended on the Earth? 

What will happen when life has ended on the Earth as described in the Gospel of Mark 13:24 – 13:25.

And at that time after life on Earth has ended what will happen?

Gospel of Mark 13:26 "And (after the first creation has been destroyed in the Gospel of Mark 13:25) at that time (in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection on a new earth, a new land, a new ground) they will see the Son of Man (the human named Jesus or the messenger that was sent in their time) coming on the clouds (in the new sky above them), with great power (to testify to God for or against them) and glory (as an honoured servant and messenger of God).

Note 0. The Day of Resurrection is in the hereafter on a new earth and a new sky not on this earth.


Note 1. The power of Jesus.

The power of Jesus to speak everything that God commands Jesus to speak as a witness in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement for or against those people who lived in his time or who later claimed to follow the teachings delivered in the Gospel.

Gospel of Luke 24:19 And he said to them, "What things?" And they said to him, "The things concerning Jesus the Nazarene, who was a prophet powerful in deed and in word, in the eyes of both God and all the people; 

Note 2. The glory of Jesus.

The glory of Jesus is his honoured position as a prophet messenger and messiah of God who will speak everything that God commands Jesus to speak in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement to those people who lived in his time or who later claimed to follow the teachings delivered in the Gospel.


See Gospel of Mark 13:6 (13:5 – 13:6, 13:21 – 13:23), 13:26 and 14:62 comments.



Gospel of Mark 13:23 But you, you be watchful; I have told you everything ahead of time.


1. If anyone says Jesus shall return to Earth in the future, do not believe it because Jesus said he has told you EVERYTHING ahead of time.


2. Jesus confirms that what Jesus has revealed will happen after Jesus leaves the earth.


3. In the Gospel of Mark 13:20 Jesus said if God had not made those days short, no human would survive meaning that Jesus is describing a world that has not yet ended. 

After that event which is the destruction of the Second House of God (The Second Jewish Temple) in Jerusalem, Al-Quds, Jesus warns of false prophets, messiahs and messengers.

When the world ends all life will leave the Earth but here Jesus is still describing the time of the destruction of Jerusalem, Al-Quds and the Second Jews Temple in Jerusalem, Al-Quds, Judea by the Roman army which happened 37 years after Jesus left the Earth.



Gospel of Mark 13:24 "But in those days, after that suffering," 'the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light,


1. The end of the world.

The end of the Earth.


2. God reveals to Jesus the end of our solar system.

The Sun will die and the Moon will have no light to reflect.

When is the end of the world?

God through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel reveals to Jesus the end of our solar system.

Science confirms that such an event will occur when the Sun runs out of fuel which is estimated to happen in 5 billion years but only God knows the exact time.

In the Gospel of Mark 13:32 God has revealed that no one, not even Jesus or the angels know the exact day and the exact time of the Day of Resurrection.

Only God who is the creator of every creation knows the exact hour and day of the end of the world.


3. What are the days of the suffering?

Jesus described a future event called the Days of the Suffering which occurred 37 years after Jesus left the Earth.

The Days of the Suffering are the days during the abomination of desolation when Jerusalem was surrounded by the Roman army as described in the Gospel of Mark 13:14 – 13:20.

In the Days of the Suffering the Second Jewish Temple of God which had rejected the message from God in the time of Jesus was destroyed by the Roman Army.


4. When are the days after the suffering?

Today humans live in the time after the suffering.

Today humans live in the time after the suffering of the destruction of the Second House of God in Jerusalem, Al-Quds in Judea today in southern Israel and Palestine as described in the Gospel of Mark 13:14 – 13:20.


5. What does “nor ever will again” mean?

Gospel of Mark 13:19 For those will be days of suffering, such that has not happened from the beginning of creation which God created until now, nor ever will again


The result of rejecting the message from God that was delivered by Jesus to the children of Israel was the destruction of the Second Temple of God by the Roman Army just as God had destroyed the First Temple of God before it.

The suffering of the people was more severe than anything the children of Israel had ever or would ever experience.

What could be worst than loosing God’s favour for a second time by losing God’s grace to administer the First and Second Houses of God and what could be more humiliating as a punishment and a suffering than God’s decision to give possession of the House of God to another people?



6. The Quran confirms the Gospel regarding the suffering and reveals things to come.

Quran 17:8 Koran 17:8 (The mercy of God was on the children of Israel when God chose them from among all the people in the world 1800 years before the birth of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 44:32 and 45:16 and gave the children of Israel the Holy land of Canaan today Israel and Palestine in Quran 5:20 – 5:21 where the children of Israel built the First Temple of God in Jerusalem Al-Quds 1500 years before the birth of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 34:13. After God explains the destruction of the first Jewish Temple of God in Jerusalem Al-Quds 1150 years before the birth of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 17:4 – 17:5 then came the mercy of God which again established the Jews and the second Jewish Temple of God in Jerusalem Al-Quds 1080 years before the birth of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 17:6 followed by the destruction of the second Temple of God in Jerusalem Al-Quds 500 years before the birth of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 17:7. Then God through Prophet Muhammad foretold the future), “It may be that your Lord (God) shall have mercy on you (which happened when the children of Israel the Jews the Hebrews were returned to Jerusalem Al-Quds 1300 years after the death of Prophet Muhammad as foretold in Quran 17:8), but if you repeat (the sin of arrogance) We (God) shall repeat (the punishment), and We (God) have appointed hell Jahannam as the home (in the hereafter) for the disbelievers.” 

Note 1. The mercy promised by God in Quran 17:8 to the children of Israel shows that God keeps His promise because in 1367 AH (1948 CE 1948 AD) God returned the Jewish people to Israel with the warning that a repeat of the sin of arrogance will be followed by God repeating His punishment and that is a promise from God which must be taken seriously because God proves He keeps His promise.

Jews today pray at the Western Wall of the Temple Mount next to the Al-Aqsa Mosque which is the Muslim Al-Aqsa mosque, Bayt al-Muqaddas.


Gospel of John 16:13 When he (the Comforter with), the Spirit of truth (sent by God) has come he shall guide you to all truth because he shall not speak of himself but whatever he shall hear (from God), (that) is what he shall speak and he shall show you things to come.

(Note 1. See the mercy promised by God in Quran 17:8 (above) to the children of Israel.



Gospel of Mark 13:25 and the stars will be falling from the sky, and the forces in space will be shaken.'


1. The end of the world.

The end of the Universe.


2. God reveals to Jesus the end of the Universe.

The stars will die and life in the Universe will end.

God through the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel reveals to Jesus the end of our solar system.

Gospel of Mark 13:25 and the stars will be falling from the sky, and the forces in space will be shaken (and life in the Universe will end).



Gospel of Mark 13:26 "And (after the first creation has been destroyed in the Gospel of Mark 13:25) at that time (in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection on a new earth, a new land, a new ground) they will see the Son of Man (the human named Jesus or the messenger that was sent in their time) coming on the clouds (in the new sky above them), with great power (to testify to God for or against them) and glory (as an honoured servant and messenger of God).

Note 0. The Day of Resurrection is in the hereafter on a new earth and a new sky not on this earth.


Note 1. The power of Jesus.

The power of Jesus to speak everything that God commands Jesus to speak as a witness in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement for or against those people who lived in his time or who later claimed to follow the teachings delivered in the Gospel.

Gospel of Luke 24:19 And he said to them, "What things?" And they said to him, "The things concerning Jesus the Nazarene, who was a prophet powerful in deed and in word, in the eyes of both God and all the people; 

Note 2. The glory of Jesus.

The glory of Jesus is his honoured position as a prophet messenger and messiah of God who will speak everything that God commands Jesus to speak in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement to those people who lived in his time or who later claimed to follow the teachings delivered in the Gospel.


1. The Day of Resurrection and Judgement.

The Day of Resurrection and Judgment.


2. The fifth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after him in the Gospel.

What will the next prophet after Jesus reveal about the return of Jesus?

What will the next prophet after Jesus reveal about the return of Jesus?

Jesus said do not believe anyone who says that Jesus is returning to the Earth.

See Gospel of Mark 13:6, 13:26 and 14:62 comments.


Every human is given one life on the Earth and a second life in the Hereafter.

There is nothing in the Quran about Jesus returning to Earth because like every human Jesus will only return in the Hereafter on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement.

The Quran confirms the Gospel that Jesus is not returning to the Earth because the last prophet after Jesus was Muhammad.

If Jesus were to return then a new Book of God would be written after Jesus to remember his words of wisdom and knowledge as is written after every prophet when they leave the earth.

However in the Gospel Jesus said the next prophet after him will leave revelations that shall stay in the world forever and the Quran confirms that Muhammad is the last prophet from God.

In the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15 Jesus said that the next Comforter (prophet and messenger) after him will leave God’s revelations on the earth forever meaning that the prophet and messenger that come after Jesus will be the last prophet from God.


Gospel of John 14:16 And I (Prophet Jesus) shall pray to the Father (God) and he shall give you another Comforter (another messenger, another prophet) so that he may abide with you forever (this is the last Prophet with the last revelation of guidance from God that shall come after Prophet Jesus has left the earth and when it comes it shall be left to stay with humans forever);


Quran 33:40 Koran 33:40 Prophet Muhammad is not the father of any man among you (meaning no person can claim to inherit leadership based on their relationship with Prophet Muhammad), but he is the messenger of God and the Seal (the last) of the Prophets (of God on this Earth meaning no person can claim to be a prophet because Prophet Muhammad is the last prophet on this Earth from God meaning no prophet will be sent to this earth after the death of Prophet Muhammad) and God is aware of all things.


Note 1. God saved Jesus Isa from death on the cross in Quran 4:157 and 4:158 so that Jesus Isa could continue his life and then die 2000 years ago like every human before him and after him has died in Quran 5:75 and 3:144. The natural death of Jesus Isa 2000 years ago is proof to the people in his time that Jesus Isa is human like every other human and he is not God or an equal partner with God.   

Quran 5:75 Koran 5:75 The Messiah (Jesus Isa), son of Mary (Maryam), was no more than a (human) messenger (of God) and (all the human) messengers (of God) before him (Prophet Jesus Isa) have passed away (meaning died) they (Jesus Isa and Mary Maryam) both used to eat food (meaning Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa died a natural death 2000 years ago because both “used to eat food” meaning they are dead because they do not eat food today  ..." 

Note 1. In Quran 5:75 "they used to eat food" means Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa are dead. 


Quran 3:144 Koran 3:144 Prophet Muhammad is no more than a (human) messenger (of God) and (all the human) messengers (of God) before him (Prophet Muhammad) have passed away (meaning died) ….”

Note 1. The messenger before Prophet Muhammad is Prophet Jesus Isa meaning Prophet Jesus Isa is dead..

Note 2. Every human before Prophet Muhammad has died and their soul was raised by the angel of death to heaven and to God where they are cared for until their soul is given a new physical body that will feel reward or punishment on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement).



3. What does “and at that time” mean?

What will happen when life has ended on the Earth? 

What will happen when life has ended on the Earth as described in the Gospel of Mark 13:24 – 13:25.

And at that time after life on Earth has ended what will happen?

Gospel of Mark 13:26 "And (after the first creation has been destroyed in the Gospel of Mark 13:25) at that time (in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection on a new earth, a new land, a new ground) they will see the Son of Man (the human named Jesus or the messenger that was sent in their time) coming on the clouds (in the new sky above them), with great power (to testify to God for or against them) and glory (as an honoured servant and messenger of God).

Note 0. The Day of Resurrection is in the hereafter on a new earth and a new sky not on this earth.


Note 1. The power of Jesus.

The power of Jesus to speak everything that God commands Jesus to speak as a witness in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement for or against those people who lived in his time or who later claimed to follow the teachings delivered in the Gospel.

Gospel of Luke 24:19 And he said to them, "What things?" And they said to him, "The things concerning Jesus the Nazarene, who was a prophet powerful in deed and in word, in the eyes of both God and all the people; 

Note 2. The glory of Jesus.

The glory of Jesus is his honoured position as a prophet messenger and messiah of God who will speak everything that God commands Jesus to speak in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement to those people who lived in his time or who later claimed to follow the teachings delivered in the Gospel.


3-1. Life on Earth ends because the Sun has ended.

Life cannot exist on the Earth when the Sun has ended.

Gospel of Mark 13:24 "But in those days (in the future), after that suffering (of the destruction of the Second House of God in Jerusalem, Al-Quds in Judea which occurred 37 years after the time of Jesus)," 'the Sun will be darkened, and the Moon will not give its light (and life on the Earth will end which science confirms and has estimated will occur in 5 billion years but only God knows the exact time),


3-2. Life in the Universe ends because the stars have ended.

The stars are distant suns and life cannot exist in the Universe when the stars have ended.

Gospel of Mark 13:25 and the stars will be falling from the sky, and the forces in space will be shaken (and life in the Universe will end).'


3-3. What will happen when life has ended on the Earth? 

And at that time after life on Earth has ended what will happen?

Gospel of Mark 13:26 "And (after the first creation has been destroyed in the Gospel of Mark 13:25) at that time (in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection on a new earth, a new land, a new ground) they will see the Son of Man (the human named Jesus or the messenger that was sent in their time) coming on the clouds (in the new sky above them), with great power (to testify to God for or against them) and glory (as an honoured servant and messenger of God).

Note 0. The Day of Resurrection is in the hereafter on a new earth and a new sky not on this earth.


Note 1. The power of Jesus.

The power of Jesus to speak everything that God commands Jesus to speak as a witness in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement for or against those people who lived in his time or who later claimed to follow the teachings delivered in the Gospel.

Gospel of Luke 24:19 And he said to them, "What things?" And they said to him, "The things concerning Jesus the Nazarene, who was a prophet powerful in deed and in word, in the eyes of both God and all the people; 

Note 2. The glory of Jesus.

The glory of Jesus is his honoured position as a prophet messenger and messiah of God who will speak everything that God commands Jesus to speak in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement to those people who lived in his time or who later claimed to follow the teachings delivered in the Gospel.


3-4. What will happen when life has ended on the Earth? 

And at that time after life on Earth has ended what will happen?

Gospel of Mark 13:27 And (this is how every human who has lived in the first creation will be able to see Jesus or the messenger that was sent to them as a sign that they have been resurrected) at that time (of the second creation in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection) he (God) will send forth the angels, and they will gather together his elect (the righteous souls) out of the four winds, from the farthest points of the earth to the farthest points of the horizon (and both the righteous souls and the souls of the wrong doers will be given a new physical body and resurrected at the same time on a new earth, a new land, a new ground in the hereafter).


4. What does “they will see” mean?

They are the resurrected humans that shall be gathered together.


5. When will humans who followed the Gospel see Jesus?

When will humans who followed the Torah see Moses?

When will humans who followed the Quran see Muhammad?

When will humans who followed their messenger from God see them?

After the destruction of the creation all humans will be resurrected on the Day of Judgement and they will see the messenger of God that they followed who will be a witness to support their belief and deeds or to condemn their belief and deeds.


6. All humans will see their messenger from God when they are resurrected in the Hereafter on the Day of Judgement. 

Gospel of Mark 13:26 "And (after the first creation has been destroyed in the Gospel of Mark 13:25) at that time (in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection on a new earth, a new land, a new ground) they will see the Son of Man (the human named Jesus or the messenger that was sent in their time) coming on the clouds (in the new sky above them), with great power (to testify to God for or against them) and glory (as an honoured servant and messenger of God).

Note 0. The Day of Resurrection is in the hereafter on a new earth and a new sky not on this earth.


Note 1. The power of Jesus.

The power of Jesus to speak everything that God commands Jesus to speak as a witness in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement for or against those people who lived in his time or who later claimed to follow the teachings delivered in the Gospel.

Gospel of Luke 24:19 And he said to them, "What things?" And they said to him, "The things concerning Jesus the Nazarene, who was a prophet powerful in deed and in word, in the eyes of both God and all the people; 

Note 2. The glory of Jesus.

The glory of Jesus is his honoured position as a prophet messenger and messiah of God who will speak everything that God commands Jesus to speak in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement to those people who lived in his time or who later claimed to follow the teachings delivered in the Gospel.


Gospel of Mark 13:27 And (this is how every human who has lived in the first creation will be able to see Jesus or the messenger that was sent to them as a sign that they have been resurrected) at that time (of the second creation in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection) he (God) will send forth the angels, and they will gather together his elect (the righteous souls) out of the four winds, from the farthest points of the earth to the farthest points of the horizon (and both the righteous souls and the souls of the wrong doers will be given a new physical body and resurrected at the same time on a new earth, a new land, a new ground in the hereafter).



7. Jesus confirms that his return is not a second coming to the Earth.

Jesus confirms that Jesus will return in the Hereafter.

Jesus confirms that his second coming will be the second life of Jesus in the Hereafter.

Jesus confirms that his second coming will be the second life of Jesus on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement.

Jesus reveals that his return will be in the Hereafter in the Gospel of Mark 14:62.

Gospel of Mark 14:62 Gospel of Mark 14:62 And Jesus said, "I am (a prophet, a messenger, a messiah, a son of God meaning a servant of God in Torah Deuteronomy 14:1), and (on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement on a new earth, a new land, a new ground in the hereafter) you will all see the Son of Man (the human named Jesus Isa) sitting at the right hand of Power (the right hand of God means sitting with the righteous), and coming with the clouds of heaven (coming down in the new sky above them as a sign of the Day of Resurrection in the hereafter when all humans are resurrected on a new earth, a new land, a new ground)."


What does “and you will all see” mean?

What does “and you will all see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of Power, and coming with the clouds of heaven” mean?

In the Gospel of Mark 14:62 Jesus tells the High Priest of the Second Temple of God in Jerusalem, Al-Quds that in the Hereafter all the people who are at the Sanhedrin court will all see Jesus sitting at the right hand of God, and coming with the clouds of angels in heaven (on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement).

See Gospel of Mark 13:6 (13:5 – 13:6, 13:21 – 13:23), 13:26 and 14:62 comments.



8. What will happen when life has ended on the Earth? 

What will happen when life has ended on the Earth as described in the Gospel of Mark 13:24 – 13:25.

And at that time after life on Earth has ended what will happen?

Gospel of Mark 13:26 "And (after the first creation has been destroyed in the Gospel of Mark 13:25) at that time (in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection on a new earth, a new land, a new ground) they will see the Son of Man (the human named Jesus or the messenger that was sent in their time) coming on the clouds (in the new sky above them), with great power (to testify to God for or against them) and glory (as an honoured servant and messenger of God).

Note 0. The Day of Resurrection is in the hereafter on a new earth and a new sky not on this earth.


Note 1. The power of Jesus.

The power of Jesus to speak everything that God commands Jesus to speak as a witness in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement for or against those people who lived in his time or who later claimed to follow the teachings delivered in the Gospel.

Gospel of Luke 24:19 And he said to them, "What things?" And they said to him, "The things concerning Jesus the Nazarene, who was a prophet powerful in deed and in word, in the eyes of both God and all the people; 

Note 2. The glory of Jesus.

The glory of Jesus is his honoured position as a prophet messenger and messiah of God who will speak everything that God commands Jesus to speak in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement to those people who lived in his time or who later claimed to follow the teachings delivered in the Gospel.


See Gospel of Mark 13:6 (13:5 – 13:6, 13:21 – 13:23), 13:26 and 14:62 comments.



Gospel of Mark 13:27 And (this is how every human who has lived in the first creation will be able to see Jesus or the messenger that was sent to them as a sign that they have been resurrected) at that time (of the second creation in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection) he (God) will send forth the angels, and they will gather together his elect (the righteous souls) out of the four winds, from the farthest points of the earth to the farthest points of the horizon (and both the righteous souls and the souls of the wrong doers will be given a new physical body and resurrected at the same time on a new earth, a new land, a new ground in the hereafter).


1. The Day of Resurrection and Judgement.

The Day of Resurrection and Judgment.

The angels will gather the souls of all humans.


2. What does “and at that time” mean?

After the stars and the Universe have been destroyed on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement in the Hereafter.

After the stars and the Universe have been destroyed on the Day of Resurrection and Judgment in the Hereafter.


3. What does “he will send forth the angels, and they will gather together his elect out of the four winds” mean?

He (God) will send out the angels, and they will gather together (in the Hereafter) His (God’s) elect (the souls of the righteous people) out of the four winds (meaning, from wherever their souls are) on Earth, in space and in the Heavens.


4. Who are the elect?

What is the elect?

Those who have been graced with God’s mercy to be rewarded with eternal life in Paradise are called the elect.

Gospel of Mark 13:27 And (this is how every human who has lived in the first creation will be able to see Jesus or the messenger that was sent to them as a sign that they have been resurrected) at that time (of the second creation in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection) he (God) will send forth the angels, and they will gather together his elect (the righteous souls) out of the four winds, from the farthest points of the earth to the farthest points of the horizon (and both the righteous souls and the souls of the wrong doers will be given a new physical body and resurrected at the same time on a new earth, a new land, a new ground in the hereafter).



Gospel of Mark 13:28 "Now learn the parable from the fig tree.  When its twig has already become tender and it puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. 


Gospel of Mark 13:29 And likewise you, when you see these things happening, you know that it is near, right at the door. 


Gospel of Mark 13:30 Truly I tell you: by no means will this age pass away before all these things have happened. 


1. What is “this age?”

This is the age of the first creation.

Jesus has described the future at the time of the Second House of God where he preached in the Second Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. Al-Quds, Judea today southern Israel and Palestine. 


Gospel of Mark 13:31 Sky and earth will pass away, but my words will certainly not pass away.


1. The word of God is true.

The Earth will end but what God has promised is true and will happen.

The Earth will end but what God has promised in the Torah is true and will happen.

The Earth will end but what God has promised in the Gospel is true and will happen.

The Earth will end but what God has promised in the Quran is true and will happen.

The Earth will end but what God has promised through Moses is true and will happen.

The Earth will end but what God has promised through Jesus is true and will happen.

The Earth will end but what God has promised Muhammad is true and will happen.



No one knows the Day or Hour.


Gospel of Mark 13:32 "But as to that day or that hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, not even the Son, but only the Father. 


Gospel of Mark 13:32 "But as to that day or that hour (the time of the Day of Resurrection), no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, not even the Son (Jesus who is the servant of God, son means servant of God in the Torah and in the Gospel), but only the Father (God, who is the Father of every creation). 

Note 1. If God is one then the Gospel would teach that Jesus does not know the hour. 

Note 2. If God is three in one then the Gospel would teach both Jesus and God know the hour. 

Note 3. In the Gospel Jesus is not God because Jesus does not know the hour meaning the teaching that Jesus is God or part of God contradicts the Gospel meaning Trinity was invented after the time of Jesus and after the writing of the Gospels.

Note 4. There is only one God because no one is equal to God not Jesus and not the angels. 

Note 5. Jesus is like the angels and other creations meaning Jesus is not like God. 

In the Gospel Jesus is not God or part of God because Jesus does not know “the hour” because only God knows “the hour” meaning “God is one’ not three in one.

Note 6. What does Son mean?

Son means servant of God. 

The Quran warns against misunderstanding the meaning of son because some Christians thought that son was a real biological son instead of correctly knowing that son means servant of God in Tanakh Jewish scripture and in the Gospel..

Note 7. See Gospel of Matthew 24:36


A. Jesus is the son of man meaning he is a human messenger of God and he is the son of God meaning he is the servant of God delivering the message of God so his mention with angels in Gospel of Mark 13:32 and Gospel of Matthew 24:36 means that angel messengers of God and human messengers of God both do not know the hour meaning do not confuse angel and human messengers with God because only God knows the hour but His angel and human messengers like Jesus and Moses do not know the hour meaning pray only to God and not to the angel and human messengers of God.


B. “I and the father are one” describes all the messengers of God because they are the word of God made flesh (human). For example both Moses and Jesus are the word of God made flesh (human) because they are delivering the word of God which God has put into their mouth to deliver as described in Deuteronomy 18:18. Everyone who obeys God is “one with God.” and in the Gospels Jesus asks God to also make his disciples one with Him which confirms that the meaning of we are one is to obey God.


C. All power is with God and not with the messengers of God like Moses and Jesus.

Gospel of Matthew 20:23 He (Jesus) says to them, "My cup you will indeed drink, but to sit on my right or on my left is not mine to grant, but is only for those for whom it has been prepared by my Father (God)." 

Note 1. Jesus says he can not grant a request because it is God (not Jesus) who determines every thing.


D. Regarding what was revealed thousands of years ago in Tanakh Jewish scripture. God warns that if anyone claims God has changed His word it cannot be true because God does not change His word because only humans change their word meaning if anything changes from what God revealed thousands of years ago in Tanakh Jewish scripture then you can know it came from humans and not from God.


Video 1. Did the early Jews Believe In a Triune God? Rabbi Tovia slams pastor John Piper. 

Progressive revelation.



Video 2. Jesus is not the way! Rabbi Tovia Singer slams Church for erecting a barrier between man and God. The teachings by some in Christianity about Jesus did not come from Judaism but from the Greek Roman world of idol worship as seen when humans pray to Jesus and Mary and dead human saints instead of praying direct to God as taught by every prophet in the Jewish Scriptures.  Jesus prayed to God in all the four Gospels in the same way as all the Jews in his time all prayed directly to God.



The sixth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after him in the Gospel.

What will the next prophet after Jesus reveal about the time of the Day of Resurrection?

What will the next prophet after Jesus reveal about the time of the Day of Resurrection?

Jesus said do not believe anyone who says they know the time of the Day of Resurrection.


1. Who knows the time when the earth will end?

Who knows the hour the time of the Day of Resurrection?

Who knows the day the time of the Day of Resurrection?

Only God knows the time of the Day of Resurrection.

Only God knows the hour of the Day of Resurrection.

Only God knows the day of the Day of Resurrection

Only God the Father knows the hour of the Day of Resurrection.

Only God the Father knows the day of the Day of Resurrection.

Only God the creator of every creation knows the hour of the Day of Resurrection

Only God the creator of every creation knows the day of the Day of Resurrection.


Gospel of Mark 13:31 Sky and earth will pass away, but my words (as God’s messenger) will certainly not pass away (because what God reveals is a true promise).


Gospel of Mark 13:32 "But as to that day or that hour (the time of the Day of Resurrection), no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, not even the Son (Jesus who is the servant of God, son means servant of God in the Torah and in the Gospel), but only the Father (God, who is the Father of every creation). 


2. Jesus does not know the time of the Day of Resurrection.

Jesus does not know the hour of the Day of Resurrection.

Jesus does not know the day of the Day of Resurrection.

Jesus the Son of God does not know the time of the Day of Resurrection.

Jesus the Son of God does not know the hour of the Day of Resurrection.

Jesus the Son of God does not know the day of the Day of Resurrection.

Jesus does not know the time of the Day of Resurrection because Jesus is a messenger from God.

Jesus does not know the hour of the Day of Resurrection because Jesus is a messenger from God.

Jesus does not know the day of the Day of Resurrection because Jesus is a messenger from God.

Jesus is a human servant and messenger and prophet of God.

Jesus is not God.

Jesus is not God because Jesus does not know the time of the Day of Resurrection

Jesus is not God because Jesus does not know the hour of the Day of Resurrection

Jesus is not God because Jesus does not know the day of the Day of Resurrection.

Jesus is not God because Jesus is a creation.

Jesus is a creation.

Jesus is created by God.


3. The Angels in heaven do not know the time of the Day of Resurrection.

The Angels in heaven do not know the hour of the Day of Resurrection.

The Angels in heaven do not know the day of the Day of Resurrection.

The Angels in heaven are created by God.

The Angels in heaven are a creation.


4. The messenger angel of God the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel does not know the time of the Day of Resurrection.

The messenger angel of God the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel does not know the hour of the Day of Resurrection.

The messenger angel of God the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel does not know the day of the Day of Resurrection.

The messenger angel of God the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel is created by God.

The messenger angel of God the Holy Ghost Angel Gabriel does not know the time of the Day of Resurrection.

The messenger angel of God the Holy Ghost Angel Gabriel does not know the hour of the Day of Resurrection.

The messenger angel of God the Holy Ghost Angel Gabriel does not know the day of the Day of Resurrection.

The messenger angel of God the Holy Ghost Angel Gabriel is created by God.

The messenger angel of God the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel is created by God.

The messenger angel of God the Holy Ghost Angel Gabriel is created by God.

The messenger angel of God the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel is a creation.

The messenger angel of God the Holy Ghost Angel Gabriel is a creation.


5. The sixth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after him in the Gospel.

What will the next prophet after Jesus reveal about the end of the world?

What will the next prophet after Jesus reveal about the end of the world?

Jesus said do not believe anyone who says they know the time for the Day of Resurrection.

See Gospel of Mark 13:32 comments.

The Quran supports the Gospel by confirming that only God knows when is the Day of Resurrection.

Gospel of Mark 13:32 "But as to that day or that hour (the time of the Day of Resurrection), no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, not even the Son (Jesus who is the servant of God, son means servant of God in the Torah and in the Gospel), but only the Father (God, who is the Father of every creation). 


Quran 7:187 Koran 7:187 They ask you (Prophet Muhammad) about The Hour (of the Day of Resurrection) and when it shall come. Say, “Knowledge of this is with my Lord (God) only. He (God) alone shall make it happen at the proper time. It lays heavily on the heavens and the earth (because of the greatness of that event). It shall come to you suddenly. They question you as if you might be well informed of it. Say, “Knowledge of it is with God only, but most of the people do not know that (because they think others have this knowledge).”


Why does Prophet Muhammad not know when is the Day of Resurrection?

Quran 3:144 Koran 3:144 Prophet Muhammad is no more than a (human) messenger (of God) and (all the human) messengers (of God) before him (Prophet Muhammad) have passed away (meaning died. All the messengers before Prophet Muhammad have died so would you expect that Prophet Muhammad would live forever or expect that Prophet Muhammad will not die or believe that Prophet Jesus Isa did not die or that Prophet Moses Musa did not die or that Prophet Abraham Ibrahim did not die? See Quran 3:144, 4:157, 4:158, 5:72, 5:75, 5:117, 19:36 and 39:42 comments). If he (Prophet Muhammad) dies or is killed shall you then turn back to disbelief? The person who turns back to disbelief does no harm to God. God shall reward those who are grateful (those who are thankful for the blessing of faith in God).

Note 1. The messenger before Prophet Muhammad is Prophet Jesus Isa meaning Prophet Jesus Isa is dead..


Why does Prophet Jesus not know when is the Day of Resurrection?

Quran 43:59 Koran 43:59 He (Prophet Jesus) is no more than a servant (of God) on whom We (God) bestowed favour and We (God) made him (Prophet Jesus) an example (of righteousness) for the Children of Israel. 



Gospel of Mark 13:33 Watch, be alert, for you do not know when the time is. 


1. Jesus does not know when is the Day of Resurrection.

No one knows when is the Day of Resurrection.

Only God who is the creator of every creation knows when is the Day of Resurrection.

Gospel of Mark 13:32 "But as to that day or that hour (the time of the Day of Resurrection), no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, not even the Son (Jesus who is the servant of God, son means servant of God in the Torah and in the Gospel), but only the Father (God, who is the Father of every creation). 

2. The Quran supports the Gospel by confirming that only God knows when is the Day of Resurrection.

Quran 7:187 Koran 7:187 They ask you (Prophet Muhammad) about The Hour (the Day of Resurrection) and when it shall come. Say, “Knowledge of this is with my Lord (God) only. He (God) alone shall make it happen at the proper time. It lays heavily on the heavens and the earth (because of the greatness of that event). It shall come to you suddenly. They question you as if you might be well informed of it. Say, “Knowledge of it is with God only, but most of the people do not know that (because they think others have this knowledge).” 



Gospel of Mark 13:34 It is like a man going away on a journey, leaving his house and giving the authority of it to his servants, each his task, and the doorman he admonished to keep watch. 


1. Jesus does not know when is the Day of Resurrection.

No one knows when is the Day of Resurrection.

Only God who is the creator of every creation knows the time for the Day of Resurrection.

Gospel of Mark 13:32 "But as to that day or that hour (the time of the Day of Resurrection), no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, not even the Son (Jesus who is the servant of God, son means servant of God in the Torah and in the Gospel), but only the Father (God, who is the Father of every creation). 

2. The Quran supports the Gospel by confirming that only God knows when is the Day of Resurrection.

Quran 7:187 Koran 7:187 They ask you (Prophet Muhammad) about The Hour (the Day of Resurrection) and when it shall come. Say, “Knowledge of this is with my Lord (God) only. He (God) alone shall make it happen at the proper time. It lays heavily on the heavens and the earth (because of the greatness of that event). It shall come to you suddenly. They question you as if you might be well informed of it. Say, “Knowledge of it is with God only, but most of the people do not know that (because they think others have this knowledge).”



Gospel of Mark 13:35 Thus you must keep watch, for you do not know when the lord of the house is coming, whether in the evening, or at midnight, or when the rooster crows, or at dawn;


1. Jesus does not know when is the Day of Resurrection.

No one knows when is the Day of Resurrection.

Only God who is the creator of every creation knows the time for the Day of Resurrection.

Gospel of Mark 13:32 "But as to that day or that hour (the time of the Day of Resurrection), no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, not even the Son (Jesus who is the servant of God, son means servant of God in the Torah and in the Gospel), but only the Father (God, who is the Father of every creation). 

2. The Quran supports the Gospel by confirming that only God knows when is the Day of Resurrection.

Quran 7:187 Koran 7:187 They ask you (Prophet Muhammad) about The Hour (the Day of Resurrection) and when it shall come. Say, “Knowledge of this is with my Lord (God) only. He (God) alone shall make it happen at the proper time. It lays heavily on the heavens and the earth (because of the greatness of that event). It shall come to you suddenly. They question you as if you might be well informed of it. Say, “Knowledge of it is with God only, but most of the people do not know that (because they think others have this knowledge).”



Gospel of Mark 13:36 no good if he comes suddenly, and finds you sleeping. 


1. Jesus does not know when is the Day of Resurrection.

No one knows when is the Day of Resurrection.

Only God who is the creator of every creation knows the time for the Day of Resurrection.

Gospel of Mark 13:32 "But as to that day or that hour (the time of the Day of Resurrection), no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, not even the Son (Jesus who is the servant of God, son means servant of God in the Torah and in the Gospel), but only the Father (God, who is the Father of every creation). 

2. The Quran supports the Gospel by confirming that only God knows when is the Day of Resurrection.

Quran 7:187 Koran 7:187 They ask you (Prophet Muhammad) about The Hour (the Day of Resurrection) and when it shall come. Say, “Knowledge of this is with my Lord (God) only. He (God) alone shall make it happen at the proper time. It lays heavily on the heavens and the earth (because of the greatness of that event). It shall come to you suddenly. They question you as if you might be well informed of it. Say, “Knowledge of it is with God only, but most of the people do not know that (because they think others have this knowledge).”



Gospel of Mark 13:37 And what I am saying to you, I am saying to all: 'Keep watch!'"


1. Jesus does not know when is the Day of Resurrection.

No one knows when is the Day of Resurrection.

Only God who is the creator of every creation knows the time for the Day of Resurrection.

Gospel of Mark 13:32 "But as to that day or that hour (the time of the Day of Resurrection), no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, not even the Son (Jesus who is the servant of God, son means servant of God in the Torah and in the Gospel), but only the Father (God, who is the Father of every creation). 

2. The Quran supports the Gospel by confirming that only God knows when is the Day of Resurrection.

Quran 7:187 Koran 7:187 They ask you (Prophet Muhammad) about The Hour (the Day of Resurrection) and when it shall come. Say, “Knowledge of this is with my Lord (God) only. He (God) alone shall make it happen at the proper time. It lays heavily on the heavens and the earth (because of the greatness of that event). It shall come to you suddenly. They question you as if you might be well informed of it. Say, “Knowledge of it is with God only, but most of the people do not know that (because they think others have this knowledge).”





The Gospel of Mark Chapter 14.

Mary anoints Jesus at Bethany.



Gospel of Mark 14:1 And the Passover and the Festival of Unleavened Bread were two days away.  And the chief priests and the Torah scholars were seeking how they might kill him after arresting him in stealth. 


1. What is Passover.

Passover is a Jewish festival commemorating the freedom of the children of Israel from slavery in Egypt.

2. What is unleavened bread?

Unleavened bread is flour mixed with water. There is no fermentation so the bread does not rise.

3. What is the Festival of Unleavened Bread.

The Festival of Unleavened Bread is the festival of Passover.

When the children of Israel were told to prepare food for their departure from Egypt they made unleavened bread with water and flour because they had no time to make fermented bread that rises.

The flat crisp unleavened bread is called Matza (Matsa, Matsah, Matzah, Matze, Matzo, Matzoh, Matza).

4. What does “stealth” mean?

Stealth means secretly.

5. Who were the chief priests and the Torah scholars?

The priests and scholars were from the religious establishment in the Second Jewish Temple (the Second House of God) in Judea today in southern Israel and Palestine.

Gospel of Mark 14:49 (Jesus said to chief priests and the Torah scholars) Day after day I was right next to you in the temple, teaching, and you never arrested me. But, may the scriptures be fulfilled." 



Gospel of Mark 14:2 For they were saying, "Not in the festival, or there will be a riot of the people."


Gospel of Mark 14:3 And when he was in Bethany, in the house of Simon the Leper, and reclining, a woman came holding an alabaster bottle of very expensive perfumed ointment, pure oil of nardroot.  Breaking the alabaster, she poured down on his head.


1. Where is Bethany?

Bethany is a village near Jerusalem in the Roman province of Judea. Bethany today is in Palestine.

2. What is alabaster?

Alabaster is a fine-grained, translucent form of gypsum.

3. What is Nardroot?

What is Nard root?

Nard root is a plant with aromatic roots.



Gospel of Mark 14:4 But there were some who were saying indignantly to themselves, "Why has this waste of perfume occurred? 


Gospel of Mark 14:5 For this perfume could have been sold for over three hundred denarii and given to the poor."  And they were scolding her.


Gospel of Mark 14:6 But Jesus said, "Leave her alone.  Why are you causing her hardship?  She has performed a good work with me. 


Gospel of Mark 14:7 For the poor you always have with you, and you can do well with them whenever you want, but me you do not always have. 


Gospel of Mark 14:8 She did what was available to her. She was early to anoint my body in preparation for its burial. 


What does “She was early to anoint my body in preparation for its burial” mean?

Jesus is human and every human must die however Jesus is still alive so Jesus said she is early to put oil on my body which was the tradition when preparing a body for burial.

She poured the oil on Jesus because it was the best gift she could give to Jesus.



Gospel of Mark 14:9 Truly I tell you, wherever the good news is preached throughout the whole world, what she has done will also be told, as an honorable remembrance of her."


The Gospel remembers the righteous gift of the oil from the lady in Bethany in the same way as the Gospel remembers the righteous gift from the poor lady who gave all the money she had which was one coin to the service of God at the Second Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, Al-Quds.

The value of those gifts were only recognized by Jesus.

To other people those gifts appeared to be either insignificant or a waste of money.



Gospel of Mark 14:10 And Judas of Kerioth, one of the Twelve, went to the chief priests, to betray him to them. 


One of the twelve disciples betrays Jesus by giving information to those who want to kill Jesus.



Gospel of Mark 14:11 And hearing this delighted them, and they promised to give him silver.  Then he was planning how he might betray him the most timely.



The Passover supper.


Gospel of Mark 14:12 And on the first day of Unleavened Bread, when they would sacrifice the Passover lamb, his disciples say to him, "Where are you wanting us to go to make preparations so you may eat the Passover?"


What is the first day of unleavened bread?

The first day that unleavened bread is eaten is on the first day of the Jewish festival of Passover when the children of Israel remember how God helped them escape with Prophet Moses from their slavery in Egypt.



Gospel of Mark 14:13 And he sends two of his disciples and tells them, "Go into the city, and a man carrying a jar of water will meet you. Follow him. 


Gospel of Mark 14:14 And wherever he enters say to the owner of the house, 'The Teacher says: Where is my guestroom, where I may eat the Passover with my disciples?' 


Gospel of Mark 14:15 And he will show you a large upper room furnished and ready. And there you shall make preparations for us."


Gospel of Mark 14:16 And the disciples left and went into the city, and found things just as he had told them. And they prepared the Passover.


Gospel of Mark 14:17 And as evening is coming on, he arrives with the Twelve. 


Gospel of Mark 14:18 And as they are reclining and eating, Jesus said, "Truly I tell you: one of you will betray me. One who is eating with me."


The Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel is revealing to Jesus whatever God has commanded.

Jesus continues to teach his disciples as God has determined and Jesus reveals everything that God has commanded to be revealed.

What is being revealed is called the Gospel meaning the Good News. 


Gospel of Mark 14:19 They began to be very sad and to say to him one by one, "Surely not I?"


Gospel of Mark 14:20 And he said to them, "It is one of the Twelve, the one dipping into the bowl with me. 


What does “the one dipping into the bowl with me” mean?

It means one who is eating with me among the 12 of you who are all eating with me. 


Gospel of Mark 14:21 Therefore indeed the Son of Man is going just as it is written about him.  But woe to that one through whom the Son of Man is betrayed!  It would be better for that man if he had not been born!"


What does “It would be better for that man if he had not been born” mean?

The one who betrayed the messenger of God will have regrets on the Day of Judgement in the Hereafter because he will be punished by God. 


Gospel of Mark 14:22 And when they were eating, taking a loaf of bread and blessing, he broke it and gave to them, and said, "Take ye. This is my body."


What does “Take this bread it represents my body” mean?

Jesus left his mother, brothers and sisters to give his life to the will of God.

The bread is a reminder of the unselfish service Jesus gave in serving God and humankind. 


Gospel of Mark 14:23 And taking a cup and giving thanks, he gave it to them, and they all drank from it.


Who does Jesus give thanks to?

Jesus gives thanks to God who is the creator of every creation.

Jesus is the human messenger of God chosen by God anointed by God and blessed by God. 


Gospel of Mark 14:24 And he said to them, "This is my blood of the covenant, being shed on behalf of many. 


What does “This is my blood of the covenant, being shed on behalf of many” mean?

Jesus made a covenant to serve God.

The life of Jesus is represented by the drinking of the wine.

Jesus gives his life totally to the will of God.

The sacrifice of the life of Jesus to God’s will is remembered by Christians in a symbolic way through the breaking of bread and the drinking of wine. 


Gospel of Mark 14:25 Truly I tell you: By no means will I drink of the fruit of the vine any more, until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God."


Gospel of Mark 14:26 And when they had sung a hymn, they went out toward the Mount of Olives.


Where is the Mount of Olives?

The Mount of Olives (Mount Olivet) is a mountain range east of Jerusalem in the Roman province of Judea today in southern Israel and Palestine.



Jesus predicts Peter's denials.


Gospel of Mark 14:27 And Jesus is saying to them, "You will all be scandalized, for it is written: 'I will strike down the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered.' 


The shepherd is Jesus who is the messenger of God.

The sheep are the disciples of Jesus, 


Gospel of Mark 14:28 But after I am raised up, I will go ahead of you into Galilee."


Where is Galilee?

Galilee is north of Judea. Galilee today is in northern Israel. 


Gospel of Mark 14:29 But Peter said to him, "Even if everyone else will be scandalized, not I."


Gospel of Mark 14:30 And Jesus says to him, "Truly I tell you: today, this very night, before the rooster crows two times, you yourself will disown me three times."


Gospel of Mark 14:31 But he kept saying vehemently, "Even if I have to die with you, no way will I disown you."  And the rest of them were saying things similar.





Gospel of Mark 14:32 And they come to an orchard the name of which was Gethsemane, and he says to his disciples, "Sit here while I pray." 


1. Where is Gethsemane?

Gethsemane is an olive tree garden at the foot of the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, Al-Quds in Judea today in southern Israel and Palestine.


2. To whom did Jesus pray?

Jesus the prophet of God prayed to God.

Jesus the messenger of God prayed to God.

Jesus the messiah prayed to God.

Jesus the human prayed to God.

Jesus the servant of God prayed to God.

Jesus the son of God means that Jesus is the servant of God who prays to God.

Jesus the prophet of God is Jesus the messenger of God is Jesus the messiah is Jesus the human is Jesus the servant of God is Jesus the son of God meaning that Jesus is the servant of God who prays to God


Gospel of Mark 14:33 And he takes Peter, and also James and John with him.  And he began to be overwhelmed with dread and heaviness. 


Why is Jesus overwhelmed with dread and heaviness?

During prayer the Holy Spirit reveals what God wills for Jesus to know and to do.

Jesus knows what is to happen and Jesus is anxious.

Why is Jesus anxious? It is because Jesus is human and God has revealed what is to happen to him.

Why is Jesus nervous? It is because Jesus is human and God has revealed what is to happen to him.

Why is Jesus worried? It is because Jesus is human and God has revealed what is to happen to him.

Why is Jesus concerned? It is because Jesus is human and God has revealed what is to happen to him.

Why is Jesus uneasy? It is because Jesus is human and God has revealed what is to happen to him.

Why is Jesus apprehensive? It is because Jesus is human and God has revealed what is to happen to him.

Why is Jesus restless? It is because Jesus is human and God has revealed what is to happen to him.

Why is Jesus fretful? It is because Jesus is human and God has revealed what is to happen to him. 


Gospel of Mark 14:34 And he says to them, "My soul is too sad, to the point of death.  Remain here and stay awake." 


Why is Jesus anxious?

Jesus is anxious because Jesus is human and God has revealed some of what is to happen to him. 


Gospel of Mark 14:35 And going forward a little, he dropped to the ground, and prayed that if it is possible, the hour might pass aside from him. 


Who is Jesus praying to?

Jesus is praying to God. 


Gospel of Mark 14:36 And he was saying, "Abba, Father, all things are possible for you.  Remove this cup from me.  Nevertheless, not what I will, but what you will."


1. What does “Abba” mean?

Abba means Father.

2. What does “Father” mean?

Father means God.

God is the Father of every creation.

God is not literally (in reality) a Father.

God is metaphorically (symbolically) a Father.

God is symbolically the Father of every creation.

God is symbolically called the Father because every creation must obey God willingly or unwillingly.

3. What does “Father remove this cup from me” mean?

Jesus as a worried and concerned human prays that God remove the heavy task that God has revealed Jesus must do.

4. Why cannot Jesus remove this cup himself?

Jesus cannot remove the task that God has given to Jesus because Jesus is a servant and God is the master.

5. What does “Nevertheless, not what I will, but what You will” mean?

Jesus as a worried and concerned human continues his pray to God by saying despite my worry and concern I will obey not what I want but what You God have willed me to do.

6. Why cannot Jesus remove this cup himself?

Jesus cannot remove the task God has given to Jesus because Jesus follows not the will of Jesus but the will of God as commanded to Jesus through the Holy Spirit (Angel Gabriel). 


Gospel of Mark 14:37 And he comes back, and finds them sleeping, and he says to Peter, "Simon, are you sleeping?  Had you not the self-control to keep awake one hour? 


1. Who is Peter and Simon?

Jesus gave Simon the title of Peter meaning “the rock” because Simon was steadfast.

2. Jesus is anxious.

Jesus as a worried and concerned human seeks comfort in prayer to God and in the company of his disciples. 


Gospel of Mark 14:38 Keep awake and pray, that you not come into temptation.  The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak."


1. What does “keep awake and pray, that you not come into temptation” mean?

Jesus as a human is really talking about himself and teaching his disciples at the same time that the way to stay on the correct path to God is in prayer to God.

2. What does “the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak" mean?

Jesus as a human is really talking about himself and teaching his disciples at the same time that pray is important because even though your spiritual will to follow God is strong, your human physical will to follow God can be weak because of fear and anxiety. 


Gospel of Mark 14:39 And going away again, he prayed, saying the same thing. 


Jesus is anxious.

Jesus as a worried and concerned human seeks comfort in prayer to God. 


Gospel of Mark 14:40 And when he returned, he again found them sleeping, for their eyelids were weighing down; and they did not know what to say to him.


Jesus is anxious.

Jesus as a worried and concerned human seeks comfort in prayer to God and again comes to his disciples for comfort. 


Gospel of Mark 14:41 And he comes the third time and says to them, "Are you still sleeping and resting?  Enough!  The hour has come.  Behold, the Son of Man is being betrayed into the hands of sinners. 


1. Jesus reveals why he has been worried and concerned.

The Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel has revealed to Jesus what God has commanded and Jesus reveals to the disciples what is revealed to him.

2. What does “the Son of Man is being betrayed into the hands of sinners” mean? 

The location of Jesus has been given to those who wish to sin by killing the messenger of God. 


Gospel of Mark 14:42 Get up, let us go.  Behold, the one betraying me has come near."


1. How does Jesus know that the person betraying Jesus is near?

Jesus is the Prophet of God and all things God wills for Jesus to know are put into the heart (mind, brain) of Jesus by the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel in the same way Angel Gabriel put Jesus into the womb of the Virgin Mary.



The arrest of Jesus.


Gospel of Mark 14:43 And right then while he was still speaking, Judas comes, the one of the Twelve, along with a crowd with swords and clubs, from the chief priests and the Torah scholars and the elders.


Who were the chief priests and the Torah scholars?

The chief priests and the Torah scholars were from the religious establishment in the Second Jewish Temple (the Second House of God) in Judea today in southern Israel and Palestine.


Gospel of Mark 14:1 And the Passover and the Festival of Unleavened Bread were two days away. And the chief priests and the Torah scholars were seeking how they might kill him after arresting him in stealth. 


Gospel of Mark 14:49 (Jesus said to chief priests and the Torah scholars) Day after day I was right next to you in the temple, teaching, and you never arrested me. But, may the scriptures be fulfilled." 



Gospel of Mark 14:44 And the one betraying him had given them a signal, saying, "Whomever I kiss is he; him you arrest and lead away under guard." 


Gospel of Mark 14:45 And coming straight up to him, he says, "Rabbi," and fervently kissed him. 


1. Who is “he”?

He is Judas Iscariot.

Judas of Kerioth is also known as Judas Iscariot.

Judas Iscariot is one of the 12 disciples of Jesus.

Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus.

2. What does Rabbi mean?

Rabbi is a Jewish scholar or teacher who teaches Jewish law (the Torah).

Jesus is a Jew.

Jesus followed the Jewish religion.

In the time of Jesus the religion of Christianity and Islam did not exist. 


Gospel of Mark 14:46 And they laid hands on him and arrested him. 


Gospel of Mark 14:47 Then a certain one of those standing near drew a sword and struck the servant of the high priest, and cut off his ear.


Gospel of Mark 14:48 And Jesus said to them in response, "As though after a bandit, you have come out with swords and clubs to capture me? 


Gospel of Mark 14:49 Day after day I was right next to you in the temple, teaching, and you never arrested me.  But, may the scriptures be fulfilled." 


Gospel of Mark 14:49 (Jesus said to the chief priests and the Torah scholars) Day after day I was right next to you in the temple, teaching, and you never arrested me. But, may the scriptures be fulfilled."  


Gospel of Mark 14:50 Then everyone fled, abandoning him.


Gospel of Mark 14:51 And a certain young man had accompanied him, a linen wrap thrown over his bare body.  And they are seizing him,


Gospel of Mark 14:52 but he escaped naked, leaving the linen behind.



Jesus' trial by the Sanhedrin.


Gospel of Mark 14:53 And they led Jesus away to the high priest, and all the chief priests and the elders and the Torah scholars are gathering together. 


What is the Sanhedrin?

What is the Sanhedrin council?

The Sanhedrin was highest Jewish court of justice and the supreme council in Jerusalem, Al-Quds, Judea today in southern Israel and Palestine.



Gospel of Mark 14:54 And Peter followed him at a distance, right up to within the courtyard of the high priest, and remained, sitting with the guards and warming himself by the fire.


Gospel of Mark 14:55 And the chief priests and the whole Sanhedrin were trying to find evidence against Jesus in order to put him to death, and they were not finding it. 


Gospel of Mark 14:56 For many were bearing false witness against him, yet their statements were not consistent.


Gospel of Mark 14:57 Then some appeared and bore false witness against him as follows:


Some gave false evidence against Jesus as follows;



Gospel of Mark 14:58 "We heard him saying, 'I will destroy this handmade temple, and by three days I will build another, not handmade.'"  


1. False evidence against Jesus.

Some gave false evidence against Jesus as follows; “We heard Jesus say, I will destroy the human made second temple of God and by 3 days I will build another temple of God that is not made by humans.”

2. The false evidence tried to prove that Jesus claimed to be God.

Jesus never said Jesus is God.

3. What does “I will build another Temple of God which is not handmade” mean?

If Jesus said that Jesus would build another temple of God that is not man made it means that Jesus claimed to be God and not man.

In the Gospel of Mark 14:57 this accusation is rejected because Jesus is a human prophet, messenger and messiah sent with the authority, command and permission of God who is the creator of every creation.



Gospel of Mark 14:59 Yet not even their testimony was so consistent.


Gospel of Mark 14:60 And after standing up in front of them all, the high priest examined Jesus, saying, "You are not making any answer?  What about this testimony these are bearing against you?" 


Gospel of Mark 14:61 But he was keeping silent, and making no answer at all. Again, the high priest was examining him, and saying to him, "Are you the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One?"


1. What does “are you the Messiah, the Son of The Blessed One” mean?"

Explain Gospel of Mark 14:61.

Gospel of Mark 14:61 But he was keeping silent, and making no answer at all. Again, the high priest was examining him, and saying to him, "Are you the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One (meaning are you the Messiah the son of God meaning are you the Messiah the servant of God)?"


1-1. What does “are you the Messiah” mean?

Messiah means the anointed one.

Christ means the anointed one.


1-2. What does “the anointed one” mean?

The anointed one means the one who has been separated from all others to a position such as the position of a king or to a position with a specific mission.


1-3. What does “the Son” mean?"

The Son means the servant.


1-4. What does “The Blessed One” mean?

The Blessed One means God.


1-5. “Are you the Messiah, the Son of The Blessed One” means?

Are you the anointed one, the servant of God?

Are you the one who has been separated from all others as, the servant of God?


1-6. What task did God give to Jesus as the servant of God?

God anointed Jesus as a prophet and a messenger of God.


See Gospel of Mark 14:62 comments.



Gospel of Mark 14:62 And Jesus said, "I am and you will all see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of Power, and coming with the clouds of heaven."


Explian Gospel of Mark 14:62.

Gospel of Mark 14:62 And Jesus said, "I am (a prophet, a messenger, a messiah, a son of God meaning a servant of God in Torah Deuteronomy 14:1), and (when a new world is created on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement on a new earth, a new land, a new ground in the hereafter) you will all see the Son of Man (the human named Jesus) sitting at the right hand of Power (the right hand of God means sitting with the righteous), and coming with the clouds of heaven (coming down in the new sky above them as a sign of the Day of Resurrection in the hereafter when all humans are resurrected on a new earth, a new land, a new ground)."


Note 1. Putting the name of Moses instead of Jesus shows that the Gospel of John 14:61 – 14:62 applies to every messenger of God.

"Are you the Son of the Blessed One (meaning are you the son of God meaning are you the servant of God)?"

And Moses said, "I am (the prophet and the messenger who is the son of God meaning the servant of God, the slave of God), and (when a new world is created on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement on a new earth, a new land, a new ground in the hereafter) you will all see the Son of Man (the human named Moses) sitting at the right hand of Power (the right hand of God means sitting with the righteous), and coming with the clouds of heaven (coming down in the new sky above them as a sign of the Day of Resurrection in the hereafter when all humans are resurrected on a new earth, a new land, a new ground)."

Note 2. In the hereafter every human will be brought before God for judgement and Moses, Jesus and all the other messengers of God will testify for or against the people of their time and the people who later claimed to follow the message of God which they delivered as proof that the judgement of God for each person is correct.


1. The fifth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after him in the Gospel.

What will the next prophet after Jesus reveal about the return of Jesus?

What will the next prophet after Jesus reveal about the return of Jesus?

Jesus said do not believe anyone who says that Jesus is returning to the Earth.

See Gospel of Mark 13:6, 13:26 and 14:62 comments.


Every human is given one life on the Earth and a second life in the Hereafter.

There is nothing in the Quran about Jesus returning to Earth because like every human Jesus will only return in the Hereafter on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement.

The Quran confirms the Gospel that Jesus is not returning to the Earth because the last prophet after Jesus was Muhammad.

If Jesus were to return then a new Book of God would be written after Jesus to remember his words of wisdom and knowledge as is written after every prophet when they leave the earth.

However in the Gospel Jesus said the next prophet after him will leave revelations that shall stay in the world forever and the Quran confirms that Muhammad is the last prophet from God.

In the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15 Jesus said that the next Comforter (prophet and messenger) after him will leave God’s revelations on the earth forever meaning that the prophet and messenger that come after Jesus will be the last prophet from God.


Gospel of John 14:16 And I (Prophet Jesus) shall pray to the Father (God) and he shall give you another Comforter (another messenger, another prophet) so that he may abide with you forever (this is the last Prophet with the last revelation of guidance from God that shall come after Prophet Jesus has left the earth and when it comes it shall be left to stay with humans forever);


Quran 33:40 Koran 33:40 Prophet Muhammad is not the father of any man among you (meaning no person can claim to inherit leadership based on their relationship with Prophet Muhammad), but he is the messenger of God and the Seal (the last) of the Prophets (of God on this Earth meaning no person can claim to be a prophet because Prophet Muhammad is the last prophet on this Earth from God meaning no prophet will be sent to this earth after the death of Prophet Muhammad) and God is aware of all things.


Note 1. God saved Jesus Isa from death on the cross in Quran 4:157 and 4:158 so that Jesus Isa could continue his life and then die 2000 years ago like every human before him and after him has died in Quran 5:75 and 3:144. The natural death of Jesus Isa 2000 years ago is proof to the people in his time that Jesus Isa is human like every other human and he is not God or an equal partner with God.   

Quran 5:75 Koran 5:75 The Messiah (Jesus Isa), son of Mary (Maryam), was no more than a (human) messenger (of God) and (all the human) messengers (of God) before him (Prophet Jesus Isa) have passed away (meaning died) they (Jesus Isa and Mary Maryam) both used to eat food (meaning Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa died a natural death 2000 years ago because both “used to eat food” meaning they are dead because they do not eat food today  ..." 

Note 1. In Quran 5:75 "they used to eat food" means Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa are dead. 


Quran 3:144 Koran 3:144 Prophet Muhammad is no more than a (human) messenger (of God) and (all the human) messengers (of God) before him (Prophet Muhammad) have passed away (meaning died) ….”

Note 1. The messenger before Prophet Muhammad is Prophet Jesus Isa meaning Prophet Jesus Isa is dead..

Note 2. Every human before Prophet Muhammad has died and their soul was raised by the angel of death to heaven and to God where they are cared for until their soul is given a new physical body that will feel reward or punishment on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement).



2. What does “and you will all see” mean?

What does “and you will all see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of Power, and coming with the clouds of heaven” mean?

Jesus tells the High Priest of the Second Temple of God in Jerusalem, Al-Quds that in the Hereafter all the people who are at the Sanhedrin court will all see Jesus sitting at the right hand of God, and coming with the clouds of angels in heaven (on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement).

Jesus reveals that his return will be in the Hereafter in the Gospel of Mark 14:62. 

Gospel of Mark 14:62 And Jesus said, "I am (a prophet, a messenger, a messiah, a son of God meaning a servant of God in Torah Deuteronomy 14:1), and (on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement on a new earth, a new land, a new ground in the hereafter) you will all see the Son of Man (the human named Jesus Isa) sitting at the right hand of Power (the right hand of God means sitting with the righteous), and coming with the clouds of heaven (coming down in the new sky above them as a sign of the Day of Resurrection in the hereafter when all humans are resurrected on a new earth, a new land, a new ground)."


3. What will happen when life has ended on the Earth? 

What will happen when life has ended on the Earth as described in the Gospel of Mark 13:24 – 13:25.

And at that time after life on Earth has ended what will happen?

Gospel of Mark 13:26 "And (after the first creation has been destroyed in the Gospel of Mark 13:25) at that time (in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection on a new earth, a new land, a new ground) they will see the Son of Man (the human named Jesus or the messenger that was sent in their time) coming on the clouds (in the new sky above them), with great power (to testify to God for or against them) and glory (as an honoured servant and messenger of God).

Note 0. The Day of Resurrection is in the hereafter on a new earth and a new sky not on this earth.


Note 1. The power of Jesus.

The power of Jesus to speak everything that God commands Jesus to speak as a witness in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement for or against those people who lived in his time or who later claimed to follow the teachings delivered in the Gospel.

Gospel of Luke 24:19 And he said to them, "What things?" And they said to him, "The things concerning Jesus the Nazarene, who was a prophet powerful in deed and in word, in the eyes of both God and all the people; 

Note 2. The glory of Jesus.

The glory of Jesus is his honoured position as a prophet messenger and messiah of God who will speak everything that God commands Jesus to speak in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement to those people who lived in his time or who later claimed to follow the teachings delivered in the Gospel.


See Gospel of Mark 13:6 (13:5 – 13:6, 13:21 – 13:23), 13:26 and 14:62 comments.


4. Jesus confirms that Jesus will return in the Hereafter.

Jesus confirms that his return is not a second coming to the Earth,

Jesus confirms that his second coming will be the second life of Jesus in the Hereafter.

Jesus confirms that his second coming will be the second life of Jesus on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement.

See Gospel of Mark 13:6 (13:5 – 13:6, 13:21 – 13:23), 13:26 and 14:62 comments.


5. On the Day of Judgement all who are righteous shall be sitting at the right hand of Power (God).

On the Day of Judgement all who are righteous shall be sitting at the right hand of Power and they shall be admitted to Paradise.


6. Prophet Jesus and the followers of Jesus on the Day of Judgement.

Those who lived in the Days of Jesus or who followed his teaching shall see the Son of Man (the human Jesus) sitting at the right hand of Power, and coming with the clouds of heaven (the angels) on the Day of Judgement to testify for or against those who claimed to follow his teachings regarding the worship of the one God who is the creator of every creation and who claimed to be followers of his example of a righteous life. 


7. Prophet Moses and the followers of Moses on the Day of Judgement.

Those who lived in the Days of Moses or who followed his teaching shall see the Son of Man (the human Moses) sitting at the right hand of Power, and coming with the clouds of heaven (the angels) on the Day of Judgement to testify for or against those who claimed to follow his teachings regarding the worship of the one God who is the creator of every creation and who claimed to be followers of his example of a righteous life. 


8. Prophet Muhammad and the followers of Muhammad on the Day of Judgement.

Those who lived in the Days of Muhammad or who followed his teaching shall see the Son of Man (the human Muhammad) sitting at the right hand of Power, and coming with the clouds of heaven (the angels) on the Day of Judgement to testify for or against those who claimed to follow his teachings regarding the worship of the one God who is the creator of every creation and who claimed to be followers of his example of a righteous life. 


9. The prophets and messengers of God and their followers on the Day of Judgement.

Those who lived in the Days of a prophet or messenger or who followed their teaching shall see the Son of Man (the prophet or messenger) sitting at the right hand of Power, and coming with the clouds of heaven (the angels) on the Day of Judgement to testify for or against those who claimed to follow their teachings regarding the worship of the one God who is the creator of every creation and who claimed to be followers of their example of a righteous life.  


Gospel of Mark 14:63 Then the high priest tearing his robes says, "What more need do we have for witnesses? 


Gospel of Mark 14:64 You have heard the blasphemy.  What does it look like to you?"  And they all condemned him as deserving to be put to death.


Gospel of Mark 14:65 And some began to spit on him, and to cover his face and punch him, and say to him, "Prophesy!"  The guards also took him with slaps.



Peter disowns Jesus.


Gospel of Mark 14:66 And with Peter still below in the courtyard, one of the maidservants of the high priest comes,


Gospel of Mark 14:67 and having seen Peter warming himself, and having peered at him, she says, "You were also with that Nazarene, Jesus."


Gospel of Mark 14:68 But he denied it, saying, "I neither know nor understand what you are saying."  And he moved away, outside into the forecourt.


Gospel of Mark 14:69 And the maidservant who had seen him began again to say to those standing around, "This fellow is one of them." 


Gospel of Mark 14:70 Again, he was denying it. And after a little while, again, those standing around were saying to Peter, "You surely are one of them, for you also are Galilean."


Gospel of Mark 14:71 Then he began to curse and to swear: "I do not know this man of whom you are speaking." 


Gospel of Mark 14:72 And immediately a rooster crowed a second time.  And Peter remembered the statement as Jesus had said it to him: "Before a rooster crows two times, you will disown me three times."  And when he thought upon it, he wept.





The Gospel of Mark Chapter 15.

Jesus' examination by Pilate.



Gospel of Mark 15:1 And as soon as it was early morning, the chief priests, having made a consultation with the elders and Torah scholars and the whole Sanhedrin, after first restraining Jesus, led him away and handed him over to Pilate.


1. What is the Sanhedrin?

What is the Sanhedrin council?

The Sanhedrin was highest Jewish court of justice and the supreme council in Jerusalem, Al-Quds, Judea today in southern Israel and Palestine.

2. Who was Pilate?

Who was Pontius Pilate?

Pontius Pilate was the Roman Empire Governor of Judea (Judaea) today southern Israel and Palestine from 614 BH – 603 BH (26 CE – 36 CE, 26 AD – 36 AD, 26 – 36).  


Gospel of Mark 15:2 And Pilate examined him: "Are you the king of the Jews?" And he in answer to him says, "You are the one saying that."


What does "Are you the king of the Jews” mean?

What crime did the Romans authority have against Jesus?

Jesus was Jewish.

The disciples of Jesus were Jewish.

Jesus attracted large crows of Jews where ever he went.

Jesus claimed to be the Messiah in the Gospel of Mark 14:61 – 14:62.

In the Gospel of Mark 15:2, the first question asked by Pontius Pilate the Roman Empire Governor of Judea to Jesus is, “Are you the king of the Jews” meaning are you claiming to be the new leader of the Jews?

No one could appoint a King in Judea except the Romans.

Jesus was being accused of threatening the authority of the Roman Empire’s control over Judea today Israel and Palestine for which the punishment under Roman law is death. 


Gospel of Mark 15:3 And the chief priests were charging him with many things. 


Gospel of Mark 15:4 So Pilate again examined him, as follows: "You are not answering anything? Look how many things they are charging you with!"


Gospel of Mark 15:5 But Jesus made no further answer, causing Pilate to be astonished.


Gospel of Mark 15:6 Now every Festival he would release for them one prisoner, whomever they would make plea for. 


What was the festival?

Passover is a Jewish festival commemorating the freedom of the children of Israel of they escaped with Prophet Moses from slavery in Egypt. 


Gospel of Mark 15:7 And there was one named Barabbas, bound with the rebels who had committed murder during the uprising. 


Gospel of Mark 15:8 And when the crowd came up, they began to ask that Pilate do for them just as he usually did.


Gospel of Mark 15:9 And Pilate answered them, saying, "Do you wish that I release to you the king of the Jews?" 


What does "The king of the Jews” mean?

What crime did Jesus commit against the Roman authority in Judea today Israel and Palestine?

Jesus was Jewish.

The disciples of Jesus were Jewish.

Jesus attracted large crows of Jews where ever he went.

Jesus claimed to be the Messiah in the Gospel of Mark 14:61 – 14:62.

In the Gospel of Mark 15:2, the first question asked by Pontius Pilate the Roman Empire Governor of Judea to Jesus is, “Are you the king of the Jews” meaning are you claiming to be the new leader of the Jews?

No one could appoint a King in Judea except the Romans.

Jesus was being accused of threatening the authority of the Roman Empire’s control over Judea today southern Israel and Palestine for which the punishment under Roman law is death. 


Gospel of Mark 15:10 For he knew it was because of envy that the chief priests had handed him over.


The Gospel reveals that the chief priests envied Prophet Jesus.

The Gospel reveals that the chief priests were jealous of Prophet Jesus.

The Gospel reveals that the chief priests resented Prophet Jesus. 


Gospel of Mark 15:11 But the chief priests had stirred up the crowd to ask that he release Barabbas to them instead.


Gospel of Mark 15:12 And Pilate when he answered again, said to them, "What then should I do with the one you call the king of the Jews?"


What does "The king of the Jews” mean?

What crime did Jesus commit against the Roman authority in Judea today Israel and Palestine?

Jesus was Jewish.

The disciples of Jesus were Jewish.

Jesus attracted large crows of Jews where ever he went.

Jesus claimed to be the Messiah in the Gospel of Mark 14:61 – 14:62.

In the Gospel of Mark 15:2, the first question asked by Pontius Pilate the Roman Empire Governor of Judea to Jesus is, “Are you the king of the Jews” meaning are you claiming to be the new leader of the Jews?

No one could appoint a King in Judea except the Romans.

Jesus was being accused of threatening the authority of the Roman Empire’s control over Judea today southern Israel and Palestine for which the punishment under Roman law is death. 


Gospel of Mark 15:13 And they shouted back, "Crucify him."


What does “crucify him” mean?

Crucify him means kill Jesus by nailing or binding him to a wooded cross and waiting until he is dead. 


Gospel of Mark 15:14 And Pilate said to them, "Why?  What crime has he committed?" But they shouted all the more, "Crucify him!"


Gospel of Mark 15:15 So Pilate, wanting to make the crowd contented, released Barabbas to them, and Jesus, after scourging him, he handed over to be crucified.


What does “scourging him” mean?

Scourging means whipping or flogging.



The soldiers mock Jesus.


Gospel of Mark 15:16 And the soldiers led him away, inside the palace, that is, the Praetorium, and they are calling together the whole cohort. 


1. Who are the soldiers?

Judea was under the rule of the Roman Empire through its Governor in Judea and the Roman Army soldiers.

2. What is the Praetorium?

The Praetorium is the tent of a Roman General.

3. What is the whole cohort?

The cohort is the legion or army or group.



Gospel of Mark 15:17 And they are draping on him a purple robe, and setting around him a crown of interweaving thorns. 


Gospel of Mark 15:18 And they began to salute him: "Hail, King of the Jews!" 


What does "The king of the Jews” mean?

What crime did Jesus commit against the Roman authority in Judea today Israel and Palestine?

Jesus was Jewish.

The disciples of Jesus were Jewish.

Jesus attracted large crows of Jews where ever he went.

Jesus claimed to be the Messiah in the Gospel of Mark 14:61 – 14:62.

In the Gospel of Mark 15:2, the first question asked by Pontius Pilate the Roman Empire Governor of Judea to Jesus is, “Are you the king of the Jews” meaning are you claiming to be the new leader of the Jews?

No one could appoint a King in Judea except the Romans.

Jesus was being accused of threatening the authority of the Roman Empire’s control over Judea today southern Israel and Palestine for which the punishment under Roman law is death. 


Gospel of Mark 15:19 And they were striking his head with a cane, and spitting on him.  And dropping their knees, they were doing homage to him.  


Gospel of Mark 15:20 And when they had mocked him, they stripped him of the purple robe and put his own garments on him. And they are leading him out to crucify him.


What does “crucify him” mean?

Crucify him means kill Jesus by nailing or binding him to a wooded cross and waiting until he is dead.



The crucifixion of Jesus.


(And they are leading him out to crucify him). 


1. What is crucify?

Crucify is to kill someone by nailing or bind them to a wooden cross. 

Crucify is to put someone to death by nailing or bind them to a wooden cross.



Gospel of Mark 15:21 And a certain Simon passing by, a Cyrenian coming from the country, the father of Rufus, they conscript to carry his cross. 


1. Where is Cyrene?

Cyrene is in Libya.

The Cyrenian Jews had established a synagogue in Jerusalem, Al-Quds in the time of Jesus.

2. What is the cross?

A wooden cross is used to hold the arms and legs of a person so that their body is in a vertical position until they are dead. This is called crucifixion.

The Roman authorities in Judea today southern Israel and Palestine sentenced Jesus to be crucified meaning the Roman authorities sentenced Jesus to death by crucifixion.



Gospel of Mark 15:22 And they bring him to the place Gulgolta, which when translated is "skull" place. 


What is Gulgolta?

What is Gulgolet?

Gulgolta is the place of the Roman crucifixion of Jesus.

Gulgolta is the Aramaic word for skull

Gulgolet is the Hebrew word for skull.



Gospel of Mark 15:23 And they were holding out to him wine mixed with myrrh.  He, however, did not take it. 


What is Myrrh?

Myrrh is a fragrant gum resin.



Gospel of Mark 15:24 And they crucify him.  And they divide his garments, casting a lot for them, who would take what.


1. What does “and they crucify him” mean?

Crucify him means kill Jesus by nailing or binding him to a wooded cross and waiting until he is dead.

But Jesus is not dead.

Jesus is alive.

2. What is “casting a lot?”

Casting a lot is a game of chance were the winner has first choice to take the best of the cloths of Jesus.



Gospel of Mark 15:25 And it was 9:00 A.M. when they crucified him. 


What does “they crucify him” mean?

Crucify him means kill Jesus by nailing or binding him to a wooded cross and waiting until he is dead.

But Jesus is not dead.

Jesus is alive.



Gospel of Mark 15:26 And the notice of the charge against him was written above him: THE KING OF THE JEWS. 


What does "The king of the Jews” mean?

What crime did Jesus commit against the Roman authority in Judea today Israel and Palestine?

Jesus was Jewish.

The twelve disciples of Jesus were Jewish.

Jesus attracted large crows of Jews where ever he went.

Jesus claimed to be the Messiah in the Gospel of Mark 14:61 – 14:62.

In the Gospel of Mark 15:2, the first question asked by Pontius Pilate the Roman Empire Governor of Judea to Jesus is, “Are you the king of the Jews” meaning are you claiming to be the new leader of the Jews?

No one could appoint a King in Judea except the Romans.

Jesus was being accused of threatening the authority of the Roman Empire’s control over Judea today southern Israel and Palestine for which the punishment under Roman law is death.



Gospel of Mark 15:27 And with him they crucify two bandits, one to the right and one to the left of him. 


What does “they crucify” mean?

Crucify means killing people by nailing or binding them to a wooded cross and waiting until they die.

But Jesus is not dead.

Jesus is alive.



Gospel of Mark 15:29 And those passing by were defaming him, shaking their heads and saying, "Aha, the one destroying the temple and building in three days! 


Gospel of Mark 15:30 Save yourself by coming down from the cross."


Gospel of Mark 15:31 Likewise also the chief priests, making fun with one another along with the Torah scholars, were saying, "Others he saved. Himself he cannot save. 


What does, “others he saved. himself he cannot save” mean?

Jesus helped other people but Jesus cannot help himself.

Why can Jesus not help himself? Jesus can only do what God has willed.

Humans can only do what God has willed.

Jesus is a human prophet, messenger and messiah sent by God.



Gospel of Mark 15:32 Let the Messiah, the king of Israel, come down now from the cross, so that we may see and believe." Even the ones crucified with him were shaming him.


1. What does “Let the Messiah, the king of Israel, come down now from the cross, so that we may see and believe” mean?

If Jesus comes down from the cross then we will believe that Jesus is the Messiah as Jesus claims.  


2. Why did God not bring Jesus down from the cross as proof that Jesus is the Messiah?

If Jesus came down from the cross it would be a miracle and God has already shown in the Gospel that the only people that are granted miracles are those people who believe.

The people who asked to see such a miracle had no faith because they were only mocking Jesus. Their words were not sincere because they had no belief.



The death of Jesus.



Was it the death of Jesus or the miracle of Jesus?



Gospel of Mark 15:33 And when it was twelve o'clock noon, darkness came over the whole land, until 3:00 o'clock P.M. 


The Solar eclipse in Jerusalem, Al-Quds in Judea today southern Israel and Palestine.

A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun.

On Earth a solar eclipse causes the Moon to cover the light from the Sun.

A solar eclipse causes darkness on the Earth from the shadow of the Moon.

The time (3 pm) and the day (Friday in the time of Pontius Pilate who was the Governor of Judea from 614 BH–603 BH (26 CE–36 CE, 26 AD–36 AD, 26–36) and the location (Jerusalem, Al-Quds) has allowed Scientists to calculate that the date of the Solar Eclipse that occurred during the crucifixion of Jesus was in 607 BH (33 CE 33 AD on Friday 3 April 33).



Gospel of Mark 15:34 And at 3:00 P.M. Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Elohi, Elohi, lema shevaqtani?"— which when translated is, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"


1. The seventh sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after him in the Gospel.

Why did Jesus say, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”

One of the mysteries of the Gospel has been the meaning of Jesus on the cross calling out My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

The identification of this as prophecy from the Old Testament Bible has not been satisfactory because those words relate to what was happening in the life of King David who used those words in the Psalm of David.

See Psalm 22 My God my God why have you forsaken me?



The next prophet after Jesus revealed that God does not forsake humans when a human calls out to God.

Why did Jesus say, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”

The next prophet after Jesus revealed that the purpose of Jesus calling out the words “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?” is to show that God does not abandon humans when a human calls out to God.


Quran 3:54 Koran 3:54 And they (those who disbelieved Prophet Jesus) plotted (to kill Jesus) but God also (had his) plan. And God is the best of the planners.


Quran 3:55 Koran 3:55 (Jesus Isa said on the cross “my God my God why have you forsaken me” as proof that Jesus Isa is human and that Jesus Isa is not God in the Injil of Isa by Mark and Matthew the Gospel of Mark 15:34 and the Gospel of Matthew 27:46. This was proof that Jesus Isa had faith in God because Jesus Isa called out for help from God and it was then that Jesus Isa passed the test of faith like Abraham Ibrahim and his son had passed the test of faith in a time before him. The plan of God was then explained to Jesus Isa to show that God does not forsake humans who call God for help) when God said "O Jesus Isa I (God) will take you (your soul in Quran 39:42 so that your body will sleep on the cross) and raise you (your soul) to Myself (God in Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42 making everyone believe you are dead on the cross in Quran 4:157 because your body will stop moving on the cross) and purify you (meaning separate your soul for three days) from those who disbelieve (you are a messenger of God), and I (God) will make those who follow you (by obeying the Gospel Injil that you taught them 2000 years ago) superior (in the hereafter) to those who disbelieve (you are a messenger of God) on the Day of Resurrection (in the hereafter on a new earth, a new ground, a new land when all humans will see that the message you delivered in the Gospel Injil is the truth). (After 3 days God returned the soul of Jesus Isa to wake up his sleeping body as proof that no one killed him on the cross and no one crucified him to death on the cross in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 when Jesus Isa woke up in the place of the dead where his body was placed after the crucifixion which is the time when Jesus Isa delivered the message that “God is my God and your God” meaning “God is my Father and your Father” meaning God is my Creator and your Creator meaning God is my Master and your Master meaning God is my Lord and your Lord so that no one can confuse a miracle of God with a human messenger of God. No one teaches people that they are not God unless something amazing has happened which might result in confusion. Jesus Isa woke up three days after the crucifixion and continued living with his people in Judea and Galilee today in Palestine and Israel. This was something amazing and this is the reason Jesus Isa was teaching the people that Jesus Isa is not God. Jesus Isa taught his people that Jesus Isa is not God until his natural death in Quran 5:75 where Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa “use to eat food” meaning they both died 2000 years ago and Quran 3:144 where the “the messengers before Prophet Muhammad have died” meaning Jesus Isa is dead because Jesus Isa is the messenger before Prophet Muhammad). Then (on that Day of Resurrection and Judgement) to Me (God) is your return (when In Quran 7:6 God shall question the messengers of God and in Quran 5:117 Prophet Jesus Isa will testify to God on the Day of Judgement that Prophet Jesus Isa died only one time when he lived with the children of Israel 2000 years ago in Judea today in Israel and Palestine where he was raised only one time by the angel of death as confirmation of the truthfulness of both the Quran and the Gospel Injil) and I (God) will judge between you (humans and explain to humans) about what (religious matters) you were differing (among each other when some of you claimed Jesus Isa was not sent by God and others of you claimed Jesus Isa was God instead of believing Jesus Isa who said Jesus Isa is a human messenger of God in all the Injil of Isa the Gospel of Jesus by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John which are with humans today and proved it by his righteous deeds and righteous teachings as all the messengers of God had also done before him).


The Good News that the next prophet after Jesus delivered was that the Most Merciful God saved Jesus when Jesus asked God, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

See Gospel of Mark 15:34 comments.


2. Why did Jesus say My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

Only a human says My God, my God, why have you forsaken me.

Jesus showed that Jesus is human.

Jesus confirmed that Jesus is human.

Jesus showed that Jesus is not God.

Jesus confirmed that Jesus is not God.

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me showed that Jesus is human.

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me confirmed that Jesus is human.

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me showed that Jesus is not God.

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me confirmed that Jesus is not God. 


Gospel of Mark 15:35 And some of the bystanders hearing were saying, "Behold, he is calling Elijah."


Who is Elijah?

Elijah is the prophet that the Jews believe will announce the coming of the Messiah.

In the Gospel, John the baptizer is a spiritual representation of Elijah and John anoints Jesus as the Messiah which is confirmed by the Holy Spirit Angel Gabriel and the created voice of God in the Gospel of Mark 1:1 – 1:13.

In the Gospel of Mark 9:13, Jesus said that Elijah came (spiritually in the form of John the baptizer) and the Jews (meaning, King Herod who was the King of the Jews) did to him whatever they wished to do to him as described in the Gospel of Mark 6:14 – 6:29.

In the Gospel, the soul of Elijah and Moses in physical bodies and the created voice of God appear to Jesus and his three companions in the Transfiguration as a confirmation from the Kingdom of God to the humans on the Earth that Jesus is a truthful prophet, messenger and messiah as described in the Gospel of Mark 9:1 – 9:13. 


Gospel of Mark 15:36 And one ran, and after filling a sponge with sour wine, stuck it on a reed and was helping him to drink, saying, "Back off. Let's see if Elijah comes to take him down."


Gospel of Mark 15:37 But Jesus expired, letting out a loud cry.


1. The first sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after him in the Gospel.

How could Jesus be alive on the cross as revealed by the prophet after Jesus?

How could Jesus not be dead on the cross as revealed by the prophet after Jesus?

In the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15 Jesus said that the next prophet after him would reveal all things and those revelations will stay in the world forever.

The prophet after Jesus revealed that Jesus was not crucified to death and Jesus was not killed but Jesus fainted to sleep and his soul was raised to heaven.

After 3 days the soul of Jesus was returned to the sleeping body of Jesus and he awoke just as every human awakes when their soul is returned from heaven after sleep.

The soul of Jesus is in heaven now which means that Jesus later died a natural death when his soul was raised by the angel of death to heaven and to God as every human soul is decreed to be raised.

Only the soul of a human is raised to heaven.

The human body is not needed in heaven.

The human body is only needed on the Earth.

Gospel of Mark 15:37 But Jesus expired, letting out a loud cry.

Quran 6:60 Koran 6:60 He (God) is the one who takes your souls at night (when you sleep) and He (God) knows everything you did in the day. Then He (God) wakes you again so that your life span may be fulfilled. Afterward (in the Hereafter) to Him (God) you shall return. Then He (God) shall inform you of what you used to do.

The child is not dead but sleeping.

See Gospel of Mark 5:39, 12:36 (comments 14, 15 and 16) and 15:37 – 15:38 comments, 16:12 comments.

Three days after the crucifixion Jesus told Mary Magdalene to tell all the disciples that Jesus did not die on the cross in Gospel of John 20:17 “I have not yet ascended to the Father” meaning God saved the life of Jesus on the cross with a miracle which made people think Jesus was dead on the cross in the same way God made people believe a sleeping person was dead in Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24 and Gospel of Luke 8:52.

The soul of every human ascends to God during sleep and when they die (Quran 39:42).

When Jesus says I (Jesus) have not yet ascended to the Father (God) Jesus is not talking about sleep because every human ascends to God every night during sleep therefore the meaning is Jesus has not yet died meaning God saved the life of Jesus on the cross with sleep (Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24, Gospel of Luke 8:52, Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42) meaning Jesus did not die on the cross with death but was saved on the cross with sleep which looked like Jesus was dead and in this way God saved the life of Jesus meaning no one killed Jesus (Gospel of Luke 8:54 – 8:55 and Quran 39:42) meaning no one crucified Jesus to death (Quran 4:157) meaning Jesus was not sacrificed but was saved from death with sleep in Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42 for the same reason God saved the son of Abraham from death in a test of the faith in God of Abraham and Jesus.

When Jesus says "I (Jesus) am ascending to my Father (God) and your Father (God)" it means Jesus will die like every human dies meaning Jesus died a natural death at the end of his life 2000 years ago (Quran 3:144 and Quran 5:75) as proof Jesus is human and as proof Jesus is not God.


Gospel of John 20:17 Jesus says to her (Mary Magdalene), "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father (God); but go to my brothers (my disciples), and tell them: 'I am ascending to my Father and your Father; to my God and your God.'"

Note 1. After the crucifixion Jesus says do not hold on to me to see if I am really alive, I have not yet ascended to my Father meaning I am not yet dead meaning I am really alive meaning I am not a ghost.


2. What does expired mean?

The body of Jesus stopped talking.

The body of Jesus stopped moving.

Jesus looked like he was dead.

Gospel of Mark 15:37 But Jesus expired, letting out a loud cry.

Quran 6:60 Koran 6:60 He (God) is the one who takes your souls at night (when you sleep) and He (God) knows everything you did in the day. Then He (God) wakes you again so that your life span may be fulfilled. Afterward (in the Hereafter) to Him (God) you shall return. Then He (God) shall inform you of what you used to do.


3. Jesus fainted into a sleep on the cross.

The body of Jesus stopped talking.

The body of Jesus stopped moving.

Jesus looked like he was dead.

Gospel of Mark 15:37 But Jesus expired, letting out a loud cry.

Quran 6:60 Koran 6:60 He (God) is the one who takes your souls at night (when you sleep) and He (God) knows everything you did in the day. Then He (God) wakes you again so that your life span may be fulfilled. Afterward (in the Hereafter) to Him (God) you shall return. Then He (God) shall inform you of what you used to do.


4. The Quran confirms the Gospel regarding what the people reported.

The Quran confirms the Gospel regarding what the people saw.

Quran 4:157 Koran 4:157 And they (some of the Jews of Yathrib in Arabia later Medina Arabia today Madinah Saudi Arabia) said (showing their pride and their disbelief by threatening and mocking the messenger Prophet Muhammad and his followers by boasting), "We killed messiah Jesus Isa, the son of Mary Maryam, the messenger of God," but (in fact) they did not kill him (on the cross) nor crucify him (to death on the cross), but it was made to appear so to them (so they believed he was dead on the cross because his body was not moving but in fact he was still alive and sleeping on the cross as explained in Quran 4:158 and 39:42) and those (Jews of Yathrib Arabia) who differ in this (in what happened to Prophet Jesus Isa on the cross) are full of doubts with no (certain) knowledge so they (the Jews of Yathrib) follow only conjecture (assumptions, speculation, guess). It is certain that they (the Jews) did not kill him (because God protected Prophet Jesus Isa from the death of crucifixion in 607 BH 33 CE 33 AD on Friday 3 April 33 in Jerusalem Al-Quds Yerussalem Yerushalayim in Judea today in Israel and Palestine and this is confirmed in the Gospel Injil where Jesus Isa is seen alive three days after the crucifixion teaching that he is not God in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 by saying God is my God and your God meaning God is my Father and your Father meaning God is my Creator and your Creator meaning God is my Master and your Master meaning God is my Lord and your Lord as proof that no one had killed him on the cross or crucified him to death on the cross. 2000 years ago God saved the life of humans with sleep so that their body did not move making everyone think they were dead in the Injil Gospel of Mark 5:39 "... The child is not dead but sleeping", Gospel of Matthew 9:24 "... For the maiden meaning the girl has not died but sleeps ..." and the Gospel of Luke 8:52 "... She is not dead but sleeping". To prepare to test the faith of Prophet Jesus Isa by the threat of death by crucifixion God through the Holy Spirit removed from the mind of Prophet Jesus Isa the earlier events where God had saved people with sleep that looked like death by revealing the story of Lazarus in the Injil Gospel of John 11:11 – 11:14 where the Holy Spirit reveals to Jesus that sleep for Lazarus means Lazarus is dead. This was done so that Prophet Jesus Isa will believe he will die in the same way as Prophet Abraham Ibrahim believed his son would die. Prophet Jesus Isa passed the test of faith in God and God saved Prophet Jesus Isa like God saved the son of Prophet Abraham Ibrahim so that Prophet Jesus Isa could continue his life on the earth when God returned the soul from heaven to wake up the sleeping body on the earth as God had done before in the Gospel of Luke 8:54 – 8:55 “…"Damsel meaning girl, wake up!" And her spirit returned, and she stood up at once, and he ordered that she be given something to eat. This was proof that she was alive and not dead. After the crucifixion Prophet Jesus Isa was alive on the earth as proof that no one killed him on the cross or crucified him to death. After the crucifixion Prophet Jesus Isa taught the people that he is not God until his natural death 2000 years ago in Quran 5:75, Quran 3:144, Quran 5:117 and in all the four Gospels Injil. It is in the life of Prophet Jesus Isa after the crucifixion that Jesus told the people that he is not God so that no one will be able to claim in the hereafter that Prophet Jesus Isa did not tell them he is not God in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36).


5. Jesus has fainted.

Jesus is unconscious.

Jesus is sleeping.

Jesus is not dead.

No one has killed Jesus.

Quran 19:33 Koran 19:33 “And so peace is on me the day I (Prophet Jesus) was born, and the day I die, and the day I (the soul of Prophet Jesus) shall be raised alive (on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement).”

Quran 6:60 Koran 6:60 He (God) is the one who takes your souls at night (when you sleep) and He (God) knows everything you did in the day. Then He (God) wakes you again so that your life span may be fulfilled. Afterward (in the Hereafter) to Him (God) you shall return. Then He (God) shall inform you of what you used to do.



Gospel of Mark 15:38 And the veil of the temple was rent in two from top to bottom. 


1. If Jesus is dead why are miracles still occurring?

Jesus said if you believed without doubt then anything is possible.

Jesus is unconscious.

Jesus fainted.

Jesus is sleeping.


2. The first sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after him in the Gospel.

How could Jesus be alive on the cross as revealed by the prophet after Jesus?

How could Jesus not be dead on the cross as revealed by the prophet after Jesus?

Only the soul of a human is raised to heaven.

The human body is not needed in heaven.

The human body is only needed on the Earth.

The child is not dead but sleeping.

See Gospel of Mark 5:39, 12:36 (comments 14, 15 and 16) and 15:37 – 15:38 comments, 16:12 comments.

After 3 days the soul of Jesus was returned to the sleeping body of Jesus and he awoke just as every human awakes when their soul is returned from heaven after sleep.

The soul of Jesus is in heaven now which means that Jesus later died a natural death when his soul was raised by the angel of death to heaven and to God as every human soul is decreed to be raised.

Only the soul of a human is raised to heaven.

The human body is not needed in heaven.

The human body is only needed on the Earth.

Gospel of Mark 15:37 But Jesus expired, letting out a loud cry.

Quran 6:60 Koran 6:60 He (God) is the one who takes your souls at night (when you sleep) and He (God) knows everything you did in the day. Then He (God) wakes you again so that your life span may be fulfilled. Afterward (in the Hereafter) to Him (God) you shall return. Then He (God) shall inform you of what you used to do.

The child is not dead but sleeping.

See Gospel of Mark 5:39, 12:36 (comments 14, 15 and 16) and 15:37 – 15:38 comments, 16:12 comments.

Three days after the crucifixion Jesus told Mary Magdalene to tell all the disciples that Jesus did not die on the cross in Gospel of John 20:17 “I have not yet ascended to the Father” meaning God saved the life of Jesus on the cross with a miracle which made people think Jesus was dead on the cross in the same way God made people believe a sleeping person was dead in Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24 and Gospel of Luke 8:52.

The soul of every human ascends to God during sleep and when they die (Quran 39:42).

When Jesus says I (Jesus) have not yet ascended to the Father (God) Jesus is not talking about sleep because every human ascends to God every night during sleep therefore the meaning is Jesus has not yet died meaning God saved the life of Jesus on the cross with sleep (Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24, Gospel of Luke 8:52, Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42) meaning Jesus did not die on the cross with death but was saved on the cross with sleep which looked like Jesus was dead and in this way God saved the life of Jesus meaning no one killed Jesus (Gospel of Luke 8:54 – 8:55 and Quran 39:42) meaning no one crucified Jesus to death (Quran 4:157) meaning Jesus was not sacrificed but was saved from death with sleep in Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42 for the same reason God saved the son of Abraham from death in a test of the faith in God of Abraham and Jesus.

When Jesus says "I (Jesus) am ascending to my Father (God) and your Father (God)" it means Jesus will die like every human dies meaning Jesus died a natural death at the end of his life 2000 years ago (Quran 3:144 and Quran 5:75) as proof Jesus is human and as proof Jesus is not God.


Gospel of John 20:17 Jesus says to her (Mary Magdalene), "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father (God); but go to my brothers (my disciples), and tell them: 'I am ascending to my Father and your Father; to my God and your God.'"

Note 1. After the crucifixion Jesus says do not hold on to me to see if I am really alive, I have not yet ascended to my Father meaning I am not yet dead meaning I am really alive meaning I am not a ghost.


Quran 6:60 Koran 6:60 He (God) is the one who takes your souls at night (when you sleep) and He (God) knows everything you did in the day. Then He (God) wakes you again so that your life span may be fulfilled. Afterward (in the Hereafter) to Him (God) you shall return. Then He (God) shall inform you of what you used to do.


3. Jesus called out to God, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”

God made miracles in the time of the prophets.

Jesus called out to God, My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

After the many miracles in the Gospel it is Good News from the last prophet after Jesus who revealed that God protected Jesus just as God protected the son of Abraham.

God tested Jesus just as God tested Abraham.

Every human is tested by God.

It is Good News to know that the Most Merciful God saved Jesus when Jesus asked God, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”

God showed that God does not forsaken humans when they call out to God.


4. What is the belief in God?

4-1. Belief in God means believing in God who is the creator of every creation.

4-2. Believing in all of God’s human prophets and messengers who are created by God.

4-3. Believing in God’s angel messengers who are created by God.

4-4. Believing in God’s Books the Torah, the Gospel and the Quran which are the word of God.

4-5. Believing in the Last Day of the end of the world which is followed in the hereafter by the Day of Resurrection and Judgement.



Gospel of Mark 15:39 And the centurion, standing across from and facing him, seeing the way that he died, said, "This man truly was the Son of God."


1. What is a centurion?

A centurion was a Roman army commander.


2. What does Son of God mean?

The Son of God in the Torah means the servant of God.

The Son of God in the Torah means the slave of God.

In the Torah the children of Israel are called the Son of God.

In the Torah the children of Israel are called the servant of God.

In the Torah the children of Israel are called the slave of God.

Son of God means the servant of God.

Son of God means the slave of God.

Jesus is Jewish.

Jesus is from the children of Israel.

The children of Israel are called the Son of God in the Torah meaning the servant of God.

Jesus is called the son of God because the Gospel is the story of one of the children of Israel.


3. What does “this man truly was the Son of God” mean?

The Roman soldier who watched Jesus on the cross said “this man truly was the Son of God” meaning:

The Roman soldier who watched Jesus on the cross said “this man truly was the servant of God.”

The Roman soldier who watched Jesus on the cross said “this man truly was the slave of God.”


4. Why did the Roman soldier who watched Jesus on the cross say, “this man truly was the son (meaning the servant, the slave) of God.”

For the Roman centurion soldier this crucifixion was different to any other, first there was a solar eclipse, the when Jesus fainted there was an earthquake so strong that even the veil of the temple was cut in two from top to bottom but the most important thing was that Jesus behaved differently to any other person that the Roman centurion soldier had seen at a crucifixion.

Everything about Jesus made that Roman soldier conclude that Jesus was truly the servant of God which means the Roman centurion soldier had faith.

What was different about Jesus? Jesus did not use bad words against those who used bad words or bad actions against him.

The dignity that Jesus showed on the cross and the reports of what Jesus had done in his life combined with what the Roman centurion soldier was seeing made him believe that Jesus was truly the son (meaning the servant, the slave) of God.



Gospel of Mark 15:40 And there were also women watching from a distance, among whom were both Mary the Magdalene and Mary the mother of James the younger and of Joses; and Salome,


Who is Mary the Magdalene?

Who is Mary Magdalene?

Who is Mary of Magdala?

Mary the Magdalene became a disciple of Jesus when Jesus removed seven demons from her body.



Gospel of Mark 15:41 they who when he was in Galilee used to follow him and provide for him, plus many others who had come up to Jerusalem with him.


1. Where is Galilee?

Galilee today is in northern Israel.

2. Where is Jerusalem?

Where is Al-Quds?

Jerusalem (Al-Quds, Yerussalem, Yerushalayim) in the time of Jesus in the first century was in the Roman province of Judea today in southern Israel and Palestine.

Jerusalem (Al-Quds, Yerussalem, Yerushalayim) was the location of the second Jewish Temple of God and therefore the centre of Jewish traditional religious life.



The burial of Jesus.


Gospel of Mark 15:42 And evening had now come, and since it was Preparation Day, that is, before the Sabbath,


1. What is the Sabbath?

What is the Shabbat?

As a remembrance of the creation of the Heavens and the Earth in 6 Days (six periods of time) the seventh day of the week in Judaism is called the Sabbath or the rest day for the remembrance of God.

The Sabbath is 24 hours of rest and the remembrance of God when no work is done.

2. When is the Sabbath?

When is the Shabbat?

In Judaism the Sabbath is from sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday.

3. What is Preparation Day?

No work is allowed on the Sabbath so everything needed to eat is prepared on Preparation Day before the Sabbath starts at Sunset on Friday.



Gospel of Mark 15:43 Joseph of Arimathea comes, a respected council member, himself also looking forward to the kingdom of God, who, taking courage, went in to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus. 


What is  Arimathea?

Arimathea was a city in Judea today southern Israel and Palestine.



Gospel of Mark 15:44 But Pilate doubted that he was already dead, and calling the centurion to him, asked him if he had already died.


1. Pilate “doubted that Jesus was already dead.” 


2. The Roman centurion soldier who confirmed Jesus was dead had faith in Jesus.

The centurion who confirmed that Jesus was dead to Pilate the Governor of Judea so that the body of Jesus could be removed from the cross is the same Roman centurion soldier who had faith in Jesus when he said “This man truly was the Son (meaning the servant, the slave) of God" in the Gospel of Mark 15:39.


3. The Quran confirms the Gospel regarding Jesus on the cross.

The Quran revealed that Jesus was still alive on the cross which confirms the Gospel where the Roman Empire Governor Pilate doubted that Jesus had already died on the cross.


4. The first sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after him in the Gospel.

How could Jesus be alive on the cross as revealed by the prophet after Jesus?

How could Jesus not be dead on the cross as revealed by the prophet after Jesus?

Only the soul of a human is raised to heaven.

The human body is not needed in heaven.

The human body is only needed on the Earth.

The child is not dead but sleeping.

See Gospel of Mark 5:39, 12:36 (comments 14, 15 and 16) and 15:37 – 15:38 comments, 16:12 comments.

Three days after the crucifixion Jesus told Mary Magdalene to tell all the disciples that Jesus did not die on the cross in Gospel of John 20:17 “I have not yet ascended to the Father” meaning God saved the life of Jesus on the cross with a miracle which made people think Jesus was dead on the cross in the same way God made people believe a sleeping person was dead in Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24 and Gospel of Luke 8:52.

The soul of every human ascends to God during sleep and when they die (Quran 39:42).

When Jesus says I (Jesus) have not yet ascended to the Father (God) Jesus is not talking about sleep because every human ascends to God every night during sleep therefore the meaning is Jesus has not yet died meaning God saved the life of Jesus on the cross with sleep (Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24, Gospel of Luke 8:52, Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42) meaning Jesus did not die on the cross with death but was saved on the cross with sleep which looked like Jesus was dead and in this way God saved the life of Jesus meaning no one killed Jesus (Gospel of Luke 8:54 – 8:55 and Quran 39:42) meaning no one crucified Jesus to death (Quran 4:157) meaning Jesus was not sacrificed but was saved from death with sleep in Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42 for the same reason God saved the son of Abraham from death in a test of the faith in God of Abraham and Jesus.

When Jesus says "I (Jesus) am ascending to my Father (God) and your Father (God)" it means Jesus will die like every human dies meaning Jesus died a natural death at the end of his life 2000 years ago (Quran 3:144 and Quran 5:75) as proof Jesus is human and as proof Jesus is not God.


Gospel of John 20:17 Jesus says to her (Mary Magdalene), "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father (God); but go to my brothers (my disciples), and tell them: 'I am ascending to my Father and your Father; to my God and your God.'"

Note 1. After the crucifixion Jesus says do not hold on to me to see if I am really alive, I have not yet ascended to my Father meaning I am not yet dead meaning I am really alive meaning I am not a ghost.



Gospel of Mark 15:45 And knowing from the centurion, he granted the corpse to Joseph.


1. Pilate asked the centurion soldier if Jesus was dead on the cross.

The centurion soldier said that Jesus was dead on the cross. 

The centurion who confirmed that Jesus was dead to Pilate the Governor of Judea so that the body of Jesus could be removed from the cross is the same Roman centurion soldier who had faith in Jesus when he said “This man truly was the Son (meaning the servant, the slave) of God" in the Gospel of Mark 15:39.


2. The Quran confirms the Gospel regarding Jesus on the cross.

The Quran revealed that those who saw Jesus on the cross though Jesus was dead on the cross which confirms the Gospel where the centurion Roman soldier told Governor Pilate that Jesus was dead on the cross.

The Quran confirms the Gospel regarding what the people saw.

Quran 4:157 Koran 4:157 And they (some of the Jews of Yathrib in Arabia later Medina Arabia today Madinah Saudi Arabia) said (showing their pride and their disbelief by threatening and mocking the messenger Prophet Muhammad and his followers by boasting), "We killed messiah Jesus Isa, the son of Mary Maryam, the messenger of God," but (in fact) they did not kill him (on the cross) nor crucify him (to death on the cross), but it was made to appear so to them (so they believed he was dead on the cross because his body was not moving but in fact he was still alive and sleeping on the cross as explained in Quran 4:158 and 39:42) and those (Jews of Yathrib Arabia) who differ in this (in what happened to Prophet Jesus Isa on the cross) are full of doubts with no (certain) knowledge so they (the Jews of Yathrib) follow only conjecture (assumptions, speculation, guess). It is certain that they (the Jews) did not kill him (because God protected Prophet Jesus Isa from the death of crucifixion in 607 BH 33 CE 33 AD on Friday 3 April 33 in Jerusalem Al-Quds Yerussalem Yerushalayim in Judea today in Israel and Palestine and this is confirmed in the Gospel Injil where Jesus Isa is seen alive three days after the crucifixion teaching that he is not God in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 by saying God is my God and your God meaning God is my Father and your Father meaning God is my Creator and your Creator meaning God is my Master and your Master meaning God is my Lord and your Lord as proof that no one had killed him on the cross or crucified him to death on the cross. 2000 years ago God saved the life of humans with sleep so that their body did not move making everyone think they were dead in the Injil Gospel of Mark 5:39 "... The child is not dead but sleeping", Gospel of Matthew 9:24 "... For the maiden meaning the girl has not died but sleeps ..." and the Gospel of Luke 8:52 "... She is not dead but sleeping". To prepare to test the faith of Prophet Jesus Isa by the threat of death by crucifixion God through the Holy Spirit removed from the mind of Prophet Jesus Isa the earlier events where God had saved people with sleep that looked like death by revealing the story of Lazarus in the Injil Gospel of John 11:11 – 11:14 where the Holy Spirit reveals to Jesus that sleep for Lazarus means Lazarus is dead. This was done so that Prophet Jesus Isa will believe he will die in the same way as Prophet Abraham Ibrahim believed his son would die. Prophet Jesus Isa passed the test of faith in God and God saved Prophet Jesus Isa like God saved the son of Prophet Abraham Ibrahim so that Prophet Jesus Isa could continue his life on the earth when God returned the soul from heaven to wake up the sleeping body on the earth as God had done before in the Gospel of Luke 8:54 – 8:55 “…"Damsel meaning girl, wake up!" And her spirit returned, and she stood up at once, and he ordered that she be given something to eat. This was proof that she was alive and not dead. After the crucifixion Prophet Jesus Isa was alive on the earth as proof that no one killed him on the cross or crucified him to death. After the crucifixion Prophet Jesus Isa taught the people that he is not God until his natural death 2000 years ago in Quran 5:75, Quran 3:144, Quran 5:117 and in all the four Gospels Injil. It is in the life of Prophet Jesus Isa after the crucifixion that Jesus told the people that he is not God so that no one will be able to claim in the hereafter that Prophet Jesus Isa did not tell them he is not God in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36). 


Gospel of Mark 15:46 And having bought linen, he took him down and wrapped him in the linen, and laid him in a tomb which was hewn out of the rock, and rolled a stone up against the entrance of the tomb. 


The body of Jesus is put in a cave.

The body of Jesus is wrapped in linen and put in a cave which had been made by cutting into rock.

This man-made tomb was closed by rolling a stone against the entrance. 


Gospel of Mark 15:47 And Mary the Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joses were watching where he was laid.





The Gospel of Mark Chapter 16.

The empty tomb.


Gospel of Mark 16:1 And when the Sabbath had passed, Mary the Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, bought spices so that they might go and anoint him. 


Gospel of Mark 16:2 And very early on the first day of the week, they are coming upon the tomb, as the sun broke. 


Gospel of Mark 16:3 And they were saying to each other, "Who will roll away for us the stone from the entrance of the tomb?" 


Gospel of Mark 16:4 And when they look up, they behold: the stone has been rolled away!  For it was very large. 


Someone had rolled away the stone that was against the entrance to the cave where Jesus had been placed 3 days earlier.



Gospel of Mark 16:5 And entering into the tomb, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, dressed in a white robe.  And they were greatly alarmed.


1. Who was the young man dressed in a white robe?

This is one of the angels of God who cared for Jesus on the Earth.


2. If Jesus had died then Jesus would not need an angel to care for him.

The care for Jesus by angels on Earth sent from heaven is confirmed in the Gospel of Mark 1:13.

Gospel of Mark 1:13 And he was in the wilderness forty days being tempted by Satan, and was with the wild beasts. And the angels were attending him.


3. "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"

When Jesus said, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" God was looking after Jesus as the presence of the angel show.

Jesus showed that when a human calls out "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" God will respond because God does not forsake humans that call out to God.

"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" also has the purpose of reminding humans that Jesus is human.

Humans who mistakenly prayed to Jesus instead of praying to God who created every creation might (only God truly knows) be asked by Jesus who will be a witness on the Day of Judgement:

3-1. Did I not pray to God?

3-2. Did I not say God is one God?

3-3. Did I not say I do not know when is the Day of Resurrection because only God knows?

3-4. Did I not say I am a messenger of God?

3-5. Did I not say everything I do is for God?

3-6. Did I not cry out to God, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"

3-7. Did God not send angels from heaven to help me on the Earth?

3-8. When I ate did I not give thanks to God?

3-9. When I did miracles did I not give all credit to God?

3-10. Anyone who correctly follows a messenger of God will be saved by God but a messenger is a creation. A messenger is not God the creator.



Gospel of Mark 16:6 But he says to them, "Do not be alarmed.  You are seeking Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified.  He is risen!  He is not here.  Behold the place where they laid him. 


1. Three days later Jesus woke up and walked out.


2. The Quran confirms the Gospel regarding what the people saw by explaining how the soul of Jesus returned to his sleeping body.


Gospel of Mark 5:39 And when he had come in he (Jesus) says to them, "Why are you making a commotion and weeping?  The child is not dead but sleeping." 


Quran 6:60 Koran 6:60 He (God) is the one who takes your souls at night (when you sleep) and He (God) knows everything you did in the day. Then He (God) wakes you again so that your life span may be fulfilled. Afterward (in the Hereafter) to Him (God) you shall return. Then He (God) shall inform you of what you used to do.


Quran 19:33 Koran 19:33 And so peace is on me the day I (Prophet Jesus) was born, and the day I die, and the day I (the soul of Prophet Jesus) shall be raised alive (on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement).”


3. What does, “You are seeking Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified” mean? 

The angel of God is stating the fact that people thought Jesus had been crucified and they were now looking for his body.

The people are looking for “Jesus who was crucified.”

Quran 4:157 Koran 4:157 And they (some of the Jews of Yathrib in Arabia later Medina Arabia today Madinah Saudi Arabia) said (showing their pride and their disbelief by threatening and mocking the messenger Prophet Muhammad and his followers by boasting), "We killed messiah Jesus Isa, the son of Mary Maryam, the messenger of God," but (in fact) they did not kill him (on the cross) nor crucify him (to death on the cross), but it was made to appear so to them (so they believed he was dead on the cross because his body was not moving but in fact he was still alive and sleeping on the cross as explained in Quran 4:158 and 39:42) ..."


4. What does, “Jesus has risen” mean?

Jesus has got up.

This is a miracle because everyone thought Jesus had died on the cross.

This is the biggest of all the miracles in the Gospel but it is a miracle that is easy for God to do.

This miracle is exactly the same as resurrection because if God can do one miracle where people think that a sleeping person is dead then God can certainly resurrect people in the hereafter as God has promised because Jesus said if you believe without doubt then anything is possible.


5. How could a person who was crucified but was only sleeping be able to stand up and walk after 3 days?

This is a miracle from God.

Jesus said if you believe without doubt then anything is possible.

If Jesus was sleeping on the cross and recovered in 3 days then that is proof that God can do anything including resurrection.


6. The first sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after him in the Gospel.

How could Jesus be alive on the cross as revealed by the prophet after Jesus?

How could Jesus not be dead on the cross as revealed by the prophet after Jesus?

Only the soul of a human is raised to heaven.

The human body is not needed in heaven.

The human body is only needed on the Earth.

The child is not dead but sleeping.

See Gospel of Mark 5:39, 12:36 (comments 14, 15 and 16) and 15:37 – 15:38 comments, 16:12 comments.

Three days after the crucifixion Jesus told Mary Magdalene to tell all the disciples that Jesus did not die on the cross in Gospel of John 20:17 “I have not yet ascended to the Father” meaning God saved the life of Jesus on the cross with a miracle which made people think Jesus was dead on the cross in the same way God made people believe a sleeping person was dead in Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24 and Gospel of Luke 8:52.

The soul of every human ascends to God during sleep and when they die (Quran 39:42).

When Jesus says I (Jesus) have not yet ascended to the Father (God) Jesus is not talking about sleep because every human ascends to God every night during sleep therefore the meaning is Jesus has not yet died meaning God saved the life of Jesus on the cross with sleep (Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24, Gospel of Luke 8:52, Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42) meaning Jesus did not die on the cross with death but was saved on the cross with sleep which looked like Jesus was dead and in this way God saved the life of Jesus meaning no one killed Jesus (Gospel of Luke 8:54 – 8:55 and Quran 39:42) meaning no one crucified Jesus to death (Quran 4:157) meaning Jesus was not sacrificed but was saved from death with sleep in Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42 for the same reason God saved the son of Abraham from death in a test of the faith in God of Abraham and Jesus.

When Jesus says "I (Jesus) am ascending to my Father (God) and your Father (God)" it means Jesus will die like every human dies meaning Jesus died a natural death at the end of his life 2000 years ago (Quran 3:144 and Quran 5:75) as proof Jesus is human and as proof Jesus is not God.


Gospel of John 20:17 Jesus says to her (Mary Magdalene), "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father (God); but go to my brothers (my disciples), and tell them: 'I am ascending to my Father and your Father; to my God and your God.'"

Note 1. After the crucifixion Jesus says do not hold on to me to see if I am really alive, I have not yet ascended to my Father meaning I am not yet dead meaning I am really alive meaning I am not a ghost. 


Gospel of Mark 16:7 But go tell his disciples and Peter, that he is going ahead of you into Galilee.  There you will see him, just as he told you."


Where is Galilee?

Galilee is north of Judea. Galilee today is in northern Israel. 


Gospel of Mark 16:8 And going out, they fled from the tomb.  For trembling shock was holding them; and they said nothing to anyone, because they were afraid.



The longer ending of Mark.


Gospel of Mark 16:9 And having risen early on the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary the Magdalene, from whom he had expelled seven demons.


What does “having risen” mean?

Jesus woke up in the cave, stood up in the cave and walked out of the cave. 


Gospel of Mark 16:10 She went and reported to the ones mourning and weeping, who had been with him.


Gospel of Mark 16:11 And they, hearing that he is living and was seen by her, disbelieved.


Gospel of Mark 16:12 And after these things he was manifested in a different form to two of them as they were walking along in the country.


1. What does “Jesus manifested in a different form” mean?

Jesus appeared in a different form just as God had changed the appearance of Jesus earlier during the Transfiguration when Prophet Jesus was talking with Prophet Elijah and Prophet Moses in the Gospel of Mark 9:2 – 9:13.


Quran 2:154 Koran 2:154 And do not speak (when delivering news) of those who are killed in the cause of God as being “dead”, No, they are alive (their soul is alive), but you cannot see them.


Quran 4:157 Koran 4:157 And they (some of the Jews of Yathrib in Arabia later Medina Arabia today Madinah Saudi Arabia) said (showing their pride and their disbelief by threatening and mocking the messenger Prophet Muhammad and his followers by boasting), "We killed messiah Jesus Isa, the son of Mary Maryam, the messenger of God," but (in fact) they did not kill him (on the cross) nor crucify him (to death on the cross), but it was made to appear so to them (so they believed he was dead on the cross because his body was not moving but in fact he was still alive and sleeping on the cross as explained in Quran 4:158 and 39:42) ..."


Quran 4:158 Koran 4:158 God raised him (the soul of Prophet Jesus Isa) up to Himself (God, to protect the life of Jesus Isa as explained in Quran 39:42 where God raises the soul up to Himself causing the human body on the earth to sleep and make everyone think Jesus Isa was dead because his body was not moving in Quran 4:157. God returned the soul of Jesus Isa causing his human body on the earth to wake up three days later as proof that no one killed Jesus Isa on the cross and no one crucified him to death on the cross. This is confirmed because Jesus Isa is seen alive three days after the crucifixion delivering the message that he is not God in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 by saying God is my God and your God meaning God is my Father and your Father meaning God is my Creator and your Creator meaning God is my Master and your Master meaning God is my Lord and your Lord). God is all powerful (able to do all things) and He (God) is all wise. (2000 years ago God saved the life of humans with sleep so that their body did not move making everyone think they were dead in the Injil Gospel of Mark 5:39 "... The child is not dead but sleeping", Gospel of Matthew 9:24 "... For the maiden meaning the girl has not died but sleeps ..." and the Gospel of Luke 8:52 "... She is not dead but sleeping". To prepare to test the faith of Prophet Jesus Isa by the threat of death by crucifixion God through the Holy Spirit removed from the mind of Prophet Jesus Isa the earlier events where God had saved people with sleep that looked like death by revealing the story of Lazarus in the Injil Gospel of John 11:11 – 11:14 where the Holy Spirit reveals to Jesus that sleep for Lazarus means Lazarus is dead. This was done so that Prophet Jesus Isa will believe he will die in the same way as Prophet Abraham Ibrahim believed his son would die. Prophet Jesus Isa passed the test of faith in God and God saved Prophet Jesus Isa like God saved the son of Prophet Abraham Ibrahim so that Prophet Jesus Isa could continue his life on the earth when God returned the soul from heaven to wake up the sleeping body on the earth as God had done before in the Gospel of Luke 8:54 – 8:55 “…"Damsel meaning girl, wake up!" And her spirit returned, and she stood up at once, and he ordered that she be given something to eat. This was proof that she was alive and not dead. After the crucifixion Prophet Jesus Isa was alive on the earth as proof that no one killed him on the cross or crucified him to death. After the crucifixion Prophet Jesus Isa taught the people that he is not God until his natural death 2000 years ago in Quran 5:75, Quran 3:144, Quran 5:117 and in all the four Gospels Injil. It is in the life of Prophet Jesus Isa after the crucifixion that Jesus told the people that he is not God so that no one will be able to claim in the hereafter that Prophet Jesus Isa did not tell them he is not God in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36).

Note 1. God saved Jesus Isa from death on the cross in Quran 4:157 and 4:158 so that Jesus Isa could continue his life and then die 2000 years ago like every human before him and after him has died in Quran 5:75 and 3:144. The natural death of Jesus Isa 2000 years ago is proof to the people in his time that Jesus Isa is human like every other human and he is not God or an equal partner with God.   


2. In other Gospels Jesus shows marks on his hands where he was nailed to the cross which confirms he was in his physical body not in a spiritual body.

Paul confirms that Jesus was not resurrected in 1 Corinthians 15:35 and 1 Corinthians 15:44 where Paul claims that the resurrected come in a spiritual body however three days after the crucifixion Jesus showed that his body was a physical body and not a spiritual body in Gospel of John 20:17 where Jesus confirms he has not yet diedI have not yet ascended to the Father (God)” meaning the life of Jesus was saved with sleep on the cross in the same way God saved others who were sleeping in Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24, Gospel of Luke 8:52 and Gospel of Luke 8:54 – 8:55. 

God uses Paul to test who will follow the word of God and who will follow Paul in the test described in 1 Kings 13:14 - 13:24 teaching that the word of God will not change and do not believe anyone who claims the word of God has changed.

See Quran 4:157 comment https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/quran-chapter-4-surah-4

See Quran 29:57 comment https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/quran-chapter-29-surah-29


3. What happened to Jesus on the cross?

The Quran explains what happened to Jesus on the cross.

Quran 4:157 Koran 4:157 And they (some of the Jews of Yathrib in Arabia later Medina Arabia today Madinah Saudi Arabia) said (showing their pride and their disbelief by threatening and mocking the messenger Prophet Muhammad and his followers by boasting), "We killed messiah Jesus Isa, the son of Mary Maryam, the messenger of God," but (in fact) they did not kill him (on the cross) nor crucify him (to death on the cross), but it was made to appear so to them (so they believed he was dead on the cross because his body was not moving but in fact he was still alive and sleeping on the cross as explained in Quran 4:158 and 39:42) and those (Jews of Yathrib Arabia) who differ in this (in what happened to Prophet Jesus Isa on the cross) are full of doubts with no (certain) knowledge so they (the Jews of Yathrib) follow only conjecture (assumptions, speculation, guess). It is certain that they (the Jews) did not kill him (because God protected Prophet Jesus Isa from the death of crucifixion in 607 BH 33 CE 33 AD on Friday 3 April 33 in Jerusalem Al-Quds Yerussalem Yerushalayim in Judea today in Israel and Palestine and this is confirmed in the Gospel Injil where Jesus Isa is seen alive three days after the crucifixion teaching that he is not God in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 by saying God is my God and your God meaning God is my Father and your Father meaning God is my Creator and your Creator meaning God is my Master and your Master meaning God is my Lord and your Lord as proof that no one had killed him on the cross or crucified him to death on the cross. 2000 years ago God saved the life of humans with sleep so that their body did not move making everyone think they were dead in the Injil Gospel of Mark 5:39 "... The child is not dead but sleeping", Gospel of Matthew 9:24 "... For the maiden meaning the girl has not died but sleeps ..." and the Gospel of Luke 8:52 "... She is not dead but sleeping". To prepare to test the faith of Prophet Jesus Isa by the threat of death by crucifixion God through the Holy Spirit removed from the mind of Prophet Jesus Isa the earlier events where God had saved people with sleep that looked like death by revealing the story of Lazarus in the Injil Gospel of John 11:11 – 11:14 where the Holy Spirit reveals to Jesus that sleep for Lazarus means Lazarus is dead. This was done so that Prophet Jesus Isa will believe he will die in the same way as Prophet Abraham Ibrahim believed his son would die. Prophet Jesus Isa passed the test of faith in God and God saved Prophet Jesus Isa like God saved the son of Prophet Abraham Ibrahim so that Prophet Jesus Isa could continue his life on the earth when God returned the soul from heaven to wake up the sleeping body on the earth as God had done before in the Gospel of Luke 8:54 – 8:55 “…"Damsel meaning girl, wake up!" And her spirit returned, and she stood up at once, and he ordered that she be given something to eat. This was proof that she was alive and not dead. After the crucifixion Prophet Jesus Isa was alive on the earth as proof that no one killed him on the cross or crucified him to death. After the crucifixion Prophet Jesus Isa taught the people that he is not God until his natural death 2000 years ago in Quran 5:75, Quran 3:144, Quran 5:117 and in all the four Gospels Injil. It is in the life of Prophet Jesus Isa after the crucifixion that Jesus told the people that he is not God so that no one will be able to claim in the hereafter that Prophet Jesus Isa did not tell them he is not God in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36).


4. What happened to Jesus three days later?

The Quran explains what happened to Jesus three days later.

The prophet after Jesus revealed that Jesus was not crucified to death and Jesus was not killed but Jesus fainted to sleep and his soul was raised to heaven.

After 3 days the soul of Jesus was returned to the sleeping body of Jesus and he awoke just as every human awakes when their soul is returned from heaven after sleep.


Three days later Jesus awoke and was seen alive.

Quran 6:60 Koran 6:60 He (God) is the one who takes your souls at night (when you sleep) and He (God) knows everything you did in the day. Then He (God) wakes you again so that your life span may be fulfilled. Afterward (in the Hereafter) to Him (God) you shall return. Then He (God) shall inform you of what you used to do.


5. What happened to Jesus at the end of his life?

The Quran explains what happened to Jesus at the end of his life.

When the life decreed by God for Jesus came to an end as every human life must then through the angel of death, God raised Jesus:

Only the soul of a human is raised to heaven.

The human body is not needed in heaven.

The human body is only needed on the Earth.


Quran 4:158 Koran 4:158 God raised him (the soul of Prophet Jesus Isa) up to Himself (God, to protect the life of Jesus Isa as explained in Quran 39:42 where God raises the soul up to Himself causing the human body on the earth to sleep and make everyone think Jesus Isa was dead because his body was not moving in Quran 4:157. God returned the soul of Jesus Isa causing his human body on the earth to wake up three days later as proof that no one killed Jesus Isa on the cross and no one crucified him to death on the cross. This is confirmed because Jesus Isa is seen alive three days after the crucifixion delivering the message that he is not God in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 by saying God is my God and your God meaning God is my Father and your Father meaning God is my Creator and your Creator meaning God is my Master and your Master meaning God is my Lord and your Lord). God is all powerful (able to do all things) and He (God) is all wise. (2000 years ago God saved the life of humans with sleep so that their body did not move making everyone think they were dead in the Injil Gospel of Mark 5:39 "... The child is not dead but sleeping", Gospel of Matthew 9:24 "... For the maiden meaning the girl has not died but sleeps ..." and the Gospel of Luke 8:52 "... She is not dead but sleeping". To prepare to test the faith of Prophet Jesus Isa by the threat of death by crucifixion God through the Holy Spirit removed from the mind of Prophet Jesus Isa the earlier events where God had saved people with sleep that looked like death by revealing the story of Lazarus in the Injil Gospel of John 11:11 – 11:14 where the Holy Spirit reveals to Jesus that sleep for Lazarus means Lazarus is dead. This was done so that Prophet Jesus Isa will believe he will die in the same way as Prophet Abraham Ibrahim believed his son would die. Prophet Jesus Isa passed the test of faith in God and God saved Prophet Jesus Isa like God saved the son of Prophet Abraham Ibrahim so that Prophet Jesus Isa could continue his life on the earth when God returned the soul from heaven to wake up the sleeping body on the earth as God had done before in the Gospel of Luke 8:54 – 8:55 “…"Damsel meaning girl, wake up!" And her spirit returned, and she stood up at once, and he ordered that she be given something to eat. This was proof that she was alive and not dead. After the crucifixion Prophet Jesus Isa was alive on the earth as proof that no one killed him on the cross or crucified him to death. After the crucifixion Prophet Jesus Isa taught the people that he is not God until his natural death 2000 years ago in Quran 5:75, Quran 3:144, Quran 5:117 and in all the four Gospels Injil. It is in the life of Prophet Jesus Isa after the crucifixion that Jesus told the people that he is not God so that no one will be able to claim in the hereafter that Prophet Jesus Isa did not tell them he is not God in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36).

Note 1. God saved Jesus Isa from death on the cross in Quran 4:157 and 4:158 so that Jesus Isa could continue his life and then die 2000 years ago like every human before him and after him has died in Quran 5:75 and 3:144. The natural death of Jesus Isa 2000 years ago is proof to the people in his time that Jesus Isa is human like every other human and he is not God or an equal partner with God.   


6. What is the message to Jews and Christians and Sabians about Jesus and belief in the Quran?

6-1. God alone is the ruler of everything in the heavens and the Earth.

6-2. Jesus is human and Jesus is a prophet, messenger and messiah.

6-3. The Son of God means the servant of God and this is confirmed in the Torah of Moses and the Psalm of David.

6-4. When Jesus called out My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? God showed that God does not forsake a human when they call out to God.

6-5. God protected His servant Jesus from death on the cross and as proof Jesus was seen alive 3 days later.

6-6. Humans do not die because their souls are alive under the care of God until they shall be resurrected in a new physical body that will feel reward or punishment on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement.

6-7. Only God has the power to hear prayer so the correct way to pray in the name of Jesus is “I pray to God in the name of Jesus who is a prophet and messenger of God and I ask God ….”).

6-8. Follow the Torah and the Gospel and what God has left for you in the Quran.

6-9. It is God who has decreed your religion and it is God who has decreed if you keep your religion or change your religion or abandon religion.

6-10. Jews and Christians who follow their Book and also believe the Quran shall receive a double reward in the hereafter in Quran 28:54, Quran 34:37 and Quran 57:28.

Jews who follow the Tanakh Jewish scripture and believe the Quran are correctly observing the Torah Taurat.

Christians who follow the Gospels and believe the Quran are correctly observing the Gospel Injil.

Muslims who follow the Quran so that it agrees with the Tanakh Jewish scripture and the Gospel Injil are correctly observing the Quran.


Quran 28:54 Koran 28:54 They (the Jews who truly believe the Torah Taurat and the Christians who truly believe the Gospel Injil and also believe the Quran) shall be given their reward twice (in Quran 28:54 meaning twofold in Quran 34:37 meaning double in Quran 57:28) because they are steadfast (in their belief in God) and they repel evil with good (deeds) and they spend (in charity) from what We (God) have provided to them. (Jews and Christians who follow their Book in Quran 5:68 and also believe the Quran will receive a double reward in the hereafter in Quran 28:54, Quran 34:37 and Quran 57:28 meaning the reward for every good deed they do will be doubled because they believed the Quran which tells the Jewish people to follow the Torah Taurat which is their eternal covenant between God and the Hebrew people forever and tells the Christian people to follow the Gospel Injil which is explained in the Quran and tells the Muslim people to follow the Quran in Quran 2:40, Quran 2:41, Quran 2:62, Quran 2:106, Quran 3:93, Quran 4:123, Quran 5:43, Quran 5:47, Quran 5:48, Quran 5:69 and Quran 13:39).

Note 1. Jews and Christians who follow their book and also believe the Quran will receive their reward twice in the Hereafter.

The good news message from God for Jews and Christians delivered 1400 years ago by Prophet Muhammad in Quran 28:54, Quran 34:37 and Quran 57:28.

1. Jews and Christians who follow their Book and also believe the Quran shall receive a double reward in the hereafter in Quran 28:54, Quran 34:37 and Quran 57:28.

2. Jews who follow the Tanakh Jewish scripture and believe the Quran are correctly observing the Torah Taurat.

3. Christians who follow the Gospels and believe the Quran are correctly observing the Gospel Injil.

4. Muslims who follow the Quran so that it agrees with the Tanakh Jewish scripture and the Gospel Injil are correctly observing the Quran.


Quran 5:48 Koran  5:48 And to you (Prophet Muhammad) We (God) revealed the Scripture (the Quran) with the truth that confirmed the Scripture that was before it (in the Gospel Injil and the Torah Taurat) and (for you Prophet Muhammad to be) a guardian over it (the Quran). So judge between them (the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims) by what God has revealed (to you Prophet Muhammad) and do not let their desires move you away from the truth that has come to you. For each (community of Jews, Christians and Muslims) We (God) have appointed a divine law and a way (of religion). If God willed He (God) could have made you (the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims) one community. But He (God) tests you (the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims) by what He (God) has given you (in the Torah Taurat and the Gospel Injil of Jesus Isa by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John and the Koran Quran to show who is best in behaviour). So strive for all that is good. To God you shall all return and He (God) shall then inform you (in the Hereafter) about (the correctness of) the religious matters in which you (the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims) argue among each other.

Note 1. God created more that one community of God (Islam, Judaism, Christianity) and told them to strive for all that is good to show who are the best within and between each community of God.


Quran 42:15 Koran 42:15 So (Prophet Muhammad) invite (the people to God), and stay on the correct path as you (Prophet Muhammad) are commanded and do not follow their (the peoples) desires (concerning religion) but say, "I believe what God has sent down of the Book (in the Quran and in the Torah Taurat in Quran 2:41, Quran 3:3, Quran 3:93, Quran 5:43, Quran 5:44, Quran 5:68, Quran 20:133 and in the Gospel Injil in Quran 3:3, Quran 5:47, Quran 5:68 and Quran 20:133) and I am commanded that I do justice between you (the Jews, Christians and Muslims). God is our Lord and your Lord (meaning God is the Lord of the Muslims and the Lord of the Jews and the Christians). For us (Muslims is the responsibility for) our deeds and for you (Jews and Christians is the responsibility for) your deeds. There is no argument between us (Muslims) and between you (the Jews and the Christians because God has revealed the same message to all of us to worship God who created you and do good in the world and reject evil in the world). God shall bring us (Muslims and Christians and Jews and all humankind) together and to Him (God) is the final destination (in the hereafter in Quran 2:62, Quran 3:64, Quran 4:123, Quran 5:48 and Quran 5:69).”

Note 1. There is no argument between Muslims and Jews and Christians because the Tanakh Jewish scripture and the Gospel Injil and the Quran contain the same message to worship God and strive for all that is good.


Quran 2:62 Koran 2:62 (In the hereafter) truly those (Muslims) who believed and those who became Jews, Christians and Sabians, whoever believed in God and the Last Day (The Day of Resurrection) and did good deeds, they shall have their reward from their Lord, and they shall not fear or grieve (and this is confirmed in Quran 6:158 for those in the hereafter who “believed” and did good deeds. Quran 5:69 repeats Quran 2:62 meaning stop and think about what God is saying in these verses confirming what is in the Hebrew Bible and the Gospel Injil of the promise of Paradise Jannah from God in the books of God on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement for those who “believed” and did good deeds. The Quran brings the same truth which God brought to the Jewish people in the Hebrew Bible and to the Christian people in the Gospel Injil of Jesus Isa by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John. The Quran is a confirmer of what came before it in the same way as the Gospel Injil is a confirmer of what came before it meaning the Books of God confirm each other as proof God is real and as proof His promise is real as explained in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQ3o3ybc-KA

showing that without His permission no one can change His words in His Books which are with all humans today and until the Day of Judgement so that you can believe God is real and His promise is real).

Note 1. The Jews who believed in God and did good deeds go to Paradise Jannah. 

Note 2. The Christians who believed in God and did good deeds go to Paradise Jannah. 

Note 3. The Sabians who believed in God and did good deeds go to Paradise Jannah. 

Note 4. The Muslims who believed in God and did good deeds go to Paradise Jannah. 

Note 5. Everyone who believed in God and did good deeds goes to Paradise Jannah. 

Note 6. This revelation is so important that God has repeated it in Quran 5:69.

In Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 the promise of Paradise Jannah is not for those who “believe” but only for those who “believed” meaning who died (past tense) because it is not until the time of death that your true belief or disbelief and your good and evil deeds are judged,

God repeated Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 two times because it is only with Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 that there are no contradictions within the Quran and between the Quran and the Torah Taurat and between the Quran and the Gospel Injil as proof in Quran 4:82 to the Jews in the time of Prophet Muhammad who are promised Paradise Jannah in Quran 3:113 - 3:115 and to the Christians in the time of Prophet Muhammad who are promised Paradise Jannah in Quran 5:82 - 5:85 and to the stone idol worshippers 1400 years ago who are not promised Paradise Jannah in Quran 3:85 and to all people today and in the future that the Quran is from God because the Quran contains no contradictions.

If Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 did not exist then it would be proof that the Quran was not from God because without Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 the Quran would contradict its self and contradict the Torah Taurat and contradict the Gospel Injil.

Quran 2:62 and Quran 5:69 is good news for Jews, Christians, Sabians, Muslims and all the people in the world confirming they will all come together again in a life after death. 


Gospel of Mark 16:13 And those went and reported to the rest; neither did they believe those.


Gospel of Mark 16:14 And finally, once when they had reclined, he was manifested to the Eleven themselves, and he denounced their disbelief and hardness of heart, in that they had not believed the ones who had seen him risen.


1. What does “seen Jesus risen” mean?

Seen Jesus risen means seen Jesus alive.

2. Who are the eleven?

The eleven are the eleven of the twelve disciples of Jesus.

3. Which disciple was missing?

Which of the 12 disciples was missing?

Judas of Kerioth also known as Judas Iscariot was the disciple who betrayed Jesus.



Gospel of Mark 16:15 And he said to them, "After you have gone into all the world, proclaim the good news to the whole creation.


What is the Good News?

The Gospel means the Good News.

The Good News is that God is real.

God proved God is real by protecting the life of God’s messenger Prophet Jesus on the cross.

Jesus did not die because Jesus was later seen alive after Jesus was removed from the cross and placed in a cave.

What happened to Jesus before and after on the cross showed that God is the Lord of life and death.

What happened to Jesus before and after on the cross confirms the existence of God and therefore confirms God’s promise that humans will be resurrected on the Day of Judgement.



Gospel of Mark 16:16 The person who believes and is baptized will be saved, but the person who does not believe will be condemned.


1. What is baptism in Christianity?

Baptism in Christianity is the use of water to ceremonially purify a person.

The traditions and ceremonies in baptism are different among Christian sects and in different times in history.

2. What is the correct religion?

The correct central belief in the religion of Judaism, Christianity and Islam is that One God is the creator of every creation and one God is the only one with the power to hear prayer.



Gospel of Mark 16:17 And these signs will accompany the ones who believe: in my name they will drive out demons, they will speak in new tongues,


Jesus said that those who believe in God will be able to do many things in the name of Prophet Jesus.


1. What does “in the name of Jesus” mean?

In the name of God means “I pray to God in the name of Jesus who is the prophet and messenger of God.”

Torah Deuteronomy 18:20But the Prophet that shall speak a word presumptuously in My name (in the name of God), which I (God) have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, that same prophet shall die.


2. Jesus said that another comforter shall come after him.

In the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15 Jesus Christ like every prophet before him said that another comforter (prophet, messenger) will come after him (as has come after every prophet of God before him).


3. What would happen if the next prophet after Jesus was rejected as Jesus was rejected in his time?

Those who reject the next comforter (prophet, messenger) that Jesus said would come after him in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15 would be rejected by Jesus.

The reason this would happen is because they rejected what Jesus had told them in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15.

If you reject a prophet of God then you have rejected God.

This happened in the time of Jesus when some Jews accepted Jesus and other Jews rejected Jesus.


4. Jesus said “Sky and earth will pass away, but my words will certainly not pass away.”

The creation shall pass away but the message that Prophet Jesus delivered in the Gospel (The Good News) is the truth so it will not pass away because it is a message from God, the word of God and a promise from God.

The same words of God that shall not pass away apply to the Torah which promised the prophets that were to come.

The same words of God that shall not pass away applied to the Gospels and the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15 which promised the prophet that is to come after Jesus and whose words would remain forever.

Gospel of Mark 13:31 Sky and earth will pass away, but my words will certainly not pass away.


5. Where is the proof that the next prophet after Jesus has arrived?

See Gospel of Mark 16:18.



Gospel of Mark 16:18 they will pick up serpents, and should they drink something deadly it would in no wise hurt them; they will lay their hands on sick ones, and they will have health again."


1. The eighth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after him in the Gospel.

Where is the proof that the next prophet after Jesus has arrived?

Where is the proof that the next prophet after Jesus has arrived?

Today no one can drink deadly poison and live as a sign of their faith in God.

See Gospel of Mark 16:18 comments.


2. Where is the proof that the next prophet after Jesus has arrived?

Jesus said that those who believe in God will be able to do many things in the name of Prophet Jesus but today no one can drink deadly poison and live as a sign of their faith in God.

The Gospel of Mark 16:17 and 16:18 is the sign that the new prophet mentioned in Gospel of John 14:16 has arrived because today no human has the ability to drink deadly poison as a proof of their faith in God because the days of the prophets has ended meaning the prophet after Jesus has come and left the final word of God on the earth forever in the Quran revealing that Jews and Christians who follow their Book and also believe the Quran shall receive a double reward in the hereafter in Quran 28:54, Quran 34:37 and Quran 57:28.

Jews who follow the Tanakh Jewish scripture and believe the Quran are correctly observing the Torah Taurat.

Christians who follow the Gospels and believe the Quran are correctly observing the Gospel Injil.

Muslims who follow the Quran so that it agrees with the Tanakh Jewish scripture and the Gospel Injil are correctly observing the Quran.


Gospel of John 14:16 And I (Prophet Jesus) shall pray to the Father (God) and he shall give you another Comforter (another messenger, another prophet) so that he may abide with you forever (this is the last Prophet with the last revelation of guidance from God that shall come after Prophet Jesus has left the earth and when it comes it shall be left to stay with humans forever);


Quran 33:40 Koran 33:40 Prophet Muhammad is not the father of any man among you (meaning no person can claim to inherit leadership based on their relationship with Prophet Muhammad), but he is the messenger of God and the Seal (the last) of the Prophets (of God on this Earth meaning no person can claim to be a prophet because Prophet Muhammad is the last prophet on this Earth from God meaning no prophet will be sent to this earth after the death of Prophet Muhammad) and God is aware of all things.


2-1. The first sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after him in the Gospel.

How could Jesus not be dead on the cross as revealed by the prophet after Jesus?

How could Jesus be alive on the cross as revealed by the prophet after Jesus?

The prophet after Jesus revealed that Jesus was not crucified to death and Jesus was not killed but Jesus fainted to sleep and his soul was raised to heaven.

After 3 days the soul of Jesus was returned to the sleeping body of Jesus and he awoke just as every human awakes when their soul is returned from heaven after sleep.

The soul of Jesus is in heaven now which means that Jesus later died a natural death when his soul was raised by the angel of death to heaven and to God as every human soul is decreed to be raised.

Only the soul of a human is raised to heaven.

The human body is not needed in heaven.

The human body is only needed on the Earth.

The child is not dead but sleeping.

See Gospel of Mark 5:39, 12:36 (comments 14, 15 and 16) and 15:37 – 15:38 comments, 16:12 comments.

Three days after the crucifixion Jesus told Mary Magdalene to tell all the disciples that Jesus did not die on the cross in Gospel of John 20:17 “I have not yet ascended to the Father” meaning God saved the life of Jesus on the cross with a miracle which made people think Jesus was dead on the cross in the same way God made people believe a sleeping person was dead in Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24 and Gospel of Luke 8:52.

The soul of every human ascends to God during sleep and when they die (Quran 39:42).

When Jesus says I (Jesus) have not yet ascended to the Father (God) Jesus is not talking about sleep because every human ascends to God every night during sleep therefore the meaning is Jesus has not yet died meaning God saved the life of Jesus on the cross with sleep (Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24, Gospel of Luke 8:52, Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42) meaning Jesus did not die on the cross with death but was saved on the cross with sleep which looked like Jesus was dead and in this way God saved the life of Jesus meaning no one killed Jesus (Gospel of Luke 8:54 – 8:55 and Quran 39:42) meaning no one crucified Jesus to death (Quran 4:157) meaning Jesus was not sacrificed but was saved from death with sleep in Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42 for the same reason God saved the son of Abraham from death in a test of the faith in God of Abraham and Jesus.

When Jesus says "I (Jesus) am ascending to my Father (God) and your Father (God)" it means Jesus will die like every human dies meaning Jesus died a natural death at the end of his life 2000 years ago (Quran 3:144 and Quran 5:75) as proof Jesus is human and as proof Jesus is not God.


Gospel of John 20:17 Jesus says to her (Mary Magdalene), "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father (God); but go to my brothers (my disciples), and tell them: 'I am ascending to my Father and your Father; to my God and your God.'"

Note 1. After the crucifixion Jesus says do not hold on to me to see if I am really alive, I have not yet ascended to my Father meaning I am not yet dead meaning I am really alive meaning I am not a ghost.


Quran 39:42 Koran 39:42 God takes the souls at the time of their death and (also takes the souls of) those who have not died (but are alive) during their sleep (when God saved the life of Jesus Isa with sleep so that his body did not move making everyone believe that Jesus Isa was dead on the cross in Quran 4:157 by raising the soul of Jesus Isa to heaven and to God in Quran 4:158). He (God) keeps those (souls) for which He (God) had decreed death and sends the rest (of the souls to awaken the sleeping body) for a predetermined period of time (such as when God returned the soul of Jesus Isa three days after the crucifixion to wake up the sleeping body of Jesus Isa on the earth in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 when Jesus Isa delivered the message that Jesus Isa is not God by saying God is my God and your God meaning God is my Father and your Father meaning God is my Creator and your Creator meaning God is my Master and your Master meaning God is my Lord and your Lord as proof that no one had killed him on the cross or crucified him to death on the cross, after which they return to sleep again or die as in Quran 5:75 where Mary Maryam and Jesus Isa “use to eat food” meaning they both died 2000 years ago and Quran 3:144 where the “the messengers before Prophet Muhammad have died” meaning Jesus Isa is dead because Jesus Isa is the messenger before Prophet Muhammad. In Quran 5:117 Jesus died when he lived with the children of Israel 2000 years ago when he was raised by the angel of death). In this are signs (of God) for people who think. 

Note 1. God does not take the human body to heaven (Quran 39:42). 

Note 2. Only the human soul is raised to heaven (Quran 39:42). 

Note 3. The human body is only needed on the Earth (Quran 39:42). .

Note 4. The human body is not needed in heaven (Quran 39:42).

Note 5. The human soul is alive in heaven without a human body (Quran 39:42).

Note 6. What happened to Prophet Jesus Isa on the cross in Quran 4:157 and Quran 4:158 is explained in Quran 39:42.

Note 7. The Quran confirms what is in the Gospel Injil of Isa by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John that is with the Christians today as proof that no one can change the words of God and as proof of the truthfulness of the Quran.


2-2. The second sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after him in the Gospel.

What did Jesus say that would identify the prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus?

Jesus gives one exact sign of a prophet so that sign must also apply to the prophet that will follow after Jesus.

A prophet is not without honor, except in his home town and among his relatives, and in his house.

See Gospel of Mark 6:4 comments.


2-3. The third sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after him in the Gospel.

How does the prophet after Jesus show that Jesus is not God?

How do the Torah, Gospel and Quran confirm that Jesus cannot be God?

The prophet after Jesus revealed that Jesus is not God.

God is not a human and God does not resurrect in the form of a human.

God is not in the form of a human because the belief that a human is God is called idol worship which God has forbidden for all time in the Torah.

See Gospel of Mark 6:14 comments.


2-4. The fourth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after him in the Gospel.

Where is proof from God that Muhammad is the prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus?

Where is proof that God has blessed Prophet Muhammad?

Where is proof that God has blessed the Quran?

Where is proof that God has blessed the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, Al-Quds?

The second house of God that was destroyed 37 years AFTER Jesus to confirm the warnings given by Jesus was rebuilt and established as the Al-Aqsa Mosque 73 years AFTER the next prophet that Jesus said would come after Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15, to show God’s confirmation of the last prophet of God.

The Second House of God in Jerusalem, Al-Quds in Judea today Israel and Palestine was destroyed as a sign of the truthfulness of Jesus.

The existence of the Al-Aqsa mosque built on the destroyed Second House and First House of God on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Al-Quds in Palestine today in Israel and Palestine is proof from God that the Quran is the word of God and that Muhammad is the prophet of God who came after Jesus.

God confirmed the prophet after Jesus by permitting the building of the Al-Aqsa mosque on the Holy ground of the First and Second Temples of God in Jerusalem (Al-Quds), Palestine, today Israel and Palestine.

See Gospel of Mark 12:9 comments.


2-5. The fifth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after him in the Gospel.

What will the next prophet after Jesus reveal about the return of Jesus?

The Gospel and the Quran reveal that Jesus will return on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement as every human is decreed to return.

There is nothing about a second coming of Jesus to the Earth in the Gospel and the Quran because every human is given one life on the Earth and a second life in the Hereafter.

Jesus said do not believe anyone who says that Jesus is returning to the Earth.

See Gospel of Mark 13:6 (13:5 – 13:6, 13:21 – 13:23), 13:26 and 14:62 comments.


2-6. The sixth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after him in the Gospel.

What will the next prophet after Jesus reveal about the Day of Resurrection?

The Gospel and the Quran reveal that Jesus and Muhammad do not know the time of the Day of Resurrection because only God knows.

Jesus said do not believe anyone who says they know the time of the Day of Resurrection.

See Gospel of Mark 13:32 comments.


2-7. The seventh sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after him in the Gospel.

The next prophet after Jesus revealed that God does not forsake humans when a human calls out to God?

Why did Jesus say, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

See Gospel of Mark 15:34 comments.


2-8. The eighth sign of the next prophet that Jesus said would come after him in the Gospel.

Where is the proof that the next prophet after Jesus has arrived?

Jesus said that those who believe in God will be able to do many things in the name of Prophet Jesus but today no one can drink deadly poison and live as a sign of their faith in God.

The Gospel of Mark 16:17 and 16:18 is the sign that the new prophet mentioned in Gospel of John 14:16 has arrived because today no human has the ability to drink deadly poison as a proof of their faith in God because the days of the prophets has ended meaning the prophet after Jesus has come and left the final word of God on the earth forever in the Quran revealing that Jews and Christians who follow their Book and also believe the Quran shall receive a double reward in the hereafter in Quran 28:54, Quran 34:37 and Quran 57:28.

Jews who follow the Tanakh Jewish scripture and believe the Quran are correctly observing the Torah Taurat.

Christians who follow the Gospels and believe the Quran are correctly observing the Gospel Injil.

Muslims who follow the Quran so that it agrees with the Tanakh Jewish scripture and the Gospel Injil are correctly observing the Quran.

See Gospel of Mark 16:18 comments.



3. The Torah, Gospel and Quran in the twenty first century.


3-1. Today most Jews specialize in the study of the Torah and most Christians specialize in the study of the Gospel and most Muslims specialize in the study of the Quran.


3-2. Much can be learned when Jews, Christians and Muslims read all the Books of God in an effort to better understand God and the creation and as a way to build peace and friendship on the earth.


3-3. The Torah, Gospel and Quran all contain knowledge that humans have passed from one generation to the next over thousands of years and now those Books are with our generation today.


3-4. The Torah, Gospel and Quran are in the world forever.

Humans can use the Torah, Gospel and Quran for good to unite the world in knowledge, understanding, peace and friendship or for evil to divide the world in mistrust and envy and conflict.


3-5. The Books of God, The Torah, Gospel and Quran contain knowledge about the humans of the past to the humans of today to consider.

See Questions and answers 1 https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel  

See Questions and answers 2 https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel/questions-and-answers-2   

See Questions and answers 3 https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel/questions-and-answers-3  



Gospel of Mark 16:19 And so the Lord after speaking to them was taken up to heaven, and sat at the right hand of God.


Explain Gospel of Mark 16:19.

Gospel of Mark 16:19 And so the Lord (meaning the Prophet and messenger and messiah Jesus Isa who is the master of his disciples, apostles, followers) after speaking to them (the disciples, apostles, followers of Prophet Jesus Isa) was taken up to heaven (meaning died a natural death and the soul of Prophet Jesus Isa was taken up to heaven by the angel of death), and (the soul of Prophet Jesus Isa) sat at the right hand of God (meaning the soul of Prophet Jesus Isa is with all the righteous souls at the right hand of God waiting for the Day of Resurrection which will be on a new earth, a new land, a new ground in the hereafter which comes after the end of this earth, the sun, the moon, the stars and the universe meaning the Day of Resurrection is after the end of this first creation).

Note 1. The souls of the evil doers sit at the left hand of God.

Note 2. Paradise Jannah is at the right hand of God.

Note 3. Hell Jahannam is at the left hand of God.

Note 4. There is no punishment in the grave in the Quran or in the Gospel Injil or in the Torah Taurat because on the Day of Resurrection every human will feel as if only 1 hour or 10 hours or part of one day had passed between the time of their death on this earth and their resurrection in the hereafter on a new earth, a new land, a new ground in Quran 30:55 and 79:46. 


Quran 30:55 Koran 30:55 And on the day when the Hour (of Resurrection) comes the wrong doers shall swear (in the Hereafter) that they only stayed (sleeping in death) for an hour (meaning only one hour had passed since they had died on the Earth), showing how wrong they were (because the time between death and resurrection only feels like an hour or part of a day). 


Quran 79:46 Koran 79:46 On the day they see it (the Day of Resurrection), it shall be as if they (each human) had not stayed (sleeping in death) except for an afternoon or (part of the following) morning.


1. What does was taken up to heaven mean?

The only thing that leaves the body to go to heaven is the soul.

The human body is not needed in heaven.

Earth is the resting place for the human body.

Heaven is the resting place for the human soul.


2. The Quran confirms the Gospel regarding Jesus being taken up to heaven by God.

At the end of the life of every human their soul is raised up to heaven and to God by the angel of death.

The Quran confirms the Gospel regarding the end of the life of Jesus on Earth.


Quran 4:158 Koran 4:158 God raised him (the soul of Prophet Jesus Isa) up to Himself (God, to protect the life of Jesus Isa as explained in Quran 39:42 where God raises the soul up to Himself causing the human body on the earth to sleep and make everyone think Jesus Isa was dead because his body was not moving in Quran 4:157. God returned the soul of Jesus Isa causing his human body on the earth to wake up three days later as proof that no one killed Jesus Isa on the cross and no one crucified him to death on the cross. This is confirmed because Jesus Isa is seen alive three days after the crucifixion delivering the message that he is not God in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36 by saying God is my God and your God meaning God is my Father and your Father meaning God is my Creator and your Creator meaning God is my Master and your Master meaning God is my Lord and your Lord). God is all powerful (able to do all things) and He (God) is all wise. (2000 years ago God saved the life of humans with sleep so that their body did not move making everyone think they were dead in the Injil Gospel of Mark 5:39 "... The child is not dead but sleeping", Gospel of Matthew 9:24 "... For the maiden meaning the girl has not died but sleeps ..." and the Gospel of Luke 8:52 "... She is not dead but sleeping". To prepare to test the faith of Prophet Jesus Isa by the threat of death by crucifixion God through the Holy Spirit removed from the mind of Prophet Jesus Isa the earlier events where God had saved people with sleep that looked like death by revealing the story of Lazarus in the Injil Gospel of John 11:11 – 11:14 where the Holy Spirit reveals to Jesus that sleep for Lazarus means Lazarus is dead. This was done so that Prophet Jesus Isa will believe he will die in the same way as Prophet Abraham Ibrahim believed his son would die. Prophet Jesus Isa passed the test of faith in God and God saved Prophet Jesus Isa like God saved the son of Prophet Abraham Ibrahim so that Prophet Jesus Isa could continue his life on the earth when God returned the soul from heaven to wake up the sleeping body on the earth as God had done before in the Gospel of Luke 8:54 – 8:55 “…"Damsel meaning girl, wake up!" And her spirit returned, and she stood up at once, and he ordered that she be given something to eat. This was proof that she was alive and not dead. After the crucifixion Prophet Jesus Isa was alive on the earth as proof that no one killed him on the cross or crucified him to death. After the crucifixion Prophet Jesus Isa taught the people that he is not God until his natural death 2000 years ago in Quran 5:75, Quran 3:144, Quran 5:117 and in all the four Gospels Injil. It is in the life of Prophet Jesus Isa after the crucifixion that Jesus told the people that he is not God so that no one will be able to claim in the hereafter that Prophet Jesus Isa did not tell them he is not God in the Gospel of John 20:17, Quran 5:72, Quran 5:117 and Quran 19:36).

Note 1. God saved Jesus Isa from death on the cross in Quran 4:157 and 4:158 so that Jesus Isa could continue his life and then die 2000 years ago like every human before him and after him has died in Quran 5:75 and 3:144. The natural death of Jesus Isa 2000 years ago is proof to the people in his time that Jesus Isa is human like every other human and he is not God or an equal partner with God.   


Gospel of Mark 16:19 And so the Lord (Jesus) after speaking to them was taken up to heaven, and sat at the right hand of God.


Quran 19:33 Koran 19:33 And so peace is on me the day I (Prophet Jesus) was born, and the day I die, and the day I (the soul of Prophet Jesus) shall be raised alive (on the Day of Resurrection and Judgement).”


3. What does sat at the right hand of God mean?

God has no hands so this word hand is used not literally (not a real hand) but metaphorically (as a symbol) to mean the place in heaven for obedient servants (Paradise).



Gospel of Mark 16:20 And they went forth and preached everywhere, the Lord co-working and confirming the word by the signs accompanying.


Explain Gospel of Mark 16:20.

Gospel of Mark 16:20 And they (the disciples, apostles, followers of the Prophet and messenger and messiah Jesus Isa) went forth and preached everywhere, the Lord (God who had sent Prophet Jesus Isa was now) co-working (with the disciples, apostles, followers of Prophet Jesus Isa) and confirming the word (spoken by the disciples, apostles, followers of Prophet Jesus Isa) by the signs accompanying (them by God granting miracles to show the truthfulness of the words spoken by the disciples, apostles, followers of Prophet Jesus Isa in the same way as God had granted miracles to show the truthfulness of Prophet Jesus Isa when Jesus Isa lived among them).


Miracles by the disciples of Jesus.

After the soul of Jesus left the earth the followers of Jesus taught everywhere and God confirmed the truthfulness of their teachings by giving them permission to do miracles just as God had given Jesus permission to do miracles.


INDEX of the Gospel of Mark.

See https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/the-gospel-of-mark-1-5 

300-1. The Gospel of Mark chapters 1 - 5.


300-2. The Gospel of Mark chapters 6 - 10.


You are here 300-3. The Gospel of Mark chapters 11 - 16.




Corrections and questions are welcome and can be emailed to somaliahamradio@yahoo.com 


The meaning of verses in the Quran and Tanakh and Gospel are on these websites.

The meaning of verses in the Koran and Torah and Injil are on these websites. 

YOU ARE HERE God https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran

God index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/index 

Allah https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran

Allah index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran/index  

Allaah https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran

Allaah index https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran/index  

Q&A https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel

Q&A index https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel/index