Schedule A IMM 5669
Level of Education
Q64) How do you answer “Level of Schooling” (Q5) regarding Education History on IMM 5669 Form?
You have to enter TOTAL Number of years of Formal Education that you have completed, including elementary and secondary school.
- Elementary / Primary School : Before Secondary.
- Secondary / High School : After Elementary School and Before College, University or Formal Training.
- University / College : University or College
- Trade / Other Post Secondary : Any other diploma in specific trade, such as Carpentry, Auto Mechanics, etc.
The education system in Pakistan[4] is generally divided into six levels: preschool (for the age from 3 to 5 years), primary (grades one through five), middle (grades six through eight), high (grades nine and ten, leading to the Secondary School Certificate or SSC), intermediate (grades eleven and twelve, leading to a Higher Secondary School Certificate or HSSC), and university programs leading to undergraduate and graduate degrees
School Education System in Pakistan
- 5 years of Primary School
- 3 years of Middle School
- 2 Years of (Lower) Secondary school, also known as high school
- 2 years of higher secondary school, also known as intermediate stage
Children usually start school at the age of five. The system described here refers to government-funded regular schools. Running parallel to the regular system are religious seminaries called madrassas, devoted almost exclusively to religious teachings, and English-language private schools that use British- or American-style curricula. Government schools and madrassas are single-gender for either boys or girls, while English-language private schools are usually coeducational.
Higher Education System in Pakistan
Academic Year and Credit System : The organization of the academic year varies from institution to institution, and different programs in the same institution may follow different academic calendars. In the traditional annual system, examinations are held at the end of each academic year. In recent years many universities have adopted the semester system, with final exams held and credits awarded for completed courses at the end of each semester. There are usually two main semesters (called fall and spring or autumn and winter), lasting about four months each, and a short summer semester of about two months.
Level of Education: select your level of education:
- None: No education
- Secondary or less: High school diploma obtained after elementary school and before college, university, or other formal training.
- Trade / Apprenticeship certificate / Diploma: Diploma completed in a specific trade, such as carpentry or auto mechanics.
- Non-university certificate / Diploma: Training in a profession that requires formal education but not at the university level (for example, dental technician or engineering technician).
- Post-secondary – No degree: Post-secondary studies at a college or university but no degree earned.
- Bachelor’s degree: Academic degree awarded by a college or university to those who completed an undergraduate curriculum; also, called a baccalaureate. Examples include a Bachelor of Arts, Science or Education.
- Post Graduate – No degree: Post Graduate studies at a college or university but no degree earned (Master of PhD).
- Master’s degree: Academic degree awarded by a graduate school of a college or university. You must have completed a Bachelor’s degree before a Master’s degree can be earned.
- Doctorate – Ph D: Highest university degree usually based on at least three (3) years of graduate studies and a thesis. Normally, you must have completed a Master’s degree before a PhD can be earned.
Field of Study : Mechanical Engineering, Arts, Etc.
Certificate & Diploma Earned : If you completed the course or education successfully and were provided with a degree or diploma certificate at the end, say YES, otherwise NO