Landing Experience - 2
[13 January 2019]
Welcome to Canada π¨π¦
So, here's a simple list which you may need:
1) Passport (an absolute must)
2) COPR (bring all copies of it. You will be signing it with your initials in front of CBSA officers during landing)
3) Airline ticket (an absolute must)
4) Some cash (you are allowed to bring unlimited cash, but if its value is more than CA$10,000, you will have to inform CBSA official)
5) Any 'Goods to Bring' (BSF186) and 'Goods to Follow' (BSF186A) form(s) must be presented to CBSA official during landing. Jeweleries must be photographed and have their weight and estimated value mentioned. Items with serial numbers should have their serial numbers mentioned. Bring TWO copies of everything.
6) Two Luggage and one hand carry.
7) Do bring your work or education related documents if you want to work or study in Canada.
8 ) It's winter season here with temperatures in minus, so make sure you have good winter jacket with you.
9) Ear plugs ( if flying via PIA, thank me later)
10) If you want to keep your Pakistani number active, ask your Pakistani service provider to activate international roaming on it. You will have unlimited free incoming sms. Also bring some sasta dual-sim Qmobile phone and put those Sims in that handset to keep your Pakistani sim active.
11) basic makeup kit (to look beautiful when meeting hubby)
12) Charging cables. Almost all airports are equipped with free WiFi now, so use that if you want to contact your hubby.
13) If you are given declaration card in plane, fill that. (More info :
14) If your journey have layovers, make sure you wear loose clothes as you will have to go through airport security screening again.
15) When airline is serving food, make sure you are awake or else they will completely ignore you and eat your food
No need to panic. You can always come back to Pakistan if you forget anything else.
Happy Landing π¬ π€