206. The problem with Paul and seed and seeds in Galatians 3:16 Genesis 17:7 Genesis 22:18. 


18 August 2021 (1443 AH).



Paul and seed and seeds in Galatians 3:16.

Paul and seed and seeds in Genesis 17:7.

Paul and seed and seeds in Genesis 22:18.

The problem with Paul's seed.and seeds.

Paul and seed and seeds.

Paul and seed and seeds in Galatians.

Paul and seed and seeds in Genesis.

Promise to Abraham seed.

Abraham's seed not seeds.

Galatians 3:16 commentary.

Galatians 3:16 about the “seed” and “seeds” of Abraham in Genesis 17:7-17:8.

Galatians 3:16 about the “seed” and “seeds” of Abraham in Genesis 22:18. 


The Septuagint LXX Bible written by 70 Jews before the time of Paul was destroyed by fire.

The Septuagint LXX Bible in the time of Paul did not exist.

The Septuagint LXX Bible after the time of Paul was written by the Christian church.


1. Introduction to Galatians 3:16.

2. The problems with Paul's explanation of seed and seeds in the Jewish Scripture or in any translation of the Jewish Scripture.

3. All the nations of the world will be blessed in Genesis 22:18 through the children of Israel.

4. All the nations of the world will be blessed in Genesis 22:18 through the teachings that are with the children of Israel.

5. The error Paul has made in Galatians 3:16 can be understood by changing the Hebrew word seed which never ends with the letter "s" with the English word sheep which never ends with the letter "s."

6. The error in Galatians 3:16 claiming that the word seed in Scripture would have been written as seeds if its meaning was more than one in Scripture shows Paul is not knowledgeable in Hebrew because in Scripture the meaning of seed comes from the context and not from adding the letter s to the word seed.

7. The Septuagint LXX Bible.

8. Conclusion.

9 - 11. References.

9. Paul wrote nearly half of the letters and books in the 27 books and letters in the New Testament Bible.

A. The Christian books that contradict the Jewish Bible.

B. The Christian books that confirm the Jewish Bible.

C. The teaching of Jesus and Paul are two different teachings.

D. Conclusion.

10. The invention of Progressive Revelation contradicts the word of God not to add or subtract commandments from the Torah meaning nothing is missing and nothing is to be added to the Torah.

11. Jesus and Paul and the Torah.

11-1. If Jesus is “begotten from the father (God)” does that mean no one is like Jesus?

11-2. Why do Jews disbelieve Paul?

11-3. Why do some Christians disbelieve Paul? 

11-4. How can you know if Paul is truthful? 1 Kings 13:14 - 1 Kings 13:24 

11-5. Paul claims the command in Torah Deuteronomy 25:4 “do not muzzle an ox” is really about humans and not animals. 

11-6. Is there no way that Deuteronomy 25:4 “do not muzzle an ox” is really about humans and not animals. 

11-7. Since God is a mystery is it not possible that there are mysteries in the meaning of the commands in the Torah as Paul says in 1 Corinthians 9:9-10 ”Is it about oxen that God is concerned?”

11-8. The words of Paul are not from God.

12. Jesus taught Judaism and Judaism teaches that non-Jews should follow the laws of God given to Noah meaning every messenger after Moses taught that Jews need to follow the laws of God given to Moses and non-Jews need to follow the laws of God given to Noah. 

1. Introduction to Galatians 3:16. 

In Genesis 13:16 God says to Abraham “I will make your seed like the dust of the earth meaning many people not meaning one person which means the promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed means many people and not one person.

Paul in Galatians 3:16 is wrong because God says the seed of Abraham will be many people not one person in Genesis 13:16. 

Galatians 3:16 The promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. Scripture does not say "and to seeds," meaning many people, but "and to your seed," meaning one person, who is Christ.


Galatians 3:16 is wrong because Scripture in Genesis 13:16 says the seed of Abraham means many people.


Paul in Galatians 3:16 is talking about what is in the Hebrew scripture and Paul claims because the Hebrew scripture says “seed” and not “seeds” it must be about one person who is Jesus.

Paul says he is quoting from scripture and in scripture there is no word “seeds.”

In the English translation of scripture also there is no word “seeds”

In every language the Hebrew “seed” must be translated “seed”

Paul misled people who did not know that the word “seeds” in Hebrew does not exist and that is the only reason you will never see the word “seeds” in the scripture.

Paul has corrupted the word of God looking for any verse that he can twist to make people think it is about Jesus.   


Galatians 3:16 The promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. Scripture does not say "and to seeds," meaning many people, but "and to your seed," meaning one person, who is Christ. 

Note 1. The promises of God given to Abraham were passed from one generation to the next generation and are found in the Torah meaning these are the promises given by God to Abraham which have been passed to the "seed" of Abraham meaning to the "descendants" of Abraham such as the promise that his "seed" meaning his "offsprings" will live in Canaan known today as Israel and Palestine meaning this verse is not about one person called Jesus as Paul claims with his "seed" and "seeds" faulty reasoning.


2. The problems with Paul's explanation of seed and seeds in the Jewish Scripture or in any translation of the Jewish Scripture. 

In Hebrew the word “seeds” is like the English word “sheeps” meaning both words do not exist. 

Nowhere in any Bible does the word "seeds" appear meaning for Paul to say that because seed is singular is proof it means one person because it did not say “seeds” is the same as saying because the word sheep is used instead of sheeps it must mean only one sheep. 

Only a person who does not know “seeds” never appears in the Jewish Scripture and never appears in any translation of the Jewish Scripture could make this mistake which would mean their understanding of the Jewish Scripture and the Hebrew language must be very poor.

This means the claim that Paul was a knowledgeable Jew is contradicted by the word of Paul.


2-1. Galatians 3:16 says the word “seed” in Scripture would have been written as “seeds” if it was more than one seed. 


2-2. The problem with Galatians 3:16 is that in Scripture the word seeds does not exist. 


2-3. In Scripture the word seed means one or more than one depending on the context and not depending on adding the letter s to the word seed. 


2-4. Seed in Genesis 17:7 and Genesis 17:8 from their context means many. 

The covenant agreement in Genesis 17:7 is between God and Abraham and his seed meaning his many descendants in the same way as the covenant agreement in Genesis 9:8-9:9 is between God and Noah and his sons and their seed meaning their many descendants. 


Torah Genesis 17:7 And I (God) will establish My covenant between Me (God) and you (Abraham) and your seed after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God to you and to your seed after you. 

Note 1. The covenant is that God will be a God to Abraham and his seed meaning his descendants. 


Genesis 9:8 And God spoke to Noah, and to his sons with him, saying: 

Genesis 9:9 'As for Me (God), behold, I (God) establish My (God’s) covenant with you (Noah and his sons), and with your seed after you. 

Note 2. The meaning of Genesis 17:7 where seed means many is the same as Genesis 9:9 where seed also means many.


Note 3. The claim in Galatians 3:16 that seed means one is wrong..


Note 4. An everlasting covenant is an agreement that God will never change. 

Anyone who claims God has changed His everlasting covenant agreement is a false messenger or does not understand the meaning of an everlasting covenant. 


Torah Genesis 17:8 And I will give to you (Abraham), and to your seed after you (meaning your descendants), the land of your travels (meaning), all the land of Canaan (today in Israel and Palestine), for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God.' 

Note 1. When the children of Israel sin they are removed from their land as punishment and as a test.

Note 2. When the children of Israel return to God they are returned to their land as reward and as a test. 


2-5. The problem in Galatians 3:16 written by Paul to the Galatians.

Christian Galatians 3:16 The promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. Scripture does not say "and to seeds," meaning many people, but "and to your seed," meaning one person, who is Christ. 

Note 1. Galatians 3:16 cannot explain Genesis 17:7 and Genesis 17:8 by claiming that because the word seed is not written seeds it must be one seed and therefore it is about Jesus because Scripture never uses the word seeds but only the word seed to mean one or more than one depending on the context and not depending on adding the letter s to the word seed. 


2-6. In other Christian translations of the writings of Paul “seed” has been translated as offspring and the word “seeds” which appears nowhere in Jewish Scripture has been translated as offsprings. 

Galatians 3:16 Now the promises were made to Abraham and to his offspring. It does not say, “And to offsprings,” referring to many, but referring to one, “And to your offspring,” who is Christ. 


2-7. In Hebrew seed means many in Genesis 22:17 and Genesis 22:18 because it is the context of the word "seed" which determines a singular or plural meaning in Hebrew and not adding the letter "s" to the word "seed." This means in every Bible only the word seed exists and it is from the context and not from the letter "s" that plurality is determined.

Torah Genesis 22:17 I will bless you (Abraham), and I will multiply your seed (descendants) like the stars of the sky, and like the sand which is on the seashore; and your seed shall possess the gate of his enemies; 

Note 1. After 400 years in Egypt the children of Israel possessed the gates of the cities of their enemies in Canaan today in Israel and Palestine.


Torah Genesis 15:13 And He (God) said to Abram (in a vision dream): 'Know that your seed (meaning your offspring meaning those who descended from you) shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs (meaning Egypt) and shall serve them (the Egyptians) and they (the Egyptians) shall trouble them (for) 400 years; 


Torah Genesis 24:60 And they blessed Rebecca (who would be the wife of Isaac the son of Abraham), and said to her: 'Our sister, may you be the mother of many thousands (of descendants), and let your seed (descendants) possess the gate of those that hate them (as was foretold by God to Abraham in Genesis 22:17). 


Torah Genesis 22:18 And in your (Abraham’s) seed (descendants meaning the children of Israel see Genesis 15:13 and Genesis 22:17 and Genesis 24:60) all the nations of the world will be blessed because you (Abraham) have listened to my voice. 


Christian Galatians 3:16 The promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. Scripture does not say "and to seeds," meaning many people, but "and to your seed," meaning one person, who is Christ. 

Note 1. Galatians 3:16 cannot explain Genesis 22:17 and Genesis 22:18 by claiming that because the word seed is not written seeds it must be one seed and therefore it is about Jesus because Scripture never uses the word seeds but only the word seed to mean one or more than one depending on the context and not depending on adding the letter s to the word seed. 

Video.  Rabbi Tovia Singer exposes Paul’s most outrageous corruption of the Jewish Scriptures.



3. All the nations of the world will be blessed in Genesis 22:18 through the children of Israel.

When will the messiah who is mentioned in the Tanakh Jewish scripture come?

The Jewish people look forward to the arrival of the messiah because the Tanakh says that when he comes he will fear God and all the tribes of Israel will be gathered together and everyone on the Earth will recognise him and everyone on the earth will know God and there will be worldwide peace meaning the messiah described in Tanakh Jewish scripture comes on the Day of Resurrection.


1. There is no second coming of the messiah in Tanakh Jewish scripture meaning a person who fails to do all the prophecies in Tanakh is not the promised messiah.


2. There is no antichrist in Tanakh Jewish scripture because the promised messiah will be recognised by every person in the world meaning if anyone rejects him it means he is not the promised messiah.


See. Lucifer, Armageddon, the Antichrist, and Other Christian Inventions. Rabbi Tovia Singer.

Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28.



3. The Jewish people today.

The children of Israel and Prophet Isaiah in the Southern Kingdom of Judah worshipped God in the Jerusalem Temple when the children of Israel who were living in the Northern Kingdom of Israel who worshipped the idol Baal in Samaria were warned of their exile by Prophet Hosea.


Hosea 3:4 For the children of Israel (the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel who were exiled from the Northern Kingdom of Israel and called Ephraim which is the name of their leading tribe) shall sit for many days without king (on the throne from the House of David like Judah and Ephraim today. The name Jew comes from Judah which is the leading tribe in the Southern Kingdom of Judah) and without prince (in the Jerusalem Temple from the House of Aaron like Judah and Ephraim today), and without sacrifice (like Judah and Ephraim today), and without pillar (of Baal used in Samaria in the Northern Kingdom of Israel for idol worship), and without ephod (the breastplate worn by the high priest in the Jerusalem temple containing ways of seeking the judgement of God) or teraphim (oracle idol in Samaria associated with seeking knowledge from an idol),


4. The Jewish people in the future.

Hosea 3:5 afterward the children of Israel (the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel called Ephraim who were exiled out of the Northern Kingdom of Israel in Hosea 3:4 and the Jews from the Southern Kingdom of Judah will both be gathered together in Ezekiel 37:16-22, Jeremiah 50:4, Hosea 1:9, Hosea 2:1-2 or Hosea 1:9-11 in a Christian Bible, Isaiah 11:1-13 and) shall return (to Israel) and seek the Lord their God, and David their King and shall come with fear to the Lord (God) and to His (God’s) goodness in the end of days (in Daniel 12:2. Olam haba, in the world to come, Zohar in Exod. fol. 93. 3).


Hosea 6:2 After two days (after the First Temple and the Second Temple period) He (God) will revive us (the Ten Lost Tribes of the Northern Kingdom of Israel known by the name Ephraim which is their leading tribe and the Jews from the Southern Kingdom of Judah will both be gathered together in Ezekiel 37:16-22, Jeremiah 50:4, Hosea 1:9, Hosea 2:1-2 or Hosea 1:9-11 in a Christian Bible, Isaiah 11:1-13 and), on the third day (the Third Temple which is forever in Ezekiel 37:28) He (God) will raise us up (in Daniel 12:2), so that we may live in His (God’s) presence (forever).


5. The third temple which will exist forever will be a sign to the world that the messiah has arrived.

Ezekiel 37:28 And the nations (in Daniel 12:2) shall know that I (God) am the Lord, who sanctifies Israel, when My Sanctuary (Temple in Hosea 6:2) is in their midst forever."


Quran 17:104 And after him (after the death of the Pharaoh Firon) We (God) said to the Children of Israel, “Live in the land (in the Sinai Peninsula in Quran 5:26 and then in the blessed Holy Land of Canaan today in Israel and Palestine in Quran 5:21) and when the promise of the Hereafter comes We (God) shall bring you (the Children of Israel together again) as a mixed crowd (from the many nations to which you were exiled. In Jewish Bible Hosea 3:4 - 3:5 the children of Israel shall have no King and no Temple for a long time. In Zechariah 14:1 - 14:21 and Jeremiah 31:33 after conflict in Jerusalem God will be King of all the Earth meaning everyone on earth will know God. In Daniel 12:1 - 12:2 is the resurrection of the dead after “the time of trouble” which is the conflict between Gog and Israel foretold in Ezekiel 38, Ezekiel 39 and Zechariah 14:1 - 14:21. In Ezekiel 34:13 and Ezekiel 37:21 - 37:22 God shall gather the exiled of the children of Israel out of the nations and place them in Israel. In Isaiah 2:2 - 2:4 and Ezekiel 37:26 - 37:28 God shall establish the Third Temple in Jerusalem forever and God shall judge the peoples of the nations of the world and there will be world peace meaning war and the making of weapons will end. In Zechariah 8:22 - 8:23 the people of all nations shall come to Jerusalem seeking God. In Ezekiel 34:23 - 34:25 “The prince” “the messiah” “the shepherd” will be a descendant of King David Dawud in the time of world peace and the Third Temple in Isaiah 2:2 - 2:4 and Ezekiel 37:26 - 37:28. “The prince” “the messiah” “the shepherd” will make a sin offering for himself and for all the people of Israel and from that day the sacrificial system that existed in the First Temple and in the Second Temple will restart in the Third Temple in Ezekiel 45:22 - 45:25 and Ezekiel 45:17 and Ezekiel 45:19 - 45:20). 


Ezekiel 34:13 I (God) will take them (the children of Israel) out from among the nations, and I (God) will gather them from the lands and bring them to their land, and I (God) will shepherd them to the mountains of Israel, by the streams and in all the dwellings of the land. 


Ezekiel 37:22 “And I (God) will make them into one nation in the land on the mountains of Israel, and one king shall be to them all as a king; and they shall no longer be two nations (Judah and Israel), neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms (the southern Kingdom of Judah and the northern Kingdom of Israel) anymore.” 

Note 1. The third Temple will come in a time after Israel is one nation. 


Ezekiel 37:26 And I (God) will form a covenant of peace for them (the children of Israel), an everlasting covenant shall be with them; and I (God) will establish them and I (God) will multiply them, and I (God) will place My Sanctuary in their midst forever. 

Note 2. God Himself will place the third Temple in the midst of the children of Israel. 


Isaiah 2:2 And it shall happen in the end of days, that the mountain of the LORD'S house (the third Temple) shall be established (high up) like the top of the mountains, and shall be (high up) exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow to it. 

Note 1. The third Temple will be established in the end of days and the peoples of all the nations will bring sacrifices to it in Zechariah 14:20 – 14:21. 

In the end of days the messiah “the prince” will prepare the sacrifices in the Third Temple to effect atonement for the children of Israel during festivals and on the new Moon (new month) and on the Sabbath (Friday evening to Saturday evening) and on all times fixed for meetings in the Temple in Ezekiel 45:17. 

In the end of days the messiah “the prince” will prepare for himself and for all the people a sin offering in the end of days in Ezekiel 45:22 – 45:25. 

In the end of days “the priest” will prepare sacrifices as sin offerings to atone for unintentional sins in Ezekiel 45:19 – 45:20.

Notice that this is not a memorial service of the past but the return of sin offerings to atone for unintentional sins as existed in the first temple period and the second temple period. 

Note 2. Genesis 22:18 And in your (Abraham’s) seed (descendants meaning the children of Israel see Genesis 15:13 and Genesis 22:17 and Genesis 24:60) all the nations of the world will be blessed …” 


Isaiah 49:6 And (the answer to Isaiah 49:4 given by God in Isaiah 49:5 continues) He (God) said: 'It is too light (too small) a thing that you (Prophet Isaiah) should be My (God’s) servant in that I (God have revealed the future through you in Isaiah 44:28 and Isaiah 45:1 of God’s messiah King Cyrus through whom God shall) raise up the tribes of Jacob (by the hand of the messiah King Cyrus as foretold in Isaiah 45:4), and restore the survivors of (the children of) Israel (who will return to Jerusalem from Babylon as foretold in Isaiah 48:20); (furthermore) I (God) will make you (Prophet Isaiah) a light of the nations, so that My (God’s) salvation may be to the end of the earth (when humans read Isaiah 2:1 - 2:4 foretelling the coming of worldwide peace which is written on the “Isaiah wall” located outside the United Nations to inspire humans to understand that God forgives the sins of every person both Jew and non Jew who repents in prayer to God and returns to good behaviour in Ecclesiastes 7:20, Proverbs 24:16, 1 Kings 8:46 - 8:50, Ezekiel 18:20 - 18:23, Isaiah 1:18, Isaiah 55:7, Hosea 6:6, Hosea 14:2 - 14:3 and Micah 6:6 - 6:8).' 

Note 1. Genesis 22:18 And in your (Abraham’s) seed (descendants meaning the children of Israel see Genesis 15:13 and Genesis 22:17 and Genesis 24:60) all the nations of the world will be blessed …” 


Isaiah 49:7 Thus said the LORD (God, the God of Israel), the Redeemer of Israel (who saves Israel, says to), his Holy One (the children of Israel in Deuteronomy 7:6, Deuteronomy 14:2, Deuteronomy 14:21, Deuteronomy 26:19 and Deuteronomy 28:13), to him (the children of Israel) who is despised of men (in Isaiah 60:14), to him (the children of Israel) who is abhorred of nations (known today as anti Semitism), to a servant of rulers (the children of Israel who are slaves to those who conquer them): kings shall see (the truth that God is only one with no other) and stand up, (in respect as will) princes, and they shall prostrate themselves (in Isaiah 60:14 and Deuteronomy 26:19); because of the LORD that is faithful (to His covenant with Israel), the Holy One of Israel (the God of Israel), who has chosen you (the children of Israel to teach the world that God is one God meaning “one in one” meaning God has no partners). 

Note 1. Genesis 22:18 And in your (Abraham’s) seed (descendants meaning the children of Israel see Genesis 15:13 and Genesis 22:17 and Genesis 24:60) all the nations of the world will be blessed …” 


Isaiah 60:3 And nations shall walk at your (the children of Israel’s) light, and kings at the brightness of your (the children of Israel’s) rising. 

Note 1. Genesis 22:18 And in your (Abraham’s) seed (descendants meaning the children of Israel see Genesis 15:13 and Genesis 22:17 and Genesis 24:60) all the nations of the world will be blessed …” 


Zechariah 8:22 Yes, many peoples and mighty nations shall come to seek the LORD (God) of hosts in Jerusalem Al-Quds, and to seek the favour of the LORD (God). 

Note 1. Genesis 22:18 And in your (Abraham’s) seed (descendants meaning the children of Israel see Genesis 15:13 and Genesis 22:17 and Genesis 24:60) all the nations of the world will be blessed …” 


Zechariah 8:23 The LORD (God) of hosts said: In those days it shall happen, that ten men of all the languages of the nations (of the world) shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying: we will go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.' 

Note 1. Genesis 22:18 And in your (Abraham’s) seed (descendants meaning the children of Israel see Genesis 15:13 and Genesis 22:17 and Genesis 24:60) all the nations of the world will be blessed …” 


Isaiah 2:3 And many peoples shall go and say: 'Come you, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house (the Third Temple) of the God of Jacob (Israel); and He (God) will teach us of His (God’s) ways, and we will walk in His (God’s) paths.' For out of Zion (Jerusalem Al-Quds) shall go out the law, and the word of the LORD (God) from Jerusalem Al-Quds. 

Note 1. The third Temple will be established in the end of days and the peoples of all the nations will visit it.

Note 2. Genesis 22:18 And in your (Abraham’s) seed (descendants meaning the children of Israel see Genesis 15:13 and Genesis 22:17 and Genesis 24:60) all the nations of the world will be blessed …”  


Isaiah 2:4 And he (the promised messiah) shall judge between the nations, and shall rebuke many peoples; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

Note 1. The third Temple described in Ezekiel chapters 40 to 47 will be established in the end of days and no nation will make war or weapons. 

Note 2. In Jeremiah 23:6 the name of the messiah and in Jeremiah 33:16 the name of Jerusalem will both be “God is our righteousness” meaning the judgement that comes from the messiah who will be the King in Jerusalem who is a biological descendant of messiah king David through messiah king Solomon will be righteous through the wisdom given to him from God as was given by God to the messiah king Solomon.

Note 3 Genesis 22:18 And in your (Abraham’s) seed (descendants meaning the children of Israel see Genesis 15:13 and Genesis 22:17 and Genesis 24:60) all the nations of the world will be blessed …” 


Ezekiel 37:28 And the nations shall know that I (God) am the Lord, who sanctifies Israel, when My Sanctuary (Temple) is in their midst forever." 

Note 1. Genesis 22:18 And in your (Abraham’s) seed (descendants meaning the children of Israel see Genesis 15:13 and Genesis 22:17 and Genesis 24:60) all the nations of the world will be blessed …” 


Deuteronomy 26:19 and to make you (the children of Israel) high above all nations that He (God) had made, in praise, and in name, and in glory; and that you (the children of Israel) may be a holy people to the LORD your God, as He (God) has spoken. 

Note 1. The promise of God to the righteous among the children of Israel that they will be raised high above all the nations which God has made.

Note 2. The promise of God to the righteous among the children of Israel that they will be raised high in praise of the children of Israel.

Note 3. The promise of God to the righteous among the children of Israel that they will be raised high in name of the children of Israel.

Note 4. The promise of God to the righteous among the children of Israel that they will be a holy people to God.

Note 5. The promise of God to the righteous among the children of Israel that they will be raised high in glory as the holy people of God.

Note 6. Genesis 22:18 And in your (Abraham’s) seed (descendants meaning the children of Israel see Genesis 15:13 and Genesis 22:17 and Genesis 24:60) all the nations of the world will be blessed …” 


Deuteronomy 7:6 For you (the righteous among the children of Israel) are a holy people to the Lord your God;  the LORD your God has chosen you (the children of Israel) to be His own treasure, out of all peoples that are on the face of the earth. 


Deuteronomy 14:2 For you (the righteous among the children of Israel) are a holy people to the LORD your God, and the LORD had chosen you to be His own treasure out of all peoples that are on the face of the earth.


Deuteronomy 14:21 “… for you (the righteous among the children of Israel) are a holy people …”


Deuteronomy 28:13 And the LORD will make you (the children of Israel) the head (of nations), and not the tail (the follower of nations); and you shall be only above (leading), and you shall not be beneath (following); if you shall listen to the commandments of the LORD your God, which I command you this day, to observe and to do them; 

Note 1. Genesis 22:18 And in your (Abraham’s) seed (descendants meaning the children of Israel see Genesis 15:13 and Genesis 22:17 and Genesis 24:60) all the nations of the world will be blessed …” 


2 Samuel 7:14 I (God) will be to him (the messiah anointed King Solomon Sulaiman) for a father, and he (the messiah anointed King Solomon Sulaiman) shall be to Me (God) for a son; if he (the messiah anointed King Solomon Sulaiman) commit wrong doing, I (God) will punish him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the children of men; 

Note 1. The messiah anointed King Solomon Sulaiman is the son of God means the servant of God. 

Note 2. God will be his father and the messiah anointed King Solomon Sulaiman will be His son meaning God's servant.

Note 3. If the messiah does wrong then God will punish him like a father punishes his son.

Note 4. The messiah anointed King David Dawud is the son of God means the servant of God. 

Note 5. God will be his father and the messiah anointed King David Dawud will be His son meaning God's servant.

Note 6. If the messiah does wrong then God will punish him like a father punishes his son.

Note 7. Every messiah is the son of God meaning the servant of God. 

Note 8. God will be his father and the messiah will be His son meaning God's servant.

Note 9. If the messiah does wrong then God will punish him like a father punishes his son.


Ezekiel 37:28 And the nations shall know that I (God) am the Lord, who sanctifies Israel, when My Sanctuary (Temple) is in their midst forever." 

Note 1. Genesis 22:18 And in your (Abraham’s) seed (descendants meaning the children of Israel see Genesis 15:13 and Genesis 22:17 and Genesis 24:60) all the nations of the world will be blessed …” 


Exodus 19:6 And you shall be to Me (God) a kingdom of priests and a Holy nation. These are the words which you (Prophet Moses) shall speak to the children of Israel.  

Note 1. God has a covenant with the children of Israel that they shall be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation in a prophecy. 

Note 2. Genesis 22:18 And in your (Abraham’s) seed (descendants meaning the children of Israel see Genesis 15:13 and Genesis 22:17 and Genesis 24:60) all the nations of the world will be blessed …” 


Deuteronomy 4:31 For the Lord your God is a merciful God; He (God) shall not fail you nor (shall God) destroy you (the children of Israel) nor (shall God) forget the covenant (agreement) with your fathers which He (God) swore to them (to keep). 

See. Isaiah 53 explained.



4. All the nations of the world will be blessed in Genesis 22:18 through the teachings that are with the children of Israel. 


Isaiah 45:21 Declare you (the children of Israel, the truth about God), and bring them (all the nations) near, yes, let them take counsel together (and learn about God): Who has announced this (truth about God) from ancient time, and declared it (in times) of old? Have not I the LORD (God)? And there is no God beside Me, a just God and a Savior; there is none (other savior or god) beside Me. 

Note 1. Genesis 22:18 And in your (Abraham’s) seed (descendants meaning the children of Israel see Genesis 15:13 and Genesis 22:17 and Genesis 24:60) all the nations of the world will be blessed …” 


Isaiah 45:22 Look to Me (the one and only God) (people of) all the ends of the earth and you will be saved (in the hereafter) for I am God, and there is none else (meaning there is only one creator of every creation)


Isaiah 45:23 By Myself (by My name) I (God) have sworn, from my mouth has gone out in righteousness a word that shall not return (meaning a word that shall not be cancelled); “To Me (God) every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear allegiance.


Exodus 20:2 I am the LORD your GodYou shall have no other gods before Me (God).  


Deuteronomy 32:39 “… I am He (God) and there is no god with Me. 


Nehemiah 9:6 You alone are the LORD (God) ..." 


Isaiah 40:25 “To whom will you liken Me (God), that I (God) should be equal (to anyone or anything)? Says the Holy One. 


Isaiah 43:10 “… before Me (God) there was no God formed, neither shall any be after Me (God). 


Isaiah 44:8 “… Is there a God beside Me? There is no Rock (other god); I (God) know not any


Isaiah 45:5 I am the LORD (God), and there is none else, beside Me there is no God …” 


Isaiah 43:11 I am the LORD (God); and beside Me (God) there is no savior. 


Isaiah 45:6 “… there is none beside Me (God), I am the LORD (God); and there is none else.


Isaiah 45:18 “… I am the LORD (God), and there is none else. 


Malachi 2:10 Have we not all one father (God)? Has not one God created us? …”


1 Chronicles 17:20 O LORD (God), there is none like You, neither is there any God beside You, according to all that we have heard with our ears.


Hosea 13:4 “… you shall acknowledge no God but Me (God), and beside Me there is no savior.  


Psalm 146:3 Do not put your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no salvation.


4-1. All the nations of the world will be blessed in Genesis 22:18 through the teachings that are with the children of Israel and confirmed by every messenger including Jesus who all said the first and most important commandment of God is "God is one" because any other belief like "God is two in one" or "God is three in one" or "God is four in one" or "God is one hundred in one" is to pray to the creations of God instead of praying to God who is the creator of every creation.


4-2. Before the crucifixion Jesus said he is not God.  

Gospel of Matthew 23:9 And call no one on earth your Father (God who is the creator of every creation), because there is only one Father (God) for you, the heavenly one.  

Note 1. God is the Father of every creation.  

Note 2. Jesus is teaching humans not to worship anything or anyone that is on the earth because everything on the earth including Jesus is a creation. 

Note 3. Jesus is teaching that nothing on the earth including Jesus is God. 

Note 4. Jesus is teaching that the only God is the one God in heaven. 

Note 5. To show that Jesus who is on the earth is not God the words “God in heaven are used” in the expression “there is only one Father (God) for you, the heavenly one.”  


4-3. During the crucifixion Jesus said he is not God

On the cross Jesus again teaches he is not God by saying “My God my God why have you forsaken me” meaning Jesus is asking God to save him and the Quran explains how God saved Jesus from death on the cross with sleep that looked like death as described in the Gospel of Mark 5:39 "... The child is not dead but sleeping", Gospel of Matthew 9:24 "... For the maiden meaning the girl has not died but sleeps ..." and the Gospel of Luke 8:52 "... She is not dead but sleeping". 


4-4. After the crucifixion Jesus said he is not God

After the crucifixion Jesus again teaches he is not God in the Gospel of John 20:17 by Jesus saying “God is my God and your God” meaning God is my Lord and your Lord and saying “God is my father and your father” meaning God is my creator and your creator. 


4-5. Jesus taught God is one God.

Jesus taught the Tanakh Jewish scripture meaning Jesus confirmed the teachings that -

1. “God is one God” because any other belief is forbidden idol worship in the Gospel of Mark 12:29 and Isaiah 45:21. 

2. “There is no one beside God” because any other belief is forbidden idol worship in the Gospel of Matthew 23:9. and Torah Deuteronomy 32:39 and Isaiah 45:5.

3. “God is not a man” because any other belief is forbidden idol worship in Torah Numbers 23:19 and 1 Samuel 15:29 and Hosea 11:9.

4. “Do not liken anyone or anything to God” because any other belief is forbidden idol worship in Isaiah 40:25 and Isaiah 46:5.

5. “God is not the son of man” because any other belief is forbidden idol worship in Torah Numbers 23:19.

6. “There is no salvation in the son of man” because any other belief is forbidden idol worship in Psalm 146:3. 


4-6. Jesus said the first commandment from God is “God is one God” not a two in one God or a three in one God. 

Gospel of Mark 12:29 (A Jewish scribe asked what is the first commandment of God?) and Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments (of God) is, Hear (listen), O (all the children of) Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord (God). 


4-7. The Gospels teach God is one God not three in one. 

Gospel of Luke 24:19 And he said to them, "What things?" And they said to him, "The things concerning Jesus the Nazarene, who was a prophet powerful in deed and in word, in the eyes of both God and all the people;  

Note 1. In the eyes of God and all the people 2000 years ago Jesus is a prophet. 

Note 2. The Jewish Bible describes many messiahs who are Jewish and non Jewish Kings or priests or judges or prophets.  

Kings or priests or judges or prophets who were anointed with oil were called a messiah. 


Gospel of Matthew 21:11 And the crowds would say, "This is the prophet Jesus, from Nazareth, Galilee." 

Note 1. In the eyes of the people Jesus is a prophet. 

Note 2. The Jewish Bible describes many messiahs who are Jewish and non Jewish Kings or priests or judges or prophets.  

Kings or priests or judges or prophets who were anointed with oil were called a messiah. 


Gospel of Mark 13:32 "But as to that day or that hour (the time of the Day of Resurrection), no one knows, not even the angels in heaven (the Holy Spirit and the other angels who are servants of God), not even the Son (Jesus who is a servant of God), but only the Father (God, who is the Father of every creation). 

Note 1. If God is one then the Gospel would teach that Jesus does not know the hour. 

Note 2. If God is three in one then the Gospel would teach both Jesus and God know the hour. 

Note 3. In the Gospel Jesus is not God because Jesus does not know the hour meaning the teaching that Jesus is God or part of God contradicts the Gospel meaning Trinity was invented after the time of Jesus and after the writing of the Gospels.

Note 4. There is only one God because no one is equal to God not Jesus and not the angels. 

Note 5. Jesus is like the angels and other creations meaning Jesus is not like God. 

In the Gospel Jesus is not God or part of God because Jesus does not know “the hour” because only God knows “the hour” meaning “God is one’ not three in one. 


Gospel of Matthew 24:36 But as for that day and hour (of the Day of Resurrection), no one knows it except the Father (God) alone; not even the angels of heaven (the Holy Spirit and the other angels who are servants of God), not even the Son (Jesus who is a servant of God). 

Note 1. If God is one then the Gospel would teach that Jesus does not know the hour. 

Note 2. If God is three in one then the Gospel would teach both Jesus and God know the hour. 

Note 3. In the Gospel Jesus is not God because Jesus does not know the hour meaning the teaching that Jesus is God or part of God contradicts the Gospel meaning Trinity was invented after the time of Jesus and after the writing of the Gospels.

Note 4. There is only one God because no one is equal to God not Jesus and not the angels. 

Note 5. Jesus is like the angels and other creations meaning Jesus is not like God. 

In the Gospel Jesus is not God or part of God because Jesus does not know “the hour” because only God knows “the hour” meaning “God is one’ not three in one. 


5. The error Paul has made in Galatians 3:16 can be understood by changing the Hebrew word seed which never ends with the letter "s" with the English word sheep which never ends with the letter "s."

What Galatians 3:16 says about seeds which is a Hebrew word that does not exist in the Scripture is the same as someone who is given sheep to look after saying that he was only given one single sheep because if he was given more than one sheep then the owner would have said he was given sheeps.

Only a person who does not know Hebrew would compare seed with seeds in the Scripture and only a person who does not know English would compare sheep with sheeps in English conversation.


Galatians 3:16 (using the English word sheep instead of the Hebrew word seed) The promises were spoken to Abraham and to his sheep. Scripture does not say "and to sheeps" meaning many, but "and to your sheep" meaning one, who is Christ.

Note 1. Galatians 3:16 cannot explain anything by stating that because the word seed is not written seeds it must be one seed and therefore it is about Jesus because Scripture never uses the word seeds but only the word seed to mean one or more than one depending on context and not depending on adding the letter s to the word seed.


5-1. Paul in Galatians 3:16 comparing seed and seeds in Scripture shows poor knowledge in Hebrew in the same way as comparing sheep and sheeps would show poor knowledge in English as explained in 6 above. 


5-2. Galatians 3:16 is a letter of Paul quoting the Scripture meaning Paul is misquoting the word of God in Scripture as explained in 6 and 7 above.


5-3. Some people claim Paul is quoting from a Septuagint Greek translation of the Jewish Hebrew Bible. 

Only a person who does not know Hebrew would use a Greek translation instead of the original Hebrew words of God. 


5-4. Paul claimed to be zealous for the law meaning the Torah meaning Paul knew Hebrew very well. 


5-5. It is said that Paul studied with the top rabbi of his time meaning Paul understood Hebrew very well. 


6. The error in Galatians 3:16 claiming that the word seed in Scripture would have been written as seeds if its meaning was more than one in Scripture shows Paul is not knowledgeable in Hebrew because in Scripture the meaning of seed comes from the context and not from adding the letter s to the word seed.


6-1. Seed according to the context means many.

Genesis 3:15 And I (God) will put hostility between you (the serpent) and the woman, and between your seed (meaning the serpent’s offspring) and her seed (her human offspring); He (her human descendants) shall crush your (snake’s) head (meaning humans can destroy the snake meaning humans can overcome sin as explained in Genesis 4:7), and you (the snake) shall bite their (human) heel (so that humans fall down from righteousness like Adam and Eve fell down from righteousness however Adam and Eve and their children can overcome sin and return to righteousness by repenting to God and returning to good behaviour in Ecclesiastes 7:20, Proverbs 24:16, 1 Kings 8:46-8:50, Ezekiel 18:20-18:23, Isaiah 1:18, Isaiah 55:7, Hosea 6:6, Hosea 14:2-14:3 and Micah 6:6-6:8).

Note 1. Seed means biological descendants.


6-2. Seed according to the context means one.

Genesis 4:25 And Adam knew (came into) his wife (Eve to make a baby) again; and she bore a son, and called his name Seth: because God has appointed me another seed instead of Abel; for Cain killed him (Abel).' 

Note 1. Seed means one biological offspring named Seth. 


6-3. Seed according to the context means many.

Genesis 7:3 of the fowl also of the air, seven and seven, male and female; to keep seed alive on the face of all the earth (in the days of Noah). 

Note 1. Seed means biological descendants. 


6-4. Seed according to the context means many. 

Genesis 9:8 And God spoke to Noah, and to his sons with him, saying:  

Genesis 9:9 'As for Me (God), behold, I (God) establish My (God’s) covenant with you (Noah and his sons), and with your seed after you.

Note 1. Seed means biological descendants. 


6-5. Seed according to the context means the off-spring of Abram in Genesis 12:7 however in Genesis 13:15-13:16.God makes clear that his seed means many descendants because they will possess the land forever. 

Genesis 12:7 And the LORD appeared to Abram, and said: 'To your seed will I (God) give this land (of Canaan today in Israel and Palestine)'; and he (Abram) built an altar there to the LORD, who appeared to him (Abram). 

Note 1. For Abram who has no off-spring in Genesis 12:7 seed means his biological off-spring or off-springs however in Genesis 13:15-13:16.God makes clear that his seed means many meaning his descendants forever. 


6-6 Seed for Abram according to the context means many. 

Genesis 13:15 for all the land which you (Abram) see, I (God) will give it to you (Abram), and to your seed forever. 

Genesis 13:16 And I (God) will make your seed as (many as) the dust of the earth; so that if a man can number the dust of the earth, then that will be the number of your seed.  

Note 1. The seed of Abram means many meaning his biological descendants forever. 


6-7. Abram had no seed meaning no off-spring. 

Genesis 15:2 And Abram said: 'O Lord GOD, what will You (God) give me, seeing I am childless, and he that shall be possessor of my house is (my servant) Eliezer of Damascus? 

Genesis 15:3 And Abram said: 'Behold, to me You (God) have given no seed, (no) one born in my house is to be my heir.' 


6-8. The seed of Abram will come from his body biologically. 

Genesis 15:4 And the word of the LORD (God) came to him (Abram), saying: 'This man (your servant Eliezer of Damascus) shall not be your heir; but he that shall come forth out of your own bowels (biologically) shall be your heir.' 


6-9. The seed of Abram that will come from his body in Genesis 15:4 means many biological descendants in Genesis 15:5. 

Genesis 15:5 And He (God) brought him (Abram) out, and said: 'Look now toward heaven, and count the stars, if you are able to count them'; and He (God) said to him (Abram): 'So shall your seed be.' 


6-10. God reveals the future by describing the seed of Abram which is the children of Israel.

Torah Genesis 15:13 And He (God) said to Abram (in a vision dream): 'Know that your seed (meaning your offspring meaning those who descended from you) shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs (meaning Egypt) and shall serve them (the Egyptians) and they (the Egyptians) shall trouble them (for) 400 years; 


6-11. God reveals the future by locating the land where the seed of Abram who are the children of Ishmael Ismail and the children of Israel and others shall live. 

Torah Genesis 15:18 In that day the LORD (God) made a covenant with Abram, saying: 'To your seed I (God) have given this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the river Euphrates;  


6-12. God reveals that in the future the seed of Hagar meaning Ishmael Ismail will greatly multiply. 

Genesis 16:10 And the angel of the LORD said to her (Hagar): 'I will greatly multiply your seed (Ishmael Ismail), that it shall not be (able to be) numbered because of its great number. 


6-13. The name of Abram is changed to Abraham meaning the father of many nations because the seed of Abraham will become as large as the number of stars in the sky meaning a very big number when compared to one person

Genesis 17:5 No more shall your name any more be called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham; because I (God) have made you the father of a many of nations.  

Genesis 17:6 And I (God) will make you very fruitful, and I (God) will make nations from you (from your off-springs), and kings shall come out of you (from your off-springs).  


6-14. The covenant agreement in Genesis 17:7 is between God and Abraham and his seed meaning his many descendants in the same way as the covenant agreement in Genesis 9:8-9:9 is between God and Noah and his sons and their seed meaning their many descendants. 

Genesis 17:7 And I (God) will establish My covenant between Me (God) and you (Abraham) and your seed after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God to you and to your seed after you. 

Note 1. The covenant is that God will be a God to Abraham and his seed meaning his descendants. 

Note 2. The meaning of Genesis 17:7 where seed means many is the same as Genesis 9:9 where seed also means many. 


Genesis 9:8 And God spoke to Noah, and to his sons with him, saying: 

Genesis 9:9 'As for Me (God), behold, I (God) establish My (God’s) covenant with you (Noah and his sons), and with your seed after you. 

Note 3. The claim in Galatians 3:16 that seed means one is wrong.

Note 4. An everlasting covenant is an agreement that God will never change. 

Anyone who claims God has changed His everlasting covenant agreement is a false messenger or does not understand the meaning of an everlasting covenant. 


Genesis 17:8 And I will give to you (Abraham), and to your seed after you (meaning your descendants), the land of your travels (meaning), all the land of Canaan (today in Israel and Palestine), for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God.' 


Genesis 17:9 And God said to Abraham: And as for you (Abraham), you shall keep My (God’s) covenant, you (Abraham), and your seed after you throughout their generations. 


Genesis 17:10 This is My (God’s) covenant, which you shall keep, between Me (God) and you (Abraham) and your seed after you: every male among you shall be circumcised. 

Note 1. This is the everlasting covenant between God and Abraham and both the children of Ishmael Ismail and the children of Israel meaning it will never be changed. 


Genesis 17:11 And you shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a token of a covenant between Me (God) and you. 


Genesis 17:12 And he that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you, every male throughout your generations, he that is born in the house, or bought with money of any foreigner, that is not of your seed. 

Note 1. Paul reinterpreted the Scripture to remove the requirement for circumcision because circumcision was feared by non-Jews. 


6-15. Claiming Jews no longer need circumcision violates Genesis 17:14 below and the third temple requirement foretold in Ezekiel 44:9 below. 

Genesis 17:14 And any male who is uncircumcised who does not circumcise the flesh of his foreskin, that person shall be cut off from his people; he has broken My covenant.' 

Note 1. The person who is cut off has lost the mercy of God. 

Note 2. This is the everlasting covenant between God and Abraham and both the children of Ishmael Ismail and the children of Israel meaning it will never be changed.


Ezekiel 44:9 Thus said the Lord God: No alien, uncircumcised in heart and uncircumcised in flesh, shall enter into My sanctuary (the third temple), even any alien that is among the children of Israel (like those brought into the second temple as guests which violated the second temple in the sight of God in Ezekiel 44:7). 

Note 1. This is the everlasting covenant between God and Abraham and both the children of Ishmael Ismail and the children of Israel meaning it will never be changed. 


7. The Septuagint LXX Bible.

The Septuagint LXX Bible written by 70 Jews before the time of Paul was destroyed by fire.

The Septuagint LXX Bible in the time of Paul did not exist.

The Septuagint LXX Bible after the time of Paul was written by the Christian church.


7-1. The one original Septuagint (meaning seventy in Latin) was written by 70 or 72 learned Jews at the request of the leader of the Empire for his library in Alexandria in Egypt in 285 - 246 BC 285 - 246 BCE and only included the five books of Moses meaning the Torah and not any other part of the Jewish Scripture. 

This one original Septuagint written by 70 or 72 learned Jews was destroyed by fire when the library in Alexandria in Egypt was burned down in 48 BC 48 BCE.


7-2. When Paul was born there was no Greek translation of the Septuagint because it had been destroyed by fire. 

Orthodox Jewish children learn the Torah in Hebrew not in Greek.

The destroyed Septuagint only translated the Torah into Greek. 

The Jewish Scriptures in Hebrew containing the books of the prophets and the books of the writings in the Jewish Scripture were not part of the translation to Greek in the Septuagint.

All Orthodox Jewish teaching was in Hebrew and this was necessary because there was no Greek translation of the entire Jewish Scripture.

Orthodox Jewish children studied Scripture from an early age (as they do today) in the original Hebrew language in which the Jewish Scripture is written and in this way Jews have passed their knowledge in the Hebrew language from one generation to the next generation. 


7-3. It was a long time after the death of Paul (Paul's letters were written around 50 AD 50 CE that the church would translate the Hebrew Scripture into Greek and the first was through theologian and scholar Origen around 230 - 240 AD, 230 - 240 CE in the Hexapla (meaning Ancient Greek) which was destroyed in 638 AD 638 CE in the Library of Caesarea in Palestine.

After the translations of Origen which took him 28 years to complete other church people used the earlier name "Septuagint" which is the same name used by the 70 Jews who translated only the five books of Moses called the Torah and this is why today some people confuse what the Jews wrote in the Septuagint which was destroyed by fire and is completely lost and what Christians wrote also called the Septuagint and are the only Septuagint existing today..

This is why you find some disagreement in verse numbers and some words in the Jewish Scripture translated to English by Jews and the Septuagint which is the Jewish Scripture translated by the Christian church.


7-4. The Greek Septuagint and Jewish Torah only use the word “seed” meaning there is no difference between them meaning if we say that Paul used the Greek Septuagint instead of the Hebrew Torah then it means Paul was no expert in Hebrew because he looked at the Greek which said “seed” and he claimed that means it must be Jesus because it does not say “seeds”.

Since both the Torah and the Greek Septuagint (which did not exist at the time of Paul but let us say it did exist) both only use “seed” it shows Paul invented what seemed logical to him meaning he did not known that in both the Hebrew Torah and the Greek Septuagint (which did not exist at the time of Paul but let us say it did exist) they both only use the word “seed.”

This means not only was Paul not knowledgeable in the Hebrew Torah but he also was not knowledgeable in the Greek Septuagint (which did not exist at the time of Paul but let us say it did exist for the sake of those who claim Paul was using a Greek translation meaning the Septuagint). 


7-5. In the Gospel Jesus read from the scroll in the synagogue in Nazareth today in Israel meaning Jesus was reading in the Hebrew language.

Gospel of Luke 4:16 And he (Jesus) came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, as was his custom. And he stood up to read.

Gospel of Luke 4:17 And the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him (Jesus). Unrolling the scroll, he found the place where it is written:


Video 1. Rabbi Tovia Singer: God did not speak Greek and Jesus and the Gospels did not quote the Septuagint!


Video 2. Christian challenges Rabbi Tovia Singer: All scholars know Matthew used more reliable Septuagint!


Video 3. Rabbi Tovia Singer reveals church used the “Septuagint” to conceal corruption of Jewish Scriptures. 



8. Conclusion. 

Paul says because “seed” is not written as “seeds” it must mean one person however if Paul was really a knowledgeable Jew he would know that the word “seeds” does not appear anywhere in the Jewish Scripture. 

Making an argument based on a word that never appears in Scripture is not the sign of a knowledgeable Jew. 

God says I will multiply your seed like the stars in the sky which shows that seed is not about one person. 


Genesis 22:17 I will bless you (Abraham), and I will multiply your seed (descendants) like the stars of the sky, and like the sand which is on the seashore; and your seed shall possess the gate of his enemies;  


Galatians 3:16 The promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. Scripture does not say "and to seeds," meaning many people, but "and to your seed," meaning one person, who is Christ. 


The Hebrew word seed in Scripture is like the English word sheep.

Paul changed the word of God when Paul claimed in Galatians 3:16 that the Hebrew word seed in scripture (Torah Genesis 17:7 and Genesis 22:18) means one person and therefore must be about Jesus because if it was about more than one person Scripture would have used the word seeds (however in Hebrew the word seeds does not exist meaning "seeds" never appears in Hebrew scripture). 

The reasoning of Paul is the same wrong reasoning as someone claiming that the English word sheep means one sheep because if it was about more than one sheep then the word used would be sheeps. (The word sheeps does not exist in English like the word seeds does not exist in Hebrew).

God uses Paul to test who will follow the word of God and who will follow Paul in the test described in 1 Kings 8:46 - 8:50.  


a. If Paul is quoting from a Greek translation of the Jewish Bible in a Septuagint LXX Bible it means the error is from Paul and the words of Paul are not from God as explained in 7 above in "the Septuagint LXX Bible in the time of Paul did not exist." 


b. If Paul is quoting from the Hebrew Jewish Bible it means Paul interpreted whatever he found in the Jewish Bible to mean whatever Paul wanted it to mean without concern about what the verses before or after said or what the chapter in the Jewish Bible is talking about meaning the words of Paul are not from God. 


c. The teachings in the Tanakh Jewish scripture which Jesus confirmed in the Gospel are opposite to the teachings of Paul who wrote nearly half of the letters and books in the 27 books and letters in the New Testament Christian Bible as explained in the reference below. 


d. Those who claim the Torah with the Orthodox Jews was changed are contradicting the teachings in the Torah and the teachings of Jesus in the Gospel.


Gospel of Matthew 5:18 For truly I say to you, until the sky and the earth pass away (meaning until the end of the earth), not one iota, not one serif (not a dot of one letter), will by any means pass away from the Law (in the Torah) until everything is carried out (on the Day of Judgement which is after the end of the earth). 

Note 1. The Torah is protected forever.


Gospel of Matthew 5:19 Therefore, whoever looses one of the least of these commandments (in the Torah), and teaches people the same, will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices them and teaches them, this one will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.  

Note 1. The Torah is protected forever and every generation is commanded to follow it. 


The Torah is protected because God has ordered every generation to follow it for 100,000 years meaning forever.

Torah Deuteronomy 5:10 And showing mercy to the thousandth generation of them that love Me (God) and keep My (God’s) commandments.

Note 1. In the second of the Ten Commandments of God He says those that love God shall keep His commandments.

If humans lived for 100 years then the thousandth generation of humans would be in 100,000 years.


Torah Deuteronomy 29:28 (in Jewish Tanakh or Deuteronomy 29:29 in a Christian Bible) The secret things belong to the LORD our God; but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever (for all time), so that we may do all the words of this law (Torah). 

Note 1. The Torah is protected forever. 


e. Paul and the care of animals in the Torah.

In another example Paul uses the name of God in his statement in 1 Corinthians 9:9-9:10 and the meaning of Paul is confirmed in all the verses that follow showing that the words in 1 Corinthians 9:9-9:10 stating that God is talking about humans and not about the care of animals is confirmed by everything Paul is saying in all the verses that follow meaning what Paul says in 1 Corinthians 9:9-9:10 is confirmed by the context in which it is said. 

Paul is directly claiming to tell us why God put this verse about animals in the Torah meaning for the sake of humans but he is wrong because this is one of many commands about the care of animals which is for the sake of the animals and not for the sake of humans.

God loves all his creation and God is commanding how humans are to care for animals for their sake and not for the sake of humans.

A human would not care if an ox is muzzled or not but God cares.

Paul did not care and Paul taught people not to care by claiming God is talking about humans when God is teaching humans how to care of animals. 


Paul is saying 1 Corinthians 9:9 ”Is it about oxen that God is concerned?” 

Then Paul says 1 Corinthians 9:10 Surely he says this for us, doesn’t he? Yes, this was written for us, because whoever plows and threshes should be able to do so in the hope of sharing in the harvest. 


Torah Deuteronomy 25:4 You shall not muzzle the ox when he treads out the grain. 

Instead of teaching that God commanded 1 Corinthians 9:9 for the sake of caring for animals Paul completely changes it to mean it is not about the care of animals but the care of humans which is proof Paul is not speaking words from God but only words which make sense to a man in the Greek Roman world meaning in the mind of Paul everything is about man meaning Paul is teaching people that when they see anything about animals say to your self ”Is it about oxen that God is concerned?”


f. God warned do not follow prophets who change the word of God in 1 Kings 13:14 - 1 Kings 13:24. 


g. God warned do not listen to prophets who say things about God that you and your fathers did not know meaning God was fully revealed at Mount Sinai and in the Torah in Deuteronomy 13:7 - 13:9 or Deuteronomy 13:6 - 13:8 in the Christian bible. 


h. God says the purpose of a false prophet or dreamer of dreams is a test from God to show who loves God in Deuteronomy 13:2 - 13:4.


i. God calls humans to coming together to testify their submission to God and help each other understand God and work in charity and kindness and peacemaking and be the best example of good behaviour to the peoples of the world. 


j. Respect people who have different beliefs because your belief is meaningless if you have not learned from your beliefs to behave respectfully to people who have different beliefs to yours. 

9 - 11. References.


9. Paul wrote nearly half of the letters and books in the 27 books and letters in the New Testament Bible.

The 27 books in the New Testament Christian Bible include the four Gospels. 


A. The Christian books that contradict the Jewish Bible. 

These books contradict the Jewish Bible meaning they teach or lead people to the following teachings.

a. God is a Trinity meaning God is three in one or 

b. Son of God is a real biological son of God or 

c. The only begotten Son of God is a real biological son of God or 

d. Jesus an innocent man died for the sins of humans meaning all humans are born with the original sin of Adam or 

e. Forgiveness of sin comes through faith alone.


Paul wrote nearly half of the letters and books in the 27 books and letters in the New Testament Bible.

The following 19 of the 27 books in the Christian New Testament Bible contradict the teachings of every prophet in the Jewish Bible meaning these teachings could not have come from the mouth of Jesus.


1. The book of Acts of the Apostles.

2. The book of Romans 

3. The book of First Corinthians. 

4. The book of Second Corinthians. 

5. The book of Galatians. 

6. The book of Ephesians. 

7. The book of Philippians. 

8. The book of Colossians. 

9. The book of First Thessalonians. 

10. The book of Second Thessalonians. 

11. The book of First Timothy. 

12. The book of Titus. 

13. The book of Hebrews.

14. The book of First Peter.

15. The book of Second Peter.

16. The book of First John.

17. The book of Second John.

18. The book of Jude.

19. The book of Revelation.

20. The Gospel of Barnabas (not among the 27 books in Christianity).


B. The Christian books that confirm the Jewish Bible. 

These Books confirm the Jewish Bible and the Quran meaning they contain the following teachings. 

a. God is one God meaning God is alone with no partners or

b. Son of God means servant of God or

c. The only begotten Son of God means the servant of God with supreme authority to deliver the word of God to the people in his time or

d. Sin belongs only to the person who sinned meaning humans are born with no sin or

e. Forgiveness of sin comes from the mercy of God or asking God for forgiveness and replacing bad behaviour with good behaviour.


It is possible to interpret 9 of the 27 books in the Christian New Testament Bible to agree with the above with a note that verses from the Jewish Bible which are quoted “out of context” could not have come from the mouth of Jesus meaning God has decreed that some of these Books contain human opinions which are not correct.


1. The Gospel of Matthew (interpreted in agreement with the Jewish Bible). 

2. The Gospel of Mark (interpreted in agreement with the Jewish Bible). 

3. The Gospel of Luke (interpreted in agreement with the Jewish Bible). 

4. The Gospel of John (interpreted in agreement with the Jewish Bible). 

5. The book of Second Timothy. 

6. The book of Philemon. 

7. The book of James. 

8. The book of Second John (if interpreted in agreement with the Jewish Bible).

9. The book of Third John. 


See more about the 27 books above here 




C. The teaching of Jesus and Paul are two different teachings.

Paul never met Jesus but claimed he saw Jesus in dream.


Torah Deuteronomy 13:2 If there comes in the midst of you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams and he gives you a sign or a wonder, 


Torah Deuteronomy 13:3 and the sign or the wonder happens and then he spoke to you saying: "Let us go after other gods (not the one God but a God who is “three in one”), which you have not known, and let us serve them (not the one God but a God who is “three in one”)'; 


Torah Deuteronomy 13:4 you shall not listen to the words of that prophet, or to that dreamer of dreams; for the LORD your God is testing you to know whether you love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul.


The four Gospels are confirmed by the Quran meaning the four Gospels teach “God is one” not three in one.

a. The four Gospels are four reports of what Jesus said. 


b. We do not know who wrote the four Gospels which are traditionally given the names Mark, Matthew, Luke and John however these names are not on the cover of the earliest manuscripts meaning they were added later as God decreed.


c. The four Gospels have contradictions as proof they were written by four men therefore whatever agrees with the Tanakh Jewish scripture in the four Gospel Injil came from God however whatever contradicts the Tanakh Jewish scripture in the four Gospel Injil did not come from God.


d. In the Quran God tells us the Gospel is in the hands of the Christians meaning God decreed that Christians would have the four reports of Jesus in the form of these four Gospels. 


e. Nothing in the four Gospels supports the belief in Trinity or in Original sin. These beliefs cannot be found in the four Gospels.


f. Trinity and Original Sin and the teaching that the Torah law does not apply to the Jewish people today contained in Christian teachings is opposite to what Jesus teaches in the four Gospels.


g, Misguidance in understanding the four Gospels come from letters written by Paul see the videos below.


h. What Paul says in his letters and what Jesus said in the four Gospels are two different opposite teachings. 

In the letters of Paul which are part of the New Testament Christian Bible Paul teaches that the Jews do not need to follow the Torah. 

Jesus in the Gospel teaches that the Jews must follow the Torah forever and this is the same teaching found in the Torah and it is the teaching delivered to the Jews by Moses and every other messenger and prophet in the Jewish Bible. 

The teachings in the letters of Paul and in the Gospel delivered by Jesus are opposite teachings. 

Galatians 3:13 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law (Torah) …”


Video 1. Report card on the Apostle Paul: Pass or fail? – Reply2 one for israel maoz messianic jews for jesus 



Video 2. He never met Jesus, yet Paul was Christianity’s most important convert, explains Rabbi Tovia Singer.

A. Jesus said anyone who teaches people not to follow any part of the Torah will be considered least in the kingdom of heaven and whoever teaches and follows the Torah will be called great in the kingdom of heaven in Gospel of Matthew 5:17 - 5:20.

B. Paul calls the law meaning the Torah a curse in Galatians 3:10 and Galatians 3:13 which contradicts God who has forbidden anyone adding or subtracting from the Torah in Deuteronomy 4:2 and contradicts Jesus in Gospel of Matthew 5:17 - 5:20 and Gospel of Matthew 23:1 - 23:3 where the Torah must be followed forever until the sky and the earth pass away and contradicts the messiah David who confirmed the Torah is forever in Psalm 19:8 - 19:10, Psalm 19:11 - 19:12 and Psalm 111:7 - 111:9..

C. Paul in Colossians 2:16 claims the laws of the Torah for eating kosher food and observing the Sabbath day which God commanded forever in Torah Exodus 31:13, Exodus 31:16 and Exodus 31:17 no longer apply which contradicts God in the Torah and contradicts Jesus in Gospel of Matthew 5:17 - 5:20 and Gospel of Matthew 23:1 - 23:3.

D. Paul in Galatians 5:2 claims the law of circumcision which God commanded forever in Torah Genesis 17:11 - 17:12 no longer applies (and Paul mocks circumcision in Galatians 5:12 by telling people who want to do it to castrate themselves meaning cut off their testicles) which contradicts God in the Torah and contradicts Jesus in Gospel of Matthew 5:17 - 5:20 and Gospel of Matthew 23:1 - 23:3.



i. There are many manuscripts and God decrees which are accepted by the Christian community.


j. In the same way as some verses in the Gospel have a note saying “this verse is not in the earliest manuscript” I suggest that the Christian community add notes to verses we know Jesus Isa did not say on the basis that Jesus taught the Torah meaning Jesus would not have quoted Jewish Bible verses out of context. 


k. It is not correct to teach in the Gospels the quoting of Jewish Bible verses out of context except as proof it is the opinion of men as God has decreed. Jesus the teacher would never quote Jewish Bible verses out of context.


l. It is God who decrees which manuscripts Christians accepted in the past and what they will accept in the future.


m. Since we know that misunderstandings of the Jewish Bible verses in the Gospels come from the four unknown men who wrote those Gospels then men and women in the Christian community today should consider adding notes to verses saying “this verse quotes the Jewish Bible verse out of context and Jesus who was a teacher of the Jewish Bible would not quote Jewish Bible verses out of context” as explained in j above.


n. The Christian community should add notes to all letters and books in the 27 books in the New Testament Bible which teach the opposite to what Jesus is teaching in the four Gospels by stating "this letter or book teaches the opposite to what Jesus is teaching in the four Gospels."


o. None of the above suggestions is possible unless God wills it because these are the books decreed by God for the Christian community.


p. The Quran confirms and explains the story of Prophet Jesus Isa in the four Gospels.


q. If today or in the future God willed the addition of notes showing which Tanakh Jewish Scripture verses are quoted out of context in the four Gospels and/or the addition of notes showing which letters and books in the 27 books in the New Testament Bible teach the opposite to what Jesus is teaching in the four Gospels then this would not change the fact that the Quran is confirming and explaining the story in the four Gospel Injil of Jesus Isa by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John which were in the hands of the Christians 1400 years ago and today.


r. The process by which the word of God is separated from other words is made known by adding footnotes which is a comment about a verse.

There are many different publishers of the four Gospels and examples of later additions that were made to the Gospels which are still in some Gospels today or have been removed in some Gospels today or are made known by adding a footnote to a verse in some Gospels today show the process by which the word of God is separated from other words for example in the following verses. 


1. Gospel of Mark 16:9 – 16:20 is the story of people meeting Jesus after the crucifixion.

The original Gospel of Mark ends at Gospel of Mark 16:8.

Gospel of Mark 16:9 – 16:20 is not in the earliest manuscript meaning it was added later by an unknown person.



2. Gospel of Luke 23:34 (Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do) And they parted his raiment, and cast lots.

“This portion (in brackets) of the verse does not occur in the oldest papyrus manuscript of Luke and in other early Greek manuscripts and ancient versions of wide geographical distribution” according to the US conference of Catholic Bishops New American Bible Revised Edition (NABRE) 2011 meaning it was added later by an unknown person. 



3. Gospel of John 7:53 – 8:11 is the story of the adulterous woman who is brought in front of Jesus.

Gospel of John 7:53 – 8:11 is not in earliest manuscript.

“The story of the woman caught in adultery is a later insertion here, missing from all early Greek manuscripts” according to the US conference of Catholic Bishops New American Bible Revised Edition (NABRE) 2011 meaning it was added later by an unknown person. 

Even though it is known to be a later insertion the Catholic Church accepts this passage as canonical scripture meaning it is understood as writing that is inspired by God. 



s. The word of God in the Gospel. 

Jesus said the Tanakh Jewish Scripture will never change in Gospel of Matthew 5:17 - 5:20 and is with the Pharisees meaning the Orthodox Jews who must be obeyed by the Jewish people in Gospel of Matthew 23:1 - 23:3 

Therefore no one can change the word of God in the Gospel means if everything in the Gospel that contradicts the word of God in the Tanakh Jewish scripture is indicated by a footnote in the Gospel or removed from the Gospel then what is remaining is the word of God. 

No one changed the word of God for the person who correctly understands the word of God in the Tanakh which makes clear the word of God in the Gospel. 

The word of God changes for the person who incorrectly understands the word of God in the Tanakh Jewish Scripture and makes that wrong understanding agree with words in the Gospel that are contradicting the teachings in the Tanakh Jewish Scripture. 


t. Jesus was a teacher of the Tanakh Jewish Scripture meaning anything that contradicts Jewish Scripture did not come from Prophet Jesus.


Example 1. The claim Jesus descended from King David. 

In Judaism tribe is not inherited from the female so the genealogy of Mary cannot be passed on to Jesus.

In Judaism only religion is inherited through the female meaning Jesus is Jewish because Mary is Jewish. 

In Judaism tribe is not inherited through adoption but is inherited from the biological father. 

In Judaism Jesus is not descendant from a tribe such as King David because Jesus has no biological father through which tribe is inherited. 


Torah Numbers 1:18 And they assembled all the congregation together on the first day of the second month, and they declared their pedigrees after their families (to trace their genealogy to a tribe), by their fathers' houses, according to the number of names, each one from twenty years old and upward.  

Note 1. Jesus came from a virgin birth meaning Jesus had no biological father meaning Jesus was born as a Jew without tribal inheritance because he had no biological father meaning Jesus has no biological connection to King David. 

Note 2. In Judaism tribe is inherited only through the biological father and not through a mother like Mary or through a non-biological adopted father like Joseph.

Note 3. In Judaism tribe cannot be chosen but is inherited through the biological father.


Psalm 132:11 The Lord (God) has sworn to David in truth, from which He (God) will never turn back (meaning God will never change His mind in the matter of the following decree), "Of the fruit of your body (meaning from the biological descendants of King David) I (God) shall seat on your (King David’s) throne.

Note 1. The promise of God which will never be cancelled is that from the messiah (anointed) King David Dawud will descend a king on the throne of David biologically from “the fruit of your body.” 


Psalm 132:12 If your children keep My covenant (the Torah Taurat) and My testimony that I (God) shall teach them, their children also forever shall sit on your throne.” 

Note 1. The promise that will never be cancelled in Psalm 132:11 given by God to the messiah (anointed) King David Dawud that is passed to his biological descendants forever is that they shall sit with the authority of David on the throne of David. 


2 Samuel 7:12 When your (David Dawud) days are fulfilled, and you shall sleep with your fathers, I (God) will set up your seed after you, that shall proceed out of your body, and I will establish his kingdom. 

Note 1. The biological seed God set up after messiah David is messiah Solomon meaning the throne of David is through the children who descend from messiah David and the seed where God said “I (God) will set up your seed after you” which is messiah Solomon because Solomon is the seed after David who God set up as the seed after David on the throne of David as promised in 2 Samuel 7:12 -.2 Samuel 7:13. 


2 Samuel 7:13 He (Solomon Sulaiman) shall build a house (the First Temple) for My name, and I will establish the throne of his (Solomon’s Sulaiman’s) kingdom for ever. 

Note 1. The promise that will never be cancelled in Psalm 132:11 - 132:12 given to the biological descendants of messiah (anointed) King David Dawud that is passed to his seed that God set up in 2 Samuel 7:12 is forever in 2 Samuel 7:13 meaning biological descendants to the throne of messiah David Dawud through messiah Solomon Sulaiman which God set up is a promise that will be honoured by God forever meaning God will never change this promise.


2 Samuel 7:14 I (God) will be to him (the messiah anointed King Solomon Sulaiman) for a father, and he (the messiah anointed King Solomon Sulaiman) shall be to Me (God) for a son; if he (the messiah anointed King Solomon Sulaiman) commit wrong doing, I (God) will punish him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the children of men; 

Note 1. The messiah anointed King Solomon Sulaiman is the son of God means the servant of God. 

Note 2. God will be his father and the messiah anointed King Solomon Sulaiman will be His son meaning God's servant.

Note 3. If the messiah does wrong then God will punish him like a father punishes his son.

Note 4. The messiah anointed King David Dawud is the son of God means the servant of God. 

Note 5. God will be his father and the messiah anointed King David Dawud will be His son meaning God's servant.

Note 6. If the messiah does wrong then God will punish him like a father punishes his son.

Note 7. Every messiah is the son of God meaning the servant of God. 

Note 8. God will be his father and the messiah will be His son meaning God's servant.

Note 9. If the messiah does wrong then God will punish him like a father punishes his son.


2 Samuel 7:16 And your house (the house of David Dawud) and your kingdom (in Israel) shall be made sure for ever (for all time) before you; your throne (authority) shall be established for ever (for all time).


2 Samuel 7:17 According to all these words, and according to all this vision, so did Prophet Nathan speak to King David. 

Note 1. The promise of biological descendants from King David Dawud through King Solomon is for ever meaning for all time.

Note 2. Jesus is not the messiah mentioned in the Tanakh Jewish Scripture because Jesus had no biological father therefore Jesus was a prophet and messiah 2000 years ago like the prophets and messiahs before him meaning Jesus had no relationship to King David because Jesus had no biological father through which tribe is inherited and because the tribe of a son cannot be changed or inherited by adoption. 

Note 3. Orthodox Jews know that tribe is inherited from the biological father and cannot be inherited from an adopted non-biological father like Joseph meaning all stories that claim Jews called Jesus “the son of David” or claims that "Jesus descended from King David” could not be true because they contradict what Jesus was teaching which was the Tanakh Jewish Scripture which Jesus said will never change in Gospel of Matthew 5:17 - 5:20 and is with the Pharisees Orthodox Jews who must be obeyed by the Jewish people in Gospel of Matthew 23:1 - 23:3.


Example 2. The claim Jesus died for the sins of man and therefore there will be no more sacrifices. 

When the time of the third temple comes there will be sacrifices for unintentional sin meaning Jesus did not die for anyone’s sin otherwise sacrifices would not be needed in the time of the third temple.

In the third Temple “the prince” “the messiah” who will be a descendant of King David Dawud will make a sin offering for himself and for the children of Israel and these sacrifices will continue meaning Jesus did not remove any sins by his death. 

Unused ancient Jewish floor plans for the third and final Temple are found in Ezekiel chapters 40 – 47 where the following is revealed to Ezekiel from God.


Ezekiel 45:22 And the prince (“the messiah” who will be a descendant of King David Dawud) shall make on that day for himself and for all the people of Israel a bull for a sin-offering. 

Note 1. The messiah will make sacrifices for himself and for the people. This is not as a memorial of the past but the full implementation of the sacrificial service when the third temple is establish by God.


Ezekiel 45:23 On the seven days of the Festival he (“the prince” “the messiah” who will be a descendant of King David Dawud) shall make a burnt-offering to the Lord (God), seven bulls and seven rams without blemish daily for seven days, and a sin offering, a he-goat daily. 

Note 1. The messiah will make sacrifices for himself and for the people. This is not as a memorial of the past but the full implementation of the sacrificial service when the third temple is establish by God.


Ezekiel 45:24 And a meal-offering, he (“the prince” “the messiah” who will be a descendant of King David Dawud) shall make an ephah for a bull and an ephah for a ram, and for each ephah one hin of oil. 

Note 1. The messiah will make sacrifices for himself and for the people. This is not as a memorial of the past but the full implementation of the sacrificial service when the third temple is establish by God.


Ezekiel 45:25 In the seventh (month) on the fifteenth day of the month on the Festival, he (“the prince” “the messiah” who will be a descendant of King David Dawud) shall do the same for seven days, a similar sin offering, a similar burnt-offering, a similar meal-offering and similar oil. 

Note 1. The messiah will make sacrifices for himself and for the people. This is not as a memorial of the past but the full implementation of the sacrificial service when the third temple is establish by God.


Ezekiel 18:20 The soul that sinned, it shall die (a never ending death in Hell fire); the son shall not bear the wrongdoing of the father with him (meaning sin only belongs to the person who sinned meaning there is no original sin from the time of Adam which is passed on to future generations), neither shall the father bear the wrongdoing of the son with him (meaning sin only belongs to the person who sinned meaning there is no original sin from the time of Adam which is passed on to future generations); the righteousness of the righteous shall be on him (the righteous doer), and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him (the wicked doer). 

Note 1. Sin was not removed by the death of Jesus and this is confirmed by the sacrifices that will be resumed when the third temple is establish by God meaning anyone who claimed “the death of Jesus removed human sin” contradicts what Jesus was teaching which was the Tanakh Jewish Scripture which Jesus said will never change in Gospel of Matthew 5:17 - 5:20 and is with the Pharisees Orthodox Jews who must be obeyed by the Jewish people in Gospel of Matthew 23:1 - 23:3.


Video. What will the Messiah do in the Third Temple? Rabbi Tovia Singer’s answer might surprise you. 

Unused ancient Jewish floor plans for the third and final Temple are found in chapters 40 – 47 of the Book of Ezekiel. In order to grasp the prophet’s multi-layer image of the End of Days, Rabbi Singer explores a provocative prophecy that you are unlikely to hear about in church. 



See more about the third temple here:

The 13 pillars of Jewish faith explained by the Quran.



u. Understanding what is from God and what is not from God.

Helping Christians understand what Jesus taught and what Jesus did not teach in the Gospel.

In Christianity the claim that Jesus with a virgin birth descended from King David contradict the Tanakh Jewish Scripture because Jesus had no biological father and tribal inheritance cannot be inherited through a mother like Mary or through a non-biological adopted father like Joseph. 


Jews and Muslims can help Christians to find all invented stories about Jesus meaning those that contradict the Tanakh Jewish Scripture so that we know what Jesus said which is everything confirming the Tanakh and what Jesus did not say which is everything contradicting the Tanakh.


In Islam the Quran does not claim Jesus descended from King David and therefore the virgin birth in Islam where Jesus does not descend from King David does not contradict the Tanakh Jewish Scripture. 

The Quran does not claim Jesus descended from King David or that Jesus died for the sins of people or that Jesus is a Trinity with God because these beliefs contradict the Tanakh Jewish Scripture which Jesus said will never change in Gospel of Matthew 5:17 - 5:20 and is with the Pharisees meaning the Orthodox Jews who must be obeyed by the Jewish people in Gospel of Matthew 23:1 - 23:3.

In Islam Jesus is a prophet and messiah like the prophets and messiahs who came before him. 


Quran 3:64 Koran 3:64 Say, “O People of the Scripture (the Jews and the Christians) let us come to an agreement between you and us (Muslims), that we shall worship no one but God, and that we shall ascribe no partner to Him (meaning, there is only one God, we pray only to our creator the one God and no one else, not to sons, not to saints, not to any idol), and that none of us shall take others for Lords instead of God.” And if they turn away, then say, “Bear witness that we are Muslims (meaning we submit, in relation to submit to the will of God).

Note 1. The call for Jews and Muslims and Christians and all humans to voluntarily come together in each generation and help each other to understand God. 


v. Jews can help Christians understand Jesus. 

Jews can help Christians identify verses in the Tanakh which are quoted out of context in Gospel stories meaning such quotations could not have come from Jesus who was a teacher of the Tanakh which Jesus said will never change in Gospel of Matthew 5:17 - 5:20 and is with the Pharisees meaning the Orthodox Jews who must be obeyed by the Jewish people in Gospel of Matthew 23:1 - 23:3


w. Muslims can help Christians understand Jesus. 

Muslims can help Christians understand what Jesus said in the Gospel which are everything that is confirmed by the Tanakh Jewish Scriptures and the Quran and what Jesus did not say which are everything that contradicts the Tanakh Jewish Scriptures and the Quran. 

In the Quran God saved Jesus with sleep on the cross confirming the Gospel report that Jesus rose up 3 days later to continue his life teaching people that “God is my God and your God” meaning God is my Lord and your Lord and “God is my father and your father” meaning God is my creator and your creator until his natural death. 


x. The Quran explains the story of Jesus contained in the four Gospels that are with Christians today in a way that does not contradict the Tanakh which Jesus told his people to follow forever in Gospel of Matthew 5:17 - 5:20 and Gospel of Matthew 23:1 - 23:3.


X-1. The Quran explains Jesus is a human who lived and died like every human before him explaining what is with the Christians today in their Gospel above in 4. All the nations of the world will be blessed in Genesis 22:18 through the teachings that are with the children of Israel. 

See 4-2. Before the crucifixion Jesus said he is not God.

See 4-3. During the crucifixion Jesus said he is not God. 

See 4-4. After the crucifixion Jesus said he is not God. 


X-2. The Quran explains how God saved the life of Jesus on the cross in the story of Jesus which is with the Christians today in their Gospel as follows. 

Three days after the crucifixion Jesus told Mary Magdalene to tell all the disciples that Jesus did not die on the cross in Gospel of John 20:17 “I have not yet ascended to the Father” meaning God saved the life of Jesus on the cross with a miracle which made people think Jesus was dead on the cross in the same way God made people believe a sleeping person was dead in Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24 and Gospel of Luke 8:52.

The soul of every human ascends to God during sleep and when they die (Quran 39:42).

When Jesus says I (Jesus) have not yet ascended to the Father (God) Jesus is not talking about sleep because every human ascends to God every night during sleep therefore the meaning is Jesus has not yet died meaning God saved the life of Jesus on the cross with sleep (Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24, Gospel of Luke 8:52, Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42) meaning Jesus did not die on the cross with death but was saved on the cross with sleep which looked like Jesus was dead and in this way God saved the life of Jesus meaning no one killed Jesus (Gospel of Luke 8:54 – 8:55 and Quran 39:42) meaning no one crucified Jesus to death (Quran 4:157) meaning Jesus was not sacrificed but was saved from death with sleep in Quran 4:158 and Quran 39:42 for the same reason God saved the son of Abraham from death in a test of the faith in God of Abraham and Jesus.

When Jesus says "I (Jesus) am ascending to my Father (God) and your Father (God)" it means Jesus will die like every human dies meaning Jesus died a natural death at the end of his life 2000 years ago (Quran 3:144 and Quran 5:75) as proof Jesus is human and as proof Jesus is not God.


Gospel of John 20:17 Jesus says to her (Mary Magdalene), "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father (God); but go to my brothers (my disciples), and tell them: 'I am ascending to my Father and your Father; to my God and your God.'"

Note 1. After the crucifixion Jesus says do not hold on to me to see if I am really alive, I have not yet ascended to my Father meaning I am not yet dead meaning I am really alive meaning I am not a ghost.


X-3. The Quran confirms the message delivered by Jesus was the same message delivered by every messenger before him explaining what is with the Christians today in their Gospel above in 4. All the nations of the world will be blessed in Genesis 22:18 through the teachings that are with the children of Israel.  

See 4-5. Jesus taught God is one God.

See 4-6. Jesus said “God is one God” not a two in one God or a three in one God. 

See 4-7. The Gospels teach God is one God not three in one. 


X-4. The Quran confirms that the second coming of Prophet Jesus Isa is on the Day of Resurrection which is the second coming of all humans and is with the Christians today in their Gospel as follows.

Gospel of Mark 13:5 (Jesus Isa foretold what will happen in future after Jesus Isa has left the Earth) and Jesus Isa proceeded to tell them, "See that no one misleads you.


Gospel of Mark 13:6 Many will come in my name (Jesus Isa), saying, 'I am He (Jesus Isa),' and they will deceive many.


Gospel of Mark 13:21 And at that time (when people will claim to be Jesus Isa), if anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the Messiah (Jesus Isa)' or, 'Look, there (is the messiah Jesus Isa)!' do not believe it.


Gospel of Mark 13:22 For false Messiahs and false prophets will appear, and they will do signs and miracles, trying to deceive, if possible, the elect (the righteous).


Gospel of Mark 13:23 But you, you be watchful; I (Jesus Isa) have told you everything ahead of time (before it happens).

Note 1. Jesus says he has revealed everything about him and what will happen in the future before he leaves the Earth.. 


X-5. The Quran confirms the Good News about life after death which was also delivered to the Jews in the Tanakh that is in their hands and to the Christians in the Gospel that is in their hands.  

Video 1. Jesus is not the way! Rabbi Tovia Singer slams Church for erecting a barrier between man and God.

The teachings by some in Christianity about Jesus did not come from Judaism but from the Greek Roman world of idol worship as seen when humans pray to Jesus and Mary and dead human saints instead of praying direct to God as taught by every prophet in the Jewish Scriptures. 

Jesus prayed to God in all the four Gospels in the same way as all the Jews in his time all prayed directly to God.



Video 2. Was Paul a Rabbi, an ignoramus, or a charlatan? Rabbi Tovia Singer responds. 

(Paul’s claim in Galatians 3:16 about the “seed” and “seeds” of Abraham in Torah Genesis 17:7 - 17:8 is discussed 8 minutes and 15 seconds into this video 8:15 and show Paul’s poor understanding of both Hebrew and the Torah). 



Video 3. Paul corrupted the Hebrew Scriptures and could not have been a Pharisee, explains Rabbi Tovia Singer. 

(Paul’s lack of knowledge in 1 Corinthians 9:9 - 9:10 on the treatment of animals in Torah Deuteronomy 25:4 is discussed 7 minutes 55 seconds into this video 7:55).



Video 4. Rabbi Tovia Singer responds to Christians who argue that Jesus is the Creator of the universe. 

At 4 minutes 25 seconds 4:25 see Galatians 3:15 - 3:17 says does not a new covenant cancel an earlier covenant? Paul says yes but the answer is no because God never changes His word meaning every everlasting covenant is fulfilled as God has promised to fulfill it. God does not make an everlasting covenant and then cancel it. God can make new covenants but this does not cancel an earlier everlasting covenant. God does not change His promises and His agreements.

At 9 minutes 20 seconds 9:20 see what is wrong with Christianity according to Judaism?



Video 5. Judaism and Christianity on salvation: Rabbi Tovia Singer explains why Paul corrupted Scripture. 

(At 4 minutes and 30 seconds 4:30 Paul takes Deuteronomy 30:11 - 30:14 where God says you can do the Torah laws and Paul says no one can do the Torah laws because of what came to be called “Original Sin.” In Roman 10:6 - 10:8 Paul removes the last words of God about the Torah law “you can do it”).



Video 6. ‘Hebrew-Roots’ caller presses Rabbi Tovia Singer to explain Psalm 110 and Isaiah 53 live on air!

At 12 minutes 50 seconds 12:50 is 2 Chronicles 30:11 - 30:12 some from the northern kingdom of Israel who were faithful to God came to Jerusalem. Hosea 2:25 is misquoted by Paul who applies “not my people” to non-Jews instead of the exiled of the northern kingdom of Israel in Romans 9:25 - 9:26. 

At 22 minutes 45 seconds 22:45 Psalm 110. In Christian Bible Psalm 110:1 My Lord said to my Lord …” but in the Jewish Scripture Psalm 110:1 (In the Temple was sung these words) My Lord (God) said to my lord (master meaning King David) …” is one example of how some translations of the Old Testament wrongly translate the Jewish Scriptures. 

At 27 minutes 30 seconds 27:30 is Isaiah 52 and Isaiah 53.

At 33 minutes 05 seconds 33:05 is Isaiah 43:5 - 43:6 the gathering of the exiles. 

At 34 minutes 35 seconds 34:35 is Isaiah 53:10 the guilt offering.



Video 7. New Testament claims God will not forgive sin without a sacrifice; Rabbi Tovia Singer proves Paul is wrong!



Video 8. Salvation and Redemption A Jewish Perspective. NetivOnline.

(At 4 minutes 40 seconds and 21 minutes 00 seconds 4:49 and 21:00 are the 70 sacrifices in the Jewish Temple offered on behalf of the 70 nations of the world to seek atonement so that the world will merit rain in the coming year.

At 10 minutes 00 seconds 10:00 in the time of Moses all nations worshipped through sacrifice so God allowed sacrifice to be a worship of Him only to move the children of Israel away from the idol worship which was around them. Sacrifice was not commanded by God but was allowed by God.

At 14 minutes 30 seconds 14:30 sacrifices were a free will offering.

At 32 minutes 00 seconds 32:00 the Jewish Bible Tanakh compared to the Christian New Testament Bible.

At 51 minutes 45 seconds 51:45 the Messiah Moshiach in the Jewish Bible Tanakh. Isaiah 45:1 is Cyrus the anointed. Messiah or anointed one? Daniel 9:25 is an “anointed Prince” and ends with the Hebrew semicolon to show this sentence ends. Daniel 9:26 is an “anointed one.” Daniel 9:25 and Daniel 9:26 are two different people in two different times.

At 1 hour 06 minutes and 15 seconds 1:06:15 is Isaiah 53 where the suffering servant is Israel as seen in Isaiah 49:1 - 49:8. Isaiah 49:6 “... I will also give you for a light of the nations, that My salvation may be to the end of the earth” meaning through the light of the Torah which is with the children of Israel the salvation of God will come to all the world. The four servant songs of Isaiah are Isaiah 42:1 - 42:4, Isaiah 49:1 - 49:6, Isaiah 50:4 - 50:9 and Isaiah 52:13 - 53:12.

At 1 hour 22 minutes 55 seconds 1:22:55 is Isaiah 53:7 in Psalm 44:11 - 44:12, Isaiah 53:7 “land of the living” is an idiom for the land of Israel as seen in Jeremiah 11:19 and Psalm 52:7, Isaiah 53:8 - 53:9). 



Video 9. How to respond to Christians who argue that Jesus Is God! Rabbi Tovia Singer shows Indonesians.



Video 10. Original Sin (Adam and Eve).



Video 11. Why didn’t Daniel’s famed prophecy prove that Jesus was not the Messiah? 

Rabbi Tovia Singer responds. Daniel 9:24 - 9:27 and why the Jewish people rejected the message of Paul in 50 CE.



Video 12. Did Christians find the Trinity in God's name? Rabbi Tovia Singer responds to missionary claim. 

Elohim is plural meaning all the powers in creation come from the one God and Elohim can also mean false gods.



Video 13. Did the early Jews Believe In a Triune God? Rabbi Tovia slams pastor John Piper. 

Progressive revelation.



Video 14. Sparks fly when 'believer in Yeshua' confronts Rabbi Tovia Singer at lecture in Jerusalem! 

(What is the Septuagint? Was the Jewish Bible changed? Psalm 22:17 is Psalm 22:16 in the Christian Bible “pierced my hands and feet” or “like a lion they are at my hands and feet” How later Christians followed the example of earlier Christians to give verses in the Jewish Bible new meanings. How later Christians gave new meanings to verses in the Jewish Bible never mentioned by earlier Christians in the New Testament Bible. How later Christians changed verses in the Jewish Bible like earlier Christians changed verses in the Jewish Bible).



Video 15. Christians don't believe in Three Gods or do they? Rabbi Tovia Singer Explains.

At 1 hour 18 minutes 40 seconds 1:18:40 what is the reason for the difference in chapter breaks and verse numbers in the Tanakh Jewish Scripture and the Christian produced Old Testament Bible.



Video 16. Is blood needed for the remission of sins? Rabbi Tovia Singer explains. 

At 5 minutes 10 seconds 05:10 How does God remove sin? 

Why did the Jews bring animal sacrifices? 



Video 17. Christian audience member confronts Rabbi Tovia Singer: Christian god of Love vs Jewish god of Anger.



See 1. Paul questions and answers.  

See 2. New Testament Bible questions and answers.

Questions and answers 1 https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel  

Questions and answers 2 https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel/questions-and-answers-2   

Questions and answers 3 https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel/questions-and-answers-3  


D. Conclusion.

Whatever agrees with the Tanakh Jewish scripture in the four Gospel Injil came from God however whatever contradicts the Tanakh Jewish scripture in the four Gospel Injil did not come from God.


In Judaism tribe is not inherited from the female so the genealogy of Mary is not the tribe inherited by Jesus.

In Judaism only religion is passed through the female meaning Jesus is Jewish because Mary is Jewish. 

In Judaism the tribe inherited by a son like Jesus cannot come from adoption by a non-biological father such as Joseph because inheritance of tribe is only through the biological father.

In Judaism Jesus is not descendant from a tribe such as King David because Jesus has no biological father through which tribe is inherited.


Jesus was a teacher of the Tanakh Jewish Scripture meaning nothing said by Jesus would have contradicted the Tanakh meaning everything Jesus said would have confirmed the teaching of every messenger of God in the Tanakh.

Therefore whatever contradicts with the Tanakh did not come from the mouth of Jesus.


The Jewish people can help Christians identify stories which agree with teachings in the Tanakh Jewish Scripture and teachings that could not have come from Jesus because they contradict the teachings in the Tanakh


Since Jesus has no biological father Jesus has no connection to King David meaning all efforts to connect Jesus to King David came from unknown people who wrote the four Gospels after the death of Jesus.

The original four Gospel manuscripts had no name meaning they were named Mark, Matthew, Luke and John after the death of the original unknown authors by other unknown people.


The task today is to find all invented stories meaning those that contradict the Tanakh Jewish Scripture so that we know what Jesus said which is everything confirming the teachings in the Tanakh and what Jesus did not say which is everything contradicting the Tanakh.


Christians can also find help from the Muslim community where Jesus the messiah has no connection to King David meaning in Islam the belief in the virgin birth does not contradict the teachings in the Tanakh Jewish Scripture where the messiah mentioned is a biological descendant of King David because in Islam Jesus is a prophet and a messiah like the prophets and messiahs who came before him. 


10. The invention of Progressive Revelation contradicts the word of God not to add or subtract commandments from the Torah meaning nothing is missing and nothing is to be added to the Torah.

Progressive Revelation is an invention for replacing the teachings of Jesus which are the Jewish Scriptures with teachings in letters and books outside the Gospels that are opposite to the teachings in the Tanakh Jewish Scripture which Jesus taught.


Gospel of Matthew 5:17 Do not think that I (Prophet Jesus) have come to abolish the law (the Torah Taurat) and the prophets (because another comforter shall come after me in the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, 16:7 – 16:15); I have come not to abolish them (the laws of the Torah Taurat and the prophets) but to fulfill them (to fulfill the laws and the prophecies).  

Note 1. The Torah Taurat is protected forever.


Gospel of Matthew 5:18 For truly I say to you, until the sky and the earth pass away (meaning until the end of the earth), not one iota, not one serif (not a dot of one letter), will by any means pass away from the Law (in the Torah) until everything is carried out (on the Day of Judgement which is after the end of the earth). 

Note 1. The Torah Taurat is protected forever. 


Gospel of Matthew 5:19 Therefore, whoever looses one of the least of these commandments (in the Torah), and teaches people the same, will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices them and teaches them, this one will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.  

Note 1. The Torah Taurat is protected forever.


Gospel of Matthew 5:20 For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Torah scholars and Pharisees (meaning unless you use religion to serve God and to serve other humans instead of using the name of God to gain attention for yourself or for your pride or for your arrogance), you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.

Note 1. There is a difference between the righteous Torah scholars (students of the Torah) and righteous Pharisees (orthodox Jews who followed the Torah and the oral law) and the Torah scholars and Pharisees who were arrogantly using the name of God for their pride to gain attention for themselves. 


Torah Deuteronomy 13:1 (in Jewish Tanakh or Deuteronomy 12:32 in a Christian Bible) All this word which I (God) command you, to do and to observe; you shall not add to it nor subtract from it. 


Torah Deuteronomy 5:10 - And showing mercy to the thousandth generation of them that love Me (God) and keep My (God’s) commandments. 

Note 1. God promises to protect the Torah for every Jewish generation by commanding the Jewish people to keep following the Torah for 100,000 years in Torah Deuteronomy 5:10. 

The Third commandment of God says to the children of Israel that those that love God shall keep these commandments to the thousandth generation. 

If humans lived for 100 years then the thousandth generation of humans would be in 100,000 years. 

The order to follow the Torah for 100,000 years means God is protecting the Torah forever as explained in Torah Deuteronomy 29:28 in Jewish Tanakh or Deuteronomy 29:29 in a Christian Bible..


Torah Deuteronomy 29:28 (in Jewish Tanakh or Deuteronomy 29:29 in a Christian Bible) The secret things belong to the LORD our God; but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever (for all time), so that we may do all the words of this law (Torah). 


Zabur Psalm 19:8 The law of the LORD (God in the Torah) is perfect, restoring the soul; the testimony of the LORD (God) is trustworthy, giving wisdom (to) the simple (people).


Psalm 19:9 The guidelines of the LORD (God) are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the LORD (God) is pure, enlightening the eyes. 


Psalm 19:10 The fear of the LORD (God) is pure, enduring for ever; the judgements of the LORD (God) are completely true and righteous;

Note 1. Quran 6:115 Koran 6:115 The Word of your Lord (God) is fulfilled in truth and justice. No one can change His (God’s) Words. He (God) hears and knows (all things).


Psalm 19:11 More to be desired are they (the commandments of God in the Torah law) than gold, yes (they are) much finer than gold and also sweeter than honey and the honeycomb.


Psalm 19:12 Moreover by them (the Torah law) is Your (God’s) servant warned (to fear God and avoid evil) and in keeping them (the commandments of God in the Torah law) there is great reward (of Paradise in the hereafter and love from God).


Psalm 111:7 The works of His (God’s) hands are truth and justice; all His (God’s) commandments are sure. 


Psalm 111:8 They are established forever and ever (for all time), they are done in truth and uprightness. 


Psalm 111:9 He (God) has sent redemption (salvation from sin) to His people (the children of Israel); He has commanded His covenant forever (for all time); Holy and awesome is His (God’s) name.  


Tanakh Jewish scripture Ecclesiastes 7:20 For there is not a righteous man on earth, who continually does good and who never sins (meaning even the good person sometimes makes mistakes because only God makes no mistakes). 

Note 1. A righteous man sins many times but he is righteous because he corrects himself and returns to righteous behaviour. 


Proverbs 24:16 For though the righteous person falls seven times, he will arise (and return to righteous behaviour), but the wicked stumble under adversity (and return to wicked behaviour).

Note 1. Righteous people make mistakes but they are righteous because they return to righteous behaviour. 

Note 2. Righteous people learn from their mistakes to do good behaviour. 

Wicked people learn from their mistakes to do wicked behaviour. 


Ezekiel 18:21 But if the wicked turn from all his sins that he has committed, and keep all My commandments, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall surely live (in Paradise), he shall not die (a never ending death in Hell fire).  

Note 1. See Ecclesiastes 7:20 and Proverbs 24:16 above for the meaning of a righteous person who "keeps all the commandments" of God. 


Ezekiel 18:22 None of his transgressions (wrong doing) that he has committed shall be remembered against him; for his righteousness that he has done he shall live (in Paradise). 

Note 1. Salvation comes by turning to God for forgiveness by abandoning wicked behaviour and replacing it with righteous behaviour. 

Note 2. God does not want a blood sacrifice instead God wants humans to replace wicked behaviour with righteous behaviour.  


Ezekiel 18:23 Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die (a never ending death in Hell fire)? said the Lord GOD; and not rather that he should return from his ways (of wicked behaviour), and live (in Paradise)? 

Note 1. God offers Paradise to everyone who abandons bad behaviour and replaces it with good behaviour because God has no pleasure in sending anyone to Hell fire. 


Hosea 6:6 For I (God) desire mercy, and not sacrifice, and the knowledge of God rather than burnt-offerings. 

Note 1. God does not want blood sacrifices. 


Hosea 14:2 (in Tanakh or Hosea 14:1 in Christian bible) Return, O (children of) Israel, to the LORD your God for you have stumbled in your wrong doing.  


Hosea 14:3 (in Tanakh or Hosea 14:2 in Christian bible) Take with you words (of prayer to God), and return to the LORD; say to Him (God), “Forgive all (our) wrongdoing, and accept that which is good (from our good deeds in Ezekiel 18:20 – 18:23); so will we give for bullocks (sacrifice) the offering of our lips (meaning instead of offering the blood sacrifice of bullocks God tells us the forgiveness of sin comes from the offering of the lips meaning ask God for forgiveness and replace bad behaviour with good behaviour in Micah 6:6 – 6:8). 


Micah 6:6 'With what shall I come before the LORD and bow myself before the most high God? Shall I come before Him with burnt-offerings, with one year old calves? 

Note 1. God does not want blood sacrifices. 


Micah 6:7 Will the LORD be pleased with thousands of rams (as a sacrifice) and ten thousand rivers of oil? Shall I give my first-born (child as a sacrifice) for my wrongdoing, (my first-born who is) the fruit of my body for the sin (the wrongdoing) of my soul?' 

Note 1. God does not want blood sacrifices. 


Micah 6:8 It has been told to you O man, what is good and what the LORD does require of you: only to do justice, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God (in Ezekiel 18:20 – 18:23 and Hosea 6:6, Hosea 14:2 – 14:3 and 1 Kings 8:46 – 8:50 meaning the forgiveness of sin comes not from sacrifice but from asking God for forgiveness and replacing bad behaviour with good behaviour).  


Video 1. Did the early Jews believe In a Triune God? Rabbi Tovia slams pastor John Piper. 

Progressive revelation 



11. Jesus and Paul and the Torah. 

11-1. If Jesus is “begotten from the father (God)” does that mean no one is like Jesus? 

Jesus said “God is my father and your father” meaning Jesus is teaching that it does not matter if you were born like Adam without a mother/father or if you were born like Moses with both a mother/father or if you were born like Jesus with a mother. 

Jesus is saying everyone has the same father (“God is my father and your father”) meaning every creation comes from God the father because without God the human called Adam and Moses and Jesus “can do nothing on their own that does not come from God” meaning all these people are the creations of God meaning God is the father of every creation because without God none of these people would exist. 

This means everyone is “the son of God” because no one can exist without God (“God is my father and your father”) showing that “son of God” means nothing but “servant of God.” 

The “only begotten son” means the servant of God with supreme authority to speak “in the name of God” which was Jesus 2000 years ago. 

Moses was the “only begotten son” meaning the servant of God with supreme authority to speak “in the name of God” 3200 years ago. 

See 4-7. The Gospels teach God is one God not three in one. 


11-2. Why do Jews disbelieve Paul? 

The reason Jews reject Paul is because Paul contradicts what God is teaching in the Torah. 

Paul did not understand that God in the Torah tells humans through God’s commands how humans are to care for animals meaning Paul’s words are not from God because instead of teaching the commandments of God on how to care for animals Paul mocks God by saying in 1 Corinthians 9:9-10 ”Is it about oxen that God is concerned?

This shows Paul does not understand that the Torah is full of commands from God that teach humans how to care for animals. 

Paul had no deep regard for the treatment of animals and that is why Paul said in 1 Corinthians 9:9-10 ”Is it about oxen that God is concerned?” 

God in the mind of Paul would never waste time talking about how to care for animals because people in the Roman Empire did not think deeply about the care of animals however the Jews who followed the Torah laws did because the commandments of God in the Torah teaches humans how to care for themselves and for animals. 

This shows that what Paul teaches and what God teaches are two different things. 


The following is from Judaism 101 treatment of animals http://www.jewfaq.org/animals.htm  

Under Jewish law, animals have some of the same rights as humans do. 

Animals rest on Sabbath, as humans do in Torah Exodus 20:10. 

It is forbidden to muzzle an ox to prevent it from eating while it is working in the field in Torah Deuteronomy 25:4, just as humans must allow human workers to eat from the produce they are harvesting in Torah Deuteronomy 23:25-26. 

Animals can partake of the produce from fields lying fallow during the sabbatical year in Torah Exodus 23:11. 

Several commandments demonstrate concern for the physical or psychological suffering of animals. 

Humans may not plow a field using animals of different species in Torah Deuteronomy 22:10 because this would be a hardship to the animals. 

Humans are required to relieve an animal of its burden, even if they do not like its owner, do not know its owner, or even if it is owner-less in Torah Exodus 23:5 and Torah Deuteronomy 22:4. 

Humans are not permitted to kill an animal in the same day as its young in Torah Leviticus 22:28, and are specifically commanded to send away a mother bird when taking the eggs in Torah Deuteronomy 22:6-7, because of the psychological distress this would cause the animal. 

In fact, the Torah specifically says that a person who sends away the mother bird will be rewarded with long life, precisely the same reward that is given for honouring mother and father in Torah Exodus 20:12 and Torah Deuteronomy 5:16, and indeed for observing the whole Torah in Torah Deuteronomy 4:40. 

This should give some indication of the importance of this law described in Judaism 101 treatment of animals http://www.jewfaq.org/animals.htm


The claim that Paul is a knowledgeable Jew is not confirmed by his writings. 

Paul uses Jewish verses not to teach what Jesus taught but to teach things that contradict what God is teaching as shown in 1 Corinthians 9:9-10 ”Is it about oxen that God is concerned?” 

What God made easy to understand in the Jewish Bible people like Paul made complex and gave new meanings like 1 Corinthians 9:9-10 ”Is it about oxen that God is concerned?” where Paul is changing the teachings of God meaning what Paul says comes from a Roman Greek mind which has little concern for animals and not from the Torah where God teaches humans how to care for animals and made them commandments from God which were obeyed from the time of Moses to this day. 


11-3. Why do some Christians disbelieve Paul? 

Jesus said follow the Torah forever. 

The Torah says follow the Torah forever. 

Paul says the Torah is "a curse.".

Paul contradicts the Torah and the Gospel. 

Here is a Christian view about the difference in the teachings of Paul compared to Jesus. 

See 1. Prove to me why you don't follow Paul, and only follow Jesus. 


Video. Prove to Me Why You Don't Follow Paul and Only Follow Jesus.



11-4. How can you know if Paul is truthful? 

God’s word does not change. 

The word of humans change. 

The prophet who is truthful confirms the word of God. 

The prophet who is not truthful changes the word of God. 

Paul changed the word of God in 1 Corinthians 9:9-10 ”Is it about oxen that God is concerned?” 

The following story teaches that if anyone claims that the word of God has been changed even if they claim to be a prophet, do not believe them. 


Jewish Bible 1 Kings 13:14 And he went after the man of God, and found him sitting under a terebinth (tree); and he said to him: “Are you the man of God that came from Judah?” And he replied, “I am.”


1 Kings 13:15 Then he said to him, “Come home with me and eat bread.”


1 Kings 13:16 And the man replied, “I may not return with you nor go with you; neither will I eat bread nor drink water with you in this place.


1 Kings 13:17 For it was said to me by the word of the Lord (God): You shall eat no bread nor drink water there, nor turn back to go by the way that you came.”


1 Kings 13:18 And he said to him: “I also am a prophet as you are and an angel spoke to me by the word of the Lord (God), saying: Bring him back with you into your house so that he may eat bread and drink water.” (He lied to him) (meaning it was said as a test from God).


1 Kings 13:19 So the man went back with him, and did eat bread in his house and drank water.


1 Kings 13:20 And it came to pass, as they sat at the table that the word of the Lord (God) came to the prophet that brought him back.


1 Kings 13:21 And he cried to the man of God that came from Judah, saying: 'Thus said the Lord (God): Because you have rebelled against the word of the Lord (God), and have not kept the commandment which the Lord your God commanded you,


1 Kings 13:22 but came back and have eaten bread and drunk water in the place of which He (God) said to you: Eat no bread and drink no water; your carcass shall not come to the grave of your fathers.”


1 Kings 13:23 And it came to pass, after he had eaten bread and after he had drunk, that he saddled for him the ass, namely, for the prophet whom he had brought back (to his house to eat and drink).


1 Kings 13:24 And when he had departed a lion met him while he was travelling and killed him; and his carcass (dead body) was cast in the way, and the ass (donkey) stood by it and the lion also stood by the carcass (the dead body).


The lesson is that the word of God does not change and do not believe anyone who claims God changed His word.

Moses and Jesus confirmed the word of God in the Torah.

Paul changed the word of God in the Torah in 1 Corinthians 9:9-10 ”Is it about oxen that God is concerned?”


Video: Rabbi Tovia Singer in Jakarta lecture: Marvels of Noahide Laws vs Ten Commandments.



11-5. Paul claims the command in Torah Deuteronomy 25:4 “do not muzzle an ox” is really about humans and not animals. 

Each verse before and after the command “do not muzzle an ox” is a command meaning “do not muzzle an ox” is also a command. 

Jews “do not muzzle an ox” because God ordered it. 

The command “not to muzzle an ox” when it is working for you in the field is a command from God because it causes distress for an animal. 

To know how an animal feels image if you were working all day in the hot sun with a muzzle on your mouth and were unable to eat all the good food that was around you. 

God is the most merciful not only to humans but also to animals and God is teaching humans how to treat animals as well as how to treat humans in the Torah. 

Paul is a human and humans in the time of Paul did not consider animals worthy of anything more than what they could do for humans so Paul could not image that God would care anything about animals and so Paul thought God must be talking about humans because in the mind of Paul it made no sense to care anything about animals. 

For Paul animals equal zero and everything is about humans. 

Paul changed the commands of God in the Torah by giving the words of God new meanings because Paul did not understand that the word of God has been clear and easy for humans to understand for thousands of years before Paul was born, 

What Paul says is not God explaining “an error in understanding the Torah” where people including all the prophets of God misunderstood the command “not to muzzle their ox” when it is working for them in the field.

A trait of Paul is to make what God made clear in the Torah to be complex and hidden with secret meanings whereas all the prophets before Paul in the Jewish Bible understood the Torah as a book that is clear and easy for humans to read and understand meaning the Torah is direct and clear because it does not contain secret meanings. 

To change the word of God Paul gave secret meanings to the verses of God and knowledgeable Jews in the time of Paul understood what Paul was doing and rejected Paul. 

Non-Jews had no idea about what Paul was doing and they accepted Paul because everything Paul said agreed with the thinking of people in the Greek Roman mind meaning because they had no knowledge of the Torah they had no way of rejecting what Paul taught. 


11-6. Is there no way that Deuteronomy 25:4 “do not muzzle an ox” is really about humans and not animals. 

The way Paul changes Torah Deuteronomy 25:4 in 1 Corinthians 9:9-10 ”Is it about oxen that God is concerned?” is by saying it came to him from Jesus in dreams but what did God and every prophet before Paul say? 


Torah Deuteronomy 4:2 You shall not add to the word which I (God) command you (in the Torah), neither shall you subtract from it, so that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I (God) command you (in the Torah). 


God does not have hidden mysteries in the Torah because God tells us to follow every command meaning there are no mysteries in the word of God in the Torah. 

When God commands us to care for animals God has told us “not to add or subtract to the word of God” but obey what God has commanded. 

The only way Paul can make the Torah say what Paul wants it to say is by saying that Jesus told him in dream that the Torah has mysteries. 

The reason the Torah has no mysteries and is clear is because God has ordered nothing to be added or removed from the Torah meaning God and all the prophets have confirmed the Torah is to be followed without adding or subtracting from it and that is exactly what Jesus said in the Gospel meaning Paul contradicts the message delivered by every messenger of God. 

The message from Paul adds and subtracts and abrogates the Torah meaning the words of Paul are opposite to the words of all the prophets of God including the words of Jesus in the Gospel where Jesus says the Torah is to be followed forever in Gospel of Matthew 5:17 - 5:20 and Gospel of Matthew 23:1 - 23:3.

If Paul is correct then every command in the Torah about animals is about humans because God does not care about animals in 1 Corinthians 9:9-10 ”Is it about oxen that God is concerned?” 

If Paul is wrong then every command in the Torah about animals is from God to teach humans how to care for animals meaning God cares for both humans and animals. 

The Jewish people follow the commands in the Torah about the care of humans and animals. 

Paul contradicts every prophet that came before him because every prophet before Paul cared for both humans and animals as God commanded in the Torah. 

There was never a prophet before Paul who claimed God is not commanding care for animals and humans in the Torah meaning the words of God are clear so that every human can understand and obey God. 

No one in the hereafter will be punished because they did not understand mysteries in the Torah because the Torah is a book that all humans can understand and obey. 

When God says do not add or subtract from the Torah it means the words in the Torah are clear for every human to understand meaning there are no mysteries in the words of God in the Torah. 


11-7. Since God is a mystery is it not possible that there are mysteries in the meaning of the commands in the Torah as Paul says in 1 Corinthians 9:9-10 ”Is it about oxen that God is concerned?”

God is a mystery but the word of God in the Torah is clear meaning it contains no hidden mysteries otherwise no one would be able to follow God’s order to obey the commandments of God in the Torah. 

This means when God makes a command in the Torah about humans it is about humans and when God commands something about animals it is about animals. 

God has made the Torah easy for every human to understand from the time of Moses up to this day.


11-8. The words of Paul are not from God.

Paul changes the word of God by claiming God is not concerned about animals in Deuteronomy 25:4 and 1 Corinthians 9:9 by stating that God is really talking about humans in 1 Corinthians 9:10-9:11 and repeats this invention in 1 Timothy 5:17-5:18.

What God teaches in Deuteronomy 25:4 is about the welfare of animals but Paul contradicts God by stating ”Is it about oxen that God is concerned?” which shows that Paul is an inventor who is using the words of God and twisting them to mean whatever Paul wants it to mean instead of teaching God’s concern for the care of animals.


Paul is teaching invented meanings to the words of God because Paul cannot image that God would be concerned with animals which was normal thinking 2000 years ago by people who had a Greek Roman mind and opposite to the Torah teachings about the welfare and care of animals meaning Paul did not teach Torah but used verses in the Torah to make claims from his mind which had nothing to do with what God is teaching in the Torah.


Anyone can claim a verse is not talking about animals and then say anything they want to say and this is what Paul is doing meaning the words of Paul are not the words of God because Paul has changed the meaning of a commandment from God to care for animals in Deuteronomy 25:4 and replaced it with the care of humans who work in the church which is the same as claiming Deuteronomy 25:4 is not about caring for animals but the care of humans who work in the temple.


No prophet has every taught that Deuteronomy 25:4 is anything except the care of animals meaning Paul is not teaching the word of God.

The word of God does not change.

The word of humans change.

Paul changes the word of God meaning Paul is teaching his words and not God’s word.


1 Corinthians 9:9 Because it is written in the Law of Moses: “Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain.” Is it about oxen that God is concerned?


1 Corinthians 9:10 Certainly He says this for us, doesn’t He? Yes, this was written for us, because whoever plows and threshes should be able to do so in the hope of sharing in the harvest. 


1 Corinthians 9:11 If we have sown spiritual seed among you, is it too much if we reap a material harvest from you?


1 Timothy 5:17 Officials who direct the activities of the church deserve double honor, especially those who preach and teach. 


1 Timothy 5:18 Because the Scripture says, “Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain,” and “The worker deserves his wages.” 


Paul asks every reader ”Is it about oxen that God is concerned?” meaning do you think God is concerned about an oxen? 

Yes God is concerned about oxen and made a command about it in Deuteronomy 25:4 and makes other commands for the care of other creatures in the Torah. 

A human can answer Paul by saying No God is not concerned about oxen and the verse is about humans which is what Paul claims or Yes God is concerned about oxen and the verse is not about humans based on the Torah and on the promise that God does not lie or change His mind and the command not to add or subtract from the Torah. 


Paul asked a question and each human can study what Paul said and look at what God said before the time of Paul. 

The truthfulness of a prophet or dreamer of dreams is based on what they teach compared to what was taught before them. 

Those that confirm the teachings of God are truthful. 

Those that are not teaching the words of God are teaching their own words because God does not change His word. 

Changes in word are the signs of a human meaning they are not speaking the words of God. 


Paul is not getting anything from God in his dreams meaning everything from Paul is coming from his own mind. 

Prophet Jeremiah tells us there were many false pens meaning false prophets in his time and all of them spoke religiously and looked religious which made it very hard for people in his time to know that only Jeremiah spoke the truth and all the other “prophets” were dreaming dreams that did not come from God.


Paul changed the word of God when Paul claimed in 1 Corinthians 9:9 - 10 that the commandment in Torah Deuteronomy 25:4 “do not muzzle an ox” is really about humans and not animals. 

God uses Paul to test who will follow the word of God and who will follow Paul in the test described in 1 Kings 8:46 - 8:50.


Deuteronomy 4:2 You shall not add to the word which I (God) command you (the children of Israel, the Hebrews in the Torah Taurat), neither shall you subtract from it, so that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I (God) command you (the children of Israel, the Hebrews in the Torah Taurat).


Deuteronomy 13:2 If there comes in the midst of you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams and he gives you a sign or a wonder, 


Deuteronomy 13:3 and the sign or the wonder happens and then he spoke to you saying: "Let us go after other gods (not the one God but a God who is “three in one”), which you have not known, and let us serve them (not the one God but a God who is “three in one”)'; 


Deuteronomy 13:4 you shall not listen to the words of that prophet, or to that dreamer of dreams; for the LORD your God is testing you to know whether you love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul.


12. Jesus taught Judaism and Judaism teaches that non-Jews should follow the laws of God given to Noah meaning every messenger after Moses taught that Jews need to follow the laws of God given to Moses and non-Jews need to follow the laws of God given to Noah. 

Jews and non-Jews both follow the laws of God given to Noah and Jews follow additional laws given to Moses which are not binding on non-Jews.

Jews who accepted these additional laws did so not because anything was missing from the laws God gave to Noah but because God would make those who followed the laws given to Moses into a priestly nation meaning a nation that would guide the world to God as explained in 5a-5c and 13 above.

When the children of Israel turned away from God they would be punished by removing them form their land and when they returned to God they would be rewarded by returning them to their land so that through out their history there would always exist a righteous group among them who would be an example to the world as explained in 5a-5c and 13 above. 

Orthodox Jews teach that a Noahide is a righteous non-Jew.

A non-Jew is not obligated to convert to Judaism but they are required to observe the Seven Laws of Noah Nuh.


Video 1. Audience member asks Rabbi Tovia Singer: Do Jews go to Heaven and gentiles go to Hell?



Video 2. Did the Rabbis invent the status of Noachides or is it of biblical origins? Tovia Singer responds.



Video 3. Rabbi Tovia Singer in Jakarta lecture: Marvels of Noahide Laws vs Ten Commandments.



Video 4. Did the Rabbis lie about the Oral Torah? Rabbi Tovia Singer proves Oral Law from New Testament!



Video 5. 976 - Why do Christians reject the Jewish Oral Law only to exercise their own? Rabbi Tovia Singer.

Jewish oral law which is in the Christian Bible. Christian oral law which is not in the Christian Bible. Human sacrifice and cannibalism is forbidden.



Video 6. What do Jews really think of Gentiles? Rabbi Tovia Singer's answer may surprise you. 



Video 7. Does Judaism Regard Muslims as B’nai Noah (Righteous Gentiles)? Rabbi Tovia Singer.



Video 8. Why convert to Judaism when you can be a Ben Noah? Rabbi Tovia Singer explores parallel paths to God. 



Video 9. Is Judaism racist? – Rabbi Michael Skobac – Jews for Judaism.



Video 10. Rabbi Tovia Singer on converting to Judaism: An intimidating process.



Video 11. 972 Why need the mother to determine whether one Is Jewish.

In Ezra 10:3 foreign wives and those children born to them are sent away because if the mother is not Jewish then the children born to her are also not Jewish.



Video 12. 1004 - Why do the Jews or the tribe of Judah think that only they are the Children of Israel?

In the time of the Assyrian Empire the word Jew was used in Isaiah 36:11 and Isaiah 36:13.

After the destruction of the northern kingdom of Israel by the Assyrian Empire all the children of Israel were called Jews because only the children of Israel who were in the kingdom of Judah remained.

During the Persian Empire the future of the Jews is foretold in Zechariah 8:23.

During the Persian Empire a Jew who is from the tribe of Benjamin named Mordecai is mentioned In Esther 2:5.

Genesis 49:8 foretells that all the brothers of Judah (meaning to praise) will praise him and so the meaning of the religion of Judaism is to praise (God).



13. Ask Noah International.



14. Locate sources for the 7 Commandments.



See more:


15. Jewish Christian Muslim interfaith dialogue. 



16. The messiah in Islam and Christianity and Judaism.



17. The 13 principles of Jewish faith explained by the Quran. 



18. Islamic group chief calls for Muslims to join Christians, Jews in Jerusalem meeting.



19. Video. The love between Muslims and Christians 1400 years ago.


Corrections and questions are welcome and can be emailed to somaliahamradio@yahoo.com 


The meaning of verses in the Quran and Tanakh and Gospel are on these websites.

The meaning of verses in the Koran and Torah and Injil are on these websites. 

YOU ARE HERE God https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran

God index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/index 

Allah https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran

Allah index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran/index  

Allaah https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran

Allaah index https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran/index  

Q&A https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel

Q&A index https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel/index