Eric John James DALEY


DALEY, ERIC JOHN JAMES (b. Bendigo, Vic, 20 Nov 1910; d. Hartwell, Vic, 16 Nov 1992). Founder of New Life Christian newspaper.

Born the son of a country newspaper publisher, the family moved to Kerang in his boyhood years. He attended the Kerang Baptist Church, widely known for its evangelical fidelity. On leaving school he worked on the staff of his father's newspaper, the Kerang New Times. With thoughts of missionary service, he entered MBI. His two years of study gave him a high view of the authority and trustworthiness of the Holy Scriptures. Leaving MBI in 1933, he was uncertain as to missionary service and returned to work for his father, undertaking journalistic responsibilities. Shortly afterwards, discussions were undertaken with evangelical leaders concerning the commencement of a weekly Christian newspaper in Melbourne.

On 10 June 1938, the first issue of the newspaper, to become known as New Life, was published. Eric Daley was founding editor, continuing as editor or associate editor until 1988. He m. Enid Watson, his secretary, in 1947. She provided invaluable support in developing the newspaper.

New Life remains the only independent evangelical weekly newspaper in Australia. It has an essential role in supporting missionary, evangelistic, Bible college and convention ministries, raising important questions and opposing doubtful trends on theological issues.

Leonard E Buck, veteran evangelical leader commented, 'Though uneasy with the concept of structural church union, clerically inspired, no evangelical layman did more than Eric Daley to bring to attention and fruition, the true spiritual relationship of Christians of vastly diverse denominational structures. This was the genius of his professional journalism'.

He was a godly, gracious man of genuine Christian humility, gifted with deep spiritual discernment. His life's work influenced thousands of Christians, hundreds of churches and scores of missionary and evangelical service organisations.