Gordon Lewis BLAIR


BLAIR, GORDON LEWIS (b. New Zealand, 1906; d. Sydney, NSW, 1958). Interdenominational and Brethren evangelist, army welfare worker, Bible college founder.

Gordon Blair became a Christian at 21, and prepared for service at the Auckland Bible Training Institute. After graduation, he conducted evangelistic campaigns in New Zealand, and at the outbreak of World War Two joined the work of Everyman's Huts in the armed services, in Malay, Hong Kong, Korea, Japan and Australia.

Leaving the services work in 1955, Blair commenced an Open Brethren Bible teaching radio session called 'Voice of Melody'. His voice became well-known on Australian Christian radio. His session offered the Emmaus Bible correspondence courses, a work which began in North America to help servicemen overseas. He conducted evangelistic campaigns and Christian youth camps in conjunction with the radio work.

At the same time, Blair had the vision of a Bible college to train Open Brethren young people for Christian service in Australia. He commenced this work in 1958 with one student, Austin Roach. The two men studied correspondence courses, and preached at factories and wharves together. Austin subsequently became a missionary in New Guinea. Blair encouraged other Open Brethren leaders to purchase the site in Epping which the college occupies today. He died just as a number of applications for admission in the following year made it obvious that the vision was viable. Emmaus Bible College is his memorial, and from it hundreds of young people have followed his example, preaching Christ in Australia and to the ends of the earth.

Australian Missionary Tidings, Nov 1958