Harry Jordan BANKS


BANKS, HARRY JORDAN (b. Maryborough, Vic, 29 Sept 1874; d. Bunbury, WA, Oct 1916). Early leader of Churches of Christ in Western Australia.

Harry Jordan Banks' father J H Banks, of African descent, was born a slave, became an overseer and later escaped to freedom in Canada and then England. He came to Australia to work as a miner and became a devout, active member of the Maryborough Church of Christ. He wanted his son to be a preacher but the young H J Banks became a printer. He was baptised at the age of 19 and decided to leave his printing position at £6 per week to accept £3 per week as a preacher.

In 1897 Harry Banks with his brother George, left Vic for WA and joined the Church of Christ in Coolgardie becoming, within a few weeks, a deacon and treasurer of the little church there.

The following year he accepted an engagement to preach on the Goldfields. Making Coolgardie his main field for three years, his ability and energy enabled him to assist in planting churches in Kalgoorlie, Kanowna, Boulder and Southern Cross. In 1901 he became the successful minister of the Church of Christ in Boulder where his eloquent preaching soon doubled the size of the congregation requiring extensive rebuilding of the chapel.

From his work on the Goldfields Banks embarked on a 10 year ministry with the church at Subiaco which grew to be the largest congregation among Churches of Christ in Western Australia. He also led the church to a place of prominence and influence in the community.

In 1913 he was called by the Conference of Churches of Christ in WA to the position of State Organising Secretary where his leadership qualities were of great encouragement and benefit to churches throughout the State.

It was in Oct 1916 that, while attending a Conference in Bunbury, he was one of a boating party on the estuary when the boat was overturned by a sudden squall and five of the twelve on board were drowned. H J Banks was a strong swimmer but was last seen supporting one of the non-swimmers in an attempt to save her.

A natural leader Harry Jordan Banks was a man of outstanding qualities of mind and heart. Although possessed of notable administrative gifts he was best known and used of God as a sincere, eloquent and commanding preacher with a deep and clear knowledge of the Scriptures. His work as a pastor was enriched by his compassion and love for people. Although cut short by his untimely death his contribution to the life and witness of Churches of Christ in WA was an outstanding one.

Gordon A Ewers, A Century of Worship and Witness (Perth, nd)