(née TRUDINGER) (1872-1958)

MALCOLM, ANNA (née TRUDINGER) (b. Bradford, England, 14 Dec 1872; d. NZ, 5 June 1958). Missionary.

Before her marriage to the Rev W R Malcolm, a Presbyterian minister serving with the CIM in Anhew, China, Anna the third child of Mr and Mrs August Trudinger (q.v.) of Adelaide to go to China, applied and was accepted in June 1897 to serve with the CIM. She sailed for China on 28 Oct 1897.

In a departure testimony, before sailing for China in 1897, Anna Trudinger said: 'For seven years I have been praying that the Lord would send me to China; but He had so many lessons to teach me, and I cannot thank Him enough for the waiting time ... Oftentimes when I think of the great work to which the Lord is sending me, I am oppressed with a feeling of my own unworthiness, and I have to look to Him and say, 'Lord, Thou art my sufficiency ...' I shall praise God through all eternity that He has chosen me, so foolish and weak, to go out in His name.' (China's Millions, Nov 1897)

Anna Trudinger served in the Girl's School in Chefoo, and after her marriage, she and her husband lived in Taiho. About 1912 they were transferred to the Boy's School in Chefoo where she taught until their retirement to New Zealand. She continued to support the mission wholeheartedly until her death.

R Becker, Geschichte der Familie Schammer (Herrnhut, 1922); M Loane, The Story of the CIM in Australia and New Zealand 1890-1964; China's Millions, Australasian Editions (OMF Archives, Melbourne) Nov 1897; Aug 1959