Wallace Arthur William GUILFORD

(Wally) (1896-1988)

GUILFORD, WALLACE (WALLY) ARTHUR WILLIAM (b. London, England, 7 April 1896 d. Brisbane, Qld, 4 Aug 1988). Open air and children's evangelist.

Wally Guildford left school, aged twelve with minimum education. His family emigrated to Qld in 1911. After three years in the AIF in Europe he was invalided home and discharged. In 1920 he was converted as the result of personal witness by friends, an event which shaped the pattern of his future ministry. He became a Methodist lay preacher and an itinerant evangelist before joining Open Air Campaigners. In 1939 he joined the Sydney Evangelistic Crusade as associate evangelist.

Wally Guildford's ministry was increasingly directed to children and young people after 1945 when he returned to independent evangelism. He was widely regarded as the foremost children's evangelist in Australia. His main publication, Winning the Children to Christ (Sydney, 1949) reached three editions and was widely influential. Always a pioneer in the use of visual aids, Guilford recognised the unique opportunities opened up by radio and television. In 1967 he and some friends commenced Bible Radio Productions, which continues to operate through many stations in Australia and overseas. He was its honorary director until his death.