David George Mervyn HAMMER


HAMMER, DAVID GEORGE MERVYN (b. Liverpool, NSW, 30 Jan 1914; d. Mt Lawley, WA, 30 Dec 1984). College lecturer and missionary to Aborigines.

David Hammer committed his life to the Lord at the age of 14 and was baptised at the Church of Christ, Burwood, NSW. He preached his first sermon at 19 and entered the College of the Bible, Melbourne in 1934. In 1937 he married Doris Jean Ewers, a partnership dedicated to the Lord's service and reflected in the lives of their five children all of whom became active Christian workers. The elder son, David, entered the Christian ministry and two of the daughters married ministers in Churches of Christ. David Hammer had wide interests. His active mind produced poetry and many articles for Christian publications. He loved gardening and liked to work with his hands, especially enjoying woodwork and bookbinding.

David Hammer was known and respected around Australia for his able, dedicated and widespread service. He belonged to the ranks of those who have made notable contributions to Christian enterprise in every Australian state and in the New Hebrides (now Vanuatu). In addition to a number of pastoral ministries in different states, Hammer served as editor of the Western Christian and was lecturer and acting principal at the Kenmore Christian College in Qld where his ability as a teacher was used to equip others for the work of Christian ministry.

Always a missionary at heart, nearly half of his 50 years in the ministry was spent directly in missionary activity. For about four years he and Doris, his wife and supportive partner in all his work, served as missionaries in the New Hebrides. For some 10 years they performed a pioneering missionary work at Carnarvon, WA representing Churches of Christ in establishing a mission work among the Aborigines. His missionary vision and experience were later used as secretary of the Federal Aborigines Board of which he was a valued member for many years. To equip himself for lecturing in this specialised field he went to USA at the age of 60 and achieved a doctorate in missiology. His life and character commended his Lord and adorned the faith which was his life.

Gordon A Ewers, A Century of Worship and Witness (Perth, nd)