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Rupture of the ozone layer caused the extinction of dinosaurs. Climate-ecological-hydrological-entropic-global cycle!


La ruptura de la capa de ozono causó la extinción de los dinosaurios. ¡Ciclo climático-ecológico-hidrológico-entrópico-global!


A ruptura da camada de ozônio causou a extinção dos dinossauros. Ciclo clima-ecológico-hidrológico-entrópico-global!


Luis Ramón Cabareda Fermín

Ing°Elec°, Astrophysical Investigator. The New York Academy of Sciences, Member. Correo-e: lcabaredaf@gmail.com

Recibido: 15-10-19; Aprobado: 12-11-19


In this pure and deductive research we have come to understand and discover: How the extinction of the dinosaurs occurred. Thus, taking into consideration all laudable and recognized research, discoveries and studies over many centuries by eminent scientists of phenomena and events related to the way the dinosaurs disappeared from the face of the earth, these huge and strange animals, we come to the real, true and inevitable conclusion that precisely: Rupture of the ozone layer caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. This discovery of extreme simplicity, considers the habitat and climatic conditions and existing Atmosphere during the Secondary or Mesozoic Era, at the end of the Cretaceous period, more than 65 million years ago conditions, such as: Large thunderstorms with atmospheric discharges (lightning), gigantic volcanic eruptions, movement and displacement of tectonic layers and large crashes of asteroids and other celestial bodies that generated extreme atmospheric and environmental pollution that led to melting of polar glaciers and mountains, a phenomenon caused by very high temperatures generated by breakage of the Ozone layer and the pass of ultraviolet rays produced by the Sun, causing the full and total flooding of the entire earth's surface, leaving the entire planet under water, creating unfavorable conditions, both for normal life, food and dinosaur reproduction. It was a series of phenomenon and events that had duration over 20 million years that we have called: “Climate-Ecological-Hydrological-Entropic-Global-Cycle” and that caused full and total extinction of dinosaurs.  


En esta investigación pura y deductiva hemos llegado a entender y descubrir: Cómo ocurrió la extinción de los dinosaurios. Así, teniendo en cuenta todas las loables y reconocidas investigaciones, descubrimientos y estudios a lo largo de muchos siglos por eminentes científicos de fenómenos y acontecimientos relacionados con la forma en que los dinosaurios desaparecieron de la faz de la tierra, estos enormes y extraños animales, llegamos a la conclusión real, verdadera e inevitable de que precisamente: La ruptura de la capa de ozono causó la extinción de los dinosaurios. Este descubrimiento de extrema simplicidad, considera el hábitat y las condiciones climáticas y la atmósfera existente durante la Era Secundaria o Mesozoica, al final del período Cretácico, hace más de 65 millones de años, tales como: Grandes tormentas eléctricas con descargas atmosféricas (relámpagos), gigantescas erupciones volcánicas, movimiento y desplazamiento de capas tectónicas y grandes choques de asteroides y otros cuerpos celestes que generaron contaminación atmosférica y ambiental extrema que llevó al derretimiento de los glaciares polares y montañas, un fenómeno causado por muy altas temperaturas generadas por la rotura de la capa de ozono y el paso de los rayos ultravioleta producidos por el Sol, causando la inundación total de toda la superficie de la Tierra, dejando todo el planeta bajo el agua, creando condiciones desfavorables, tanto para la vida, la reproducción de alimentos y dinosaurios. Fue una serie de fenómenos y eventos que tuvieron una duración de más de 20 millones de años que hemos llamado: "Ciclo Climático-Ecológico-Hydrológico-Entrópico-Global" y que causaron la extinción total de los dinosaurios. 


Nesta pesquisa pura e dedutiva, temos vindo a compreender e descobrir: Como ocorreu a extinção dos dinossauros. Assim, tendo em conta todas as pesquisas, descobertas e estudos louváveis e reconhecidos ao longo de muitos séculos por eminentes cientistas de fenômenos e eventos relacionados à forma como os dinossauros desapareceram da face da Terra, esses animais enormes e estranhos, chegamos à conclusão real, verdadeira e inevitável de que precisamente: A ruptura da camada de ozônio causou a extinção dos dinossauros. Esta descoberta de extrema simplicidade considera o habitat e as condições climáticas e atmosfera existentes durante a Era Secundária ou Mesozoica, no final do período Cretáceo, há mais de 65 milhões de anos, tais como: Grandes tempestades com choques atmosféricos (relâmpagos), erupções vulcânicas gigantescas, movimento e deslocamento de camadas tectônicas e grandes choques de asteroides e outros corpos celestes que geraram poluição do ar e que levou ao derretimento de geleiras polares e montanhas, um fenômeno causado por temperaturas muito altas geradas pela ruptura da camada de ozônio e a passagem de raios ultravioletas produzidos pelo Sol, causando a inundação total de todo o A superfície da Terra, deixando todo o planeta debaixo d'água, criando condições desfavoráveis tanto para a vida, reprodução alimentar e dinossauros. Foi uma série de fenômenos e eventos que duraram mais de 20 milhões de anos que chamamos: "Ciclo Climático-Ecológico-Hidrológico-Entrópico-Global" e que causou a extinção total dos dinossauros. 

Palabras clave/Keywords/Palavras-chave:

Asteroids crash, camada de ozônio, capa de ozono, ciclo climático global, ciclo global climático, climate global cycle,  contaminación ambiental, environmental pollution, geleiras e erupções vulcânicas, glaciares y erupciones volcánicas, glaciers and volcanic eruptions, impactos de asteroides, impactos de asteróides, ozone layer, poluição ambiental, raios ultravioletas, rayos ultravioleta, ultraviolet rays.

Citar así/Cite like this/Citação assim: Cabareda (2019) o (Cabareda. 2019)  

Referenciar así/Reference like this/Referência como esta:

Cabareda F., L. R. (2019, diciembre). Rupture of the ozone layer caused the extinction of dinosaurs. Climate-ecological-hydrological-entropic-global cycle! Geominas 47(80). 137-140.


Rupture of the ozone layer caused the extinction of dinosaurs during the Mesozoic or Secondary era of the Cretaceous period 65 million years ago and it was generated mainly by the enormous environmental and atmospheric pollution that prompted the unleashing of multiple series of phenomena and events from and to Earth. That is, an interaction: "Earth-Atmosphere-Ozone layer- Ultraviolet Rays -Earth" that we have called: “Climate-Ecological-Hydrological-Entropic-Global-Cycle”. In that order, the causes and conditions that generated this phenomenon of breakage of the ozone layer, were as follows:

1. Large volcanic eruptions released huge masses of gas and solids such as: carbon dioxide, methane, smoke, particles and atomized solids (basalt and ashes) and stratospheric dust.

2. Shifts in the Earth's crust by tectonic plates movements that released large masses of gases, such as carbon dioxide, methane, and others.

3. Large thunderstorms with Atmospheric Discharges (Lightning) that generated excessive warming of the Atmosphere, increasing the development and intensity of hurricanes and cyclones, also producing “big vegetable fires” that generated greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2)

4. Collisions of asteroids and other bodies in the Universe with Earth, which generated large fires of plants, animals and minerals, producing enormous masses of gases, such as carbon dioxide, methane, and others. By the way, it is timely and very important to highlight the discovery of distinguished scientists: F. Asaro, H. Michel, Luis Alvarez and Walter Alvarez, who found abundant amounts of iridium (a very scarce naturally occurring element on Earth) in a millimeter layer between the cretaceous and tertiary period that perhaps confirms the collision of an asteroid with Earth. However, the energy generated by the shock or the "shock effect" alone would not have been enough to kill all the dinosaurs, perhaps for two main reasons: The first is that all dinosaur fossils would be calcined and second that these fossils would be impregnated with iridium, and this is not so. Therefore, the shock of one or more asteroids with Earth, is just one of the most important in triggering phenomena and events that led to the extinction of the dinosaurs, but it is not only one. [1,2,3]


It is timely and appropriate to remember that all scientific studies related to the extinction of dinosaurs, acknowledge and conclude that environmental and atmospheric conditions 65 million years ago in the Secondary or Mesozoic Era during Cretaceous period, were catastrophic and of extreme pollution. In that order, the essential basis of our research is based in the great questions that arise from the evidence and proof, that so far, have been found, including: Why do dinosaur fossils appear and are distributed in the entire planet's surface, including the lowest and highest areas, such as Patagonia and Everest? How did these dinosaurs get to the Everest? Could it be that the Everest was flood and underwater? What phenomenon or event caused the entire Earth to be submerged under water? If it was one or more asteroids, why aren't all dinosaurs fossil calcined and impregnated with iridium? Why are polar glaciers formed of sweet water? What phenomena caused the extreme pollution of the Atmosphere, the breakage of the Ozone layer and the Climate Change at the end of the Cretaceous period? Therefore, our pure and deductive research is based on the real, certain and inevitable conclusion that these were multiple phenomena and events that we have called: “Climate-Ecological-Hydrological-Entropic-Global-Cycle” that caused the full and total extinction of dinosaurs. Therefore, in this pure and deductive research we conducted the study and consideration of all aspects and conditions of prevailing life on Earth for that time, based on existing information and research and discoveries made by eminent and distinguished scientists and university institutions whose work has been crucial in deciphering the big questions and mysteries surrounding the extinction of the dinosaurs. [1,2,3]

Results and conclusions

Multiple and major events that occurred during the Cretaceous period 65 million years ago, such as: Large thunderstorms with atmospheric discharges (lightning) gigantic volcanic eruptions, movement of tectonic plates, shock of large asteroids and other bodies in the Universe with planet Earth, generated enormous masses of particles and gases, smoke and atomized solids, and other elements, strongly increasing air density and in turn causing an "extreme atmosphere pollution". Under these conditions, the sun's rays warmed the dense atmosphere contaminated by volatile particles, gases and atomized solids floating therein and helping them to rise to the Ozone layer, destroying intensely and making giant holes in the layer, that allowed the free passage of "ultraviolet rays" generated by the same Sun and producing a superior progressive warming, both in the contaminated atmosphere and the entire surface of the Earth. Thus, excessive warming was total and covered oceans, seas and rivers, as well as polar glaciers and mountains, causing its complete melting and creating a " disappearance of glaciers or interglacial period" Consequently, most of the Earth was covered with water which, in turn, were again heated intensely by aggressive ultraviolet rays, untying extreme heating process rapid evaporation of large bodies of water and subsequent condensation in clouds, producing continuous and giant rains flooding the land portions that were still dry. It was a continuous and permanent cycle: "Higher heating-evaporation-condensation-Torrential rain-Superior warming" Subsequently, this cycle had a period of about 20 million years, that allowed the atmosphere to be cleaned and decontaminated, from the bottom up with evaporation of water and from top to bottom with heavy rains. During this period the following occurred:

1. Small animals such as: Mammals and birds, fish, reptiles, and insects and others tried to survive by taking refuge in the waters and isolated small portions of land, caves, and trees. Similarly, trees fired their extreme survival mechanisms, adapting to the abundance of water and pollution.

2. Very large and heavy animals like terrestrial and flying dinosaurs, did not have the same autonomy of refuge that small animals, because everything was covered with water and small portions of land that continually surfaced and sank, were scattered and mostly far from their natural habitat.

Therefore, this situation of almost total flooding of the entire planet Earth caused over a period of about 20 million years, massive death and extinction of dinosaurs and many other species, for various reasons, such as: Lack of oxygen, poisoning gases and solid atomized particles, excess heat and absence of sexual reproduction, drowned by physical exhaustion and big waves and storm surges generated by the huge mass of rainwater that fell and filled large areas, causing water to find its level by gravity producing huge waves that dragged dinosaurs throughout the surface, including hills and high elevation peaks that remain submerged under water. This explains why fossils and dinosaur remains are found all over the plane, including the lower and higher surfaces of the Earth, such as: Patagonia and Everest. Similarly, sexual reproduction ceased due to catastrophic environmental conditions, causing the extinction of the dinosaurs.

Further and largely generated by the enormous and constant rains decontamination occurred, restoring normal environmental cycle and the restoration of the Ozone layer that protected back Earth from ultraviolet rays, thus avoiding overheating of the landmass. However, due to excess of water and its evaporation and condensation, large standing showers were generated, and the atmosphere experienced excessive cooling producing solidification of rainwater, snow, and hail forming. Millions of years after the great masses of rainwater, influenced by the action of the electromagnetic field and the gravitational force of the Earth, again led to the formation of polar glaciers and mountains. This phenomenon explains and allows us to understand why freshwater glaciers exist. Likewise the forming of glaciers again and decrease the volume of the masses of water flooding lowland saw the emergence of large tracts of land, and emerging again continents evolved naturally conjunction with existing animal and plant species. [4]

Therefore, these phenomena and events during the Secondary or Mesozoic Era, in the Cretaceous period, more than 65 million years ago and that we have called: “Climate-Ecological-Hydrological-Entropic-Global-Cycle” determined real, certain and inevitable: Rupture of the ozone layer caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. 


[1] Walter Alvarez. T.Rex and the Crater of Doom. Princeton University Press, 1977.

[2] Dougal Dixon. Questions and answers about Dinosaurs. Kingfisher Books, 1995.

[3] Antonio Monclova B. Paleontology and Evolution. Extinction Events. University of Sevilla. Revista Española de Paleontología, n. Extraordinario, 91-97, 1988.

[4] Clara O'Donovan, Andrew Meade y Chris Venditti. Dinosaurs reveal the geographical signature of an evolutionary radiation. Nature Ecology and Evolution. February 05, 2018.

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