Quran chapter 62 surah 62.

The call to prayer. The adhan (Quran 62:9).


 27 June 2021 (1442 AH).


Quran chapter 62.

Quran surah 62.

Quran sura 62.

Koran chapter 62.  

Koran surah 62.

Koran sura 62.


The fifth last revelation to Prophet Muhammad.

The fifth last revelation to Hadhrat Muhammad.

The fifth last revelation to Hadrat Muhammad.

The fifth last revelation to Hajarat Muhammad.

The fifth last revelation to Hajrat Muhammad.

The fifth last revelation to Hazarat Muhammad.

The fifth last revelation to Hazrat Muhammad.

The fifth last revelation to Hazrate Muhammad.

The fifth last revelation to Muhammad.

See Quran chapter 62.


The Quran confirms there are no faults in the Torah.

The Quran confirms there are no faults in the Tauraah.

The Quran confirms there are no faults in the Taurah.

The Quran confirms there are no faults in the Tauraat.

The Quran confirms there are no faults in the Taurat.

The Quran confirms there are no faults in the Tavraat.

The Quran confirms there are no faults in the Tavrat.

The Quran confirms there are no faults in the Tawraah.

The Quran confirms there are no faults in the Tawraat.

The Quran confirms there are no faults in the Tawrah.

The Quran confirms there are no faults in the Tawrat.

The Quran confirms there are no faults in the Tooraat.

The Quran confirms there are no faults in the Toorat.

The Quran confirms there are no faults in the Torá.

The Quran confirms there are no faults in the Toraat.

The Quran confirms there are no faults in the Torat. 

The Quran confirms there are no faults in the Towraat.

The Quran confirms there are no faults in the Towrat.

The Quran confirms there are no faults in Al-Tauraah.

The Quran confirms there are no faults in Al-Taurah.

The Quran confirms there are no faults in Al-Tauraat.

The Quran confirms there are no faults in Al-Taurat.

The Quran confirms there are no faults in Al-Tavraat.

The Quran confirms there are no faults in Al-Tavrat.

The Quran confirms there are no faults in Al-Tawraah.

The Quran confirms there are no faults in Al-Tawraat.

The Quran confirms there are no faults in Al-Tawrah.

The Quran confirms there are no faults in Al-Tawrat.

The Quran confirms there are no faults in Al-Torah.

The Quran confirms there are no faults in Al- Torat.

The Quran confirms there are no faults in Al-Towraat.

The Quran confirms there are no faults in Al-Towrat.

The Quran confirms there are no faults in At- Tauraat.

The Quran confirms there are no faults in At- Taurah.

The Quran confirms there are no faults in At-Taurat.

The Quran confirms there are no faults in At-Tawraat.

The Quran confirms there are no faults in At-Tawrah.

The Quran confirms there are no faults in At-Tawrat.

The Quran confirms there are no faults in At-Torah.

The Quran confirms there are no faults in At-Towraat.

The Koran confirms there are no faults in the Torah.

The Koran confirms there are no faults in the Tauraah.

The Koran confirms there are no faults in the Taurah.

The Koran confirms there are no faults in the Tauraat.

The Koran confirms there are no faults in the Taurat.

The Koran confirms there are no faults in the Tavraat.

The Koran confirms there are no faults in the Tavrat.

The Koran confirms there are no faults in the Tawraah.

The Koran confirms there are no faults in the Tawraat.

The Koran confirms there are no faults in the Tawrah.

The Koran confirms there are no faults in the Tawrat.

The Koran confirms there are no faults in the Tooraat.

The Koran confirms there are no faults in the Toorat.

The Koran confirms there are no faults in the Torá.

The Koran confirms there are no faults in the Toraat.

The Koran confirms there are no faults in the Torat. 

The Koran confirms there are no faults in the Towraat.

The Koran confirms there are no faults in the Towrat.

The Koran confirms there are no faults in Al-Tauraah.

The Koran confirms there are no faults in Al-Taurah.

The Koran confirms there are no faults in Al-Tauraat.

The Koran confirms there are no faults in Al-Taurat.

The Koran confirms there are no faults in Al-Tavraat.

The Koran confirms there are no faults in Al-Tavrat.

The Koran confirms there are no faults in Al-Tawraah.

The Koran confirms there are no faults in Al-Tawraat.

The Koran confirms there are no faults in Al-Tawrah.

The Koran confirms there are no faults in Al-Tawrat.

The Koran confirms there are no faults in Al-Torah.

The Koran confirms there are no faults in Al- Torat.

The Koran confirms there are no faults in Al-Towraat.

The Koran confirms there are no faults in Al-Towrat.

The Koran confirms there are no faults in At- Tauraat.

The Koran confirms there are no faults in At- Taurah.

The Koran confirms there are no faults in At-Taurat.

The Koran confirms there are no faults in At-Tawraat.

The Koran confirms there are no faults in At-Tawrah.

The Koran confirms there are no faults in At-Tawrat.

The Koran confirms there are no faults in At-Torah.

The Koran confirms there are no faults in At-Towraat.

See Quran chapter 62:5 comments.

Information: The Quran chapter 62.

Order of Revelation: 110 (1 is the first revelation and 114 is the last revelation).

Place of Revelation: Medina (Madinah, Arabia today Saudi Arabia).

Number of Verses: 11 verses.


The Quran.

Chapter 62 

Friday (Al-Jumu`ah).

English interpretations of the Quran.


The Quran Chapter 62 Friday (Al-Jumua, Al-Jumu`ah, Jumu-'ah, The Congregation) in English. 


Chapter : Verse.

(Information in brackets is added to assist readers in the interpretation of the verse).


Quran 62:0 Koran 62:0 Verse 62:0 Ayah 62:0 Ayat 62:0 Aya 62:0 In the name of God, The Most Kind, The Most Merciful.


Quran 62:1 Koran 62:1 Verse 62:1 Ayah 62:1 Ayat 62:1 Aya 62:1 All that are in the heavens and on the earth exalt God, the King, the Holy, the Almighty and the Wise.


Quran 62:2 Koran 62:2 Verse 62:2 Ayah 62:2 Ayat 62:2 Aya 62:2 It is He (God) who has sent to the unlettered (people, Al-Ommiyyeena, Al-Ummiyyun, Ummi, Ummiyy, Ummy, Ummyyeen, to the people uneducated in the Scriptures, to the people with no formal education in the Scriptures), a messenger (Prophet Muhammad who is) from among them (the people of Mecca Arabia who are uneducated in the Scriptures), to recite to them His (God’s) revelations and clean them (of their sins of worshipping stone statues as idols that represent god) and teach them the Book (the Quran) and wisdom. And although before (when they prayed to stone idols) they were in clear error –

Comment 1. Unlettered means uneducated in the Scripture of God.

Unlettered does not mean cannot read and write.

Today a person who has completed University education is called Lettered and everyone who has not completed University education is called Unlettered 


Comment 2. Prophet Muhammad can read and write.

Quran 25:5 shows that the people of Makkah knew that Prophet Muhammad can read and write meaning the idea that Prophet Muhammad cannot read and write is not from God and not from Prophet Muhammad and not from the Quran but came from people who did not understand the meaning of lettered meaning educated in the scripture of God and unlettered meaning not educated in the scripture of God. 

See 1. Quran 25:5 in Quran chapter 25.

See 2. Quran 25:30 comments with examples of hadith stories which contradict the teachings of God in Quran chapter 25.


Comment 3. The confusion about the meaning of unlettered ummi is the same confusion that exists about the meaning of the good news son in the story of the sacrifice of the son of Prophet Abraham Ibrahim.

Everywhere the word ummi unlettered is used in Quran 2:78, 3:20, 3:75, 7:157, 7:158 and 62:2 it means uneducated in the knowledge that is contained in the book of God and this meaning is confirmed in Quran 42:52.

In the Quran ummi unlettered never means cannot read and write.

In the same way everywhere the word good news is used in the Prophet Abraham Ibrahim story in Quran chapters 11, 15, 19, 29, 37 and 51 it is the name for Prophet Isaac Ishaq whether the good news son is named or not named.

In Quran chapters 11, 15, 19, 29 and 51 God uses the name good news nine times for Prophet Isaac Ishaq where four times he is not named in Quran 15:53, 15:54, 15:55 and 51:28 and five times he is named in Quran 11:69, 11:71, 11:74, 29:27 and 29:31 to show that when good news is named or unnamed it is always the name God uses for Prophet Isaac Ishaq in the story of Prophet Abraham Ibrahim.

Since God used the name good news nine times both naming and not naming Prophet Isaac Ishaq it is clear that the two uses of good news one unnamed in Quran 37:101 and the other named as Prophet Isaac Ishaq in Quran 37:112 are both Prophet Isaac Ishaq.

God blesses the father and the son Prophet Isaac Ishaq in Quran 37:112.

God has left no other blessing in the story of the sacrifice.

This blessing is confirmed in Quran 12:6 and 38:45-38:47 where God blesses the father and the son Prophet Isaac Ishaq with vision to understand dreams and showing in the next verse in Quran 38:48 that it was not Prophet Ishmael Ismail that Prophet Abraham Ibrahim had seen being sacrificed in a dream by blessing Prophet Ishmael Ismail without his father and without the power of vision meaning Prophet Ishmael Ismail was not living with his father during the vision dream and this is why Prophet Isaac Ishaq was "the only son" still living with his father after God had earlier taken Ishmael Ismail and Hagar Hajar into His care in the desert.

See the story of the sacrifice in Quran chapter 37 comment in Quran chapter 37.


Quran 62:3 Koran 62:3 Verse 62:3 Ayah 62:3 Ayat 62:3 Aya 62:3 others among them (in Mecca Arabia today Makkah Saudi Arabia) have not yet joined them (in the religion of God because they continue to worship stone statues as idols that represent god). He (God) is exalted in might and wisdom. 


Quran 62:4 Koran 62:4 Verse 62:4 Ayah 62:4 Ayat 62:4 Aya 62:4 That (wisdom to Prophet Muhammad who is a messenger of God) is a bounty from God which He (God) gives to whom He (God) will. God is the source of great bounty.


Quran 62:5 Koran 62:5 Verse 62:5 Ayah 62:5 Ayat 62:5 Aya 62:5 The example of those (Jews of Arabia today Saudi Arabia) who were given the Torah Taurat but did not obey it (the Torah Taurat) is like that of a donkey that carries a load of books (without doing what is written in those books). Shameful is the example of people (such as some of those among the Jews of Arabia today Saudi Arabia) who reject the revelations of God (by not obeying what has been commanded for them in the Torah Taurat). God does not (correctly) guide people that do what is wrong.

Comment 1. The Jewish people are commanded to obey the Torah Taurat meaning the Torah Taurat has no faults.


Comment 2. The Quran confirms the Torah Taurat and explains the story of Jesus in the Gospel Injil.


A. Prophet Muhammad in the Torah Taurat and Gospel Injil.

See Quran 7:157 comments in Quran chapter 7.


B. Every prophet of God is “the Word of God made flesh” meaning the word of God comes out of the mouth of every prophet of God in Deuteronomy 18:18.

See Quran 5:116 comments in Quran chapter 5.


C. How did God save Jesus. 

See 1. Quran 4:157 and Quran 4:158 comments in Quran chapter 4.

See 2. Quran 29:57 comments in Quran chapter 29.


D. The second coming of Jesus and every other human is on the Day of Resurrection.

See Quran 79:7 comments in Quran chapter 79.


E. Examples of hadith stories which contradict the teachings of God in the Quran.

See Quran 25:30 comments in Quran chapter 25.


F. God protects the Quran, Gospel Injil and the Torah Taurat as proof God is real.



G. Jews and Christians who follow their Book and also believe the Quran will be rewarded twice in the hereafter.

See Quran 28:54 comments in Quran chapter 28.


Quran 62:6 Koran 62:6 Verse 62:6 Ayah 62:6 Ayat 62:6 Aya 62:6 Say (Prophet Muhammad), “All you who are Jews (of Arabia today Saudi Arabia), If you claim that you are favoured by God above (all other) humans (so that you are guaranteed eternal life in Paradise Jannah), then (you would) wish for death if you are truthful (because that would prove you really believed what you say).”  

Comment 1. A Jew in Arabia said "we are the chosen people" in a bad way as words of praise for himself.

Rabbi Tovia shows that the Jews are the chosen people in a good way to be a light to the nations.

Quran 44:32 Koran 44:32 And We (God) knowingly (with a purpose, for a reason) chose them (the children of Israel, the Jews, the Israelites who were called the Hebrews in the time of Prophet Moses Musa) over all the other people in the world (through an agreement covenant with God that the children of Israel shall take no other guardian except God in Quran 2:40 - 2:41).

Note 1. God chose the children of Israel over all the other people in the world. 


Quran 62:6 is the reply to a Jew who said “we are the chosen people” in a bad way.

The Quran says if you are chosen by God it would mean that you are looking forward to the promise of everlasting life in the hereafter.

The Quran teaches that those Jews who do good do not fear the hereafter and those Jews who are disobedient to God fear the hereafter and don’t want death but wish they could live forever on the earth and only say “we are the chosen people” as words of praise for themselves instead of using it to explain that God chose the Jewish people for the purpose of being a light to the nations.


Quran 62:7 Koran 62:7 Verse 62:7 Ayah 62:7 Ayat 62:7 Aya 62:7 But they (who are disobedient among the Jews of Yathrib Arabia) shall never desire it (death) because of the (evil deeds that) their hands have done. God knows those who do what is wrong. 

Note 1. The righteous Jewish believers look forward to the hereafter.

Note 2. The wicked Jewish believers fear the hereafter. 


Quran 62:8 Koran 62:8 Verse 62:8 Ayah 62:8 Ayat 62:8 Aya 62:8 Say (Prophet Muhammad to the Jews of Arabia today Saudi Arabia), “The death which you fear shall surely meet you. Then you shall be returned to the knower of the invisible (who is the one God who knows everything that you do not know) and the (knower of the) visible (who is the one God who knows everything that you know) and He (God) shall tell you (everything about) what you used to do.” 

Comment 1. Jews who follow the Torah Taurat and Christians who follow the Gospel Injil and also believe the Quran will receive a double reward in the hereafter,

Jews like Quran 3:113-3:115 and Christians like Quran 5:82-5:85 who follow their Book in Quran 5:68 and also believe the Quran will receive a double reward in the hereafter in Quran 28:54, Quran 34:37 and Quran 57:28 meaning the reward for every good deed they do will be doubled because they believed the Quran which tells the Jewish people to follow the Torah Taurat which is their eternal covenant between God and the Hebrew people forever and tells the Christian people to follow the Gospel Injil which is explained in the Quran and tells the Muslim people to follow the Quran is confirmed in Quran 2:40, Quran 2:41, Quran 2:62, Quran 2:106, Quran 3:93, Quran 4:123, Quran 5:43, Quran 5:47, Quran 5:48, Quran 5:69 and Quran 13:39.

Comment 2. God sent the Quran so that God may make the truth about God prevail in every religion.

See Quran 61:9 comments in Quran chapter 61.


Quran 62:9 Koran 62:9 Verse 62:9 Ayah 62:9 Ayat 62:9 Aya 62:9 All you who believe, When the call for prayer (adhan) is heard on the day of congregation (on Friday after midday), move quickly to remember God and leave your business (and go to the mosque). That is better for you if you only knew (the reward and success it brings to you in the Hereafter).


Quran 62:10 Koran 62:10 Verse 62:10 Ayah 62:10 Ayat 62:10 Aya 62:10 And when the prayer has ended, then disperse in the land and seek God’s bounty and remember God much so that you may be successful (in the Hereafter).

Comment 1. After Friday prayer return to your work. 


Quran 62:11 Koran 62:11 Verse 62:11 Ayah 62:11 Ayat 62:11 Aya 62:11 But (sometimes when) they (the Muslims) saw a (chance for a business) transaction or a diversion (for amusement) they left, leaving you (Prophet Muhammad) standing (while you were preaching the sermon). Say (Prophet Muhammad to them), “What God has is better than recreation (for enjoyment) and business (for trading). God is the best provider.”


Interpretations of the Quran (Al-Quran, Al Quran, Koran).


This is an interpretation of some of the meanings in the Quran.

This is not a perfect translation of the Quran because the Quran is in the Arabic language.

The Arabic language in the Quran must be understood as it was understood over 1400 years ago.

God guides who He wills to the correct understanding of the Quran.

In the English language the word Allah is God.

God (Allah) is the creator of the Jews, Christians, Muslims and everyone and everything that exists.


Islam and the Quran chapter (sura, surah, surat), chapters (suras, surahs), verse (ayaah, aya, ayah), verses (ayaas, ayaat, ayas, ayat), analysis, annotation, clarification, comment, commentary, elucidation, examination, explanation, foot note, interpretation, investigation, note, observation, remark, study, understanding, analyses, annotations, clarifications, comments, commentaries, elucidations, examinations, explanations, foot notes, interpretations, investigations, notes, observations, remarks, studies, understandings of Islam and the Quran (The Coran, Al-Coran, Al Coran, The Koran, Al-Koran, Al Koran, The Quran, Al Quran, Al-Quran, The Qur'an, Al-Qur'an, Al Qur'an, The Qur’ān, Al-Qur’ān, Al Qur’ān).

Corrections and questions are welcome and can be emailed to somaliahamradio@yahoo.com 

The meaning of verses in the Quran and Tanakh and Gospel are on these websites.

The meaning of verses in the Koran and Torah and Injil are on these websites. 

YOU ARE HERE God https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran

God index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/index 

Allah https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran

Allah index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran/index  

Allaah https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran

Allaah index https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran/index  

Q&A https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel

Q&A index https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel/index