Alfred Charles KELLAWAY


KELLAWAY, ALFRED CHARLES (b. c. 1857; d. Melbourne, Vic, 21 Jan 1930). Anglican clergyman.

Kellaway attended the University of Melbourne (BA 1884, MA 1886). He was ordained deacon 20 Dec 1885, priest 19 Dec 1886. He spent his entire ministry in the diocese of Melbourne being curate of St James', Melbourne 1885-94; minister of Lara 1895-98; organising secretary Church Missionary Association 1899-1901; minister Northcote 1901 until his death in January 1930.

Kellaway was a convinced evangelical Anglican who laboured diligently for the extension of the Kingdom of God. Outstanding features were his devotion to the missionary cause of the church and his consistent efforts to further the work of the Victorian CMA and of the CMS when it was formed in 1916. In 1895 he became a member of the Council of the Victorian CMA, and from 1899 until 1901 he was the acting organising secretary during the absence of E J Barnett (q.v.) on study leave in Hong Kong. In 1911 he was elected chairman of the committee and a trustee of the Association (later Branch), positions which he held for 19 years. He was one of the Victorian members on the Federal Council of the CMS from 1916 until his death. He was also an honorary governor for life of the parent society in London, an honour conferred upon him for having rendered essential services to the Society. His work in connection with the National Missionary Council of Australia, on which he sat for several years as one of the CMS representatives, was also highly valued.

His extra-parochial duties were not confined to the CMS. He was one of the founding members of the Ridley College Council from 1910, twice serving as chairman of the interim council. He was also the editor of the Victorian Churchman, an erudite, evangelical paper, for a number of years. On his death the Victorian CMS stated: 'We honour the memory of our late beloved leader, and, while we mourn his loss, we thank God for one who was rich in experience, wise in counsel, effective in good works and a sympathetic friend'.

Records of the Victorian CMA/CMS and the Diocese of Melbourne; Keith Cole, Sharing in Mission: the centenary history of the Victorian Branch of the Church Missionary Society, 1892-1992(1992); L L Nash, Forward Flows the Time: A history of Ridley College (1960)