Graham Richard DELBRIDGE


DELBRIDGE, GRAHAM RICHARD (b. Chatswood, NSW, 22 May 1917; d. 8 June 1980). Anglican clergyman.

With a clear early determination to undertake full-time ministry, Graham Delbridge trained at MTC, being ordained in the diocese of Sydney in 1941. After curacies Abp Mowll appointed him in 1943 as the first diocesan chaplain for youth work. The Youth Department he established was built on labour freely given to a man of charismatic power. It grew rapidly, driven by the baby boom and the urgency with which the Anglican diocese of Sydney evangelised among youth. Two fine campsite properties were established on Port Hacking to which thousands of young people went for camps and weekends.

Delbridge moved in 1952 to become rector of Holy Trinity, Adelaide, much against the wishes of Abp Mowll. Under Delbridge's leadership this key evangelical parish in a High Church diocese expanded rapidly. Many young people were converted, and always Delbridge exercised an eager evangelistic ministry, supported by the dedicated support of his wife Audrey. He gained wide community support which gave his parish significant standing in Adelaide.

In 1957 Mowll regained his protegé, appointing him as rector of Manly and archdeacon of North Sydney. When Hugh Gough succeeded Howard Mowll as archbishop in 1959, Delbridge soon became full-time archdeacon and in 1964 the abp's full-time senior chaplain, intended to assist Abp Gough 'in manifold ways ... an ideal go-between ... He will work with me here at Bishopscourt most mornings'. (Loane, Mark These Men, 94) Such a privileged position brought dangers, for Delbridge and other senior clergy in Sydney. He was somewhat bereft on Gough's resignation in 1966 a situation remedied by his consecration on 8 April 1969 as first bishop in Wollongong within the diocese of Sydney. Once again his leadership, his energy, his zeal for souls and their spiritual welfare were deployed at an excessive pace. There were many Anglican committees too: chairman BCA, chairman of General Synod's Ecumenical Commission, a member of the Anglican/Orthodox Commission of the archbishop of Canterbury, president of the ACC (1976). Many of these commitments reflected his expanding and ecumenical vision of church life.

Delbridge was enthroned as bp of Gippsland in February 1976, and once again rich years of diocesan ministry followed. 'Nothing could shake the pure simplicity of his faith in the Lord Jesus or his absolute loyalty to the Gospel; but he was less concerned than his Sydney brethren with the touchy 4uestion of church vestments'. (Loane, Mark These Men, 96) He and his daughter were killed instantly in a head-on collision while returning home from a youth service and confirmation—victims of the demands placed on Australia's rural church leaders.

M Loane, Mark These Men (Sydney, 1985); Audrey Delbridge, My Life with G.R.D. (Adelaide, nd); B Dickey, Holy Trinity Adelaide: the history of a city church (Adelaide, 1988)