('Charlie') (1879-1940)

WOODWARD, Charles ('Charlie') (1879-1940)

WOODWARD, CHARLES ('CHARLIE') (b. Sydney, NSW, 13 Mar 1879; d. Sydney, NSW, 13 Aug 1940). Thief, conman, social worker and Methodist lay evangelist.

Growing up in poor circumstances, Woodward began a life of crime while still attending Cleveland Street Public School where he was often flogged and was ultimately given in charge for theft. When he left school he refused to work and took early to drink. Woodward was converted on 5 Jan 1905 when he entered a mission hall in Annandale intent on stealing the organ. In his own words, 'I went in to get the organ, but the Lord got me, and kneeling down a sinner with a pocketful of skeleton keys, I got up with a New Testament and a new heart'. He first testified to the change at an open-air meeting the following Friday and thereafter worked for the Redfern Congregational Church for some years, despite the rough time he was given by his former mates.

About 1917, Woodward was invited by the Rev S J Hoban (q.v.) to work at the Central Methodist Mission and he remained there until his death in 1940. Over the years he was heavily involved in men's work, among the city cab drivers, in the gutter, in the police courts and in the CMM Refuge. He conducted a regular weekly open-air meeting followed by a prayer meeting for men and sometimes spoke in the Domain. He also conducted occasional missions throughout the state. His native wit, attractive personality, enthusiasm for service and his first-hand knowledge of the 'submerged tenth' made him the Mission's most successful worker among men. Lacking any theological sophistication, he relied largely on the telling of his own story and the complete 'naturalness' of his own Christian experience and reliance on Christ to win men who were far beyond the reach of others.

Over the years, Woodward wrote a number of pamphlets to aid in spreading the message. They included, A Burglar Captured, Gospel Illustrations, Out of the Depths, Peeps into Gaols, Police Courts, Opium Dens, Story of My Conversion.

Methodist, 20 July, 24 Aug 1940; Don Wright, Mantle of Christ (St Lucia, 1984)